Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014
Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er Article title No. of article M201401 8-12 M201402 Daniel Dopjera, Miloš Mičian 12-17 M201403 17-23 M201404 23-30 M201405 30-36 M201406 Karel Kocman 36-41 M201407 Radoslav Koňár, Milos Mičian 52-47 M201408 Michal Lattner, Frantisek Holesovsky Stanislaw Legutko, Grzegorz Krolczyk, Jolanta Krolczyk Miloslav Linda, Miroslav Müller, Rostislav Chotěborský 47-50 M201409 50-56 M201410 56-60 M201411 Miloš Mičian, Marek Patek, Augustín Sládek 60-66 M201412 Marián Mičúch, Mária Čilliková, Miroslav Neslušan, Anna Mičetová 66-71 M201413 Miroslav Müller 71-75 Nataša Náprstková, Jaromír Cais, Dana Influence of Alsi7Mg0.3 Alloy Modification by Sb on the Tool Wear 75-79 Stančeková Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Miroslav Janak, Computer Design of Robot ABB IRB 140 Transport System from Manufacturing Point of View 79-84 Dominik Takac Production of ABS-Aramid Composite Material by Fused Deposition Modeling Rapid Ludmila Novakova-Marcincinova, Jozef Novak85-91 Prototyping Systém Marcincin Dana Stancekova, Tomas Kurnava, Michal Identification of Machinability of Ceramic Materials by Turning Sajgalik, Natasa Naprstkova, Jozef 91-97 Struharnansky, Peter Ščotka Effect of the Inclination Angle on the Defining Parameters of Chip Removal in Rotational István Sztankovics, János Kundrák 97-104 Turning M201414 Dynamic Forces in Unstable Cutting during Turning Operation 14 1 14 1 Evaluation of Adhesive Bond Strength Depending on Degradation Type and Time The Detection of Artificially Made Defects in Welded Joint with Ultrasonic defectoscopy Phased Array 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 Non-destructive Testing of Welds in Gas Pipelines Repairs with Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique Effect of Machining the Load Capacity Notched Components 14 1 Quality Evaluation of Surface Layer in Highly Accurate Manufacturing 1 Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Samples Printed by FDM Method 1 Concept of Repairing Branch Pipes on High-Pressure Pipelines by Using Split Sleeve 14 1 Influence of Cutting Conditions and Grinding Wheel Wear on Barkhausen Noise of Ground Surfaces 14 1 Influence of Adhesives Storing Temperature on Adhesive Bond Strength 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 pages 3-8 1 14 Author(s) Pavel Bach, Miloš Poláček, Petr Chvojka, Jiří Drobílek Jan Cidlina, Miroslav Muller, Petr Valasek 14 March 2014 Manufacturing Technology Title Barkhausen Noise Emission of Surfaces Produced by Hard Milling Process Tomáš Hrabovský, Miroslav Neslušan, Branislav Mičieta, Mária Čilliková, Anna Mičietová Jerzy Józwik, Ivan Kuric, Milan Sága, Paweł Lonkwic Diagnostics of CNC Machine Tools in Manufacturing Process with Laser Interferometer Technology The Powdered Magnets Technology Improvement by Biencapsulation Method and its Effect on Dorota Klimecka-Tatar Mechanical Properties Influence of the Thermodynamic Phenomena on the Optimum Cutting Parameters in Grinding M201415 M201416 M201417 M201418 M201419 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year Author(s) Robert Ulewicz Karol Vasilko Milan Žmindák, Jozef Meško, Zoran Pelagić, Andrej Zrak pages No. of article 104-111 M201420 111-116 M201421 14 1 Finite Element Analysis of Crack Growth in Pipelines 14 2 Transformation Methods of Production Organization from the Far East to the Metal Industry in Poland Stanisław Borkowski, Paweł Szklarzyk, Krzysztof Knop 14 14 2 2 Abrasive Wear Resistance of Wood On the Modelling of Contact Forces in the Framework of Rigid Body Dynamics 14 2 Analysis of Simple Mechanism Using MSC Adams 14 2 Method for