Product Sheet
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Volant Xtech® MX-V5 Xtreme Racing Wheel USB
Zabudované 2 vibrační motory Vibration Feedback(R) 3 režimy fungování: digitální, analogový a Negcon (ten jen pro PlayStation) Úhel otáčení 180 stupňů Držák ke stolu a 7 přísavek zajišťující stabil...
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Wheel rotation: 180 degrees Wheel diameter 220 mm (9") Supports: Digital mode and Analog mode in PS2, Direct-X mode and X-input mode in PC Power consumption: 5 V DC up to 180 mA Steering wheel cabl...
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- Suitable for iPhone 3/4/5/6, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Video 30G, iPod Shuffle and others - Can be powered by the AC adapter or by batteries - Charges iPhone/iPod if it is powered...