MEC catalogue - SOS electronic
MEC catalogue - SOS electronic
switches Switch Engineering Catalogue No. 7 Company Since 1938 Danish design in-house r&D and production in-line quality control Since its foundation in 1938, MEC has been making state-of the-art electromechanical components. Located in a suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark, MEC has earned a reputation as one of the leading European manufacturers of high performance tactile switches. A wealth of know-how has been built up over the years for the benefit of innovative product development and custom solutions. Despite the trend of outsourcing it has been MEC policy to maintain a high degree of vertical integration that enables us to react promptly to customer requests. 98% of all the parts used in MEC switches are produced in-house. With 100% in-line inspection, tight tolerance on all parts and use of only quality materials we position ourselves to reach the highest achievable level within high performance tactile switches. The vertical integration combined with a strong R&D facility enables us to provide custom designs from conception to completion. To be part of a sustainable industrialised world environmental consciousness is crucial. At MEC we have substituted materials to more environmental-friendly alternatives and are recycling as much as possible. Legal authorities are auditing our environmental management system regularly and confirming that our goal is being reached. All MEC products are RoHS compatible. MEC have a well established global distribution network that provides a presence in all parts of the world where electronic manufacturing takes place. Through close contact and continuous product training offered to our distributors we maintain a highly qualified and responsive global distribution network. 2 Table of content Selection guide for caps and accessories . . . . . 4 Selection guide for switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 multimec® caps multimec® switches Introduction to Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Introduction to Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Introduction to Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 series switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Introduction to Panel Sealed and Foil solutions . . 7 3C/3E series switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Technical information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1A/1H/1M/1ZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Technical Information - spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 1B/1C+2C/2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Technical Information - module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1DS/1ES/1FS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Technical Specifications - 5 series . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 1GAS/1GCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Technical Specifications - 3 series . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1JS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Technical Specifications - LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 1KS/1KBS/1KCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1PS/1QS/1RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1SS/1IS/1LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1TS/1US/1VS + +1TW/1UW/1VW . . . . . . . . . 17 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1XS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 foilmec™ 1YS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 navimec™ 1ZCS/1ZB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 navimec™ module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 controlmec™ 1ZW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 controlmec™ 1Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 controlmec™ module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 10R/10RF/10RM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 10Q/10QM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 varimec™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 aquamec™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Extender 2SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 unimec™ caps and switches Introduction to unimec™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 16324-16326 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 16310-16315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 16300/16700/16800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 unimec™switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 vario™ support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 unimec™ with multimec® caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Custom Custom products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Custom products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 General Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Solid Colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Usage Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3 Caps and accessories series Selection guide Non-illuminated 1JS Ø9.6mm h=10.4mm 1DS Ø9.6mm h=14.9mm 1GAS Ø11mm h=12.5mm 1IS Ø6.5mm h=10.4 22.5mm varimec™ round Ø5.2; 7.8;11.6mm h=10.4-22.5mm *for 3E 1US Ø10.6mm h=14.9mm 1ZCS Ø14.3mm h=11.7mm 1GCS Ø15mm h=12.5mm 1LS Ø6.5mm h=12.0mm22.5mm 1Z Ø29.5mm h=12.0mm 1ZW Ø29.5mm h=12.3mm aquamec Ø10.6mm h from front panel=14.3mm h=24.2-27.2mm 1ES Ø9.6mm h=14.9mm 10R/10RF Ø30mm h=11.0mm 10RM16 Ø30mm h=11.0mm navimec Ø34.25mm h=11.7/ 12.2mm 1FS Ø9.6mm h=14.9mm 1ZA 18.65x10.1mm h=12.2mm 1PS 12.5x6.5mm h=15.7mm 1XS 7.4x9.4mm h=18.5mm 1QS 12.5x6.5mm h=15.7mm 1RS 12.5x6.5mm h=15.7mm 1M 25.0x10.1mm h=12.2mm 1A 12.5x10.1mm h=12.2mm 1TS 10.6x10.6mm h=14.9mm 1H 12.5x10.1mm h=12.2mm 1C + 2C/2D 15.1x15.1mm h=12.2mm varimec™ square 5.2x5.2; 7.8x7.8; 11.6x11.6mm h=10.4-22.5mm *for 3E 1B + 2C/2D 15.1x15.1mm h=12.2mm 1KS 14.3x14.3mm h=19.1mm 2K 17.75x17.75mm 1KBS 14.3x14.3mm h=20.2mm unimec™ 16300 7.0x12.6mm h=16.9mm 10Q 22x22mm h=11.0mm 10QM16 22x22mm h=11.0mm 1KCS 14.3x14.3mm h=20.1mm OTHER unimec™ 16700 14.9x14.9mm h=14.6mm 1YS 15x15mm h=12.5mm *for 5E 2SS extender for 5G snap on caps h=5-10mm 1NS Ø9.6/☐4.9mm h=14.9mm 1VS 10.6x13.25mm h=14.9mm 1ZB 90o R=17.5mm h=12.2mm 1TW/1UW/1VW sealing for 1TS/1US/ /1VS 1WAS 6.5x12.5mm h=14.9mm 1WDS 8.0x15.2mm h=14.9mm 1WPS 6.5x12.5mm h=15.7mm *Caps are for 5G if not otherwise specified 4 illuminated 1SS Ø6.5mm h=8.0 22.5mm *for 5E ROUND SQUARE/RECTANGULAR Non-illuminated & illuminated multimec® Caps & Accessories for the 5 series switches CAPS Many options regarding: shape, size, height, colour and illuminaton solutions: navimec™, controlmec™, foilmec™, varimec™, aquamec™ MEC has a wide range of caps for the multimec® switch series. There are many cap series including navimec™, controlmec™ foilmec™ and aquamec™ for multimec® 5 series switches, and varimec™ that is still for the 3 series switches. 18 solid colours and 6 transparent colours Overall height varies from 8.0 mm to 27.2 mm 5 multimec® Caps & Accessories for the 5 series switches illumination single- or bi-colour Many options in LED, cap and lens colour 5 LED colour options available: blue, green, yellow, white and red. Bi-colour combination can be made with any two LED colours. Illumination can be full, dot, rectangular or legend. 6 multimec® Caps & Accessories for the 5 series switches MEC cap range includes options for the front panel sealing. We have designed cap options for outdoor, dusty and humid applications switch solutions that can endure a rough environment. Panel sealed solutions controlmec™ 1ZW Panel sealed 1TS/1us/1vS panel sealed 10R & 10Q series aquamec™ caps for foil overlay foilmec™ + 1GAS/1GCS + 1JS 7 0,8 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 5GT+1ZA 5GTxx+1H5GTxx+1H 5GTxx+1H 7,62 8 - 108 - 10 0,8 7,62 7,62 10,1 10,1 10,1 5GTxx+1H 5GTxx+1H 1A 0,8 8 - 10 10 88--10 0,3 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 0,3 7,62 7,62 7,62 ■■ Rectangular caps ■■ Rocker-action pushbutton cap ■■ 12.5 mm x 10.1 mm; 18.65 mm x 10.1 mm; 25.0 mm x 10.1 mm ■■ h =12.2 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate 18,65 18,65 12,5 12,5 12,5 ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1A/1H-13.05GT+1ZA x 10.5, 1M-25.7 x 10.5, 1ZA-19.4x10.5 18,65 12,5 12,5 5GT+1ZA 5GT+1ZA 5GS+1M 5GT+1ZA All dimensions in mm 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 5GS+1M 5GS+1M 1A 1A 1A Dimensions Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 8 - 10 7,62 10,1 1H 8 - 10 18,65 1A 0,3 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 0,3 0,8 7,62 12,50 14,0 12,50 5GSxx+1A 0,8 0,8 7,62 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 10,1 12,50 7,62 8 - 10 7,62 Cap 10,1 8 - 108 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 00 blue 06 white 02 green 081Ared 03 grey 09 black 04 yellow Colour code 1A 10 frosted blue 12 frosted green 1H 14 frosted yellow 16 frosted white 18 frosted red 1A 1A 1 transparent 2 green 4 yellow 6 frosted white 8 red 1A 1H 1H 1H 1ZA 1A 1M 1A 1H 1A 1H 1ZA 1H 1ZA 1ZA 0,8 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black Colours1ZA for 1A and 1ZA * colours for 1ZA: 30*ultra blue 40*dusty blue 42*aqua blue 32 mint green 33 tele grey 34 melon 1M 38 noble red 1M 1ZA 1M 12,50 25,0 1M 8 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 10,1 1M 1M Colour code 1M 10,1 1M 1A 18,65 7,62 25,0 Lens 1H 1M 1H 10,1 10,1 12,50 25,0 1ZA 8 - 108 - 10 12,2 12,2 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 12,2 14,0 14,0 7,62 8 - 10 7,62 7,62 20 20Q 35 65 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 14,0 14,0 0,3 5GSxx+1A 7,62 7,62 12,50 + 5GSxx+1A TH9 through-hole 12,50 12,50 SH9 surface mount 8 - 108 - 10 0,3 0,3 5GS+1M 14,0 25,0 Actuation force 12,50 12,2 12,2 ,0 12,5 10,1 10,1 10,1 5 G 5GS+1M 5GS+1M 10,110,110,1 Mounting 10,1 Switch 12,5 25,0 7,62 0,8 Min.18,65 10,16 Max. 12,5 18,65 7,62 Min.12,5 10,16 Max. 12,5 12,5 7,62 0,8 7,62 0,8 10,1 7,62 12,2 14,0 14,0 0,8 7,62 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 8 - 10 7,62 7,62 14,0 0,8 10,1 10,112,2 7,62 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 12,2 7,62 0,3 0,8 12,2 0,3 0,3 14,0 14,0 0,8 7,62 7,62 1A 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 10,1 Min.12,5 10,16 Max 12,5 12,5 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,3 14,0 0,8 25,0 1ZA 5GT+1ZA 0,3 0,3 12,2 7,62 7,62 25,0 18,65 1H 7,62 5GT+1ZA 12,2 8 - 108 - 10 0,8 0,8 8 - 10 8 - 10 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,0 0,8 0,8 to the end of the switch part number. 7,62 7,62 7,62 0,3 8 - 10 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 12,2 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 8 - 108 - 10 0,3 7,62 12,2 12,2 12,212,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 ,0 0,8 0,8 1ZA 1ZA Colour code 1H 1A 5GSxx+1A Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0,8 0,8 12,50 0,3 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 10,1 12,2 Cap 10,1 10,1 5GS+1M 0,3 0,3 1ZA 18,65 0,3 5GT+1ZA 25,0 5GT+1A 14,0 8 - 10 12,2 10,110,1 10,1 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,0 5GTxx+1H 5GTxx+1H 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,212,2 12,2 8 - 10 8 - 10 01 blue 22 green 5GSxx+1A5GSxx+1A 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 12,2 8 - 10 10,1 0,3 0,3 12,5 5GTxx+1H 5GT+1A 8 - 10 5GSxx+1A 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 5GT+1A + 0,8 0,8 14,0 LED 0,3 20 35 5GSxx+1A 65 Q* 0,8 5GT+1ZA 18,65 14,0 0,3 0,8 0,37,62 14,0 Min. 10,16 7,62 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 18,65 12,2 8 - 10 12,2 10,1 18,65 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 12,5 Actuation force 5GS+1M TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 18,65 12,5 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,8 5GT+1ZA 0,3 7,62 5GTxx+1H 12,5 12,5 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 5GS+1M 5GS+1M 10,1 2,8 10,1 4,4 12,5 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 12,5 5 G 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 8 - 10 0,3 5GT+1A Mounting 0,3 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max. 12,5 7,62 1H 1H 1H 0,8 5GTxx+1H 7,62 12,5 Switch 0,8 0,3 0,8 SMD + 1M 0,3 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,110,1 10,1 10,1 12,5 0,3 7,62 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 12,5 TH + 1ZA Min. 7,6210,16Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 0,3 12,50 12,50 12,50 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,2 0,8 0,3 0,8 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 7,62 5GT+1A 0,3 14,0 14,0 14,0Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 Min. 7,62 10,16 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 10 88 -- 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,212,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 8 - 12,2 10 8 - 10 0,3 TH w/LED + 1H 12,2 0,30,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 SMD w/LED + 1A 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min. Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 10,16 Max. Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 12,5 7,62 7,62 12,2 12,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 7,62 5G + 1A/1H/1M/1ZA 12,2 0,8 0,8 0,8 n. n. 10,16 10,16 ax. ax. 12,5 12,5 8 - 10 12,2 10 88 -- 10 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 12,2 Rocker-action pushbutton caps 12,2 12,2 multimec® Ordering example: 5GSH93582 + 1H068 with illumination OR 5GTH965 + 1ZA57 without illumination OR *5GTH92001Q (illuminated quiet version). Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 1ZA 50*metal dark blue 53*metal light grey 57*metal dark grey 58*metal bordeaux 1M 1M 1M 5GS+1B+2D 5GS+1B+2D multimec® 5GT+1B+2C 5GS+1B+2D 5GS+1B+2D 14,0 14,0 15,1 15,1 15,1 0,3 0,8 0,8 7,62 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 15,1 15,1 8 12,2 12,2 12,2 8 7,62 8 8 12,2 0,3 7,62 0,8 0,3 7,62 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7 Min. 10,1 Max. 12, 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 12,6 12,6 15,1 9,5 9,5 15,1 9,5 15,1 3 9,5 9,5 9,5 15,1 15,1 3 9,5 15,1 9,5 12,6 15,1 8 8 9,5 15,1 15,1 8 12,2 15,1 8 12,2 0,3 0,8 0,3 14,0 ■■ Rectangular caps; square solution ■■ Rocker-action pushbutton cap ■■ 15.1 mm x 15.1 mm 0,8 15,1 Min. 10,16 7,62 ■ ■ h =12.2 mm Max. 12,5 ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap and bezel: 0,8 -40/+65°C 12,6 14,0 7,62 •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1B/1C+2C/2D-15.5 x 15.5 0,3 8 12,2 0,8 14,0 0,3 5G + 1B/1C+2C/2D 12,2 0,3 0,3 12,2 Award winning design of rocker-action cap solution 5GT+1B+2C 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 S+1B+2D 5GTxx+1C+2C 5GTxx+1C+2C 5GS+1B+2D 7,62 7,62 0,8 14,0 0,8 14,0 7,62 15,1 15,1 15,1 7,62 9,5 9,5 15,1 15,1 8 8 12,2 12,2 0,3 8 12,2 0,3 8 89,5 15,1 8 8 9,5 12,2 9,5 15,1 15,1 12,2 8 8 12,2 7,62 7,62 3 2D 9,5 12,2 0,3 8 + 0,8 2 C 15,1 15,1 Colour code 2C 2C 2D 2 D 7,62 Colour code 2D Lens 8 9,5 Colour 12,6 code 2C 1C 1C 9,5 8 Bezel 9,5 8 9,5 15,1 12,2 9,5 9,5 9,5 15,1 8 15,1 9,5 2,8 9,5 15,1 15,1 8 3 12,2 9,5 9,5 15,1 9,5 8 8 8 12,2 9,5 9,5 9,5 15,1 Lens 12,6 7,62 7,62 15,1 12,6 12,6 5GSxx+1B+2D 0,3 12,6 For 1B and 2C only 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue 42 aqua blue 32 mint green 1C 06 white 08 red 09 black 2C 53 metal light grey 33 tele grey 57 metal dark grey 34 melon 58 metal bordeaux 38 noble red 50 metal dark blue 8 12,2 8 2D Solid caps 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 9,5 12,6 15,1 9,5 9,5 15,1 15,1 9,5 2D 1C 1B 1B 2C Colour code 2C 12,6 2D 15,1 Transparent caps 10 frosted blue 16 frosted white 12 frosted green 18 frosted red 14 frosted yellow 7,62 2 D 2D 15,1 0,8 2C 1B 15,1 COLOUR CODES 12,6 1C 0,8 14,0 15,1 15,1 1C 2C 7,62 14,0 1B 0,8 14,0 0,3 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 12,6 12,6 8 8 7,62 12,6 12,6 12,6 1 B Solid 12,6 colour 9,5 0,3 0,8 7,62 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 5GSxx+1B+2D 5GSxx+1B+2D 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,3 12,6 7,62 15,1 12,2 12,2 7,62 20 20Q 12,6 35 65 0,8 8 12,2 0,3 0,8 12,2 12,6 9,5 15,1 12,2 9,5 2,8 15,1 15,1 9,5 8 12,2 9,5 15,1 + Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 15,1 15,1 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 2 C 1C 7,62 7,62 5GSxx+1B+2D 15,1 9,5 12,6 12,6 15,1 Cap 12,2 12,6 9,5 15,1 15,1 15,1 9,5 2,8 9,5 9,5 Actuation15,1 force 12,6 1C 7,62 7,62 5GTxx+1C+2C 12,6 Colour code 0,8 14,0 0,8 15,1 5GT+1B+2C 9,5 8 15,1 5GTxx+1C+2C 5GTxx+1C+2C 15,1 9,5 8 12,2 14,0 15,1 15,1 8 14,0 0,8 0,3 12,6 9,5 15,1 15,1 7,62 0,8 8 5 G Mounting 4,4 12,6 12,6 0,8 7,62 9,5 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 Switch 12,6 0,8 7,62 14,0 15,1 15,1 9,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 15,115,1 + 1B 0,8 0,8 15,1 15,1 14,0 1 C 15,1 0,3 8 15,1 0,3 12,2 0,3 14,0 12,6 0,3 7,62 12,6 12,6 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,3 0,3 7,62 7,62 15,1 12,2 8 0,3 7,62 0,8 1B 12,6 Bezel 14,0 15,1 5GSxx+1B+2D 15,1 8 8 12,2 8 12,2 7,62 15,1 12,6 1B 12,6 14,0 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 15,1 15,1 12,6 0,3 7,62 0,8 12,2 8 12,2 8 0,3 12,2 8 0,3 14,0 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 7,62 15,1 15,1 0,8 0,8 12,6 Cap 12,6 5GT+1B+2C 0,3 *For an illuminated quiet0,82.0N switch0,8add Q Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 0,815,1 0,8 7,62 7,62 end Max. 12,5of the switch part number. Max. 12,5 to the 14,0 15,1 8 9,5 9,5 12,2 0,3 5GSxx+1B+2D Min. 10,16 5GT+1B+2C Max. 12,5 15,1 7,62 7,62 Solid 015GSxx+1B+2D blue Colour Lens colour 22 green code 5GSxx+1B+2D 5GSxx+1B+2D 425GSxx+1B+2D yellow 61 white 82 red 1 B 2242 green/yellow TransColour 0,8 8222 red/green 7,62 parent code 8242 red/yellow 15,1 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 14,0 5GTxx+1C+2C 0,8 12,6 5GSxx+1B+2D 12,2 15,1 15,1 9,5 9,5 0,3 0,3 5GS+1B+2D 0,8 5GTxx+1C+2C 12,6 12,2 9,58 15,1 15,1 12,2 9,5 12,2 15,1 5GS+1B+2D Lenses 1 transparent 2 green 4 yellow 6 frosted white 8 red 0,8 Ordering example: 5GTH93561+1C001+2C09 with illumination OR 5GSH965+1B08+2D081 without illumination OR *5GSH92001Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 14,0 7,62 15,1 2D 9,5 15,1 5GTxx+1C+2C + 7,62 7,62 5GSxx+1B+2D 5GT+1B+2C 20 35 65 Q* 12,6 12,6 12,6 15,1 0,8 12,6 4,4 Min. 10,16 Max.15,1 12,5 12,6 0,3 TH9 through-hole 5GTxx+1C+2C SH9 surface mount 5GTxx+1C+2C 5GTxx+1C+2C GS+1B+2D 12,6 LED 12,6 5GTxx+1C+2C 5GS+1B+2D 15,1 15,1 12,6 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,3 12,6 12,6 5GTxx+1C+2C 0,3 9,515,1 0,3 0,3 9,5 15,1 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 4,4 7,62 12,6 15,1 0,3 5 G 7,62 12,6 Actuation force 7,62 0,3 0,8 12,6 0,3 0,8 14,0 15,1 15,1 0,8 5GT+1B+2C 12,6 8 12,2 Mounting 14,0 15,1 15,1 illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 12,6 Switch 15,1 14,0 15,1 9,5 5GS+1B+2D 15,1 12,6 9,5 15,1 9,5 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 12,2 3 15,1 8 15,1 15,15GT+1B+2C 15,1 15,1 8 15,1 3 15,1 1B 9,5 9,5 15,1 15,1 15,1 7,62 14,0 14,0 5GS+1B+2D 12,6 0,8 7,62 5GT+1B+2C 8 15,1 12,28 0,8 0,8 7,62 12,2 8 8 8 8 8 12,2 8 8 8 12,2 12,2 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,8 Min. 10,16 0,8 0,3 0,8 7,62 0,3 7,62 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 5GS+1B+2D 0,3Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 15,1 7,62 0,8 0,3 Min. 10,167,62 Max. 12,5 5GSxx+ 0,3 0,8 0,3 7,62 5GSxx+1B+2D 5GSxx+1B+2D SMD w/LED 1B+2D 0,3 0,8 5GTxx+1C+2C 0,3 0,3 0,8 8 12,2 8 8 12,2 8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,3 12,2 12,2 8 12,2 0,3 7,62 0,8 14,0 7,62 14,0 7,62 12,2 12,2 0,3 0,8 5GT+1B+2C 5GTxx+1C+2C TH w/LED 1C+2C 12,2 TH 1B+2C 8 SMD 1B+2D 5GT+1B+2C 5GT+1B+2C 5GT+1B+2C 12,2 5GS+1B+2D Dimensions S+1B+2D 8 5GT+1B+2C All dimensions in mm 12,6 9 multimec® Round cap with soft edges 5G + 1DS/1ES/1FS 8,2 0,3 14,0 11,0 0,8 8,2 0,8 14,9 9,6 0,8 14,9 9,6 ■■ Round caps ■■ Ø9.6 mm ■■ h =14.9 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: 11,0 •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap :-40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1DS/1ES/1FS-Ø10.0 0,8 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 All dimensions in mm Dimensions 7.62 10 ø 0.9 4 0,8 14,0 7,62 7,62 0.3 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 7,62 0.8 0.3 8.2 0.8 7.62 7.62 10,16 Max 10,3 10,16 -2 -2 4 4+3 1 Max 10,3 7,6 3 +3 10.3 8.2 ø 11.0 0.8 14.9 0,8 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 ø 11.0 ø 9.6 8,2 8,2 0,8 0,8 8,2 14,9 0,8 0,3 10 1 0,8 ø 9.6 1 10.3 Ø0,9 7,62 10.16 -2 14,0 11,0 7,62 14,0 TH w/LED + 1FS 11,0 9,6 11,0 14,9 7,62 7.62 10 Max 10,3 0,3 0,3 0.8 9,6 10 Min 10.16 Min 10,16 Max 12.5 Max 12,5 8.2 0,8 8,2 0,8 0,3 0.3 9,6 0.8 14.9 14,9 11,0ø 11.0 0.8 14.9 SMD w/LED + 1ES 9,6 ø 9.6 14,9 TH + 1DS +3 Ø0,9 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED Cap Colour code Lens 1ES 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 1 transparent 2 green 4 yellow 6 frosted white 8 red + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount Max 10,3 20 35 65 Q* 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 1FS 1ES 1ES 1FS 1FS 1DS 11 transparent 16 frosted white *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force Cap Colour code 1DS 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 1ES + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 1ES 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue 42 aqua blue 32 mint green 33 tele grey 34 melon 38 noble red Ordering example: 5GTH935+1DS06 without illumination OR 5GSH96561+1FS096 with illumination OR *5GSH92042Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 1FS 10 1FS 50 metal dark blue 53 metal light grey 57 metal dark grey 58 metal bordeaux 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS Flat cap can be used with foil overlay 12,5 12,5 12,5 5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS 15 0,8 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,310,16 0,3 0,3 Min. 7,62 0,3 0,3 7,62 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 0,8 0,8 7,62 0,8 0,8 12,5 0,3 0,3 0,3 Min. 0,8 0,3 10,16 Min. 10,16 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. Max. 12,5 0,3 0,8 0,3 0,8 0,8 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 10,16 Min. 10,16Min. Max. 12,5 7,62Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 7,62 7,62 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 0,3 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 0,8 12,5 15 15 12,5 0,3 0,3 14,0 14,0 0,3 0,3 5GT+1GCS THw/LED 15 15 +1GCS 15 15 15 15 15 12,5 0,8 10 10,3 Max 10 10 15 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 0,3 0,3 7,62 TH + 1GCS 15 11 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,0 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 14,0 14,0 0,8 7, 7, 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,87,62 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 10 10 10 10 12,5 12,5 10 10 11 11 1010 10 10 0,3 0,3 0,3 14,0 12,5 12,5 11 14,0 0,8 0,8 0,87,62 0,8 5GTxx+1GCS5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GT+1GCS 5GSxx+1GAS 5GSxx+1GAS SMD w/LED + 1GAS 11 0,3 0,3 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 10,16 0,3 Max. 12,5 Min. Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5Max. 12,5 5GT+1GCS 12,5 11 11 11 11 0,8 0,3 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,3 7,62 7,62 5GSxx+1GAS5GSxx+1GAS 5GSxx+1GAS 11 14,0 14,0 14,0 0,8 0,8 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS Dimensions 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS 14,0 0,8 0,8 7,62 0,8 10 10 All dimensions 5GS+1GASin mm 11 0,8 1010 10 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 ■■ Round caps 14,0 14,0 14,0 ■■ Excellent option for foil14,0 overlay 14,0 ■■ Ø11 mm; Ø15 mm 10 10 10 ■■ h =12.5 mm 10 10 ■■ Material: polyamide ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+160°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1GAS/1GCS-Ø11.4; Ø15.4 SMD + 1GAS 15 15 15 15 11 11 5G + 1GAS/1GCS 15 11 11 12,5 11 illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED Cap transparent colour 1GAS Colour code + 5 G 1GAS 14,0 14,0 0,8 14,0 14,0 0,8 7,62 0,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 14,0 Max. 12,5 0,8 Max. 12,5 Min. Max.10,16 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 5GTxx+1GCS 11 transparent 16 frosted white 0,3 7,62 Max 10,3 Max Max 10,3 Max 10,3 10,3 12,5 12,5 12,5 15 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 14,0 12,5 11 5GSxx+1GAS 5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS 5GTxx+1GCS5GTxx+1GCS 01 blue 1GAS 22 green 42 yellow 15 15 15 15 15 15 61 white 82 red 1GCS 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 0,3 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min. 10,16 0,310,16 8242 Min. red/yellow Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 0,8 10,16 Min. 12,5 11 11 11 12,5 11 11 20 35 65 Q* 12,5 TH9 through-hole 5GSxx+1GAS 5GSxx+1GAS 5GSxx+1GAS SH9 surface mount 5GSxx+1GAS 5GSxx+1GAS5GSxx+1GAS 0,3 0,3 ,3 multimec® 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS 5GS+1GAS Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 7,62 1GCS *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q Max 10,3 to the end of the switch part number. Max 10,3 1GCS non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force Cap solid colour 1GAS Colour code + 5 G 1GAS TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 1GAS 1GCS 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black Ordering example: 5GSH935 + 1GAS09 without illumination OR 5GTH96501 + 1GCS16 with illumination OR *5GTH92061Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 1GCS 1GCS 11 multimec® Low cap, excellent for foil overlay 5G + 1JS ■■ Round cap ■■ Ø9.6 mm ■■ h =10.4 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate RR2 ■■ Temp. Range: 2 •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C 0,3 Min. 0,3 0,8 0,8 Min.1JS-Ø10.4 10,16 10,16 ■■ Panel cut-out: Max. 12,5 12,5 Max. 2,4 10,4 0,7 5GT ++ 1JS 1JS 5GT 4:1 4:1 7,62 7,62 *Legends on the picture are custom 10 10 10 All dimensions in mm Dimensions 5GT + 1JS 4:1 SMD w/LED + 1JS 0,8 14,0 14,0 7,62 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 10,3 Max 10 12,50 12,50 1,20 9,6 7,62 9,66 9, 0,8 10 2,4 0,7 10,4 0,7 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 5GSxx ++ 1JS 1JS 5GSxx 4:1 4:1 RR2 2 2,4 R 2 10,4 TH + 1JS 9,6 9,6 2,50 2,50 5GSxx + 1JS 4:1 2,4 10,4 0,7 R 2 14,0 7,62 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Max 10,3 Actuation force LED Cap transparent 12,50 + TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 Q* 1,20 7,62 9,6 0,8 5 G Mounting 2,50 1 J S 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 11 transparent 16 frosted white non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 12 Cap solid colour 20 20Q 35 65 Colour code Colour code 1 J S 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black Ordering example: 5GTH935+1JS08 without illumination OR 5GTH93501+1JS16 with illumination OR *5GTH92001Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 19,1 11,6 0,3 11,6 0,3 7,62 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 14,3 14,3 ■■ Square caps ■■ Different top surfaces: flat, convex or concave ■■ 14.3 mm x 14.3 mm ■■ h =19.1 mm; 20.2 mm; 20.1 mm 14,3 ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent5GT+1KS cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1KS/1KBS/1KCS-14.7 x 14.7 All dimensions in mm5GTxx+1KBS 5GTxx+1KBS 5GSxx+1KS 5GTxx+1KBS 14,3 5GTxx+1KBS 5GTxx+1KBS Custom5GSxx+1KCS solution 5GSxx+1KCS 5GSxx+1KCS 5GTxx+1KBS 5GSxx+1KCS 5GSxx+1KCS 1KS Dimensions Bezel 19,1 R18,7 5 RR 11 88,7,755 R25 R25 R25 R25R25 2,1 19,1 19,1 14,3 14,3 01 blue 1KS 1KS 22 green Bezel Bezel Bezel 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 16,4 16,4 1KBS 1KBS 824216,4 red/yellow 11,6 19,1 19,1 20,2 11,6 0,3 0,3 14,3 2,1 19,1 20,1 16,4 14,6 11,6 2,1 2,1 20,2 16,4 16,4 1KBS 11,6 19,1 1KBS 1KBS 1KBS 17,75 17,75 17,75 11,6 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 14,3 1 6 14,6 17,75 17,75 14,6 14,6 14,3 + 14,3 17,75 Bezel 2 K 1KCS Frosted white lens 1KS 19,1 0,3 14,3 1 K S 1KCS 1KCS 5GT+1KS 17,75 1KCS 17,75 17,75 14,6 14,6 14,6 + 7,62 14,6 1KS 17,75 Colour17,75 code 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 03 grey 06 white 08 red 09 black 17,75 Bezel 2,1 20 20Q 35 65 Cap 0,8 14,0 14,6 14,6 14,6 7,62 17,75 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 17,75 0,3 1KCS 17,75 14,3 14,3 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount R25 16,4 16,4 14,3 Actuation force 1KCS 1KCS 1KCS 17,75 Bezel 14,6 7,62 14,6 14,614,6 14,3 14,3 14,6 11,6 7,62 7,62 14,3 Mounting 11,6 14,3 14,3 11,6 14,3 1KCS 0,3 14,3 14,0 14,3 0,8 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch 1KCS 5GSxx+1KCS Bezel 1KS R18,7 5 0,8 0,8 11,6 19,1 Bezel 16,4 14,6 0,3 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q 1KBS 1KBS to the end of the switch part 1KBS number. Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 2,1 0,3 2,1 2,1 7,62 03 grey 06 white 08 red 09 black 1KBS 1KS 0,3 Min. 10,16 7,62 7,62 Max. 12,5 14,3 14,3 Frosted white lens and Bezel Bezel transparent lid 1KS Bezel 2 K 14,3 14,3 5GTxx+1KBS 19,1 11,6 5GT+1KS 0,8 + 1 1 1 6 14,3 7,62 1KS 19,1 19,1 11,6 11,6 0,80,8 0,3 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 5GT+1KS 5GSxx+1KS 20,2 19,1 11,6 0,3 7,62 Bezel 19,1 14,3 + 14,3 14,3 0,8 14,0 1KS 7,62 17,75 20 35 65 Q* 5 G 0,8 14,0 7,62 0,8 2,1 TH9 through-hole1KS 1KS1KS SH9 surface mount Cap 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 14,3 LED 0,3 0,3 7,62 2,1 Actuation force 5GT+1KS 14,3 R25 R25 19,1 11,6 5GT+1KS Mounting 5GSxx+1KCS 14,6 5 R18,7 5 0,3 0,8 14,0 7,62 5GSxx+1 17,75 14,3 14,3 14,3 19,1 19,1 0,8 14,0 17,75 20,2 11,6 5GTxx+1KBS 14,3 14,3 14,314,3 14,3 Switch 0,3 illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 7,62 5GTxx+1KBS 14,3 11,6 11,6 5 0,8 1KCS R18,7 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,314,3 14,0 7,62 7,62 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 5GSxx+1KS 5GSxx+1KS 0,80,8 R18,7 14,6 11,6 0,3 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 14,3 0,3 14,6 14,0 14,0 7,62 7,627,62 19,1 0,3 0,8 14,0 20,1 20,1 20,2 0,8 0,8 0,8 7,62 16,4 5GTxx+1KBS 19,1 0,8 14,0 14,014,0 7,62 7,62Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,3 0,3 11,6 11,6 11,6 20,1 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,80,8 0,3 11,6 1KBS 5GSxx+1KS 14,3 7,62 7,627,62 19,1 19,1 11,6 11,6 0,30,3 Min. Min. 10,16 10,16 Max. Max. 12,5 12,5 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 19,1 20,2 20,2 19,1 19,1 19,1 20,2 20,2 11,6 11,6 20,2 11,6 19,1 19,1 19,1 0,8 7,62 7,62 0,3 14,0 0,3 0,3 Min. 10,16 Min.Min. 10,16 10,16 Max. 12,5 Max. Max. 12,512,5 14,3 R25 7,62 0,3 11,6 11,6 19,1 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,80,8 185,75 R18R,7 Bezel (optional) 0,8 11,6 0,3 SMD w/LED + 1KCS R18,7 5 TH w/LED + 1KBS 11,6 SMD w/LED + 1KS 17,75 1KS x+1KS 16,4 1KBS 14,3 17,75 14,6 14,6 14,3 KS +1KS 14,0 5G + 1KS/1KBS/1KCS+2K 2,1 0,3 Square cap with different top surface options 0,8 20,2 R 19,1 multimec® 1KCS 17,75 Ordering example: 5GTH93501+1KCS1116+2K09 with illumination OR 5GSH965+1KS0916+2K03 without illumination OR *5GTH92082Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 13 multimec® 5G + 1NS Teardrop-shaped cap ■■ Teardrop-shaped cap ■■ Ø9.6 mm; ☐ = 4.9 mm ■■ h =14.9 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1NS-Ø10.2/ ☐ = 5.1 All dimensions in mm Dimensions 9,4 7,4 4,9 SMD + 1NS 4,9+ 1NS TH w/LED 14 0,8 0,8 14 14,9 14,9 8,2 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 13,3 7,62 13,3 11,8 11,8 9,6 R5, 5 11,0 R5, 5 9,6 13,3 11,0 9,6 9,6 7,5 7,5 0,8 0,8 0,3 7,62 7,62 11,8 13,3 11,0 11,0 0,8 0,3 8,2 7,62 7,62 18,514,9 18,5 14,9 7,5 7,5 0,8 0,8 8,2 8,2 14 4,9 7,5 0,8 0,8 7,511,0 3,5 0,33,5 0,3 0,3 0,3 14 7,4 11,0 9,4 4,9 11,8 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED Cap transparent + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 Q* 1 N S 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 10 frosted blue 12 frosted green 14 frosted yellow 16 frosted white 18 frosted red *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 14 Cap 20 20Q 35 65 Colour code Colour code 1 N S 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black Ordering example: 5GSH965+1NS08 non-illuminated OR 5GTH93501+1NS10 with illumination OR *5GTH92081Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on multimec® Concave rectangular caps 5E/5G + 1PS/1QS/1RS ■■ Rectangular caps ■■ Concave top surface ■■ 12.5 mm x 6.5 mm ■■ h =15.7 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C 1RS ■■ Panel cut-out: 1PS/1QS/1RS-7.0 x 13.0, R max. 1.0 1RS 1QS All dimensions in mm 6,5 Max 12,5 Cap 5 G + +3 Ø=0.9 4 ø 6.5 4 +3 4 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 +3 10.0 15,7 10,4 10.4 15.7 10.3 10,3 3 3 7,62 7.62 12.5 10,16 1 -2 4 +3 Ø0,9 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 7.62 11 transparent 16 frosted white 0.3 0.8 7.62 10.16 Cap 10.0 -2 1 4 +3 12.5 10,16 1 -2 Colour code 4 Ø=0.9 7.62 10.0 Actuation force 20 20Q 35 65 0.8 10.0 + TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 7.62 Ø=0.9 ø 6.5 1 transparent 6 frosted white 0.8 2.5 1PS 0.3 0.3 2.5 10.0 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 5 E 4 Max 12.5 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 10.0 1 -2 ø 6.5 Ø0,9 +3 Ø0,9 1.2 3+ 10.16 10.0 2.5 +3 7,62 4 Ø0,9 7.62 Lens ø 6.5 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 10.0 1 0.8 0.3 1RS 7.62 -2 7,62 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. 5 G 7,62 3+ 10.4 15.7 10,16 Mounting Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Ø0,9 Max 12.5 Switch 1QS 1 10.4 15.7 -2 7.62 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 10.4 15.7 20 35 65 Q* 12.5 Ø0,9 1 Max 12.5 Ø=0.9 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount +3 10,16 Colour code -2 Max 12.5 10,16 1 4 10.0 +3 Ø0,912.5 10,16 -2 10.0 4 1 -2 4 10.3 7.62 10.16 10.0 4,4 7.62 LED 1 1.2 10.0 1 7.62 10.0 Actuation force 10.0 Mounting 7.62 10.16 -2 illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch 7.62 +3 Ø0,9 10.0 4,4 0.8 10,16 -2 1.2 4 10.3 0.3 7.62 7,62 3+ 1RS Min 10.16 Max 12.5 0.8 0.3 7,62 4 0.8 0.3 10.3 1.2 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Ø0,9 7.62 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 10.3 10.3 1RS 2.5 1 ø 6.5 0.8 Min 10.16 0.3 Max 12.51 -2 3+ 7,62 -2 Max 12.5 ø 6.5 10,16 Max 10,3 10.4 15.7 1.2 3 4 10,16 10.4 15.7 Max 12.5 3 Max 10,3 10.0 1 ø 6.5 7,62 -2 10.3 Ø0,9 1QS 10.4 15.7 7.62 Max 10,3 10.4 15.7 10 10,16 7,62 Max 10,3 1QS 7.62 Max 12.5 ø 6.5 0.8 10.0 10.4 15.7 Max 12.5 12.5 7,62 0,3 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0.3 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 7.62 7.62 0,8 14 10.1 7.62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0.8 0.3 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 6.5 0,3 7,62 10.3 0.8 7,62 7,62 15.7 10.4 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 15,7 10,4 0.3 0,3 10.1 10 6,5 10,4 0,8 0,3 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 15,7 15,7 Max 12.5 6.5 10.0 Max 12.5 10.4 15.7 10,4 6.5 6,5 TH w/LED (5G) + 1QS 10.0 Max 12.5 10,4 TH w/LED (5G) + 1RS 15,7 SMD (5E) + 1PS 12,5 Max 12,5 6,5 10.0 Max 12,5 10,3 Max 12,5 Dimensions 2.5 1PS 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black Ordering example: 5GTH935+1PS08 without illumination OR 5GSH96542+1RS001 with illumination OR *5GSH92061Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 15 multimec® Cap range with variable heights and illumination options 5E/5G + 1SS/1IS/1LS ■■ Round caps ■■ 9 standard options in overall height ■■ Ø6.5 mm ■■ h =8-22.5 mm; 10.4-22.5 mm; 12-22.5 mm ■■ Material: polyamide ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+160°C (1SS); -40/+65°C (1LS) •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1SS/1LS/1IS-Ø7.0 1SS 1SS 1SS 1LS 1LS1LS 1IS 1IS1IS All dimensions in mm 1SS1SS 1SS 1LS1LS 1LS TH w/LED (5G) + 1LS 14 Mounting Actuation force Max 10,3 LED Cap 20 35 65 Q* 01 blue 6,5 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 14 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 10 8242 red/yellow non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Mounting 1IS fully illuminated 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 11 transparent 16 frosted white 7,62 Actuation force Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 10,3 Cap TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 10,4 - 22,5 12.0 19.0 15.0 22.5 16.0 Height 1IS 0,8 10.4 16.0 11.07,62 19.0 12.0 22.5 15.0 3 Colour code Height + 5 E 10,4 - 22,5 10,4 - 22,5 10,4 - 22,5 10,4 - 22,5 10,4 - 22,5 10,4 - 22,5 6,4 1 transparent 6,5 2 green 4 yellow 6 frosted white 80,3red 0,8 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. 1LS with lens 10 0,3 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 16 Height 1LS . 8,0 - 22,5 3 5 G Lens + 5 G Switch Colour code Max 10,3 . 1SS solid colour 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 08.0 09.5 10.4 11.0 12.0 15.0 16.0 19.0 22.5 Ordering example: 5ETH920+1SS04-09.5 without illumination OR 5GSH93542+1IS16-19.0 with illumination OR *5GTH9208222Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 12,0 - 22,5 7,62 1LS 7,62 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 3 0,8 Switch 0,8 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Max 10,3 10,4 - 22,5 6,4 0,3 1SS 7,62 14 7,62 Max 10,3 0,8 6,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 6,5 12,0 - 22,5 10 8,0 - 22,5 0,3 MaxMax 10,310,3 Max 10,3 0,8 0,3 7,627,62 7,62 6,5 Max 12,5 10 Max 10,3 10,3 Max 10,3 Max 14 14 14 0,3 0,8 3 3 3 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 1414 14 0,8 0,8 8,0 - 22,5 14 1IS 7,62 7,62 7,62 6,5 3 3 MaxMax 10,310,3 3 Max 10,3 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,8 6,5 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 10,3 10,3 0,3 Max Max 10,3 Max Min Min 10,16 10,16 MinMax 10,16 12,512,5 Max Max 12,5 6,5 10 10 10 7,62 7,62 7,62 0,3 7,627,62 1LS 7,62 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 0,3 0,3 1010 10 14 14 14 0,80,80,8 0,30,30,3 1IS 6,56,5 6,5 12,0 - 22,5 7,62 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,3 1414 14 1LS 6,56,5 6,5 10 10 10 10 10 10 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 12,0 - 22,5 12,0 - 22,5 12,0 - 22,5 12,0 - 22,5 12,0 - 22,5 12,0 - 22,5 1SS 6,56,5 8,0 - 22,5 8,0 - 22,5 8,0 - 22,5 8,0 - 22,5 8,0 - 22,5 8,0 - 22,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,5 6,5 6,5 SMD w/LED (5G) + 1IS 6,4 6,4 SMD (5E) + 1SS 1IS 1IS 1IS 0,8 0,8 0,8 Dimensions multimec® Panel sealed cap solutions 5G + 1TS/1US/1VS + 1TW/1UW/1VW ■■ Square, round and half-ellipse shaped caps ■■ Rounded top surface ■■ Option to have it panel sealed •• IP67 = 5G+1TS+1TW •• IP67 = 5G+1US+1UW •• IP65 = 5G+1VS+1VW ■■ 10.6 mm x 10.6 mm; Ø10.6 mm; 10.6 mm x 13.25 mm ■■ h =14.9 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate (cap); silicone rubber (sealing) ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C •• Panel cut-out: 1TS-11.0 x 11.0, 1US-Ø11.0, 1VS-11.0 x 13.65 4 4 4 4 14,9 14,9 14,9 8,2 14,9 11 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 11 Distance between PCB and front panel 4 11 10,8 0,1 14,9 6,7 0,8 0,3 0,1 10,8 0,1 10,8 7,62 1,2 10,4 14,9 8,2 7,62 7,62 1,2 10,4 11,8 6,7 0,3 1,2 7,62 0,8 14,9 8,2 8,2 8,2 14,9 14,9 6,7 3 4 11 4 11 11 11 11 11 4 4 4 4 4 1UW 1VS 1US Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (SMD) 2,5 -2 11,8 +3 Ø 0,9 1US 14,9 0,8 8,2 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 1 7,62 + 1,2 10,4 14,65 12,5 6,7 1 4 17,5 10,8 0,1 0,3 7,62 Sealing 0,1 10,8 0,1 14,9 14,9 13,25 Ø 0,9 2 11,8 8,2 +3 0,8 4 13,25 14,65 12,0 4 2 1 12,0 1VS 1 7,62 4 Ø10,6 Ø10,6 14 -2 22,0 7,62 12,5 Colour21,0 code 21,0 0,8 17,5 3 2,5 1TW 1VW 7,62 1TS 3 14 1,2 4 13,25 7,62 14,65 7,62 0,8 1 8,2 7,62 0,8 3 4 21,0 7,62 10,16 2 1,2 6,7 12,5 1 1VS 0,8 Dimensions (SMD) 7,62 10,16 2 8,2 8,2 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5 5,3 6,7 6,7 0,8 0,3 0,8 7,62 0,3 14 Cap 0,3 14,9 6,7 8,2 0,3 0,8 10,4 10,6 +3 10,6 Min.12,0 10,16 Max 12,5 11 11 0,8 14,9 8,2 0,3 8,2 7,62 0,8 1US Dimensions (w/LED) 12,0 11,8 0,8 1 7,62 12,0 3 1VW 5,3 6,7 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Ø 0,9 11 11 11 11 4 10,6 12,0 1 1TW 2,5 Dimensions (SMD) 10,16 4 + 1 5,3 10,16 2 17,5 3 2,5 16 frosted white 2 10,4 12,0 14,65 4 12,5 1VS 1TS 8,2 4 7,62 12,0 4 Dimensions (through-hole) 14,9 0,8 8,2 + 0,8 Ø10,6 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 14,9 7,62 6,7 0,3 10,6 20 20Q 35 65 3 -2 13,25 Ø 0,9 1US 10,16 0,8 7,62 12,0 10,6 10,6 12,0 1 1 14,65 0,3 7,62 Sealing 2 +3 0,8 22,0 7,62 12,5 1 13,25 Ø 0,9 0,8 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 4 22,0 22,0 22,0 +3 4 -2 21,0 0,8 17,5 14 Colour21,0 code 1VS 1 12,0 6,7 0,8 8,2 10,16 2 4 6,7 6,7 10,4 7,62 10,6 14,9 6,7 Dimensions (through-hole) 7,62 Actuation force 4 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 1TS 0,8 3 Ø10,6 14 Ø10,6 1US 0,8 0,3 2,5 -2 Dimensions (w/LED) Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 1 4 13,25 7,62 14,65 1VS Dimensions (SMD) 10,16 2 3 1TS 3 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 1 4 10,16 1 4 10,6 12,0 1TS 5 G 10,6 01 blue 17,5 17,5 17,5 22green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 21,0 7,62 12,5 11,8 12,0 0,8 1VS 0,8 Dimensions (SMD) Min. 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5 5,3 Cap 0,3 5,3 0,3 0,8 7,62 2 12,0 11,8 0,8 Ø 0,9 2 Dimensions (through-hole) Mounting + +3 10,6 Min.12,0 10,16 Max 12,5 4 14 10,16 10,16 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. Switch 1 1US Dimensions (w/LED) 14,9 -2 0,8 Dimensions (w/LED) 14,9 0,8 Ø10,6 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 20 35 65 Q* 0,8 8,2 0,3 14,9 7,62 10,16 8,2 3 10,6 12,0 TH9 through-hole 21,0 21,0 21,0 SH9 surface mount LED 0,8 1 4 12,0 5 G 7,62 12,0 2 6,7 Actuation force Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0,8 8,2 Mounting 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 1US 0,3 0,8 0,3 Dimensions (through-hole) 10,16 10,6 Switch 1TS 0,8 7,62 14,9 6,7 6,7 5,3 0,8 14,9 6,7 0,8 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 1VS Dimensions (SMD) Dimensions (through-hole) 11 11 11 11 1TS 1US Dimensions (w/LED) Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 4 4 4 4 4 1TS Dimensions (through-hole) 4 7,62 1,2 3 2,5 2,5 4 44 4 2,5 2,5 2,52,5 13,65 3 *mathematical shape of half3 3 4ellipse 3 3 3 3 2,5 1,2 4 14,9 8,2 8,2 8,2 14,9 8,2 14,9 8,2 8,2 14,9 8,2 10,60,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 1,2 4 5,5 1 4 14,65 11 6,7 1111 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 0,3 0,8 0,3 0,3 6,7 6,7 10,4 13,25 22,0 22,022,0 4 13,25 2,5 13,25 13,25 14,65 13,25 13,25 13,25 13,25 14,65 14,65 14,65 14,65 14,65 14,65 13,25 +3 Ø 0,9 Ø 0,9 Ø 0,9Ø Ø 0,9 0,9 2 5,3 1 2 1 +3 +3 Ø 0,9 4 Ø 0,9 4 +3 +3 +3 +3 4 4 4 12,5 12,5 1 12,5 12,5 12,512,5 12,5 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 12,5 11,8 10,4 11,8 7,62 7,62 4 Ø 0,9 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,80,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,627,62 7,62 4 12,0 14 4 4 +3 4 Ø10,6 Ø10,6 Ø 12,0 Ø10,6Ø10,6 Ø10,6 Ø10,6 10,6 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 3 Ø10,6 0,8 7,62 1,2 1,2 1,2 3 3 3 0,8 0,8 2 17,5 17,517,5 1V Cap 1TS - 11x11 mm 1US - Ø11 mm 1VS Center of switch 4 4 3 14 14 14 14 10,4 11,8 11,8 10,4 10,4 11,8 11,8 11,8 10,4 10,4 10,4 11,8 3 7,62 7,62 4 4 4 5,3 1,2 4 21,0 21,021,0 3 7,62 43 1 14 14 Recommended 10,16 -210,16 1 10,16 10,16 10,16 -2 1 1 10,16 10,16 -2 1 1 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 1 7,62 7,62 7,62 4 10,6 10,612,0 10,6 10,6 10,6 12,0 10,610,6 12,0 12,0 12,012,0 12,0 4 10,16 -2 7,62 10,16 210,16 1 10,16 10,16 10,16 10,16 110,16 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 7,62 7,62 7,62 2 1 10,6 7,62 12,0 10,6 10,6 12,0 12,0 10,6 10,6 10,6 12,0 12,0 7,62 12,0 10,6 7,62 7,62 12,0 12,0 10,6 10,16 2 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,9 0,8 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,8 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,30,8 Min.10,16 7,62 7,62 Min. 10,16 21,0 0,3 0,3 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,80,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 22,0 14 0,30,3 0,30,8 0,3 7,62 7,62 Min.Max 10,16 Min. 10,1617,5 7,62 7,620,8 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 10,16 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 10,16 Min.Min. Min. 10,16 10,16 7,62 7,62Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 7,627,62 7,62 7,62 7,627,62 Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16 Min.Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 12,5 MaxMax 12,5 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 MaxMax 12,5 0,3 5,3 5,3 5,35,3 0,8 8,2 5,3 0,8 14,9 8,214,9 8,2 11 8,2 14,9 14,9 8,2 14,9 8,2 14,9 1111 4 14,9 6,7 8,2 8,2 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,9 0,8 6,7 0,8 8,2 8,2 8,2 14,9 0,8 14,9 8,214,9 8,2 8,2 1111 14,9 14,9 8,2 14,90,8 11 4 4 4 8,2 14,9 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 0,8 6,7 6,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 SMD + 1VS+1VW 5,3 5,3 0,3 TH w/LED + 1US+1UW Dimensions (through-hole) Dimensions Dimensions (through-hole) (through-hole) Dimensions Dimensions (through-hole) (through-hole) 4 4 TH + 1TS+1TW 0,8 1VS 1VS Dimensions (SMD)1VS 1VS Dimensions (SMD) Dimensions (SMD)1VS 1VS1VS Dimensions (SMD) Dimensions Dimensions (SMD) (SMD) Dimensions Dimensions (SMD)(SMD) 1US 1US Dimensions (w/LED) 1US 1US Dimensions (w/LED)Dimensions (w/LED) 1US 1US1US Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) 1TS panel cut-out 1VS 1US 1TS 1TS 1TS Dimensions (through-hole) 1TS 1TS 1TS1TS sions (through-hole) Dimensions (through-hole) 1,2 Dimensions 11 11 11 4 All dimensions in mm 3 2,5 1UW Ordering example: 5GSH935 + 1TS03 + 1TW without illumination OR 5GTH96542 + 1US16 + 1UW with illumination OR *5GTH92082Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 17 multimec® Ellipse-shaped caps 5G + 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS WAS WAS WAS 6,5 ■■ Ellipse-shaped caps 12,5 12,5 ■■ Convex or concave top surface ■■ 6.5 mm x 12.5 mm; 8.0 mm x 15.2 mm ■■ h =15.7 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate 14 7,62 14 7,62 ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C 10 •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C 10 ■■ Panel cut-out: 1WAS/1WPS-12.9x6.9, 1WDS-15.6x8.4 15 15 0,3 0,3 10,4 10,4 14,89 14,89 0,8 0,8 6,5 10 10 0,3 0,3 All dimensions in mm 0,8 R60 R60 R60 10 10,4 15 0,3 0,3 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 8,2 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 10 10 Max Max Max 10,3 10,3 10,3 10 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,3 Min 10,16 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 7,627,62 7,62 15,7 15,7 10,4 0,8 15,7 15,7 10,4 10,4 14,91 0,3 0,3 15 0,8 10,4 14,91 7,62 Max 10,3 10,3 Max 10,3 Max 0,8 10 WDS 8,0 0,8 8,2 15 12,5 7,62 R60 1WDS 16 frosted white 0,3 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 1WPS 15,7 1WAS 10 Colour code 0,8 10,4 0,8 15 15 0,8 + 8,2 0,8 0,8 12,5 6,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 Max 10,3 WDS WPS + illu WDS 15,3 0,8 10 10 10 10 10 7,62 Cap 0,3 8,2 8,2 15 14,91 10 10 10 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. 01 blue 22 7,62 green 0,8 0,8 0,8 42 yellow 7,627,62 7,62 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green WAS 8242 red/yellow 10,4 8,2 8,2 15 10,4 14,91 10 10 14,89 15 8,2 0,3 0,3 0,8 12,5 20 35 14 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 65 7,62 7,62 14 7,62 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 10,16 Min Q*Max Max Max 12,51012,5 12,5 WPS + illu 10 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 10,16 Min 10,16Min Max 12,5 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 15 15 6,5 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 15,315,3 15,3 12,5 10,4 LED 15 5 G 10 15,3 6,5 force 15,3 Actuation 8,0 8,0 8,0 15,3 0,8 Mounting WPS + illu WAS 0,8 0,8 8,0 8,0 15,3 8,0 WDSWDS WDS 0,8 Switch 8,0 10 10 WDS 15 WDS WDS Illuminated WAS – HOW TO ORDER 10 0,3 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 10,16 Min 7,62 Min 10,16 7,62 Max Max Max 12,512,5 12,5 12,5 R60 WAS WDS 0,3 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 6,5 7,62 10 10 10 10 10 10 14 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 10,16 Min 10,1614 Min Max 12,5 12,5 Max 12,5 Max 0,3 7,627,62 7,62 12,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 15,3 15,3 12,5 10,4 10,4 14,89 15 15 10,4 10,4 10,4 15 14,89 14,89 14,89 15 15 15 10,4 10,4 0,3 0,3 10,4 0,3 0,3 14 14 14 12,512,5 12,5 15 R60 6,5 6,5 6,5 15,3 10,4 10,4 15,7 12,5 R6012,5 R60 6,5 7,62 7,62 WPS + illu 8,0 8,0 0,8 12,5 12,5 15 15,7 0,8 6,5 0,8 0,8 0,8 6,5 6,5 6,5 8,0 12,512,5 12,5 0,8 0,8 12,5 12,5 TH + 1WDS WAS 15,3 0,3 Max 12,5 + 5 G 20 20Q 35 65 0,8 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 7,62 0,8 Colour code 0,8 1WAS 1WDS 10 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount Cap 0,8 Actuation forceMin 10,16 8,2 15,3 15 Mounting 15 WPS + illu 0,3 8,2 Switch 8,2 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER WAS 15 0,8 8,0 1WPS WDS 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue 42 aqua blue 53 metal light grey 57 metal dark grey 15,3 8,2 15 0,8 WDS 8,0 8,2 18 15 0,8 Ordering example: 0,3 15,3 0,8 5GTH935+1WAS00 without illumination OR 5GSH96582+1WDS16 with illumination OR *5GSH92042Q (illuminated quiet version) 7,62 Min 10,16 12,5 Please see colour codes, updates ofMax products and changes of specifications on 15 15 TH w/LED + 1WPS 6,5 6,5 6,5 15,7 SMD + 1WAS WDS WDS WPSWPS WPS + illu+ + illu illu 0,8 0,8 WPS ++ illu illu WPS + illuWPS WASWAS WAS 10,48,2 8,2 Dimensions WDS multimec® Rectangular cap with soft edges ■■ Rectangular cap ■■ 7.4 mm x 9.4 mm ■■ h =18.5 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1XS-9.8 x 7.9 5G + 1XS 9,4 7,4 0,3 Dimensions 0,8 11,0 7,5 0,8 0 14 14 7,62 SMD w/LED + 1XS 9,4 7,4 9,4 4,9 7,4 9,4 7,4 4,9 7,4 13,3 4,9 7,62 0,8 0,8 14 14 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 18,5 11,0 14,9 9,6 8,2 14,9 18,5 7,5 8,2 0,3 7,5 0,3 0,3 11,0 11,0 7,5 0,8 3,5 0,8 3,5 18,5 14 14 R5, 5 0,3 7,62 7,62 13,3 13,3 11,8 11,8 13,3 Actuation force Cap + TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 Q* 9,6 R5, 5 LED 5 G 11,0 R5, 5 10 Mounting 9,6 11,0 9,6 Illuminated R5,5 R5,5 – HOW TO ORDER 9,6 11,8 10 Switch 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 11,0 10 0,8 0,8 11,0 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 R5,5 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 7,5 7,5 3,5 18,5 10 7,5 11,0 11,0 11,8 0,8 TH + 1XS 9,4 3,5 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,5 All dimensions in mm 0,3 0,3 7,5 3,5 18,5 11,0 4,9 9,4 Colour code 1 X S 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 11 transparent 16 frosted white non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force Cap + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface moun 20 20Q 35 65 Colour code 1 X S 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue Ordering example: 5GTH9352242+1XS16 with illumination OR 5GSH965+1XS02 non-illuminated OR *5GTH9208242Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 42 aqua blue 32 mint green 33 tele grey 34 melon 38 noble red 50 metal dark blue 53 metal light grey 57 metal dark grey 58 metal bordeaux 19 foilmec™ Square cap for foil overlay 5E + 1YS ■■ Square cap ■■ Designed for foil overlay ■■ 15 mm x 15 mm ■■ h =12.5 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1YS-16 x 16 13 ,9 0 10 , 16 SMD All dimensions in mm Dimensions Recommended placement of LEDs 2,54 1,6 1,6 12,50 ,5 ,5 R1 R1 R1,5 R1 6 ,1 10 12,50 13,90 20 20Q 35 65 13 7,62 Cap + 13,90 TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount ,0 1,6 0,3 Actuation force 2,50 1 Y S 0 6 1 6 1YS0616 white cap with frosted white lens 15 ,0 15 ,0 Mounting 7,62 5 E 0,8 14 7,62 1,20 Switch 1,6 12,5 12,5 ,9 0 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 R1 R1 R1 R1,5 ,5 RR11,5 HOW TO ORDER 3 R1 ,5 H: The height recommendation does not include the foil. We recommend embossing the foil to follow the curve of the keycap. A=16 h 12,0 =11,8±0,1 0,1 H= A: We recommend you to allocate enough space for travel of the foil and leave the area free from adhesive. Switch travel = 1 mm. The best tactile feeling is obtained with a small pretravel. The dimension H is based on an embossed foil. With a flat foil the dimension ”H” will have to be adjusted, and enough area between the cap and front panel needs to be addressed to ensure foil flexibility. Ordering example: 5ESH935+1YS0616 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 20 1,6 LED Recommendation SMD: 1206 - 0805 - 0603 - 0402 TH: 3 mm - Ø max 3.2 - Height max 6.5 mm Ø3mm 13,90 6 ,1 10 0 ,9 0 13 15 ,0 7,62 ,9 6 15 ,0 7,62 15 ,0 13,90 15 ,0 1,20 15 ,0 15 ,0 15 ,0 15 ,0 2,50 15 ,0 15 ,0 15 ,0 10,16 13,90 0,8 7,62 7,62 13 1,6 0,8 7,62 14 1,6 12,5 1,6 0,8 0,8 10 14 12,5 13,90 0,3 12,5 0,3 0,8 13,90 7,62 7,62 Ø3mm PCB layout with LED placement 13,90 1 7,62 5,0 14 TH ,1 14 2,54 2,54 ,0 15 ,0 15 ,0 15 15 ,0 0,8 10,16 14 PCB layout with LED placement 15 ,0 7,62 12,5 14 7,62 12,5 0,3 12,5 1,6 7,62 7,62 1,6 7,62 0,3 0,3 0,8 1,6 1,6 1,6 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5 0,3 0,3 7,62 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5 SMD 0,3 14 in. 10,16 ax 12,5 1,6 1,6 12,5 12,5 12,5 0,3 SMD 2,54 SMD + 1YS 12,5 TH + 1YS multimec® Cap solution for navigating navimec™ 5G + 1ZB/1ZCS ■■ Round solution ■■ Designed for navigating a display or controlling a unit ■■ 90° R=17.5 mm; Ø14.3 mm (Ø34.25 mm) ■■ h =12.2 mm; 11.7 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1ZB-R1 7,1 R2 17,5 – 17,75 90° 1ZCS-Ø14.7 ■■ navimec™ panel cut-out: Ø35,0 - 35,5 Depending on application 25,00 All dimensions in mm PCB layout for Navimec solution 0,8 0,8 0,8 11,7 11,7 SMD 25,00 25,00 0,8 7,620,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 Ø 0,9 2,5 We recommend using through-hole terminals for precise 25,00placing. 