my curriculum vitae in english
my curriculum vitae in english
CURRICULUM VITAE PaedDr. Kateřina Krausová Born on 1st June 1961 in Nymburk. Graduated from the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (state examination in Fine Art’s Education) and studied courses of the artist Mrs Šteflová in Prague. Lives and creates in Nová Paka. Has experience of 15 years in teaching of fine arts at the Elementary School of Arts. Currently teaches fine arts and the history of arts at the Secondary Grammar and Pedagogic School in Nová Paka. Member of the artistic group Neprůbojní (The Submissives). INDEPENDENT EXHIBITIONS: Nová Paka (several times), Poděbrady, Turnov, Čelákovice, Lázně Bělohrad, Prague (Chodovská tvrz), Nymburk, Dvůr Králové, Gallery Melantrich in Rožďalovice, Jičín (Valdická brána), Sobotka, the castle Pecka, Hořice. JOINT EXHIBITIONS: Nová Paka, Jičín, Vrchlabí, Pardubice, Moravská Třebová, Sobotka, Mariánské Lázně, Studeňany, Nymburk, Plauen (Germany). Her works are represented in private collections in the Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, the USA, and in the Netherlands and are regularly auctioned in the auction hall Vltavín in Prague. PaedDr. Kateřina Krausová is the author of: Nová Paka’s colouring book, book illustrations of local folk tales, the memory game Pexeso of Benecko, the maps of Benecko and Nová Paka, a number of posters, 12 postcards, graphical promotional designs, a collection of beer mats, prints on bags, New Year cards, and calendars. She also illustrated the book “Do not be afraid of the sound R”, Czech-English and Czech-German dictionaries and the map of monuments and interesting natural features in the Czech Republic for elementary schools. PaedDr. Kateřina Krausová focuses on drawing, oil-epoxyde, and acrylic painting (also oil painting, pastel, graphic art, and collages). In 1995, her collection of paintings represented the exposition of towns Nová Paka, Pecka, and Lázně Bělohrad at Regiontour, a trade fair of tourism in Brno. She created design works for a number of companies, for instance for Agrobanka, Česká Spořitelna (12 branches in the region), the District Authority in Jičín, Anenské slatinné lázně, a.s., the Information Centre for Pedagogical Psychology in Nymburk, the Mill of Velešice, Recy – Lázně Bělohrad, Olomouc Publishing, the Municipal Authority of Benecko, the Brewery of Nová Paka, Autosalon Peugeot in Nová Paka, and the Foundation Jičín – the capital of fairy tales. She also provided the restaurant KOMETA in Kutná Hora with 20 drawings of local monuments. Currently, PaedDr. Kateřina Krausová devotes herself to rollages that she creates from her own paintings. She also experiments with dough and prints of food on baking paper that she subsequently bakes in an oven. The last experiments with this material resulted in creation of several prints of human bodies in the style of the Turin Shroud as they were later baked and buried in soil for various periods of time. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cited in: Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců 1950 – 2000 [The Dictionary of Czech and Slovak Fine Artist 1950 – 2000], Výtvarné centrum Chagall, Ostrava 2000. CD Významné a zajímavé osobnosti Novopacka, 2002 [CD Important and Interesting Persons from the Nová Paka Region, 2002]. Website: E-mail: [email protected]
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