a new project for sale in prague 5 zli!ín, czech republic
HOTEL ZLI!ÍN A NEW PROJECT FOR SALE IN PRAGUE 5 ZLI!ÍN, CZECH REPUBLIC ARCHITECT: ALFAVILLE, spol. s r.o. Ing.arch. Marek Todl www.alfaville.cz Project of a new hotel with restaurant in Prague - Zlicin. This area is an appropriate location for the hotel. It‘s located within walking distance of metro and a bus line to the airport. It‘s connected to the Prague‘s ring road and the motorway D5 towards Pilsen and Nürnberg. The hotel is only about 5 min. drive to the Prague international airport. Urban permit for the project was issued recently. Hotel*** includes 74 beds in 44 rooms and suites. The restaurant is designed for hotel guests and the public as well. In the vicinity there is a sports centre, an older residential area as well as many new residential buildings. Hotel and a restaurant in particular are still lacking here. New hotel building has 6 above-ground floors and 2 underground floors. Garages and technical facilities are located on the basement floors, restaurant and reception are on the ground floor. Main facade material is a face brick cladding combined with elements of concrete. Windows and doors on the facade are of aluminum, anthracite color. Greenery is an important part of the whole project, both on private land, and on the roof terraces. Roof gardens are opened to visitors. Reconstruction of the adjacent street is a part of the project as well. A new bus stop is planned near the hotel in the future. The building site is located mostly on flat terrain in the area, which is currently undergoing a major transformation. It brings a new urbanization into previously non-urban parts of the city. Besides the new residential developments there are mainly shopping and administrative centres in the vicinity of the hotel. Metro and bus stations are located near the hotel as well. In case of your interest in acquiring this project, please contact us for a complete commercial offer: Ing. Jaromír Svato! director JS Plan s.r.o., Dolínecká 3162/4 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic email: [email protected] tel.: +420 739 008 051 SLAN# CHEMNITZ PRAGUE R ING KARLOVY VARY BAYREUTH AIRPORT PRAHA HOTEL ZLIČÍN METRO ZLI!ÍN BUS METROPOLE ZLI"ÍN GLOBUS PLZE! PRAHA - CENTRUM N$RNBERG IKEA BRNO PR A GUE R ING TESCO PRAHA - ZÁPADNÍ M%STO TEL O H ČÍN I L Z SITUATION PLAN SE N EGO R O U HO 0,00 m2 UZ HO KÉ INS LI! H" $ I#T PROJECT BOUNDARIES TEL O H !ÍN ZLI 2 21 9 0m NA RA STI DO UNDERGROUND FLOOR S2.04 33 580 5% 28 580 S2.01 S2.03 nahoru ‐6000 1 8 x 275 x 187,5 2 8 x 182,8 = 1,463 m 3 4 5 6 7 ‐4500 S2.02 5 000 S2.05 A S2.06 20 510,1 29 180 5 000 3 669,9 2 000 500 Par.= 500 GROUND LEVEL 16 640 2 0 0 50 0 0 S1.09 Pa r.= 1 65 0 S1.07 5 000 2 400 31 380 S1.08 700 400 700 400 28 580 31 380 P= 2 000 P= 2 000 5% 2 0 0 50 0 0 Pa r.= 1 65 0 S1.06 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 1 800 3 340 Par. = 0 nahoru Par. = 1 600 1 800 3 340 1 800 3 340 1 800 3 340 8 x 275 x 187,5 2 3 8 x 182,8 = 1,463 m 4 5 6 7 1 000 2 200 S1.03 ‐1500 1 000 2 200 S1.04 ‐1500 S1.01 S1.02 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 1 900 3 340 A 1 700 3 340 Par. = 0 1 900 3 340 Par. = 0 3 800 3 340 Par. = 0 3 400 3 340 2 510 3 340 15 205 23 980 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 2 800 1 612 3 340 Par. = 0 1 612 3 340 Par. = 0 RESTAURANT 1 900 3 340 1 762 3 340 RECEPTION Par. = 0 1 762 3 340 Par. = 0 14 740 1 800 3 340 1 2 400 1 500 1 800 3 340 Par. = 0 S1.05 ‐3000 8 775 1 955 2 640 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 2 400 2 100 Par. = 200 FIRST FLOOR 2 400 1 500 1.01 1 600 2 100 Par. = 200 1.58 1.03 1.56 1.53 1.54 ÚKLID 1.57 1.52 1.51 8 x 275 x 182,8 +0,00 8 x 275 x 182,8 2 800 +1463 A Par. = 200 1.55 1 600 2 100 28 580 31 380 2 400 2 100 Par. = 200 1.02 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 1 955 2 300 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 0 SECOND FLOOR Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2.07 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 16 600 2.10 Par. = 0 2.08 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 3 910 2 300 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 2.09 1 760 2 640 31 380 2.11 Par. = 0 2.51 2.54 Par. = 0 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 8 x 275 x 182,8 2.53 8 x 275 x 182,8 2.06 2.05 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 0 +2925 3 910 2 640 2.52 2.01 