Autor Název Dennis, J. E. Numerical methods for unconstrained optimization and nonlinear equations Ortega, James M. Iterative solution of nonlinear equations in several variables Khrushchev, Sergei Orthogonal polynomials and continued fractions : from Euler's point of view SOFSEM '78 :sborník referátov : Ždiar, Vysoké Tatry, 26.11.-8.12.1978 Jednota československých matematiků a fyziků SOFSEM '85 :sborník referátů : Ždiar, Vysoké Tatry, 24.11.-6.12.1985 Nakladatelství Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Cambridge Univ. Press Výskumné výpočetné stredisko Ústav výpočetní techniky UJEP Rok Signatura Cena 1996 C 3024 1088.70 2000 C 3025 1477.80 2008 C 3026 2679.40 1978 A 146/78 DAR 1985 A 146/85/1 DAR SOFSEM '92 :conference proceedings : invited talks : Ždiar, High Tatras, 1992 SOFSEM '92 :conference proceedings : contributed talks : Ždiar, High Tatras, 22.11.-4.12. 1992 Ústav výpočetní techniky 1988 A 146/88/2 UJEP Institute of computer science 1992 A 146/92/1 MU Brno Institute of computer science 1992 A 146/92/2 MU Brno Neural-symbolic cognitive reasoning Springer 2009 C 3027 1903.00 Consultants Bureau Research Studies Press Oxford University Press Springer 1998 2004 2000 2009 4854.90 2497.00 2761.00 2703.50 Ústav informatiky AV ČR 2008 C 2677/08 Obdržálek, David Shoham, Yoav D'Agostino, Ralph B. D'Agostino, Ralph B. D'Agostino, Ralph B. D'Agostino, Ralph B. Glöckner, Ingo Algebraic theory of quasivarieties Structural mechanics :graph and matrix methods Fundamental problems of algorithmic algebra An atlas of functions :with equator, the atlas function calculator Inteligentní modely, algoritmy, metody a nástroje pro vytváření sémantického webu :seminář projektu programu "Informační společnost" : 30.11.-2.12. 2008, Svratka MIS 2008 :12.-19. ledna 2008, Josefův Důl : sborník semináře Multiagent systems :algorithmic, game-theoretic, and logical foundations Wiley encyclopedia of clinical trials. Wiley encyclopedia of clinical trials. Wiley encyclopedia of clinical trials. Wiley encyclopedia of clinical trials. Fuzzy quantifiers :a computational theory 2008 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2006 Awodey, Steve Category theory Krömer, Ralf Tool and object :a history and philosophy of category theory Eldén, Lars Matrix methods in data mining and pattern recognition Osipov, Grigory V. Synchronization in oscillatory networks Matfyzpress Cambridge University Press Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Springer Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press Birkhauser Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Springer SOFSEM '88 :sborník krátkých referátů : Malenovice, Beskydy, 27.11.-9.12.1988 Czechoslovak Society for Computer Science Czechoslovak Society for Computer Science D’Avila Garcez, Artur S. Gorbunov, Viktor A. Kaveh, A. Yap, Chee-Keng Oldham, Keith B. Štuller, Július C 3028 C 3029 C 3030 DA 71 B 4398/08 C 3031 C 3032/1 C 3032/2 C 3032/3 C 3032/4 C 3033 DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR 1296.20 5863.35 5863.35 5863.35 5863.35 4132.20 2006 C 3034 2904.60 2007 C 3035 3153.80 2007 C 2724b 1460.20 2007 C 3036 2715.60 Autor Chan, Kung-sik Chaos :a statistical perspective Název Gabbay, Dov M. Temporal logic :mathematical foundations and computational aspects Carnielli, Walter Huang, N. E. Modalities and multimodalities The Hilbert-Huang transform in engineering Decision support for telecommunications and information society DSTIS-2005 :the National Institute of fifth international conference on decision support for telecommunications and Telecommunications information society : prelimitary proceedings, Warsaw, Poland, 1-3 September, 2005 Institute of Electrical The 2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation :IEEE CEC 2005, 2-5 and Electronics September, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: proceedings Engineers Institute of Electrical The 2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation :IEEE CEC 2005, 2-5 and Electronics September, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: