Waster water treatment and drainage II
Water Management and Ecological Construction Waster water treatment and drainage II Mladoboleslavsko Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav, a.s. 07/2012 - 07/2014 Středočeský kraj The group project "Mladá Boleslav Region: Waste Water Treatment and Drainage II" is focused on the construction of sewerage system in Mladá Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiště and Dobrovice and improvement of drinking water quality in Dobrovice and surrounding areas.The main objectives of the project include namely reduction of contamination and quality improvement of surface water in the Jizera river, expansion of waste water treatment and sewerage system in mentioned municipalities and reduction of contamination level of soil, underground water as well as surface water. In the Dobrovice agglomeration, there will be an improvement in the quality of drinking water supplied by the public water supply system.The project consists of the following nine parts. 2) Dobrovice, improvement of drinking water quality3.1) Mladá Boleslav, Bezděčín - extension of sewerage system3,2) Mladá Boleslav, Láskov - extension of sewerage system3,3) Mladá Boleslav, Chrást - extension of Water Management and Ecological Construction Sewerage system and WWTP Kopidlno Město Kopidlno 11/2011 - 11/2013 Kralovehradecký kraj The water management project in Kopidlno includes the construction of new sewerage system with a total length of 2300 m, new mechanical and biological water treatment plant, auxiliary and main pumping stations, 25 m long access road to the plant and sewerage system discharging the treated waste water to the river with the length of 585 m. The main objective of the project is quality improvement of water in the Mrlina river and environmental protection. Water Management and Ecological Construction Reconstruction and extension of the sewerage systém Mnichovo Hradiště Město Mnichovo Hradiště 03/2011 - 12/2012 Středočeský kraj At present, the town is seeing a rapid development - increase in the construction of housing buildings, industrial and commercial centres and leisure time, recreational and sports facilities; connection of newly built collectors in the development areas requires reconstruction and extension of the sewerage system. The construction is divided into two locations - the town district above the Černá St. and the area of the municipality of Veselá. Water Management and Ecological Construction Sewerage system Červený Kostelec - Olešnice Město Červený Kostelec 05/2011 - 11/2012 Kralovehradecký kraj The sewerage system being built is an important technical infrastructure of the municipality of Olešnice u Červeného Kostelce, which serves the entire built-up area of the municipality and a strip of rural area in the direction of the Červený Kostelec water treatment plant. The implementation of the works included the construction of 5,106 running meters of sewers and 2,585 running meters of force pipelines from two pumping stations. An integral part of the project was the reconstruction of access roads. Water Management and Ecological Construction Drainage of waste water Bojiště - Trutnov Město Trutnov 09/2010 - 04/2012 Kralovehradecký kraj The construction resolves the drainage of waste water within the entire area of location Bojiště in Trutnov, where waste water flows by gravitation to pumping stations, from which it is forced into the existing sewerage network and further to the water treatment plant. Water Management and Ecological Construction Reconstruction of WWTP Velké Hamry Severočeská vodárenská společnost, a.s. 11/2010 - 12/2011 Liberecký kraj The project included complete reconstruction and capacity enhancement of the water treatment plant, which operates in double-line system and includes mechanical and biological treatment with front-end denitrification, nitrification with fine-bubbling aeration and vertical settlement tanks. A new exterior two-layer tank with a volume of 10 m3 for ferric sulphate was built for chemical elimination of phosphorus. The reconstruction was carried out in the working condition of the treatment plant. There is no doubt that application of advanced technology will have a positive impact on the quality of water in the Kamenice river, which flows into the Jizera river. Water Management and Ecological Construction Extension of the sewerage systém Žacléř Město Žacléř 10/2010 - 10/2011 Kralovehradecký kraj The purpose of the construction was building a new sewerage system in the town district of Žacléř - Červená kolonie so that selected properties in the area of interest could be drainaged. Another objective was the readjustment of the existing insufficient rain separators "U tenisových kurtů" and "U hřbitova" into vortex separators, reconstruction of the "Na pilíři" separator and utilization of the facilities within the compound of former water treatment plant "Pod zahradami" to rainwater basins. The construction resulted in the improvement of the environment in the municipality and improvement of parameters of drainage to the water treatment plant, where the excessive waste of sufficient quality is lead directly to the water body. Water Management and Ecological Construction Clean Upper Olse - 2nd part Slezský vodohospodářský svazek 09/2009 - 10/2010 Zlínský kraj This project includes the construction of a new sewage system for the municipalities of Vendryne and Bystrice. It also includes construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in Bystrice. Construction is being carried out in cooperation with IMOS Brno Corp. Water Management and Ecological Construction Clean Upper Elbe Město Vrchlabí 04/2009 - 08/2010 Kralovehradecký kraj This project focuses on the completion and reconstruction of the entire sewer system for the Vrchlabi urban area. The project will see all wastewater treated by means of a central wastewater treatment plant in accordance with legal norms. The sewer construction project, 36.6 km in length, involves 40 locations around Vrchlabi. The construction will also see the building of a total of 4 km of sewer connections and realignment of the utilities network. The construction is being carried out in cooperation with VCES Corp. Water Management and Ecological Construction Clean Upper Upa Vodovody a kanalizace Trutnov 09/2007 - 10/2009 Kralovehradecký kraj The Clean Upper Upa project is one of a number of projects contributing substantially to an improvement in the quality of the natural environment. It will bring better quality water in the upper sections of the Upa River, as well as a greater degree of protection for subterranean water. 32 sewer lines have been laid under the project with a total length of 29 km, along with modernization of the wastewater treatment plant in Bohuslavice nad Upou. Construction was carried out in cooperation with Metrostav and OHL ZS. Water Management and Ecological Construction Dredging and Reconstruction of the Prkenny Dul Fish Pond Město Žacléř 03/2007 - 11/2007 Kralovehradecký kraj Work was completed in 2007 on the dredging and reconstruction of the functional objects in the flow-through pond on Snezny Stream. 5640 m³ of mud were carried away and more than 370 m³ of cement was used for reconstruction of the functional objects. The project also included fortification of the riverbed with boulders and the construction of a fish passageway.
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