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many moves are given. Some of the Nuts will be found with shells thick enough, and having burrs with points enough, to gratify the cravings of the most ostrich-like digestion. It is customary to sa...
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the solutions into algebraic form; the remaining changes are only editorial. The following printing errors in the original have been corrected: Problem 38: White K on H7 changed to White Q. Problem...
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editorial duties. Should this chapter, as we hope and believe is the fact, be without flaw as regards second solutions, and with only here and there a few unavoidable duals, the sole merit will be ...
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{4WDWDW0p} {WDWDWDWD} {0W4pDWDQ} {PDWiWDWD} {DW0WHWDW} {WDKDWDPD} {DWDWDWDW} vllllllllV White to play and mate in five moves
VíceNordiske Skakproblemer (1879)
NOTES TO ELECTRONIC EDITION This edition is based on the original text, published by Wilhelm Priors Forlag, Copenhagen, 879, with only slight changes, such as converting diagram numbers to arabic ...