proceedings Engineers Institute of Electrical The 2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation :IEEE CEC 2005, 2-5 and Electronics September, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: proceedings Engineers Campbell, S. L. Modeling and simulation in Scilab/Scicos Kulisch, Ulrich Perspectives on enclosure methods Barrow, John D. New theories of everything :the quest for ultimate explanation Jednota SOFSEM '86 československých matematiků a fyziků Jednota SOFSEM '86 československých matematiků a fyziků Jednota československých SOFSEM '90 :sborník referátů : Janské Lázně, Krkonoše, 18.11.1990-30.11. 1990 matematiků a fyziků Seminar on numerical analysis SNA´09 :modelling and simulation of challenging Blaheta, Radim engineering problems : Winter school high-performance and parallel computers, programming technologies & numerical linear algebra : Ostrava, February 2-6, 2009 Boss, Alan The crowded universe :the search for living planets Moore, Ramon E. Introduction to interval analysis Řezanková, Hana Shluková analýza dat Nakladatelství Springer Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press Springer Taylor & Francis Rok Signatura Cena 2001 C 3037 2342.20 2000 C 3038/2 5220.90 2008 C 3039 2005 C 3040 4198.90 3533.70 National institute of telecommunications 2005 A 838/05 DAR IEEE Press 2003 A 879/1 DAR IEEE Press 2003 A 879/2 DAR IEEE Press 2003 A 879/3 DAR Springer Springer Oxford University Press 2006 C 3041 2001 C 3042 2008 B 4434 964.27 1715.35 330.80 Ústav výpočetní techniky UJEP 1986 A 146/86/1 DAR Ústav výpočetní techniky UJEP 1986 A 146/86/2 DAR Ústav výpočetní techniky UJEP 1990 A 146/90 DAR Institute of Geonics AS CR 2009 A 859/09 DAR Basic Books Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Professional Publishing 2009 C 3043 700.40 2009 C 3044 1912.30 2009 C 2701a DAR Autor Anděl, Jiří, Daubechies, Ingrid Název Database and expert systems applications, DEXA 92 :proceedings of the international conference in Valencia, Spain, 1992 Matematika náhody Ten lectures on wavelets Conn, A. R. Introduction to derivative-free optimization Tjoa, A Min Liessmann, Konrad Teorie nevzdělanosti =[Orig.: Theorie der Unbildung] : omyly společnosti vědění Paul Rao, C. Radhakrishna Lineární metody statistické indukce a jejich aplikace Artemov, S. N. We will show them! :essays in honour of Dov Gabbay on his 60th birthday Artemov, S. N. We will show them! :essays in honour of Dov Gabbay on his 60th birthday Optimal quadratic programming algorithms :with applications to variational Dostál, Zdeněk inequalities Optimal quadratic programming algorithms :with applications to variational Dostál, Zdeněk inequalities Numerical analysis :with emphasis on the application of numerical techniques to Kopal, Zdeněk problems of infinitesimal calculus in single variable Smith, Nicholas J. J. Vagueness and degrees of truth Smith, Nicholas J. J. Vagueness and degrees of truth Principles of optics :electromagnetics theory of propagation, interference and Born, Max diffraction of light Cooper, S. B. Computability theory Modern multivariate statistical techniques :regression, classification, and manifold Izenman, Alan Julian learning Escofier, Jean-Pierre Galois theory Metcalfe, George Proof theory for fuzzy logics Chajda, Ivan Semilattice structures World congress on engineering and computer science WCECS 2008 :22-24 Ao, S. I. October, 2008, San Francisco, USA : proceedings Brenner, Susanne C. The mathematical theory of finite element methods Antsaklis, Panos J. Linear systems Benthem, J. F. A. K. The age of alternative logics :assessing philosophy of logic and mathematics today van Manin, Jurij Ivanovič Introduction to modern number theory :fundamental problems, ideas and theories Úvod do logiky a metodologie deduktivních věd =[Introduction to logic and to the Tarski, Alfred methodology of deductive sciences] Beardon, Alan F. Iteration of rational functions :complex analytic dynamical systems Nakladatelství Rok Signatura Cena Springer 1992 A 865/92 DAR Matfyzpress SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2007 