1,2 1,21,2 2,5 2,5 4 2,5 3 1,8 4 1 3 2,5 8 Ø 0,9 Ø14,3 Ø14,3 Ø14,3 1 1,2 3 7,62 3 12,50 2 12,2 4 2 7,62 4 7,627,62 7,62 7,62 1 1,5 1 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 12,50 2 R1 R=17,5 R=7,4 R=17,5R=17,5 R=7,4 R=7,4 (actuated) R=7,4 =17,5 R=17,5 (actuated) R=7,4 (actuated) 2 25,00 12,50 12,50 12,50 10,16 10,16 10,1610,16 10,16 1,2 90° 90° 90° 90° 25,00 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 90° TH 11,7 14 14 11,7 11,7 11,7 88 8 0,3 0,3 0,30,3 0,3 14 1414 8 8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,81,8 8 8 8 8 8 12,2 12,2 1,5 ,5 0,8 1,5 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,627,62 7,62 0,3 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 Min 10,160,3 0,3 Max 12,5 MaxMin 12,5 Max 12,5 Min 10,16 10,16 R1 R1 1 5 R11,151, R1 R 12,2 12,2 SMD w/LED + 1ZCS 12,2 TH + 1ZB 25,00 Dimensions 8 ctuated) (actuated) Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10,16 1 Z B 1 6 R=7,4 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 2,5 7,62 8 0,3 1,2 1 Z C S 1 6 11,7 1,8 Ø14,3 8 12,2 7,62 0,3 DLMA1 LMC1 LMC2 OK 2,5 1,5 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add QMin 10,16 Max 12,5 to the end of the switch part number. Ø14,3 12,50 R1 R=17,5 (actuated) 1,2 8 Frosted white with 0,8black soft 14 7,62 touch paint and laser marking 0,3 01 blue (actuated) 7,62 22 green 42 yellow 90° 10,16 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow R=7,4 8222 red/green 0,8 8242 red/yellow R=17,50,8 0,3 12,50 Legend code 7,62 + 8 12,2 5 G 25,00 20 35 65 Q* Cap 90° 1,8 TH9 through-hole (SH9 surface mount) LED 7,62 1,5 Actuation force R1 Mounting 0,8 14 7,62 7,62 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch 0,8 0,3 0,3 Ø14,3 11,7 Ø14,3 0,8 14 7,62 90° 4 R=17,5 (actuated) R=7,4 3 20 20Q 35 65 1 Z B 12,50 2 1 4 Ø 0,9 Ø14,3 1,2 1 Colour code 2,5 1 4 2,5 3 Legend code** pad printed legends Ø14,3 7,62 10,16 TH9 through-hole 2 (SH9 surface mount) 3 Ø 0,9 7,62 + 7,62 90° 4 Cap 0,8 (actuated) 5 G 2 11,7 8 Actuation force R=17,5 14 R=7,4 0,3 0,8 7,62 7,62 1,8 8 12,2 Mounting 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 12,50 1 7,62 1,5 Switch 10,16 2 1,2 R1 non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 3 1 Z C S 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue 42 aqua blue 50 metal dark blue 53 metal light grey 57 metal dark grey 58 metal bordeaux DN1 p3 P7 SET P8 HOME P9 FUNC P10 MENU P11 OK P12 ENTER P13 RESET ** White legends on black caps are standard, other options are available but considered custom products. See pages 34-35. Ordering example: 4x 5GTH93561+1ZB16DLMA1 + 1x 5GTH93561+1ZCS16LMC2 (with illumination) OR 4x 5GSH920+1ZB09 + 1x 5GSH920+1ZCS09 (without illumination) OR *5GTH92001Q (lluminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 21 multimec® Module for navigating navimec™ module ■■ Module should be attached to the front plate with bolts (bolts not supplied by MEC) ■■ Round solution ■■ Ø34.25 mm ■■ h =11.7 mm; 12.2 mm ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Recommended panel cut-out: Ø35,0 - 35,5 Depending on application All dimensions in mm Dimensions Navimec Module 8-10 mm 40 PCB 1,5 Ø3,2 (x4) 3,5 32 20 SW3 46,7 SW1 SW3 SW4 SW2 SW5 SW1 SW4 SW5 7,2 33 SW2 10 Ø34,25 When the 1ZB is activated the diameter changes from 34,25 mm to 35,0 mm HOW TO ORDER SW3 navimec™ Module ordering options: ■■ navimec™ Module excl. keycaps ■■ navimec™ Module incl. keycaps SW2 SW1 SW4 ■■ navimec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends ■■ Illuminated navimec™ Module excl. keycaps ■■ Illuminated navimec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends SW5 Part no. for PCB and connector - 9810130 J1 Part no. for switches and caps: navimec™ Module has many customisation options regarding actuation force, cap and LED colours and legends. Because of that ordering is based on part numbers of separate parts instead of one specific part number. MEC has the switches mounted on the module before delivery, which is included in the module price. J1 J2 See previous page for information on switch and cap options as well as the examples below. J2 40 3,5 SEE THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM32 AND CONNECTORØ3,2 INFO(x4) ON PAGE 43 J1 46,7 22 33 20 Ordering example: 9810130 + 4x 5GTH920 + 1x 5GTH920 (without caps) OR 9810130 + 4x 5GTH965+1ZB42 + 1x 5GTH965+1ZCS42 (with caps) OR 9810130+ 4x 5GTH93501+1ZB16DLMA1 + 1x 5GTH93501 +1ZCS16LMC1 (painted caps with laser engraved legends) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on multimec® Panel sealed solution for a control unit controlmec™ 5E/5G + 1ZW ■■ Round cap ■■ Panel sealed solution, designed to control a unit or navigate a display ■■ Ø29.5 mm ■■ h =12.3 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: 1ZW •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1ZW-Ø30.3 1ZW All dimensions in mm Mounting example 2,0 6,9 1ZW 0,2 TH + 1ZW 0,1 0,2 Dimensions Hole in front plate ø 30,3 +- 0,1 7,62 6,9 2,0 0,1 10,16 1ZZ Seal Ø 29,5 1ZY Seal support 12,3 5,2 Ø 0,9 Ø 29,5 1 pcs. 5GTH935 (+LEDs) 12,3 5,2 PCB layout 4 pcs. 5ETH935 PCB 7,62 25,0 10,16 Ø 0,9 25,0 We recommend using through-hole terminals for precise placing. Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED (optional) Colour code Legend code 1ZW 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 16 frosted white N1 P3 P11 OK + 5 G 35 65 25,0 Mounting 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 25,0 TH9 through-hole (SH9 surface mount) Switch Cap Actuation force Seal + 5 E TH9 through-hole (SH9 surface mount) 35 65 Panel seal Seal support Laser marked legends: LMA1 LMC1 LMC2 OK 1 Z Z 09 black 11 transparent 1ZY Ordering example: 5GTH935+1ZW09+4x 5ETH935+1ZZ+1ZY without illumination OR 5GTH96582+1ZW16LMA1LMC2+4x 5ETH965+1ZZ+1ZY with illumination Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 23 multimec® Cap for a control unit controlmec™ 5E/5G + 1Z 1Z 10,16 5.1 12 2,0 10.16 7,62 10,16 Ø 29,5 Ø0 5,2 6,9 7,62 0,1 7,62 5,0 7.6 10,16 PCB layout 0,2 11,9 5,0 0,1 11,9 6,9 Ø29,5 Ø 29,5 5,0 Ø29,5 11,9 6,9 0,1 Ø29,5 29.5 _0.10 7.2 + 5,1 1Z 11.85 _0.20 2.0 + 0,2 2, 0 Ø 0,9 Hole in Front Plate ø 30.3 +- 0.1 Ø 0,9 4 pcs. 5ETH935 1 pcs. 5GTH935 (+LEDs) Ø 29,5 25,0 12,3 5,2 35.4 12 25.4 5,1 Ø 29,5 25,0 6,9 0,1 6,9 0,1 0,2 1ZW All dimensions in mm Dimensions TH + 1Z 1ZW 2,0 6,9 2, 0 0,1 0,2 ■■ Round 1Z cap ■■ Designed to control a unit or navigate in a display ■■ Ø29.5 mm ■■ h =12.0 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1Z-Ø30.3 25,0 25,0 25.4 35.4 We recommend using through-hole terminals for precise placing. 25,0 25,0 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED (optional) Colour code Legend code 1Z 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 16 frosted white N1 P3 P11 OK + 5 G TH9 through-hole (SH9 surface mount) Switch Cap 35 65 Mounting Actuation force TH9 through-hole (SH9 surface mount) 35 65 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 5 E 24 Ordering example: 5GTH935+1Z03 +4x 5ETH935 without illumination OR 5GTH96561+1Z16LMA1LMC2 +4x 5ETH965 with illumination Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on Laser marked legends: LMA1 LMC1 LMC2 OK multimec® Panel sealed or non-panel sealed module controlmec™ module ■■ Module should be attached to the front plate with bolts (bolts not supplied by MEC) ■■ Round cap ■■ Panel sealed or non-panel sealed solution ■■ Ø29.5 mm ■■ h =12.3 mm; 12.0 mm ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 1ZW/1Z module-Ø30.3 All dimensions in mm Dimensions 1Z module 1ZW module Ø3,2 (x4) Ø3,2 (x4) PCB 1,5 PCB 1,5 PCB 1,5 3,5 PCB 1,5 20 3333 SW3 46,7 33 SW2 SW1 SW4 46,7 33 SW3 6,9 0,1 PCB PCB1,5 1,5 Ø3,2 Ø3,2 (x4) (x4) 32 32 3,5 32 0,05 6,9 0,05 6,9 40 40 20 32 20 SW2 SW1 SW4 SW5 7,2 7,2 7,2 Ø29,5 6,9 0,1Ø29,5 7,2 7,2 SW5 10 10 10 Ø29,5 10 7,2 20 3,5 3,5 40 6,9 0,1 6,9 0,1 6,9 0,1 46,7 46,7 40 10 Ø29,5 6,9 0,1 Ø41,1 10 Ø41,1 PCB 1,5 PCB 1,5 SW3 SW3 SW3 SW2 SW1 SW4 SW2 SW1 SW4 SW2 SW1 SW4 SW5 SW5 SW5 40 3,5 Ø3,2 (x4) 10 33 32 33 46,7 J2 Ø3,2 (x4) Ø29,5 Part no. for PCB and connector - 9810130 33 Ø29,5 controlmec™ Module ordering options: ■■ controlmec™ Module excl. keycaps J1 ■■ controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps ■■ controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends J2 ■■ illuminated controlmec™ Module excl. keycaps Ø29,5 ■■ illuminated controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends ■■ Sealed controlmec™ Module excl. keycaps ■■ Sealed controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps ■■ Sealed controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends ■■ Sealed illuminated controlmec™ Module excl. keycaps ■■ Sealed illuminated controlmec™ Module incl. keycaps with legends 46,7 3,5 Ø3,2 (x4) Ø3,2 (x4) 46,7 33 40 20 HOW TO ORDER J2 20 3,5 32 J1 46,7 J1 40 32 20 20 10 32 7,2 3,5 7,2 40 Part no. for switches and caps: controlmec™ Module has many customisation options regarding actuation force, cap and LED colours and legends. Because of that ordering is based on part numbers of separate parts instead of one specific part number. Ø29,5 MEC has the switches mounted on the module before delivery, which is included in the module price. See previous pages for information on switch and cap options as well as the examples below. SEE THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND CONNECTOR INFO ON PAGE 43 Ordering example: 9810130 + 5GTH965+1Z00+4x 5ETH965 (without illumination) 9810130 + 5GTH93561+1Z16LMA1LMC2+4x 5ETH935 (with illumination) 9810130 + 5GTH935+1ZW08+4x 5ETH935+1ZZ+1ZY (sealed without illumination) 9810130 + 5GTH96582+1ZW16LMA1LMC1+4x 5ETH965+1ZZ+1ZY (sealed with illumination) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 25 multimec® Large round cap with optional metal legend 7,62 5 G 10R C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10R til katalog 11,0 2,0 9,0 0,60 11,0 7,62 2,0 1 0 Sealing R Y 7,62 30,0 10RF optional 0,8 14 22 0,8 14 7,62 0,8 14 7,62 10RM 11,0 22 0,8 7,62 A-A ( 2 : 1 ) 0,8 14 7,62 10RF See pages 34-35 for metal legend. C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10RM til katalog 7,62 + 11,0 Sealing 0,8 0,3 0,3 A 22 Cap 14 Colour code Spacer 0,8 7,62 + 10RF 10R 7,62 11,0 9,07,622,0 16 frosted white W sealing A-A ( 2 : 1 ) optional 0,8 30,0 14 0,3 9,0 2,54 9,0 7,62 + C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10R til katalog TH9 through-hole 20 SH9 surface mount 20Q 35 65 10RF W sealing optional 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow A 26 Spacer C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10 10R 10RM 11,0 Actuation force 7,62 C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10R til katalog non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Mounting 0,8 Sealing Spacer 22 C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10RF til katalog Switch 0,60 11,0 Ø0,9 Colour code A-A ( 2Sealing :1) 0,3 11,0 0,3 14 14 2,54 10R Ø0,9 2,0 7,62 1,6 9,0 Spacer Sealing Sealing 30,0 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. 10RF 1,6 2,54 2,0 2,0 0,3 0,60 9,0 2,54 7,62 7,62 11,0 14 0,8 0,3 0,3 Cap 0,3 7,62 01 blue 2,54 A-A ( 2 : 1 ) 22 green 42 yellow 61 white A-A ( 2 : 1 ) 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow 10R A-A ( 2 : 1 ) Ø30,6 22 14 Ø0,9 2,54 Sealing Ø30,6 + 30,0 TH9 through-hole 20 SH9 surface mount 35 65 Ø0,9 Q* 2,54 2,54 2,54 11,0 5 G (2:1) LED 11,0 2,54 1,6 Actuation force 7,62 10,16 30,0 Ø0,9 11,0 10,16 2,54 Mounting 0,3 11,0 Spacer 10,16 Spacer Ø0,9 2,54 2,54 Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Ø30,6 Ø30,6 0,8 Ø0,9 Spacer 2,54 Ø30 2,0 Sealing Ø37 Ø0,9 Ø30 Switch Ø30 Ø28 0,8 14 7,62 Ø37 10,16 9,0 0,60 Spacer 7,62 1,6 Ø30,6 10,16 Ø37 Ø30,6 10,16 2,54 11,0 0,8 0,3 7,62 Ø37 Min 10,16 Ø30 10,16 Max 12,5 Ø28 Se 10,16 Ø30 30,0 Ø30 Spacer 0,8 14 7,62 Ø37 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Ø30 0,3 11,0 7,62 7,62 Ø37 0,3 2,54 11,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 7,62 Ø30 30,0 11,0 12,6 11,0 11,0 0,3 0,3 0,3 Min 10,16 Max Ø 12,5 30,6 SMD w/LED + 10RM Ø30 Ø30 0,8 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 TH + 10RF Ø37 0,3 0,3 TH + 10R Ø30 7,62 All dimensions in mm Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Dimensions Ø30 12,6 11,0 Ø30 0,3 R1 ,0 ■■ Panel sealing option ■■ Round cap ■■ Ø30 mm ■■ h =11 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 10R/10RF/10RM-Ø30.6 Ø30 ■■ Height of the0,8spacer: 3.9mm/4.9mm 0,3 R1 ,0 5G+10R/10RF/10RM 1 0 R Y C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10RF til katalog 06 white 08 red 09 black optional A Ordering example:5GSH965+10R08+10RY non-illuminated with spacer OR 5GTH93501+10RM16S1 with illumination OR 5GSH920Q+10RFW09S5 with A A A A sealing OR *5GTH92061Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 10R multimec® Large square cap with optional metal legend ■■ Panel sealing option ■■ Square cap ■■ 22 mm x 22 mm ■■ h = 11 mm ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C ■■ Panel cut-out: 10Q/10QM-22.5 x 22.5 ■■ Height of the spacer: 3.9mm/5.1mm 22 All dimensions in mm 22 SMD w/LED + 10QM 0,3 0,80,8 7,62 7,62 14 14 2,54 R0 , R0 Switch 0,3 0,3 11,0 11,0 ,6 6x x4 – HOW Illuminated 4 TO ORDER 0,8 0,8 1414 Mounting 2,54 7,62 7,62 Actuation force 5 G Ø0,9 2,54 11,0 11,0 30,0 30,0 0,3 0,3 ,9 22 22 TH9 through-hole 20 SH9 surface mount 35 65 Q* 11,0 22 LED Cap Switch Mounting Sealing 0,3 10QM Spacer B-B ( 2 : 1B-B ) (2:1) W sealing optional 1 0 Q Y 16 frosted white optional 10QM C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10QM til katalog 10QM C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10Q til katalog See pages 34-35 for metal legend. 10Q C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10Q til katalog C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10Q til katalog 0,8 14 7,62 Cap Sealing Colour code Spacer + TH9 through-hole 20 SH9 surface mount 20Q 35 65 7,62 2,0 B-B ( 2 : 1 code ) Colour 10Q 10Q Actuation force 5 G Ø0,9 B-B ( 2 : 1 ) + 10Q C:\AIS_Workspace\mec\UDVIKLING\10Q-10R-10RF-10QM-10RM\Tegninger/10Q til katalog non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 7,62 9,0 0,80,8 7,62 7,62 10Q 0 sealing Ø0,9 14 14 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. sealing 2,54 + B-B ( 2 : 1 ) 0,8 sealing 7,62 7,62 2,54 spacer spacer R0spacer ,6 x4 sealing 9,0 Ø0,9 metal 2,0 7,62 sealing 2,54 Ø0,9 22,5 22,5 7,62 R0 spacer ,6 x4 10,16 22,5 9,0 2,54 2,54 2,0 10,16 2,54 R0 ,6 x4 29 22 spacer 9,0 10,16 29 22 29 22 10,16 10,16 22,5 7,62 2,54 29 22 2,0 22,5 29 22 2,54 11,0 11,0 0,3 0,3 0,80,8 0,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 7,62 22 Min 10,16 22 Max 12,5 7,62 0,3 0,8 9,0 0,8 7,62 Min 10,16 0,3 Max 12,5 22 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 14 14 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 22 0,8 0,3 TH + 10Q 2,0 22 Dimensions 30,0 30,0 4 5G + 10Q/10QM + 10Q W sealing optional 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 1 0 Q Y 06 white 08 red 09 black optional B B B B Ordering example: 5GSH920+10Q00+10QY non-illuminated with spacer OR 5GTH93508+10QM16S1 with illumination OR 5GSH920Q+10QW09S5 OR *5GTH92001Q (illuminated quiet version) B B Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on B B B B 27 multimec® Applications AUDIO – FOOT PEDAL MEC part no: 5GTH935 + 1VS09 CoffeE machine MEC part no: 5GTH965 + 1TS09 +1TS00 Medical – remote control for ct scanNER MEC part no: navimec™, 5GSH935 + 1ZCS30 + 1GAS04 28 Security panel MEC part no: 5GSH920 + 1PS chromed LEISURE - CASINO CHIP SORTER MEC part no: navimec™, 5GTH935 + 1ZCS09 AUDIO – Turntable MEC part no: navimec™, 5GSH935 + 1KS1116 multimec® Applications AGRICULTURE – TRACTOR MEC part no: 5GTH965 + 1JS00 MILITARY - NAVIGATION CHART SYSTEMS MEC part no: 5GSH935 + 1TS09 +1PS09 MEC part no: 5GTH965 + 1KS0016 AUDIO – CHILDREN’S RADIO MEC part no: 5GSH935 + 1DS in many colours INSTRUMENTATION – MEASUREMENT CONTROLLER MEC part no: navimec™, 5GSH920 + 1ZCS08 + 1A09 + 1PS30 29 varimec™ variable height cap range 3E + round varimec™ double variability double variability varimec varimec double variability varimec double variability arimec ■■ Round caps ■■ 2400 options in the series Technical Data: Technical Data: Technical Data: ■■ Ø5.2 mm; Ø7.8 mm; Ø11.6 mm Technical Data: ■■ h =10.4-22.5 mm - through-hole or SMD - through-hole or SMD - through-hole or SMD - 50mA/24VDC - 50mA/24VDC - 50mA/24VDC ■■ Material: polyamide - through-hole or SMD - pole/momentary single pole/momentary - single - single pole/momentary ■■ Temp. Range:-40/+160°C- 50mA/24VDC - 10.000.000 operations life time - 10.000.000 operations life time - 10.000.000 operations life time single pole/momentary - IP67 sealing - IP67 sealing IP67 sealing 10.000.000 operations life time - temperature range switch: - temperature range switch: - temperature range switch: IP67 sealing low temp: -40/+115ºC low low temp: -40/+115ºC temp: -40/+115ºC temperature high range switch: high temp: -40/+160ºC temp: -40/+160ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC low temp: --40/+115ºC - temperature range temperature range cap: - temperature range cap:cap: high temp: -40/+160ºC 40/+160ºC 40/+160ºC 40/+160ºC - temperature range cap: 40/+160ºC Round Ø11.6 Round Ø11.6 Round Ø11.6 SMD+Round ø11.6 - 2.5 Ø=0.9 HOW TO ORDER: HOW TO ORDER: HOW TO ORDER: 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 10.4-22.5 6.4 14 Ø11.6Ø11.6 Ø11.6 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 14 0-8 14 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 2.4-6.4 Ø11.6 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 Ø11.6Ø11.6 Ø11.6 Ø12.9Ø12.9 Ø12.9 H H A A C H C H B CD Ø12.9 The Concept TheThe Concept Concept The Concept = heights Overall heights from 10.4 - 22.5 H =HOverall fromfrom 10.4 - 22.5 = HOverall heights 10.4 - 22.5 The Concept = Variable 2.46.4 to 6.4 height A= from 2.4from to 6.4 height AVariable = AVariable from 2.4 to height H= Overall heights from 10.4-22.5 A exceed cannot exceed H - 8.0 A cannot H -H 8.0 A cannot exceed - 8.0 H = A= Overall heights from 10.4 22.5 Variable height from 2.4 to 6.4 =recess Fixed recess B =BFixed 1.6 = BFixed recess 1.6 1.6 H has to exceed Afrom with min. to 8.0 A = Variable 2.4 6.4 height =switch Fixed switch D =DFixed 6.4 =D Fixed switch 6.4 6.4 A exceed H - 8.0 B=cannot Fixed C recess 1.6 = Variable from 0-8.1 =CVariable fromfrom 0-8.1 = CVariable 0-8.1 B = D= Fixed recess 1.6 Fixed switch 6.4 AD - D B-D C =CH=-C A=-- H B -- B H A D = C= Fixed switch variable from6.4 0-8.1 All measurements in mm All measurements in mm All measurements in mm C = C=H-A-B-D Variable from 0-8.1 All =measurements C H - A - B -inDmm A B D A B 14 C 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 0-8 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 Ø11.6Ø11.6 Ø11.6 Ø11.6 Ø7.8 Ø9.1 B 1.2 1.2 Ø11.6 Ø11.6 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 7.6 ±0.5 Ø9.1 Ø9.1 Ø9.1 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 through-hole or SMD 50mA/24VDC single pole/momentary 2.5 2.5 2.5 10.000.000 operations life time IP67 sealing temperature range switch: low temp: -40/+115ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC - temperature range cap: 40/+160ºC D 1.2 7.62 2.54 2.54 2.54 Ø=0.9 Ø=0.9Ø=0.9 - 7.62 7.62 12.5 2.54 2.54 2.54 7.62 7.62 7.62 PCB Layout SMD 7.6 ±0.5 PCB Layout PCB Layout PCB Layout SMD SMD SMD Technical 12.5 12.5 12.5 Data: 7.62 PCB Layout PCB Layout PCB Layout Through-hole Through-hole Through-hole 2.54 6.4 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Ø6.5 10.1610.16 10.16 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 1.2 Ø5.2 yout -hole 2.4-6.4 ouble variability 7.6 ±0.5 2.4-6.4 0-8 2.4-6.4 Ø5.2 Ø5.2 Ø5.2 7.6 ±0.5Ø6.5 Ø6.5 Ø6.5 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 14 6.4 14 14 10.4-22.5 Ø7.8 Round Ø7.8 Ø7.8 Ø7.8 D Ø7.8 Ø5.2 Ø5.2 Ø5.2 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 6.4 0-8 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 2.4-6.4 2.4-6.4 2.4-6.4 Ø5.2 10.4-22.5 All measurements in mm Tape* 0-8 6.4 R H . Tape* . E-mail: .66 +45 .14 . . E-mail: Tel.: 44recess 97 .33 Fax: 44 14 68 .15 Web: [email protected] Tel.: +45 44+45 97 33 66 Fax: 44+45 68 15 Web: [email protected] Overall Height above mec a/s jan. 2006 mec a/s jan. 2006 c a/s jan. 2006 D C B A 10.4-22.5 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 7.8 Round Ø11.6 HOW TO ORDER ORDER: Height Height Height Switch Shape and size Colour code Overall height H above Height above Tape* recess ATape* Ø11.6 Ø11.6 Colour Ø7.8 Switch Shape and Codes Overall Height above recess Switch Shape and Size Colour Codes Overall Height recess Switch Shape and SizeSize Colour Codes Overall Height above recess Tape* H H H A A A 3 E T L 3ETL 5.2 Round 60BlueBlue A10.4 10.4 A 2.4 2.4 3ETL A A 5.2A5.2 Round 60 60 Blue A A 10.4 A A 2.4 R R R Height 3ETL Round A 5.2 Round 60 blue A above 10.4 2.4 E7.8 7.8 Round E E 7.8 Round 63 B11.0 11.0 recess BA 3ESH 63 63 Grey B B 11.0 B B 3.0 Round Colour Codes Overall Tape* 3 Shape E S3ESH H and Size 3ESH GreyGreyHeight 3.0 3.0 E 7.8 Round 63Yellow grey B 11.0 3.0 3.5 3ETH 64 Yellow C12.0 12.0 A CB3.5 3ETH 64 64 Yellow C C 12.0 C C 3.5 K11.6 11.6 Round K K 11.6 Round 3ETH H Round K 11.6 Round 64 yellow C 12.0 C 3.5 4.0 Ø11.6 68 Red D 12.5 D 68 68 Red D D 12.512.5A D D 4.0R4.0 3 A E T 5.2 H Round Ø7.8 60 14 Blue ARed 10.4 2.4 7.6 7.6 ±0.5 Ø12.9 Ø9.1 69 Black E 13.0 E 69 Black E 13.0 E 4.5 68 red D 12.5 D 4.0 4.5 69 BBlack11.0 E 13.0B E 4.5 E 7.8 Round 63 Grey 3.0 F 14.0 14.0 FE 5.0 5.0 F F 14.0 F F 5.0 69 black E 13.0 4.5 64 Yellow C 12.0 C 3.5 K 11.6 Round G15.0 15.0 G G G 15.0 G 5.6 G 5.6 F 14.0 4.0 F 5.0 5.6 68 Red D 12.5 H16.0D 16.0 H 6.4 6.4 H H 16.0 H H 6.4 The Concept G 15.0 4.5 G 5.6 69 Black E 13.0 J 19.0E 19.0 J J 19.0 H 16.0 H 6.4 H = Overall heights F from 14.0 F 5.0 10.4 - 22.5 K22.522.5 K K 22.5 Cap alone: CapCap alone: alone: J 19.0 G from 15.0 G 5.6 A = Variable height 2.4 to 6.4 Instead of part no.switch for please switch please use then same as aboveK 22.5 Instead of part no. for switch use 3Eand3Ethen same above Instead of part no. for please use 3Eand then same as above A cannot exceed H -as 8.0 Hand 16.0 H 6.4 B = Fixed recess 1.6 J 19.0 Examples Switch and Cap: Examples Switch andand Cap: Examples Switch Cap: D =Cap, Fixed switch 6.4Overall 3ETLE64CC = 3ETL, Switch 3ETL, 7.8 Round Cap, Yellow, Overall Height 12.0, Height above recess 3.5, (Height under recess 3ETLE64CC = Switch 7.8 Round Yellow, Height 12.0, Height above recess 3.5, (Height under recess 0.5) KOverall 22.5 3ETLE64CC = Switch 3ETL, 7.8 Round Cap, Yellow, Height 12.0, Height above recess 3.5, (Height under recess 0.5) 0.5) : C = Variable from 0-8.1 Example Cap Example Cap Alone: Ordering example: Cap Alone: part no. forExample switch please useAlone: 3E- and then same CHeight = as HHeight -above Awith -round B -D 3E-E63FF = cap: Cap, 7.8 Round, Grey, Overall Height with switch 14.0, Height above recess 5.0, (Height under recess 1.0). 0.5). 3E-E63FF = Cap, 7.8 Round, Grey, switch 14.0, Height above recess 5.0, (Height under recess 1.0). Examples switch 3ETLE64CC =Overall Switch 3ETL, 7.8 cap, yellow, overall height 12.0, height above recess 3.5, (height under recess 3E-E63FF = and Cap, 7.8 Round, Grey, Overall with switch 14.0, Height above recess 5.0, (Height under recess 1.0). Switch and Cap: Allsize measurements mm Min. ispcs. 2.000 per7.8 shape, and heights for parts mentioned above. Min. order is order 2.000 perpcs. size and heights for height parts mentioned above. Example caap alone: 3E-E63FF =shape, Cap, round, grey, overall with switch 14.0, height above recess 5.0, (height under recess 1.0). Min. order is 2.000 pcs. per shape, size and heights for inparts mentioned above. C = Switch 3ETL, 7.8 Round Cap, Yellow, Overall 12.0, Height above recess 3.5, (Height under recess 0.5) For isheights not per mentioned in alist the list a Height start-up fee will apply. For heights not mentioned in the list start-up fee will apply. Min. order 2.000 pcs. shape, size and for fee parts mentioned above. For heights not mentioned in the aheights start-up will apply. *Only overall height up to 12.5 mm can be supplied on tape. *Only overall height up to 12.5 mm can be supplied on tape. For*Only heights not mentioned list amm start-up will apply. on tape. overall height upintothe 12.5 can fee be supplied Cap Alone: overall height to 12.5mm canwith be supplied on tape. = Cap, *Only 7.8 Round, Grey, up Overall Height switch 14.0, Height above recess 5.0, (Height under recess 1.0). Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on s 2.000 pcs. per shape, size and heights for parts mentioned above. 30 . . P.o. . DK-2750 . Denmark . Industriparken . P.o. . DK-2750 . Denmark . Industriparken .23 .26 . Denmark Ballerup mec 23 23 Box 26Box Ballerup mec P.o. Box 26 DK-2750 Ballerup Height not mentioned in the list a start-up feemec will apply.Industriparken mec a/s jan. 2006 6.4 0-8 Round Ø5.2 Ø5.2 Ø5.2 10.4-22.5 Ø5.2 Round Ø7.8 Round Ø7.8 Round Ø7.8 TH+Round ø7.8 2.4-6.4 Round Ø5.2 Round Ø5.2 Round Ø5.2 SMD+Round ø5.2 2.4-6.4 Dimensions 2.4-6.4 All dimensions in mm varimec™ variable height cap range 3E + square varimec™ double double double variability variability variability varimec varimec varimec arimec double variability ■■ Square caps ■■ 2400 options in the series ■■ 5.2 mm x 5.2 mm; 7.8 mm x 7.8 mm; 11.6 mm x 11.6 mm ■■ h =10.4-22.5 mm ■■ Material: polyamide ■■ Temp. Range:-40/+160°C Technical Technical Technical Data: Data: Data: thr - ough-hole thr - ough-hole through-hole or SMD or SMD or SMD Technical -Data: - 50mA/24VDC - 50mA/24VDC - 50mA/24VDC - single -orsingle -SMD - through-hole single pole/momentary pole/momentary pole/momentary - 10.000.000 - 10.000.000 - 10.000.000 - 50mA/24VDC operations operations operations life life time life timetime - IP67 - IP67 - sealing IP67 sealing sealing - single pole/momentary - temperature - temperature - temperature range range switch: switch: switch: - 10.000.000 operations life range time temp: low temp: temp: -40/+115ºC -40/+115ºC -40/+115ºC - IP67 sealinglowlow high temp: high temp: temp: -40/+160ºC -40/+160ºC -40/+160ºC - temperaturehigh range switch: - temperature - temperature temperature range range range cap: cap:cap: low temp:- -40/+115ºC 40/+160ºC 40/+160ºC 40/+160ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC - temperature range cap: 40/+160ºC Square Square Square 11.6 11.6 11.6 TH+Square 11.6 1.2 2.54 Ø=0.9 HOW HOW HOW TOTO ORDER: TO ORDER: ORDER: e 7.8 HOW TO ORDER Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 10.4-22.5 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 0-8 6.4 0-8 6.4 10.4-22.