Europass životopis - Ing. Štěpán Ožana, Ph.D.
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Measured Data on the Mining Dump. In: Advances in Systems Theory, Signal Processing&Computational Science: Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Co...
VíceEuropass životopis - stepan
1. OŽANA, Štěpán, MACHÁČEK, Zdeněk. Implementation of the Mathematical Model of a Generating Block in Matlab&Simulink Using S-functions. In KAMARUZAMAN, Jusoff, MAHMOUD, Safaa, SIVAKUMAR, Raghupath...
Levitation of a Ball and its Visualization in Matlab&Simulink&Virtual Reality Toolbox. In PROSTEAN, Octavian, ANDREESCU, Gheorghe-Daniel, PESCARU, Dan. Proceedings of the 8th International Conferen...
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OZANA S., MACHACEK Z. Implementation of the Mathematical Model of a Generating Block in Matlab&Simulink Using S-functions. The Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering...