Entrepreneurs are Great
Podobné dokumenty
Innovation is Great
1. What kind of robot has the company OC Robotics created? 2. What can it be used for? Who may be interested in it? 3. Is it difficult to guide the robot arm? How is it done? 4. In what way is the ...
VíceCountryside is Great
Countryside is Great. BRITISH COUNCIL. Learn English: Britain is Great [online]. 2012 [cit. 2013-05-20]. Dostupné z: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-greatepisodes/countryside-grea...
VíceShopping is Great
3. Who are his customers? 4. What makes shopping in London special according to various people in the programme?
VíceGreen is Great
4. How has the location of the Olympic Park changed in preparation for the Olympic Games in London in 2012? 5. What do Londoners think about the changes taking place in the area?