15MI100 MID FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER MI100 Series www.beyma.com KEY FEATURES ● ● ● ● ● ● Very high efficiency (4,3%) High sensitivity: 100 dB (1W / 1m) FEA optimized magnetic circuit. Extremely linear frequency response. Low harmonic distortion. Large magnetic assembly to provide efficient heat dissipation. ● Designed for high quality mid-frequency reproduction. DIMENSION DRAWINGS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance Power capacity* Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Voice coil diameter Bl factor Moving mass Voice coil length Air gap height Xdamage (peak to peak) 380 mm 15 in 8Ω 6,6 Ω 450 WAES 900 W 100 dB 1W @ 1m @ ZN 40 - 5.000 Hz 77 mm 3 in 19,2 N/A 0,077 kg 13,7 mm 10 mm 24 mm MOUNTING INFORMATION THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant frequency, fs D.C. Voice coil resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, η0 Effective Surface Area, Sd Maximum Displacement, Xmax *** Displacement Volume, Vd Voice Coil Inductance, Le @ 1 kHz 37 Hz 6,2 Ω 6,3 0,30 0,29 264 l 240 µm / N 2,8 kg / s 4,3 % 0,088 m2 4,5 mm 396 cm3 1 mH Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: - Front mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 388 mm 370 mm 15,28 in 14,57 in 352 mm 163 mm 7l 7,8 kg 8,6 kg 13,86 in 6,42 in 0,25 ft3 17,2 lb 18,9 lb Notes: * The power capaticty is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test. The measurements are carried out with a velocity-current laser transducer and will reflect the long term parameters (once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time). *** The Xmax is calculated as (Lvc - Hag)/2 + (Hag/3,5), where Lvc is the voice coil length and Hag is the air gap height. 15MI100 MID FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER MI100 Series LOW & MID FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER www.beyma.com [Ω] FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE [Hz] [dB] FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION [Hz] Note: On axis frequency response measured with loudspeaker standing on infinite baffle in anechoic chamber, 1W @ 1m 07/14 Polígono Industrial Moncada II ▪ C/. Pont Sec, 1c ▪ 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) ▪ Tel.: (34) 96 130 13 75 ▪ Fax: (34) 96 130 15 07 ▪ http://www.beyma.com ▪ E-mail: [email protected] ▪
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