ffift HasKell ftttWxt
ffift HasKell ftttWxt
1 mi f w-'- w wjy mypmp T - imviR i 'smmmmmmm -- ' -' r- A Modern Newspaper (Join In Haskell and Adjoining Cotatka Haskell. Haskell JAN. 1. MM. , (Lrgfc sW oGflllldnd ed FINAL RITES FOR MRS. B. WOLTERS WERE HELD SUNDAY Wife of Rule Farmer Died Friday In Oklahoma Chy y- - Well-Know- n Final rites for Mrs. B. Wolters, 70, who died Friday night in an Oklahoma City hospital, were held at the graveside in near Rule, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 'o'clock. The Rev. C. A. Powell, pastor of the Rule Baptist Church officiated. in Funeral arrangements were charge of the Gauntf funeral home. Rule. Mrs. Wolters, wife of a prominent Rule farmer and agricultural leader, became ill while visiting in Oklahoma City, succumbing a few days later In a hospital In that city. Deceased was born January 8, 1870 in Dresden, Saxony. Ger many. She married Berthod Wolters Nov. 7, 1891 in Germany, and came to the United lthe couple years later. They settl$ states four ed first near Crowell, and came to Haskell county in 1906. Surviving Mrs. Wolters are her husband and four daughters, Nora Wolters of Rule, Narietta Wolters of Seymour, Mrs. Eliso Stahl of loraine, Texas, and Mrs. Gcr. tiude Nauert of Rule. Seven gt "indchlldren also survive. Well-Know- INJURED n Farmer Dies In Local Hospital From Injuries CONTEST HELD IN k o x Established January 1st, 1886 VOLUME 55, With members of FFA chapters from six schools competing, the FFA Leadership Contest of the Haskell Federation was held here Tuesday, December 3rd. The Dave Persons chapter of Haskell High School was host for the meeting. Winners in the various divisions were as follows: Public Speaking Kermit Brown of the Paint Creek FFA 97 Chapter, first place with points Norman Cluck of Rule, second with 92 points. Carroll Bledsoe, Haskell, first with 93 points; Bernard Cooley of Weinert, second with 83 points. One Act Shop Demonstration Haskell team won first with '86 points and Paint Creek second with 70 points. Greenhand One Act Shop Demonstration Rule team first and Haskell second. Senior Chapter Conducting Rule first With 840 points, Paint Creek second with 750 points. Greenhand Chapter Conduct, ing Rule first with 860 points, Paint Creek second with 760 points. Banners were awarded first and second place winners, and teams winning first place will represent the Haskell Federation in the State FFA leadership con test to be held in Stephenville In the latter part of December. ng I In Christmas Role J J J fSochttttr ) j. jf os 892,-00- yj Economy In Is o . cJo jx tffeT Sat-urda- o . Urged By -- FOR Senator-Ele- ct Hon. John Lee Smith 1i?C. Guest Speaker at CC Mexican Breakfast Laborer Is Wounded With School Lunches Are Popular at O'Brien School 'i Toys Will Given Unfortunate Be Selected for the role of Mary Christmas to accompany Santa Claus on his visit to Haskell for this city's annual Christmas Party Wednesday was Miss Jerry Lane, pictured here. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lane of this city, she was elected for the part at tho November community breakfast. Cotton Ginnings In County 30,567 Bales on Nov. 14 The Cub Scouts of Haskell, un der the supervision of their leaders, will sponsor a movement to gather up broken and discarded toys to be repaired and distributed at Christman time to less fortunate children of the community. In this undertaking to carry Christmas cheer Into the homes of every child In Haskell, regardless of family circumstances or miswill fortunes, the Cub Scouts canvas of the make a three-da- y residential section to gather up discarded toys of every descrip tion. as well as broken toys which can be repaired and painted to make them practically new and suitable for distribution to gladden the heart of some little boy or girl on Christmas Day. Beginning today (Friday) the Cub Scouts will inaugurate a campaign gathering up toys that will continue through Saturday and Monday, and to assure success of the cam- house-to-hou- se paign they are asking all parents and older children to make a thorough search in every home for old toys that have been discarded and Cotton ginned in Haskell coun to articles that can be repaired make suitablo for Christmas ty from the crop of 1940 prior to giving Nov. 14, was almost double the amount ginned on the same date last year, according to the report of W. P. Trice, special agent for the Department of Commerce His report shows 30,567 bales ginned this year prior to Nov. 14 in Haskell county as compared with 15,933 bales for the crop of Annual Banquet Throckmorton CC Held Wednesday 1939. nts rd Pitt-ma- Climax of the Christmas Party was the unveilling at 7,30 of holiday window displays and opening of stores for inspection of large stocks of Christmas being displayed for the first time. Five awards totalling $350 were offered by the Chamber of Commerce for the best decoarted stores and most attractive win-dodisplays, and more than forty business establishments (Continued on Page light) mar.-chandis- e wn 'Unloaded' Rifle I ct 13-1- 4. .PI Funeral Rites Held Monday for Miller InfaniJ whole-heart- Date of Mattson Auction Sale Is Set for 6th ct ct ed er Saturday at Herman Hall al state-wid- Funeral Services for Glover Infant Held November Party of Deer Hunters Leave for Real County Talent Play Out-of-to- IN- Tnor-cha- Children k't,allllllllllllH Holiday crowds estimated at more than three thousand people from all sections of Haskell coun- f nnrl rannu nnnrhv fnumQ thfrinff ed Haskell streets Wednesday af,- ternoon and night when of this city staged their annual Christmas Party opening tho holiday season, together with the official visit to Haskell of . Santa Claus who distributed candy and souvenirs to hundreds of children in his parade around JU,. the square at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon opening the program of festivities. Escorting the gaily decorated float carrying Santa Claus and Miss Jerry Lane as Mary Christhigh Haskell mas, were the school band and pep squad, the Paint Creek rural high school of groups band, clowns, and school children singing Christmas Rev. Kenneth' carols, led by Copeland, pastor of the Flirt Methodist Church. Following the parade, afternoon features included programs of Carol singing by school children groups, presented from a large platform erected on the south side of the square. At 6:30 o'clock the street and store lights around the square were turned off for a one hour program of Christmas Carols presented by members of the Harmony Club with1 Mrs. Marvin Post as piano accompanist, trumpet selections by a quartet composed of Joe Meacham, high school band director, Jack Morris, , n. Virgil Brown, Jr., and Roy It is estimated that approximately 90 per cent of the 1940 in future Urging economy With visiting delegations from The O'Brien school lunch room crop has been gathered, with that Haskell and a number of other highway building in Texas, and project, which was opened Oct portion of the crop still remaining neighboring cities in attendance, O'Brien High School will spon- stressing the importance of pro. 18th, has been rapidly expanded in the fields damages to consider- annual banquet of the Throcksor an Invitation Basket Ball per maintenance of the state's as a community undertaking, and able extent during the recent wet morton Chamber of Commerce Tournament for teams of this highways, of Drcsent system Jim Caslano, Mexican farm sponsors of the program have weather. Total production from was held Wednesday night in that section, to be played on the Senator-eleof Smith Lee John the outlined development of the pro. this year's crop in Haskell county city, when an ambitious program O'Brien court Friday and Satur was brought to FUNERAL RITES FOR Throckmorton was guest speaker laborer ject on an ambitious scale, ac- is expected to exceed 35,000 bales. of work mapped for the coming day of next week, Dec. Sunday hospital late Haskell Community year monthly to at o was more report cording outlined the than to this made their Suitable trophies will bo awarded of suffering from a bullet wound week. two hundred persons present for winners and runner-u- n team. Breakfast of the Chamber morning in his right shoulder and neck the annual affair. M SOLOMON When the O'Brien lunchroom with a consolation trophy for the Commerce held Tuesday Named as honor guests at the in the Tonkawa Coffee Shop which was inflicted accidentally was opened Oct. 18, two women losing quintet. banquet were Hon. John Lee in for the affair was dedi by the discharge of a preparing were employed rne uunen scnooi sponsored a Program to observance of Texas rifle in the hands of a companion, lunches for one hundred students Smith, Senator-elethe from similar tournament last war. cated WEDNESDAY and attendance of Leonard Padilla. The accident oc- and adult workers. Since that date 24th district, and Hon. A. H King, when the Weinert cage team car- Highway Week guests Representative-eleincluded sixty from the curred at Caslano's camp on the four addlVlonal workers havfc ried off the trophy with a win more than Rochester, Holt farm several miles northeast been added to the project staff, 113th district, who were introduc visitors from Rule, over O'Brien in the final game. ed by J. H, Banks, Throckmorton Death Occurred Tuesday at and during the past week 150 to Schools desiring to enter this Weinert, O'Brien, Abilene and of Haskell. attorney and former Haskell re Family Home In This Mexican 165 lunches were served daily year's, tournament are requested Throckmorton. two other and Padilla of Mr only son Cole, Richard Presiding for the affair was youths had gone hunting Sunday Sponsors state that as a whole the sident. to forward entries to Coach J. M, City city, this of Miller Bob Mrs. and county chairman afternoon and returned to their community is well pleased with Guest speaker was Dr R. E. Wyatt at O'Brien not later than John A. Couch, in morning Sunday early died InJackson, professor of government and December 10th, to insure entry in for highway week observance.Ken- camp late In the day, where the success of the venture supMrs Marie Solomon, 65, widow the Haskell hospital following a at Texas State College for Women, vocation was given by Rev. the tournament. was painting his automo- are lending age Casiano two child, illness. The brief of tho late P. D. Solomon and Denton. neth Copeland, pastor of the First bile. Padilla. believing the small port. months, was ill Attending the affair from Has- resident of Haskell since their Future plans for the project Nxrarsonlyanda sevendays Methodist Church, and out-o- ijokingly remarked unloaded, rifle preceding his kell few for by contemplate were Sam A. Roberts, presi. marriage in 1900, died at greatly town' visitors were introduced facilities for the he believed Casiano to that he death. Ralph E. Duncan, secretary-managdent of the Haskell Chamber of family home in this city Tuesday shoot him, and pressed the increasing the capacity of the would was born Cole Miller Richard Commerce, Mr. and Mrs. Court afternoon at 12:30 o'clock followof the Chamber of Commerce. trigger. The bullet struck Casiano lunchroom, and sponsors are conApril 30, 1938 in Haskell. Imme- ney Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. V, ing an illness of two months. his talk, Mr. Smith review- in the right shoulder and ranged fident that the O'Brien lunchIn Dec. Be a Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Deceased was a native of Ital, ed the development of the present through the back of his neck, in room can be' developed as a com- diate survivors are his parents, sister, Bottle Alice and grand- i M. Conner. O. E. Patterson, W born August 8, 1865 at Turin, in An auction sale will be held at Texas highway system "from 1917, flicting a near-fatGiven wound. Phy munity asset. They invite and parents, Mr. and Mrs Eli Brecden Q. Casey, T. R Odcll, Orman L Piedmont province of that coune road build- sicians stated that the injured man urge parents of that section to Mattson tonight (Friday) spon- when the of Miller, Mrs. all Willie Kimbrough and County Judge J. try, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. sored by the Band Mothers Club ing program was inaugurated, to would likely survive, but that in visit and inspect the lunchroom and C. Davis, Jr. David Gamier. When she was 17, o: Mattson school, and sponsors the present time. Commending the all probability he would be al in order to acquaint them with Haskell. Funeral rites for the child were o First dance of the holiday sea- of the affair have invited all progress that has been made, the most completely paralyzed, the the methods and quality of the the family emigrated to the United son will be held at the Sons of school patrons and residents of speaker declared however that bullet wound having shattered a foods prepared and served In the held in the chapel of Holden States, settling ip. Cook county, Monday home afternoon funeral Herman Hall in the Irby com- the community to attend, and to Texas highways suffered in com- part of his spine. Hospital atten- lunchroom. Texas. Early in 1900 when Has1:30 o'clock, Wm. at Rev. with munity Saturday night, Dec. 7th, contribute some article to be sold parison with those in northern dants reported tho victim's condikell county was first being dePriddv pastor of the East Side as an agricultural section, and the affair is expected to at- at auction. All proceeds from the and eastern states. Urging co- tion unchanged Thursday. Baptist Church officiating. Burial 28 veloped tract a large crowd. Music for affair will go to the Mattson operation of city and county ofMr. Garnler moved his family to investigatSheriff Olen Dotson was in Willow Cemetery with ficials with the state highway the occasion will be furnished by school band. Haskell. On the eve of their dequestioned the affair after and Holden charge in home funeral (Funeral rites for BUlie Lou, parture their daughter, the popular Playmates Orchestra Marie The salo was originally planned commission in highway matters, ing Casiano and the three youths, of arrangements. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs was married to Paul D. Solomon from Old Glory. for Saturday night, but change In he declared that proper manten-anc- e said that all circumstances provo Charley Glover, were held at the in Gainesville, Texas, and the of roads already built was ed The public is invited to attend. dato was announced this week to the accident purely accidental A party of five Haskell busi Home family home twelve miles north- young couple accompanied her All proceeds from the dance will avoid conflict with another com- of prime importance. guests at the affair and that no charges would be filed. nessmen left Tuesday on a deer west of Haskell Thursday morn- parents here to make their future oe usea lor a worthwhile com munity program scheduled Satur. Casiano, a native of Taylor, hunting trip in Real county, where Be Given ing November 28 at 11:30 o'clock. home In Haskell county. included S. J. Treajiway of Abimunity purpose. day night. They Rev. Walter Copeland of Throck- were among the first permanent lene, highway division engineer Texas, only last week lost his they expect to remain for a week Dec. morton, pastor of the Pinkerton of district 8; Porter H. Campbell bride of a few weeks when the or longer. Prevented from making (Continued on Page Eight) Baptist Dr. J. C. Davis, Oswald Cole, E. young woman succumbed to an the trip at tho opening pf the sea. church, officiated. Burial o proceeds going to With the pneumonia. attack of son party last antimonth, the is B. Harris ,and Wilbur Arrington was in Willow cemetery in this o grammar cipating a school athletic fund, city with Holden funeral home successful hunt despite of Rule; Hap Smith of Rochester; their late start. H. T. Sullivan. I. J. Duff and S. Weinert school students will pre- in charge of arrangements. To Compsing the party were: Dr sent a home-taleW. Kelso of Weinert; E. C. Wes- The infant, born November 23, play Friday Beta Chi Chapter of Delta KapL. F. Taylor, J. W. Gholson, Rev night, December 6th in the school lived only four days, death ocGame pa Gamma will present the etch- Morris has traveled extensively terman, Jimmy Wyatt and R. I. H. R. Whatley H. M. Smith and auditorium. curring Wednesday morning Nov. ings of Mary Eula Sears, (now over the United States and Old Walsworth of O'Brien; and Mr, Ed Fouts. They were accompanied , Title of the play, a 3.act 27 at 5:20 o'clock. Plans for building one or more and Mrs. John Lee Smith of Mrs. E. E. Morris), in an Art Tea, Mexico, making etchings. by A. C. Roberts, Jr., as Mrs. Morris has held exhibits Thorckmorton. camp ama, Surviving are the parents, two tennis courts In the City Park is "Clouds and SunDec. 7, in the home of the presiBilled most as mirth, helper. one of the shine" with a cast of eight char- sisters, Imogene dent Madalin Hunt. Tea hours in many leading museums of our and Charlene. will be discussed at a meeting to o provoking programs imaginable, a acters. Parts assigned to the play- two brothers, Bobby and Pat Glo. be held at the City Hall tonight Modctte Collins of Olney was are from two until five and six country. The Delgato Museum, until eight. Mrs. Morris will lec- New Oreans, Phoenix Fine Arts visitor in Haskell Tuesday en Donkey Basketball Game will be IMr.son,and Mrs. Jack Fountain ing cast have been well rehearsed ver, and the grandparents, Mr. and (Friday), and all young people in Freddie of Sweetwater. during the past week, assuring an Mrs. Will M Harrell and Mr. and terested In the proposed program ture on etchings at four and seven. Museum, Connecticut Academy of route home from Stamford where played at Mattson gymnasium on and Mi. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of excellent presentation of the play Mrs. B C. Glover, all of Haskell. are invited and urged to Civic organizations of the city and Fine Arts, Fine Arts Museum, she had visited Miss Blanche Saturday night, December 7th, be Abilene, attend Mrs. Carrie Prultt of during the two hour and fifteen Dallas, Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, Baldwin, a patient In the Stamford tween a team of school patrons o the meeting. Building of the friends are to be guests. Abilene, Mr. Washington, Museum, Fine Arts a Mrs. and Alvls team school composed and of Bird hospital, Is program recovering Mr and Mrs Reynolds Wilson courts can be arranged if suffiwho minute from required Mrs. Morris is an outstanding Club a serious illness. In Haskell Miss students. Team are of Haskell spent the day Sunday captains Sponsors of the play Invite the announce the arrival of a son cient interest and support of the artist of the southwest, and has D. C. and the Annual Print Mr, with given New fri York. She has and Mrs. George Pruitt patrons of Weinert Schools and Lynn Partlow in the Haskell coun project is assured. solo Collins was the guest of her aunt, Stanley Furrh and Samuel Charru received honors in all parts of the and Mr. and Mrs. George Willis tho general public as well to at ty hospital Monday December 2. berlin. A committee from the Lions United States on her etchings. ?""" in Natchez, Houston, Dal Mrs. J. L. Baldwin. o The game will begin promptly or Haskell. tend the play with the assurance " enix, auisu, o She is a member of Louisiana So-- ,4"8' ou" has had the proposal under Club Mrs. Arthur Bouldin of Miami, at 7:30 o'clock and all who attend of a full evenuiK's entertainment Mr and Mrs. Carl Sims are the consideration for several weeks, clety of Etchers, Southern States Waco and Abilene, Mrs. Mrs. B. on Bailey J. laugh won Morris guaranteed has are honors of a the left Thursday for the low admission charge of parents of a baby boy born at the and they have worked out a olan Arizona, is visiting in the home of Art League, Phoenix Fine Art AsGrandview where she will visit ten ana iitteen cents. Stamford Sanitarium November J which contemplates settlngjip-- v sociation, Kepper's Art Club, Dal- her "Calla Lily" etching which is her sister, Mrs. John Lackey. lifetime, sponsors of . the affair for The youne man has . been las, The Creative Sketch Club, now on a year's tour of the Unit. From here she will go to Wichita declared. Proceeds from the af. ror the next few months in the prujeci in ouiidinc .. .. 19th. m : - ..i.iii ed States, with a small , group Falls to visit. her daughter, Mrs. fair will be used in purchasing home of her daughter, Mr. and i nuiuiue ft nw. wmi ti z,zrz"z.:. ....a. Abilene. ncr u n tne nrnmn i. given viatiuur iiiiua i.ee. mr. anci iwrs i courts iwikw EL Mrs. I W. George equipment. school sister In Waco this week Osteen. Lair. G .M. Sims are 1U grandparents. (Contlnusa Oa Put Kltfkt) support ot loc sponsors. For the past three years Mrs. Dance Will 1 MS TOYS Discarded P5 ,sft Awards of $350 Given For; Best Decorated Stores and Windows CUB SCOUTS E x Ifcf 4 NUMK Large Crowds Attend" Annual' Christmas Party Staged By Haskell Merchants Wednesday l JJ I lit Haskell County I Team From Rule Chapter la Major Winner In District Meet Invitation Cage y Tourney Will Be Held at O'Brien In Oicar Pearl Howard, welL known farmer and resident of Haskell county for more than 30 ll ,BENJAMIN years, died in the Haskell hospital ,vtffl Thursday morning November 28 shortly after 9 o'clock from injuries received when he fell from a moving automobile on the highway two miles west of Throck morton late Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Howard was 57 years old Circumstances surrounding the accident were substantially as follows: Mr. Howard had accompanied a neighbor, C. W. Patterson, to Throckmorton Tuesday to secure a mattress which they had loaded on top of the car. A short H$ fO'Brftn out of Throckmorton, Mr. - distance Howard rolled down the glass in the front door of the car to reach out and examine the fastening of the mattress. Starting to roll up the glass, he apparently pulled the door latch and when the door flew open he fell from the car to the pavement before Mr. Patterson L L A S H could stop the machine. An am bulance summoned from Throckmorton brought the injured man to the hospital here, where examination revealled he had suf fHASKELL fered a fracture of the skull in the fall from the moving car. Mr. .Howard was a native of Texas, born Oct. 11, 1883 in Co The area embraced in the pro- Conservation Act. The district manche county, tho son of Mr. Soil Con- would take in all of Knox countyj and Mrs. Isaac Howard. A few posed Wichita-Brazentire north years after his marriage, Mr. servation District is shown In the and practically the county, embrac- Howard moved his family to this Haskell half of remap, landowners and above ing a total of approximately 0 county In 1909 and until this year siding in the area will ballot acres of land. Only landowners he had lived and farmed in the December 14th, on the residing in the proposed district old Howard community southeast proposal to create the district un- will be eligible to vote on the of Haskell. The first of this year he moved to his farm in the west der provisions of the State Soil proposal. part of Throckmorton county. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Effie"Howard of Haskell, two sons, Road-Buildi- ng (Continued on Page Eight) j HASKELL TUESDAY News-writi- IS IN FALL FROM CAR L EfTruieott Affect All Cotton Farmers parti-clpat- 0,P,1WARD BIHLY d Wxt Oldest Business Institution Friday December 6, 1940 Cnatr, Tdu. Proposed Soil Conservation District EVERY COTTON GROWER IS EXPECTED TO VOTE IN '41 QUOTA REFERENDUM Outcome of Referendum ToI FFA LEADERSHIP Every cotton producer who be. lleves In democracy should go to the polls December 7 and voice his opinion of cotton marketing quotas. For the cotton marketing quota referendum is part of the demo. era tic process, V. F. Bunkley, chairman of the Haskell county ACA committee, pointed out today. Last .year in the referendum, 1160 of the 2500 county farmers who, were eligible to vote in the election, 80 percent of them favoring quotas. The ma. Jority favoring quotas in Texas was 82 percent and In the nation 91.2 percent, the committee chair. man declared. "Voting in the referendum is just as important as voting in any other election," Bunkley said. "The outcome of the marketing quota referendum will affect every cotton farmer In the county, so every cotton farmer should vote." Polling places in Haskell county will be located at the following places: Cliff, O'Brien, Rochester, Judd, Rule, Haskell, Paint Creek, Rock dale, Irby, Mattson, Weinert, Brushy, Sagerton, Plalnvlew, Cen ter Point. fttt HasK ell ffift Mote 2.000 Than Home Into At Will Weinert Beta Chi Chapter Will Present Etchings of Mrs. Morris Here 6th Municipal Tennis Donkey Basketball Is Slated At Mattson Saturday Court Plans Be Discussed Tonight nt comedy-dr- i- .. V -- v vit"i w r ,V T?s8F tmur 'i - , pj& W' - K "i ,"r"wfl,fcJtaW TTTTT, f)M0itf$: Friday December THE HASKELL FREE PRESS TWO if &M tsMeM0nA Special attention in our Perfume Department all this week! SAGERTON Official Newspaper of llaakcll High School Charlene Leach Senior Assistants Jack Morris, Curtis Cross, Betty Blake, Editor-In-Chi- cf Amateur Contest To Be Given Blue Bonnet Club Celebrates At P. T. A. Meeting Achievement Day Olin Ashley. An amateur contest will be Achievement day of the Blue Junior Assistants Bonnet Home Demonstration club given at the regular P. T. A. Dale Bartlctt, Bcunls Faye Ratliff, Blllle. was held Thursday, November 21 meeting next Tuesday night, Decin the home of Mrs. Leslie Lewis ember 10th. Prizes will bo given Jack Spoor, Carol Bledsoe to three lucky winners. The rhy. in an all day meeting. Each member brought n covered thm band, sponsored by Hazel dish. After the business meeting Woods will play. Everyone Is cora program was given by Mrs. dially invited to attend. Rowan, Mrs. A. C. Dcnson and were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tidwell and The Srxmlsh club of Haskell Mrs. Floyd King. Plans school "playnight" The high Christmas shopped in Stamford Sat family annual the Novem for made Friday met School High as advertised seen you which have party. urday. pro following 1940 29, The ber open, Hickville" "Harvest Time in Eight members and three visit Mrs. Floyd Pilley shopped In ed Friday night at 7.30 with songs cram was presented: "PcodIo of Spain' b'y Elolsc ors were present. Stamford Tuesday. Songs familiar to everyone were sung. Some examples are: "Row, Johnson. 'Wanda Belle Patterson spent Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mueggc are Saturday night with Doris Tld. "Rain In Scnlllo" by Christine Row. Row Your Boat," "Old Black 8 announcing the birth of an wclL Joe" and "Down By The Old Harris. "Culito Undo" was sung by pound 5 ounce daughter, Gay Mill Stream". For the songs and Mr. and Mrs. B. Kupatt shop Quattlo-bauIn Friday the last Juanelle, born Sue song sheets, we thank the Seniors. Maxinc Perdue and ped In Abilene Friday. GrandSanitarium. Stamford Next came refreshments in the Paul Banks who Is now employ "Call of Solitude" by Ida Jean parents arc Mr and Mrs. H C. form of a "grab bag". A paper In Brownwood visited in Sag ed Ncinast. Smallwood. gum all and sack was filled with Mr and Mrs. W. H Spiscr and crton Sunday. "Holy Week In Spain" by Gloria kinds of candy In went your hand family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Gibson and and out came some form of re- Welsh. "The Monastary" by Martha their daughter, Mrs. E. A. Gabert daughter Donna Jean visited refreshment The winner's of games in Wichita Falls. latives and friends in Frlona on were lucky enough to get another Post. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin and Thaksgiving. Bett "The Alhambra" by "grab". daughters visited Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Finis Fulbright After refreshments, we played Blake. Alton Ross last week games These were led by Mr visited in Haskell Sunday. B, M. Gregory and family Mrs. and McCollum, Rev. Williams, Attend the "All Fun Night" spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and sponsored Mrs Clay Smith. Examples of the by the Senior class Fri of family H. F and Mrs. Darden games are: "Barnyard," "Buzzy," day night December 13th at the near Mattson. High School building and "Chair Relay." The sophoLucile Martin visited Jewel Sagerton mores certainly did a fine job of Free Games of all refreshments. night. In Friday Anson Mr. Neal, the agriculture teach- Moss selecting games. kinds will be played. Fun will be Cohnie of Rao Fort Abbott School High our Haskell in er deThe gym was attractively in the home of Mr had by all. corated in "barn yard style" for reports that he has the best pro Griffin visited Auda Vee Neinast, Billy Dar. -Pilley last week Floyd Mrs. and ever nrograms that he has which the Freshmen are respon- ject den, Ed Jr. Wilson, and Edward had. There are fifty boys In his end. sible. and Mrs. W. F. Patterson Neinast all of whom are emnlov The Juniors had charge of ad- three classes. The F. F. A. bos of Mr. Haskell visited relatives Sun- cd in Brownwood visited relatives hogs, 30 feed, on 25 calves have vertisement, and the posters were Sunday. day. a cows and dairy a great help to secure the attend a number of Floyd Pilley transacted business Slaughter B Griffin of Fort H. ance About forty students at- few sheep. in Haskell Tuesday. in friends relatives visited and reports the best also Mr Neal sponsors. tended and thanked the Sagerton last week end. Mrs. Bill Martin, Mrs. Tullie If you have been missing the good shop program for his first year Among those who enjoyed Hcrrln Mrs. Melvin Lewis times to be had at "Playnight" class, that he has ever had The Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. attendedand the Santa Claus parade stop missing these good times entire F. F. A. membership is and Mrs. Ivan Monsey in Stam in Stamford Tuesday. now' Be sure and come to the looking forward to having a new ford were: Mrs Retta Jones, Mr. Mrs. B. Hess accompanied by his beginning Neal is shop. Mr next playnight second year as teacher in our and Mrs F F. Fulbright and Mrs. W. P Caudle were shoppers o school He vacationed in the East family, Fannie Mae Sellers, J. R in Stamford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wienke and and South Texas. He attended the Monsey, Wallace Pittman, Mr. and State Vocational Teacher meetings Mrs John Green and children, sons, Douglas Wayne and Billy Rao spent last week end visiting and also attended the State F F. Betty Jo and John Edward. Mary Edna Louvorn of Paint Mr. and Mrs. D. Webber in A. Convention in Houston After Mr. Neal graduated from Creek spent Saturday night with Shallowater. If you've been wondering why iBorn to Mr. and Mrs. Carl vjf Tidwell. Haskell High Students arc wearing Sulphur Springs, Texas he re- Vida Williams N. Sims a son, Jimmy Lee. The of visited Rule J long faces lately. I'll tell you. ceived his Bachelor's Degree from Mr. and Mrs. W B. "Dedmon Sat grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, G. ColTeachers Texas State East over! season Haskell's is Football M. Sims. football season was not very suc- lege He qualified for Vocational urday and Sunday. Marian Lou Martin visited in A Colorado cessful but everyone has hopes of Agriculture work at of Daughter Stamford last week end-M- r. turning the tables on the teams and M. College, and also did some Announce Marriage and Mrs. Frank Batson and work in Sam Houston College at Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Dedmon of in District 10-- A next season Sagerton are announcing the mar children accompanied bv Mrs Jo? Many Indians and future In- Huntsville. riage of their daughter Cora to Smith shopped in Stamford Sat dian supporters are very optimisG. W. Williams of Rochester on urday. tic about the future of Haskell's S. Mrs. E. Ervin spent last week March 19 ,1940. Mr. and Mrs. W1L football team. Hams will make their home at with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sims. Sam Smith remarked to a senior Mrs. Effie Anderson and daughSanta Anna, Texas. girl. "It's too bad you won't be ter Betty Jo, shopped in Stamford in high school next year because Guests in the home ot Mr. and Saturday. Last Wednesday, November 27, we're going to have a winning Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and team; district, and the Haskell High student body Mrs, Cecil Schroeder In Truscott Shirley Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Frank maybe regional. met at two o'clock and held a pep were: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sch- Batson and family were the guests Roy Clay Brock logically ar. rally. This rally was especially roeder and chllldren Murry Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith Sungues that many teams in District for the purpose of boosting the Jim, J. C. and Edna, Mr. and Mrs. of i 10A will lose valuable letter men school spirit for the Haskell Jimmie Dippel and Lorene Gib- day, Jean Dedmon visited Edward while Haskell will lose only one Stamford game that was to be son. Dedmon in Rochester last week! letter man, Carl (Speedy) Lane, played the next day end. pastor a Copcland, iRev. Kenneth therefore he believes we stand Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clark had good chance of coming out on top of the Methodist Church, gave as their guests Sunday, Mr. and of everyone. a fine talK, and led the students Mrs. C. J. Clark. Assistant Coach Clay Dean was in some novel songs One of these Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Newton ensongs demonto expressing he have wished rather reluctant about tertained a group of friends on stugave rethis strated so he called on the himself but finally The first year Spanish class met port, "The success of our team dents to name the best - looking November 22, 1940 to organize a Thanksgiving night. Present were Vji Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morgan and will depend on the spirit of the boy and the prettiest girl. Loudly Spanish Club. The purpose of this Woncile, Miss Mildred Green and W boys, the school, and the town they all called for "Snort" and club is to learn more of Mexican v. E. Newton. If they have the proper spirit, "Sister", so they were the ones customs. we will win and no one can stop who gave the demonstration The following officers were us! At the beginning of the rally, elected: President, Ross Lowe; REAL ESTATE LOANS Jean Menefee, Haskell's pep the band played several marches. Vice President, Elvira Miller; Secsquad leader says, "No matter This is the first time the band has retary, Frances Chapman; ReporWe make loans in Haskell to what the team does win or played before the student body ter, Betty Jo Hester. build, buy or refinance including lose Dotn me pep squaa ana my- this year, and everyone enjoyed A program committee was ap- ttlA. self are supporting them 100 it very much their pointed by the president, which After per cent. performance, the pep squad was consists of Bcunls Ratliff, MINIMUM EXPENSE AND COMPETITIVE INTEREST RATES. Three cheers for Jean! That is joined by the student body in Dale Bartlett, and Fae Billic Jack the spirit Coach Dean referred to giving several yells Then some of Speer. ABILENE SAVINGS AND in his statement As Coach Dean the members of the pep squad Agreeing to meet on the last LOAN ASSOCIATION says. "If we have the proper presented a humorous skit on the Friday in each month; the club spirit, there will be no stopping subject of football. It was intro. adjourned. Abilene, Texas us! duced by Patsy Pate The pep rally was closed with the student body singing "Indians. We Love You" Second Year Spanish Club Meets Students Enjoy Playnight m. If yon want to impress her, 4cpd "Opening Night" Perfume and listen to tbe A brilliant fragrance in a dramatic Betting. Mr. Neal Tells About Large Class Plans 5 Lucicn Ltlone' Soap is fra granced with hi jrfumes . . . marvelously smooth and delicious. Bo of 3, $1.25 oil improvements located upon the said property, Including gin houses, buildings, all machinery and fixtures located In buildings on said property. Including all gin equipment located In gin buildings. Tho above sale to be made by me to satisfy the above described judgment for $11,083.60 against The Haskell Electric Gin, Inc. and $16,087.50 against Producers Gin Co. In favor of Charles Motz, Jr. and Mrs. M. A. Curtis, a widow. composing the firm of Motz w Curtis, together with the costs af said suit, and the proceeds applied SHERIFFS SALE Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Haskell County on the 8th day of November, 1940, in a certain cause wherein Charles Motz. Jr. and Mrs. M. A. Curtis, n widow, composing the firm of Motz & Curtis, of Abilene, Taylor Co.. Texas, arc plaintiffs, and The Haskell Electric Gin, Inc.. a corporation, and Producers Gin Company of Haskell, n corporation, arp defendants, In which cause n judgment was rendered on the 24th day of September, 1940. In favor of the said plaintiffs. Charles Motz, Jr. and Mrs. M. A. Curtis, a widow, composing the firm of Motz at Curtis, against said dc. fondant The Haskell Electric Gin, Inc.. a corporation, for the sum of Eleven Thousand Eighty-Thre- e and ($11,083.00) Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of Seven per centum per annum from date of judgment and against Producers Gin Co. of Haskell, a corporation, for $10,. 087 50, with Interest thereon at 6 per annum together with all costs of suit, I have levied upon, and will, on the 7th day of Janu ary, 1941, within legal hours, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and Interest of Haskell Electric Gin. Inc., a corporation, and Producers Gin Company of Haskell, a corporation, in and to the following described personal property, levied upon as the property of The Haskell Electric Gin, Inc, a corporation, and Producers Gin Company of Haskell, a corporation to wit: Being all of Lots Nos. Three (3) and Four (4) in Block No. Sixty-Si- x (06) in the original townsite in the town of Haskell, Haskell County, Texas, together Briefly Told News Items Prom THE WARWH00P ( l f fl, 1940 to tho sntsfacton thereof. OLEN DOTSON, with Sheriff, Haskell County, Tex. Haskell, Texas. Nov. 29, 1940. (3tc) o READ THE WANT ADSI Gas. fits Ml I Tim JuRiiir aarai Xm ea my Mom. Khwaaao bad I couldn't aat or alstp. Qaa Mrs. to prsaa oa my heart. Adl. ma eolf-f- relist Now, I cat wish, ataaai Baa. bovop fait mMm mtd ivn rlka brought ta I T e aariaTaWaaaTaTWTaa vzMZm C'WAl JMbm OATKS MUG 9TOEK , Save on Your Holiday Food Budget Here! 60-1- 00 Your holidny food budget can be kept within reasonable limits wthout any need of "skiming" on purchases of Christmas delicacies if you take advaiv tage of the daily savings offered through our uniform price policy. Our "specials" are featured every day in thrifty values on high quality foods, and complete stocks make shopping convenient. Come hero for everything for the holiday feast! "Pay Cash and Pay Lets1' Cash Grocery Cut-Rat- e J. D. TYLER, Prop. 3tfilStCtt6tgltfit It's Football For Us! Talc is a welcome cift when it Bilkcn soft and delight- tully Irafrrant, like tins I) Lucien .Lekmg. I H. H. Students Have Pep Rally Mm .1 Lncien Lelong'a "Impromptu" Cologne move iu the best circles, so you can send it with pride. S turning bottle, too! $2.50 w Hl III 'f meVi IPt! SCT Kym Hi' Pit ' . "Robin Ilood" Cologne is worthy of a cjucen's ransom but its price is modest indeed. Advrntureuome fragrance. $1 Spanish Club Is Organized Spanish Classes Sing At Funeral j1 He f- c- Tuesday morning. November Rev Clifford Williams called the high school to asc if the Spuni-- ' classes would sing at the funeral of Scnora Pablita Casiano, which was to be conducted at 3:30 that My To male her feel like "the star of the performance", send "Opening N iph t" f olnpic. It's always greeted with cheers. $2 , w ! Radio Repair Shop Br Grand "Impromptu" Per-fum- ir We are in a position to all makes and models of radios. Shop located in e is a flattering recognition of her taste. SuktI fragrance in a notable comaker. $6.50 Payne Drug Co. 1 afte'lioon at the Presbyterian Church Of course we were glad that we could help The Spanish clnssos sang "Jesus Mi Salvador" y "Hay Un Mundo Feliz" Reverend Williams read the service in Spanish This service in Spanish meant much more to the Mexican people than a service in English would have meant to them Tho Spanish department is always glad to help in any way possible and we are happy that Reverend Williams gave us this opportunity to be of service. re-na- PHHUBKHMBMIM Visual Education 26 The school and the three P T A organizations have purchased a sixteen millimetar silent pro. jertor or the showing of entertaining and educational pictures, to tho students of the two grammar grades in high school Some of the pictures that have been enjoyed by all the students and especially those that are studying something pertaining to the pictures are: "The Story of Ether," "The Coffee Industry In Brazil". "Sheering Sheep," "Mexico Land of Yesterday" and "The Padres Trail In California". These films are secured through the central education association and the only expense to the school is the transportation both ways The school also has membership In in the "Division of Visual struction" from the University of Texas We are looking forward to many more films in the future Some that are already booked for December are: "Alaska's Silver Millions", "The Story of Leather" and "Partners Three". We wish to express our appreciation to every person that made this treat possible. R. E. Hilburn paid by the manufacturer for aay GREAT CHRISTOPHER Cora Rwat aaaai rtmoT. Alw ttmvm a Calloaaea. 35c at iTaV a Car. fM OATES DRUG STORK Give. Jewelry from Lyles' and he jBVIH sure that it will be welcomed! it knowing that you can buy on our convenient budget terms if desired. Here's the quick answer, to your gift problem. . . Gifts wrapped at no extra charge! mi mm Knife & Chain $6.95 Desk Clock $3.75 Modem design 10-- K gold-fille- Carving Set $8.95 MllBHVaVaiBmSBBB (VsMsiH Brush Outfit $2.95 Two matched brushes comb. and a Enamel and chrome steel Stainless and bone hand, les. Every wo. man needs a set! d! case. A depend able movement! A timely gift for tho man. In a gift box! 6Dia. MLaHLaVa 5 Diamonds Travel Set ' $9.75 $12.95 Attractive Ring ding c. in white or yellow gold mountings! illustrations ot Diamonds have been enlarg. ed to show detail of design. Note: All set with every thing the man needs. Genuine leather kit! Wed- aaaaaVHaHkaVaaaHHaaV9t Stf Tfi4 Give jQryvjmmmmmaaam jflrri aipSM j Bulova 'Miss America G' IsBPsJaV BBBBaaHaaCSaaBavX I plain yellow 10K gold cue. Matching link 17 jewels, filled bracelet 5m m ajflHLVIhw 37.50 Lighter $2.75 aH Boudoir Set $6.75 Handy Bulova pocket lighter Is the per. feet gift for him! ' Ambassador A" Monogrammed! Complete toilet for her bedroom! In silk . lined case! Gift Set $5.95 Belt buckle, tie chain and watch chain, Belt buckle with initials! if jewels, plain yellow 10K filled case. With cord strap. At $39.75 21 gold Bulova Stop gasolines and motor South Side Square Reasonable Prices ..ooVv I at "American Eagle A" his Humble Service Station for continuously improvtd WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE ALL WORK GUARANTEED I V a&w&&&ovv3lnwli oils. trading with him under fAt cdrraitHr. mo, it Nuiiitea hinnim to. You'll tnjoy THWT5TW? IIIHUI-- m sign! Bracelet Set $9.50 jewels, plain yellow 10K gold filled case. Matching link 21 bracelet matching bracelet and pen. or business. this! . . 5 A $40.50 dant. She'll adore Many Other Models In Our Large Stock R.C.A. Radio $14.75 Ideal for home Ex. cellent reception tubes! Baby Set $2.00 Sterling silver spoon and napkin In smart gift pack, ring. age. W. A. Lyles, Jeweler ;, j&aijyfrj nfottMii'ri - - - "'- - J 1 Mftf -- W "! 