F - ProHistoric.cz
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F - ProHistoric.cz
Names and addresses of organislng clubs (numbered on these dlary pages) can be found by referrlng to the full llst on pages 67-86 of this section. Cauntrles are keyed by thelr fnternatlonal registr...
VíceCalendrier sportif International 1983
All dates and details of events given in the fixture list are as at October 22 1982. Events may be cancelled or the dates may change. The publishers and editors regret that they cannot accept any r...
Více1 - ProHistoric.cz
Toutes dates et tous d6tails donnes dans la rubrique calendrier sont te18 que prévus au 31 octobre 1970. Certaines Bpreuves peuvent Otreannuldeao u les datel changees. LIEditeur et les Rddacteurs n...