On Vibration Properties of Human Vocal Folds
On Vibration Properties of Human Vocal Folds
List of publications of the author 128 PUBLICATIONS: Scientific journals: 1. Švec J., Pešák J.: Vlastnosti hlasových přeskoků. [Properties of Voice Breaks]. (In Czech). Bulletin of the Acoustical Society of Czechoslovakia 2/1992: 1–5 (1992). 2. Pešák J., Švec J.: Intralaryngeal Pressure Conditions and a Membranophonic Interpretation of Voice Production. Folia Phoniatrica, 45: 90–95 (1993) 3. Švec J., Pešák J.: Vocal Breaks from the Modal to Falsetto Register. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 46: 97–103 (1994). 4. Schutte H. K., Miller D. G., Švec J. G.: Measurement of Formant Frequencies and Bandwidths in Singing. Journal of Voice, 9(3): 290–296 (1995). 5. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Miller D. G.: A Subharmonic Vibratory Pattern in Normal Vocal Folds. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 39(1): 135–143 (1996). 6. Švec JG, Schutte HK: Videokymography: High–Speed Line Scanning of Vocal Fold Vibration. Journal of Voice, 10(2): 201–205 (1996). 7. Schutte H. K., Švec J. G., Šram F.: Videokymography: Research and Clinical Issues. Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology, 22(4): 152–156 (1997). 8. Schutte H. K., Švec J. G., Šram F.: First Results of Clinical Application of Videokymography. Laryngoscope, 108: 1206–1210 (1998). 9. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K.: Videokymography: High– Speed Line Scanning of Vocal Fold Vibration. Bulletin d’ Audiophonologie – Ann. Sc. Univ. Fr. – C., XV(1): 9– 18 (1999). 10. Švec J. G., Šram F., Schutte H. K.: Videokymografie: nová vysokofrekvenční metoda vyšetřování kmitů hlasivek. [Videokymography: a New High-Speed Method for the Examination of Vocal–Fold Vibrations] (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(3): 155–162 (1999). 11. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Miller D. G.: On Pitch Jumps Between Chest and Falsetto Registers in Voice: Data from Living and Excised Human Larynges. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(3): 1523–1531 (1999). 12. Pellant A., Chrobok V., Šram F., Švec J.: Naše zkušenosti s tyreoplastikou typ I. [Our Experience with Thyroplasty Type I]. (In Czech). Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie (Prague), 48(4): 222–226 (1999). 13. Švec J. G., Horáček J., Šram F., Veselý J.: Resonance Properties of the Vocal Folds: In Vivo Laryngoscopic Investigation of the Externally Excited Laryngeal Vibrations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (accepted for publication). Theses: 1. Švec J.: Mechanismus rezonanční soustavy hlasového ústrojí. [Mechanism of the resonance system of the human voice]. (Master Thesis, in Czech). Department of Optics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic (1990). Curriculum Vitae 2. Švec J.: Studium mechanicko-akustických vlastností zdroje lidského hlasu. [Studies of the Mechanical-Acoustical Properties of the Human Voice Source]. (Dissertation, in Czech). Faculty of Natural Sciences, Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic (1996). Video program: 1. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Šram F.: Introduction to Videokymography. (An instructional videofilm). Centre for Communication Disorders and Groningen Voice Research Lab, Prague and Groningen. Produced by Medical Healthcom, Ltd., Prague (1997). Chapters in Proceedings: 1. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K.: High-Speed Line-Scanning Technique for Investigation of Vocal Fold Vibration / Videokymography/. In Melka A., Otčenášek Z., Štěpánek J. (Eds): Proceedings of the 32nd Czech Conference on Acoustics, SPEECH – MUSIC – HEARING, Prague, September 23–26, 1995. Česká akustická společnost, Praha: 71–74 (1995). 