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The Lower Cemete (The Plague Cemetery, Žďár nad
Because of the threat of plague in 1709 abbot Vejmluva iniciated creating of so called "Down Cemetary" situated northtwards from the monastery and far from the city Žďár. The structure of the build...
VíceDraxmoor Haunted Castle and Museum of Veterans
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Citizen of honour since 1995. After occupation he left his country and worked in Africa, France and Great Britain. In 1944 he came back and became a head of paragroup TUNGSTEN which operated around...
VíceThe lookout tower Karasín
The Karasín lookout tower is a natural dominant feature of the area around Bystřice nad Pernštejnem. It stands on the edge of town at 704 m ASL. You can get there by foot, on bike or by car. The pl...
Vícezastavení č.3 - Radešín
vyjadřuje okamžik Kristova života svázaný s úsekem děje krátce po „Bičování“ (krvavé rány na těle), „Posmívání“ (trnová koruna na hlavě a rákosová palice v ruce, ironicky připomínající královské že...