Viktor Kopasz - hunt kastner
Viktor Kopasz Born 1973, Královský Chlmec, ČSSR. Lives and works in Prague, ČR. Studies: Film Academy (FAMU) – Department of Photography, Prague, 1992-1997 Middlesex University, London, 1997 Teaching Experience: Visiting lecturer at FAMU, Department of Photography, Prague School of Graphic Design, Department of Photography, Prague Solo exhibitions: 2014 Dům uměni České Budejovice | České Budejovice Kunsthalle (opening beginning 2014) 2013 hunt kastner, together with Geert Goiris, hunt kastner (opening end Oct 2013) 2012 City Zen, Atelier Josefa Sudek, Prague 2010 Home_sick, Královský Chlmec Cultural Center, Slovakia 2008 Late Harvest, hunt kastner , Prague Kertelö, Open Gallery, Center for Contemporary Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia Rejuvenation, Galerie 4, Cheb 2006 Selfish, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc 2005 Solid Painter, FUTURA Center for Contemporary Art, Prague 2004 Kertelö, Muzeum Boskovicka, Boskovic; Galerie Vojtecha Lofflera, Košice, Slovakia & Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava 2003 Kertelö, Malá výstavní síň, Liberec Kertelö-Hedger, Photographic centre, Mikkeli, Finland 2002 Kertelö, Divadlo hudby, Olomouc Zajetí/Fogság, Galerie Maldoror, Prague 2000 Holt-est, Czech Center for Photography, Prague Fürdö, Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava 1999 In the jungle - He never dies, Hungarian Cultural Center, Prague V džungli / In the Jungle, Galerie Václav Špála, Prague 1998 In the Jungle, Malá výstavní síň, Liberec 1996 Letters / Dopisy, Alter ego, Kežmarok, Hungary 1995 Shadow play II, Divadlo hudby, Olomouc Shadow play, Galerie ruce, Prague 1994 Mestské kúlturné středisko, Královský Chlumec, Slovakia 1993 Shadow Play, FAMU, Prague 1991 Mestské kulturné středisko, Královsky Chlumec, Slovakia Group exhibitions: 2013 Expanded Landscape, Galerie U Rytire, Liberec, CZ FotoFestival 2013, organized by Galerie Fotograf & Fotograf magazine, Prague (June) 2010 Rewind, GAMU, Prague Concordia 2010, Madarské kulturni centrum, Praha A Restless Medium: Slovenská fotografia 1990-2010, Month of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia 2009 Aktualizacja.CZ, Contemporary Czech Photography, Month of Photography, Krakow, Poland Something of Myself, hunt kastner, Prague Listování / Moderní knižní kultura ve sbírkách (Turning the Pages/ Modern Literary Culture from the Museum Collection), Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc 2008 The Language of Humour, SOGA Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia "In/visible", Festival of Visual Art, Olomouc, 2008 2007 INTERCITY, Praha 07 Fotographie, Kunst- und Medienzentrum Adlershof, Berlin, Germany 2006 We Are - My jsme, Central European Contemporary Photography, The Spitz Gallery, London, United Kingdom 2005 Czech Photography of the 20th Century, Prague City Gallery, Prague Intercity: Berlin – Praha, Galerie Mánes, Prague Reflexe, FAMU Graduates from 1964-2004, Galerie Václav Špála, Prague 2003 Different Landscape, Dom fotografie, Poprad and Galeria Petra M. Bohúńa, Liptovský Mikuláš, SK 2001 Experimental Landscapes, Central Bohemian Museum, Malá vystavní sín, Liberec 2000 Slovak Graduates of FAMU, Month of Photography Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia 1999 New Names in Slovak Photography, Dom fotografie/House of Photography, Poprad & Galerie Profil, Bratislava,Slovakia 1998 Objektivita, Galerie u Řečických, Prague Festival FAMU, Banja Luka, Bosnia Hercegovina Festival FAMU, Weimar, Germany, 1997 Historia dziesieciu fotek, Galerie zpaf, Krakow, Poland FAMU Graduates, National Technical Museum, Prague For the Last Time at the Old Address / Naposled na staré adrese, Prague House of Photography, Prague 1996 Porownania, Foto medium art, Wroclaw, Poland Mlada swiatova fotografia, Krakow, Poland Prezentácia II, Alter ego, Kežmarok, Hungary A Trio from FAMU, Galerie X, Bratislava, Slovakia 1995 Young International Photographers, Ljubljana, Slovenia After the Velvet Revolution – Finnish National Gallery: Helsinki, Oulu, Joensuu, Finland 1992 Hungarian Cultural Center, Prague
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Since 2008