nabízí volné pracovní místo
nabízí volné pracovní místo
… nabízí volné pracovní místo Ingersoll-Rand CZ s.r.o., který je součástí nadnárodní společnosti Ingersoll Rand a specializuje se na testování a montáž šroubových kompresorů, hledá pro své pracoviště v Uničově pracovníka na pozici: Project Manager (Mechanical Engineer) - Uničov Description of the Role: - facilitating and leading VAVE workshops with internal teams as well as supply base, conduct workshops to identify and define cost reduction opportunities - focusing engineering activity on Productivity Cost improvements through VAVE project delivery - coordinating design and project activities with other Product Engineers; ensuring performance, quality, and reliability are maintained throughout the design cycle - Engineering design, documentation, and bill of material for products on both a local and global level - sorting of suitable ideas for the plant from other sites and VA/VE events - cooperation with other VA/VE personnel on a global level - organization of the events - identification of topics for the events - ideas implementation - driving of projects - execution of some of the ideas (drawings, BOMs changes, ECN proces) - VA/VE reporting - maintaining of VA/VE pipeline - managing projects in Windchill - maintaining of savings forecast - reporting of savings - setting annual targets - cooperation, communication and coordination with other departments regarding VA/VE projects Our Requirements: - University Degree (Mechanical Engineer) - Excellent command of English - System knowledge Kontakt: Ingersoll-Rand CZ s.r.o. Milena Kysučanová Šumperská 1345 783 91 Uničov Česká republika Telefon: 585 093 114 email: [email protected]
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