'At u ( JUS ' ' TWp Frldny December tt ii wt m"W THE HASKELL FREE PRESS 0, 1040 HI V Brief News Items From T D- special song Tho Light Mrs. Otttlcy Honors .Houston Visitor entertained with a bridge party In her home Wednesday of last week honoring Mrs. Bert Davis of Houston. Fall flowers were used for decorations in the entertaining rooms. Refreshments were served to her the honoree Mrs. ' Davis, mothers, Mrs. John Herron, and Mmes. Robert Bollock, L. W. Jones Jr., Bynum Brltton, Evelyn Zcn-gand Tom Edd Simpson. Monday Night Bridge f3lb Fall flowers were used tor decorations in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Novls Ousley recently when they entertained members of the Monday Night Bridge Club. A dessert course was served to the following members: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Arrington, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jones Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Brltton, Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Smith Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Foster. Mrs. Novls Ousley-- us Thursday Bridge Club was McCandless hostess to members of the Thursday Bridge Club and guests with a party Friday afternoon of last week. Chrysanthemums and other flowers were used for decorations. High score prize was presented to Mrs. Bill Klttley. Guest prize went to Mrs. Walter Hills. A dessert course was served to the following members: Mmes. Newt Cole, Jess Place, Bill Klttley, C. E. Lott, John Behringer. Guests were: Mmes. Marlln Wilson, L. W. Jonca Jr James E. Llndsey, O. B. Cave, Walter Hills, Bynum Brit-to. Jack Mrs. Walter HERE AND THERE NEWS The of World Is Jesus, Tho following Week of Prayer Program was given at the Baptist Church this week: Program for Monday at 3 p. nv: Leader Mrs. H. L. Chambers. Tidings of Peace Subject Through Healing. Hymn We Praise Thee, Oh God. Talk by President Mrs. C. O. Divis. Devotional Mrs. Powell. (Talk, Heukng In Nigeria Mrs. R. Foster, Talk, Healing In China Mrs. C Norman. Prayer for Medical Work In China and Nigeria. Hymn The Great Physician Now Is Near. Added reasons for Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Program for Tuesday at 3 p. m : iSubject Tidings of Peace Through Preaching. Prayer by Pastor. Devotional Mrs. C. L. Baker. Talk by Pastor Why Should Preachers Bo Sent To Foreign Fields. Talk, By All Means Save Some Mrs. W. R. Gay. Talk, My Hope for Grace Church Mrs. McColough. Prayer for Mr. nntl Mrs. L. W. Jons Sr wcro Stamford visitors Snturdny. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Place were Stamford and Hoskcll visitors on Saturday. Mrs. John Herron and daughter Mrs. Bert Davis and little daughter Kay Lnn were Stamford visitors Saturday. The following students were home from A. & M. College for the Thanksgiving holidays: Lewis nnrl Wllhurn Mnv. Joe Cloud. Boyd Balrd and Jay Pumphrey. mrs. j. w. iviuy una udunuiui Mrs. Ora McColough were Goree visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lott were Stamford visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bell are announcing the arrival of a baby boy born Nov. 29th In tho Stamford hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hicks and daughter Betty of Pampa spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Hick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Todd and grandmother Mrs. T. W. K. Head. Mrs. Mattle Lott shopped in Stamford Friday. Sallic McCandless and Rcba Stahl attended the Hamlin and Anson football game in Hamlin Thursday. Mrs. Newton Westmorland spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Knox CItv with her narenLi. Mrs. Cecil Hicks and Mrs. Ruth Davis were Stamford visitors on Thursdav. Miss Almlnlce Weaver, student of Texas University, Austin, spent me holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Jones of Colorado City have moved to Rule. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Suther and little daughter of Lawton, Okla. visited Mrs. Suther's sister Mrs. H. C. Leon and Mr. Leon last TEXAS A' HB n, aaWfc AaaalaaaL I TO CUT THIRD PASS AUSTIN, Texas Cutting of a pass at Murdock Landing through Padre Island from the Gulf into Baffin Bay is expected to send a constant flow of "sweet" salt water through the length of the Laguna Madre. Work on the pass by the Texas Game. Fish and Oyster Commission's dredge the AE, will get under way the first week in December. Work on tho cut, which will be more than 100 foet wide, will require five months. The Game Department has aL ready cut and is maintaining passes at Corpus Christl Pass and Cedar Bayou. With the completion of the pass at Murdock Landing, tho flow ofl water through the three passes and the Laguna should be nearly constant, It is believed. The eastern passes are fifty miles from Murdocks. The Game Department dredge, after completing work at Corpus Christ! Pass and Cedar Bayou, was reconditioned at IRockport and towed to Murdock Landing. Unless passes are maintained through and Preachers Churches on S. B. C. Foreign Fields. Talk, Baptist Work In Wreish Mrs. L. W. Jones Jr. Talk, Evangelism in the State of Rio, Brazil Mrs. O. B. Cave. Prayer for Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Announcements. Program for Wednesday at 7 week. p. m. with young people In charge Mrs. W. L. McCandless visited of program. Mrs. B. H. Beil in the Stamford John Herron Entertains Program for Thursday at 3 p. hospital Sunday. Mrs. John Herron honored her Jack Simmons of Haskell visitdaughter Mrs. Bert Davis of Hous nv:Subject Tidings of Peace ed in Rule Sunday. ton with a party Friday after- Through Publication. A. D. Lewis of Brownwood noon of last week. Fall flowers Leader Mrs. Elmer Turner. visited in Rule last week end. were usdd for decorations In the Devotional Mrs. Audle Mrs. Anna Ottmers and sons, r. entertaining rooms. Prizes were Lawrence and Ray. visited in Lubpresented to tho honoree and to Talk, Lighthouses of Peace bock last week. Mrs. Bynum Brltton for high Mrs. Walter Hills. iMr. and Mrs. Will Davis attendscore. Hymn Joy To The World. ed the Spanish American War Refreshments were served to: Talk, God's Worka In Aregen-tin- a Veterans annual picnic in StamMmes. Davis, Robert Sollock, Tom Mrs. Pete Eaton. ford Sunday. ixld blmpson, Evelyn Zcngus, L Talk, Mexico Pleads For Prayer Mrs. Bert Davis and daughter 2T W. Jones Jr., N. S. Ousley, Edd Mrs. W. R, Terry. Kay Lynn returned to their home McMinn and Bynum Brltton. Prayer for Lottie Moon Christ- in Houston Monday after visiting mas offering. in the home of their parents and Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Clnb grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John r Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills were Herron and Mr. and Mrs. Will Program for Friday: hosts to members of the Mr. and Subject Mrs. Bridge Club Friday evening Tidings of Peace Davis. Mrs. A. McCready, Mrs. John of last week. High score prizes Through Teachings. Herron and Mrs. Will Davis were Leader Mrs. Edd Cloud. were 'awarded Mra. M. P. Wilson Abilene visitors Monday. Devotional Mrs. Bill Hills. and E. B. Harris. Mrs. Paul Mercer, Mrs. W. N. Talk, Teaching Them To ObMembers attending were: Mr. Cole, serve All Things M. Mrs. S. Mrs. and Davis. Mr. and R W Fra. Reba Mrs. Walter McCandless and Stahl shopped in Abilene on Mrs. Wilbur Arrington, Mr. and zler and Mrs. W. S. Cole. Talk, In; My Work As A Teac- Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Llndsey. Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Jess Place were E. B. Harris, Dr. and Mrs. O. J. herMrs. Elmer Turner. Added reasons for Lottie Moon Stamford visitors Monday. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Brltton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klttley are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pumphrey, Christmas offering by several laspending the week in Pontiac, dles. and Mrs. m. p. Wilson. : Prayer for Lottie Moon Christ- Michigan. E. W. Simpson transacted busiKale Church Holds Study As mas offering. ness in Dallas Mondays Prelade To Week or Prayer Mrs. Otto Spurlin and little Women of 'the Rule Baptist American Legion Auxiliary Meets Members of the American Le- daughters of Los Angeles, Calif., unurcn met at the home of Mrs. Homer Chambers for a study of gion Auxiliary met Tuesday Dec. are visiting relatives in Rule. Mrs. James A. Lisle had as her tho book. Publish Glad Tidings as 3rd at the Legion Hut with Mrs. a prelude to the Lottie Moon Bill Mason and Mrs. C. E. Lott guest last week her grandmother Mrs M. M. Pike of Los Anegeles, Christmas offering week of as hostesses. prayer. The meeting was called to order Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lott had as Mis. C. O. Davis crave tho in by the president, Mrs. Verner. It vocation and toplcs.from the book was decided to have the annual their guest Tuesday Senator-elewere discussed Dy Mrs. w. S Christmas party Tuesday evening John Lee Smith and Mrs. Smith Cole. "Mrs C P. Narmnn Mr W, December 10 at the Legion Hut. of Throckmorton. Mrs. Audie Verner and son DaR. Terry, Mrs. O. B. Cave and After the business meeting a sovid visited relatives in Rochester Mra. Ed Cloud. Mrs. C. E. Caro cial hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by Wednesday. thers and Mrs. Ray Foster gave a Mrs. Donald Hobbs shopped in the hostessee to the following members: Mmes. Lisle, F. A. Abileno Tuesday. Sam May and sons Wilburn and Gauntt, Sam May, Claude NorWHY uffer from Colds? man, Raymond Denson, E. O. Lewis were Old Glory visitors on Morgan, Audio Verner, Jess Place! Saturday. For quick restef from Mrs. John Behringer and Mrs. Josselet II. D. Club Elects eeM symptoms Newt Cole were Seymour visitors Officers At Meeting take 666 Last Week Saturday. Mills-Mrs- WUH V-VV- during dlo fish the Islands, drought years by the tens of thou, sands In the Laguna Madre, which Is considered the greatest natural spawning bed for salt water fish along the coasts of the United States. Dead fish lined the shores of the Laguna in 1030, when there was very little flow of fresh water from the land side Few fish died in the Laguna last summer. Cutting of the pass at Murdochs was made possible by the of Burton Dunn, Corpus Christl banker and cattleman who formerly owned Padre Island and who retains grazing rights on it. His consent to the cutting of the pass was necessary before work could be started. FEWER HUNTING ACCIDENTS Your Christmas Store . . vnl aaaw BX 4aa laaaaaaaaK. 4fe VErafL5lSMar L TlsWKMw2&mSBbji IB' MM jf . J Hflt&'J aaaaaaaaaaT aaBBBaf JSf bbbbbbBiJ Vita-bloo- m ii n 1 "f i-- y 2.sMi iras A a. 79c to $1.15 Other Phoenix Hose Ready For Christmas! Advance Styles Tailored and furred coats, fitted types, swaggers, nubbed woolens, tweeds and camels hair . . . All good colors Give her a new coat for Christmas. $ in. Women's and Children's Gift Spring 16.75 and 2975 M?z Dresses Sweaters Dresses .95 1.00 1.98 nt, s Women's New Spring many new Marcy Lee 5 Dresses at our store for your Christmas selection. Advance Spring models to 2 supplements our already large stock . Dark and light florals. Always an ac- - s I ceptable gift. There'll be T- 6 Others 1.95 Short sleeves . . long sleeves . . pull-ovand button styles . . assorted knits .T. Cardigans, gay colors. For style, comfort and for gifts. er QUICK RELIEF FROM . . 1 reinforced seat to 4, nicely gift STOMACH ULCERS dueto EXCESS ACID Get a slip for each of the children's dresses . . You'll get a real value if you select from this group EACH 25c Little nirls wlU thrill with delight to get costs for Christmas . . Tailored and furred models . . Tweeds and solid color woolens . . warmly lined and interlined. Sizes 2 to 14. Popular Winter Over one million botUeaof tha WILLARD TItBATMKNT have been "old for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach ad Dudiu Mean due to Kimm Act Pmc MsMtteM, turn or Uaatt Stomach, a allium, Haaitaum, lUialmm "trial at.,I duo to Iumi AaM. Sold on todays Ask for "WMarsl's Mauata" which fully nt explains this tn,atnip" colors EACH 49c Mr ft G.QC aw w Chenille ROBES They'll all want one! Zipstyles per and d Sizes 10 . . assorted colors wrap-aroun- a 5 to 16 . . EACH 1.98 Mtctwwewwc PAYNE DKUG CO. 5 5 5 Girls' Rayon Satin Pajamas 5 i S m Gifts for Girls COATS FreelcokTaHsof HwnoTraatmrntthat Must Hal or it WW CestYeM Nothing $2.95 COSTUME SLIPS Children's ! Distress Arising from I Children's Rayon Panties Novelty weave rayon Tearose only. Sizes wrapped m i Gifts For Kiddies says. Tailored styles in tea rose only quality rayon satin . . Sizes 2 to wrapped if you prefer EACH . . good 12. Gift I 5 C i ' Women's Wool I Gloves S An inexpensive gift that's al ways appreciated. AU wool Some yarn, beautifully knit with embroidered cuffs, bright colored stripes and solid colors. FAlH 50 I s W"W" I ". 4 $ia$aal(w.itf2. $ .i&'tek, laOiaVMSJlrSvllaaaHaWaWa"' KmTXWJ !" '"' --mnw nss. " "' ' V af-- .aif k - nv Wear the new season's dresses first. Give them for Christmas gifts . . Advance styles, newest fabrics It's impossible to properly express their beauty and smartness You'll have to see them to your . . They'll add so much Christmas wardrobe EACH . o Payne Drug Co. VfM9BBaaaaaaBaaaaM aaaaaaa9 Hero's one of the most complete stocks of Phoenix gift hosiery we've ever offered And your best opportunity & to select Christmas gifts . . Phoenix Process."; ffAapMa maaII am luiigci Afllnn xiucgiui aiutJvuigs . wear iiysa ucrsucu uiufica weight and color . . A box of Phoenix Hose will make a delightful gift. We'll "gift wrap" them! Other Fine The pecan tree produces two crops shade and nuts Sadie Hatfield, extension specialist in landscjDO cardonlni has nolnted oht. For west Texas the Western Schley and Burkett varieties are good to plant, whole Success and Moora are good varieties of pecan trees for the Gulf coastal and eastern parts of the State, she Whitman's FalrUII, our customers say it's the finest box of candy t 1 lb) In Yi, 1, 2, 3 and Mb. sizes. Othtf WhUmavti pathag.tftU X up. iep 100 pair 10.95 Coats Reported Whitman's Sampler, the belt known box of candy In the world, a gift in the new 5 size. Also $1.50, 13.00 and 7.J0 BaaBaaSaa. Chiffon Hose assortment at chen demonstrator. The Club will have their Christmas meeting December 10 at the club house. Each one will bring a gift, candy and fruit. forgeous . PHOENIX i A group of new California tweeds . . The biggest value in years. Coats make thrilling gifts for any woman. They're the basis of her holiday costurne. Fine woolens, newest styles best colors . . Choose from this grand cil Delegate. Tho demonstrators elected were: Mrs. L. M. Bass, Home Food Supply; Mrs .Jno. L. Grindstaff, Kit- Symptows Battery Charge 50c Starters and Generators Repaired or Exchanged . S for Gifts! n; , per year GIVE HER SEVERAL PAIRS Coats The Josselet H. D. Club met Tuesday November 26 and elected the following officers for the coming year: President, Mrs. Ray Cathron; Mrs. L. M. Bass; Secretary. Mrs. John L Grlndstaff; Reporter, Mrs. S. G. Perrin; Treasurer. Mrs. J. V. Per-riMrs. J. P. Perrin, Parliamentarian; Mrs. C. A. Thomas, Coun- America's finest confections, handsomely direct to us from 'decorated packages the makers! $3.50 ll Again we're ready to play Santa Claus to this entire trade territory of Christmas merchandise, . . . Bigger land better assortments Practical and useful gifts for everybody in the home. All attrac- tively arranged in an atmosphere of good cheer. Come ! See our . . . Get the real Christmas spirit store in ital Christmas "Dress-up- " as you mingle with happy salespeople, all anxious to serve you. Women's Tailored Drops Here's "tops" in Christmas candy Volt Radio Batteries Charged 2 BHLaHat 666 MH91bVbK0V-bb- Haskell, Texas BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaalaaBaVBaaaaal ct CHOCOLATES Ross Electric Co. SbI ItflSfQ afaw " - While no figures arc available KILLS DOE WITH ANTLERS on the number of hunters killed Antlered doe, a freak of nature, or wounded In Texas during the hunting season, veteran observers are killed occasionally in Texas. in the Game Department said re- One weighing nearly 100 pounds cently that there are considerably and having pronged antlers was and shot by a San Antonio hunter in fewer accidents in woods fields than there were a decade the Hill Country recently He is having the head mounted. ago. The Game Department wages STARTS SPECKLED TROUT an intensive campaign each year RESEARCH to prevents accidents. Hints on The biologist for the marine how to handle guns arc given sportsmen and wardens arc con- Texas Game Department will soon stantly warning hunters to handle start research on speckled trout, an excellent sport fish which is their firearms with care. Ver-ne- Vice-Preside- far from being as plentiful on the . alllnrnrl likelv Commercial fMlaT- Texas coast as It was ten years men will offer Uttlo objection dw to that tho market fcr ago. The biologist, which Is being trouttheis fact so syorndlc that thy im equipped with a boat, will study it necessary to create a market all phases of trout anl hopes to every time there Is a good run oc ascertain their habits, the type of trout. owater and hays In which they breed best and other data bearing "If we can afford several on their number along the Texas dred dollars a year to educate coast. child, we can afford 10 doUs Jt Is possible coastal residents year to keep that child physcar-of Texas will cause a bill to be fit for study," Mllo Perkins, Marketing? proposed before the legislature at minlstrator, Surplus its next session to take speckled Administration, said recently fcx trout off the market. It Is con- - talk on tho school lunch program. TRAPPING STILL SUCCESSFUL Despite the fact there is more natural food for deer In South, west Tcxns than there has been for many winters, trapping of deer by the Texas Game Department by use of new, individual traps continues to be successful. The first three weeks of trapping brought 151 deer into the traps. They are transported to areas suitable for raising deer, but from which they have been shot out. tThe new traps, of which the Game Department will soon put all Its 122 in operation, catch one deer at a time. However, the bucks and docs, taken on lands where the supply Is too large for the food available, do not injure themselves In these new traps. The traps arc baited with cottonseed cakes and apples, which deer consider great aeucacies. - eg ' 9m?' 4 m THE HASKELL FREE PKEM fotm Jo Evelyn Russell and Haiel Sanderson Arc Married On Friday Miss Jo Evelyn Russell of chester and Hazel Sanderson Ruamy dab Has B Media and Cheral Practice Thrs4ay T. E. L. Class Has Business Meeting and Christmas Party, blew The Harmony Club met in tho Baptist church on Thursday evening of last week for a business ''meeting and choral practice. In the absence,, of the director, Mrs Bert Welsh, "Mrs. Leo Djincan directed the practice. In the evening the members sang several choruses in connection with the union 'Thanksgiving service for all the churches. On Wednesnay evening of this week club members sane a num ber of Christmas carols as a part of the Christmas program sponsored by the Magazine Club and merchants of the city. The following carols were sung with Mrs. M. H. Post accompanist and Mrs Bert Welsh director: It Came Up. on xne Midnight Clear and O Little Town of Bethlehem Two cornet numbers were given by Mr. Meacham and three of his pupils. In A Land Where We'll Never Grow Old and Farther Along, Joy To The World, There's A Song In The Air and Hark The Herald Angels Sing by the club The entire crowd joined in singing Silent Night. As a closing number Mrs. Welsh sane God Bless America with all joining in the chorus. Members who took part are as follows: Mcsdamcs Carl Arbuckle T. C. Cahill. Sam Chapman, Leo Duncan, Calvin Henson, Tommye Hawkins, Ira Hester, W. A M H. Post. Carl Power, W P. Ratliff, F. M. Squyrcs, Frank Scott. Jno. Willoughby, B M. Whiteker. Bert Welsh, V. M Wilson, C L. Lewis, D. Scott, Covell Adkins, J. T Ellis, H R. Whatlcy. Dr. Gertrude Robinson and Mr. Meacham. In 11)37:38, com production in the United States was five times tjnat of all Latin America To make the best grade of butter, a homemaker should never fill the churn more than lf full. The home of Mrs. Hugh Watson was the scene for a very happy occasion Tuesday evening at seven o'clock! when the T. E. L Class met for a business and the annual Christmas party. The home was very attractive with Christmas decorations, mistletoes and vases of lovely snapdragons The business meeting was held at the beginning of the program which was followed with the singing of hymns by the group led by Mrs. J. M. Littlcfield with Mrs D. Scott at the piano Several readings were given by Maxine PerJosephine Parrish due and Sue Quattlebaum gave a vocal duet Marigene Sellers sang as a solo, Silent Night. Mrs Cretin Brooks gave the rending devotional. After the scriptures, she told a very beautiful and impressive Christmas story- In the srcial hour that followed, gifts were distributed from the tree with every one present receiving a gift. Mrs Watson's group served refreshments of cherry pic with whipped cream and coffee to the following members and visitors: - Wedding of Popular Mattgon Couple Solemnized On November 27 Woman's Missionary Society of Baptist Church Observing Week of Prayer So The Women's of cicty of the Baptist Church is Welnert were united in marriage having a week of prayer, n ob Friday. November 15 at the home servance or tnc lxhuc moon They have of the Rev. H. N. Mlze, pastor of Christmas offering, the Assembly of God Church in met in the homes of members Haskell. Attendants of the couple starting Monday with MayBclle were Miss Odella Martin and Ocic Taylor, an all day meeting in the McGulre of Rochester. home of Mrs. R. L. Burton TuesThe bride who is the daughter day, an afternoon meeting with of Mr and Mrs. W. P. Russell Mrs. Carl Power Thursday, with costume Mrs. J JM. Lttfleld Friday, chose for her wedding In with the climax of the week's a wine dress with accessories wine and black. She Is a Senior work to be given Sunday night In the Rochester Public Schools at the church service. Miss May New Belle Taylor will be in charge of and previously attended Mid school. that program which will present The groom Is the son of Mi and a pageant. Mrs. C. R. Sanderson of the Curry In the meeting Tuesday, the Chapel cvtnmunity. He received ladles brought a covered dish