B 4300a 1992 C 3045 145.00 2045.70 2009 C 3046 2031.90 Academia 2008 B 4435 203.00 Academia College Publications College Publications 1978 C 624 2005 C 3047/1 2005 C 3047/2 DAR 1080.30 1080.30 Springer 2009 C 3048 2357.95 Springer 2009 C 3048a 2357.95 Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1961 C 3049 1548.20 Oxford University Press Oxford University Press 2008 C 3050 2008 C 3050a 1588.00 1588.00 Cambridge University 1999 C 3051 1930.80 Chapman & Hall/CRC 2004 C 3052 1651.53 Springer 2008 C 3053 1780.55 Springer Springer Heldermann International association of engineers Springer Birkhäuser 2001 C 3054 2009 C 3055 2007 C 3056 853.50 4220.30 985.80 2002 C 3057 2006 C 3058 1706.50 2215.30 Springer 2009 C 3059 1614.90 Springer 2007 C 3060 2161.90 Academia 1969 B 4436 DAR Springer 1991 C 3061 671.50 2008 A 880 DAR Autor Fibonacci, Leonardo Venugopal, K. 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Experimental designs Dynamic programming and optimal control Dynamic programming and optimal control An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications An Introduction to Copulas A distribution-free theory of nonparametric regression Linear algebra with applications SOFSEM 2009 :theory and practice of computer science : 35th conference on current trends in theory and practice of computer science, Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, January 24-30, 2009 : proceedings SOFSEM 2009 :theory and practice of computer science : 35th conference on current trends in theory and practice of computer science : Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, January , 2009 : proceedings John Wiley John Wiley Wiley Athena Scientific Athena Scientific Springer Springer Springer Macmillan 1967 1967 1957 2005 2007 2008 2006 2002 1980 C 3065/1 C 3065/2 C 3066 C 3067/1 C 3067/2 C 1591b C 3068 C 3069 C 3070 Springer 2009 C 2297/1/09 DAR Matfyzpress 2009 C 2297/2/09 DAR OPS 2008 B 4437 230.00 Chórézmí, Aritmetický a algebraický traktát Muhammad ibn Músa Eukleidés Základy. Rejzek, Jiří Xu, Rui Arora, Sanjeev Český etymologický slovník Clustering Computational complexity :a modern approach Symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty :10th European conference, ECSQARU 2009, Verona, Italy, July 1-3, 2009 : proceedings Verification and control of hybrid systems :a symbolic approach Using algebraic geometry Driver car interaction & interface 2008. D|C|I&I|2008 :proceedings of the international conference, Prague, 17-18 December, 2008 Applied economics, business and development :proceedings of the world multiconference applied economics, business and development (AEBD ´09) : University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, July 1-3, 2009 Sossai, Claudio Tabuada, Paulo Cox, David A. Bouchner, Petr Universidad de La Laguna Nakladatelství Rok Signatura Cena DAR DAR DAR 1428.86 1428.86 1646.40 1648.12 2702.59 DAR Otevřeně prospěšná společnost Leda Wiley, IEEE Press Cambridge University Press 2008 B 4438 190.00 2001 E 54 2009 C 3071 2009 C 3072 629.00 2139.31 1290.70 Springer 2009 CD 23 Springer Springer Institute of Computer Science 2009 C 3073 2005 C 3074 1603.61 475.89 2008 C 3075 DAR 2009 A 881 DAR WSEAS Press DAR Autor Instituto Superior Técnico IEEE Computer Society Snášel, Václav McNulty, Scott Smarandache, Florentin Smarandache, Florentin Smarandache, Florentin Manna, Z. Crick, Francis Název International fuzzy systems association world congress 2009. European society for fuzzy logic and technology conference 2009. IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009 :proceedings: Lisbon, Portugal, 20-24 July, 2009 International conference on computational aspects of social networks CASoN 2009 :24-27 June, 2009, Fontainbleu, Francie : proceedings The first international conference on networked digital technologies (NDT 2009) :proceedings : July 29-31, 2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic WordPress efektivní publikování na webu Nakladatelství Rok Signatura Cena Instituto Superior Técnico 2009 CD 24 DAR IEEE