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TÉMATA K PROFILOVÉ MATURITNÍ ZKOUŠCE Z ANGLICKÉHO JAZYKA PRO ŠK. ROK 2015/2016 Obor: Gymnázium, zaměření všeobecné TÉMATA otázek, obrázků a samostatného ústního projevu: Profilová maturitní zkouška z anglického jazyka se skládá ze tří částí: 1) Otázky na jedno ze všeobecných témat. (cca 4,5´) Student odpoví na 3 – 5 otázek v dostatečné míře podrobnosti. 2) Popis obrázku se všeobecnou tematikou. (cca 4,5´) Student popíše a srovná obrázky; odpoví na doplňující otázky z dané tématiky. 3) Samostatný ústní projev na téma dané zaměřením studijního oboru. (cca 5,5´) Student samostatně vypráví na zadané téma, používá dané pomůcky a osnovu. (V úvodu maturitní zkoušky se krátce představí cca 0,5´ – nepočítá se do celkového hodnocení MZK) TÉMATA OTÁZEK na všeobecná témata k profilové maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Culture Customs and traditions Education Environment Food and eating habits 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Living abroad My daily routine My family My free time My future plans 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. My hometown My house or flat Personal characteristics Personal relations Shopping 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Social problems Sports Tourism Transport Weather TÉMATA OBRÁZKŮ k profilové maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka – pictures of ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Culture. Customs and traditions. Daily routine. Environment. Food and eating habits. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Free time activities. Global issues. A house. Human character. Jobs. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Personal relations. Physical appearance. A school. Shopping. Social problems. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Sports. Tourism. A town. Transport. Weather. TÉMATA k samostatnému ústnímu projevu u profilové maturitní zkoušky z anglického jazyka. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. American cities. American holidays and special days. American literature. Australia. British holidays and special days. Canada. The Czech Republic and Prague. Education in the UK and the USA. England and Wales. London and other sights in the UK. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. New Zealand. Northern Ireland and Scotland. The Republic of Ireland. Significant American personalities. Significant British personalities. The UK history. The UK literature. The United Kingdom. The USA. The USA history. Poznámka: Student bude znát kombinaci jednotlivých částí maturitní zkoušky až na přípravě. Předsedkyně předmětové komise Aj Mgr. Dagmar Krublová TÉMATA OTÁZEK na všeobecná témata k profilové maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka – podrobně: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Culture Customs and traditions Education Environment Food and eating habits Living abroad My daily routine My family My free time My future plans My hometown My house or flat Personal characteristics Personal relations Shopping Social problems Sports Tourism Transport Weather literature / theatre / cinema / painting / architecture / music / dancing / … in English speaking countries and in the Czech Republic / family in English speaking countries and in the Czech Republic kinds of pollution / consequences / possible solutions / being “green” in English speaking countries and in the Czech Republic / healthy eating advantages / disadvantages / different living conditions weekdays / weekend activities, times and routines members / relations / qualities / appearance hobbies / social life / duties studies /jobs / living / family history / sights / facilities / transport rooms / equipment / changes / duties positive / negative / annoying habits family relations / choosing / making friends, qualities kinds of shops / goods / online shopping / paying unemployment / crime / homelessness / poverty kinds of sports / equipment frequent tourist destinations / sights / guides / problems kinds of transport / advantages / disadvantages weather seasons / typical weather / weather extremes TÉMATA TÉMAT k profilové maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka – podrobně: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. American cities. New York and Washington, and some other cities; their history and sites. American holidays and special days. The typical holidays and habits and reasons to celebrate. American literature. General overview on American literature and a chosen author and his work. Australia. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… British holidays and special days. The typical holidays and habits and reasons to celebrate. Canada. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… The Czech Republic and Prague. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… Education in the UK and the USA. Differences in educational systems, particularities, … England and Wales. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… London and other sights in the UK. London´s history and sights and other places to visit in the UK. New Zealand. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… Northern Ireland and Scotland. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… The Republic of Ireland. Geography, people, cities, sites, history, customs, particularities… Significant American personalities. Facts about 2 – 3 significant American people from history or science. Significant British personalities. Facts about 2 – 3 significant British people from history or science. The UK history. Breaking historical events given in chronological order. The UK literature. General overview on British literature and a chosen author and his work. The United Kingdom. Geography, structure of the country, people, cities, sites, customs, particularities… The USA. Geography, climate, people, languages, national parks, customs, particularities… The USA history. Breaking historical events given in chronological order.
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