for his education In the Rule and the lunch hour The day was spent Welnert schools having graduated in quilting and arranging a gift from the latter with the class of shower for the nursery of Buck-ne- rs 1939. Orphan Home, Mrs. I. N. Simmons was director of the study Cub Scouts Have Regular period of the book The Prince of Meeting In Home of Peace. Several members gave inDen Mother teresting parts on the program. Those present for the day were: The Cub Scouts met at the Mmes. Jim Fouts, D J. Pearce, I home of the Den Mother Friday N Simmons,. John A. Couch, R. P afternoon in the regular meeting. Glenn, H. R. Whatlcy, Ed Fouts, The Den Songs were sung and the Jim Bailey, R J. Paxton, Merle Laws of the Cub Pack were given Davis. J D. Tyler, H. C Cate, B The Keeper of the buck-ski- n, Er. M Whiteker. R. J. Reynolds, John vin Frierson read the minutes of Ellis, Charlie Quattlebaum, Jim the last meeting The Cubs prac Crawford, George Herren, R. C ticed on a skit from Scouts to Couch. Joe Maples, Sam A. Robthe Rescue to be given at a Pack erts, Ed Cass, Charles Smith, V. meeting The handwork was fin A. Brown. Tefteller and R. L ishing the tepee started at the Burton, Misses Ida Crawford and last Den meeting and prepared May Belle Taylor, pop corn balls to be sold. Outdoor o games concluded the program for Cubs Have Regular Meeting the afternoon. In Home of Den Field executive Jack Vogel and Mother Mrs. Vogel were present for the meeting with the following Cubs: The Cubs met at the home of Ervin Frierson, Collins and Billy their den mother Frinay afterBob Welsh, Billy Ray Lusk, BobUy noon.. The meeting was opened Kirkpatrick, Rajah Hassen, La. with Cubs repeating the laws of molne Ivey, Rex and Glenn Power the Cub pack and singing Cub and Den Mother Mrs Carl Power song The keeper of the, buck-ski- n Kim-broug- Meeting- The Parent-Teache- r's Dennis Chapel II. D. Club Meets In Home of Mrs Craddock . Thursday Say Haskell North Ward Tho Dennis Chapel H. D. Club Association will met in the home of Mrs. Dan meet Thursday afternoon, December 12 in the North Ward gymnasium. Mrs. E. M. Frierson Is director of tho program on The Wise Use of Leisure Time. Appearing on the program will be Mrs. R, L. Burton who will discuss Tho Home As A Cultural Center, Mrs Ada Rikc giving Tho School As A Community Center and the Rev. Clifford Williams discussing The Community Recreation Program. A Christmas program number will be presented by pupils In the Sixth Grade. Craddock for an all day quilting lady on, November ,28th. Each brought a covered dish which was at noon. A most enjoyable day was spent. Three visitors and thirteen members were present. Visitors were: Mmes. Ford Tom Webb. Mary Bohanon. Members nrcsent were: Mmes. Ruby Frccby, Earl Llvengood, , W, O. Campbell, Eulln Compbell,-HR. Bettls. Jack Bettls, Fred Ay. cock, Theo Barton, T. C. Beason, Tolbert Beason, Cecil Hutcninsun Guy Marshall, Dan Craddock. Honoree At Gift Shower Mrs. Lloyd Tidwell Hostess For Meeting of Hob-No- b Club Wal-dri- I D. o Mrs. Milton Gllberth of Abilene formerly Miss Wllma Pearl Reld of this city was named honoree at a gift shower in the home of Mrs. C. T. Aaron recently. Hostesses with Mrs. Aaron were Mrs. E. V Reld, Mrs. A. J. Roberts and Mrs. Sterling Edwards. A color scheme of yellow, green and white was used in party appointments, Forty guests registered in the bride's book, a hand made gift of Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Lloyd Tidwell was hostess for the regular meeting of the Club Tuesday Novemb ber 26, when eight members were present for the business program and a delightful afternoon's entertainment, climaxed with the serving of refreshments by the present were: hostess. Members Mcsdamcs Ralph Merchant, Olln Patterson, BUI Johnson, Fred Gilliam, Albert Plttman, Melvln Miller, Ray Lusk, Nig Bartlctt and Reporter the hostess. Hob-No- It With Books from the scj-ve- o Mrs. Milton Gllberth Is oi no r this Christmas! Hutto Burl Duncan, a Hutto school boy Is improving from an injury that resulted In a broken arm. Tho arm IS still not in a condition to be set at tho present time. Mrs. Charlie Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stephens of Gainesville visited in the home of Mr, and Mrs. C, N. Scoggins recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Day were Vera and Gorcc visitors over tho week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pack of y. s Patterns In Shirts Make This a 1 J ! Give Useful Gifts Men's Shirts All new styles SILK GOWNS Plain, Tailored and Lace Trimmed 79c to $1.95 - '- .Every style and material that's new. The colors are beautiful. Beautiful selection Nylon and 2 and 3 thread chiffon. The newest shades . . Pajamas Princess Slips You will have to see these Ladles and children's Slips, crepe satin and jersey. All to appreciate them. Plain tailored styles in Rollins and Loraine. $1.98 25c to 50c House Coats An ideal gift. All sizes and all wanted materials. Beautiful materials and newest styles. Ladies House Coats in up to ?e.95 59c Out-of-to- An Ideal Gift 59c up to $1.98 up to $3.98 Blankets ut Men's Dress Sox sizes. the price will suit anyone. - j" $1.98 up to $5.95 up to $1.50 49c - iy Ladies Robes Silk Hose 24, I - Parent-Teacher- 's To-Hav- The Mattson H. D. Club met on Friday, November 29 to elect officers for the ensuing year and to draw names for Christmas. There was such a few there we decided to wait until next time to draw names so every club tho Sunset community visited in member is urged to be present. the home of his mother, Mrs. Pack Officers elected were as follows: last week end. LaVe'rine Day received a knee Mrs. Edward Newton, president; injury while playing volley ball Mrs Henry Smith, Mrs, Aaron. r, Mrs at O'Brien recently. Cliff o Refreshments carrying out the Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adkins visitChambcrlin; Reporter, Mrs. Ver- color scheme were served to the Tcjas Girl Scouts Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carmack non Buckley. ed guests. Have Meeting Sunday. Those present were: Mcsdamcs o Nov. 30th Ruby Matthews, Frank NIckclson, Evalcnc Anderson o John McGulre, Henry Smith, John Tramall Wed Fridayand Gordon The Tcjas Girl Scouts met on Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bryan and Mayfleld, Hub Merchant, Vernon Afternoon November 30, 1940. Their leader daughters, Barbara and Dolores Buckley, Cliff Chamberlain. was not there, but they carried spent the week end with her parReporter nicely. very meeting out the Miss Evalcno Anderson and Mr. relatives In Ausother and ents o BartDean present were: Gordon Tramall were quietly Those the football attended They tin. Nancy Billic Bob Welsh Celebrates married Friday afternoon. The lctt, Eddie Bess Fouts, Thursday. city game In that Birthday Tenth bride wore a costume of royal Hills, Mary Wilson, Wanda Joyce Wednesday blue crepe trimmed with white Neal, Margaret Morris and Miland used white and black acces- dred Chapman and Earlenc Pear-se- wmtsnmifmmGfGfmtmm Mrs. Bert Welsh entertained her sories. She is the daughter of Mrs. son Billic Bob, on his 10th birth- J. W. Anderson of Old Glory. o day Wednesday, December 4 th J. C. Davis and Mary Emma Mr. Tramall is from Old Glory with a party in the afternoon in- at the present time having come Whltaker visited friends H Ausviting a few of his friends as there recently from California. tin during the holidays and saw guests. After various games were They plan to make their home the football game Thanksgiving S played the guests were invited to in California. Day. i New the dining room where the birth-dii- y cake with Iced drinks was Dress served. Tops were given as favors. Those present were: Alton Ray Hooten, Lamoine Ivey, Marvin Hancock, Billie Ray Lusk, Bobbie Neal Smith. Bobbie Kirkpatrick, Rex and Glenn Power, Ervin Frierson. Don Nanny, Charles Smith, Rajah Hassen, James Dod1 son, Jimmie McMlllen, Collins and Rosemary Welsh. vice-preside- SALE! J Association 0, 1040 Secretary-Treasure- Mmes. J C Sparks. Al Cousins. D. Collier. H C. Cate, Sam A. Roberts, D. J Pearce, John A Couch, R E. DcBard, Emma Yan-ti- s, Nora Tefteller. B. M. Whita-ke- r. Angle Herren, Linna Cunningham. R J. Paxton, Cretia h, George Herren, Brooks, Ada Stuart, Leon Gilliam, J A. Bailey, K D. Simmons. C. A. Merchant, J. Sides, J. W. Martin. Pauline Malone, o John Lambkin, John Ervin Frierson read the minutes Ellis, R C Couch, D Scott, J M. May Belle Circle and Naomi of the last meeting, The advanceLittlefield. Misses Ida Craw Bible Class Have Joint ment of the Cubs was recorded on ford. Josephine Parrish. Annie Thanksgiving Meeting the Anvancement Ladder. Each Bess Gilliam. Maxine Perdue. Sue Cub is working on the achieveQuattlebaum, Marigene Sellers, The May Belle Circle and ment required in each rank. The Mary Lois Littlefield and tho hos Naomi Bible Class met Tuesday handwork was directed by Den tess, Mrs. Watson evening November 26 at the Bap Chief, Dan McClintock. A Christo tist Church in a joint Thanksgiv- mas present for their dads was Cub Scouts Have Meeting ing meeting Mrs. C M. Conner started. The Cubs will call at all one-haAt City Hall On program opened the with a homes for used toys and will Monday prayer Miss May Belle Taylor repair them for the Community gave an inspirational devotional Christmas tree. Monday evening of last week on Thanksgiving. Following the Cubs present Pre-Christmwere: Ervin as all Cub Scouts met at the City business meeting a turkey dinner Frierson, Rajah Hassen, Robert Hall in regular pack meeting The was enjoyed. Leo and Billy Duncan, Bobby Cub Master, C. E. Smith presided Those present for the occasion Kirkpatrick, Billy Ray Lusk, for the meeting Opening number were: Mmes. H R. Whatley, E. C Charles Crandall. Edwin Gentry. on the program was the group Cass, H L. Renfro, Ben Roberts, Rex and Glenn Power ann the singing of God Bless America Lark Jones, Buck Kendrlck, C M Den Chief, Dan McClintock and Each Den Mother was introduced Conner, Sam Parks, Jess Barton, Den Mother, Mrs. Carl Power. Nelly Dons On Sale who in turn introduced her Cubs Jim Crawford, Jim Tyler, O. R. o Reg. $10.95 S6.83 Special recognition was given to Lewis, M, O. Walter Rogers, Day Observed By Reg. $7.95, $6.50, $4.88 $4.88 two Cubs, Ervin Frierson who Bouldln, Trav Everett, Trenton Harvest Society of Reg. $3.95 $2.98 was presented a Wolf Badge with Everett, Jessie Sects, Jack Rat- Woman's Christian Service (Sizes 10 to 42) the gold and silver" arrow points, liff, V A. Brown, Raymond Lusk. jTJV One Group of Dresses, and Rex Power who was present- Jimmy Thompson, Jack Johnson, day Harvest was observed 'by Reg. $1655 ... $11.44 ed a Bear Badge with gold and Charles Smith, Joe Maples, 3bhn the Woman's Society of Christian ackard, Madame Renau Vj silver arrow points. These boys touts, a. A. Jones, Merle Davis, Service of the Methodist Church Misses Fannie that were given these awards because Lloyd Tidwell, ize Dresses for women The business session was iare youthful. Sizes 16Vi to they had completed the electlves Roberts, Lucy FPool and May Monday. conducted by the president, Mrs, reg. $12.95 $8.88 and special electlves to earn them. Belle Taylor, H. M. Smith. o Reg. $10 95, $8.95 $4.88 There has been a new Den orThe two treasurers. Mrs. C. L. ganized with Mrs F L. Peavy as Ltllle Marie Zellsko Becomes Small sizes 9 to 15 Lewis and Mrs. T. C. Cahill were Bride of San Angelo New Shipment Carten Lingerie, Den mother. directors. Mrs. Lewis gave the dePajamas, Gowns, Panties See November having been desig- Man November 14th votional taken from Luke 4:5-- 8, these for gifts. nated us Book Month, the Cubs of Llllle Marie Zelisko, the daugh which gave the task set for stew Holiday Robes Are Here each Den gave a skit from the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Zelisko ardship. Give of Your Best To book he had read. Then the handi$2.98 to $14.95 Master, was sung. Mrs. W. A. work from each Den was display- became the bride of William M. The $1.00 to $1.98 House Shoes Kimbrough led the prayer. PosLehnert of San Angelo, Texas on ed. Larkwood Hosiery Specials Spiritual Value Plans were made for the next November 14. The ceremony was sessionsTheir Vamp toe, mystery twist in all In Kingdom Building was given meeting. in Seymour, Pack read 20 December at at the Texas the Unew colors 2 pair $1.49 City Hall Field executive, Jack Sacred Heart Church by Rev. by Mrs. Wallace Cox, 'dllOO 3 thread (Extra The treasurers gave their yearVogel urged the Cubs to attend Paul Mosler Length) pair 79c ly reports. The conference treameetings regularly and to invite The bride wore a soldier blue surer, B5c 3 thread, pair 69c Mrs. Cahill hopes to have parents to the Pack meetings A. dress with black accessories and (2 Pair $1.35) in all the pledges by the first of D. corsage a McCllntock, Scout of of Master white carnations. 9c 2 thread, pair 79c January. Troop 35 urged the boys to go The attendants were Mr. and (2 pair $1.49) Mrs forward in Claus their work Lehnert. Reg. $1 152 thread Mystery Those present were- Cubs Billy Following the ceremony a re- Rainbow Sewing Club $1.00 Twist (Box 2.85) Ray Lusk. Rex and Glenn Power. ception was held in the home of Meets With Mrs. Close-oon one group Ethel Byrd Billy and Robert Leo Duncan, La- - the bride's parents. $1.00 Hats (2 95 to 5 00) mome Ivy Don Peavy. James guests were Mrs Frances Lehnert The regular meeting of the Dodson. Bobby and Charles Smith, and Adam Lehnert of Rowena; Jack McClintock; Den Chiefs Dan Mr and Mrs. Claus Lehnert of Rainbow Sewing Club was held Tuesday in the home of Mrs. McClintock and Leon Dodson, San Angelo, Texas. Cub Master, C E. Smith and Den The couple will live in the Wall Ethyl Byrd with Mrs, W H. Pennington and Mrs Alvls Byrd actMother Mrs Smith, Mr. and Mrs community ing as hostesses in her absence. E M Frierson, Carl Power and Tonkawa Hotel Bldg. o A short business session Den Mother Mrs Power, Mr and .V. Y. A. Girls Hold Council Haskell, Texas was held and Mrs, W. E. Johnson gave Mrs A. D McCllntock. Mrs. Leo Meeting Tuesday ELMA H. GUEST. Owner some very Interesting answers to Duncan and Jack Vogel Evening questions from our question box. After games were directed by N. Y A girls held a counI AAAMAAMWVMAAMAAMrtAAAAAi rfMWMWWWWWW cilThe meeting at the resident center Mrs. Josselet a refreshment plate Tuesday evening of this week with was served to the following: borrowed Jrom grandmother Jesse Josselet, Walter Rotheir supervisor, Mrs J M Gil-strin charge. New officers gers, W. E, Adkins, W. E, Johnelected were Frances Frank Denison, son, Frank Kirkpatrick, kf president, Jerry Brazelle. secre- Kenneijy, B. T. Clift, Harold tary; Willie Mae Kelley, publicity Kirkpatrick, W. H. Pennington, cnairman; Maxine Maley, Doris Alvis Bird and Don Pennington The demurest nightgown in One group of Hats louver and Robbie Joe Tolivpr and Robert Bird. the world ... with braid trimReg $1.98 and $2.98 The Christmas party will be social committee; Vernell Bunkin, ming and little buttons down mejma uuneson and Emma Jean December 16 in the home of Mrs. the front of the Ixxlice. Long Harold Kirkpatrick Nelson, program committee. sleeved, with a sash to tie Assistant Reporter for a Christmas social o were made. After singing songs, in the back. Of kitten soft One Lot Dresses Special me meeupg was adjourned brushed Ikmberg Reg. $6.98 to $10 98 to Rainbow Sewing Club Entertained meet each Tuesday evening at the in iiome or Mr. and Mrs. in pastel colors, & Harold Kirkpatrick center. 14 to 20. J North Ward The marriage of Miss Margaret Oldham and Harris Robertson, popular young couple of the Matt-so- n community, was solemnized at Benjamin, Texas, Thursday November 27th. They were accom panied to Benjamin by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patton of Gorcc. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oldham, and is a popular member of the Senior Class of Mattson rural high school, member of the pep squad and tho staff of the Mattson Round.Up, schooi newspaper. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robertson. He attended Pleasant Valley and Welnert schools. The couple will make their home in the Mattson community. o Mattson II. D. Club Elects Officers At Meeting Friday Missionary Ro- Frltlny December $1.00 up to $3.98 The Personality Shoppe J Mes-dem- Fall $2.95 o mj Mff& All Fall Skirts On Special Sale Mrs. Marvin Bryan Is Hostess For Bridge Club Tuesday 15 coats In this lot. All new Fall pat- es 11 nit JplNiS J2r KJ specials ror of the Rainbow Sew $2.98 An Idea terns. Beautiful styles and materials. $12.75 values. Gift $1.98 to $8.25 i" 2M m . ..AW" v IT. fc " .t t. SB $2.98 Dresses itePe ..ve rO oa ttw"m. " -- vi. -.i .. -mtl0X v ocYl O"' ..V 1 Ladies Dresses and Winter Unions Good Weight Misses at real bar- 79c 2 pair gain prices. A style for everyone. Values to $8.95. To close out V" sov trtvl . iV VT A ing ciun entertained their hus V .ftCe" a to Danas rnursday evening in the ... S1' home of Mr. and Mrs. Hmin Mrs. Marvin Bryan was hostess Kirkpatrick with a Thanksgiving Values to $4.98 for Tuesday afternoon entertalnin members of the RriHiro rMnH fin. Guests were greeted nt th rWr sonal decorations were used for Dy me nostess and Mrs. Lester the party with a tray of fruit Fore and were given New Prices On All lighted with tiny candles used as corsages of fall flowers. different Partners Mojud Hosiery for tho games of forty-tw- o the table centerpiece. were thread $1.00 found by $1.152 iwrs jynesi KimDrough matching the corsages. won Members present included: Mr. 89c high socre prize for club members $1.002 thread SI. 00 3 thread 79c and Mrs, A, A. Bradford high and Mrs Walter Rogers, Mr and for guests Refreshments were i.ua. jcsae josselet, Mr. and Mrs. Nylon $1.35 served to the following Mmes. A. Lester Fore, Mr. and Mrs, Frank E. McMlllen, Jack Mlckle, Walter Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. E. Johnson. .ueri weisn, Vncst iwrs tmy, uyra and Mrs n T Kimbrough, T W. Williams, Ben Clift Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Totsy Charlie Chapman. William TLnL. North Side Square lltl, Ralph Duncan. A. A. Brad Johnson, Mrs. Ethyl Hunt, 'Mrs saiuraay cniy W. H. Pennington, Miss Elm ford. John A. Willoue-hband iM Griffin and Mrs. Tobe Griffin nenry AtKejsoa. I v for $1.88 , JONES Exira well made. Children'8 Dresses Special About 25 of these lovely little dresses. All regular $1.98 to g" S2.50 values ad DRY ;,. $1.35 Dress Pants I muji-iHMjn- m toW- Members All New Patterns Just $1.28 $5.98 Sport Shirts Coats ap Special Vanity 'Jair Beautiful New GOODS, The Cash Store "AH sizes.- - p 1 uf 8 Inc. Grissom Building imammm)MptmMitMtjpi fA' wt 'W L,...,,.J,:il.,"i'jjjiMiiiiimiii iiiii,iii iicjv.w TB1" Friday December 0, 1040 THE HASKELL FREE PRESS tltMXWtWWtXXltWWlWM CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST J. G. Malphurs, Minister One of the greatest mysteries in the book of Revelation is the mark, or the number, tof the boast of the thirteenth chapter. It likely has received more anxious study from various scholars than any other part of this symbolical book. By our Lord putting the name of man In symbolic language, rather than in actual spelling with letters, Ho doubtlessly saved the persecution. church from some Since the message of Revelation is addressed to the church and for the servants of Lord (Ch. ), it is up to them to make a study of the symbols and to interpret the number of the beast. That the Lord expected at least a few of the saints to be able to find the number of the beast, and to inform others, is clearly implied in the 18th verse of this 13th chapter: "Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast". "The Num ber of the Beast" will be our subject for the. evening hour, 7:15 Come and help us count his number, 660, and find what name In history should be given to the beast. 1:1-3- I 1 2H MiJttW B J AT FOUTS w Dry Goods and Variety ai BEDSPREADS AND BLANKETS ember 7 for the Fall meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 A. M. and lost until 3:00 P. M. All Future Homemakers of Haskell, Stonewall, King and Throckmorton counties aro Invited to attend. Sandwiches, drinks and candy will be served. Baptist Missionary Society The members of tho W. M. S. met at the Baptist Church Monday, December 2nd at 4:00 p. m. for the study of the book "Publishing Glad Tidings" which was very Interestingly taught by Mrs. D. Van Pelt. Song "Revive Us Again" was The Lord's the opening song. Prayer was given in unison. The W M. S. observes the Week of Prayer on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mmes Omen, Vern Dorr, Bailey Guess, J. F. Cadenhcad, R. H. Jones, G. C Newsom, D. Van Pelt, I J. Duff and Garland Davis were present. Family Reunion In Oklahoma Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Ross and Mrs. Josle Price of Haskell, the mother of Mrs. Ross were Joined by other children of Mrs, Price from Fort Worth and other places where they met in a son's home near Duncan, Okla., and celebrated their mothers' birthday with a Thanksgiving dinner. Relatives Gather In Home of Mrs. Brown Mrs. Pearl Brown entertained the following relatives a for Thanksgiving dinner Thursday: "Mr nnH Mre Vrttinrf nA "Mr Mrs Bonnie Young and son, Mrs Paul Shirley, all of Avoca. Mrs.' W. T. Vaden of Wichita Falls, Mr and Mrs W L Johnson and sons Jack and Russell. Mrs M. M Cobb of Rockdale spent Tuesday In tho home of Mr and Mrs. T. L Hawkins. It is hog killing week in Weinert Neighbors are dividing with those who have no hogs to kllL Sausage, spare ribs and backbone tastes fine this cool weather Mrs. Hawkins, mother of Mr T. L. Hawkins has returned from the sanitarium where she went for of an injured shoulder Dallas- Largo assortment in beautiful new designs in all popular sur , colors. These are ideal gifts for the home, and you'll be prised at their extremely low prices. I Meeting- X-ra- ys - Listed hero arc only a, few, of the many bargains wo offering you will find hundreds more in our storel of Future Home-make- rs Tho, next meeting will be In the lovely country home of Mrs. To Be Held The district meeting of the Fu- Fred Monke on December 5. The ture Homcmakers will bo held program will be a continuation of with the Wclncrt Chapter, Dec- the study of Texas. District FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Young People's Revival Meeting Kenneth W. Copeland, Pastor Is Postponed J. C. Davis, Jr, Church School people's revival Tho young Superintendent meeting which was to begin at the Baptist church on December 1 The First Methodist Church had to be postponed on account brings to a close the week of spc. of the illness of Rev Short's wife call services Sunday evening, Dec. of Rochester who will hold the 8. The series was begun Sunday, meeting beginning Sunday, DecMr. W. B. Stephens and Mr December 1. Of special interest ember 8. Elmo Crumpler of Anson were is the Young People's Service guests of Mrs. G. L Walker and which Is planned for Friday evenMr. and Mrs. Milton Walker. Woman's Society of Christian ing, 7:00 o'clock, December 6th. Mr. H. A Marsh has returned Service The pastor's sermon subject for Monday, December 2nd fifteen from a visit to relatives In this special service will be "The members of the W. S. C. S. met -Ned Right Man For Times Like These." at the Methodist Church. After Rich, a son of Mr. and It is hoped that many of the the opening song played by Mrs Mrs. H R Rich is hero from Rio parents and other adults will at- Marsh and led by Mrs. P. F. Wei- Grande City Visiting relatives. tend this service also. After the nert, Mrs. Ross led in prayer. A Mmes. Henry Monke, R. H. worship service in the auditorium brief business meeting was con- Jones. Misses Jew Williams, the young people will retire to ducted by the president. Emma Mae Smith, Beatrice Weithe basement of the Church where Mrs. Ernest Griffith directed nert were shopping in Stamford the pastor and Mrs. Copeland will the Worship program. "A Service Tuesday. direct a period of fellowship of Dedication" with Mmes. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Everett Medley There will be no services Satur- Bird Jr., Harry Bettis and J. W. were surprised with a group of day or Saturday evening. Sunday Medley assisting. Mrs. J. V. Per. relatives who came with morning the pastor will begin a rln gave the topic for the day baskets and spent the day series of sermons leading up to "Investing Our Heritage In So- together They were: Mr and Mrs Christmas on the general theme, cial Evangelism". Mrs G. L. Walk- H. F. Medley, Mr. and Mrs Cecil "His Name Shall Be Called." The er played the prayer song, "Take Jones and children, Mr and Mrs. Sunday evening services begin- My Life and Let It Be" with the Marvin Teaff and children, Mr. ning at 7:00 o'clock, give oppor- members singing. Dismissal by and Mrs Archie B. Teaff and tunity for the .congregation to join Mrs. P. V. Perrin. children. Mrs. H. A. Marsh and in a general period of inspirationTho next meeting will be on children al singing. The pastor will bring December 2nd at 2:00 with Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. D A. Ross trans. the message following the period P. J. Josselet chairman of the acted business in Abilene Tuesof singing. Spiritual Life committee direvt-in- g day. Mr. and Mrs. J. V Perrin were a Spiritual Life, program. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH December 16th the monthly so recent visitors to relatives in Decial will be held with Mrs. Harry catur. Bible, School 9:45 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davidson Bettis, Mrs. Jack Bettis, Mrs. H. Preaching and . Communilon A. Marsh, Frank Ford and Preston were in Stamford Monday. 10:45 A. M. Weinert,. hostesses. There will be '.Mmes. Ernest Griffith, Sam Preaching 7:00 P. M. a quilt to make, a Christmas tree Bird Jr., Pauline McBeth and Announcement was made this with gifts for all 'chums and Clay Griffith were In Ahllono An week that Harold P. Lockwood. chums will be revealed at this Monday night to hear Mrs. Frank- of Fort Worth, Texas, would time. ,1. .Kooseveit's speech. preach next Lord's Day. Mr. Otis Taylor who spent last Mr. Those present were: Mmes. ErLockwood comes to Haskell high- nest Griffith, P. F. Weinert, D. A. week in the Stamford Sanitarium ly recommended as a preacher of Ross, Georgia Bell Parsons, Sam is convalescing at his home in the Gospel, and the members of BirdiJr., H. A. Marsh, J. W. Med- the Lone Star community. the congregation cordially invite ley, Everett Medley, Harry Bettis, Mr. Elmo Cure assistant coach the public generally to hear him. Jack Bettis, J. P. Josselet, D. M. of McMurry College, Abilene and Baird, J. V. Perrin and H. Wei- his father. Mr. J. O. Curo nf TW- CHRISTMAS PAGEANT WILL nert. ' ,ner were In Weinert Saturday. BE PRESENTED AT THE ut. ana Mrs. j. f. Cadenhead PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Annual Love Feast Celebrated . were in Abilene Wednesday. Their The Weinert Matron's Club held son Frank of H. S. U. returned Sunday night December 8 at its annual Thanksgiving love feast with them for tht Thanksgiving 7:00 o'clock a Christmas pageant Friday in the home of Mrs. Sam holidays. "Abide With Me" will be pre- Bird Jr. sented at the Presbyterian church. Guests were Mrs. Elmo Cure of Directors of the pageant are Abilene, iMrtv Ernest Ingram, Misses Mildred Vaughan and Hefner, Mrs. Ernest Griffith, Mrs. Ethel Frierson. J. F. Cadenhead, Mrs. Freeman, As background for the portray- Mrs Georgia Bell, Weinert. The al of the Christmas story, the Thanksgiving motif was carried choir will sing the lovely music out in decorations and menus. of the season. Readers will bo Lovely autumn leaves and acorns Mr. Ben Charlie Chapman and were table favors. The lunch was Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Miss Ethel served on foursome tables laid Frierson and Mrs. Belton Duncan with lovely embroidered lunch Phone 167 will be the angels, and the wise cloths, pastel pottery dishes and men will be Messrs Pete Frier- silver. Mrs. J. F. Cadenhead gave Over Night Service son, Monte Frierson and Hayden the invocation. Mrs. Payne Hat-to- x McDonald. From entertained the group with a All are cordially invited. very interesting report of the Dallas, Fort Worth o T. F. W. C. convention which Firemen Answer Two Alarms was held recently in the State Oklahoma City and During First Part of Week club headquarters in Austin. Wichita Falls Members present were: Mmes. The fire department answered D. Van Pelt, K. H. Jones, W. D. two alarms this week to exting- Hinson Jr., Vern Derf, Biiley Pickup and Delivery uish two incipient blazes which Guess, Garland Davis, H. T. Sulcaused little damage. First alarm livan, J. V. Perrin, G. C. Newsom, called firemen to tho cotton yard Fred Monke, H. F. Monke, J. W. of tho Fouts warehouse and stor- Lisles, Bill King, J. B. King, R. age company near the Wichita P. Hattox, T. L. Hawkins. Valley depot, when two bales of cotton were discovered afire. Early Wednesday morning firemen extinguished a blaze on an unit on the roof of the building occupied by the Western Auto Associate Store on the south side ofthe square. The news is getting around The blaze apparently was caused when .a spark from a stove in that Menefee & Fouts is the the building ignited excelsior in the unit. No dambest place in town to get the age resulted to the building. . o best there is in all kinds of CARD OF THANKS We invito you to come in today and inspect the largest stock of Holiday Merchandise this store has offered in many ' years, and as a special inducement we arc offering Reduced j Prices on a number of items throughout the store. These reduc- ' tions will afford you real .savings on purchases for the entire family ana lor me home and permit you to complete your Christmas Chopping early while selections are best and prices j lowest- Weinert 12.8 CONGOLEUM RUGS Smart new patterns in Congolcum Rugs, nationally known for their high quality. Special for this week, your $4.98 choice of any 0x12 Congoleum Rug for only i woll-fill- GAS HEATERS Here's a real bargain for the homel Gas Heater, attractive finish, only Five-Radia- nt $6.95 GAME AND CARD TABLES Attractively finished, well made rabies that fold $1.39 to when not in use. Prices range from $2.48 Dishes, Glassware and Cooking Ware A complete line featuring the newest and most popular designs in China and Glassware, and1 a large assortment of ware, cooking utensils, etc., at. drastically reduced, Aluminum m i p prices. ' Men's and Boys Clothing and Shoes Special 'prices on our large stock! of Men's and Boys cloth- ing, including Men's Dress Shirts, Sweaters, Jackets, Boots, bnocs, etc.. Buy your neeos nere ana save on every purcnase. Complete Line Holiday Decorations Christmas Trees. Holiday Lighting Sets, and every con- -. ceivable type of decorations for the home and Xmas Tree. Crosley Radios and Refrigerators An ideal (rift for the home a 1941 model Crosley Radio oi Crosley Refrigerator. Sec the several models on display and plan that will enable you to let us explain the own one with a small down payment. easy-purcha- se Come in and let us help you with your Christmas Shop- ping. Buy now, as many others arc doing, and use our con. vcnlent Law-AwPlan that makes holiday shopping a plea i ay sure. FOUTS Plunkett Motor Freight Lines Dry Goods and Variety West Side Square zwwxwxtcwzw&xtKwmitwzKii POGUE Grocery and Market WE PHONE 19 DELIVER CONVENIENT PARKING SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY i 47c SUGAR 10 lbs , Duke's Smoking Tobacco,, 3 for SPUDS lglbs. WholeorHalf Hams, lb. 10c 15c . . .: 20c .., ,, Crackers, Excell, 1 lb Crustene Shortening, 4 lbs. 8c ..37 c , See Our Complete Stock of Firework . vMfyto- '.,.'!' j'tttttvife.. i. ... Tm - Pricwl Right - -t "riir iMimntrrni . if . r tit awtibi ,y.v&& i ttitt r v . . ,.uwmv.. ..jH'ftiiJ .. mmWmmmmmmWmmmlmmdSm'a, inwHMwmnim We take this means of expressing our thanks to those who were so kind during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs, W. P. Edwards. We are especially grateful for the beautiful floral offerings, ahd to Dr. E. M. Kimbrough far his untiring service. May God's richest blessings rest upon each of you is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Cagle and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. B Edwards and family; M,r. and Mrs, Charles Edwards and family; Mr and Mrs. O. C. Edwards and family; Mr, and Mrs. Will Thomas; Mrs. Loya Edwards and daughter; ' Mr. and Mrs. Asher Edwards. ltp , ; '' .. gA .. -i C- insurance. Their adjustments too are very satisfactory. , - Menefee 6 Fouts Insurance Agency . ,::,-- W LIslcs, J. B. King Thanks! in all Bakery Products Visit and Inspect our bakery lf located block north of Postofflce. I M , mmw wmwM hi Wl Q M HaskeU. Texas nCwi J lane I J. Duff Jr, vocational agriculture teacher of Peacock Is visiting hi1? parents Superintendent I. J Duff and Mrs Duff Miss Catherine Coggins of the Line btar Gas Company of Stamford spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs S L. s. JHpvw m Cog-gin- Ef 'JmmUUmwmWBKMmmt,;nY Miss Inez Medley who was operated on for appendicitis at tho Stamford Sanitarium has returned home. Mr. and Mrs C F. Omen entertained their son Mr. Frank Omen, Mrs. Omen and the children with a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Mr and Mrs H. W. Johnston have returned home from a ten day vacation to relatives in Long-vieTexas and Valliant, Okla. Mr and Mrs. M. L. Raynes Jr. who have been in Corpus Christi prospecting have returned to Wei. nert to prepare for moving there, where he has found employment Mr. A. L. Smith prominent M-idt&- druggist of Munday transacted business in Weinert Wednesday Misses Ruby Ralney, Dorenc Rich and Maurine McBeth, Frank Cadenhead and W. T. Johnson of University, Abilene, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Theron Cahlll and son Jerry and T. C Cahill visited the tatter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Long in San Antonio during the holidays They Hardin-Simmoalso went to Austin to sec the A Sc M -- Texas University football game Thursday o i u Pyeatt McCollum and Orman James Waggoner and W B. Haiv' L. Kimbrough visited friends in rison went to Austin Thanksgiv- ing Day to see the football game. Lubbock over the week end. w, ns 4Tk m fB e'w ed M.m.i.ig'i TmlfF m t9B i mm fSfEi i wi vwra Jl iKPPBtlM Vli ll jf v7 Wlmm0m -- L ESrl rr 5?lilly h i S L vS - , I f , h Del Haven TOMATOES, No. 2 can 6c White Swan or Clover Farm COFFEE, 3 lb. can . . Mexican Style "" BEANS, 15 oz. can . 69c . 6c tan can 13c Raceland Crackers, 2 lb. box . 13c SALMONS, No. Ivory 1 Clover Farm Soap, 1 Oc bars... 15c SPINACH, No. 2 can Catsup, 14oz.bot. ..9c Pure Maid 2-- C. H. B. Sour 10c PEANUT BUTTER, quart... 20p Pickles, gallon 49c Jelly, 2 lb. jar 19c COMPOUND, Early June PEAS, No. 2 can.. 10c . . Vegetole 4 lb. carton.. 34c APPLE BUTTER, 2 qts.... 2 5c Kraft's Caramels, lb Marshall Hominy K. C. ..... 3 No. 2 23c 1- -2 Baking Powder.... cans Chocolate Covered Belle of Wichita CHERRIES FLOUR 25c 25 Oz. 17c Ub 19c lfiylwwayiMiyjiaSiBCTaailgfM Margarine, lb. Cranberries, qt. Calavus, 3 for Texas Oranges, large size Fresh Cocoanuts, each Celery, large size 18c 25c lc Lemons, dozen . Pork Chops, lb. Veal Loaf Meat, lb. . Armour's Star 7c 10c Sliced Bacon, lb. 15c Chuck Roast, lb. Sunkist Beef N& - 48 lbs. . $1.29 Clever Farm i - winter months ahead. You can buy quality Clover Farm foods at your convenient Clover Farm Store. V J JVw tWlllliSmmW& It's tims for volums buying. Ws offer M WH at prices that r y canned foods this week Wkifm llmllilllir VtlMiPm Mt will permit quantity stocking for the i-- MllHMlWWfftl vMrw ffh I mm '9JilH f f jimm I is Haskell, Texas 'aJPipwbk , one-ha- fR-nhi- vi&.TBmwmmmm $ ml specialize We ilB a JH&nHH Haskell. :wjLssssssffi iiSiwlMwKW' mmmmwmmmMBmm?' rr'jrj myjm I i I'v For the liberal response indicated In the sale of Bookout's Bread, baked in our now bakery here In HaskclL If you have not already tried Bookout's Bread order a loaf from your grocer today Baked in Haskell and sold by every grocer in "Play Safe With Us" Telephone 169 j u J Mmes. and G. C Newsom were shopping In Stamford Tuesday Mr. Tom Davis and Mr. Oscar Oates of Haskell visited friends In Wclncrt Friday. Mrs. Georgia Bell returned home Thursday after a two weeks visit to relatives in Lampasas Guests In the Cadenhcad home for the Thanksgiving holidays were: Mrs. Hattle Culpepper of Palmer, Texas and Mrs Carl Stcnce and son of Abilene. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cure were guests of friends In Weinert Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Henry Monke were in Abilene for a brief visit to a sister Miss Ida Monke of Litchfield, 111, who was passing through en route to California. Mr. and Mrs. Payne Hattox visited his parents Mr and Mrs. Hattox of Hamlin Mr and Mrs. E. McBeth and daughters, Maurlne and Pauline and Clay Griffith spent Sunday In tho home nf Mr. nnH Mrc W L Johnson honoring W. T. John son on his birthday Mr and Mrs. H. W. Johnston and Mr. Julius RnnnoU spent Saturday night in the wide open spaces at Lake Kemp enjoying the nice cool breezes of the $ .jmmFm nt matter at the postofflca of March 3, 1B70. 8abscriptloa Rates .73 tx months In advance 91.80 One Year in advance Entered as second-clas- s NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Any erroaeoua reflection upon the character, reputation or standing any firm, individual or corporation will be gladly eefcracted upon being called to the attention of toe vbllabers. The dividing line between news and advertis-ta- g U the line which separates information for public interest from information which is disseminated for profit vl GEMS OF THOUGHT The man who confers a kindness should be silent concerning it; he who receives it should proclaim it. Seneca British Women In War About three million British women, from Queen Elizabeth to the humblest slum dwellers, arc organizations. now mobilized in various e These include about one woman in every four be. tween the ages of 18 and 50. Most of these women are engaged in war work not unusual for their sex, being employed as clerks." typists, telephone operators, cooks, nurses, and the like, but a large number do duty in connection with the mlltlary services and wear distinctive uniforms Queen Elizabeth is comnundant-in-chlof the service women and conducts meetings for bandage-rollin- g at Buckingham Palace Pauline Gower, daughter of a member of Parliament, who has had more than 2,000 hours in the air, heads the air transport auxiliary of women, who fly planes from the factory to the bases The Duchess of Gloucester and the Duchess of Kent, sisters-in-laof the King, are in service, the former as a commandant of air women and the latter as a Woman's Royal Naval Reserve commandant and nurse Diana Churchill, the prime minister's daughter, is also in the Naval Reserve Thecp arc about 15,000 women 'ambulance and truck drivers, 120,000 serving as wardens, 13.000 in the auxiliary fire rvice, and 25,000 in the auxiliary air force, to mention only a few of tie women's organizations performing e duties. French women in Britian have an auxiliary of their own, of which Mme. Renee Muthleu, former tennis champion, is commander war-tim- ef w air-ra- id war-tim- The overcoat of a law enforcement officer was stolen in a courtroom during a liquor case at Steubenville, O Walter Rys of Chicago, was arrested when police caught him trying to drive his automobile up the steps of an elevated car line The "giant" was a fraud being a crude statue of a man, carved out of gypsum in Idva, ahdl buried by a. practical joker in the bed of a creek near Cardiff, a hamlet near Syracuse, N. Y. The jakcr then hod the statue "discovered", and spread the news of the find far o,nd wide. That was in October, 1869. Later It was exhibited around the country as 'a "petrified man," and a good many scientific men were Inclined to believe it bo genuine imtil a Yale professor made an examination and exposed the fake. While the "giant" was in popular favor and drawing large crowds, Bannum tried to buy It to add to his collection of circus sideshow attractions When the owner named a price thought too high, Barnum proceeded to have a giant of his own made This Imitation of a fake a sort of double fake was successfully exhibited by Barnum as the Cardiff Giant, in America and abroad for several years The original "giant" received some fresh publicity some time ago owing to the fact that thr Chamber of 'Commerce of Syracuse wanted to have it brought back to that city from Iowa, where It has been resting In obscurity tor several decades So great was the sensation originally created by the giant hoax thatfthe statue has come to have a certain historical value Revealed by the FrlesT the Free Press 20. 30 40 years ago. af Years Ago Dec. 4, 1920 Monday was "turkey day" in Haskell, when head were sold by the Haskell county Turkey Growers Association for iho "max of $7,085. The deal was made through J. V. Hudson of this city representing a Fort Worth produce company Averaec nrlce paid was 30 cents per pound Clyde Grissom left Thursday on I prospecting inp to El Paso 16-)- FMplris rAtnrrm.1 - -- 1F,. $10.-00- two-oce- an PintoWali nttonrJIncr $92,-105.8- deposits $196,475 60 ? 'BUNDLES' FILM BENEFIT I j PROVES SOCIAL TRIUMPH N. Y. Bundles N EWfor YORK, Britain, Inc., last cek 30 Years Ago $j95 0. Dec. 3, 1910 The entertainment given by Mrs H R Jones and her class for the benefit of the Cemetery Association netted $20 00. Estes Elliott, who has been in the Panhandle for the past few stole a march on the Metropolimonths, has returned home Mrs R. C. Cook of Sandwich, tan Opera by arranging an open111, who owns a large farm in ing that became a major social this county, was in the city this event In advance of the Opera week. She plans to spend the aetmt, drew over 400 Hluo Book names, yielded $1 500 for charitv. ! winter in Houston and presented, In addition, the un- Misses Lucile and Annie Lydia URiiai spectacle of a potential klnBU Hughes left Friday morning for j watching the last years of his dy-- 1 Benjamin to attend a house party in"ty flash across a movie screen j,f a at Moore's Ranch. They will rej To raise funds for a mobile turn to Haskell after the Christkitchen to be sent to England.! mas holidays. 'Bundles for Britain sponsored the I American iHerbert Graves has returned to premiere of "Mayerling his home In Fort Worth after a to Sarajevo." a French film deal ,1ns with the declining ypars of few days visit with his sister, the House of Hapsburg The picMrs A J Smith and family ture was shown In an oxclusho C M Hunt and Company have cinema house before a brilliant In mocd their dry goods and millivlted audience from the host so- nery business from the east side 'clal. literary and artistic circles to the Odd Fellows building on H I It II Archduke Otto of Haps- the north side, formerly occupied nut-l-- .. llllrr? nrnfonrtAr trt tha by Dcllis Bros throne, bonded tbe lixi of patrons L.,.