Article nr: 11980809 - ShipShape Promotions
ShipShape Datasheet Article: 11980809 Productsheet created: 15:46 12/10/2016 Item number: 11980809 Boulder backpack grey Brand: Bullet Item description: Batoh Boulder. Velký hlavní prostor na zip se vsazenou Catalog information (name / page number): Color(s): PMS coated reference: Material: Doporučená dekorace: Print width (mm): Print height (mm): Print maximum colours: Country of origin: Statistical code: Cena: ShipShape Promotions Blank product individual packing: Blank product multi packaging level 1: Qty blank product multi packaging level1: Blank product multi packaging level 2: bez balení igelitový sáček 40 pcs bez balení Decorated product individual packaging: Decorated product multi packaging lever1: Qty deco product multi packaging level1: Decorated product multi packaging level2: bez balení igelitový sáček 40 pcs bez balení Individual product weight: Individual product length: Individual product height: Individual product width: Underwood Business Park Wookey Hole Road Wells Somerset BA5 1AF Tel: +44 1749 678035 vnitřní kapsou. Přední kapsa s vertikálním zipem. Nastavitelné polstrované zádové popruhy a zpevněné ucho v horní části. Polyester 600D. Bullet catalogue 2016 82 Grey 429C Polyester 600D. Screenprint 130 120 4 CHINA (222) 4202929190000000000000 6.26 GBP 254 gram 30,5 cm 40,5 cm 13 cm Export carton: 40 PC Export carton weight: 10 kg Export carton (Length x Width x Height): 45 cm x 43 cm x 40 cm Testováno na kadmium: yes Tel: +44 1749 678635 [email protected] (c) 2005 Another excellent ShipShape Product
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