Remes, Hovorka


Remes, Hovorka


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Remeš at Kostelec nad Černými lesy Contribution presents evaluation of growth and ecological potential of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii /Mirbel/Franco) on the School Forest Enterprise territory at K...


Komplexní posouzení – douglaska tisolistá na živném stanovišti

Komplexní posouzení – douglaska tisolistá na živném stanovišti Martiník, A., Kantor, P.: Review of silviculture of introduction species – Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii /Mirb./ Franco) on a nutrient rich site The paper summarized the basics results of diss...



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Funda suggested. A great provenance test was prepared in cooperation with Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia because of low experience with growth and development of black spruce in central Europe. 42 ...


Porovnání vlivu příměsi na růstové veličiny, strukturu a

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