-- , mmSMMEMKIi The following pupils were listpremiere wlih hU prepuce ed on the honor roll of thn Cn,,v Mrs. John Lodge waru scnool for the month of rilm .Summit) Out . t . HMnifn.ll..n November- 0th and 7th Grades i.. a. wirn . .uiiToi wim lu itir.iiH.n. A dtbitante and jui, r , Estelln Sims Bessie Glenn, Elbert ohn Lodge and IMwIge Feulllere nlon'e8 In the feature roles, was one Spcloty gioup Knt funii. r color j ' French, Bonner Meadors, Labry itMmhlnEC. the .ictlnc am mi trr.n the lust films made In free Pranrn Ballard. Slb4 JoneK. Ruth .w,,. lit was smuggled out of tbo coun-- I flower, cigarette girls and nstn r.t Glodys Wright, Mabel Hayden! try Just as tbe Nazis marrhnri In Otto (lets ttciiiIon Francos Shorrlll. Pnrrin cv.mi lAs an added treat. Warner Broth- gathered Crowds outnlilo the Lilln Whitfield. Avery!, Maude 'era' dim. London Can TaUn rf." theatre for the inoetnil l'hn'ne -- I . Rnrt ..,., wicn amun, ueannie was shown by special permission raphers snapped scores of pictured ....... -- . Mvers 4th .inH mh A print of ttio latter was made especially for the IJundlos for Ilrl-- i tbe cynosuro of all ejeH as ho j Simmons Gussio Pitchford, Llllie tain benefit walked about during the Interinis- - nuuerts. manei Hurke, Pearl AnMrs John Lodge, tbo former jslon derson Connie Griffin Ora Starr Miss Francesca Oragglottl, whose) Private dlnnor parties for the Hnssie Davis, Emmett Sprowles, husband portrays the Archduke distinguished titled patron were Hubert French, Wallace Cox. Francis Tenilnand In tbe .Mayer- - given both before and after the On last Thtirsrinv nloM nr.. nr ling picture, headed tbo Ilundles performance Mr. Harry Bull, F. Rupe and Miss Annie Morgan lor Li run I II COinmlflpn which nr editor of "Town nnrt f!nnnrrv " .n. ranged and directed tbe benefit. tertafned the Arcbduko ut dinner were married Tho ceremony was uy isfjuiro J s. Post. Stewart-noddlV Col C V n . In his Now Vork home before the The school at Whit's Chapel bo. ? recently returned from London, show. After tbe theatr. Mm. presented the Archduke Otto to Clark Williams, with Mr. Lodge, can November 21 with Miss Louise audience. Constanco gave a reception and supper in tbe Farlev as tenrhor fthe premiere r Delovea Blnr of t"e Rnsllsh itainoow itoom or itockereller V il Considerable cotton remains to acted mistress of cure--1 Center. J be gathered in Haskell county and Toble Lamps BLACK-DRAUGHT- BBiKwBiHlBBBWr V r!-o- .i.. I crowd of visitors V G Onstead and family left ednesday for Guide, Ellis county, where Mr. Onstead goes to accept a business proposition that will pay him better than his em- e. t & f-- ,.eW-v VX$JbbiaBLAj,. j , . . ,. .ki. FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS Now 4, time 20 to 34 years. Land Bank Commis. sioners Loans now time 10 to 20 years. Dr. Arthur A. Edwards W. H. McCandless, Secty-TreaHASKELL, TEXAS HASKELL. TEXAS tAMMMWfe v t 5, National Farm Loan Association Office Optometrist Eyes Tested . . . Glasses Fitted Magnetic Masseur ..i.k.& jWBMi I ployment here. u r&- -' BBBH . 1 J ' EBB 1- -2 - fi.L up 'S r' i n-.,- l. - -- A I 3 E3f r ' ... LAMPS do the Job! high-spee- Jno B Lamkin and the groom Is the son of Mr and Mrs J. W. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. E. B Harris of Rule spent Thanksgiving with relatives in this city $40,-61- from San Antonio where shf penaed the convention of the mi Building For Defense - il -- 4SH jaw-break- er, Ed SDrowls Who Is Gertrude rrt State University in Austin, was State Federation of Womens Clubs. caiied nome tnis week; to attend She also visited her father a few the funeral of his sister, Mrs Foote. days. Prosperity of Haskell county Arthur Hugnes of San Antonio is here visiting his parents, Mr was reflected in the statement of condition of various banks in the and Mrs. S. A. Hughes county at the close of business on C G Wheeler of Throckmorton was In the city the first of the Nov. 15, 1920. Loans and deposits week He Intends putting in an were listed as follows: Haskell National Bank Loans upholstery shop here at an early $354,774.01, deposits $497,480 83 date. R. M (Bob) Edwards and Miss Farmers State Bank Loans $151,-61- 7 51, deposits $240,619.28. First Gladys Lamkin were quletlj marO'Brien Loans 9 ried Monday evening at the home State47, Bank, deposits $52,723 54. First of Rev P W Walthall. The bride Rochester Loans is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. State Bank, $137,175.39, deposits $199,879.27 Weinert State Bank Loans 20 J. U. JoW-- ilf one is over 30 years old. the chances are two to one that he has "periodontoclasia " The word Itself is a sufficlqntly formidable to frighten us, and the disease It represents is nothing to joke about. It is commonly knowi as pyorrhea, and next to tooth decay is the most prevalent dental disorder, according to the Dental Institute of America Broadly speaking, pyorrhea consists of diseased pockets about the teeth, the tissues supporting which became irritated for various reasons causing lowered resistance to the Invasion of germs In time, the germs destroy more supporting tissue, the tooth is loosened and often lost Pyorrhea literally means a flow of pus "Neglect arid Ignorance account for the startling prevalence of this disease." says the Institute, "for dental science has evolved a simple and highly effective method of treatment Vast numbers of people are losing their teeth from sheer lack of dental care " Statistics by some authorities show that the percentage of Americans having pyorrhea range about as follows- At 20 years, 10 per cqnt; at 30 years 50 per cent; at 40 years, 80 per cent; at 50 years, 90 per cent or more. Records show that in nearly all advanced cases there is evidence of total neglect of professional dental attention over a considerable period of time So whether we call it pyorrhea or use the more fearsome term, periodontoclasia, we should look out for this highly prevalent disease, and have it treated early, thus preserving health and possibly extending life Haskell County WW CAs CTAflf jf J 1A1J ing of a door between a room where gasoline was being used to clean gloves and n room in which there was u lighted hot water heater caused a destructive explo- a F Word To Scare Us A improper Use of Gasoline Brings Danger In Homes 0, 1040 him he can deliver on time if he doesn't get his machine in n hurry. Then tho machine tool factory can produce machines for turning AUSTIN The improper use of sion. out the ship's bottom now, when Dynamite in the home can be they nro needed. When that is gasoline in Texas homo has causmuch safer than gasoline, the finished, they get to work on tho ed an average annual death toll Commissioner warned, because the machines for the next section of approximately 50 persons, Mar- majority of people have learned scheduled for delivery. Hall, state fire 'Insurance comvin pretty simple. But mission, reported today. Thirty-si- x to fear dynamite. So far it is Hall also advised home owners the manufacturers of 'aircraft, and deaths from this cause were against bringing kerosene in con. the manufacturers of tanks, and reported during the frst ten tact with a lighted match, open the manufacturers of guns, and months of 1940, flame or hot coab. parts, all the manufacturers of average death toll resulting The want their machines delivered for from the improper use of kerosene (Five ounces of whole milk Ched.BBTFlsaflBBBBBBBH Hr i'.BBBBBBkJVBaBBWlB&. their separate orders. Then the stands at about 55, but the report dar cheese is the equivalent in bbbb .HBPSMifcMlBBBBBBBBBBBBBl x Commission has to meet with the BBbVSbBBBbVEiS&SbhMHbBBBBBBbI E?Ib1BBBB for the current year may be some- nutritive value of a quart of whole Army and Navy and discuss prl. what below the average, as only fluid milk. orlties within the services as to 25 deaths from this cause were IN THE COTTON MARKETING which type of arms are needed recorded through October 31. QUOTA REFERENDUM, DEC 7 first 'and in what quantities. The "It is extremely hazardous for Commission in turn meets first any person to attempt to use gaso-lis- o Dr. with the manufacturers of planes, In the homo for such purposes tanks and guns, and helps work as starting or quickening a fire, Robinson out the schedules with them. Fin. cleaning clothes, woodwork and CktotrMtar OntMte ally, Commission the meets with am 9 at as gasoline vaporizes CahUl Innmnea machine tool manufacturers and floors, temperature and ordinary room works out the schedules for pro. the inflammability Tdtphwn of gasoline 141 COTTON MARKETING QUOTA REFERENDUM BALLOT duclng machine tools for the man explosive power is ItMldenc 14 OfSw 1M its fumes and ufacturers produce who will the Do you firor cotton mulcting quotu for Um IWt cropf times greater than dynineteen By Sunday or call armsactual mere open said. Appolntaa t "The he namite," Ujtmtmt alMl Mi If r ihIm Commission, The with the X" la Ikl bi nt X"tf lata lu Army and Navy Munitions Board, TBS NO has arcady worked out a system of preference classifications designed to indicate the order in which the Army an Navy require contracts to be executed by Industry. Each order will have a Cotton producers will have the opportunity on Saturday, December 7, preference classification assigned to decide whether cotton marketing quotas, which have been in effect by the Munitions Board. The during the past three years, will apply to the 1941 crop. Every producer date set for delivery will bo the consideration. If the of cotton should go to his community polling place where he will be primary given a ballot, like the one shown aboc, on which to express his opinion. costractor is conccrne th'at he get his materials in time to It is both a privilege and a duty of each producer to cast his ballot in won't the referendum. Whether the referendum is really representative of make the delivery date, the Com JBBBBBUBBk' ' rj.FS5jB9iLtaLi $? ,:nijESukw1bbbbbbLb the farmers' thinking depends upon the number of producers who vote mission, the Army an Navy, will to see take action does. that he on December 7. A survey disclosed that there Is no present need to invoke legal authority to enforce priorities on defense orders. The system will be voluntary and depends on complete voluntary cooperation of Government and industry. The Commission favors continuance of Coordination the voluntary system until it ap pears that more authoritative The President has asked, and the running on through the next cou- measures are necessary. ple of years. The Defense ComCongress has appropriated The Commission wants to in 0 000,000 to equip an Army of mission isclearing billions of doL terfere as little as possible with 2,000,00 men, and to provide for lars worth of Army and Navy or- the normal flow of 'business in the Navy The problems ders. The contracts have been country. And to that emd they a of building that much equipment signed and contractors are going want to sec that the defense orders do not cut off supplies of ma for defense are many and com- to work. The first thing a contractor or terials that we use in our daily plex Before we get through there are, of course, going to be a lot a manufacturer does when he gets life. But in some cases, it may be of headaches, but the job of the, a contract Is start worrying about necessary to work out some plans This is Defense Commission is to keep raw materials and where he Is for minimum going to get them. But he is late not expected to 'affect new models things running smoothly. The Army 'and Navy have set on the job because the Commis- now on the way. for these or- up the amouts of equipment they sion had a whole crew of experts ers were placed moths ago. The need Designs have been prepared worrying about this a long time machines arcb elng delivered. But time the whole jigsaw puzzle on ma. and specifications written. Manu- ago For Instance, about the chine tools has to be pieced to. facturers 'and contractors are be- he thinks there Isn't any tungsten cutting tools, gether into a complete picture d ing invited to bid on producing the for his the Commission comes along and and it takes some sweating to do materials. says: "Take it easy. A whole ship- it. But it can be done. iBoth the Army and Navy, of load of tungsten just came In Then, the manufacturer finds a course, want to get their full from China last week. That hap- new worry sneaking up on him equipment practically the day be pened because three months ago Is he going to be able to get fore the day before the President we knew that this would be a enough skilled laborers to oper. asked for the money. It is their strategic raw mateial and we pro- ate his nice, shiny, new machines? job to be prepared So they have vided some tungsten. It is already Well, the Commission worries Hangs on the wall like a picture. set dates for delivery of large or- sitting in 'a stock pile waiting to about this too. Training schools ders starting immediately and bo used. The Commission and the have been set up throughout the Many attractive styles, as low as Army and Navy Munitions Board country and also in Industry itself. have been concentrating their en- When the machines arrive, work if cold weather continues the ergies on locating 'adequate sup- men will be on hand. crop will not be out by Christ- plies and seeijhg that they are The number of men in each mas. skill are being listed and as soon handy." as the manufacturer can tell the The next thing the manufactur40 Years Ago Dec. 8, 1900 ers do is reach for the nearest Commission how much of what kind of labor he will need, the Emmett Robertson made a run catalog and start ordering ma- Commission can help him get it tools. they want chine Naturally, up to Benjamin this week. through the offices of the United the mchlnes early delivered that Miss Laura Garren spent two Employment Service. or three days this week with frL afternoon so that they can go to States The Commission's coordintlng work turning the raw materials ends in town. is really a job of keepMrs W L. Hills come up from into defense materials. When hun- activities ing things running smoothly, of of dreds start manufacturers all Stamford and spent Tuesday night doing the same thing, it is ob- speeding up here, slowing down with Haskell friends. ahead, meet J. E. Jones came in this week vious the machine tool industry a little there, looking oeiore they arise with a nice bunch of stock cattle can't deliver. It takes sometimes ingIt proDiems sound easy, but it's one of which he will locate in this coun- months to build one of these tools the largest jobs the nation has evwhich can turn out hundreds of ty. County Treasurer Murfee says perfect items an hour, when it er undertaken. Tooling up will all take we may tell those who hold regis- gets going. Therefore, one of the Commis- Fall of 1940. But by the begin tered jury script that he has the sion's jobs has been to set up ning of next year, material should money ready for them Messrs G L. Maloney and Bunk preference classifications for de- begin to roll into the arsenals. B RIke left Thursday for the eastern livery of these machine tool or- the Spring of 1941, production will be rising rapidly. part of the state with a bunch of ders. Modernize Old Style Sockets mules for sale. It works out something like With ADAPTERS Stonewall and Knox county this: A contract is let for a batpeople have been considerable In tleship. The shipbuilding com- Vegetable Laxative Light Condition Any Room! evidence here this week, trading pany wants machines to cup up with our merchants. the steel plating for tho ship's Important Has Now Only Points T G. Carney sold a mixed bottom. At the same time, the $1.45 Up bunch of 50 head of calves, year- subcontractor who is making the Tiis laxative docs three important lings and cattle this steel panels for the radio sets to flings for most users. If simple week to J H Herring at $21 go on the ship wants a similar lirections $2.95 are followed, it usually type of machine to cut up the icta punctually, around. thoroughly, gently. Sam Pierson came in Monday steel sheets in the radio panels iTou will like spicy on a visit to the home folks. That Is pretty easy to settle beBLUiLLfl j tLff 9&jiLLk3iSRvsBlBLBH way. Chief of its C C Frost returned Monday cause the radio sets won't be ingredients is an "intesti- from Fort Worth and Mineral needed until tho ship is complet Wells, where ho visited his sons S E and H. N. Frost bottom are needed right here and fJB dTaitpht FrnnZ!' J. C Choate of Collin county, now. So the Commission's prob. f blapk who was here last summer and purchased 640 'acres of choice land about two miles north of town, arrived here last week with F. H. A. FARM LOANS his family and has commenced the '-We can lend you up to Wi building of substantial residence A of his farmlands. 90 The Christmas . opening of of the vaule on your farm or ranch. 4 Interest, 25 year Bakers Drug Store was held on loans. Annual payments. We also make F.H.A. City Loans. schedule Tuesday night. The store S. L. DAVIS was prettily decorated with colorOffice over Piggly Wiggly Store p. o. Box 211 ed festooss and attracted a larne tall. i Haskell, Texas, under the act Mrs. Friday December ion! is to meet with the manufac!EBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVHirZranKsWv!liBBEKj w i turer or radio panels. They show Fake Among the many freaks and fakes exhibited by the great showman, P T Barnum, who declared that "people like to be humbugged" and cashed in on the Idea, was the "Cardiff Giant," icpro-scntc- d to be a patrlflcd man, ten and n half feet Established January 1, 1B86. Published Every Friday SAM A. ROBERTS, Publisher ly 'r?wTOHIHWB THE HASKELL FREE PRESS A Double I? ffi. at rfi Vt MjkAir . . a. ltfexU. Jdl .... . -.- . WestTteaUtffltfes Company lf flpsilJK' '"stVVTWlfiJw 'f KnHhtti. ft s -- Friday December fHE HASKELL FREE PRESS 0, 1040 ENTER FUTURE FARMERS CONTESTS The Bulldog Growl. Double-Barrele- Defense Protects d gBHDOKHanR8SEamn The Future Farmers arc entering three of the leadership contests: deNews writing, Junior One-Amonstration and Senior One-ASTAFF demonstration at Haskell TuesEditor David Sanders day. The Future Farmers arc makbbbbS ' VIlsBlBteilBiy "''' Assistant Editor Dclphia Lain ing an effort this year to gain Joke Editor B. L. Milton wSIuittBC2BaVABK4feS'BwSavfll if recognition. These contests, Girl's Sports Editor Juanlta Gordy won will help us some. taBSRMMAJEii IJEEEf Boy's Sports Editor Joe Gray 5 In the junior one-ademon BBBHBMBVBjBilHBpaHMvl W(i vZaSBBBBBBSBBBiB'fa&lL9U(&r:' stration they are going to demonEQBfflXSdtS2r!. aafeVmt?Kaal Vw"''Ad. strate their ability to use the in. nM f BULLDOGS HOWL FOR THE iiffssTJBPBwi FRESHMAN CLASS IS TCif ti strument for running terrace WEINERT VOLLEY BALL GIVEN PAT .vBwBSjsBaVflBwBHu&Bwl pi SBK'&flirlSftaVflFAaVaKi ,? J lines. Those entcrtaing the senior Wt GIRLS AJBbKaBeMMliaBVBVaBBVaa''( fBVaBBVaaBVBvl UUmMriiiwtM&:li&i .k"ikvaBV one-a2BaVT ?BBBBmfv4BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl l!VVJ9SaBBBBBBBBBaiBi demonstration are going As an award for getting the fv''!aEEPEEEEEEEEEEEES1 to to ability their demonstrate most members to join the P. T. A. The Welnert volley ball team EEECS'lEjEflEEEwf'afFKSEEEV'V lEjnEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEjkaEfi 'gEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ the Freshman Class was given n Is looking forward to their new cull chickens. In news writing the Individual will be given notes party last Friday night at the blue and white satin suits. For practice tho girls play the and a certain length of time to Duff home. "Who Sir, Mo Sir", EEEEEEtw fEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEfV ' Vs "Marching to Jerusalem", "Ghosts" boys almost every day. The boys write a news article. ' "Magic Wand" and other games certainly do give tho girls some Ufi fiMmWmt .jajBfcBlaaaaaaaaaaakAaiaj 4' CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE EEEEEEEEEt'SEEEfJ were played. Jokes on paper of hard competition. The girls will MBSaanSaBjBaMSaBBBBBBBHSSJVSaBBBBBBBJBlBaBKXWH next Tuesday. various shapes were passed to play the No, this isn't a weather report, The volley ball coach and girls the guests and were exchanged. " EfRBlslMEaBlSB Refreshments were piervcd and are going to work hard, so they but it is a play that will offer you BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaVMBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBSBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBVb9'BBJ SSBBSB.aMMS'tlSM each member received a marsh, can give the neighboring schools a full evening of entertainment. IBBBBBBBBBVBBBByBalBBBBBM rWffiBBjT&BSBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlDBk This three act comedy drama will mallow dunco as a favor. Twenty some Interesting competition. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTsBb! BBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBrBMBMBBBBBBBBlBBBBBlBBBBB lyMnilTn ' be staged at the high school auo one members, the sponsor and IHBFx2iBEEEjESEEsrXBSv Friday night. ditorium Supt, "and Mrs. Duff were pre- EXAMINATIONS ARE IN MBBBVBBJlH:k)tC tS BH MVr. BBMBaBBl ftW PROGRESS sent. Once you sec the list of charEEbbEE "r EEftEEEEHlflEfl t1, acters you will be sure to see it. The class hopes to have a txaminationsl In every room With a cast including Lark Mel bBsEEI Christmas party after the six s. f BEEEna9BBXaEEl''' bbbbH weeks examinations are over. we hear the cry "this is going to ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hlnson, ,v.fr Mam. o Mr, Mr. T. Mrs. L. and lii Hawkins, SbEmB be a stiff exam" or "I want jou EECEEEmnlMBu4vK'HBBB bt'Jbw VwV fBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBMBl TBBBHHa&JVw BBBJ HBBF GAME WITH PAINT CREEK Sbbbbbb! students to know that this course John Allen, Mrs. Hazel Weaver ' SEEEEEf-EEEECLOSES BULLDOG SEASON EEEEEJ iEEfeNiiaEEEEEEf will be offered next year" by all and R. S. Sanders you can't af m ?