E:\\Návody\\Návody větroně\\Meteor\\Meteor návod Model \(1\)
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H:\\Z práce\\Návody větroně\\Gracia\\Gracia návod.dwg Model \(1\)
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CAM CARBON 12/8" CAM CARBON 11/10" Hyperion G3 VX - 4S 3300mAh (35C)
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This model costruction kit is not a toy and is not suitable for childern under the age of 14. Incorrect use of this material could cause material damage or person injury. You are fully responsable ...
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This model costruction kit is not a toy and is not suitable for childern under the age of 14. Incorrect use of this material could cause material damage or person injury. You are fully responsable ...
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Další příslušenství: Prodlužovací kabel plochý 15cm NEW – 2x; Kabel kroucený tenký – cca 1,2m; Teplem smrštitelná bužírka ∅ 1,6mm – cca 0,2m
VíceE:\\Návody\\Návody motorové modely\\Miss
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HS-82 MG HS-82 MG HS-485 HB Motor MVVS 4,6/840 SPORT Controller SPIN 55 Spinner turbo for folding props 40/5/8 Propeller CAM CARBON 13/6,5" CAM CARBON 14/8" Battery 14,8V/3-3,3Ah 11,1V/3-3,3Ah
VíceUntitled - OMNITRON sro
Napájecí zdroje, měniče, nabíječe a odpojovače aku S POWER PRODUCT Napájecí zdroje, měniče a nabíječe MASCOT
VíceE:\\Návody\\Návody motorové modely\\Miss Tractor
This model construction kit is not a toy and is not suitable for childer under the age of 14. Incorrect use of this material could cause material damage or personal injury. You are fully responsabl...