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 A A A H 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 7.6The 12.6 The Concept The Concept Concept The Concept H =HOverall =HOverall = Overall heights heights heights from from from 10.4 10.4 - 22.5 10.4 - 22.5 - 22.5 H H C H C A =AVariable =AVariable = Variable from from 2.4 from 2.4 to 2.4 6.4 to 6.4 to 6.4 height height height The Concept H= Overall heights from 10.4-22.5 A cannot A cannot A cannot exceed exceed exceed H -H8.0 -H8.0 - 8.0 Variable from 2.4recess to 6.4 Bheights =Bheight Fixed =BFixed = recess Fixed recess 1.6 1.61.6 H = A= Overall from 10.4 - 22.5 D =DFixed =DA Fixed =with switch Fixed switch switch 6.4 6.46.4 H has to exceed min. 8.0 A = Variable height from 2.4 to 6.4 = CVariable =C1.6 Variable =H Variable from from 0-8.1 from 0-8.1 0-8.1 B=cannot FixedCrecess A exceed - 8.0 Fixed switch 6.4 C 1.6 = CH=C-HA =-H -AB--A -BD --BD- D B = D= Fixed recess variable from 0-8.1 All6.4 measurements All measurements All measurements in mm in mm in mm D = C= Fixed switch C = C=H-A-B-D Variable from 0-8.1 All C =measurements H - A - B -inDmm All measurements in mm C A D C D 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 2.4-6.4 9.10 9.10 9.10 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 7.62 7.62 single pole/momentary 2.5 2.5 2.5 10.000.000 operations life time IP67 sealing temperature range switch: low temp: -40/+115ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC - temperature range cap: 40/+160ºC D 2.5 - D 12.5 7.62 2.54 2.54 2.54 Ø=0.9 Ø=0.9 Ø=0.9 B 2.54 2.54 7.62 7.62 Square 11.6 Height Height Height Overall Overall Overall Height Height Height above above recess recess recess Tape* Tape* Overall height H above Height above recess ATape* 11.6 8 7.8 H H H A A A 3 3ETL E T3ETL L 3ETL B B 5.2 B 5.2Square 5.2 Square Square 60 60 60 Blue BlueBlue A A 10.4 A 10.4 10.4 A A 2.4 A 2.42.4 R R R Height F FB7.8 F 7.8 Square 7.8 Square Square 3ESH 3ESH 3ESH 63 63 63 Grey Grey Grey B B 11.0 B 11.0 11.0 B B 3.0 BA 3.0 3.0 5.2 Square 60 blue A 10.4 2.4 3 EShape S H and Size Colour Codes Overall above recess Tape* 3ETH 3ETH 3ETH L LF11.6 L 11.6 Square 11.6 Square Square 64 64 64 Yellow YellowHeight C C 12.0 C 12.0 12.0 C C 3.5 CB 3.5 7.8 Square 63Yellow grey B 11.0 3.0 3.5 H A 68 68 68 Red Red Red D D 12.5 D 12.5 12.5 D D 4.0 D 4.0 L 11.6 Square 64 yellow C 12.0 C 3.5 4.0 3 E T H 7.80 10.16 11.6 B 5.2 Square 69 69 69 Black Black Black E E 13.0 E 13.0 13.0 E E 4.5 E 4.5 60 Min Blue A 10.4 A 2.4 R 4.5 Max 12.5 7.668 red 12.6 D 12.5 D 4.0 7.6 ±0.5 9.10 4 F 14.0 14.0 F 5.05.0 F 7.8 Square 63 Grey B 11.0 F F 14.0 B 3.0 F F 5.0 69 black E 13.0 4.5 5.6 G 15.0 15.0 GE 5.6 L 11.6 Square 64 Yellow C 12.0 G G 15.0 C 3.5 G G 5.6 F 14.0 H 16.0 16.0 HF 5.0 6.46.4 68 Red The ConceptD 12.5 H H 16.0 D 4.0 H H 6.4 G 15.0 G 5.6 J J 19.0 J 19.0 19.0 69 Black E 13.0 E 4.5 K 22.5 K 22.5 22.5 H 16.0 H 6.4 H = Overall heights from - 22.5 Cap Cap alone: Cap alone: alone: F 14.010.4K F 5.0 Instead Instead Instead of part of part ofno. part no. forno. for switch for switch switch please please please use 3E3Eand 3Eand then and then then same as same above as to above as6.4 above J 19.0G Ause = use Variable from 2.4 height Gsame 15.0 5.6 A cannot exceed H - 8.0 K 22.5 H 16.0 H 6.4 Examples Examples Examples Switch Switch Switch and and Cap: and Cap: Cap: B = Fixed recess 1.6 J 19.0 3ESHB60AA 3ESHB60AA 3ESHB60AA = Switch = Switch = Switch 3ESH, 3ESH, 3ESH, 5.25.2 Square 5.2 Square Cap, Blue, Cap, Blue, Overall Blue, Overall Overall Height Height Height 10.4, 10.4, Height 10.4, Height Height above above above recess recess recess 2.4,2.4, (Height 2.4, (Height (Height under under under recess recess recess 0). 0). 0). DSquare =Cap, Fixed switch K 6.422.5 e: Example Example Example Cap Cap Alone: Cap Alone: Alone: C = Variable from 0-8.1 Ordering example: part no. for switch please use 3E-Square, and then same as above 3E-E63FF 3E-E63FF 3E-E63FF = Cap, = Cap, =7.8 Cap, 7.8 Square, 7.8 Square, Grey, Grey, Overall Grey, Overall Overall Height Height with 14.0, 14.0, Height 14.0, Height Height above above above recess recess recess 5.0,5.0, (Height 5.0, (Height (Height under under under recess recess recess 1.0). 1.0).1.0). C =Height H5.2 -with Asquare - switch Bwith -switch D switch Examples switch and cap: 3ESHB60AA = Switch 3ESH, cap, blue, overall height 10.4, height above recess 2.4, (height under recess 0). Min. Min. order Min. order is order 2.000 is 2.000 is 2.000 pcs. pcs. per pcs. per shape, per shape, shape, size size and size and heights and heights heights for for parts for parts mentioned parts mentioned mentioned above. above. above. s Switch andcaap Cap: measurements mmswitch 14.0, height above recess 5.0, (height under recess 1.0). Example alone: 3E-E63FF = Cap, 7.8 square,All grey, overall heightinwith ForFor heights For heights heights notnot mentioned not mentioned mentioned in the in the list in the list a start-up list a start-up a start-up feefee willfee will apply. will apply. apply. Min. order is 2.000 per shape, andOverall heightsHeight for parts10.4, mentioned AA = Switch 3ESH, 5.2 pcs. Square Cap, size Blue, Heightabove. above recess 2.4, (Height under recess 0). *Only *Only overall *Only overall overall height height height up up to 12.5 up to 12.5 tomm 12.5 mm can mm can becan be supplied supplied be supplied on on tape. tape. on tape. For heights not mentioned in the list a start-up fee will apply. Cap Alone: overall height to 12.5mm can be supplied tape.Height above recess 5.0, (Height under recess 1.0). = Cap,*Only 7.8 Square, Grey,upOverall Height with switchon 14.0, Please see colour codes, updatesmec ofmec products and changes of specifications onBox . . . . P.o. . P.o. .Box . DK-2750 . DK-2750 . DK-2750 . Denmark . Denmark . Denmark mec Industriparken Industriparken 23 23 23 P.o. 26 Box 26 26 Ballerup Ballerup Ballerup is 2.000 pcs. per shape, size and heights forIndustriparken parts mentioned above. Height .apply. . Fax: .+45 . Web: . Web: . Web: . E-mail: . E-mail: . E-mail: s not mentioned in the list a +45 start-up fee will33 Tel.: Tel.: +45 Tel.: 44 +45 44 9744 97 3397 33 66 66 Fax: 66 Fax: +45 44 +45 44 6844 68 1568 15 1415 14 14 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] des Overall Height above recess Tape* Shape Shape Shape and and Size and Size Size Colour Colour Colour Codes Codes Codes Shape and size Colour code 11.6 0-8 6.4 Tape* R H mec a/s jan. 2006 mec a/s jan. 2006 c a/s jan. 2006 D C B A 10.4-22.5 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 6.4 0-8 ORDER: Switch Switch Switch Switch mec a/s jan. 2006 7.62 7.62 7.80 9.10 PCB Layout - through-hole or SMD SMD - 50mA/24VDC 2.54 16 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 B PCB PCB Layout PCB Layout Layout 7.6 ±0.5 14 SMD SMD SMD Technical Data: 12.5 12.5 12.5 10.16 10.1610.16 ayout gh-hole 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 0-8 14 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 7.80 7.80 7.80 14 14 5.2 7.6 ±0.5 PCB PCB Layout PCB Layout Layout6.5 Through-hole Through-hole Through-hole 11.6 B double variability 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 B 0-8 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 7.6 ±0.5 10.4-22.5 6.4 2.4-6.4 7.8 Square 11.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 7.8 5.2 5.2 5.2 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Min 10.16 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 Max 12.5 7.8 7.8 7.8 2.4-6.4 Square 7.8 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 10.4-22.5 0-8 6.4 2.4-6.4 0-8 5.2 6.4 2.4-6.4 2.4-6.4 10.4-22.5 0-8 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.4 Square Square Square 7.87.8 SMD+Square 7.8 7.8 2.4-6.4 Square Square Square TH+Square 5.2 2.4-6.4 Dimensions 2.4-6.4 All dimensions in mm 31 multimec® Panel sealed round solution 5G + aquamec™ ■■ Round cap ■■ Solution panel sealed to IP 67 ■■ Ø10.6 mm ■■ h =24.2-27.2 mm (h from front panel=14.3 mm) ■■ Material: ABS/polycarbonate ■■ Temp. Range: •• Solid cap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent cap: -40/+85°C H=A+P+13.2 this leaves nominel 0.3 mm clearance between the top of the cap and the inner side of the sealing boot to accomplish assembly tolerances. A can be chosen between 10-13 mm, we recommend 10 mm to reduce building height and optimise cap guidance. H A P 13,2 0,8 14,3 All dimensions in mm A P CAP H BUSHING 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 AQCSxx-24.2 AQCSxx-25.2 AQCSxx-26.2 AQCSxx-27.2 24.2 25.2 26.2 27.2 AQN-0.5 AQN-0.5 AQN-2.5 AQN-2.5 Cap is available in black (09) or transparent (11). The dimension H is the overall height of the switch+cap. Bushing AQN-0.5 accepts panel thickness (P) 0.5-2.5 mm. Bushing AQN-2.5 accepts panel thickness (P) 2.5-4.0 mm. illuminated – HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force LED Bushing + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 Q* Cap A Q N - . Overall height (H) Sealing boot + A Q C S 0.5 01 blue 2.5 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow - 11 transparent + . 24.2 25.2 26.2 27.2 A Q B 0 1 incl. sealing 11 transparent *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force + 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 32 Bushing 20 20Q 35 65 A Q N 0.5 2.5 Cap . + A Q C S 09 black Overall height (H) - . 24.2 25.2 26.2 27.2 Sealing boot + A Q B 0 1 incl. sealing 09 black Ordering example: 5GTH93522+AQN-0.5+AQCS11-24.2+AQB0111 with illumination OR 5GSH965+AQN-2.5+AQCS09-27.2+AQB0109 non-illuminated, *5GSH92082Q (illuminated quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on multimec® Extender for 5G cap range 5G + Extender 2SS ■■ Designed for 5G cap retention system ■■ Stackable, giving the possibility to match most overall heights ■■ h =5-10 mm ■■ Material: Nylon ■■ Temp. Range: •• Switch: -40/+160°C •• LED: -30/+85°C •• Solid keycap: -40/+65°C •• Transparent keycap: -40/+85°C All dimensions in mm Dimensions SMD + 2SS+1GCS + 5 G 20 35 65 Q* 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q to the end of the switch part number. How to use 1GAS/1GCS + 2SS under foil Total height 19,9 - 24,9 5 - 10 Height 5 - 10 See the table below Height 5 - 10 Height 5 - 10 7,62 14 2 S S 0 9 - . 0 05.0 06.0 07.0 08.0 09.0 10.0 2SS can be used with all 5G-type snap-on caps Foil H1 H2 H3 A Extender 2SS 0,8 height 7,62 Total height 17,5 - 22,5 Cap Total height 17,5 - 22,5 LED (optional) Height 5 - 10 Actuation force TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 0,8 Min 10,16 12,5 1GCS 15Max 0,3 Mounting 5 - 10 0,3 7,62 HOW TO ORDER Switch Total height 19,9 - 24,9 Height 5 - 10 Total height 19,9 - 24,9 Total height 17,5 - 22,5 Height 5 - 10 Total height 17,5 - 22,5 0,8 Total height 19,9 - 24,9 7,62 14 TH + 2SS+1TS 1GCS 15 Height 5 - 10 Height 5 - 10 Height 5 - 10 Total height 17,5 - 22,5 0,8 0,3 0,3 5 - 10 14 Total height 17,5 - 22,5 1GCS 15 5 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm Total height 19,9 - 24,9 SMD + 2SS+1DS Height 5 - 10 2SS PCB Panel A=We recommend you to allocate enough space for travel of the foil and leave the area free from adhesive H=We recommend you to calculate this dimension from the top of the PCB to the inner top of the panel with a small pretention 0.1-0.2mm All 2SS extenders are stackable giving the possibility to match most overall heights. Cap Original height (H1) Height with a single extender (H2;H3) 1DS/1ES/1FS 1GAS/1GCS 1KS/1KBS/1KCS 1NS 1TS/1US/1VS 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS 1XS 1ZCS 14.9 12.5 19.1; 20.2; 20.1 14.9 14.9 15.7 18.5 11.7 19.9-24.9 17.5-22.5 24,1; 25,2; 25,1-29,1; 30,2; 30,1 19.9-24.9 19.9-24.9 20.7-25.7 23.5-28.5 16.7-21.7 Ordering example: 5GTH935+1GAS09+2SS09-06.0 OR *5GSH920Q or 5GTH92082Q (quiet version) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 33 Legends Avaliable for Multimec caps 1 A B 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 7 C D ESC 9 10 3 1# 2 3 5 6 4 5 6 8 9 7 8 9 0 . 0 . CLR 6 7 8 ESC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1A/1B/1TS/1ZA 1B/1PS 1A/1B/1DS/1US 1PS CLR 1A/1B/1DS/ -various H/V H/V 1A G 1A H 1B I 1B J 1PS K 1TS-1US-1VS L 1ZA M 100 1ZA 5346 N 1ZB O 1ZB P 1ZCS Q 1ZCS R 1ZCS S 10R/10RF/10RM /10Q/10QM All legends above are pad printed on cap top surface. The legends outlined with red are standard legends for a black cap with white print. PLEASE FIND THE LATEST TABLE OF AVAILABLE LEGENDS ON MEC WEBSITE 34 For caps: 1A/1B E F 18 Ordering example: 1A09A5; 1PS09J6; 1ZB09O12; 1ZCS09Q14 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on Legends Avaliable for Multimec caps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For caps: 1FS RA 1 RB 2 4 3 5 ghi def abc jk l 6 mn o 7 8 pqr s tuv 9 0 wxyz 1US - 1KS OK RC 1TS - 1VS RD 1XS RE 1ZCS - 1ZB OK 10R/10RF/10Q RF All legends above are made by black pad print on a translucent (frosted white) cap LMA 1ZB LMB 1A LMC 1ZCS OK All legends above are made by laser marking on a black soft touch painted translucent (frosted white) cap POSITIONING OF ON/OFF LEGENDS ON/OFF ON ROCKER-ACTION CAPS ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFFON/OFF ON/OFF OFF ON/OFFON/OFF When ordering legends for caps with hinge-type cap retention system, itON/OFF is importantON/OFF to note ON/OFF the position of the cap. An extra letter (U or D) needs to be added to the part number to refer to the position of the hinges in relation to the legend. See samples to the left. ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFFON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF 34 + 3 2 1 - 4 + 3 + 1 2 1 - 1 3 2 + 3 4 12 -4 - + 24 2 - - 4 - 1 DOWN 1ZB09DN1 3 1 + - 4 4 2 UP 2 2 4 - 2 4 + 1 1 + 3 3 DOWN ON/OFF NOTE: 3 + Orientation of the switch: 4 1 42 + 3 ON/OFF ■■ The size of the legends listed may not correspond to the actual size. ■■ All legends above are made for specific caps, if you want to use a specific legend for another cap, the size of the legend has to be checked. ■■ If you decide to use one of the standard legends without any adjustments (without a new cliché) on another cap than designated in the table, then there is no start-up cost, for this to apply the cap has to be black and the print white. ■■ For further information on legends please contact your local distributor or MEC. ON/OFF ON/OFF 2 3 2 - - 21 4 + Rocker-action caps without a lens: 1A, 1B, 1M, 1ZA and 1ZB + 43 DOWN DOWN 1A09DA12 1B09DA12 1 UP UP 1A09UA12 1B09UA12 A dotted red line around the legends means it is standard legend for that cap and therefore no start-up cost applies. PLEASE FIND THE LATEST TABLE OF AVAILABLE LEGENDS ON MEC WEBSITE Ordering example: 1FS096RA4; 1XS16RD6; 10R16RF4 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 35 Switch series 6.5N actuation force 3.5N actuation force 2.0N actuation force 3.5N (3 series) actuation force 2.5N actuation force Selection guide 36 Momentary Alternate Quiet Key features 1550x 1.5M operations -40/+75°C silver or gold contacts 1555x 0.5M operations -40/+75°C silver or gold contacts 15500 1.5M operations -40/+75°C silver contacts unimec: through-hole double pole 8 contact functions 1.8mm travel 1540x >10M operations -40/+160°C silver or gold contacts 1545x 5M operations -40/+160°C silver or gold contacts 15420 >10M operations -40/+160°C gold contacts Standard Standard illuminated Key features 3CTL6/3CTL9 through-hole -40/+115°C RAS version 3ETL9 through-hole -40/+115°C 3FTL6xxRAS through-hole Multimec 3 series: momentary/ single pole >10 million operations IP 67 1 mm travel 3CTH9 through-hole -40/+160°C 3ETH9 through-hole -40/+160°C 3CSH9 surface mount -40/+160°C 3ESH9 surface mount -40/+160°C 5ETH920 through-hole quiet version RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH920 through-hole quiet version RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH920xx through-hole quiet version Multimec 5 series: momentary/ single pole >10 million operations IP 67 – 1mm travel Temp. range: -40/+160°C 5ESH920 surface mount quiet version NO or NC/NO 5GSH920 surface mount quiet version NO or NC/NO 5GSH920xx surface mount quiet version 5ETH935 through-hole RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH935 through-hole RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH935xx through-hole LED colours: 01 blue - 22 green - 42 yellow 61 white - 82 red - 8222 red/ green - 2242 green/yellow 8242 red/yellow 5ESH935 surface mount NO or NC/NO 5GSH935 surface mount NO or NC/NO 5GSH935xx surface mount RAS: right angle version only available with through-hole(TH) normally open (NO) switch 5ETH965 through-hole RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH965 through-hole RAS version NO or NC/NO 5GTH965xx through-hole 5ESH965 surface mount NO or NC/NO 5GSH965 surface mount NO or NC/NO 5GSH965xx surface mount Function: normally open (NO) or normally closed/normally open (NC/ NO) - two options possible in all actuation forces and both 5G and 5E multimec® 5 series switches 10 million actuations ip 67 sealing normally open (NO) or normally closed/NORMALly OPEN (NC/NO) through-hole right angle version quiet contact option with 2.0N multimec® 5 series is the new generation of 3A, 3F, 4A and 4F switch. In principle the multimec® 5 series is very similar to the 3 series - it has the same pin layout, the same dimensions and the same electrical specifications. The four main updates are the cap retention system and actuator, three standard actuation forces, one temperature range and possibility of normally closed/normally open function. 5E 5G 37 multimec® 5 series switches 6,4 basic switch modules 0,8 0,8 4 0,3 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 10 8 12,2 10 1,8 6,4 10 10 ■■ Through-hole (TH) or surface mount (SMD) ■■ 50mA/24VDC ■■ Single pole/momentary ■■ 10,000,000 operations lifetime ■■ Temperature range: •• Switch: -40/+160°C •• LED: -40/+85°C ■■ IP 67 sealing ■■ Actuation force: 2.0N, 3.5N, 6.5N ■■ NO or NC/NO 7,62 All dimensions in mm 0,8 0,3 Through-hole (TH) PCB layout 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 5E Non-illuminated 90° 8 5G illuminated 12,2 5G 0,3 4 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 4 6,4 7,62 7,62 3 Ø 0,9 2 LED 10,16 -2 7,62 8 0,3 1 0,8 14 -2 7,62 10 11,7 1,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 R=7,4 10 10 1 0,8 4 Ø 0,9 7,62 4 6,5 +3 4 PCB layout 4 +3 7,62 0,8 6,4 1 7,62 0,3 4 7,62 1 0,8 3 7,62 1,2 -2 Min 10,16 +3 2,5 Max 12,5 12,50 -2 1 4 1,20 10 Ø 0,9 10 1,2 7,62 0,8 2 Max LED10,3 -2 1 12,50 0,8 7,62 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 10,3 7,62 Max 12,5 0,8 4 10 10 Max 12,5 0,3 0,8 Min 10,16 0,8 Min 10,16 7,62 0,8 Max 12,5Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 Ø14,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 10 10 10,16 2,5 7,62 10,16 1Min LED 8,5 0,3 10 0,3 7,62 4 10 14 11,7 8 8,5 0,3 0,8 4 6,4 10 Max 10,3 10 0,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 0,8 4 7,62 10 7,62 Max 10,3 2 7,62 10 6,4 6,4 4 0,3 7,62 10 10 0,3 8,5 0,3 0,8 10,16 6,4 4 7,62 10 1,8 4 0,8 3 1010 10 R=7,4 7,62 14 14 Min 10,16 Ø 0,9 0,8 7,62 Max 12,5Min 10,16 Max 12,5Ø14,3 7,62 7,62 4 14 Min 10 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 12,50 6,5 6,4 6,4 0,8 Non-illuminated 0,3 8 1 7,62 0,3 6,5 6,4 4 14 R=17,5 (actuated) 10 2 2 1 14 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 0,8 14 10 7,62 Min 10,16 4 Min 10,16 3 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 Ø 0,9 Max 10,3 7,62 0,8 6,4 12,2 8,5 0,8 10 6,4 0,3 0,8 5E 10,16 7,62 10 10 10 4 4 10 7,62 10 10 0,3 8 10 10 0,8 7,62 R=7,4 0,3 R=17,5 (actuated) 10Min 10,16 14 Max 12,5 10 10 4 12,2 10 6,4 6,4 8,5 0,3 0,3 8,5 0,3 6,4 10 10 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 0,3 6,4 6,4 6,4 0,3 10 R=17,57,62 (actuated) 10 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 90° 7,62 6,4 6,4 6,4 8,5 4 8,5 10 10 10 6,4 0,3 0,3 7,62 3 7,62 Ø 0,9 1 LED 1,5 14 0,8 0,8 0,3 10 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 0,3 7,62 0,3 10 7,62 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5Max0,8 12,5 0,3 illuminated 7,62 6,5 14 0,8 7,62 R1 5G 90° 0,8 0,8 4 1,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 surface mount (SMD) 14 0,3 10 0,3 6,5 0,8 2 10 0,8 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 5G 0,3 Min 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5Min 10,16 R=7,4 R=17,5 Max 12,5 (actuated) 90° 10,16 0,8 0,3 0,8 Max 10,3 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 7,62 0,8 Max 12,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0,8 0,81 7,62 R1 ,3 0,8 6,4 0,3 0,3 10 0,8 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 6,4 0,8 107,62 14 14 0,8 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 10 10 4 0,8 0,3 7,62 10 7,62 10 10 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,3 10 ,3 2 7,62 Min 10,16 14 Max 12,5 0,3 6,4 6,4 6,4 0,3 14 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 4 8,5 6,4 6,4 0,8 4 0,3 6,4 10,16 2 0,3 +3 2,50 6,5 not for sale in Japan 0,3 0,3 6,4 10 Min 10,16 14 0,8 Max 12,5 0 0,3 0 0,3 on 4 0,8 1 7,62 6,5 7,62 6,5 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 0,8 0,8 6,4 6,4 0,3 6,4 14 of products and 38 Please see colour codes, updates 0,3 7,62 14 10 changes 7,62 of specifications 14 3 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5 6,4 0,3 6,4 6,4 0,3 2 0,8 7,62 7,62 6,4 0,8 6,5 ■■ Available for 5E and non-illuminated 5G in all standard actuation forces.7,62 14 ■■ Same PCB layout as the NO 5E and 5G ■■ Housing colour is grey 6,5 0,8 0,8 6,5 Circuit diagram 6,4 0,3 6,4 Normally closed/normally open function multimec® 13,9 5 series switches 12 11 5,08 4,8 7,62 7,62 8,0 to 22,5 5,5 1 7,62 22,3 7,62 5,08 11 12 11 12 10 7,4 5,5 PCB layout 12 13,8 5,5 11 5G + 1DS 10 6,5 12 11 5,5 13,8 5G + 1SS 10 13,9 5G 10 6,5 10 Right angle switches 5E basic switch modules 5,5 3 Ø1,0(3x) Ø1,0(3x) 22,3 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 7,62 Ø1,0(3x) 7,62 4,85 7,62 1 3 Ø1,0(3x) 7,62 4,85 4,85 multimec® 5 series has 7,62 only normally open (NO) non-illuminated right angle switch. 7,62 5,08 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 3 Ø1,0(3x) 7,62 7,62 3 Ø1,0(3x) 1 7,62 12 5,08 12 12 11 10 7,62 4 1 7,62 1 7,62 7,62 5,08 22,3 4:1 5E RAS 1 7,62 7,62 4,85 7,62 5,08 Ø1,0(3x) 3 Ø1,0(3x) 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 3 Ø1,0(3x) Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 4:1 5G RAS 4:1 5E RAS Switch 5,5 8,0 to 22,5 3 5,08 4,85 5,08 3 13,8 7,62 Ø1,0(3x) 3 1 7,4 5,08 3 7,62 1 10 12 11 11 10 7,62 12 5,08 1 7,62 5,08 7,62 5,08 3 1 5,08 7,62 7,62 5,08 7,62 7,624:1 5G RAS 5,08 7,62 Ø1,0(3x) 4,85 5,08 7,62 4:1 5E RAS 1 11 11 7,62 7,62 7,62 4,85 5,08 7,62 7,62 5,08 5,08 3 Ø1,0(3x) 7,62 7,62 7,624,8 ,62 7,62 4,8 7,62 5,5 5,5 8,0 to 22,5 7,4 4,85 7,62 13,8 1 5,5 10 12 5,08 11 10 Ø1,0(3x) 5,08 13,8 7,62 13,8 3 7,62 7,62 5,5 1 5,5 10 12 11 6,5 5,08 4,85 7,62 6,5 7,62 7,62 5,08 12 7,62 5,5 13,9 08 4,8 13,9 5,08 7,62 7,62 10 5,08 4:1 5E RAS Mounting Actuation force LED TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 01 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white Actuation force RAS (optional) 4:1 5G RAS Quiet (optional) 4:1 5G+1DS 5 G 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow Q only for 2.0N non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting or 5 E Switch NC/NO (optional) TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 RAS right angle switch NCNO normally closed/ normally open function Mounting Actuation force RAS (optional) NC/NO (optional) or 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 RAS right angle switch NCNO normally closed/ normally open function Ordering example: 5ESH935 (non-illuminated), 5GTH9658222 (illuminated), 5GSH935NCNO (normally closed/normally open); 5ETH920RAS (right angle) 5ETH920Q or 5GSH92061Q (quiet versions) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on 39 8, multimec® 0,8 0,8 0,3 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 8,5 3 series switches Max 10,3 14 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Ø 0,9 2,54 2,54 2,54 7,62 7,62 2,54 6,4 0,3 0,3 4 3 Min 10,16 2,5 7,62 2,54 1 17,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 2,54 7,62 PCB Layout PCB layout 10 2,54 10 10 Ø1,0(4x) 7,62 2,54 11,7 6,4 6,4 8 7,62 Ø14,3 12,50 20,1 0,3 7,62 10 10 0,8 10 10 12 12 10 11 10 11 17,8 10 10 10 5,08 17,8 20,1 0,3 10 0,8 7,62 7,62 3 2 0,8 0,8 0,3 4 5,5 6,5 10 10 20,1 0,3 10 0,8 7,62 PCB layout 2,54 7,62 14,0 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 5,5 6,5 1 2,54 10 5,5 10 0,8 0,3 1,2 0,3 R=7,4 10 7,62 3 Ø 0,9 6,5 6,5 10,16 3FTL6RAS w/LED 10 0,8 4 10 6,4 100,3 14,0 7,62 7,62 14 7,62 2 10 R=17,5 (actuated) 0,3 10 0,3 0,8 7,62 10 6,4 10 0,3 6,4 0,8 14 14,0 6,5 1 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 14 7,62 R=7,4 3E 10 0,8 R=17,5 (actuated) 0,8 0,8 7,62 6,5 90° 10,16 2 7,62 6,5 6,5 10 0,8 6,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 3C PCB layout 12 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 surface mount (SMD) 6,4 Min 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5 10 6,4 7,62 12,2 10 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 0,3 7,62 1,5 10 0,3 0,8 0,8 7,62 0,3 0,8 7,620,3 6 5 6,4 10 7,62 6,5 90° Max 10,3 0,8 8 8,5 8,5 3E 6,5 Max 10,3 R1 0,8 6,5 Max 10,3 6,4 6,4 Max 10,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 7,62 2,54 HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Temperature range 3 C Switch Switch L6 low temp. white L9 low temp. black H9 high temp. LED Temperature range T through-hole S surface mount L9 low temp. black H9 high temp. Right angle support 3 F T L 6 through-hole low temp 40 Mounting 3 E T through-hole S surface mount R A S 00 blue 20 green 40 yellow 7 6,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 10 6,5 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 0,8 0,3 100,3 6,5 7,62 0,3 All dimensions 0,3in mm 0,3 10 7,62 14 7,62 Through-hole (TH) 3C 0,8 1,8 0,8 7,62 8 0,8 Max 10,3 6,4 0,3 0,3 14,0 0,8 7,62 0,8 0,3 8,5 6,5 12,2 6,4 6,5 0,3 14 Max 10,3 6,4 6,4 0,3 8,5 8,5 7,62 10 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 6,4 16 5 ■■ Through-hole (TH) or surface mount (SMD) ■■ 50mA/24VDC ■■ Single pole/momentary ■■ 10,000,000 0,8 operations lifetime 0,3 ■■ Temperature range: 7,62 •• Low temp:: -40/+115C •• High temp: -40/+160C ■■ IP 67 sealing 6,5 0,3 ■■ Actuation force: 3.5N 0,8 11 0,8 0,3 14 basic switch modules 8020 red/green 60 white 8040 red/yellow 80 red 2040 green/yellow 3FTL6RAS with LED can be used with the 3 series keycaps: 1D, 1E, 1F, 1K, 1N, 1Q , 1R, 1S, 1T, 1U, 1V, 1WA, 1WD, 1WP, 1X. Ask further information on caps from MEC. Ordering example: 3CTL6, 3ESH9, 3FTL6RAS Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on multimec® technical information Operating force (typical example) Tape & Reel Tape and reel is available for the parts listed and has the following specifications: Reel diameter: Tape width: Pitch: 10 Tape and reel material: Quantity per reel: Ø330mm 24mm see list force antistatic or better see list 9 8 3C/3E/5E/5G multimec®tape & reel 7 Ordering Code Pitch Quantity per reel 3CSH9 3CSH9R 16 500 3ESH9 3ESH9R 16 500 5ESH9XX 5ESH9XXR 16 500 5GSH9XX 5GSH9XXR 16 500 5XSH9XX1SSXX-08.