&&$$& VJgame with Paint Creek tho teachers. The ford to miss It. SmbTbBBB OiJBjBBRBBBBBBBBBF' JbTbBbSbbTJbhYsbB ?'1H,"ti'Jr f was the ending of tho season for Tho ten admission will be and We are sure Mr. Davidson Is aEEEEEEEggibw. m the football players of Welnert expecting jf , i? an extra large class in fifteen cents, and the proceeds High School. ' but maybe wo can fool will go to the grade school athle''lBHBBBBBSHBlt. One more year has brought Civics, tic fund. him. season. We hope about basketball o that all basketball fans will en. SENIORS HAVE MEETING ALL QUIET IN PUBLIC "' ljK(3BC QfiaHBBBlBBBBlBf( A,.:'" Joy this season of 1940 -- 41. SPEAKING FRIDAY " ff H We will not guarantee anyone &kftly:t - I Elk that we will win conference, but If you heard a great roar of The Senior class met last FriH iVTbbbWJbWbbbbbbbBbVbbbbbbbf s V? wo will guarantee everyone that Qi bbbePSbbbWIvbbbbP H ;h: :' ff BArBBBKlBBBT we will fight to the last minute day to "get a little spirit" into it. laughter on the stage last Thursf Mr. us Perrin asked really . we if I Mm day don't think we were being in every game. Practice in ear" '.dBffsBBBBK ' H ,!t to make annuals; and u entertained by bbB nest has begun and we hope to wanted some famous very animated yes was his ans- comedian. This speech class slBBBam(BBBV have a game soon. has bH wer. So wo planned to get to work some very funny comedians, even f o rBPflBBBBBB? TbBBBBBBbFbS' ff quickly! X cry Suddenly the "50c or HOME ECONOMICS CLASS if they do clip their jokes from payment $1.00 down an. an for HAS PROGRAM magazines. Yes, this quiet class .bbRbbbbhb .bbbbbbbbbbP' On November 20, 1940, the nual" or "pay your payment now; had a day of joke telling. Home Economics II class had the receive later" was heard up and o BBBBBBBBrAt3Ba?" tl down tho hall, In every class room following program: CITATION BY PUBLICATION W' L Song, "God Bless America"; and out in the gymnasium. Leo Beason was our first pur The Home, Earlinc Driggcrs; Poem, State of Texas, Vera Mao Hastcy; Prayer, Pauline chaser of the student body, while MacBeth; Conserving Family ftlr. Allen was first of our facultyi County of Haskell: BfXVBBSBBBBBaBBBBBiilBBBBBBB Ideal, Mary Frances Howard; "We believe this annual will bo To Mrs- Julius Combs, whose BBBBOKa vBBBBBBBBrSVBBBBBBBBBBBlBaBBBBBBBBK jKTBnBK ' flBBBBMVltfSv Poem, Lois Goodc; Song, "Star the best ever made by our school, place of residence is unknown, WRjfBBBtaaftt?? BBBHaBBBBBWBBafaV kmmrKTr bbbbT C9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKjflBBBaBS'. BBBM ATnlfLaaBAaBByayayanaajyA bjmbi .bjn. ,arrjBjMBaaaaaaaBjwjBiMBjiffsui BaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaMBjBjMaBjy&' 719 Spangled Banner." and we feel sure you will enjoy the husband of Mrs. Julius Combs Tho district meeting of the every page, comics, and pictures if she be married; O. S. Clark .BlBKBF9nBBBBBPaBBnjjlSak Home Economics girls will be held of the whole student body and Carl Vaughn; Othello Clinton; all t on Saturday, December 7. 1940 xne iacuuy. am, you must pay other heirs at law of Emma Clark BBBBBKK!M5SfWL'li in the high school auditorium. We your down payment before the and N. S. Clark, deceased, and the hope It will be possible for all Christmas holidays. We are hop heirs of cither of them; and the home economics girls and sponsors ing to have the annuals out in owner or owners of the Land io attend Wis meeting. February. hereinafter described, Defendants, The machine of peaca at top, a combine grain harvester, bears striking resemblance to the machine 46 and all other proper persons, in gun manned by two of Uncle Sam's artillerymen. America depend! war immediately below, an cluding all record Hen holders. upoa both for national defense. Modern farming methods, along with the AAA farm program, have enabled T. C. CAHILL AND SON nwnlnt nr olnlmlnff. ni- hnth ntiv Granary-supplof food sufficient for any emergency. The nation hit farmers to build up an Interest in the land or lots nere-Ioayes of bread for every person. 600 example, make to wheat head, for ob aaofa inafter described, same being tfe linquent for taxes to The City of The Arency of Service" Haskell Plaintiff; and Tom Clark; be married; Carl Vaughn; Othello plaintiff (and taxing units here- the years 1931 to 1939 inclusive O. S. Clark; Julius Combs and the Clinton; the heirs at law of Emma tofore having Intervened In this Amount due said unit $20 04. Haskell. Texas Aggregating Ninety-si- x and husband of Julius Combs, if she Clark and N- S. Clark, deceased, suit). Dollars, together with all In And you are hereby commanded and the owner and owners of the land hereinafter described, are to be and appear before the Hon- terest, penalties and costs allowed , Defendants; and the Haskell Ind. orable 39th District Court of Has- by law. Given under my hand and seal Sch. Dist. the State of Texas and kell County, Texas. at the next Haskell County, are taxing units regular term thereof, to be held of said Court, at office in Haskell. in said State herein impleaded by at the Courthouse of said County, Texas, in the County of Haskell plaintiff (and taxing units here- In the city of Haskell. Texas on this 14th day of November. A- D , tofore having Intervened in this the 1st Monday In January. A. D., 1940. 1941. the same being the 6th day suit). MRS. HETTIE WILLIAMSClerk, District Court And you are hereby commanded of January. A. D. 1941, to plead Haskell County, Texas. to be and appear before the Hon- and answer plaintiffs petition, By MURL LANCASTER. kW-ltmWkuWtMLQW!KlkuwL l BBHrxXBBm orable 39th District Court of Has- together with pleas of interven' BBSSSBX i tion and claims of impleaded parDeputy, A vYbbbbbbbbbbbbbBIPI") ipaMPTrsssssssssipi next at sJIbbV County. the Texas, kell BBBBBBBSjBr MM Bv X wMMum SmT ties defendant) filed is said K. 'ALMfltfSBBVBBBBBBrs "?' II BaaaaaaaMMaBBMiMi o B BBsBBBBBBBw to XBBBBBBBBBBBjLtfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKfr held BBBwBBk term be regular thereof, X BBBBBr3BP:A'vw"BrBBBBBMFl'':BBBBB A at the Courthouse of said County, Court in a certain suit No. CITATION BY PUBLICATION and then and there to in tho city of Haskell. Texas on BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjr BBBBBBBBSSSBfiBSaflBBSSK SBSSSSmBSBSSSBBBSSSSB '3BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm BBhRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI ?ujifliMSSjBJiM'9BBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBHlBSBBrv' BBBBBBBBBBBKbBBBBBBS"1st Monday in January A. D , show cause why judgment should The State of Texas the SBSSSSSSSSSSSHJJr '"sVTvHbBBBBBbB BBBBBBBBB7viiOBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBtsnBBflHBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1940, the same being the 6th day not be rendered against you. and County of Haskell: :" BMEMMMmWus' " BBBBBBBBByBBBBBBBBglBBBBBBgBBBBBBBgCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbKbbbbbbHbbbbbbbBbbbBBsIbbbbbbbbbbH January, A. D., 1941, to plead said land and lots sold under To Tho Sheriff or any Constable of BBBBar ?bB VOvv. BBBBVQfBBBBW2HC-VI(M.Cx&!BailHBBBBk petition, foreclosure of Hen to satisfy the of Haskell County. Texas BBBF jfVV 2&$ XXt wMMuuwjMWWMuuuuuMmJiMMMMuMuuuuySMuuuuuuffMuuuuum & H and answer palntiffs (together with pleas of interven- following taxes being delinquent Greeting:: WL bV M bb BP Usk,, sWsMMWMWMMrMW BBl SB You are hereby commanded to tion and claims of impleaded par- on the said property, $St BBJ SK BW IMWrZMWTMm YabbBbm Xk4 irs7M '.iaaSSSSSSW b Taxing Unit: Haskell Independ- summon Mrs- James E. Pace by 1 yO W' ' ties defendant) filed in said Court WIWMMWm&- -. i ,BBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMiBY!VtH'BSB?'VH?EBBBPIBBV and ent School District- Description of making publication of this citation in a certain suit No. BBlP"v! cBBBBBBBBBBBBL BV Bm bY BV Sm Um Bar ivBh BBS Bfl BBt BM BBa BH BB BSSSSSSSSsYi4 to show cause why property: Lot 5 In Block 33 of the once in each week for four conthere then and mMF j IbmbSSSSSSSSSSSm Bal .aBBBBBBB1 H H H H H Hi 2bI bb aat bb Judgment should not bo rendered Brown & Roberts Addition to the secutive weeks previous to the reB H H &&'h aal "HbYbI r H H H Bal '- you, and said land and lots town of Haskell. Haskell County, turn day hereof, in some newspaagainst v l , IB t!X ?jjzm sold under foreclosure of Hen to Texas, delinquent for the years per published in your county, if Amount there be a new.paper pubsatisfy the following raxes being 1927 to 1939 inclusive. delnquent on the said property, due said unit $29.80 not if but lished therein. Taxing Unit: City of Haskell. then in the nearest county where Taxing Unit: City of Haskell. Same described property as above, a newspaper is published, to apDescription of property: Lots 1, delinquent for the same years. pear at the next regular term of the District Court of Haskell Coun2, 3 and 4 in Block 11 of the Al- Amount due said unit $46.50. Taxing Unit: State of Texas and ty, Texas, to be holden at the bert Ennllsh Addition to the town of Haskell for the years 1931 to HaskdU county. Sani described court house thereof, in Haskell. in 1939 inclusive. Amount due $5100. property as above- delinquent for Texas, on the first Monday Taxing (Unit: Haskell Independent School District. Same described property as above, delin- ement for the years 1933 to 1939 inclusive- Amount due said unit ii ' ii Official Newspaper of Welnert Pabllo Schoola ct ct jBBSiMtKWfKtBSsaSkiSK-nEBBKEBEwXrTiEuEBBKIE&&& ct wKt7tTsmW.J:vM)0Kv9tBaj JyMk' i'tlB-e"e"e"e"efkEKr!Z KBSSStLrT- ?j KK&KKITMmK'PfUiMvwiKmMl' "$; RsV('l', ct ! cff-,- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEm ftEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEj ,, 1 WfTBittDMkmmBmTB'KM'Mt'lR j', jvAaaBBraVaa ijH Vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj Ktm'clBIKKMkt WWA V '', f $K1 BbWhW' " y EJ , fSR2EjK "iJ '''ltW' mMiMiV'tr I B H.' -- " ''' i HfH' - 1 "ti ''f f ', '& - -- - "'Mmtmm'J K$kmr L' I l.r IBw-Jtt- l. (W ' kwmmmLBK fc January A. D. 1941, the same be- formed him that she was through ing the Oth day of January A. D. with him and was gointT to return to her home In Oklahoma. 1941, then and there to answer a That defendant did then and there petition filed In said court on the without cause leave plaintiff. or 1st day of October A. U. 1940, in That plaintiff has not seen a suit numbered on the docket of heard from defendant since said said court No. 5507, wherein Jnmcs date save for one letter That sinco E. Pace Is plaintiff and Mrs. James said time all his efforts to get in E Pace is defendant, said petition touch with her or to learn her alleging that James E Pace Is and whereabouts have been In vain. has been for a period of twelve That defendant's actions and conmonths prior to the filing of this duct towards plaintiff are of such suit 'an actual bona fide inhabi- a nature as to render their future tant of tho State of. Texas and has living together insupportable preresided in said County of Haskell mises considered. That no children for at least six months preceding were born of said plaintiff prays tho the filing of this suit. That on or about the 27th day of April A D court that the defendant be cits-1940. plaintiff and defendant were to appear herein and for judglawfully married In the town of ment dissolving said marriage Oklahoma. That they Duncan. Herein Fall Not but have you contlnded to llv0 together lntil on or about the 6th day of May, A before said court on the first day D. 1940 when by reason of the of tho next term thereof this writ cruel, harsh and Improper conduct with your return thereon showing of defendant towards plaintiff, he how you executed the same was forced to permanently abanWitness. Mrs Hettle Williams, don her, since which time they Clerk of the District Court, have not lived together as man and Haskell County, Texas. Given under my hand and seal wife That during the time plaintiff and defendant lived together of said court this the 25th day of ns aforesaid he was kind and af November A D 1940 in the town fectionate awards her and always of Haskell. Texas provided for her maintenance Mrs Hettie Williams. Clerk of the District Court That defendant immediately after her said marriage to plaintiff Haskell County Texas a course of unkind, harsh, Issued this, the 25th day of Nov. cruel and tyrannical treatment to A. D 1940. That defendant wards plaintiff Mrs. Hettie Williams, cursed and abuned plaintiff and Clerk of the District Court addressed to him the most oppro- - Haskell County, Texas bious epithets without cause. That 4tc. defendant utterly failed and re manage the household af fused to fairs of plaintiff and informed him that she had no Intention of ever doing so That she. the said defrom common colis fendant. Informed defendant that she did not love him the very next day after their said marriage That she bitterly curbed and Crcomulsion relieves promptly beabused plaintiff when he refuted cause It goes right to the seat of the accomto to allow his daughter trouble to help looser,, rand expel pany daughter of defendant on germ laden phlegm, an.a aid nature blind dates with boys unknown to to soothe and heal ratf tender, inplaintiff and on said occasion de- flamed bronchial mucous memTell your druggist to sell you fendant flew Into such a violent abranes. of Creomul&ion with the unbottle rage that she slapped plaintiff and derstanding you must like the way it hit him with a book That finally quickly allays the cough or you are on the 10th day of their said mar- to have your money bad:. riage defendant again cursed and abused and slapped plaintiff, in J for Couzhs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis marriage-Wherefor- be-g- e Mi Beware Coughs That Hang On CREOMULSION aMtr EEXai&IJEEEJgMEu II anti-aircra- ft Erer-Norm- al y INSURANCE H 34-10- - FORT WORTH frt Telegram t&b 1941 WILL BE on. of tha mott eventful years in the world's history. The war spreading throughout the world and our own national defense program affect the lives of every man, woman and child in the United States. It affects every phase of agriculture and business. Next year of a'.l years you will want The which will reach you first, w!th all the news and pictures from everywhere. A COMPLETE STATE DAILY NEWSPAPER with features for your entire family. Take advantage of the special low rates that enable you to keep fully informed of fast-changi- - - f FjkA 'kmLS J " r Bk Jmw- BV .. mMmMmmmm kJBB liBBBBBBBB! yVS. WSniFm 1MW A-- BBff (I . WBWiJrduK to-w- it: - DT-143- li IN THE LOW-PRIC- rm iv.v'. ' mmm FIELD E 'IC- BMM . ' v!i (Oplkml at jo best-looki- NEW LONGER STEERING STYLING ng rS' f&t YtSfi 1&JZ 5,iL s.& X. ?AJ ! WHEELIASE Q GEAR NEW, MORE C0MF0RTAILE COMPARTMENT '" BRIVER'S with greatly increased leg room g seat and and better, back in cabs, giving much greater driver comfort. form-fittin- ... thwry Dvty Hvtla) 30 MODELS WHEEL1ASES NINE LONGER ON en J in 1941. liTM :w W5i SEIBERLING Taxing Unit: State of Texas and County of Haskell. Some described property as above, delinquent for t the years 1930 to 1939 due said unit $56 91. Aggregating One Hundred Twenty-Seve- n Dollars, and together with all interest, penalties and costs allowed by law. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, at office In Haskell, Texas, In the County of Haskell, this 14th day of November, A. BURTON D0TS0N CHEVROLET COMPANY -- MURL LANCASTER. Deputy. o THE STATE OF TEXAS the land or lots hereinafter John E. Robison J IbbbbI Good Until Dec. 31 only For a short tim tht mail subscription price is reductd. SAVE BY BRINGING YOUR ORD5R TO THIS OFHCE. F.LeDaugherty I Gratcx Service Station de- WW;Vi Insurance See Us Before You Buy scribed, same being delinquent for taxes to The Haskell Independent School District. Plaintiff; and the City of Haskell, the State of Texas "Where Friend Meets Friend11 sas. SEIBERLING Tractor Tires have two-wa- y do not bog up traction backward, or forward. Texas-B- c,t tM Wc tor tires on your tractor. To C. A. Anderson and the heirs of C. A. Anderson if he be dead, Defendants, and all other including all proper persons, record lien holders, owning or claiming, or both, any Interest In . . . A COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL LINES OP RUSINESS BYM t J Now is the time to put new trac- D., 1040. MRS. HETTIE WILLIAMS. Clerk, District Court, Haskell County Cooo 6, Tractor Tires inclusive-Amoun- 41-1- 00 greatly reduces steering effort-bri- ngs true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. "10AMUJTU" imiHl e NEW TRUCK - $16 50. ng STAMAM INCH as they - making these new 1941 Chevas rolet trucks the trucks well as the in the entire lowest price field. V. .(1,i m to-w- it: NEW RECIRCULATING 4Hk WAVYIUTY MASSIVE (fo'$l!&?2ttss M ?'&' - - 8. ng events " UlmMikvWm MOST POWEtFUL TRUCK ENGINES M ind JSg DT-143- 5- -- Haskell "The Insurance Man" and Haskell County, taxing units in said State herein Impleaded by t 1 1. rhUMWMmJMr MMIOlrSffllllMMBjBjBjBMr.li V 'F V rift ,, ,' t& . , 'V .J.tftta . Jfc' K &Jk&BWMamfMiJwiBBTtmhM&JL .' !Jpt&Wi tBgtt. " .rrrfs-w-- X t ,. . " . jr.. l& S 9W ' ' f- t V v " "wT V' , Sir Jt J. s y "" CHE HASKELL FREE N E RAL F ORM (Continued from Page 1) taken from this spring's show nt Tulsn. Sho has won honors on the follovlncs which will be in the show here: "Antique Grill Work",J Spanish Orleans; "Old New EDWARDS HELD f Art Tea SERIES IRE FRIDAY Natchez; House", Senior Class of Manv Letters Are Sagerton School Being Sent In To Plan "Fun Night" Santa's Mail Bag "Boats In Har- The Sckilor class of Sagerton under the direction of E. L. Tabor aro sponsoring "All Fun Night" Aged Resident Died in the Sagerton high school build day at Home of Daughter, ing Friday night, December 13th. Mrs. Cagle This Is one of the first of a scries of such programs to be held in Mrs. Carrie Edwards, 85, a re. colors the Sagerton school. There will sldcnt of Haskell county since Beta Chi members are happy to be numerous free games, such as 1926, died Thursday morning, be able to present Mrs Morris to Bingo, Chinese Checkers, Bunco, November 28 at the home of a the people of Haskell on this oc- Dominoes, etc. daughter, Mrs. Bertha Cagle north casion It will be their pleasure The feature attraction of the of Haskell. Death came after a to have all art loving citizens evening will be a program followlingering illness, come to the Hunt home to meet ed by serving free coffee and cocoa. Deceased was born August 14, the artist and see her work, 1855 at Centcrvllle, Term., the The admission to everything is o daughter of Mr and Mrs John 10 and 20 cetats Do not come exLewis, and in young womanhood Xmas pecting to spend money for the (Continued from Page One) was married to W. P Edwards, and single admission price is the only contest they made their home charge sponsors announced. in were entered In the two Tennessee for several years before divisions They Invite everyone to attend Announcement of the judge's for they feel sure you will not coming to Texas. Mr and Mrs Ed. vards moved to Haskell county awards was made at 9 o'clock only have a good time, but you In 1926 His death occurred in listing the following winners: will bo helping the Senior class For the most attractive holiday raise sufficient money for their 1926 in this city. Since the death of her husband, Mrs Edwards had window display, first place award trip to Carlsbad Dress Cavern on Senior day. made her home with a son, J B of $100 went to o Edwards und her daughter, Mrs. Shop; second place award of S75 to Ben Bagwell's Men's Store; and Cagle, both of Haskell Lions Welcome Immediate surviving relatives third place award of $50 to Dick's include four sons, J B Edwards Grocery and Market Rev. Copeland For the best decorated store of Haskell, Charles C. Edwards of $75 place of As New Member award interior, first Dallas. A B Edwards of La., Orville C. Edwards went to Oates Drug Store, and At the regular meeting and if Arvada, Colo ; three daughters, second place award of $50 to Co. luncheon of the Lions Club held Mrs Rosa Thomas of Hamboldt, Stores remained open until 10 Tuesday at noon in the Tonkawa Tenn., Mrs. Bertha Cagle of Has. per- Coffee Shop, members welcomed night, kell, and Lova Edwards of CoL o'clock Wednesday lege Station, Texas; three brothers, mitting the large crowds an op- Rev Kenneth Copeland, pastor of Jim and George Lewis of Missouri, portunity to visit and inspect the First Methodist Church as a new member, and a guest Ray Sam Lewis of Arkansas; and a stocks in all establishments All arrangements for the Christ- Buford. sister, Mrs. Betty Thomas, who mas Party this year were planned A brief business session was resides in Tennessee. Funeral service for Mrs. Ed- by the Magazine Club, pioneer held, with Supt. C. B. Breedlove, wards was held at the First Bap. civic organization, whose officers club president, presiding. No tist Church In Haskell Friday af. and members spent much time regular program of entertainment ternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by and effort in cooperating with the had been planned for this week's Rev. R. V. Sarrels, Primitive Bap. Chamber of Commerce to insure meeting, and reports of club activities concluded the meeting. Attist- - minister of Anson Deceased success of the holiday program. o tendance was the largest in had been a member of the Bapseveral weeks, Secretary Willie tist Church since 1905. Mrs. Solomon Lane reported. Interment was in Willow Ceme (Continued from Page One) o tery with arrangements in charge farm families to settle in Has ox Jones Cox funeral home Pallbearers were J A. Yancy, kell county Mr Solomon preced K. I. Moore, J T. Kirby, L B. ed his wife in death a number of Dendy, Clay Kimbrough. Jr.. and years ago Both Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jetton. Floral offerings were Solomon during their lifetime handled by Mesdames Jim Curry, were faithful and devoted mem L. B. Dendy, R. I Moore. Cliff bers of the Presbyterian Church, 37-- 0 Amnions, A. N Shaw, E B. Callo. and two of their sons are now ministers Presbytery and in the way, Elijah Wheeler and J C a third son is a student for the Holt. In the annual Thanksgiving Day ministry. Immediate survivors are Rev football game between the Has- es Charles W. Solomon, pastor of Keu Indians and Stamford BulL the First Presbyterian Church, dogs, played on Indian Field last (Continued from Page One) Del Rio, Texas; Travis Lee Solo- Thursday afternoon, the locals a went down 37 to 0 under the dow T. J. of Haskell and T. J (Buck) mon of Haskell; Mrs. Annie Howard of Petitt, Texas, a daugh Crane of Haskell; David Paul erful onslaught of the visitors. It ter, Mrs. W. T. Brinegar of Sipe Solomon of Huntington Park, was the conference finale for both Springs, a sister Mrs. John lie Calif ; Rev John C. Solomon, pas- teams in District The Indians held the Bulldogs Gregor, und a brother John T. tor of Sunset Presbyterian Church Dallas; and R. Louis Solomon, during the first quarter, with a Howard, both of Haskell in Austin Presbyterian single first down chalked up for . yj Funeral service for Mr Howard student Theological Seminary and minis- both teams, but In the second N'is held nt th Trim dnii.t ter of the Hempstead Presbyterian period the heavier Bulldog squad iur ch in this city Friday after- - Church Several grandchildren also launched their scoring spree in a at 