Computer Society 2009 A 882 DAR IEEE 2009 CD 25 DAR Zoner Press 2009 C 3076 Advances and applications of DSmT for information fusion :collected works American Research Press 2004 C 3077/04 DAR Advances and applications of DSmT for information fusion :collected works American Research Press 2006 C 3077/06 DAR Advances and applications of DSmT for information fusion :collected works American Research Press 2009 C 3077/09 DAR 1981 C 777i 1997 B 4439 DAR DAR 1991 C 3078 DAR 2009 B 4440 269.10 2009 C 3079 448.20 Matematická teorie programů SNTL Věda hledá duši :Překvapivá domněnka Mladá fronta Teorie her a její aplikace :vysokošk. učebnice pro stud. VŠE v Praze i stud. Maňas, Miroslav SNTL ostatních ekon. fakult jiných vys. škol Bez počátku a konce :nová historie vesmíru = [Orig. : Endless universe : beyond the Steinhardt, Paul J. Paseka Big Bang] Fyzika v potížích :vzestup teorie strun, úpadek vědecké metody a co bude dál = Smolin, Lee [Orig. : The trouble with physics, the rise of string theory, the fall of a science, and Dokořán,, Argo what comes next] Floreano, Dario Bio-inspired artificial intelligence :theories, methods, and technologies MIT Press Chambers, John M. Software for data analysis :programming with R Springer Bivand, Roger Applied spatial data analysis with R Springer Spector, Phil Data manipulation with R Springer Stanek, William R. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 :kapesní rádce administrátora Computer Press IEEE Computer Proceedings of the 2009 fifth international conference on next generation web Conference Publishing Society services practices :9-11 September, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic Services Merrick, Kathryn E. Motivated reinforcement learning :curious characters for multiuser games Springer Sequential approximate multi-objective optimization using computational Nakayama, Hirotaka Springer intelligence Sabin-Wilson, Lisa Wordpress for dummies(r), 2nd edition Wiley Kuželová, Dana Doktorandské dny '09 :Jizerka, 21. září-23. září 2009 Matfyzpress Steffens, Karl-Georg The history of approximation theory :from Euler to Bernstein Birkhäuser 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 C 3080 C 3081 C 3082 C 3083 B 4441 2009 A 883 260.00 943.99 1363.01 1166.08 1077.63 584.00 DAR 2009 C 3084 1686.48 2009 C 3085 2657.15 2009 C 3086 2009 A 837/09 2006 C 3087 395.65 DAR 1384.24 Autor Název Nakladatelství Information technologies applications and theory, ITAT 2009 :conference on theory Vojtáš, Peter and practice of information technologies : proceedings : Kráľova Studňa, Slovakia, PONT September 2009 Informačné technológie aplikácie a teória :zborník príspevkov prezentovaných na Vojtáš, Peter PONT pracovnom seminári ITAT, Slovensko, september 2009 Society for Industrial and Lee, Herbert K. H. Bayesian nonparametrics via neural networks Applied Mathematics Kroupa, Tomáš WUPES '09 :proceedings of the 8th workshop on uncertainty processing University of Economics Burgess, John P. Philosophical logic Princeton University Press Strakoš, Zdeněk Proceedings of seminar in differential equations :Kamenice nad Lipou 2008 Vydavatelský servis Jackson, John David Classical electrodynamics Wiley Black, Uyless D. Sams teach yourself networking in 24 hours Sams Sanchez, Ellie Fuzzy logic and the semantic web Elsevier DATAKON 2009 :sborník databázové konference = [proceedings of the annual Chlapek, Dušan Oeconomica database conference] : Srní, 10.-13. října 2009 Grätzer, George Universal algebra Springer Maddux, R. D. Relation algebras Elsevier Mac Lane, Saunders Sheaves in geometry and logic :a first introduction to topos theory Springer Oxenden, Clive New English file Oxford University Press Oxenden, Clive New English file Oxford University Press Woźnicki, Zbigniew Solving linear systems :an analysis of matrix prefactorization iterative methods Matrix Editions Ignacy Computer methods for ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic SIAM Ascher, Uri M. equations The semantic web - ISWC 2009 :8th international semantic web conference, ISWC Springer