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-08.0 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-09.5 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-09.5 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-10.4 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-10.4 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-11.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-11.0 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-12.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-12.0 20 250 All varimec h <12.5; add R after part no. 20 250 6 F(N) Part No. 2N 2N 3,5N 3,5N 6,5N 6,5N 5 4 3 2 1 travel 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 L(mm) 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 Part No. Ordering Code Pitch Quantity per reel Mounting tool for multimec® throughhole switches 5GSH9XX01 5GSH9XX01R 20 250 1. 2. 3. 4. illuminated 5G multimec®tape & reel 5GSH9XX22 5GSH9XX22R 20 250 5GSH9XX42 5GSH9XX42R 20 250 5GSH9XX61 5GSH9XX61R 20 250 5GSH9XX82 5GSH9XX82R 20 250 5GSH9XX2242 5GSH9XX2242R 20 250 5GSH9XX8222 5GSH9XX8222R 20 250 5GSH9XX8242 5GSH9XX8242R 20 250 How to assemble multimec® 5GS+1A/H multimec® 5GS+1B/C+2C/D 5. Part No. 9861000 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 41 34 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 technical information multimec spacing multimec spacing spacing multimec multimec spacing spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing 34 34 34 Min. 12,7 Min. 12,7 34 34 34 34 Basic switch spacing ® Min. 15,24Min. 15,24 ®34 ® ® ® spacing ® ® Spacing examples ® switch spacing Basic Spacing examples ® 34 multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec spacing Spacing examples Basic switch spacing Spacing examples through-hole (TH) Basic switchsurface mount (SMD) multimec multimec 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B Basic switch spacing Spacing examples multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 5GS+1B/C+2C/D 5GT+1B/C+2C/D 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D ® Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B Basic switch Basic spacing Spacing examples switch spacing Spacing examples multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 3AT +multimec 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS +multimec 1B +2A/B through-hole surface-mount 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 through-hole through-hole surface-mount Min. 10,3 ® ® ® multimec surface-mount multimec 3AT + 1B/C +surface-mount 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B multimec® multimec 4AS ®3AS +1B/1C + +2A/B 2C/2D + 1B multimec multimec®3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AT + 1B/C ++2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D multimec® through-hole surface-mount multimec® 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B multimec® multimec® 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M ® ® ® multimec multimec® multimec multimec ® ® 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M multimec multimec 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M ® ® Min. 12,7 Min. 12,7 multimec multimec multimec multimec Min. 15,24Min. 15,24 ® 3AT®+ 1A/H 3AT + 1M® multimec multimec Recommended spacing ® 3AT + 1A/H switch/cap 3AT +multimec 1M ® ® ® multimec multimec 5GT + 1A/H 5GTmultimec + 1M ® 3AT +®multimec 1A/H 3AT +® 1M multimec + 1M spacing 3AT + 1A/H dimension Recommended switch/capSwitch spacing multimec multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing 3ATCap +3AT 1A/H 3AT 1M 3AT ++ 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Cap dimension Recommended switch/cap switch/cap Recommended spacing ® Switch spacing Cap dimension Switch spacing Cap dimensions Recommended switch/cap spacing multimec® multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Switch spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Cap dimension multimec® Switch spacing Cap dimension 1N + 1N + 1N ® ® Panel cut-out multimec multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing ® 1N + 1N + 1N multimec 1N + 1N + 1N ® Panel cut-out Switch spacing Cap dimension multimec ® Panel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N multimec Panel cut-out 1N + multimec 1N + 1N ® multimec® 1N + ®1N + 1N Panel cut-out multimec® cut-out PanelPanel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N multimec 1N + 1N + 1N 1N + 1N + 1N Panel cut-out multimec multimec Panel cut-out Panel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N Panel cut-out Panel Cut-out 1NS 1VS ®+ 1TS+ 1VS ® + 1NS + 1NS multimec multimec 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out Panel Cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N 1V + 1T + 1V ® ® Panel cut-out multimec 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out multimec 1N 1V 1T Center of switch ® Panel cut-out Cut-out Panel 1V + 1T + 1V multimec 1N 1V 1T 1V + 1T + 1V Panel Cut-out ® Center 1NPanel Cut-out 1V 1T of switch ® Center of multimec switch 1V + 1T + 1V multimec Panel Cut-out 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out ® 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch1TS ® multimec 1T 1NS Panel Cut-out1N 1VS 1V 1V 1T1V + 1T + 1V multimec® 1N 1V 1T multimec Center of1N switch Center of switch multimec®1V + 1T + 1V 1N 1V 1T 1V + 1T + 1V 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch Center of switch 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch Spacing in mm Center switch PanelofCut-out through-hole Min. 10,3 4 multimec® ® 1T Spacing in mmmultimec Spacing in mm 1V + 1T + 1V Capinseries Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Spacing mm Center of switch Spacing in mm min. switch spacing AxB WxH min. panel cut-out Spacing in mm Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Spacing in mm Spacing in 1A x 10.16 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 Spacing min. switchNominal spacingcap AxB W xspacing H mm 12.7 min. panel12.6 cut-out Cap series Recommended* Spacing dimension Recommended min. switch AxB W x Hin mm min. panel cut-out inNominal mm Cap series Recommended* cap dimension Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out Cap series Nominal cap dimension Recommended 1A Recommended* 12.7 x 10.16 12.6 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 1AAxB 12.7 x 10.16 min. panel cut-out 12.6 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 min. Recommended* switch spacing WxH series cap dimension Recommended Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended min. switch AxB HNominal panel 1D/1E/1F 12.7 xxcut-out 12.7 ø10.0 1A 12.7 x spacing 10.16Recommended 12.6 x 10.1 15.24 13.0 10.5 dimension Cap series Recommended* Nominal capxdimension Recommended CapCap series cap Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24Wx x15.24 15.1 Nominal xmin. 15.1 15.5 15.5ø9.6 1B/1C+2A/2B x 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out Cap series Recommended* Nominal dimension Recommended 1A 12.7 x 10.16 12.6cap x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 min. switch spacing AxBmin.inswitch W xH panel14.3 cut-out Spacing mm spacing AxB min. panel cut-out14.7 x 14.7 1A 12.7 x 15.24 10.16 x 15.24 12.6 x 15.1 10.1 13.0 x15.24 10.5 1K 15.24 W x H min. x 14.3 1B/1C+2A/2B x 15.1 15.5 xx15.5 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.6 ø10.0 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.6 ø10.0 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out spacing AxB WxH min. 13.0 panel cut-out 1A x 10.16min. switch x 10.1 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.2412.7 x 15.24 15.1 x12.6 15.1 15.5 x13.0 15.5x 10.5 1A 15.24 12.7 x15.1 10.16 12.6 x15.5 10.1x25.4 13.0 x 10.525.0 x 10.1 1A 12.7 x 10.16 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B x12.7 15.24 x ø9.6 15.1 15.5x 10.16 12.6 x 10.1 1M 25.7 x 10.5 1D/1E/1F x 12.7 1K ø10.0 1K x 10.16 15.24 x10.1 15.24 14.3 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 14.7 x 14.7 1A 1D/1E/1F 12.7 12.6 xø9.6 13.0 xxø10.0 10.515.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.1 x 15.1 15.24 x 15.24 x 15.5 14.3 x 14.3 12.7 x15.24 12.7 x 15.24 Recommended* 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24ø9.6 x 15.24 xø10.0 15.112.7 15.5 x 15.5ø9.8/ 4.913.0x10.5 Cap series Nominal cap12.6x10.1 dimension Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.1 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 1A/1H 12.7x10.16 ø10.2/ 5.1 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 1N x 12.7 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 x 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1M x 15.24 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1M 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.6 ø10.0 min. switch AxB W x H 12.7 min. panel cut-out 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1D/1E/1F 12.7 spacing x14.3 12.7xx25.0 ø9.6 14.7 ø10.0 1D/1E/1F ø10.0 1P/1Q/1R 10.16 ø9.6 6.5 x 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1K x25.4 15.24 14.3 14.7 xx10.5 1M x 10.16 1N x 10.1 12.7x x12.7 25.7 4.9 x15.24 1N 15.24 12.7 12.714.3 ø9.8/ 4.9ø10.2/ 5.1 ø10.2/ 5.1 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x25.4 12.7x15.24 ø9.6 x25.0 ø10.0 1B/1C+2C/2D 15.24x15.24 15.1x15.1 15.5x15.5 1A 12.7 12.6 13.0 1M 1K 10.16x 15.24 x 10.1x 14.3 12.7 25.7 x14.7 10.5x 14.7 ø9.8/ 1K 25.4 15.2425.0 x 15.24 14.3 14.3x12.7 14.7 x 14.7ø6.5 1K x 10.16 15.24x x10.1 15.24x25.7 14.3 xx 10.5 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1S x 10.16 ø7.0 1M 1N x 10.16 x 10.1 10.5 4.9 ø10.2/ 5.1 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.8/ 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x14.3 10.16 6.5 xx 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x 15.1 10.16 6.5 x 12.5 1K 1N 1M 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 xø9.8/ 14.7 14.725.7 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.24 15.1 x 15.5 x 15.5 4.9 ø10.2/ 5.1 12.7 x 12.7 1M 12.7 x 15.24 10.166.5 25.0 ø9.6 xø10.2/ 10.112.7 25.7 x 10.510.6 x 10.6 1M 25.4 xø9.8/ 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 1.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 4.9 5.1xx13.0, 1T x 12.5 12.7 R Max. 11.0 x 11.0 1N 12.7 x 10.16 1DS/1ES/1FS 12.7x12.7 ø10.0 1P/1Q/1R 7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 1M 1P/1Q/1R 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 4.9 ø10.2/ 5.1 1N 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.8/ 1D/1E/1F 12.7 ø9.6 ø10.0 15.24 x 10.16 6.5 x 12.5 7.0 13.0, R Max. 1.0 4.9xx13.0, ø10.2/ 5.1ø10.6 1N 15.24 12.7 x6.5 12.7 ø9.8/7.0 ø10.2/ 5.1 1N x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 ø9.8/ 4.9 1P/1Q/1R x12.7 10.16 x 12.5 Max. 1.0 1U 12.7 xR12.7 ø11.0 1S x 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 1T 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1T x 12.7 x1.0 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 4.9 6.5 x 12.5 12.7 ø10.2/ 5.17.0 x 13.0, R 10.6 1N 1GAS 12.7 x12.7 12.7x15.24 ø9.8/ ø6.5 Max. 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 14.7 14.7 12.7x11.14 ø11.4 1S 1P/1Q/1R 10.16x 10.16 ø7.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24ø6.5 x 10.16 6.5 xø11 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, 10.6 R Max. 1.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24x x14.3 10.16 6.5 xx12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 11.0 1.0 x 13.65 1S x 12.7 10.16x 12.7 ø7.0 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 xx12.7 x 13.25 1T 10.6 x 10.6 12.7 11.0 11.0 1U 12.7 12.7 x12.5 12.7ø6.5 ø10.6 ø11.0 1U x 12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x 10.16 6.5 x 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 ø7.0 1M 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1T 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1S 12.7 12.7 x10.6 10.16 ø6.5 11.0 ø7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 1T x 12.7 12.7 x ø10.6 10.6 x12.7 11.0x 12.7 1X 9.4 x 7.4 ø15.4 9.8 x 7.9 1U x 12.7 15.14x15.14 ø11.0 ø15 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1S 1GCS 12.7 x 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 x 10.6 ø9.8/ 4.9 x 11.0 ø10.2/ 5.1 1N 1U 1T 12.7 x12.7 12.7x 12.7 12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 1T 12.7 12.7 xø10.6 12.710.6 10.6 xø11.0 10.611.0 11.0 x 11.0 1T x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1U x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 1V (pointing outwards) 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *Aø10.6 dimension with12.7 surface mount version isø11.0 min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may bexnecessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1X x 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.4 x x7.4 9.8Rx Max. 7.9 1.0 1X x 12.7 9.4 xx7.4 9.8 7.9 1T 1JS 12.7 10.6 xx10.6 10.6 11.0 11.0 1U 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 6.5 7.0 13.0, 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x12.7 12.7x 12.7 12.7x12.7 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 ø10.4 1U 12.7 12.7 x10.6 12.7 ø10.6ø9.6 ø11.0 1U x 10.16 12.7x x12.5 12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 spacing. 1V (pointing outwards) x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 x 9.4 13.25 11.0 x 9.8 13.65 1X x 7.4 x 7.9 1U 1X 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1S 10.16 ø6.5 ø7.0 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 xIn7.4 9.8 x 7.9must be analysed all applications the totalxassembly tolerance by xthe user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), secure enough room for a free switch 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 12.7 x9.4 12.7 10.6 x9.8 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1V x(pointing outwards) 12.7 12.7 10.6 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1X 12.7 xis 12.7 x 7.4 xto7.9 spacing. 1KS/1KBS/1KCS 15.24x15.24 14.3x14.3 14.7x14.7 spacing. on manufacturing *A1X dimension with surface mount min. x 15.24. technology it may beproduct. necessary reduce pad or be to increase movement final Theeither specifi cations thisdimension, page11.0 are to considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7version x 12.712.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 12.7Depending 9.4 x 7.4in the 9.8 x on 7.9 1T version 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 x 11.0 1X 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 x 7.4 9.8 x 7.9 *A dimension with surface mount is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1X 12.7 12.7 9.4 x 7.4 x 7.9 In all applications the total assembly tolerance must be analysed bytolerance the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to panel, secureassembly enough room for a free switch Inon allmanufacturing applications the total assembly mustxeither be analysed by pad the user (board tolerance, front accuracy), to9.8 secure enough room for a free switch spacing. *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending technology it may be necessary to reduce dimension, or to increase 1X spacing. 12.7 xtolerance 12.7 9.4 x(board 7.4 xaid7.9 1U 12.7 12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 movement in is themin. final product. The specifi cations on thistolerance, pageThe arespecifi to considered as9.8 an only. MEC cannot beas held responsible for the final *A with the surface version 15.24. onthe technology itbe may be necessary either totoreduce pad enough dimension, orfor to increase movement inmanufacturing the product. cations on this page are be considered an aid only. MEC cannot beassembly. held responsible for the final assembly. In dimension all applications totalmount assembly must beDepending analysed byx userfinal front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure room a free switch 1N 1V 1M 25.4x10.16 25.0x10. 25.7x10.5 1NS 12.7x12.7 ø9.8/☐4.9 ø10.2/☐5.1 1PS/1QS/1RS 15.24x10.16 6.5x12.5 7.0x13.0, R max. 1.0 1SS/1IS/1LS 12.7x12.7 ø6.5 ø7.0 1TS 12.7x12.7 10.6x10.6 11.0x11.0 1US 12.7x12.7 ø10.6 ø11.0 12.7x12.7 10.6x13.25 11.0x13.65 12.7x10.3 12.5x6.5 12.9x6.9 1WDS 15.34x10.3 15.2x8.0 15.6x8.4 1XS 12.7x12.7 9.4x7.4 9.8x7.9 1YS 17x17 15x15 16x16 1ZA 18.84x10.3 18.7x10.1 19.4x10.5 1ZB 24.34x12.1 R1=7.4; R2=17.5 90° R1=7.1; R2=17.5-17.75 90° 1ZCS 14.44x14.44 ø14.3 ø14.7 1Z/1ZW 35.5x35.5; 41.6x41.6 ø29.5 ø30.3 10R/10RF/10RM 40.5x40.5 ø30.0 ø30.6 10Q/10QM 32.5x32.5 22x22 22.5x2.5 spacing. For updates products and/or changes specifi cations please see *A tolerance dimensionmust withbe surface mount is(board min. 15.24. Depending onof manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad or to increase dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending onofmanufacturing technology it may be dimension, necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase In all applications the total assembly analysed by*Aversion the user tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure enough room for a free switch spacing. movement inmount the The 15.24. specifi cations on this page betechnology considered an aid only. assembly MEC cannot be held to responsible for the final assembly. 1Vproduct. (pointing outwards) 12.7 xto 12.7 10.6 xaccuracy), 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *A dimension with surface version istolerance min. Depending on manufacturing itas may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, orroom to increase In all applications the totalfinal assembly must be analysed by spacing. theare user (board tolerance, front panel, secure enough for a free switch spacing. movement the final product. The specifi cations onproducts this page are to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible fortothe final enough assembly. In allinin applications the total assembly tolerance must be are analysed by the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), secure room for a free switch For updates of and/or changes of specifi cations please see For updates of products and/or changes of specifi cations please see spacing. movement the final product. The specifi cations on this page to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the fi nal assembly. In all applications the total assembly must analysed by the user (board tolerance, front assembly accuracy), to secure room for a freetoswitch In all tolerance applications thebetotal assembly tolerance must be analysed bypanel, the user (board tolerance, panel,enough assembly accuracy), secure enough room for a free switch 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 x 7.4be 9.8 x 7.9front movement in the nal1X product. Themust specifi cations onby this page are to betolerance, considered as panel, an aid assembly only. MEC cannot responsible for thefor finalfree assembly. For updates of fiproducts and/or changes cations please In all applications the total assembly tolerance be analysed the user (board front accuracy), toheld enough switch movement in the fiof nalspecifi product. The specifi cations page are be considered ansecure aid only. MEC cannot bea held responsible for the final assembly. movement insee the fion nalthis product. Thetospecifi cations onas this page are to be room considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. For updates of products and/or changes specifi cations please see movement in the final The specifichanges cations onofof this page are to be considered asDepending an aid only.on MEC cannot be held responsible forbe thenecessary final assembly. *A dimension with surface mount version is min.see 15.24. manufacturing technology it may either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase For updates of product. products and/or specifi cations please For updates of products changes of specifications please see spacing. and/or mec |changes For updates of products and/or cations please see Forchanges updates of of specifi products and/or of specifications please see In allchanges applications the total assembly tolerance must be analysed by the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure enough room for a free switch For updates of products and/or of specifi cations please see | mec on| this page movement inmec the final product. The specifications are to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. mec | mec | For updates of products and/or changes of specifications please see mec | mec | mec | mec | mec | 1VS 1WAS/1WPS mec | 42 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see Circuit diagram for switches CR1 COMMON ANODE CR1 BLUE CATHODE CR1 GREEN CATHODE CR1 RED CATHODE CR4 COMMON CR4 BLUE CATHODE CR4 GREEN CATHODE CR4 RED CATHODE CR3 COMMON CR3 BLUE CATHODE CR3 GREEN CATHODE CR3 RED CATHODE CR2 COMMON CR2 BLUE CATHODE CR2 GREEN CATHODE CR2 RED CATHODE SW4 ANODE SW4 CONTACT SW4 CONTACT SW4 CATHODE SW5 ANODE SW5 CONTACT SW5 CONTACT SW5 CATHODE SW1 ANODE SW1 CONTACT SW1 CONTACT SW1 CATHODE SW3 ANODE SW3 CONTACT SW3 CONTACT SW3 CATHODE SW2 ANODE SW2 CONTACT SW2 CONTACT SW2 CATHODE multimec® technical information PCB for modules Circuit diagram for additional LEDs for controlmec™ Connectors on the module are Molex picoflex series 90816-0320 for switches and 90816-0316 for additional LEDs. We recommend using: Cable socket: 90327-0320 for switches and 90327-0316 for additional LEDs For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 43 multimec® Technical specifications 5E-5G RoHS Compatible High Temperature Versions Silver Electrical Specifications Contact resistance Insulation resistance Recommended load Contact bounce <30m Ω - typ. 10m Ω >10M Ω 0.5-50mA 24VDC <2mS - typically 0.5mS Mechanical Specifications Standard actuation force (switch) Max. Actuation force without cap Key travel (switch) Life time (switch) 2.0N, 3.5N, 6.5 N 100N for 10 sec 1 mm >10,000,000 cycles Temperature Range Working temperature Storage temperature 5G with LED (working & storage temp) Soldering (through-hole switch) JEDEC J-STD-020C Environmetal Endurance IEC 68-2-3 Temperature Humidity Duration +40°C 93% RH 56 Days Temperature Cycling IEC 68-2-14 Temperature limit Number of cycles Exposure time at each temperature Recovery time before measurements Sealing IEC 529 Cleaning Min -55°C - Max +85°C 200 10 min 16 hrs IP-67 Standard methods - see usage guidelines Fixed contacts Terminals NC/No 0.5µ-50mA 24VDC >1,000,000 cycles Min -40°C Max +160°C Min -40°C Max +160°C Min -30°C Max +85°C IEC 68-2-20 8: Infrared, vapour phase, wave - max 240°C for max 40 sec or max 260°C for max 30 sec. Soldering iron - max 350°C for max 3 sec. Flux tight. Soldering (SMD) Material Specifications - Switches Housing Actuator Sealing + spring Contact spring GOLD PPS UL94V0 PPS UL94V0 Silicone rubber Stainless steel + 3µAg SnCu + 2µNI + 3µAg SnCu + 2µNI + 3µSn100 Stainless steel + 1µAu SnCu + 2µNI + 1µAu Caps, Bezels & Legends – Material Specifications Material ABS Polycarbonate Polycarbonate PPS Polyamide Legends Adhesion Parts 1A, 1B, 1C, 1DS, 1ES, 1FS, 1H, 1JS, 1KS, 1LS, 1M, 1NS, 1PS, 1QS, 1RS, 1TS, 1US, 1VS, 1WAS, 1WDS, 1WPS, 1XS, 1Z, 1ZA, 1ZB, 1ZCS, 1ZW, 2C, 2D, 2K, reflectors for 1KBS/1KCS and 1YS All lenses (exc. frosted white) and transparent colour caps, lids for 1KBS/1KCS Frosted white (16) caps and lenses 1GAS/1GCS 1SS, 2SS(the extender has no UL rating) DS/EN ISO 2409 Class 1 & ASTM D3359 Class 4B 44 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see Temp. limit Max. 65⁰C UL rating UL94HB Max. 85⁰C Max. 85⁰C Max. 160⁰C Max. 160⁰C UL94V1 UL94HB UL94V0 UL94V0 multimec® Technical specifications 3C-3E RoHS Compatible Electrical Specifications Contact resistance Insulation resistance Recommended load Contact bounce Mechanical Specifications Standard actuation force (switch) Max. Actuation force without cap Key travel (switch) Life time (switch) Temperature Range Working temperature Storage temperature Soldering IEC 68-2-20 Low Temperature Versions Silver Gold High Temperature Versions Silver Gold <30m Ω - typ. 10m Ω >10M Ω 0.5-50mA 24VDC <2mS - typically 0.5mS <30m Ω - typ. 10m Ω >10M Ω 0.5-50mA 24VDC <2mS - typically 0.5mS 0.5µ-50mA 24VDC 0.5µ-50mA 24VDC 3.5N typ 100N for 10 sec 1 mm >10,000,000 3.5N typ 100N for 10 sec 1 mm >10,000,000 Min -40°C Max +115°C Min -40°C Max +115°C Wave - max 260°C for max 10 sec, please refer to usage guidelines. Soldering iron - max 350°C for max 3 sec. Flux tight. Min -40°C Max +160°C Min -40°C Max +160°C Infrared, vapour phase, wave - max 240°C for max 40 sec or max 260°C for max 30 sec. Soldering iron - max 350°C for max 3 sec. Flux tight. Environmetal Endurance IEC 68-2-3 Temperature Humidity Duration +40°C 93% RH 56 Days +40°C 93% RH 56 Days Temperature Cycling IEC 68-2-14 Temperature limit Number of cycles Exposure time at each temperature Recovery time before measurements Sealing IEC 529 Cleaning Min -55°C - Max +85°C 200 10 min 16 hrs IP-67 Standard methods - see usage guidelines Min -55°C - Max +85°C 200 10 min 16 hrs IP-67 Standard methods - see usage guidelines PPS UL94V0 PPS UL94V0 Silicone rubber Stainless steel Stainless steel + 3µAg + 1µAu SnCu + 2µNI + 3µAg SnCu + 2µNI + 1µAu SnCu + 2µNI + 3µSn100 PPS UL94V0 PPS UL94V0 Silicone rubber Stainless steel Stainless steel + 3µAg + 1µAu SnCu + 2µNI + 3µAg SnCu + 2µNI + 1µAu SnCu + 2µNI + 3µSn100 Parts Actuators for varimec™ Temp. limit Max 160°C Material Specifications - Switches Housing Actuator Sealing + spring Contact spring Fixed contacts Terminals Caps – Material Specifications Material Polyamide For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see UL rating UL94V0 45 multimec® LEDs For 5G and 3F switches LEDs specifications 5G switches Colour Blue Green Yellow White Red High Intensity Green 29 Colour Codes 01 22 42 61 82 65 25 100 12 48 15 100 5 65 25 100 12 102.5 25 150 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 2 2.5 0.01 588 16 160 112 150 3.05 3.2 0.01 NA NA 150 71 224* 2 2.5 0.01 633 16 160 112 150 3.3 4.1 50 525 30 60 500 1000 NA Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25⁰C) Power Current forward Forward peak current Voltage reverse Operating temperature Storage temperature Soldering temperature mW mA mA V ⁰C ⁰C ⁰C 60 65 20 25 150 150 5 12 -30/+85 -30/+85 245 for max. 10 sec Electrical-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25⁰C) Voltage forward Typ. V Max. V μA nm Δnm degree Min. mcd Typ. mcd Lm/w Current reverse (VR=5V) Wave length Spread Spread angle Luminous Intensity Optical intensity 3.35 3.5 0.01 470 NA 145 30 35 4 2.2 2.5 0.02 570 30 160 28 70 2.5 * 3F switches 3FXXX (for 1E-1F-1N-1Q-1R-1S-1X) Colour Colour Codes Absolute Maximum Ratings Power Current forward Forward peak current Voltage reverse Operating temperature Storage temperature Soldering temperature B 00 G 20 Y 40 3FXXX (for 1K-1T-1U-1V-1W-1WD) W 65 R 80 G/Y 2040 R/G 8020 120 25 100 5 -40/+85 -40/+100 60 20 60** 3 -25/+85 -30/+100 120 100 25 30 150 120 5 5 -40/+85 -55/+100 -40/+85 -55/+100 260 for max 2 sec R/Y 8040 G 24 Y 45 R 87 120 25 150 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 60 130 25 40 60 500 5 12 -40/+85 -55/+100 -40/+85 -55/+100 300 for max 3 sec 120 50 200 5 -40/+85 -40/+100 260 for max 5 sec 2.1 2.8 2 625/590 35 60 8 25 2.0* 2.4* 10 570 10 100 70**** 20**** 2.0*** 2.4*** 10 624/632 20 40 400**** 800**** (Ta=25⁰C) mW mA mA V ⁰C ⁰C ⁰C 105 70 60 30 20 20 200 60** 60** 5 3 3 -25/+85 -30/+100 260 for max 5 sec Electrical-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25⁰C) Voltage forward Typ. V 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.8 2.0 2.1 2.0 Max. V 2.8 3.0 3.0 4.