3:30 o'clock, with Rev. vive. i downfield drive 1 m. Fnddy, pastor of the East Ending an drive, Kin-ar- d Final rites for Mrs Solomon de Baptist Church officiatine. took a pass from Fuqua from terment was in Willow cemetery were held at the First Presbyter- - 10 yards out and Harvey convertvi th arrangements in charee of lian Church Wednesday afternoon ed the only extra point made. at 2 oclock with the pastor, Rev. M Holden funeral home. Shortly after, Haskell Pallbearers were C W Patter- Clifford W. Williams officiating. on its 20 yard line and fumbled Massey son, Frank White, Beno Andress, Interment was in Willow ceme- later scored from the 3 yard line Ervy McGregor, Reno McGregor, tery with arrangements in charge on an end run. and I. D. McGregor. Ladles as- of Jones Cox funeral home 'Still in the fateful second per. Pallbearers were Paul Frierson, iod, a Haskell sisting with the flowers were Mespunt was blocked Bert Orr, J L. nn tVtft R vnrJ t nJ V .V dames Ace Davis, Ardella Ivy Felix Frierson, Benafay Andress, and Olene An- Tubbs. Hilory Stone and R A, dogg Bradley Named as honorary palLnarH carrvi' dress. awiu beerers were R E, Sherrill, Joe piav o , Attend Grand Lodge Session bor," Annapolis; "City Tower," Baltimore, She will also have a number of west Texas etchings, and several Old Mexico subjects, depleting the primitive houses of the natives and desert scenes. Many of these etchings arc in A number of letters to Santa Claus from Junior readers of The Free Press have already been received for publication In the December 20th issue, and this is a reminder to all other children to decide on the most Important presents they want Santa to Include In his pack when he. stops In Haskell, and list these presents in a letter to him. When you hvac finished your letter, address it to Santa Claus, In care of The Free Press and mall it in time to reach this newspaper not later than December 17th. This will Insure your letter being published along with those of hundreds of other children and will give Santa Claus advance notice of what you arc expecting. Wo suggest you write and mail your letter today in order that Santa will bo sure to sec it In The Free Press. Part-y- long-plann- Lanc-Felk- ed er Cage Practice For Indians To Begin Dec. 9th le, Perkins-Timberla- E7 (Basketball training for the Haskell Indiass will be started on Monday, Dec. 9th, In preparation season. Schedule for the 1940-4- 1 for the Indians has not been arranged, but at least one game will be played before the Christmas kc holidays, It was announced. Be- tween fifteen and twenty prospective players are expected to report for practice, and close competition is expected in bidders for places as regulars. . FOR WINTER DRIVING comfort don't overlook our complete g, washing, service, greasing, battery charging, rent batteries, Prestone and Norway Complete line US e. Indians Lose Final Game To Stamford iy flat-fixin- anti-freez- tires and tubes, all standard brands Motor Oils, and a fan belt for every purpose. Whatever you need, call us first and end your worries. Panhandle Garage, Phone 50. ltc Howard Rit o FOR RENT Furnished apartment, reasonably priced. All bills paid. Good location. Close in. See Mrs, Belva Norton fat the Norton House. ltc Eve-len- 10-- ln A. TRADE White Leghorn Bdb'y Chicks for good red maize 'In the head. 100 chicks for a ton of maize Chicks ready to go now. Trico Hatchery. 2tp FOR SALE While Imhrn Bnhv Chicks. First hatch off December 3. These early chicks will make you money either as Broilers or egg producers. $12.00 per 100. Trice Hatchery. 2tp 80-ya- rd 1 1 4 J RULE llt-ir- !", nV R. J. Paxton and Rotrers strap of this city attended Gil- - Henson, .nJ?l1? passed Kim-Mason- - ic Starting DANCE "ON TOUR" Gene Thornton and his Orcheslra-1- 4 14-P- c. Next Wednesday, Dec. 11 75c Stamford Texas THE PADIO Up ra. line-up- s: Haskell Ford and Carr, ends; Brock and Sam Smith, tackles; Gay and Reeves, guards; A. Hen. shaw. center; Lane, Holland, Hol-coo ? and Patterson, backs -- N IN APPRECIATION Stamford Roberts and Lusk, ends; Raphelt and Sledge, tackles; M I take this method of express Rogers and Todd, guars; Hughes, sinmy personal thanks and ing Fuqua. Harvey, Kinard center. cere appreciation to the many, and Massey, backs loyal friends and relatives whoi helped me to win a major award j "--I in the McCollum Hardware popu-- i vMiiMAr jm. Mr larlty contest I am sincerely grateful to each and everyone who helped me In any way. and the Listed as patients in the Haskell beautiful award will always county hospital Thursday at noon me of your friendship were the following persons: Jerrv Grain alone makes lots of yolks Dons Toliver Sue Phemister of Haskell, Gussle but it takes a balanced ration to Sanders of Weinert, Mrs. Renolds build lots of whites and shells. Be Hi iTiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiit and infant son, Lynn of sure your layers get all the i Wilson liHIIIIfflilllllli Haskell, Jimmie Casiano of WeiMil Mill illlllllmillr materials they need. We nert. recommend Purina Lay Chow Patients dismissed during the because it's built to help you get week included Mrs. Jim Almond, all the eggs out of your layers that Oscar Terrell, F. C Richard, Mrs they are capable of laying. Roy Overton, Floyd Rogers 4fmL- 'v WUhJFWiT- s LOTS4GOS Hospital Notes re-mi- nd i egg-maki- ng "r : TEXAS : , FRIDAY NITE SATURDAY MATINEE CEASOR REMONE "GAY CABALLERO" SATURDAY NITE ONLY 0:00 to 11:00 LEON ERROL (iPOP ALWAYS PAYS" SATURDAY OWL SHOW 11:00 P. M SUN-MO- N. JEANETTE MACDONALD NELSON EDDY "BITTER SWEET" Plus NEWS and COMEDY TUESDAY Come in nd nuke our note your hciJqiurlcr J for J u your poultry needs. o CARD OF THANKS , ' I I We want to thank our many friends who have stood by us spiritually, financially and sym-- 1 pathetically in our grief over the death of our husband and father May God's richest blessings rest upon you all. Mrs O. P Howard Children and Grandchildren. I I V MAY J SIT OH YOU " -- Ahnd ?) MAMS PURINA fflUYCHOWfl Trice Hatchery I K 11 OF COURSE MOT. SILLY- - EAT WITH ,T. I ; ..m4.. I DO"1- DSIAV W PfcAUtlCwriH I m. Y S Locob Mr and Mrs. BUI Rlchcy and daughter, Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bagwell visited In Abilene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thorn ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Graham went to Austin Thanksgiving to sec the football game. Mrs. Artie Brn tcher, a mission, ary from Rio dc Jancrlo, Brazil spent the week end with May Belle Taylor in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reynolds spent the holiday with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Reynolds In Georgetown. From Georgetown they went to Austin for a visit with the Hon. and Mrs. Bruce W. Bryant and attended the football game Thursday. Miss Marjorle Whltaker of Big Springs visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Whitaker this week end. Miss Whitaker has been transferred to Stephcnvllle and will leave Big Springs In the near future to take up her work In that city. Mr and Mrs, Barney Bernard visited relatives in Marble Falls Thanksgiving and went to the football game in Austin. Louise Pierson, a student in Baylor University at Waco spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pierson in Haskell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coburn, Mildred Vaughan, Ethel and Gene Frierson and Jerry Lane went to Austin for the football game on Thursday. Frances Fouts, a student In University in Abilene was a week end guest in the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fouts. Mr. and Mrs Paul Zahn and son. Herbert went to Fort Worth for a visit this past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hcrrcn, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pearscy, Miss Eula Mao Marshall and Clinton Hcrrcn were in Austin this week end to attend the Texas University-AM football game. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Berry and children, James Cliff and Joan, Mrs. Bessie Mae Sellers and daughters, Marigene and Sue visit, ed in Big Springs Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Berry visited her mother, and Mrs. Sellers visited Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murchlson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Welsh went to Bastrop Wenesday for a holiday visit with the former's mother. From Bastrop they went to Austin to see the football game Thursday, spent Norrls Mrs. S. A. Thanksgiving in the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huckabee in Graham. The three went to Temple and Holland to visit Mr. Huckabee's relatives during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Oates and daughter Betty and Mrs. H. M. Smith visited the latter's daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ragsdale in San Antonio during the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Oates saw the foot ball game in Austin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Raul English, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Henshaw were in Austin for the football game between Texas University and A. & M. this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richey of Abilene announce the arrival of a son, John Harvey Jr. In the Hendricks Memorial Hospital in Abilene on Wednesday November 27. Mr. Richey formerly lived in Haskell and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Richey of George& Marriage License Issued 18 Couples' During the Month Marriage license were issued to eighteen Haskell county coup(es during the month of November, according to the records in the offlco of County Clerk Roy Rat. llff. Couples securing the license were: Clifford Nicholson and Miss Lois Lackey. Raymond Ammons .and Miss ElsloiV. Gibbs. Edward E. Morris and Miss Ruth Nail. A. C. Rodgcrs and Miss Eudlce Merl Pierson. Louis H. Fincannon and Miss Bonnie Faye Pollock. Elmer Blackwcll and Miss Mil. drcd Rudinc Shclton. Wm. M. Lchnert and Miss Lilly Zclisko. Acrel and Miss Max-In- c TAXES Oklahoma City. Miss Lela Mae Chapman of Paint Creek spent the week end with Bobby Jeean Cornelius. Mrs. G. E. Russell and son, Tommy, and Mrs. Melvin Morgan and daughter of Sagerton spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newton. The play given by the ladles Friday night at the school house was well attended. Misses Loraine Lillian and Neinast of Sagerton visited Miss Mildred Green Tuesday evening , Mr. and Mrs. Price of Albany visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cornellum and daughter Bobby Jean spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Cornelius of Stamford. Mr. Barney Newton of Lubbock spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newton. Mr. and Mrs- - V. E. Newton and daughters Eileen and Ruby Lee of near Sagerton visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boedeker Sunday evenLa-ver- ing. Miss Mildred Green was in Haskell Monday. Miss Virginia Mae Dipple spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hubert tjaitz. The term "spud", once a popular equivalent for potato, orginat-e- d from the Initials of a dietetical society, now deceased, called tho society ror tne prevention of Un 4tp, 384 acre farm. 9 210 Haskell, of northeast mllct JUST RECEIVED from the facacres In cultivation, fair set of tory, new shipment of Goodrich improvements, price $10 000.00 Tires to be sold at bargain cash payment $1,000 00. bal prices. Call and get the tires ance in terms to suit buyer. you need before they are all O. L. Kelley Spur, Texas. gone. J. F. Kennedy. tfc OATES DRUG STORE only A. 60c electrical wiring, etc, call Garner Mayes for prompt, efficient service. Estimates furnished on any Job, large or small, without obligation. Work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Phone 145 or 39. tfc i mvVi "2&OB' Sehl V -- T People everywhere dislike to Eleven members of the Senior pay taxes. People In the Mattson community are no exception. Yet class order rings from the Green the people hero who pay one of Company, Monday, December 2. Before ordering the rings, there the highest possible taxes and little comDblnt is heard from that was a great deal of controversy payment. The tax in question Isj '&s to which company the class the "Mud Tax". It is pernaps true would order from. Rings were that the average taxpayer in this examined from the Green Comprecinct is assessed not more than pany, the Dowell Co., and from two thousand dollars valuation. If the Southern Engraving Co. All this is true, thcnla tax of 15 cents rings failed to meet with the of tho class, and finally on the hundred dollar valuation, which would bo. sufficient to gra- they centered on the rings from vel nt least the main roads would the Green company. cost that person only $3.00 per THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS year. Now the question is, what person in this community does Due to the fact that the roads not lose much more than that each year from being forced to pull were muddy and the busses could over muddy roads or from failure not run Monday and Tuesday to carry on his work because of Mattson only got a half a holiday the impossibility of traveling the Thanksgiving, Thursday, Novemroads during rainy weather? Eco- ber 28. rjhere was little change in school nomy and thrift are splendid virtues, but our ungraveled roads are activities; only short periods. o false economy, and the "Mud BUS INSPECTION Tax" Is a very high one. ,:' V ". V 'Z,jsii. i' ,. Tuesday afternoon, December 3, all busses are to be given a final inspection by the Highway Patrolmen at Haskell. It will be necessary for all busses to pass this test to get any transportation aid from the state. 1040 o DONKEY BASKETBALL GAME Saturday night, December 7, the Mattson school is going to have a donkey basketball game in the gymnasium. 1940 o SCHOOL TO HAVE N. Y. A. WORKERS BASKETBALL 8TARTS . PRACTICE Arrangements are being made for the school to get four N. Y. A. workers. At the present time, it has not been determined who these workers will be, but their services will be wel- After finishing a brilliant season of football the Mattson Mustangs took up basketball Monday, December 2. Mr. Wallace Spray will coach the senior boys. The Mustangs eagerly look forward to1 the forthcoming season. Mr. and Mrs. French Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford were In Austin Thursday for the football game between A&M and Texas University. .Jack and John Kimbrough, Jack Simmons, Milton Wilfong, Wayne Laird, Joe Maples, Zug Phelps, Gene Rogers, R. C. Couch. Curtis Ballard from A&M College spent tno weeK end in Haskell visiting with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Kimbrough and Mrs. W. A. Kimbrough attended the football game in Aus tin Thanksgiving. Henry Atkeison and Charles Grissom were in Austin Thursday to attend the foot ball game. Walter Rogers and Herman Jos. selet of Weinert went to Austin for the football game Thursday. Mrs. LeRoy Oneal has returned to her home in Littlefield after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fouts and other relatives in Haskell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trout of Stamford are announcing the ar rival of a daughter, Linda Joan, on Wednesday, November 27. Mr, and Mrs. Trout are former resi to dents of this city, moving Stamford only a few months ago. Hon. George Mahon Back In Congress After Texas Visit non-stude- nt comed. ne FOR SALE imitations. Large jar i. SENIORS ORDER RINGS MONDAY Bunker Hill FOR SALE Electric washer with FOR SALE Cotton Seed, first year. 75c per bushel. twin tubs. Cheap See P. J 3tc H. J. Aldridge, Rochester, Texas. White at Farmall house. HLVCKY PARTNERS" Round-U- p Gerry Wttfong James Moore and Margaret Oldham Bepertera Jewel Ruth Overman, Hazel Atchison, Genetha Wheatlcy, Walter Merchant, ., Faculty Sponsor P. M. McCarly A&M-Tex- as SORE-THROA- rtuiiiJ- 0, 1040 Assistants' Fi-na- ne I TOT""" Editor WANTED 4 year old registered HOUSEKEEPER in WE HAVE STORED in Haskell farm home; two children in one Spinctt Console, and one Jersey milk cow with 3 weeks family. Write Tom Thomas, Rt. Baby Grand piano, will sell for old white face heifer calf. $75.00 2, Knox City, Texas. 3tc. ltp balances due us. Jackson cash. Jason W. Smith. Co., 1101 Elm, Dallas, IN THE NEXT 20 DAYS you can FOR RENT Two.room furnished 5tp Texas. apartment, close In, modern get my choicest baby beef conveniences. Ask at Free Press POTEET HOME PLACE for sale. bronze turkeys, toms $4, hens office. Write M. G. Poteet, Vernon, $3. l'j miles north of Sagerton. Texas, or see Virgil Brown. 4tp 2tp M. D. Ross. Every jar of DON'T SCRATCH Paraclde Ointment is guaranteed USED TIRES For I WANT TO RENT 2 room unAny Sale. to relieve Itching of eczema, furnished apartment. Telephone make, any size, any price. Also Up 34. itch, ringworm, athletes foot we will lubricate your car for and other minor skin irritation. 50c. Henry Barnes Station on Large jar only 60c at OATES FOR SALE CHEAP Two match Rule Highway. tfc DRUG STORE. 18tc. ing light fixtures: One 3 light one 5 light. Also long dining FOR SALE Farms over West T TONSILITIS! room mirror. All In perfect Texas easy terms. Write Bob Nothing equals a good mop for condition. Sec or call Mrs. J, Harder, Plalnvlew, Texas. 3tp sore throat or tonsllltis and our 2tc M. Diggs. ANATHESIA-MO- P guaran is SHIP OR TRUCK your livestock to Enid, Oklahoma. Sales every teed to give prompt relief or CHRISrrMAS SPECIALS Guar,, your money refunded. PAYNb Monday and Thursday. Per Good anteed Oil Croqulgnole DRUG CO. manent; $2.00 Duart Permandemand for all kinds. Renner 18tc. Livestock Commission Company ent $1.50; $5 00 Machinelcss, Enid, Oklahoma. Haynes Beauty Shop, FOR SALE Good farms for sale $3.00. tfc cheap. See O. N. Harcrow or T. Phone 277. Located first door tfc ltp E. Ballard. north of F. & M. Bank. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY RONALD COLEMAN GINGER ROGERS 1 ' au-pro- V. Stono WHEN YOU NEED PLIJMBING, '.&vt,t " Published Weekly By Stadenta of Mftttoea ftaral Hlfh FOR SALF DON'T SCRATCH! Our Paraclde Ointment is guar onteed to relieve Itching associated with Eczemas, Atheletes Foot, Ordinary Itch, or other minor skin miiHriliMfflril B The Mattson M, Barrow. Oscar Thomas and Miss Lavada Postcll. James C. Sanders and Miss Audrey Alexander. Hazel C. Sanderson and Miss Jo Evelyn Russell. Daniel B. Bolln and Miss Mary Geneva Hlse. Meredith A. Bumpas and Miss Clara Sue Mitchell. Claude J. Fisher and Miss Rena Tankerslcy. Andrew Morgan and Miss Beu-la- h Faulkner. o Gordon F. Trammell and Miss HOMEMAKERS CLUB Evalene Anderson. Harry Sims and Mrs. Lizzie ORGANIZED Washington (colored). o The high school girls, under the Mrs. Bill McKcnnon and Mrs. supervision of Mrs. Spray, have R. L. Lemmon visited the organized a Future Homemakers mer's son, Foy, In Lubbock Club. As the officers of last year week end. did not get to serve, they1 are going to serve until other officers aro elected. Initiation is being carried out week, and the girls are plan, this Mr. and Mre. Elmer Boedekcr ing for a formal initiation to be and daughters left Friday to visit held soon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spitzcr of BARGAIN DAY "CAPTAIN CAUTION" rr Friday December Hl-Br- ed - If I see wt j ifmenu " PlEgi If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion Heartburn, Belching wholesome Diet. Bloating, Nausea, 'Gas Pains, get free sample, Ugda, at Payne Argentine wheat production Is town. 12.13-- p Drug Company. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mayes were not constant, but over a period in Austin Thursday for the foot- of years the total yield does not ball game between A&M and equal that in Kansas and North Dakota, Texas University. FREE ed 1 ALLEY 3for Ellis. mer wiia and the ball was tipped about as in a basketball irame he fore Roberts pulled it in and scor. the Crawford. R A Stone. Fred San. Grand Lodge session of the ders- w B LIndley, Clay order held in Waco this brU8h. W. M. Cass, J. A Blake, week as representatives from the Sterling Edwards, J. A Wimber-Haske- ll C R Sanderson, J B. Whitc- lodge, AF&AM ker Charlie Conner, W. H Mc- Candless, John A. Couch, Mr Reeves and Mr. Morgan BOWLING sale at a bargain if sold at once Box 235, Rule, Texas, ltp FOR SALE 3 piece Ivory Bedroom Suite. See Mrs. Jno. T. ' Congressman George Mahon who spent last week in the District returned to Washington from Lubbock Saturday. Members of Congress had been authorized to return to their Districts, 'subject to the call of the Speaker of. the House of Representatives. Mahon left for Washington immediately upon the receipt of a telegram from Speaker Rayburn advising that Important legislation Would be taken up by the House December 2nd. . 'Mahon's Lubbock office will remain open as he 'hopes to visit the District again before the new Congress convenes in January. o Robert Barnett who is attending Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth visited relatives and friends in Haskell last week end. Mesdames Lloyd Tidwell, Ray Lusk, Bill Johnson and Harold Hammond visited Mrs. Clarence Trout, d patient in the Stamford hospital, Thursday afternoon. FOR RENT Furn- Two-Roo- m ished Apartment, close-inear High School. Mrs. Sallie Daveiiport, Haskell, Texas. 2tp. well-locate- d, n. FOR SALE D. and P. L. No 11-- A cotton seed. Best staple cotton for West Texas Early maturing, staple average 1 Good gin Seed planted one tune from originator. Reclcaned and sacked in bags, $1 per bushel at my barn, mile east Rule. G. T. Bridges, 5tp. tum-ou- t. 1- -2 FOR SALE Turkey Red Wheat seed for sale. 75c per bushel. August Rucffer. 4tp Women and lunior girls shopping for smart Coats you'll rind nationally adver-e-d lines Betty Rose and Prlnt-zes- s, sizes 9 to 40 at the Personality Shoppe. Haskell, Texas. tfc WANTED To Farmers: If you are looking for a good drill come down and look my new drills over. Also if vjju are interested in Tractor Tires comeand get my prices and terms before you buy. Hallie Chapman ,b HJ ;i.. Sm u. I . . . .&&& V LjtiM'
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