Digitální učební materiál Evidenční číslo materiálu: 184 Autor: Mgr. Martina Harazimová Datum: 13.1.2012 Ročník: Žáci 8.ročníku Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Cizí jazyk – Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Reálie Téma: Canada Druh učebního materiálu: Materiál k procvičení znalostí o Kanadě. K použití na interaktivní tabuli. (Lze vytisknout i jako pracovní list.) Anotace: Vyplněním si žáci procvičí a upevní znalosti o Kanadě jako anglofonní zemi. (Je možné použít k ověření porozumění po přečtení textu o Kanadě - Project 3.) (Ověřeno 17.1.2012) WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CANADA Find the right answer: 1, Canada is the a, largest country in the world. 6, In winter Canada b, second largest country in the world. a, isn´t cold, it rains a lot. c, smallest country in the world. b, is hot but it doesn´t rain a lot. c, is very cold and it has a lot of snow. 2, It´s area is nearly a, 5 million square kilometres. 7, The head of the state is b, 10 million square kilometres. a, the British King c, 20 million square kilometres. b, the British Queen c, the American President. 3, It´s population is about a, 2 million people. 8, The largest city in Canada is b, 27 million people. a, Montreal. c, 272 million people. b, Ottawa. c, Toronto. 4, Most of Canadians are descendants of a, African immigrants. 9, Most Canadians speak b, Australian immigrants. a, English and Spanish c, European immigrants. b, English and Chinese c, English and French 5, The capital of Canada is a, Montreal. b, Ottawa. c, Toronto. Řešení: 6, In winter Canada a, isn´t cold, it rains a lot. 1, Canada is the b, is hot but it doesn´t rain a lot. a, largest country in the world. c, is very cold and it has a lot of snow. b, second largest country in the world. c, smallest country in the world. 7, The head of the state is a, the British King 2, It´s area is nearly b, the British Queen a, 5 million square kilometres. c, the American President. b, 10 million square kilometres. c, 20 million square kilometres. 8, The largest city in Canada is a, Montreal. 3, It´s population is about b, Ottawa. a, 2 million people. c, Toronto. b, 27 million people. c, 272 million people. 9, Most Canadians speak a, English and Spanish 4, Most of Canadians are descendants of b, English and Chinese a, African immigrants. c, English and French b, Australian immigrants. c, European immigrants. 5, The capital of Canada is a, Montreal. b, Ottawa. c, Toronto.
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