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 Current reverse (VR=5V) μA 2 10 10 50 10 2 2 Wave length nm 460 563 585 NA 650 565/590 630/565 Spread Δnm 40 40 40 NA 40 35 35 Spread angle degree 20 45 45 25 45 60 200 Luminous Intensity Min. mcd 20 9.0 5.6 630 5.6 8 2.2 Typ. mcd 25 25 16 1000 16 25 4.8 Orientation The longer pin is the anode, the shorter is the cathode. For bicolour LEDs the anode for the first colour (ex. 2080) is the longer pin. **Pulse width 1ms Duty cycle 1:5, ***/F =50mA, **** Luminous Flux mlm B=Blue, G=Green, Y=Yellow, R=Red, W=White Specifications are subject to change without notice. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 46 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 2.3*** 2.5*** 10 587 45 90 71**** 112**** unimec™ Caps & Accessories for unimec switches 2 pole switch momentary and latching function adjustable to multimec®cap range unimec™ product range has low and high temperature switches and square-shaped cap solutions. unimec™ switches have 8 contact function options making it very flexible and suitable for any application. Redundancy coming from the number of poles makes it an excellent choice where safety is a concern. 47 unimec™ Square solution with optional rectangular lenses 16324 - 16326 16324 - 16326 16324 16326 16324 16326 16324 ---16326 16324 16326 ■■ Square solution 16324 -16326 16326 16324 16324 16324 ---16326 16326 ■■ 15.1mm x 15.1mm ■■ h=20.5 mm 2,54 ■■ Material: ABS ■■ Temp. Range: -40/+65°C PCB mounting holes basic switch Without LED 2,54 Technical Data:Data: Technical Data: Technical Data: Technical 16324 - 16326 Technical Data: Technical Data: 16324 - 16326 - Max.Technical Technical Data: Data: Data: 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC DC - Max. Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC - Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC - Technical 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC 2 pole 2 pole pole - - 22pole 16324 16326 Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC -- -- Max. -- Max. 250mA/120V/9W 250mA/120V/9W 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W AC/6W AC/6W DC DC DC --Max. 2 pole - momentary or alternate momentary alternate momentary alternate momentary ororor alternate 16324 - 16326 5 6 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.5 15.1 15.1 18.0 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 20.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.16.1 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 6.1 2.54 2.54 3 14.0 With round LED 16920 & 16921 Rectangular LED 16922 20.5 2 LED 16920 & 16921 18.0 20.5 18.0 1 x 16922 18.0 15.1 15.1 18.0 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 18.0 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 2,54 20.5 Without LED Circuit diagrams Without LED 20.5 15.1 20.5 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.546.1 2.54 2.54 Rectangular LED 16922 PCB mounting holes basic switch 18.0 20.5 18.0 18.0 15.1 15.1 18.0 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 2 LED 16920 & 16921 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 18.0 20.5 PCB mounting holes basic switch 20.5 15.1 20.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 20.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 2 4 7 8 2pole pole Data: -- -- 2 -- 2 pole 2 pole --contact momentary or alternate - 8 contact functions 8contact contact functions 8Technical functions 8 functions momentary or alternate -- -- momentary momentary or or or alternate alternate alternate -temperature 8 contact functions - temperature range: -- momentary range: temperature range: temperature range: Technical Data: Ø 0,9 8contact contact functions -8 -8 8 contact functions functions functions --contact Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC -40/+75ºC temperature range: low-temp: -40/+75ºC low temp: -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC low temp: low temp: temperature range: Technical Data: temperature - temperature range: range: range: -40/+75ºC --temperature 2 pole low temp: high- -temp: -40/+160ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC high temp: high temp: -40/+160ºC Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6 -40/+160ºC -40/+75ºC Technical Data: low temp: -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC low low low temp: temp: temp: - through-hole momentary or alternate high temp: - through-hole version -40/+160ºC - through-hole version version - - through-hole version All dimensions in mm 2 pole high -40/+160ºC -temp: Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W high high temp: temp: temp: -40/+160ºC -40/+160ºC - high 8 contact functions through-hole version or alternate - -40/+160ºC momentary 250mA/120V/9W through-hole versionAC/6W DC - 2 pole --- through-hole -Max. through-hole version version version Dimensions --through-hole temperature range: - 8 contact functions - 2w/2 pole -w/2 momentary or alternate Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions LEDs Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions LEDs -40/+75ºC Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions w/2 LEDs Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions loww/2 temp: + -LEDs range: 2,54 - momentary or1temperature alternate Dimensions Dimensions w/2 LEDs -temp: 8 contact functions (TH) + 16324 (TH w/LED) + 16325 w/LED 1 (TH 2 Dimensions w/LED) +high 16326 2 -40/+160ºC 2 -40/+75ºC low temp: Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions w/2 LEDs 4 3LEDs - 8- contact functions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions w/LED w/LED w/LED 3 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions w/2 w/2 LEDs LEDs 4 -w/2 temperature range: through-hole version 1 high temp: 2 -40/+160ºC - temperature lowrange: 5temp:3 -40/+75ºC 6 4 5 6 through-hole version Technical Data: 7 temp: 8 -40/+75ºC low temp:high 8 7 -40/+160ºC Technical Data: Data: 6 +5 Technical high temp: -40/+160ºC Dimensions Dimensions w/LED + - - + Dimensions LEDs - w/2 through-hole version 8 7 - -Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC through-hole version Dimensions Dimensions w/LED - Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC w/2 LEDs - 2 pole Dimensions Ø 0,9 - Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC - 2 pole- 2 pole - momentary or alternate Dimensions14.0 Dimensions14.0 w/LED Dimensions w/2 LEDs 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 - momentary or alternate Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions w/2 LEDs 8 contact functions momentary or alternate 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 8 contact functions - temperature range: 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 - 8 contact functions 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 PCB PCB layout PCB PCB layout PCB PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout layout layout layout - temperature range: -40/+75ºC low temp: - temperature range: PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 2.54 (top view) (top view) 2.54 PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout (top view) low temp: (top view) 12.4 2.54 2.54 (top view) (top view) 12.4 -40/+75ºC 12.4 (top view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 high temp: -40/+75ºC PCB layout PCB layout PCB -40/+160ºC low temp: + PCB -PCB 2,54 + layout - layout PCB PCB PCB layout layout layout PCB PCB PCB layout layout layout PCB +(top - layout + - layout 2.54 (top view) view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 --(top - view) + + 2.54 --40/+160ºC through-hole (top view) high temp: high temp: ++view) 12.4 -40/+160ºC 1 2view) 1 version 2view) 12.4 12.4 1(top 1(top 2.54 2.54 2.54 (top view) view) (top view) 1 1(top 1 1(top 14.0 2 2 2 14.0 14.0 14.0 12.4 12.4 12.4 14.0 12.4 12.4 12.4 14.0 22 2 2 12.4 12.4 12.4 1 1 version version 2 2through-hole 31 3 - - - - 4 24 4 2 3 1+ + +4+ 2 3 3 3 13 1 142 4 4-4 3 - through-hole 4 3 16324 - 16326 16324 - 16326 16324 - 16326 6.1 1 3 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 With LED 16923 & 16924 2.54 15.1 15.1 15.1 6.118.0 18.0 6.1 2.54 2.54 1 x 16922 6.1 2.54 Rectangular LED 16922 15.1 6.1 18.0 20.5 2.54 20.5 2.54 15.1 15.1 15.1 6.1 18.0 15.1 18.0 6.1 6.1 2.54 2.54 6.1 20.5 18.0 20.5 2.54 2.54 20.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.16.1 2.54 15.1 20.5 15.1 15.1 6.1 18.0 14.0 5 PCB layout Dimensions w/LED 75 14.0 14.0 2.54 7 12.4 Dimensions w/LED PCB layout Dimensions w/LED 15.1 2 LED 16920 & 16921 15.1 6.1 6.1 18.0 6.1 20.5 18.0 20.5 14.0 2,54 4 4 3 4 14.0 3 1 14.0 3 36 4 4 14.0 4 1 1 15 1 2 2 26 2 1 1 15 3 2 2 26 2 5 6 5 5 3 PCB 66 4 5 5 3 PCB 66 layout layout 64 4 4 4 53 3 Dimensions w/2 LEDs 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 8 6 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 7 8 5 77 5 8 8 14.0 77 8 8 14.0 6 6 6 14.0 14.0 8 7 7 5 (top view) (top view) 7 8 PCB 8 12.4 w/2 LEDs 8 7 8 Dimensions layout layo 6 75 - - - - - + + + 6 6 6 8PCB Dimensions w/2 15.1 - - - + + +6 6 6 86 15.1 LEDs 5- 5 5 75+ 14.0 5- 5+5 + 15.1 14.0 14.0 15.1 15.1 14.0 + -+ 15.1 14.0 15.1 -++ + 7 8 7 8 + 2.54 Ø =0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 (top view) (top view) 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 + Ø =0.9 Ø = 0.9 + Ø = 0.9 12.4 Ø =0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø =0.9 Ø = 0.9 12.4 Ø = 0.9 12.4 15.1 15.1 15.1 1 2 layout 1 2 layout PCB layout PCB PCB Ø 0,9 15.1 15.1 15.1 Ø =0.9 = -+0.9 ++ + 4 -= +-0.9 ++ + 4 + 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 3 - Ø- -layout 3 - Ø- layout PCB layout 2.54 PCB PCB (top view) (top non-illuminated– HOW TO ORDER 12.4 Ø =0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 12.4 12.4 1 2 1 view) ØØ =0.9 Ø =0.9 =0.9 ØØ=Ø=0.9 =0.9 0.9 ØØ=Ø=0.9 =0.9 0.9 + 6 2.54 (top (top 5 view) 5 view) 12.4 36 4 12.4 3 HOWHOW TO ORDER 12.4 HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER TO ORDER 7 8 8 SwitchHOW TO ORDER Extender Cap Bezel7+ - 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 4 4 - 3 2 + - 3 +2 1 1 HOW TO ORDER 15.1 15.1 15.1 HOW HOW HOW TO TO TO ORDER ORDER ORDER 7 8 7 + +6066303300100060 3 0 0 3 + 1 +6++121167Ø66 +001 +6++1311 44 4 1 5 1 5 111555 163634 63323Ø22=4240.9 +++ 1 +6 131162 20227770 =0.9 Ø = 0.9 4 5 6+ 5 6 + 15.1 15.1 15.1 1 6 3 2 74 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 Cap 0 +00 1 bl6ue3 0 0+ 7 650 metal8dark blue + Bezel Bezel 8 Extender 5ultra 5 614.0 6 14.0 14.0 14.0 Extender Cap 00 blue ue Switch Bezel 14.0 Bezel 30 ultra blue Ø0=0.9Cap Extender Cap 00 bl Ø 50 =50 0.9 Switch 50 metal dark blue Ø = 0.9 Extender 00 bl ue Switch metal dark blue + 1 3 2 4 30 ultra blue metal dark blue 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 + 1 6 3 0 0 15501Switch mom.14.0 silver 30 blue + 30 ultra blue 00 blue 01 brown 33 tele grey 07 orange +++ 1116676333222444 8 - + 111555 14.0 +++1116662227770014.0 0 +++111666333000000 14.0 7 8 + 15.1 Bezel 14.0 15.1 silver 15.1dusty 14.0 Extender Cap 00 bl40 ue Switch 01 brown 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 50 metal dark blue 01 brown metal light grey 30 ultra blue5314.0 01 brown 15501 mom. 01 brown 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 brown 2 blue 1 blue 01 brown 15501 mom. 53 metal light grey 14.0 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 14.0 53 metal light grey 40 dusty 53 metal light grey 1silver 2 40 dusty blue 15551HOW lat. silver 1 grey 01 40 dusty 2 TO ORDER 01 brown 03 34 melon 08 Bezel -red + Ø = 0.9 Extender Cap 00 bl ue Switch Ø =0.9 + Ø = 0.9 50 metal dark blue 30 ultra blue 15.1 15.1 4 3 15.1 Bezel Bezel Bezel Extender Extender Extender Cap Cap Cap 00 00 00 bl bl ue bl ue ue Switch Switch Switch 3 Dimensions 12.4 mensions Dimensions 15.1 15.1 14.0 15.1 15.1 2.54 2.54 2.54 15.1 15.1 6.1 15.1 6.1 2.54 2.54 2.54 6.1 15.1 15.1 6.1 15.1 2.54 6.1 2.54 2.546.1 15.1 3 mec a/s mec jan. a/s 2003 jan. 2003 mec a/s mec jan.a/s 2003 jan. 2003 mec a/s mec jan.a/s 2003 jan. 2003 c a/s jan.mec 2003 mec jan. 2003 a/sa/s jan. 2003 1 x 16922 mec a/s jan. 2003 15.1 6.1 15.1 6.1 13,1 50 50 50 metal metal metal dark dark dark blue blue blue 4 01 brown 3PCB 4grey 01 brown 15501 mom. 30 30 30 ultra ultra ultra blue blue blue 03 grey PCB layout PCB layout layout 02 green alt. silver 53 metal light grey 03 dark grey 40 dusty blue57 metal 02 green 15551 alt. silversilver 03 grey 03 grey 42 aqua blue 02 green 15551 alt. silver 57 metal dark grey 02 green alt. silver 57 metal dark grey 42 aqua blue metal dark grey 42 aqua blue 42 aqua 1550215551 mom.15551 gold Ø =0.9 Ø09 =1blue 0.9 2 57 53 Ø = 0.9 01 brown 02 green 06 white 38 noble red black 01 brown 15501 mom. silver HOW TOsilver ORDER metal light grey 40 dusty blue 01 01 01 brown brown brown PCB layout PCB PCB layout 01 01 01 brown brown brown 15501 15501 15501 mom. mom. mom. silver silver 53 53 metal metal metal light light light grey grey grey 03 grey 02 green 15551 alt. silver 2.54 6 40 40 40 dusty dusty dusty blue blue blue 06 white (top (top view) 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 57 metal dark grey 5 layout 6view) 06 white PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 453 58 metal bordeaux 3 42 aqua blue 03 grey 15502 mom. 12.4 06 white 06 white 12.4 5gold 32 mint green 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 12.4 58 metal bordeaux 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 6 58 metal bordeaux 5 32 mint green 58 metal bordeaux 32 mint green 32 mint green 15552 lat. gold 15551 +(top 1 6 3-03 203 4 1 5 + 1 6 8 2 712.40 + 1 602 3 0 0 view) 03 grey 02 green alt. silver 57 metal dark grey 7 03 grey 09 black 50 metal dark blue 8 ultra 30 blue + 42 aqua blue 2.54 7 gold 03 grey grey grey (top view) 02 02 green green green 15551 15551 15551 alt. alt. alt. silver silver silver 8black 7 57 57 57 metal metal metal dark dark dark grey grey grey 06 white 03 grey 15502 mom. 12.4 12.4 42 42 42 aqua aqua aqua blue blue blue 09 black 2.54 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 58 metal bordeaux (top view) (top view) 09 HOW TO ORDER 32 mint green 6 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 09black black 09 12.4 33 tele grey 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 04 yellow alt. gold 12.4 33 tele grey 33 33 tele 5grey 1550012.4 silent15552 silver -telegrey + 1 32 + 06 white 03 grey 15502 mom. gold + + 58 metal bordeaux 2 1 2 mint green + + 1 6 3 2 4 04 yellow 53 metal light grey 1 5 + 1 6 2 05 7 golden 003 + 134 6 melon 332 030 0mint 40 dusty 06 06 white white white 03 03 grey grey grey 15502 15502 15502 mom. mom. mom. gold gold gold Extender Cap 00 bl ue Switch 58 58 metal metal metal bordeaux bordeaux bordeaux 50 metal dark blue Bezel 06 09 black HOW TO ORDER 04 yellow 15552 alt.silver gold 32 32 mint mint green green ultra blueblue 858 7green 15500 silent silver 33 tele grey 05 golden 15500 silent silver 05 golden 15500 silent silver 05 golden silent melon 34 melon 34 3 melon 4 4 black 15401 mom.15500 silver high temp. 104 yellow 234 1 23 09 3,0 15552 alt. gold 1 2 33 tele grey 1 2 09 09 09 black black black 01 brown + 04 04 04 yellow yellow yellow 15552 15552 15552 alt. alt. alt. gold gold gold 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 05 golden 57 metal grey 42 aqua blueultra blue 53 metaldark light grey+ dark 05 golden 15500 silent silver 33 33 33 tele tele tele grey grey grey dusty blue 1540115401 mom. silver 34 melon 06 white 15401 mom. silver 00 bl ue Switch 38 red mom. silver 06 blue 41 6Bezel mom. 3 2 4 noble red 1 silver 5 + 1 6 2Extender 7 06 0 white +06 1white 6Cap 3 30noble 038 3 white 4 40 30 350 metal 4 38 noble 38 noble red 4 red 3 15402 mom.15401 gold high temp. 05 golden 15500 silent silver 5 34 melon 6 5 6 grey 03 05 05 golden golden golden 15500 15500 silent silent silent silver silver silver 02 green 15551 alt. silver 57 metal dark grey 1light 06 white 15401 mom. silver 34 34 34 melon melon melon 42 aqua 06 white 58 metal bordeaux 32 mintblue green high + 6 3 2 4 01 b 115500 5 temp. + 1 mom. 6 2 silver 7 0 + 107 6 orange 305 0 0 38 noble red 07 orange high temp. 01 brown 15501 07 orange high temp. 07 orange 53 metal grey high temp. 40 dusty blue 7 8 7 8 506 white 6 Bezel 15420 silent15401 gold high temp. Extender Cap 00 Switch 15401 mom. silver 50 5bordeaux metal dark blue 5 bl 6ue 6 5 6 30 ultra blue 58 metal 38 noble red 06 white 03 g 06 06 06 white white white 15401 15401 mom. mom. mom. silver silver silver 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 07 orange high temp. 38 38 38 noble noble noble red mint green 08 red 15451 alt. silver 08 red 15451 alt. silver 7 8 32 02 green 15551 alt. silver 757 metal 8 08 red 15451 alt. silver 08 red dark grey 15451 alt. silver - red +red + 42 aqua blue 7 8 15.1 7 8 15.1 Bezel 15.1 Extender Cap 00 bl ue Switch 50 metal 53 darkmetal blue light grey 01 brown 30 ultra blue 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 15451 lat. silver15552 high high temp. 07 orange high temp. 40 dusty blue 09 black 07 07 07 orange orange orange high high temp. temp. temp. 04 yellow alt. gold 09 black 08 red 15451 silver 09 black + 0333 high temp. + bordeaux 09 black Ø =0.9 09 black Ø =+tele 0.9 grey 06 w high temp. 15502 mom. gold15.1 high temp. 15.1 green 15.1 58 metal high temp. - grey 32 mint - Ø= + 0.9 01 brown 03 grey 15.1 57 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 15.1 53 metal light grey 40 dusty blue 02 green 15551 alt. silver 08 red 15451 alt. silver 1545215.1 lat. gold highØalt. temp. metal dark grey 42 aqua blue 08 08 08 red red red 15451 15451 15451 alt. alt. silver silver silver 05 golden 15500 silent silver 09 black =0.9 high Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 temp.alt. gold melon 33 tele grey 09 b Ø =0.9 04 yellow Ø = 34 0.9 15552 Ø = 0.9 03 grey 06 white 02 green 15551 alt.15502 silvertemp. 57 metal 58 darkmetal grey bordeaux 09 black 42 aqua 32 bluemint green 03 grey mom. gold high 09 09 09 black black black high high high temp. temp. temp. 06 white 15401 mom. silver 38 noble red Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 05 golden 15500 silent silver 34 melon 06 white 09 black 03 grey 04+ yellow 15502 mom. goldalt. gold HOW TO ORDER mint green 15552 33 tele grey58 metal bordeaux 07 orange 32 high silver 06 white 15401 38 noble red TO ORDER 09 black 04 yellow 05 golden 15552 alt.15500 gold 33 tele grey silent silver HOW TO ORDER 34 melon 15451 Switch 1 5 111 Extender Lens LED +alt. 1 silver 6 +2 17high + 71 0Cap 6 +3 10 60 3 0 0008 + red+++ Bezel 620227 1162663733222777+ 1 +6++191162 669299222222 555 silent 07 orange + 1 +6++13 temp. 1++ 11 66 2 7 00 ++ 11 66 33 00 0 05 golden 15500 silver 34 melon38 noble red 06+white mom. 61 36 29 42 2 1 5 1 5 15401 1+ 61 silver 26 7 09 black +02 1 green 6 3+ 2 7 LED 1+02 7 0 ++ 11 66 33 00 0 0 16325 42 0 3+ high temp. 08 red 15451 alt. silver green Lens 02 green LED 02green green Switch 16325 Lens 02 green 02 Switch Cap 16325 02 Switch ++++Lens +LED 06 white+++ 15401 silver +11 16663 6302 3 27 + 6+60 2+12Extender 7Extender 062 10Cap 6Cap 36363 03030 000 33 21green 76773 12+6 16Extender 70 +1 0000 +16325 4LED 1 15 5 Switch 6 +21 1 7Extender + 127276+7Cap 30+0+ 01616 38 noble red Lens 07 orange high temp. + 1 1 6 2 2 2 7 + + 1 1 1 61 61696 96 9 2929green 22222222 1 1+ 15151 5+5mom. + + 1 1 6 6 2 0 + 1 + + 3 2 4 1 5Switch 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 Bezel 09 black Extender Cap 00 bl ue 5 6 50 metal dark blue high temp. 16325 Lens 02 green LED 02 green Switch Extender Cap 30 ultra blue 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 07 orange high temp. 08 red 15451 alt. silver 7 8 16325 Lens 02 green LED 02 green Switch Extender Cap Bezel Extender Cap 00 blCap ue Switch Switch 50 metal dark blue 30 ultra30 blue 01 brown 16325 16325 16325 Lens Lens Lens 02 02 02 green green green LED LED LED 02 02 02 green green green Switch Switch Switch Extender Extender Extender Cap Cap brown 15501 mom. silver 02 green 02red green 16325 Bezel Extender Cap 00 bl01 ue 53 metal light grey 04 yellow 04 yellow 50 metal dark blue 40 dusty blue 08 red 08 ultra blue 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red 15451 alt. silver 09 black + temp. high 04 yellow 04 yellow 01 brown 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 53 metal light grey 40 dusty blue 03 grey 04 04 04 yellow yellow yellow 04 04 04 yellow yellow yellow 02 green 15551 alt.silver silver 01 brown 01 brown 15501 mom. 57 metal dark grey 08 red 08 red 53 metal light grey 04 yellow 04 yellow 42 aqua 40 dusty blueblue temp.+ 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 09 +grey 1 608 3 2red 7 1 608 9 2red 2 5high gold 0grey 0blackblue+ 08 red 08 red 03 +grey 02 green02 green 15551 alt. silver 57 metal 42 aqua 06 white 08 red red 08 08 red red 03 15502 mom. grey 15551 alt.1silver 58 metal bordeaux 57dark metal dark08 grey 32 mint 42 aqua bluegreen 08 red 0803 red 06 white 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 58 metal bordeaux + 1 6 3 2 7 + 1 6 9 2 2 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 32yellow mint32 green 09 16325 Lens 02 green LED 02black green Switch Extender Cap 04 15552 gold 06 white 03 grey 15502 mom. 58 metal bordeaux 33 tele grey mint green 16326 Lens 16327 16922 16326 Lens 16327 LED09 LED 16922 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 black 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 33 tele grey 04 yellow 04 yellow 05 golden 15500 silent silver 09 black 15552 alt. gold 1 5 3416326 melon grey 16325 Switch + 16327 1 6Lens 32 required 2 02 722required +16922 1 6LED 9 2 02 2 green + 1 6 2Extender 7 004+yellow 1 6Cap 3 33 0 0tele + 16326 Lens LED 2 required 2required required 2green required required 22required 05 golden golden 15500 silent silver 34 melon 08 red 08 red 15401 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 15500 silver silver 38 noble red 34+ 16326 melon + Lens 1 6 3 2 7 + 1 6 9 2 2 1silent 5 mom. + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 05 3 006 0white 04 yellow 04 yellow 16326 16326 Lens Lens 16327 16327 16327 LED LED LED 16922 16922 16922 2 required 2 required Lens 16327 16922 16325 Lens 02 green2LED LED 02 green Switch Extender Cap 06 white06 white 15401 mom. silver 38orange noble 07 temp. 2required required required 15401 mom.high silver 38red noble red 2Lens 2required 2required 2LED 2required 2red required required 08 08 red + 02 green 16325 02 green Switch Extender Cap 2 required 04 yellow2 required 04 yellow 07 orange high 15451 temp. 08 red silver 07 orange highalt. temp. 04 yellow 08 red 04 yellow 08 red 08 red 15451 alt. silver 09 black high temp. 08 red 15451 alt. silver 16326 Lens08 16327 LED 08 16922 red red 09 black09 black high temp. high temp. 2 required 2 required Ordering example: 15501 + 16270 + 1630008 + 1632509 + 1632708 + 1692208 Ordering example: 15501 +16270 16270 +1630008 1630008 +1632509 1632509 +1632708 1632708 +1692208 1692208 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 Ordering example: 15501 Ordering example: 15501 ++16270 ++1630008 ++1632509 ++1632708 ++1692208 Ordering example: 15551+16270+1630030+1632403 (non-illuminated) 15501+16270+1630008+1632509+1632708+1692208 Ordering example: 15501 + 16270 + 1630008 + 1632509OR + 1632708 + 1692208 2 required(illuminated) 2 required 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 Ordering example: 15501 +16270 16270 +1630008 1630008 +1632509 1632509 +on 1632708 +1692208 1692208 Ordering Ordering Ordering example: example: example: 15501 15501 15501 16270 +16270 +and +1630008 +1630008 ++ +1632509 ++1632708 +1632708 1632708 ++1692208 +1692208 Please see colour codes, updates of++products changes of1632509 specifications + 1Lens 6 316327 2 27required+ 1LED 6 916922 2 22required 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 16326 48 1 5 1 Ballerup 6 +3 12Ballerup 1 6 +9 12 62 29 required + 1 6 +2 17mec +mec 0Industriparken . Industriparken . DK-2750 . 23 .1 .P.o. .DK-2750 .+ required .+P.o. 67 2. .Denmark 7 1 5Switch 60 2mec 71 06 +.3.Industriparken 60 3 023 0+. P.o. . Box . .