Jméno a příjmení, rodné příjmení, titul Marschalko, Marian, doc., Ing
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profesní curriculum vitae - Index of
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expressions of cultural heritage within Europe by using photogrammetry in syncretic relationship with new technologies. From ceramics to archaeological sites, laser technologies and remote control ...
VíceGeoinformatika - Inovace bakalářských a magisterských studijních
Rapant, P., Unucka, J., Vondrák, I.: Regional Flood Early Warning System. GeoScience Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, Volume LVI (2010), No.4, 87-103, ISSN 1802-5420. (40 %)
Více2014 - Soukromá vysoká škola ekonomická Znojmo
The collection was administrated by Bc. Olga Janíčková and Zdeněk Mikeš (SVŠE Znojmo – CZ). The contributions were elaborated within the frame of three sections under the leadership of the professi...