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 2.02 2 400 1 500 2.03 2 400 1 500 2.04 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 14 780 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 +4387 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 THIRD FLOOR Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 3 110 2 640 3.08 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 3.10 6 790 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 9 810 Par. = 0 3 110 2 640 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 3.09 3 910 2 640 2 400 1 500 3.07 1 760 2 640 31 380 3.11 Par. = 0 3.51 3.54 Par. = 0 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 8 x 275 x 182,8 3.53 8 x 275 x 182,8 3.06 3.05 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 0 +5850 3 910 2 640 3.52 3.03 3.04 Par. = 0 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 Par. = 200 2 400 1 500 Par. = 200 1 800 2 440 3.01 3 910 2 640 Par. = 200 1 800 2 440 3.02 2 400 2 440 3 525 2 640 Par. = 0 14 780 +7313 2 40 1 50 2 40 1 50 2 40 1 50 FOURTH FLOOR Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 3 110 2 640 4.08 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 4.10 6 790 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 9 810 Par. = 0 3 110 2 640 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 4.09 3 910 2 640 2 400 1 500 4.07 1 760 2 640 31 380 4.11 Par. = 0 4.51 4.54 Par. = 0 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 8 x 275 x 182,8 4.53 8 x 275 x 182,8 4.06 4.05 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 +8775 2 400 1 500 4.52 4.03 4.04 Par. = 0 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 4.01 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 4.02 2 400 1 500 3 525 2 640 Par. = 0 14 780 +10238 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 FIFTH FLOOR 3 110 2 640 9 810 Par. = 0 3 110 2 640 Par. = 0 Par. = 0 5.05 3 910 2 640 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 5.06 6 790 31 380 Par. = 0 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 Par. = 200 8 x 275 x 182,8 8 x 275 x 182,8 +11700 5.53 1 955 2 440 1 955 2 440 5.51 5.54 Par. = 200 1 955 2 440 Par. = 200 5.03 1 955 2 440 Par. = 200 2 400 1 500 Par. = 800 5.04 2 400 1 500 5.52 5.01 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 0 2 400 1 500 3 910 2 640 5.02 2 400 1 500 2 400 2 440 Par. = 200 14 780 +13163 Par. = 800 Par. = 800 Par. = 0 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 3 910 2 640 2 400 1 500 Par. = 0 3 910 2 640 Par. = 800 6.53 6.02 31 380 6 790 15 480 6.52 +13163 6.01 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 2 400 1 500 14 780 Par. = 200 Par. = 800 1 955 2 440 Par. = 200 Par. = 800 6.54 8 x 275 x 182,8 8 x 275 x 182,8 1 955 2 440 Par. = 200 1 500 2 440 1 955 2 440 31 380 Par. = 200 Par. = 800 14 780 16 600 9 810 SIXTH FLOOR +14625 6.51 SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION POHLED ZÁPAD EAST ELEVATION POHLED V*CHOD HOTEL ZLI#ÍN STUDIE - NÁVRH STAVBY INVESTOR/ NAVRHOVATEL ARCHITEKT B.G.M. holding, a.s. )ernovská 6, 100 00 Praha 10 ALFAVILLE, spol. s r.o. Ing.arch. Marek Todl HOTEL ZLI#ÍN Praha - Zli%ín, ul. Na Radosti a U Zli%ínského H&i't( na pozemcích p.%. 864/1, 864/5, 864/7, 252/2, 252/3, 775/3, 670/1, 670/2 v k.ú. Zli%ín a p.%. 392/1 a 392/5 v k.ú. T&ebonice POHLED ZÁPAD, V*CHOD AlfaVille DATUM 1.6. 2011 STUPE$ STUDIE/NÁVRH STAVBY M!"ÍTKO 1:150 #. P"ÍLOHY 11 POHLED ZÁPAD POHLED V*CHOD HOTEL ZLI#ÍN STUDIE - NÁVRH STAVBY INVESTOR/ NAVRHOVATEL ARCHITEKT B.G.M. holding, a.s. )ernovská 6, 100 00 Praha 10 ALFAVILLE, spol. s r.o. Ing.arch. Marek Todl HOTEL ZLI#ÍN Praha - Zli%ín, ul. Na Radosti a U Zli%ínského H&i't( na pozemcích p.%. 864/1, 864/5, 864/7, 252/2, 252/3, 775/3, 670/1, 670/2 v k.ú. Zli%ín a p.%. 392/1 a 392/5 v k.ú. T&ebonice POHLED ZÁPAD, V*CHOD WEST ELEVATION AlfaVille DATUM 1.6. 2011 STUPE$ STUDIE/NÁVRH STAVBY M!"ÍTKO 1:150 #. P"ÍLOHY 11 350 6,000 3 340 1 085 2 640 2 925 285 2 640 2 925 2 640 2 925 285 285 2 640 2 925 2 640 2 925 285 285 2 640 2 925 285 2 925 900 285 400 2 640 500 2 640 2 925 285 1 000 SECTION A 2 650 4 425 285 +17 550 350 3,000 3 000 2 640 2 925 +15,525 1 500 285 +2 925 2.NP 2 640 2 925 +5 850 3.NP 2 650 ±0 1.NP 350 +8 775 4.NP 2 650 2,550 3 000 +11 700 5.NP 350 3 000 1.PP 350 +14 625 6.NP 3 000 400 1 400 +18 950 +18,950 4,500 +18 950 +17 550 +14 625 6.NP +11 700 5.NP +8 775 4.NP +5 850 3.NP +2 925 2.NP ±0 1.NP 1,500 3 000 1.PP
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