Index – Persons, Places and Things
Podobné dokumenty
Jan Blahoslav, 33, 35, 41, 183 Jan Bzdinka, Lord, 154 Jan Holešov, 63-4 Jan IV of Dražice, Bishop of Prague, 224 Jan Kardinal of Rejnštejn, 58 Jan Kocín of Kocinét, 171-2, 176 Jan Krása, 122-4, 126...
VíceIndex – Persons, Places, Things
Cummean, Penitential of 25n Cyprian 24, 35n Cyril (St.) 88 Danube 67 Demetrius I Soter 82n Dionysius (Pseudo-) 13, 38 Domažlice 59, 83 Duns Scotus Erigena 15 Durandus, William 31n Edward VI, king 8...
VíceTřebechovice pod Orebem
„Horeb“ at a large gathering of Hussite movement supporters in 1419. East Bohemian people, headed by the Hradec Priest Ambrož, established a combat unit there called Orebites which after the Tabors...
Vícepraha prague - Odbor památkové péče
The residential house "At St. Michael‘s" is situated at the wall of the Capuchin Garden near Bohemia‘s oldest Capuchin monastery. It was built in the late 17th and early 18th century to replace a s...
VíceThis index follows Czech alphabetisation with the exception of “Ch”.
INDEX NOTE: This index follows Czech alphabetisation with the exception of “Ch”.
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Chtěl bych organizátorům poděkovat za jejich činnost a popřát jim mnoho sil a podpory pro další léta, protože vím, že jejich starost nekončí s vernisáží, ale trvá celý rok. Přál bych občanům našeho...