Bernstein, Abraham 2009, Chantilly, VA, USA, October 25-29, 2009. proceedings IEEE First international conference on the applications of digital information and web IEEE Communications technologies :ICADIWT 2008, August 4-6, 2008, proceedings Society Vassilevski, Panayot Multilevel block factorization preconditioners :matrix-based analysis and algorithms Springer S. for solving finite element equations Volk, Tyler Co2 rising :the world's greatest environmental challenge MIT Press Rektorys, Karel Přehled užité matematiky I Prometheus Rektorys, Karel Přehled užité matematiky II Prometheus Hairer, Ernst Solving ordinary differential equations. Springer Hairer, Ernst Solving ordinary differential equations. Springer Chinneck, John W. Feasibility and infeasibility in optimization :algorithms and computational methods Springer Rok Signatura Cena 2009 C 2453/09/1 DAR 2009 C 2453/09/2 DAR 2004 C 3088 2009 2009 2009 1999 2009 2006 C 1871/09 DAR B 4442 432.10 C 3089 DAR C 3090 1745.27 C 3091 553.52 C 3092 3525.55 2009 B 4383/09 2008 2006 1992 2007 2006 799.49 DAR C 3093 C 3094 C 3095 A 884/1 A 884/2 1726.60 4650.40 1726.60 434.00 264.00 2009 C 3096 2201.80 1998 C 3097 1140.60 2009 C 2377/09 DAR 2008 CD 26 DAR 2008 C 3098 2008 2000 2000 1993 1991 2008 1511.66 B 4443 453.40 C 1856b/1 385.20 C 1856b/2 442.80 C 1440a/1 C 1440a/2 2130.62 C 3099 1777.55 Autor Název Cambridge University Acta numerica 2009. Lunze, Jan Handbook of hybrid systems control :theory, tools, applications Hudec, Milan Argyros, Ioannis Konstantinos Bartholomew-Biggs, Michael C. Griffel, D. H. Jordan, Thomas F. Mackey, George W. MacCluer, Barbara D. Oxenden, Clive Oxenden, Clive Nakladatelství Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Ústav vedy a výskumu Univerzity Mateja Bela Rok Signatura Cena 2009 C 1865/18 2547.00 2009 C 3100 1698.30 2009 B 4444 DAR Convergence and applications of Newton-type iterations Springer 2008 C 3101 1236.39 Nonlinear optimization with engineering applications Springer 2008 C 3102 1214.26 Applied functional analysis Linear operators for quantum mechanics Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics Elementary functional analysis New English file New English file Dover Dover Publications Dover Publications Springer Oxford University Press Oxford University Press People's Medical Publishing House 2002 2007 2004 2009 2007 2006 460.79 316.61 331.69 1077.81 434.15 264.11 2008 A 885 1493.30 MIT press 2006 C 3105 693.26 Springer 2008 C 3106 1694.49 Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků 2008 B 4402/08 Guilford Press Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Springer Decker Morgan & Claypool Karolinum Springer-Verlag 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 2009 2009 2002 Springer 1997 C 3110 DAR Springer Springer 2001 C 3111 2001 C 2368a DAR DAR Konštrukcia neurónových sietí skladaním jednotiek stratovej kompresie Norman, Geoffrey R. Biostatistics :the bare essentials Rasmussen, Carl Gaussian processes for machine learning Edward Schilders, Wilhelmus Model order reduction :theory, research aspects and applications H.A. Robust 2008 :sborník prací 15. letní školy JČMF Robust 2008 uspořádané Antoch, Jaromír Jednotou českých matematiků a fyziků za podpory CQR, ČStS, KPMS MFF UK a ÚM SAV ve dnech 8.-12. září 2008 v Pribylině Streiner, David L. When research goes off the rails :why it happens and what you can do about it Cambridge University Acta numerica 2006. Cambridge University Acta numerica 2007. Cambridge University Acta numerica 2008. Parallel computing :numerics, applications, and trends Norman, Geoffrey R. PDQ epidemiology Zhu, Xiaojin Semi-supervised learning Zvárová, Jana, Systémy pro podporu lékařského rozhodování Freitas, Alex A. Data mining and knowledge discovery with evolutionary algorithms A Theory of Learning and Generalization :With Applications to Neural Networks and Vidyasagar, M. Control Systems Ben-Ari, Mordechai Mathematical logic for computer science Fensel, Dieter Ontologies :silver bullet for knowledge management and electronic commerce C 3103 B 