Determining of the Anti-adhesion Ability of Cutting Fluids Milan Brožek Radek Bulin, Michal Hajzman Ingrid Delyová, Darina Hroncová, Peter Frankovský Andrey Dugin, Jan Jersak, Alexey Popov 14 2 Method for Determining the Tribological Properties of the Cutting Fluid Andrey Dugin, Jaroslav Votocek, Alexey Popov 149-153 M201428 14 2 3D Simulation of Vibrating Diamond Grinding 14 2 Identification of Intermetallic Phases in the Alloy AlSi6Cu4 Anatoly Grabchenko, Vladimir Fedorovich, Ivan Pyzhov, János Kundrák Marko Grzincic, Ivan Lukac 14 2 Monitoring the Air Quality in Conventional Wet Machining Julia Hricova, Erika Sujova, Petra Semanova 166-172 M201431 14 2 Manuela Ingaldi, Stanisław Borkowski 172-178 M201432 14 14 June 2014 Manufacturing Technology 14 14 Numb Article title er 1 Practical Application of Quality Tools in the Cast Iron Foundry 1 New Experimental Dependence of Machining 2 2 Recycling Process of the Aluminium Cans as an Element of the Sustainable Development Concept Evaluation of Surface Milling Strategies Using Selected Elements of Machined Shapes of Forging Die Cavities R-Test Static Measurement of The 5-axis CNC Machining Centre Rotary Axis Kinematic Centre Error Peter Izol, Michal Fabian, Melichar Kopas, Gabriel Fedorko, Jana Fabianova Jerzy Jozwik, Paweł Lonkwic, Milan Saga, Ivan Kuric Karel Kouril, Robert Cep, Adam Janasek, Antonin Kriz, Dana Stancekova Tomáš Kramár, Ladislav Kolařík, Marie Kolaříková, Martin Sahul, David Pospíšil Janos Kundrak, Laszlo Raczkovi, Karoly Gyani, Istvan Deszpoth Imrich Lukovics, Jiří Čop, Ladislav Fojtl, Petr Lukovics, Vladimír Pata 116-122 M201422 125-130 M201423 130-136 M201424 136-141 M201425 141-145 M201426 145-149 M201427 153-160 M201429 160-166 M201430 178-185 M201433 186-193 M201434 14 2 Surface Integrity at Reaming Operation by MT3 Head 193-199 M201435 14 2 Capacitor Discharge Welding of Aluminium Studs 14 2 A Method for Planning the Cutting Ability of CBN Tools 14 2 Prediction of Surface Product Quality and Operation Reliability of Grinding Machines 14 2 The Use of the Matrix Model of Sustainable Development (MSD) in the Production Sector Karel Macik, Theodor Beran, Sarka Findova 217-222 M201439 14 14 2 2 2 Iva Nova, Jiri Machuta Jozef Petrik, Marek Solc, Vojtech Miklos Maxim Puchnin, Evgeniy Anisimov, Jiří Cejp, Igor Kunka, Sébastien Vicens 223-228 M201440 228-234 M201441 14 Monitoring Methods the Properties and Structure of Grey Iron Castings Applied Load and Calibration of the Hardness Tester Advantages of Express-Methods in Investigation of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Aluminum Alloys 199-206 M201436 206-213 M201437 213-217 M201438 234-238 M201442 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year Numb er Article title Author(s) Jan Serak, Milena Voderova, Dalibor Vojtech, Pavel Novak Karol Vasilko, Zuzana Murčinková Totka Bakalova, Petr Louda, Lukáš Voleský, Zuzana Andršová Juraj Belan, Lenka Hurtalová, Alan Vaško, Eva Tillová Libor Beranek, Jiri Kyncl, Petr Mikes pages No. of article 14 2 Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium Alloys Working at Elevated Temperatures 14 2 Method of immediately cutting process stoppage 14 3 The Use of Optical Microscopy to Evaluate the Tribological Properties 14 3 Metallography Evaluation of IN 718 after Applied Heat Treatment 14 3 Analysis of HVOF Coating on Molds Used for Refractory Fireclay Shapes 14 3 Characterization of Porous Magnesium Prepared by Powder metallurgy - Influence of Powder Shape Jaroslav Čapek, Dalibor Vojtěch 271-275 M201448 14 3 Identification of Stress and Structure Properties in Surface and Subsurface Layers of Nuclea Reactor Austenitic Steel Andrej Czán, Anton Martikáň, Jozef Holubják, Jozef Struhárňansky 