2. Schutte H. K., Švec J. G., Šram F.: Videokymography – a Modern Imaging System for Analyzing Regular and Irregular Vibrations. In Gross M, Eysholdt U (Eds): Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 1996, vol. 4. Verlag Abteilung Phoniatrie, Göttingen: 272–274 (1997). 3. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Šram F.: Videokymography: High-Speed Line Scanning of Vocal Fold Vibration. In McCafferty G., Coman W., Carroll R. (Eds.): Proceedings of the XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sydney, Australia, March 2–7, 1997. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna [ISBN: 88-323-0302-7]: 1685–1688 (1997). 4. Schutte H. K., Švec J. G., Šram F.: Videokymography – Imaging and Quantification of Regular and Irregular Vocal Fold Vibrations. In McCafferty G, Coman W, Carroll R (Eds.): Proceedings of the XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sydney, Australia, March 2–7, 1997. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna [ISBN: 88-323-0302-7]: 1739–1742 (1997). 5. Šram F., Schutte H. K., Švec J. G.: Clinical Applications of Videokymography. In McCafferty G, Coman W, Carroll R (Eds.): Proceedings of the XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sydney, Australia, March 2–7, 1997. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna [ISBN: 88-323-0302-7]: 1681–1684 (1997). 6. Dedouch, K., Vohradník M., Laub M., Švec J.: Návrh ortotropního modelu hlasivky. [Finite element model of vocal fold tissues with orthotropic material properties] (In Czech). In: Proceedings of the National Conference with International Participation ENGINEERING MECHANICS ’98, Svratka, the Czech Republic 11–14 May 1998. Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague [ISBN 80-8591840-4]: 107–112 (1998). 7. Švec J. G., Šram F., Schutte H. K.: Videokymografie: nová metoda pro sledování kmitů hlasivek. Švec: On Vibration Properties of Human Vocal Folds [Videokymography: A New Method for Investigation of Vocal-Fold Vibration] (In Czech). In: Pešák J. (Ed.): Sborník přednášek 1. semináře univerzitního Společenství pro studium hlasu a řeči. Group for Study of Voice and Speech, Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic: 11–14 (1999). 8. Dedouch K., Vohradník M., Laub M., Švec J.: Výpočetní model hlasivky za patologického stavu. [A Computational Model of the Vocal Fold under Pathologic Conditions] (In Czech). In: Jelen K., Pejšová J. (Eds.): Biomechanika člověka ’98, VII. konference České společnosti pro biomechaniku: Proceedings. FTVS UK Praha [ISBN: 80-902147-9-7]: 19–22 (1999). 9. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Šram F.: Úvod do videokymografie. [Introduction to Videokymography] (In Czech). In: Jelen K., Pejšová J. (Eds.): Biomechanika člověka ’98, VII. konference České společnosti pro biomechaniku: Proceedings. FTVS UK Praha [ISBN: 80-902147-9-7]: 231–234 (1999). 10. Švec J. G., Schutte H. K., Šram F.: Variability of Vibration of Normal Vocal Folds as Seen in Videokymography. In: Dejonckere P. H., Peters H. F. M. (Eds.): Communication and Its Disorders: A Science In Progress. Proceedings 24th Congress International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 23–27, 1998. Vol.I. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics [ISBN: 90 5710 071 1]: 122–125 (1999). 11. Šram F., Švec J. G., Schutte H. K.: Possibilities for Use of Videokymography in Laryngologic and Phoniatric Practice. In: Dejonckere P. H., Peters H. F. M. (Eds.): Communication and Its Disorders: A Science In Progress. Proceedings 24th Congress International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 23–27, 1998. Vol. I. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics [ISBN: 90 5710 071 1]: 256– 259 (1999). 12. Mládková P., Kantová M., Šram F., Švec J.: Co-Operation of Specialists in the Treatment of Patients with Voice, Speech and Language Disorders and Hearing Impairment. In: Dejonckere P. H., Peters H. F. M. (Eds.): Communication and Its Disorders: A Science In Progress. Proceedings 24th Congress International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 23–27, 1998. Vol. II. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics [ISBN: 90 5710 071 1]: 970– 972 (1999). 13 Dedouch K., Vohradník M., Švec J.: Modální analýza výpočetního modelu hlasivky. [Modal analysis of the computational model of the vocal fold] (In Czech). In: Kratochvíl C., Kotek V., Krejsa J. (Eds.): INŽENÝRSKÁ MECHANIKA ’99, Svratka, 17.–20. května 1999. Sborník, svazek 1. Ústav mechaniky těles, Fakulta strojní, VUT v Brně [ISBN: 80-214-1323-9]: 493–498 (1999). 14. Dedouch K., Horáček J., Vampola T., Vohradník M., Švec J.: Finite Element Model of Supraglottal Vocal Tract with Consideration of Wall Impedance. In Horáček J., Zolotarev I. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference ENGINEERING AERO-HYDROELASTICITY, Prague 1999. Institute of 129 Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague [ISBN: 80-85918-49-8]: 131–134 (1999). 15. Dedouch K., Vampola T., Švec J.: Analýza vlivu délky kmitající části hlasivky na změnu modálních vlastností hlasivky. [Influence of the length change on modal properties of the vocal fold tissues] (In Czech). In: Křen J. (Ed.): 15th Conference with International Participation COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS ’99, October 18–20, 1999, Nečtiny, Czech Republic. University of West Bohemia, Pilsen [ISBN: 80-7082-542-1]: 39–46 (1999). 16. Dedouch K., Horáček J., Vampola T., Švec J.: Akustické vlastnosti konečnoprvkového modelu vokálního traktu člověka. [Acoustical characteristics of FE model of the human vocal tract] (In Czech). In: Zolotarev I (Ed.): Sborník referátů semináře INTERAKCE A ZPĚTNÉ VAZBY ’99. Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, Praha [ISBN: 80-85918-50-1]: 41–48 (1999). 17. Horáček J., Švec J. G.: Formulation of a mathematical model of vocal folds oscillations. In: Zolotarev I. (Ed.): Sborník referátů semináře INTERAKCE A ZPĚTNÉ VAZBY ’99. Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, Praha [ISBN: 80-85918-50-1]: 57–64 (1999). 18. Šram F., Švec J. G.: Videokymografie v klinické praxi. [Videokymography in Clinical Practice] (In Czech). In Pešák J. (Ed.): Sborník přednášek 5. semináře univerzitního Společenství pro studium hlasu a řeči. Group for Study of Voice and Speech, Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic: 12–19 (2000). 19. Švec J. G., Šram F., Schutte H. K.: Videokymografie: nová metoda pro sledování kmitů hlasivek. [Videokymography: A New Method for Investigation of Vocal-Fold Vibration] (In Czech). In: Pešák J. (Ed.): Psychotrofon 1: I. soubor přednášek. Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic [ISBN: 80-244-0074-X]: 23–27 (2000). 20. Šram F., Švec J. G.: Videokymografie v klinické praxi. [Videokymography in Clinical Practice] (In Czech). In Pešák J. (Ed.): Psychotrofon 1: I. soubor přednášek. Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic [ISBN: 80-244-0074-X]: 28–36 (2000). 21. Švec J. G., Šram F., Schutte H. K.: Videokymography in 2000: the Present State and Perspectives of the HighSpeed Line-Imaging Technique. In Braunschweig T., Hanson J., Schelhorn-Neise P., Witte H. (Eds.): Advances in Quantitative Laryngoscopy, Voice and Speech Research. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop. Jena, April 7–8, 2000. Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany [ISBN: 3-00-005636-X]: 57–62 (2000). 22. Šram F., Švec J. G.: Results of Videokymographic Examinations by Functional Voice Disorders. In: Gross M. (Ed.): Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 1998/1999: Stimme – Sprache – Schlucken – Hören. (in press) 23. Šram F., Švec J. G.: Die Tonerzeugung beim Spielen von Blasinstrumenten (in press). 24. Dedouch K., Horáček J., Švec J.: Frequency modal analysis of supraglottal vocal tract (in press).
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