4445 B 4446 C 3104 A 884a/1 A 884a/2 C 3107 C 1865/15 C 1865/16 C 1865/17 C 3108 B 4447 C 3109 B 4340/3 C 2234a DAR 717.61 2406.92 2542.27 1589.16 2133.17 641.49 729.94 DAR DAR Autor Ashbourn, Julian Liu, G. P. Omicini, Andrea D'Avila Garcez, Artur S. Dimitrov, Vladimir De Castro, Leandro N. Studer, Rudi Kallel, Leila Hellendoorn, Hans Kasabov, Nik Ma, Jian-Guo Manganaro, G. Newton, Paul Bolle, Ruud Kurzweil, Ray Spears, William M. McTear, Michael Liu, Jiming Lavrač, Nada Bonilla, L. L. Bettini, Claudio Jensen, Finn V. Michalewicz, Maciej Liu, Jiming Longoria, Roman Newborn, Monty Revesz, Peter Blyth, Andrew Název Nakladatelství Biometric and token technology application modeling language-BANTAM :the user Springer guide Nonlinear identification and control :a neural network approach Springer Coordination of Internet agents :models, technologies, and applications Springer Rok Signatura 2002 C 3112 DAR 2001 C 3113 2001 C 3114 DAR DAR Neural-symbolic learning systems :foundations and applications Springer 2002 C 3115 DAR Social fuzziology :study of fuzziness of social complexity Physica-Verlag 2002 C 3116 DAR Artificial immune systems :a new computational intelligence approach Springer 2002 C 3117 DAR Handbook on ontologies Theoretical aspects of evolutionary computing :[Avo net summer school on theoretical aspects of evolutionary computing] Fuzzy model identification :selected approaches Evolving connectionist systems :methods and applications in bioinformatics, brain study and intelligent machines Third generation communication systems :future developments and advanced topics Cellular neural networks :chaos, complexity, and VLSI processing Geometry, mechanics and dynamics :volume in honor of the 60th birthday of J. E. Marsden Automatic fingerprint recognition systems The singularity is near :when humans transcend biology Evolutionary algorithms :the role of mutation and recombination Spoken dialogue technology :towards the conversational user interface Web intelligence Relational data mining Coherent structures in complex systems Time granularities in databases, data mining, and temporal reasoning Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs Intelligent information systems 2002 : proceedings of the IIS' 2002 Symposium, Sopot, Poland, June 3-6, 2002 Spatial reasoning and planning :geometry, mechanism, and motion Designing software for the mobile context :a practitioner's guide Deep blue :an artificial intelligence milestone Introduction to constraint databases Information assurance :surviving the information environment Springer-Verlag 2004 C 2369a DAR Springer 2001 C 3118 DAR Springer 1997 C 3119 DAR Springer 2003 C 3120 DAR Springer 2004 C 3121 DAR Springer 1999 C 3122 DAR Springer 2002 C 3123 DAR Springer Pinguin Books Springer Springer Springer Springer-Verlag Springer Springer Springer 2004 2006 2000 2004 2003 2001 2001 2000 2001 Physica 2002 C 3131 DAR Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer 2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR C 3124 C 3125 C 3126 C 3127 C 2520a C 2172a C 3128 C 3129 C 3130 C 3132 C 3133 C 3134 C 3135 C 3136 Cena DAR 400.94 DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR Autor Marchette, David J. Rordam, Mikael Berthold, Michael Cross, Valerie V. Détienne, Francoise Dasgupta, Dipankar Kasabov, Nik Deen, S. M. Usemann, Klaus W. Wigand, Rolf T. Leung, Chi Sing Giua, A. Název Computer intrusion detection and network monitoring :a statistical viewpoint Classification of nuclear C*algebras :entropy in operator algebras Intelligent data analysis :an introduction Similarity and compatibility in fuzzy set theory :assessment and applications Software design - cognitive aspects Artificial immune systems and their applications Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems :[international conference on neural information processing, 4th, 1997, New Zealand] Agent based manufacturing :advances in the holonic approach Brandschutz in der Gebäudetechnik :Grundlagen, Gesetzgebung, Bauteile, Anwendung Introduction to business information systems