276-281 M201449 14 3 Ultrasonic Testing of Girth Welded Joint with TOFD and Phased Array Daniel Dopjera, Radoslav Koňár, Miloš Mičian 281-286 M201450 14 3 Temperature Dependence of the Internal Friction Measured at Different Excitation Voltages Zuzana Dresslerová, Peter Palček 287-290 M201451 14 3 Effect of Cutting Fluids on the Tool Life in Turning and Milling of Construction Steel Andrey Dugin, Lukas Volesky 290-296 M201452 14 3 Non-destructive Magnetic Evaluation of Ground Surfaces Made of Bearing Steel of Variable Hardness Zuzana Durstová, Branislav Mičieta, Mária Čilliková, Miroslav Neslušan, Jozef Mrázik 297-303 M201453 14 3 Preparation of Magnesium-zinc Alloy by Mechanical Alloying 14 3 Coating Surface Roughness Measurement Made On Coining Dies 14 3 Measurement of Wear Metals in Engine Oils by Atomic Absorption Spektrometry Method Michaela Fousova, Jaroslav Capek, Dalibor Vojtech Tomáš Hanes, Pavol Hvizdoš, Miroslava Ťavodová, Daniela Kalincová, Júlia Hricová, Pavel Beňo Vladimír Hönig, Daniela Miholová, Matyáš Orsák 14 3 Application of Discriminant Analysis in Monitoring the Wear Particles in the Engine Oil Vladimír Hönig, Luboš Smrčka, Štěpánka Horníčková 14 3 Microstructure Control of Secondary A 231 Cast Alloy Used in Automotive Industry 14 3 14 3 The Usage of Backscattered Electrons in Scanning Electron Microscopy Defect Detection in Pipelines during Operation Using Magnetic Flux Leakage and Phased Array Ultrasonic Method Lenka Hurtalová, Eva Tillová, Mária Chalupová, Juraj Belan, Alan Vaško Pavel Kejzlar, Martin Švec, Eva Macajová Radoslav Konar, Milos Mician, Ivo Hlavaty 238-244 M201443 245-252 M201444 256-261 M201445 262-267 M201446 267-271 M201447 304-309 M201454 309-317 M201455 317-322 M201456 322-326 M201457 326-333 M201458 333-336 M201459 337-341 M201460 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er Article title Author(s) No. of article 3 Preparation and Characterization of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Preparedby Powder Metallurgy 14 3 Analysis of the Defects Causes in Rolled Brass Sheet 14 3 Evaluation of Composite Structures by Light Microscopy and Image Analysis 14 3 Microstructure Analysis of Welded Joints after Laser Welding 14 3 Structural Description of Powder Metallurgy Prepared Materials Alena Michalcová, Dalibor Vojtěch, Tomáš František Kubatík, Pavel Novák, Petr Dvořák 359-362 M201465 14 3 Material Research of a Decorative Bronze Circle from the Hallstatt Culture Period Šárka Msallamová, Jiří Kmošek, Alena Michalcová 362-366 M201466 3 Abrasive-free Ultrasonic Finishing of Metals Miroslav Müller, Lebedev Anatolii, Svobodová Jaroslava, Náprsková Nataša, Lebedev Pavel 366-370 M201467 3 3 Setting of Causes of Adhesive Bonds Destruction by Means of Optical Analysis The Effect of Asymmetry on Vertical Dynamic Response of Railway Vehicles Miroslav Müller Fillemon Nangolo, Josef Soukup 371-375 M201468 375-380 M201469 3 Monitoring of the Structure and Quality of Aluminium Castings in Moulds of Gypsum Mixtures Iva Nová, Jiří Machuta 14 3 Application of Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction in Optimization of the Production of NiTi Alloy by Powder Metallurgy Pavel Novák, Andrea Školáková, Vladimír Vojtěch, Anna Knaislová, Petr Pokorný, Hynek Moravec, Jaromír Kopeček, Miroslav Karlík, Tomáš František Kubatík 387-392 M201471 14 3 Analysis of Aluminium Alloys AlSi7Mg0.3 and AlMg3 by Means of X-Ray Diffraction Jan Novotný, Jaromír Cais, Nataša Náprstková 392-397 M201472 14 3 Effect of Low Pressure Application during Solidification on Microstructure of AlSi Alloys Richard Pastirčák 397-402 M201473 14 3 Non-destructive Testing of Split Sleeve Welds by the Ultrasonic TOFD Method 14 3 14 3 14 