April2016 - onv
April2016 - onv
canoe kayak club TJ Ostrožská Nová Ves, z.s. Saturday, nd 2 April 2016 XXXIX. NOVOVESKÝ PŘESPOLÁK opening race of „Velkomoravská liga v kanoistice 2016“ competition of ČUS project „Sportuj s námi 2016“ boathouse canoe kayak club TJ Ostrožská Nová Ves area (lake Kunovská tabule) Morning (from 10:00): Paddling races (4/2km distance-canoes, kayaks, dragonboats, wild-waterand tourists boats) including 2km race for amateurs Afternoon (from 13:00): Cross country running near and round the lake for all ages Running distances and age-classes: 0,5 1 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 6 km km km km km km km 10 and youngers year of birth 2006 and younger children years of birth 05-04 pupils years of birth 03-02 girls years of birth 01-00 junior-women years of birth 99-98 women, masters-women boys years of birth 01-00 6 6 km km juniors men, masters Info:tel.:+420 607 677 778 onv-canoe.cz years of birth 99-98 eml: [email protected] online entries and information: www.onv-canoe.cz
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