Fight Club
Fight Club
Fight Club IČO: 650 10 914, e-mail: [email protected], org. číslo ČSTV: 330 12 17, ČÍSLO ÚČTU: 812109423/0300, Předseda: Bc. Petr Beníšek GSM: +420 608 860 845, e-mail: [email protected] KARATE KID CUP - PROPOSITION Karate Kid cup je a series of tournaments to young talents under 15 years of age organised in accordance with rules and regulations of the WKF, complemented with Ipon Shobu categories in compliance with the WSKU and special discipline superkop and kickboxing. WHERE: Is to be held in the CONGRESS CENTRE METROPOL, Senovážné náměstí 2, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech republic. Sunday 14. December 2014 Kategorie: 1. KATA – WKF rules Girls and Boys KATA individual, U16, U14, U12, U10, U8 • Special division 9-7kyu U16, U14, U12, U10, U8 2. KUMITE – WKF rules Girls 14-15let (-54 kg, +54 kg), Girls 12-13 let (-50 kg, +50 kg) Girls 10-11 let (-35 kg, +35 kg) Girls 8-9 let (-30 kg, +30 kg) Girls 6-7 let (-20 kg, +20 kg) Boys 14-15 let (-63 kg, +63 kg) Boys 12-13 let (-45 kg, -52 kg, -60 kg, +60 kg) Boys 10-11 let (-30 kg, -35 kg, -41 kg, +41 kg) Boys 8-9 let (-27 kg, -32 kg, +32kg) Boysi 6-7 let (-25 kg, +25kg) 3. KUMITE - Shobu Ippon (WSKU rules) KUMITE individual, U16, U14, U12, U10, U8 – All categories is OPEN • Special division 9-7kyu, U16, U14, U12, U10, U8 – All categories is OPEN 4. SUPER-KICK – SUPPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINE (5 of kicks in striking targets for speed – simple rules) Super-kick individual , U16, U12, U10, U8 - ALL CATEGORIES – OPEN 5. KICKBOX (Lightcontact – jiu kumite) boys and girls 8-12 years-30kg, -40kg, +40kg , 13-15 years -45kg, -55kg, + 55kg Program: 09:30 - 10:00 10:15 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00 12:15 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:00 Registration Kata (WKF), Super-kick Ceremony Kumite WKF, kickbox Kumite Ipon shobu, kickbox ENTRY FEE: 15 € total for all 5 categories Rules: · Kata all categories WKF kata rules (shotokan, goju, wado, shito). · Kata children (U10, U12, U14) can be practicing competitors together in time. Only semifinal and match to medails by one. · All WKF category must be protective equipment WKF rules – Hands protectors, gum-shield, foot protector, shin pads and women chest protectors.!! · All IPON SHOBU (WSKU) category – Hands protectors, gum-shield, and women chest protectors.!! (foot protector and shin pads - not obligatory ) · Body protector and face mask - not obligatory. Referees: Chief Referee – nominated by Organizing committee. Referees from participating teams are accepted. Fight Club IČO: 650 10 914, e-mail: [email protected], org. číslo ČSTV: 330 12 17, ČÍSLO ÚČTU: 812109423/0300, Předseda: Bc. Petr Beníšek GSM: +420 608 860 845, e-mail: [email protected] Information: Registration: [email protected] Deadline - 12.12. 2014 President of CSKU Bc. Petr Beníšek FIGHT CLUB Senovážné nám. 2 370 21 České Budějovice GSM: +420 608 860 845, E-mail: [email protected] WWW.FIGHT-CLUB.CZ WWW.SHOTOKANKARATE.CZ Contact: English German Russian Czech LIBOVOLNÝ FORMULÁŘ +420 724 150 738 Petr Kubička +420 724 580 445 Petra Čondlová +420 734 639 866 Světlana Šimůnková +420 608 860 845 Petr Beníšek ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Map: Fight Club IČO: 650 10 914, e-mail: [email protected], org. číslo ČSTV: 330 12 17, ČÍSLO ÚČTU: 812109423/0300, Předseda: Bc. Petr Beníšek GSM: +420 608 860 845, e-mail: [email protected]
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