Now listen carefully and transcribe what the BBC speaker really says.
Now listen carefully and transcribe what the BBC speaker really says.
Now listen carefully and transcribe what the BBC speaker really says. The protesters gathered outside the Burmese embassy early on Thursday morning. [ ðəprə ˈtʰĕstəz̥ ˈg̊ æ ðəd̥ ‿ ăʊt ˈsaɪd̥ ̚ ̪ ð ə ˈb̥ ɜ ̃ ː miːz̥ ˈʔẽmbəsiˑ । ˈʔɜːli (j) ɒ̃ n ̪ ˈθɜːzdeɪ ˈmɔ̃ ː nɪ̃ ŋ ॥ ] Demonstrations are illegal in Malaysia without police permission. [ ˈd̥ ẽ mə̃ n ˈstrĕɪʃn̩ z ̥ । ʔɑːrɪ ˈliːgɫ‿ɪ̃ n mə ˈleɪʒə । wɪˈ ðăʊt ̚ p ʰə ˈliˑspʰə ˈmɪ̆ ʃ n ̩ ॥ ]
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Center Prague, a Czech non-profit organization, in 2008 with funds from the Czech Ministry of
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