+DK-2750 26 Denmark mec 23 P.o. Box 26 DK-2750 Ballerup Denmark Industriparken 23 Box 26 Denmark 23 Box 26 Ballerup 16325 Lens 02 green LED 2 2 02 green Extender Cap . . . . mec Industriparken 23 . P.o. Box 26 Lens DK-2750 Ballerup LED Denmark 02 16325 02 green Switch Extender Cap . . green unimec™ Square solution with optional round LEDs 16310-16315 ■■ Square solution ■■ 15.1mm x 15.1mm ■■ h=16.0 mm ■■ Material: ABS ■■ Temp. Range: -40/+65°C 16310 - 16315 16310 16310 16315 16315 16310 16310 16315 16315 16324 - 16326 16310 - 16315 Technical Data: 16310 - 16315 Technical Technical Data: Data: Technical Technical Data: Data: Data: -Technical Max.250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC 16310 - 16315 - --Max.250mA/120V/9W Max.250mA/120V/9W AC/6W AC/6W DC DC - Max.250mA/120V/9W Max.250mA/120V/9W AC/6W AC/6W DC DC -- 2 pole Technical Data: Max.250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC Technical Data: - --2 pole - 22pole 2pole pole -- momentary or alternate 2 pole momentary oror oralternate alternate - momentary momentary alternate alternate 8 contact functions --- Max.250mA/120V/9W - or Max. momentary or 250mA/120V/9W alternateAC/6W DCAC 16310 - 16315-- ----momentary Technical Data: 8 contact functions functions - 88contact 8contact contact functions functions temperature range: -- 28 pole contact - 2functions pole temperature range: range: -40/+75ºC - temperature temperature range: low temp: -- Max.250mA/120V/9W DC momentary orrange: alternate temperature 16324 - 16326 16310 -- --temperature - range: momentary orAC/6W alternate All dimensions in mm 16315 -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC low low temp: temp: -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC high temp: low low temp: temp: -40/+160ºC 2 pole 8 contact functions -40/+75ºC low temp: - 8 contact functions 16324 - 16326 Technical Data: high high temp: through-hole version high high temp: temp: -40/+160ºC --temp: momentary orrange: alternaterange: -40/+160ºC -40/+160ºC temperature high temp: -40/+160ºC --40/+160ºC temperature - ---through-hole through-hole version version - Max.250mA/120V through-hole through-hole version version -- 8low contact functions -40/+75ºC temp: through-hole version -40/+75ºC low temp: (w/LED) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions LEDs) Te temperature range: -(w/4 2 pole high temp: -40/+160ºC (TH) + 16310 Dimensions (through-hole) (TH w/LED)Dimensions + 16311 (TH w/LED) + 16312 (TH-w/4 LED) + high 16315 temp: -40/+160ºC Technical Data: Dimensions Dimensions (through-hole) (through-hole) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/4 (w/4 LEDs) LEDs) -40/+75ºC Dimensions Dimensions (through-hole) (through-hole) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) (w/LED) Dimensions Dimensions (w/4 (w/4 LEDs) LEDs) low temp: momentary or alter - through-hole version Dimensions (through-hole) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (w/4 LEDs) through-hole version - M Technical Data: high temp: -40/+160ºC - 8 contact functions - 2 Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC - through-hole Dimensions (through-hole) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensionsversion LEDs) range -(w/4 temperature - m - 2 pole Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W Dimensions DC low temp: Dimensions Dimensions- w/LED w/2 LEDs-40/+75 - 8 Dimensions (through-hole) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (w/LED) - momentary Dimensions or alternate (w/4 - 2 pole highLEDs) temp: -40/+16 - t - 8 contact functions - momentary or alternate - through-hole versio 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 l - 8 contact functions- temperature range: h 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 -40/+75ºC 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 low temp: 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 layout 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 Dimensions Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions 14.0 14.0 - temperatureDimensions range: PCB layout(through-hole) PCB layout(w/LED) PCB PCB layout(w/ high temp: -40/+75ºC -40/+160ºC low temp: (top view) (top layout view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 2.54 PCB 14.0 layout PCB layout PCB PCB PCB layout PCB layout PCBlayout layout PCB layout PCB PCB layout layout PCB layout PCB layout layout PCB PCB layout layout PCB PCB layout layout PCB layout PCB PCB layout layout PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0layout 14.0PCB 14.0 PCB 14.0 + + - through-hole version - high temp: -40/+160ºC (top view) (top view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 (top (top view) (top view) (top (top view) view) view) (top view) 2.54 Dimensions (through-hole) Dimensions (w/LED) Dimensions (w/LED) (top view) (top (top view) view) (top view) (top view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 2.54 2.54 12.4 12.4 2.54 2.54 2 1 2 2 1 1 through-hole version + + 4 PCB 14.0 layout PCB layout PCB layout4 layout + +++ -PCB ++ --+ + 3-- --14.0 14.0 14.0 4 14.0 14.0 3 14.0 14.0 3 2 1 (top view) (top view) (top view) 2 2 1 1 12.4 12.4 12.4 14.0 12.4 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 2.54 2 222 14.0 1 111 2 222 2 222 1 111 6 1 111 5 6 6 5 5 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions w/2 LEDs 4 3 4 4 3 3w/LED 4- 444 + 8 3 333 PCB 4layout 3 333 7+ -layout 3 333 PCB layout PCB PCB 8 8 444 7 7 4 444layout ons Dimensions w/LED Dimensions w/2 LEDs + 6 + 5 + 6 5 5 +2 view) 1 26 1(top 1(top 6 PCB 5 555 (top 12.4 12.4 12.4 6view) 6 66view) 12.4 666 28 lay 5 555 666 2.54 6 PCB layout layout 15.1 8.7 15.1 5 555 PCB 15.1 0.9 =8 0.9 37 Ø = 48 48 Ø = 0.9 37 Ø14.0 37 Ø 8- 888 + 4 14.0 14.0 14.0 7 777 14.0 14.0 8= 880.9 7 777 7 777 888 814.0 + 15.1 + - + + + 2.54 + +++ - - - (top- 5-view) 12.4 + +++ - 5- - - - - -+ +++(top6 view 12.4 12.4 - - + +++ 15.1 8.7 15.1 15.1 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 1 26 Ø = 0.9 26 1 15 Ø = 0.9 15.1 15.1 8.7 8.7 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 + 28 15.1 15.1 8.7 8.7 15.1 15.1 15.1 layout ØØ 15.1 15.1layout ØØ ØØ =ØØ 0.9 = 0.9 7=0.9 HOW TO ORDER = Ø 0.9 = 0.9 8 =ØØ ==0.9 0.9 8 = 0.9 7 7 Ø = = 0.9 0.9 =0.9 0.9 PCB PCB PCB layout ØØ =ØØ=0.9 ==0.9 0.9 0.9 4 3 4 4 3 3 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 + -1+ + - 2 + 1 (top view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 1 5 Ø12.4 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 14.0 14.0 8.7 14.0 15.1 6 14.0 14.0 15.1 2.54 5 HOW 15.1 TO ORDER 14.0 6 6 5 5 Ø = 0.9 4 Ø = 0.9 0.9 For8 16300 and 16310 only: 7 Ø = 0.9 3 3 HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER non-illuminated– 8 HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER HOW TO =ORDER 8 7 7 15.1 1 5 + 1 6 3 00 0PCB 0 +layout +dark - -blue Cap blue Switch + 30 ultra blue - + Bezel 16310 00 blue 50 metal - 6 + 16300 5 For PCB layout PCB layout 2 only: 2 5 1 and 16310 1 11555ORDER + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 3 0 0 + 15.1 8.7 15.1 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 15.1 HOW11 TO Ø = 0.9 Ø = 16300 0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 For For 16300 and and 16310 16310 only: only: For For 16300 16300 and and 16310 only: only: 7 840 dusty 15501 4 brown 7grey 3 16310 blue Switch Cap 01 Bezel01 + + 316310 15.1 453 Cap 00 brown blue 2.54 Bezel Switchmom. silver 30 ultra blue 50 metal metal dark blue (toplight view) 12.4 12.4 00 blue (top view) 12.4 115.15 14.0 + 100 6 3 14.0 0 0 + 16310 00 blue 00 blue Bezel 16310 Bezel Cap 00 blue Cap 00 blue Switch Switch 30 30 ultra blue blue - 30 +ultra 00 blue 00 blue Bezel 16310 Bezel 16310 50 50 metal metal dark dark blue blue Cap blue Cap 00 blue Switch Switch15551 30 ultra ultra blue blue 02 green 02 green alt. silver 14.0 14.0 50 50 metal metal dark dark blue blue 42 aqua blue 14.0 57 metal dark grey - + 14.0 15.1 6 6 5 15.1 5 For 16300 and 16310 only: 01 brown 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 40 dusty blue 53 metal light grey HOW TO ORDER 8 8 3 1Ø = 7 7 01 1 5 1brown 6brown 303 0grey 0 1brown 603 040 0.9 Ø = 0.9 01 brown brown 01 brown 01 15501 mom. silver mom. silver 40 dusty dusty blue blue 01 01 brown 53 53 metal metal light light grey grey 01 brown 01 15501 mom. silver 15501 mom. silver grey 15502 mom. gold Ø =0.9 40 40 dusty dusty blue blue 32 mint green 53 53 metal metal light light grey grey 58 metal bordeaux 14.0blue 14.0 15501 14.0 14.0 14.0 00 blue Bezel 16310 Cap 00 Switch 30 ultra blue 50 metal dark blue 02 green 02 green 15551 alt. silver 42 aqua blue 2 2 dark grey 1 1 + + 57 metal 1silver 5 + 102 6 3 04 0 0yellow 15.1 + 4 4 15.1 3 8.7 3 15.1 02 green 02 green 02 green 02 green 15551 alt. silver 15551 alt. 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 42 42 aqua aqua blue blue PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 02 green 02 green 57 57 metal metal dark dark grey grey green 02 green 33 tele grey 15551 alt. silver 15551 alt. silver For 16300 and 16310 only: 42 42 aqua aqua blue blue 57 57 metal metal dark dark grey grey Ø =16310 0.9 Ø = 0.9 01 15501 mom. silver 40 dusty blue 53 grey 03 brown grey 03 brown grey 06 white 15502 mom. gold Ø = 0.9 For and only 32 16300 mint green 58 metal metal light bordeaux 15501 mom. silver 00 blue01 01 brown 15402 mom. gold *h.t. 15.1 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent silver 03 grey 03 grey 03 grey 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 15502 mom. gold 2.54silver 00 blue Bezel 16310 Cap 00 blue Switch 34 melon 32 32 mint mint green green (top view) (top view) 6 30 ultra blue 6 03 grey 03 grey 58 58 metal metal bordeaux bordeaux 03 grey 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 15502 mom. gold 5 5 50 metal dark blue 32 32 mint mint green green PCB PCB layout PCB layout 58 58 metal metal bordeaux bordeaux 12.4 02 green 02 green 15551 alt. 12.4 42 aqua blue 12.4 layout 57 grey 04 yellow 04 yellow07 orange 15552 alt. gold 338ultra teleblue grey HOW TO ORDER 15551 lat. silver 01 brown 03 grey 38 15420 silent gold *h.t. 30 8 + noble - 7 red HOW TO ORDER 06 white7 33 06 white 15401 mom. silver 01 brown 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 38 noble red 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold alt. gold 40 dusty blue 33 tele tele grey grey 53 metal light grey 2.5415552 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 15552 alt. gold (top view) (top view) 33 33 tele tele grey grey 03 grey 03 grey 15502 gold 32 mint green 58 bordeaux 12.4 silver 12.4 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent 34 melon + + 15502 mom. gold 15500 02 green 06 metal dark blue 15451 lat.silver silver *h.t. 08 red 1 40 dusty blue 2white 1 50 2 dark + 15.1 15.1 15.1 07 orange 07 orange high temp. 02 green 02 green 15551 alt. silver 42 aqua blue 05 golden 05 golden 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent silver silent 57 metal grey 34 34 melon melon Ø = 0.9 05 golden 05+ golden =34 0.9 melon 05 05golden golden 15500 15500silent silentsilver silver 1 5 + yellow 04 04 15552 goldsilver melon 33 grey Ø =10.96 3 0 0 06 yellow white Ø34 06 white 15401 mom. 38 tele noble red For 16300 and 3 + 53 4 116310 6 3 only: 2 4 1 gold 5 mom. 6032 703 0 grey +2 09 1 black 6 33 0 0 09 4black 15552 lat. gold 15401 light grey 15452 lat. *h.t. 42 aqua 1grey 1 noble 2blue 08 red 08 red 15451 alt. silver 03 grey 15502 gold + 1 06 32 mint green 58metal metal bordeaux 06 white 06 white 06 white white 15401 mom. silver mom. silver 38 38 noble red red 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent silver 06 white 06 white 06 white 06 white 15401 mom. silver 15401 mom. silver 34 melon 38 38 noble noble red red 07 orange 07 orange high temp. 00 blue Bezel 16310 Cap 00 blue Switch 30 ultra blue 50 me 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 HOW TO ORDER 15500 silent silver 04 yellow 09 black 09 black 57 metal dark grey * High temp. high temp. 32 mint green Bezel 04 04 15552 alt. Extender 00 bl ue Switch 33 tele grey 50 metal 7dark blue 8 07 orange 07 orange 06 white 07 orange 07 orange 06 white high temp. high temp. 15401 mom. silver 30yellow ultra blue 01 38 brown noble red 07 orange 07 orange 07 orange 07 orange high temp. high temp. 08yellow red Cap 01 15451 silver 7 brown 8 08 red 15501 mom. silver 40 dusty blue 53 me 5golden 6 5 + 33 6 metal light 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent silver 01 34 tele melon 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 08 15401 mom. silver15451 *h.t. 05 53 58grey metal bordeaux grey 07 orange 07 orange high temp. 08 red 08 red 08 red red 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 15451 alt. silver alt. silver 40 dusty blue 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red 15451 alt. silver 15451 alt. silver 09 black 09 black high temp. + +blue 02 02 green 15551 alt. silver For57 16300 42 aqua 7 15.1 8 15.1green8 7 15.1 me 06 white 06 white 15401 mom. silver 38 noble red 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 9 2 1 03 02 green 15551 alt. silver 08 red 08 red 15451 alt. silver 57 metal dark grey 09 black 09 black 09 black 09 black high temp. high temp. 42 aqua blue 34 melon 09 black 09 black 09 09black black high highØtemp. temp. 15502 mom. =0.9 Ø = 0.9 = 0.9 green + - grey + 16310 32 03 03 grey gold 00Øblue Bezel Cap 00 blue Switch mint 30 58 ultra meb 15.1 15.1temp. 07 orange 07 orange high 06 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 09 black 09 black high temp. 58 metal bordeaux 32 mint green + 1 6 9 2 1 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + Bezel 16311 LED 16921 02 green Switch Cap Ø =0.9 = 0.9 = 0.9 yellow 04 yellow 15552 alt. goldØ15501 01 brown 01 brown Ø 04 silver 33 tele grey 40 dusty 08 red 08 red mom. 15451 alt. 09 04 yellow 15552 alt.silver gold 33 tele grey 04 yellow + 1 6 9 2 1 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 9 2 1 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 9 2 1 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 9 2 1 1 5 + 1 6 3 0 0 + golden02 green 15500 silent Cap silver 34 melon Illuminated – HOW TO ORDER 02 green 02 green LED05 15551 alt. silver05 golden 42 aqua b Bezel 16311 16921 Switch HOW TO ORDER 09 black 093black temp. 05 golden 15500 silver + 1 6 9 2 1 1 high 5silent + 1 6 0 0 + 34 melon 08 06 02 white 06 16311 white 15401 mom. silver 38 noble red 03 grey 03LED grey 04 red yellow 15502 mom. gold 32 mint g Bezel 16311 Bezel LED 16921 02 green 16921 green Switch Cap Switch Cap 16311 Bezel 16311 LED 16921 02 green LED 16921 02 green Switch Switch Cap DER Switch white16311 15401 mom. silverCap CapSwitch Bezel Bezel LED 38 noble red Bezel LED07 16921 02 green Cap orange 0706 orange high temp. 08 red 04 yellow 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 33 tele gr 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow 04 yellow + 1 6 9 2 1 + 1 6 3 0 0 + + 1 6 3 2 4 1 5 + 1 16 52 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 0 orange high temp. 04 yellow 089 red 0807 red 15451 alt. silver 05 golden 05 golden 15500 silent silver 34 melon + + + 08 red 08 red 1 5 1 6 3 0 0 1 6 2 1 08 red 08 red + LED 2 0 08 Bezel + 61 36dark 29 4blue 5 + 1Switch 6 2 7 0 +15451 1 Switch 6 3alt.0silver 0 red Bezel 16921 green Cap Extender Captemp. 00 bl uemom. 30 red 06 white 501metal ultra blue1631106 white 09 black 02 0908 black high 15401 silver 38 noble 09Bezel black16312 53Bezel + 02 1 green 6light 9 grey 2 0 04 LED 16920 02 green 0108brown brown 15501 mom. silverCap high 16311 04yellow yellow red Extender 00 bltemp. ue ch metal 50dusty metalblue dark blue 40 30 ultra01 blue 07 orange 07 orange high temp. 08 red6 9 2 1 02blue green 01 brown 01 brown 1 540 dusty 01 mom. silver 15551 alt. silver 57 metal 53 grey 1 000 669LED 2216920 +alt. silver 142 6 aqua 3metal 0 blue 0light ++++red +04 Bezel 16312 021yellow green 0grey 11166 99922dark 08 red03 grey 08 15451 + 1 6 9 2 0 08 red 06 white 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 03 grey 02 green 51 alt. silver 58 metal bordeaux 57mint metal dark grey 32 green 04 yellow 42 aqua blue highBezel 09 black 09Bezel black temp. 16311 LED 16921 02 green Switch Cap 16312 16920 02 green Bezel 16312 LED 16920 02 green Bezel 16312 LED 16920 02 green Bezel 16312 LED 16920 02 green + LED 1 6 9 2 0 09 black 04 yellow Bezel 16312 LED 16920 02 green 06 white 03 grey 02 mom. gold 15552 alt. gold 58 metal bordeaux 08 red 33 tele grey 32 mint green 04 yellow 04 yellow + 1 6 9 04 2 0yellow 04 yellow 04 + 1 6 3 2 7 + yellow 1 6 9 2 2 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 0 + 04 yellow golden 15500 silent silver 09 black 04 yellow 52 alt. gold 34 melon 33 tele05 grey 1 16312 5 + 16314 1 6 3 0 002 + + red 1 6 9 2 1 green Bezel LED 16920 LED 16921 08 red 04 yellow 08 red 08 red 08 red 08 red Bezel 16312 LED 16920 02 green 08 red Lens1 required 02 green LED 02 gre Switch 05 golden Extender Cap 38 noble red 16325 06 white 00 silent silver 15401 mom. silver 34 melon 1 required Bezel 16314 LED 16920 Bezel 16311 LED 16921 Switch Cap 04LED yellow 0416921 yellow 04 yell0 07red orange high temp. 06 white 01 mom. silver 38 noble + LED 16921 LED 16920 16314 1 required 1 required 08 red 08 red 08 red0 08 red 07 orange high temp. 15451 alt. silver Bezel 16314 LED 16920 LED 16921 Bezel 16314 16920 LED Bezel 16314 LED 16920 LED 16921 Bezel 16314 LED 16920 LED 16921 +16921 1 616921 9 2 0 Bezel 16314 LED LED 16920 LED 1 required 1 required 0 09 black high temp. 08 red 51 alt. silver required required 111required 111required Bezel 16315 Bezel LED 16920 LED 16921 02 green 1required required 1required required 116312 required 1LED required 16920 16315 09 black high temp. 2 required 2 required Bezel LED 16920 16921 Bezel 16314 16315+ LED 16920 LED LED 16921 04 yellow LED 16921 LED 16920 1 required 16326 2required required Lens1216327 required 08 red + LED 1 6 16922 9 2 0 216921 required 2LED required Bezel 16315 LED 16920 LED 16921 Bezel 16315 16920 LED Bezel 16315 LED 16920 16921 Bezel 16315 LED 16920 LED 16921 Bezel 16315 LED 16920 LED 16921 2LED required 2 required Bezel 16312 LED 16920 0 + 2122required 6 3 2 7 + 1 6 9 2 2 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 0 + required required 222required 2required required 2required required 2 required 2 required Ordering example: 15500+1630001+1631001 (non-illuminated) OR 15501+1630003+1631408+1692008+1692108 (illuminated) + 1631408 + 1692008 +61692108 0 + 1 3 2 7 + 1 6 9 2 2 5 + 1 Switch 6 Ordering 2 7 0 + example: 1 6 Extender 3 015501 0 + 1630003 + Bezel 16315 Lens 16920 LED Bezel LED 16314 LED 16920 LED 16921 02 green LED16921 02 green Cap of specifications on16325 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes 0 Ordering example: 15501 + 1630003 + 1631408 + 1692008 + 1692108 2 required 2 required 1 required 1 required yellow 04 yellow 16325 Lens 02 green LED 0402 green ch Extender Cap 49 0804 redyellow 08 red 04 yellow Ordering example: 15501 + 1630003 + 1631408 + 1692008 + 1692108 Ordering Ordering example: example: 15501 15501 +++1630003 1630003 +++1631408 1631408 +++1692008 1692008 + Ordering Ordering example: example: 15501 15501 + 1630003 1630003 +1631408 1631408 +1692008 1692008 ++1692108 +1692108 1692108 . Industriparken .1692108 23 P.o. Box 26 . DK-2750 Ballerup . Denmark mec 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 18.0 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 10.0 15.1 6.1 10.0 15.1 15.1 2.54 15.1 2.54 ec a/s jan. 2003 ec ec a/s a/s jan. jan. 2003 2003 ec a/s jan. 2003 2.54 2.54 15.1 6.1 2.54 2.54 13.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.1 15.1 13.5 15.1 15.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.1 15.1 15.116.0 6.1 18.0 6.1 6.1 2.54 15.1 2.54 2.54 6.1 6.1 13.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 16.0 6.1 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 6.1 2.54 15.1 6.1 2.54 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 20.5 13.5 20.5 16.0 13.5 13.5 15.1 15.1 15.116.0 15.1 6.1 15.1 2.54 18.0 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 2.54 6.1 6.1 2.54 20.5 15.1 6.1 15.1 2.54 18.0 2.54 2.54 13.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 16.0 6.1 6.1 20.5 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 18.0 6.1 6.1 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.5 13.5 15.1 15.1 16.0 13.5 15.1 2.54 2.54 15.1 6.1 6.1 15.1 2.54 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 20.5 15.1 6.1 15.1 2.54 6.1 15.1 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 16.0 16.0 16.0 6.1 2.54 2.54 18.0 6.1 6.1 13.5 16.0 2.54 2.54 6.1 18.0 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 15.1 15.1 6.1 6.1 20.5 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 18.0 16.0 13.5 13.5 15.1 15.116.0 20.5 16.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 20.5 18.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 Dimensions - momentary or alternate - 8 contact functions - temperature range: low temp: -40/+75ºC high temp: -40/+160ºC 16300/16700/16800 - through-hole version unimec™ Different caps for unimec™ switches 26 Dimensions Dimensions w/2 LEDs ■■ Square and rectangular caps ■■ 6mm x 12.3mm; 14.9mm x 14.9mm; 15.1mm x 15.1mm ■■ h=16.9mm; 14.6mm; 14.5mm Technical Data: ■■ Material: ABS - Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC Technical Data: ■■ Temp. Range: -40/+65°C 18.0 20.5 18.0 20.5 16300/16700/16800 16300/16700/16800 16300/16700/16800 16300/16700/16800 16300/16700/16800 18.0 20.5 26 26 16324 -26 16326 26 Dimensions w/LED - Technical 2 pole Data: Technical Data: Technical - 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DCData: - momentary or alternate 14.0 14.0 Technical Data: 2 pole - - 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DCDC -8 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W contact functions - 250mA/120V/9W AC/6 -pole or alternate - - 2-temperature 2momentary pole AC range: - -2250mA/120V/9W pole PCB layout PCB layout PCB layo - momentary 8 temp: contactor functions - momentary alternate -low or alternate -momentary 2 pole -40/+75ºC or alternate 2.54 (top view) (top view) 12.4 12.4 12.4 -contact range:- momentary or+ alterna - 8-high functions 8temperature contact functions temp: -40/+160ºC - 8 contact functions -40/+75ºC low temp: - 2- temperature range: -through-hole temperature range: 8 contact 1 1 functions version temperature range: All dimensions in mm high temp: 3 4 lowlow -40/+160ºC 3 -40/+75ºC -40/+75ºC temp: temp: -low temperature range: temp: -40/+75ºC - high through-hole versionlow temp:5 -40/+75ºC temp: temp: -40/+160ºC -40/+160ºC 5 6 high Dimensions high temp: -40/+160ºC 7 7 Dimensions Dimensions w/LED Dimensions w/2 version LEDs - 8 through-hole - through-hole version high temp: -40/+160 version Dimensions 16300: 15.1 Dimensions 16700: Dimensions 16800: 15.1 - through-hole + + 15.1 (TH) + 1630012.3 (TH) + 16700 (TH) + 16800 - through-hole version 6.0 10.2 13.2 Ø Dimensions =0.9 Ø Dimensions = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 Dimensions 16300: Dimensions 16700: Dimensions 16800: Dimensions 16300: 16700: 16800: Dimensions 16300: Dimensions 16700: Dimensions 16800: R18 6.0 6.0 10.210.2 13.213.2 12.312.3 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 16800: 6.0 10.2 13.2 16700: 12.3 16300: 6.1 14.5 14.5 + 1 6 3 2 4 15.1 15.1 2.54 Bezel metal dark blue 14.014.0 metal light grey 14.014.0 13.85 metal dark grey PCB layout 13.85 metal bordeaux (top view) Blanking Cap + to be used 1 Blanking 2 with Blanking Cap Cap 3 VARIO SUPPORT 4 to be used with to be used with 5 VARIO 6 VARIO SUPPORT SUPPORT 2.54 2.54 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 6.1 R18 R18 2.5 2.5 18.0 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.5 14.6 2.5 20.5 2.5 2.5 14.6 14.6 2.54 14.9 15.1 14.914.9 R18 R18 10.2 00 bl ue 50 30 ultra blue 14.0 14.0 14.9 13.85 01 brown 53 40 dusty blue 14.914.9layout 13.85 PCB 14.9 13.85 57 14.7 layout 02 PCB green 42 aqua blue 2.54 14.9 14.7 PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 03 grey 58 32 mint green (top view) PCB layout 12.4 2.542.54 04 yellow PCB layout 33 tele grey 2.54 2.54 1 golden 2 05 34 melon 3 4 06 white 38 noble red 6 075 orange 7 8 15.1 08 redØ = 0.9 + 15.1 09 black 15.115.1 14.9 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 14.9 15.1 14.9 14.9 14.714.7 12.6 12.6 PCB layout 12.4 PCB2.54 layout 2.54 Cap 14.9 2.54 14.9 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.6 13.2 + 1 6 3 0 0 Extender14.0 6.1 15.1 6.1 2.54 4.8 4.8 14.6 18.0 14.6 14.6 20.5 4.8 4.8 12.6 2.54 12.6 2.54 2.54 2.54 12.6 12.6 15.1 12.6 12.6 15.1 12.6 12.6 7.0 6.1 7.0 7.0 9.4 12.4 9.4 9.4 12.9 12.9 16.9 16.9 15.1 12.612.6 6.0 + 1 6 2 7 0 Switch 14.0 12.6 15501 mom. silver 12.612.6 PCB layout 15551 alt.layout silver 12.6 PCB 2.54 12.6 PCB layout PCB layout PCB layout 15502 mom. 2.54 gold 155529.42.54 alt.2.54 gold 15500 9.4 silent silver 15401 mom. silver high temp. 15451Øalt. silver = 0.9 high temp. 12.6 Ø =0.9 7.0 7.0 14.0 12.6 1 5 4.8 6.1 12.9 16.9 18.0 12.9 12.9 16.9 16.9 20.5 12.3 HOW TO ORDER 14.0 14.0 15.1 14.0 14.0 7 8 - + 01 b 03 g1 06 w 09 b Blank toBlan be to be VARIO VAR ec a/s jan. 2003 mec a/s jan. 2003 ecmec a/s jan. a/s 2003 jan. 2003 Ø15.1 = 0.9 Ø =Ø0.9 Ø==0.9 0.9 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 HOW TO ORDER Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 12.6 14.9 15.1 Ø = 0.9 Ø = 0.9 non-illuminated– HOW HOW TOTO ORDER HOW ORDER 1 5 +ORDER 1 6 3 0 0 HOW TOTO ORDER HOW TO HOW TO1ORDER 5 + 1ORDER 6 6 3 3 0 0 +0 00Cap 1 5 +5 1 1 Cap Switch 50 metal dark blue Switch 1blue 6and3 color 0 0code30 ultra blue + 1 6 3 grey 2 7 + 1 6 9 2 2 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 00 003030 + 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 1 5 + 1 6 3 40 dusty blue 53 metal light Cap 0000 blue Switch Cap blue Switch ultra blue ultra blue 50 metal dark blue 50 metal dark blue50 metal dark blue Cap 00 blue Switch 30 ultra blue 1 5 10 6 3 0 0 + 1 6 3 2 4 115501 5 mom. + 1 6 2 7 0 Extender + 1 6+01 3 01 0 Cap 02 green 15551 alt.silver silver 42 aqua blue 57 metal dark grey 16325 Lens 02 green LED 02 green Switch brown 15501 brown mom. silver 40 dusty blue 40 dusty blue Cap 00 blue Switch 30 ultra blue 53 metal light grey 53 metal light grey 53 50metal metallight darkgrey blue 01 brown 15501 mom. silver 40 dusty blue 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 32 mint green 58 metal bordeaux 04 yellow 02 green 15551 alt. silver 02 green 15551 alt. silver 42 aqua blue 42 aqua blue Bezel 01 brown 15501 mom. silver Extender Cap 00 bl ue 15402 mom. gold *h.t. Switch 40 dusty blue 57 metal dark grey 57 metal dark grey 53 metal light grey 50 metal dark blue 15501 mom. silver 33 teledark grey grey04 yellow 07 orange 00 blue 30 ultra 02blue green 15551 alt. silver 42 aqua blue 57 metal 04brown yellow 40 dusty 15552 gold 33 tele grey 08 red 08 red 03 grey 15502 mom. 