Font Shop International: FF Eureka Mono CE Medium
Font Shop International: FF Eureka Mono CE Medium
fontfont info guide ff Eureka Mono CE Medium version 01.1 | November 2007 FONT & DESIGNER INFORMATION Handgloves about ff eureka mono ce medium about peter bil'ak The original drawings for ff Eureka date from 1995 when it was designed for the bilingual text of “Transparency”. The typeface works especially well for languages with accented characters. Many contemporary western typefaces have large x-heights which leave little room to accommodate accents, the result is that they are small and cramped. However, in many languages the accents are an integral part of the alphabet and shouldn’t be reduced in size and importance. In order to maintain a proper rhythm in the text, Bilak adjusted the proportions of the typeface. The height of the ascenders and descenders is 1.7 times the x-height. This relatively small x-height leaves room for longer descenders and ascenders which in turn better accommodate accents and punctuation, it also gives the typeface its distinctive character. The large serifs visually balance the larger accents. Eureka’s proportions result in an economic typeface and allow the letters to be spaced more loosely. This is important for, as Bilak says: “it is the white space that we unconsciously read, not the actual letterforms. Looser spacing helps to avoid the typographic noise inside a text, and retains the individuality of the letters.” ff Eureka Mono extends the Eureka family by a monospaced version. Peter Bilak was born in Czechoslovakia and now works in The Netherlands, in the field of graphic and type design. In 1999 he started his type foundry Typotheque. In 2000, he co-founded DOT DOT DOT magazine. He teaches typography part-time at the postgraduate course Type & Media at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague. In 2004, together with a dancer Lukas Timulak, he directed a modern dance piece inspired by typography. ff Eureka Mono CE Medium 2008_01_21_15_02_31_00 TYPE SPECIMENS ff Eureka Mono CE Medium Shag pile i13 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKk abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ FF Eureka Mono CE Medium 14/16 pt Karel Čapek Attila Ráno přinesl posel z kraje lesa zprávu, že na jihovýchodě plála v noci ohnivá záplava. Toho dne zase sychravě mžilo, FF Eureka Mono CE Medium 12/14 pt Karel Čapek Attila Ráno přinesl posel z kraje lesa zprávu, že na jihovýchodě plála v noci ohnivá záplava. Toho dne zase sychravě mžilo, mokrá polena nechtěla ani FF Eureka Mono CE Medium 10/12 pt Karel Čapek Attila Ráno přinesl posel z kraje lesa zprávu, že na jihovýchodě plála v noci ohnivá záplava. Toho dne zase sychravě mžilo, mokrá polena nechtěla ani hořet; tři lidé z houfce ukrytého v rokli zemřeli na krvavou stolici. Protože už FF Eureka Mono CE Medium 8/10 pt Karel Čapek Attila Ráno přinesl posel z kraje lesa zprávu, že na jihovýchodě plála v noci ohnivá ff Eureka Mono CE Medium záplava. Toho dne zase sychravě mžilo, mokrá polena nechtěla ani hořet; tři lidé z houfce ukrytého v rokli zemřeli na krvavou stolici. Protože už nebylo co jíst, vypravili se dva muži k pastýřům v zálesí;
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