Neural information processing :16th international conference, ICONIP 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1-5, 2009, proceedings Analysis and design of hybrid systems ADHS ´09 :preprints of the 3rd IFAC international conference, Zaragoza, Spain, September 16-18, 2009 Nakladatelství Springer Springer Springer Physica Springer Springer Rok 2001 2002 2003 2002 2002 1999 Springer 1998 C 3142 DAR Springer 2003 C 3143 DAR Springer 2003 C 3144 DAR Springer 2003 C 3145 DAR Springer 2009 CD 27 DAR [University of Zaragoza] 2009 A 886 DAR Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Watkins, David S. The matrix eigenvalue problem :GR and Krylov subspace methods Applied Mathematics Finite difference methods for ordinary and partial differential equations :steady-state Society for Industrial and LeVeque, Randall J. and time-dependent problems Applied Mathematics Baldi, Paolo Martingales and Markov chains :solved exercises and elements of theory Chapman & Hall/CRC Grimmett, Geoffrey R. Probability and random processes Oxford University Press Society for Industrial and Moore, Ramon E. Introduction to interval analysis Applied Mathematics Feller, William An introduction to probability theory and its applications John Wiley & Sons Adaptive differential evolution :a robust approach to multimodal problem Springer Zhang, Jingqiao optimization Strang, Gilbert Introduction to linear algebra Wellesley-Cambridge Press DeVore, Ronald A. Constructive Approximation Springer-Verlag Feller, William Introduction to probability theory and its applications. Wiley Zhu, Xiaojin Semi-supervised learning Morgan & Claypool Society for Industrial and Ipsen, Ilse C. F. Numerical matrix analysis :linear systems and least squares Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and O'Leary, Dianne P. Scientific computing with case studies Applied Mathematics Higham, Nicholas J. Functions of matrices :theory and computation Signatura C 3137 C 3138 C 2030a C 3139 C 3140 C 3141 Cena DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR 2008 C 2885e 1268.86 2007 C 2891a 1300.36 2007 C 2963a 1316.22 2002 C 3146 2001 C 2415a 1760.11 1361.45 2009 C 3044a 1522.24 1968 C 3147 2573.00 2009 C 3148 2642.03 2009 1993 1971 2009 1824.35 3041.45 2412.87 730.08 C 1536b C 1643a C 3147/2 C 3109a 2009 B 4448 1268.86 2009 C 3149 1912.06 Autor O'Leary, Dianne P. Název Scientific computing with case studies Lambek, Joachim Huth, Michael Sheaves, games, and model completions :a categorical approach to nonclassical propositional logics Introduction to higher order categorical logic Logic in computer science :modelling and reasoning about systems Goodearl, K. R. Partially ordered abelian groups with interpolation Ghilardi, Silvio Gockenbach, Mark S. Partial differential equations :analytical and numerical methods Gockenbach, Mark S. Partial differential equations :analytical and numerical methods Bhatia, Rajendra Perturbation bounds for matrix eigenvalues Strang, Gilbert Introduction to applied mathematics Singer, Ivan Best approximation in normed linear spaces by elements of linear subspaces Nakladatelství Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Rok Signatura 2009 C 3149a Cena 1912.06 Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002 C 3150 3127.00 Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press American Mathematical Society SIAM SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Wellesley-Cambridge Press House of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, Springer 1988 C 3151 2004 C 3152 1025.70 1299.90 1986 C 3153 2069.80 2002 C 2335a 2002 C 2335b 1743.65 1743.65 2007 C 2959a 1035.00 1986 C 3154 1709.40 1970 C 3155 1980.00
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Krajina v kontextu globálních změn (Společnost pro ekologii krajiny)
Model proudové vektorové regulace asynchronního motoru pro
MATLAB firmy MathWorks). Disponuje sice méně kvalitními knihovnami grafických prvků než
bohatě vybavený MATLAB, avšak pro základní modelování je plně postačující. Prostředí je zdarma
ke stažení na ...