observation of platn tropism
Students: Jiří Kyslík, Jan Novotný, Martin Šíp Supervisor: Ing. Vítězslav Březina, CSc. This project has received financal support from the Europian Social Fund and from goverment of the Czech Republic Project objectives experimental studies of tropical movements plants under the influence of phytohormones assessment of motion, statistical analysis, scientific work, time-lapse cinema proof of the theoretical model Tropisms oriented movements of plants affected by external stimulus, non-locomotion classification – gravitropism – phototropism – thigmotropism – chemotropism – hydrotropism Phytohormones plant growth regulators – stimulators (auxin), inhibitors (abcis a.) auxin – IAA – synthesized in the top plants, transport – regulation of growth, influenced by external factors – auxin as a signal substance causes a tropism – biosynthesis Methods time-lapse cinematography, analysis – illumination, spectral analysis gadget – biomodel: Avena sativa – camera: Nikon D90 – software: ImagetoAVI, ImageJ Direct ligthing Direct lighting 650 R² = 0,9944 600 Lenght [ppi] 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 Time [min] 6:00 7:12 8:24 Side lighting Side lighting 30 R² = 0,9845 20 Turn [angle] 10 0 0:00 -10 0:28 0:57 -20 -30 -40 Time [min] 1:26 1:55 Red light Blue light Methods time-lapse cinematography, analysis Gadget – camera: moticam 2000 – biomodel: Pisum sativum convar. medullare – software: ImagetoAVI, ImageJ Growth, distilled water Growth, distilled water 1,9 1,7 Turn [rad] 1,5 R² = 0,661 1,3 1,1 0,9 0,7 0,5 0,3 0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 Time [min] 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 Growth, water Growth, water 3 2,5 Turn [rad] 2 1,5 R² = 0,880 1 0,5 0 0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 Time [min] 9:36 12:00 Root response to auxin auxin (IAA) mixed with agar (BBM) – concentration of auxin – 0.1 M – concentration of auxin – 0.01 M – concentration of auxin – 0.000001 M Auxin, 10-1 M Auxin, 10-2 M Auxin, 10-6 M Conclusion proving that the vital reaction and analysis is critical alert experimental verification of the theoretical model mastery of methods and time-lapse cinematography Resources Regulátory rostlinného růstu – S. Procházka, J. Šebánek a kol., 1997; ISBN 80-200-0597-8 Fyziologie rostlin – S. Procházka, I. Macháčková, J. Krekule, J. Šebánek a kol., 1998; ISBN 80-200-0586-2 http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxin Acknowledgment Supervisor: Ing. Vítězslav Březina, CSc. Technical support: pan Jan Novák, Ing. Štěpánka Kučerová, paní Ilona Slepičková This project has received financal support from the Europian Social Fund and from goverment of the Czech Republic
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