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 32 mint green 32 mint green 01 brown 02 green 15551 alt. silver 01 15501 mom. silver 42 aqua blue 58 metal bordeaux 58 metal bordeaux 57 metal dark grey 53 metal light grey 15420 silent gold *h.t. blue 15551 lat. silver 34 melon 08 red 01 brown 03 grey 15502 mom. gold 32 mint green 58 metal bordeaux 05green golden 42 aqua 15500 silent silver 15502 mom. gold 0402 34 melon yellow 15552 alt. gold 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 33 tele grey 33 tele grey 03 grey 03 grey 15551 alt. silver 32 mint green 58 metal bordeaux 57 metal dark grey blue 15451 lat. silver *h.t. 04 yellow 15552 alt. gold 33 tele grey 15502 mom. gold 38 noble red 09 black 02 green 06grey white 15401 mom. silver 15552 alt. gold 38 noble red 58 metal 0503 golden 15500 silent silver 05 golden 15500 silent silver 3405 melon 34 melon 06 white 04 yellow 15502 mom. gold 33melon tele grey bordeaux 32 mint green golden 15500 silent silver 34 15452 lat. gold *h.t. 15552 lat. gold 50 metal dark blue 30 ultra blue 03 grey 07yellow orange 33 tele high temp. white 15401 mom. silver 06 white 15401 silver 15401 3806 noble red 38 noble red 09 black 05 golden 15500mom. silentsilver silver 0604 15552 gold 34 melon grey Lens 16327 53 metal LED white 38 noble red blue *silver High temp. 15500 silent silver light 16922 grey 40 dusty 0416326 yellow 08golden red 15451 alt. 07 orange high temp. 07 orange high temp. 15401high 06 white mom. silver 05 15500 silent silver 38 noble red 34 melon 2 required 2 required 07 orange temp. 15401 mom. silver *h.t. 57 metal dark grey 42 aqua blue 05 golden 09 black high temp. redwhite 15451 alt. silver 08 red 15451 alt. silver 07red orange high temp. 0806 15401 mom. silver 15451 alt. 38 noble red 08 silver 58 metal bordeaux 32 mint green 06 white 09 black high temp. 09 black high temp. 15451high 08 red alt. silver 07 orange high temp. 09 black temp. 1 5alt. silver + 1 6temp. 7 0 0 08 red 09 black high 15451 09 black high temp. 1 5 + 1 6 7 0 1 5 + 1 6 7 0 0 Switch Cap 00 blue Switch Cap 1 5 + 1 6 7 0 0 02blue green 1 5 15501 1 6 7 0 0 + 1632708 + 1692208 Ordering example: 1630008 + 1632509 Switch Cap blue Switch Cap+ 16270 +00 00 Switch Cap + 1 5 1grey 6 7 0 0 00 blue 03green 0202 green Switch Cap 00green blue 02 04grey yellow 0303 grey 02 green 00 blue + 1 6 3 2047yellow + 1 6 9 09 03 grey 2 black 2 1 5 + 1 6 2 7 0 + 1 6 3 0 006 white+ 04 yellow 04 yellow 03 grey . . 04 yellow mec Industriparken 23 P.o. Box 26 . DK-2750 Ballerup 06 white . Denmark 02 green 08 red 16325 Lens 02 green LED 02 green Switch Extender Cap 0606 white 04white yellow 06 . white . grey . E-mail: [email protected] red Tel.: +45 44 97 33 66 Fax: +45 44 68 15 1403 Web: 09 black 0408 yellow 04 yellow 0808 red red 06red white 08 08 red 08 red 0909 black black 08 red Cap 09 black 1 6 8 0 0 09 black 1 1 6 6 8 8 0 0 Cap 0 00 1 Blanking 1blue 6 8 8 0 0 11 0 transparent 6 0 12 01blue brown 1 6 8 0 0 transparent green 11 transparent Blanking Cap 0000 blue 11 Blanking Cap 16326 Lens 16327 LED 16922 11 transparent Blanking Captransparent 00 blue 11 transparent 05 golden 00 green blueyellow 14transparent transparent 02brown green 1212 transparent 0101 brown transparentgreen 2 required Blanking Cap 00brown blue green 211 required 12 transparent 01 12 transparent green 06 white 01 brown 18 transparent red 03 grey transparent yellow 0202 green transparent yellow green 1414 12transparent transparentyellow green 01green brown 14 02 14 transparent yellow 07 orange 02 green 04 yellow 1818 transparent redred 18 0303 grey transparent grey 14transparent transparentred yellow 02grey green 03 05yellow golden 18 transparent red 08 red 03 grey 0404 yellow 18 transparent red 03yellow grey 04 06golden white 0505 golden 09 black 04 yellow 04 yellow 05 golden 07white orange 0606 white 05white golden Ordering example: 15501 + 16270 + 1630008 + 1632509 + 1632708 + 1692208 06 08orange red orange 07 06 white Ordering example: 15551+1630001 OR 15501+1670008 OR07 1680005 07 orange 09red blackon 0808 red 07red orange Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications 08 0909 black black 08black red 50 09 . . . Ordering example: 15551 + 1670009 mec Industriparken 23 P.o. Box 26 DK-2750 Ballerup . Denmark 09 black Ordering example: 15551 + 1670009 Ordering example: 15551 + 1670009. . . unimec™ Legends Standard Keycap Legends Part no. All standard legends are white on black caps. The size of the legends listed may not correspond to the actual size. Please ask your local distributor, if you do not find what you need on the list. New legends may have been added after this catalogue was printed. Custom legends and other colour combinations are available, please contact your local distributor. Part no. Part no. LEGEND 18_ 18_ LEGEND 18_ 18_ LEGEND 18_ 18_ 0 000 200 A 010 210 ON/OFF 017 217 1 001 201 B 011 211 STOP 018 218 2 002 202 C 012 212 START 031 231 3 003 203 D 013 213 CLEAR 036 236 4 004 204 E 014 214 LOAD 037 237 5 005 205 F 015 215 RESET 038 238 6 006 206 G 063 263 CR 043 243 7 007 207 H 064 264 MANUAL 044 244 8 008 208 I 065 265 END 047 247 9 009 209 J 066 266 CANCEL 048 248 10 020 220 K 067 267 CTRL 050 250 11 021 221 L 068 268 ESC 051 251 12 022 222 M 069 269 DSP 053 253 13 023 223 N 070 270 ENTER 105 305 14 024 224 P 072 272 SHIFT 106 306 15 025 225 S 075 275 ON 116 316 16 026 226 T 076 276 OFF 117 317 U 077 277 V 078 278 W 079 279 # 107 207 * 019 219 016 216 033 233 133 233 034 234 134 234 135 235 115 215 041 241 054 254 059 259 056 256 055 255 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 51 1 5 unimec™ 15XXX Temperature: 5: low temp. 4: high temp. basic switch modules Switch function: 0: momentary 5: alternate Terminal: 1: silver 2: gold 0: quiet version, ■■ Max. 250mA/120V/9W AC/6W DC silver 5 5.6 ■■ 2 pole Standard stock items: 15501 - 15551 ■■ Momentary or latching Other versions: 15401 - 15451 - 15452 - 15502 - 15552 - 15500 ■■ 8 contact functions ■■ Temperature range: unction: Terminal: Low temp: -40/+75ºC mperature: Switch function: Terminal: tary 1: silver 3.3 High temp: -40/+160ºC 0: momentary 1: silver eow temp. 2: gold high temp. 0: quiet 5: alternate 2: gold ■■ Through-hole version (TH) version, silver 0: quiet version, silver Base module basic switch modules applies to all versions 01 52--15551 15500 451 - 15452 - 15502 - 15552 - 15500 Dimensions through-hole All dimensions in mm Operating Force (Typical example) Circuit diagrams 12.6 Part no. - Circuit 6 diagram 10.1 - - + 5 7 6 8 5 71 6 8 1 3 5 PCB Mounting Hole Dimensions Basic Switch + 1 3 5 7 2 7 LED 4 2.54 - 21 43 2 LED 16920 & 16921 43 2 4 5 7 65 87 6 8 + 8 up 2.54 5 7 - - + With round LED 16920 and 16921 12.6 6 8 2 LED 16920 & 16921 Rectangular LED 16922 1 make contact 11 33 + Rectangular LED 16922 1 change over contact 2 make contacts 2 break contacts contacts 2 change over 1 contacts ( Typical 2 example ) + + + +- -- 887 + 1 make 1 break 1 change over 15.420 15.4011 break 15.4021 change 15.451 1 make contact contact contact H E F 2 break 2 make and reverse I contact 2 change contact over contact over 2 break polarity 44contacts How to order contacts contacts unimec Part no: 1 change over contact 2 make contacts 1 5 Temperature: 2 break contacts contacts - - + 1 3 6 8 5 7 3.0 ++ 1 3 5 7 With LED + - + 16923 and 16924 ––– up ---- down With round LED 16920 and 16921 Operating Force + - + 2 break - + 2 4 2 4 6 8 - 6 8 - + 4 Force (N) A 2 1 4 3 reverse polarity B C 2 21 43 2 4 How to Assemble ( Typical example ) 1 5 8 7 - 65 87 D 0 0 Travel (mm) 1 2 3 Examples: A 2 change over contacts 2 make and 2 break Terminal Low temp. reverse polarity 1 6 8 1 3 Key actuator 5 7 Housing 2 1 1 2 3 Fixed terminals Travel (mm) 0 0PCB 1 2 Hole Mounting Dimensions (w/Extender 16250) 15.552 3 Functional diagram mec· Industriparken 23 · P.o. Box 26 · DK-2750 Ballerup · Denmark Key actuator mec· Industriparken 23 · P.o.Tel.: Box+45 26 · 44 DK-2750 Ballerup · Denmark 97 33 66 · Fax: +45 44 68 15 14 · E-mail: [email protected] · Tel.: +45 44 97 33 66 · Fax: +45 44 68 15 14 · E-mail: [email protected] · 15.451 I 15.452 J Without LED With round LED product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 52 For Part no: 16920 and 16921 1 5 3 2 1 0 Key spring D High temp. 15.402 F 6 8 +16300 +16324 Travel (mm) Circuit diagram (topview) iparken15.500 23 · P.o. Box 15.501 26 · DK-2750 Ballerup · Denmark 15.502 15.551 ax: +45 44 68 15 14 · E-mail: [email protected] · 15.401 E 24 4 B C D 1: silver 0 2: gold 0 0: quiet version, silver Basic module applies to all versions 15.420 H –– -- O With LED 16923 & 16924 With LED 16923 & 16924 42 change 2 make 2 break 2 make and reverse 3 Force (N) over 3,0 3,0 3,0 2 make15.452 2 break 2 change 2 make and reverse contact contact contact 2 break polarity Jmec· Industriparken 23 · P.o. Box 26 · DK-2750 Ballerup · Denmark contacts contacts over · 2 break polarity Tel.: +45 44 97 33 66 · Fax: +45 44 68 15 14 · E-mail: [email protected] Moving contacts How to assemble unimec 15___ + 16300 + 16310 3contacts unimec 15___ + 16270 + 16300 + 16324 2 contacts B C 6 8 With rect. LED 16922 ( Typical example ) With LED 16923 & 16924 Operating Force 6 5 7 8 - unimec™ ™ basic switchunimec™ modules 15XXX+16300 +16310 15XXX+16270 unimec 15___ + 16300 + 16310 unimec 15___ + 16270 + 16300 0: momentary 5: alternate PCB Mounting Hole Dimensions Basic Switch 5 7 2 4 5 7 A Switch function: 5: low temp. 4: high temp. 5 7 - + - + - 1 3 - 3 -2 make+and mec a/s Jan. 2002 - 3.0 With LED 16923 and 16924 Rectangular LED 16922 3 4 + + 6 8 65 2 1 4 87 6 LED -3 8+ + 6 8 + How to----Assemble 16923 and 16924 down - + 6 16 Without LED 15.552 board accordingly + Operating Force 1 break contact 221 443 - + - + - 5 16922 + With rect. LED 16922 7 Examples: 77 - - 2 - 21 43 + 4 2 4 7 8 38 6 5 rect. 4 With - 8 - ++ 7 + 5 7 - 4 accordingly lect the contact function you desire - and design your PC665board Force (N) 55 6 + - 5 5 1 3 7 7 2 4 - + Select the contact youLED desire - and design With rect. LED functionWith ––– upyour PC board accordingly 15.500the Select ou desire - and design your PC board accordingly High temp.21 1 3 - 5 +7 Functional diagram ––– up 3.0 - -contact down Select thedown function you desire - and design your PC board accordingly ---- 16920 and 16921 16922 15.502 contact 15.501 function you require - and design15.551 your PC 1 3 + 1 3 - 2 4 With round LED 16920 & 16921 - + - + 2 LED 16920 & 16921 + mec mec + WiringDiagram Diagram hout LEDWiring With round LED 1 1 3 3 LED 16920 and 16921 6 5 Without LED 7 With LED 8 + With LED 16923 and16923 16924and 16924 Wiring Diagram - - 2 48 5 6 5 7 With 4 round 8 7 - + PCB Mounting hole 1 2 2 Dimensions (w/Extender 3 4 16250) + 16922 3.0 6 6 2 1 3 6 8 5Ø 0,9 Ø = 0.9 3 6 8 + 4 1 + 65 2 4 87 6 1 3 12.6 12.6 - -2 1 3 Rectangular LED 16922 13,1 With +rect. -LED und LED and 16921 3,0 5 Ø 0,9 7 5.6 + 2 4 2 4 With round LED 16920 & 16921 - 6 Ø 0,9 temp. 8 10.1 Circuit diagram Without 3 Basic module applies to all versions 8 + 5 Low 7 With round LED 16920 & 16921 mec a/s Jan. 2002 + 2 4 Functional diagram 2 LED 16920 & 16921 ™ basic switch modules 6 8 1 3 Without LED mec a/s Jan. 2002 2 4 2 4 2 4 Circuit diagrams 13,1 6 8 1 3 1 3 1 - - 3 + 2,54 2 - Circuit diagrams PCB Mounting hole Dimensions 5 (w/Extender 7 16250) 12.6 52,54 7 13.1 6 8 F travel Circuit Diagram 3 Without LED 2 4 - - + - + + + 13.1 - Without LED 13,1 2.54 unimec Ø = 0.9 4 4 16250) w/Extender(w/Extender 16250 2,54 2,54 5 7 PCB mounting holes basic switch With LED 16923 & 16924 + 1 3 3.3 Circuit diagrams 2 Dimensions 1 to all versions applies 4 3 PCB mounting holes basic switch 2,54 PCB mounting holes basic switch 2,54 + + PCB Mounting hole Functional diagram PCB Mounting Hole Dimensions Functional Diagram Base module 2 1 cuit diagram Basic switch - - - 1 3 PCB Mounting hole 5 6 Dimensions 7 8 (w/Extender 16250) Ø 0,9 12.6 + 44 Terminal: 1: silver 2: gold 0: quiet version, silver Standard stock items: 15501 - 15551 Other versions: 15401 - 15451 - 15452 - 15502 - 15552 - 15500 12.6 2.54 Switch function: 0: momentary 5: alternate + 12.6 + 2,54 Temperature: 5: low temp. 4: high temp. 8 Without LED force - PCB Mounting Hole 5 7 Dimensions 12.6 12.6 Basic Switch 1 5 + 2 4 12.6 1 3 - 12.6 5.6 + 12.6 2,54 3.3 PCB mounting holes basic switch 12.6 13.1 With round LED 16920 & 16921 13.1 3.3 12.6 10.1 unimec Moving contacts With rect. LED 16922 With LED 16923 and 16924 ------ up ---- down Housing unimec™ unimec Vario Support vario support For all types of unimec™ switches with bezels - 16310 - 16315 and 16324 - 16326 For all types of UNIMEC switches with bezels - 16310-16315 and 16324-16326 14.4 Min. 15.3 11.4 15.24 57.1 8.6 16.420 (2x2) 160.0 30.5 16.500 (10x10) 30.5 53.3 38.1 16.412 (1x3) 45.7 45.7 38.1 1.1 53.3 45.7 1.1 8.6 7.1 3.0 38.1 16.411 (1x2) 45.7 15.24 15.2 1.5 10.9 3.8 3.0 4.1 16.410 (1x1) 2.6 11.4 57.1 22.8 16.430 (3x3) 16.421 (2x3) 45.7 45.7 53.3 38.1 16.431 (3x4) 16.422 (2x4) 16.413 (1x4) 68.5 45.7 68.5 16.440 (4x4) 11.4 61.0 41.9 61.0 61.0 41.9 53.3 38.1 22.8 68.5 61.0 61.0 83.8 16.423 (2x5) 16.432 (3x5) 16.450 (5x5) 16.441 (4x5) 11.4 41.9 41.9 68.5 53.3 30.5 22.8 30.5 30.5 38.1 45.7 30.5 41.9 45.7 45.7 45.7 99.0 99.0 16.442 (4x6) 16.433 (3x6) 16.424 (2x6) 16.415 (1x6) 16.451 (5x6) 16.460 (6x6) 11.4 41.9 41.9 53.3 38.1 22.8 114.3 114.3 16.416 (1x7) 16.434 (3x7) 16.425 (2x7) 16.461 (6x7) 16.452 (5x7) 16.443 (4x7) 11.4 41.9 53.3 38.1 41.9 61.0 61.0 22.8 61.0 68.5 45.7 61.0 41.9 45.7 45.7 129.5 16.417 (1x8) 16.426 (2x8) 16.435 (3x8) 129.5 16.453 (5x8) 16.444 (4x8) 16.462 (6x8) 11.4 16.445 (4x9) 16.436 (3x9) 144.7 144.7 16.454 (5x9) 16.463 (6x9) 11.4 16.428 (2x10) 16.437 (3x10) 45.7 45.7 41.9 41.9 22.8 16.419 (1x10) 45.7 68.5 45.7 53.3 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 38.1 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 41.9 45.7 45.7 45.7 57.1 11.4 45.7 45.7 41.9 53.3 22.8 38.1 16.427 (2x9) 45.7 30.5 45.7 45.7 16.418 (1x9) 45.7 45.7 45.7 41.9 30.5 30.5 45.7 68.5 45.7 30.5 30.5 30.5 41.9 45.7 45.7 45.7 57.1 11.4 45.7 61.0 45.7 61.0 45.7 57.1 11.4 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 68.5 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 41.9 45.7 45.7 45.7 57.1 11.4 45.7 30.5 45.7 30.5 45.7 57.1 11.4 16.446 (4x10) 160.0 160.0 16.455 (5x10) 16.464 (6x10) mec· Industriparken 23 · P.o. Box 26 · DK-2750 Ballerup · Denmark For product updates and/or changesTel.: of specifications please +45 44 97 33 66 ·see Fax: +45 44 68 15 14 · E-mail: [email protected] · mec a/s Jan. 2002 16.414 (1x5) 53 unimec™ switches with 3 series multimec® keycaps Selection guide A 16250 extender is needed when mounting multimec® on unimec™ switches Cap 1D 1E 1F 1P 1Q 1R Dimensions LED 16923XX 00 blue 20 green 40 yellow 65 white 80 red 16923XX 00 blue 20 green 40 yellow 65 white 80 red Cap 1S 1S illuminated 1S + 2S 1K 1K illuminated Dimensions LED 16923XX 00 blue 20 green 40 yellow 65 white 80 red 16923XX 00 blue 20 green 40 yellow 65 white 80 red 16924XX 23 green 45 yellow 88 red For specific dimensions, color codes, how to order and other information please refer to the pages with the keycaps on multimec® switches. For technical information on the unimec™ basic switches please see technical specifications or go to our website where you will find a page for each option. The multimec® keycaps 1N, 1T, 1U, 1V, 1WA, 1WD, 1WP and 1X can also be used on unimec™ switches. Please ask for technical drawings on dimensions. 54 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see unimec™ Technical specifications RoHS Compatible Electrical Specifications Contact resistance Insulation resistance Recommended load Max. Current in non switching state Contact bounce Dielectric strength between adjacent contacts Insulation resistance between adjacent contacts Capacitance between adjacent contacts Mechanical Specifications Standard actuation force (switch) Max. Actuation force without cap Key travel (switch) Lifetime Temperature range Working temperature Storage temperature Soldering IEC 68-2-20 Environmental Endurance IEC 68-2-3 Temperature Humidity Duration Sealing IEC 529 Cleaning Material Specifications – Switches Housing and actuator Switch spring Key spring Latch pin Fixed contact Moving contact Terminals Contact lubricant Material Specifications – All Caps & Bezels Temperature limit Tampon Printing Momentary Latching RB Low Temperature Versions Silver Gold RA High Temperature Versions Silver Gold Max. 100 m Ω (initially) >10 M Ω Min. 0.5 mA Min. 0.5μ A Max. 250 mA – 120 V – 9W AC – 6W DC 0.5 A Max. 10 ms 1000 V for 2 min. 5 X 1013 Ω 0.5 pF Max. 100 m Ω (initially) >10 M Ω Min. 0.5 mA Min. 0.5μ A Max. 250 mA – 120 V – 9W AC – 6W DC 0.5 A Max. 10 ms 1000 V for 2 min. 5 X 1013 Ω 0.5 pF Typ 2.5N 100N for 10 sec. 1.8 mm 1.500.000 cycles 500.000 cycles Typ 2.5N 100N for 10 sec. 1.8 mm >10.000.000 cycles 5.000.000 cycles Min. -40⁰C Max. +75⁰C Min. -40⁰C Max. +160⁰C Min. -65⁰C Max. +85⁰C Min. -65⁰C Max. +160⁰C Wave – max 260⁰C for max. 10 sec., please refer to usage guidelines Soldering iron – max. 350⁰C for max. 3 sec. Flux tight. +40⁰C 93% RH 56 days IP-54 Standard methods such as water and soap (not immersed) +40⁰C 93% RH 56 days IP-54 Standard methods such as water and soap (not immersed) Glass fiber filled Polycarbonate UL94V1 Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel SnCu+2μNi+3μAg SnCu+2μNi+3μAu Stainless steel +3μAg Stainless steel +3μAg+1μAu SnCu+2μNi+3μSn100 Special protective lubricant Klüber Barrierta I EL Fluid ABS (standard) UL94HB Max. +65⁰C According to ISO Class: 1/ASTM Class:4B LCP UL94V0 Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel SnCu+2μNi+3μAg SnCu+2μNi+3μAu Stainless steel +3μAg Stainless steel +3μAg+1μAu SnCu+2μNi+3μSn100 Special protective lubricant Klüber Barrierta I EL Fluid ABS (standard) UL94HB Max. +65⁰C According to ISO Class: 1/ASTM Class:4B unimec™ LEDs Part Nos. 16920/16921 16922 Colour (G=green, Y=yellow, R=red) G Y R G Y R Colour Codes 02 04 08 02 04 08 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25⁰C) Power mW 100 100 100 135 135 135 Current forward mA 30 30 30 30 30 30 Forward peak current mA 50 50 50 90 90 90 Voltage reverse V 5 5 5 5 5 5 Operating temperature ⁰C -25 - +100 -55 - +100 Storage temperature ⁰C -25 - +100 -55 - +100 Soldering temperature ⁰C +245 for max. 3 sec +300 for max. 3 sec Electrical-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25⁰C) Voltage forward Typ. V 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Max. V 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Current reverse μA 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wave length nm 560 590 660 565 585 635 Spread Ønm 10 10 10 10 10 10 Spread angle Degree 20 20 20 45 45 45 Luminous Intensity Min. mcd 1 1 0.8 1.5 2.5 2.5 Typ. mcd 2 3 1.6 2.5 3.0 5.0 Orientation The longer pin is the anode, the shorter is the cathode. 16923 B 00 G 20 16924 G 23 Y 40 W 65 R 80 105 70 30 20 200 60** 5 3 -25 - +85 -30 - +100 +260 for max. 5 sec 60 20 60** 3 120 25 100 5 60 20 60** 3 150 130 40 40 500 500 12 12 -55 - +100 -55 - +100 +300 for max. 3 sec 300 90 1000 5 2.1 2.8 2 460 40 20 20 25 2.1 3.0 10 585 40 45 5.6 16 3.8 4.3 50 NA NA 25 630 1000 2.0 3.0 10 650 40 45 5.6 16 2.1* 2.5* 10 570 25 80 71**** 112**** 2.4*** 3.8*** 10 635 45 55 100**** 160**** 2.1 3.0 10 563 40 45 9.0 25 Y 45 2.3*** 2.5*** 10 587 45 90 71**** 112**** R 88 */F=20mA, **Pulse width 1ms Duty cycle 1:5, ***/F=50mA, ****Luminous Flux mlm For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see 55 custom products we welcome any custom requirement The wide range of MEC standard products is well known world wide, but also many custom solutions have been created. Equipped with the latest CAD solutions with 3D facilities and optical simulation software our experienced MEC team can provide you custom designs from conception to completion. Our R&D engineers generate computer animated solutions, rapid prototypes and manage the whole industrialisation process. 56 custom products Custom switches · actuation force · terminals · travel Custom caps · Design · shape · size · colour · legends 57 multimec® Solid colours No. Colour RAL Code 00 blue 5012 02 green 6018 03 grey 7004 04 yellow 1023 06 white 9010 08 red 3000 09 black 9004 No. Colour RAL Code 30 ultra blue 5002 32 mint green 6029 33 tele grey 7046 34 melon 1028 38 noble red 3002 40 dusty blue 5014 42 aqua blue 5021 53 light grey No Ral Code 57 dark grey No Ral Code 58 bordeaux No Ral Code Metallic Colours No. Colour RAL Code 50 dark blue No Ral Code CODE 00 02 03 04 06 08 09 30 32 33 34 38 40 42 50 53 57 58 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1C • • • • • • • 1DS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1ES/1FS • • • • • • • 1GAS/1GCS • • • • • • • 1H • • • • • • • 1JS • • • • • • • 1KS • • • • • • • 1M • • • • • • • 1NS • • • • • • • 1PS/1QS/1RS • • • • • • • 1SS/1LS • • • • • • • 1TS • • • • • • • 1US • • • • • • • 1VS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cap 1A 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS 14 • • 0,8 7,62 • 11,0 • 0,3 11,0 1XS 0,3 30,0 22 14 0,8 7,62 • • • • 1ZA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1ZB • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1ZCS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1Z/1ZW • • • • • • • 10R/10RF + 10Q • • • • • • • The RAL Codes mentioned are the codes nearest to the solid colors in the multimec® range. 58 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see Usage guidelines How to get the best results with MEC Switches? These guidelines are offered to users of MEC Switches as an aid to ensure successful and reliable switch operation. Temperature Both unimec™ and multimec® switches are produced in low and high temperature versions. Please see the technical specifications for details on operating and storage temperatures and soldering guidelines to make sure you select the best switch for your application. When wave soldering is taking place, MEC strongly recommend that the temperature profile is analysed and compared with the temperature rating of the switch. In case of doubt always select the high temperature versions unimec™ 154XX, and multimec® 5XXH9XX. It is also important to monitor the accumulated heat build up from both the pre-heat zones and the solder zone. Most standard accessories for both unimec™ and multimec® switches are made from ABS plastic with a maximum operating temperature of 65°C. It is strongly recommended that accessories are mounted after soldering of the switch. If this is not possible care must be taken not to overheat the accessories during the soldering process. The 1SS, 1GAS/1GCS and Varimec™ caps are, however, made of high temperature materials and will meet the same temperature specifications as the high temperature switches. For accessories made from other plastic materials please see multimec® and unimec™ technical specifications. LEDs have their own temperature specifications. When fitted in a high temperature switch the LED will determine the max. operating temperature, i.e. 5GTH93524 has an upper temperature limit of 85°C! This also applies with 3F switches. Mounting and Dismounting If switches are to be mounted in rows it is essential that the recommendations regarding spacing are followed. PC board thickness should be 1.4±0.2 mm and terminal hole diameter should be 0.9mm. All unimec™ and multimec® caps and bezels are easily snapped onto the switch modules and can be changed at a later time with the exception of the unimec 16.700 cap. The same applies to the 3E caps. Once these caps are installed they are not designed to be removed. To do so may cause damage to the switch and the PC board if not done very carefully. If the 16.300 or 16.700 cap must be removed from a unimec™ alternate action switch, make sure that the switch actuator is in the released, upper position before attempting to remove the cap. This will prevent possible damage to the internal latching pin. Care must be taken when inserting the 3FT switch and LED assembly into the PC board. Do not press direct on the LED. This will force the LED down into the actuator and risks to cause the switch contacts to remain in the closed position. To correct the fault, the LED must be raised slightly and centered in the actuator to assure unrestricted movement of the actuator. A mounting tool is available for multimec® switches. Soldering and Cleaning unimec™ Most assembly and field problems experienced by users of unsealed switches are caused by the contamination of the contacts during soldering and cleaning. Contact contamination may be recognised by an increase in contact resistance and possible intermittent operation of the switch, especially in low power applications. Care must be taken not to submerge the switch in cleaning agents or spray the switch during cleaning. The switch must be protected at all times to prevent contamination by flux or cleaning liquids. For unimec™ alternate versions we recommend to leave the actuator in the released upper position during soldering. This makes the switch more resistent to overheating. Soldering and Cleaning multimec® multimec® switches are fully sealed to IP67 specifications to prevent solder flux and aqueous or solvent based cleaning solutions from entering the switch and contaminating the contacts. The switches can be placed on the PC board with other components and wave soldered. multimec® offers a high level of sealing, however, with aqueous solvent solutions care must be taken to avoid the worst case situation with water jets, complete immersion into a liquid with a temperature below the board or surface tension reducing additives. Recommended cleaning methods are demineralized water. Any surface tension reducing agents, such as soap, must not be used as they risk causing a potential leakage of the switch. Soldering - Through Hole Versions Hand soldering: Max. 350°C for max. 3 sec., this applies for both low temperature and high temperature versions. Wave soldering: heat built up in the switch during pre-heating and soldering must not exceed the maximum operating temperature of the switch. If, for some reason, a high pre-heating temperature is required, MEC recommend the high temperature switches. In any case peak temperature must not exceed 260°C, and soldering time is max 10 sec. Soldering - Surface Mount Versions For all methods - infrared, convection and vapour phase. The upper limit 260°C/30 sec must be observed. The soldering temperature profile must have moderate temperature gradients. RoHS Compliance As of 1 July 2006 MEC has completed the conversion to RoHS compliance. For more info please see our homepage Temperature Limits: Low temperature switch High temperature switch LEDs Accessories 115°C 160°C 85/100°C 65/85/160°C Packaging unimec™ and multimec® switches are packed in rigid tubes of 50 pieces each. A box contains 1.000 pcs. The surface mount versions of multimec®switches with a height up to 12.5mm can also be delivered on tape/reel. Each reel contains 250/500 pcs. 59 MEC A/S Industriparken 23 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Phone: +45 44 97 33 66 E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our website . for news and product updates
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