the olympic games and sports


the olympic games and sports


Podobné dokumenty

Slovní zásoba Unit 2 Sports Types of sports 1. Archery lukostřelba 2

Slovní zásoba Unit 2 Sports Types of sports 1. Archery lukostřelba 2 Sports places 1. Ice rink - hockey 2. court -tennis, badminton, squash, volleyball and basketball 3. pitch - football and cricket 4. field - American football, baseball and rugby 5. pool - swimming...


Sports and games

Sports and games Olympic Games: they are held every 4 years. summer x winter Olympic Games  Summer: archery, badminton, baseball, gymnastics, judo, marathon, rowing, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, weightlifti...


sporty a lidé sports and sportspeople sprinter sprinter lukostřelec

sporty a lidé sports and sportspeople sprinter sprinter lukostřelec lyžařský svah divák sportovní vybavení sportoviště stadion hokejka


Olympic Games - maturitní otázka z angličtiny (2)

Olympic Games - maturitní otázka z angličtiny (2) Jazyk: Angličtina Přidal(a): Eva Musilová



robots International Olympiad in Informatics 2013 6-13 July 2013 Brisbane, Australia