3 Setting of Angle of Soil Flow on Ploughshare at Traditional Processing of Soil Microstructure Evolution of Al-Mn-Si-Fe Alloy Studied by In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Effect of Extrusion on Mechanical Properties and Structures of Zn-Mg Alloys for Biomedical Applications 14 3 14 3 14 14 14 14 Vojtěch Kučera, Jaroslav Čapek, Alena Michalcová, Dalibor Vojtěch Sylvia Kuśmierczak, Nataša Náprstková, Michal Kuba Lenka Markovicova, Lenka Hurtalova, Viera Zatkalikova, Tomasz Garbacz Jozef Meško, Andrej Zrak, Krystian Mulczyk, Szymon Tofil pages 14 October 2014 Manufacturing Technology Title 342-347 M201461 347-351 M201462 351-355 M201463 355-359 M201464 381-387 M201470 Marek Patek, Radoslav Konar, Augustin Sladek, 403-407 M201474 Norbert Radek Stanislav Petrásek, Miroslav Müller 407-412 M201475 Michaela Poková, Miroslav Cieslar 412-417 M201476 Iva Pospíšilová, Dalibor Vojtěch 417-421 M201477 Structure and Properties of Zn-Mg Alloys for Medical Implants Iva Pospisilova, Dalibor Vojtech, Jiri Kubasek 422-427 M201478 Technology of Laser Forming Norbert Radek, Jozef Meško, Andrej Zrak 428-431 M201479 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Volume 14 | Year 2014 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year Numb er Article title 14 3 Efect of Selected Elements on the Microstructure of Secondary Al-Si Alloys 14 3 Production of Al-Si-Fe-X alloys by Powder Metallurgy 14 3 Application of Mesh-free Methods in Transient Dynamic Analysis of Orthotropic Plates 14 3 Monitoring of Precipitation Process in AZ31 and AZ91 Magnesium Alloys by Internal Damping Measurement 14 3 Heat-Affected Zone of Plasma of Laser Cut Materials 14 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 Analysis of Surface Integrity of Parts after Non-conventional Methods of Machining 14 3 Picture Analysis of Failure Areas of Particle Composites 14 3 Quantitative Evaluation of Microstructure of Graphitic Cast Irons 14 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 The Effect of Niobium Addition and Heat Treatment on the Phase Structure of Fe3Al – Type Intermetallic Alloys SEM and EDS Analysis Used in Evaluation of Chemical Pre-treatment Based on Nanotechnology Change of Internal Friction on Aluminium Alloy with 10.1 % Mg Dependence on the Temperature Structure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Based Alloys for Elevated Temperature Applications New Inspection Technologies for Identification of Failure in the Materials and Welded Joints for Area of Gas Industry Variability of Local Corrosion Attack Morphology of AISI 316Ti Stainless Steel in Aggressive Chloride Environment Vanadium and Chromium Impact to Microstructure of AlSi10MgMn Alloy with Elevated Iron Content Author(s) Lukáš Richtárech, Dana Bolibruchová Andrea Školáková, Pavel Novák, Dalibor Vojtěch, Tomáš František Kubatík Josef Soukup, Milan Žmindák, Jan Skočilas, Lenka Rychlíková Andrea Soviarová, Peter Palček, Zuzanka Trojanová Dana Stancekova, Jan Semcer, Michal Sajgalik, Miroslav Janota pages No. of article 431-437 M201480 437-441 M201481 441-447 M201482 447-451 M201483 451-456 M201484 Martin Švec, Věra Vodičková 456-461 M201485 Jaroslava Svobodova 461-467 M201486 Milan Uhríčik, Peter Palček, Andrea Soviarová, Przemysław Snopiński Alena Vajdová, Anna Mičietová, Miroslav Neslušan, Kamil Kolařik Petr Valášek, Miroslav Müller Alan Vaško, Lenka Markovičová, Viera Zatkalíková, Eva Tillová Dalibor Vojtěch, Jiří Kubásek, Milena Voděrová, Jan Šerák 467-470 M201487 470-474 M201488 474-478 M201489 478-482 M201490 482-487 M201491 Peter Vrzgula, Martin Faturík, Miloš Mičian 487-492 M201492 Viera Zatkalíková, Lenka Markovičová, Juraj Belan, Tatiana Liptáková 493-497 M201493 Maria Zihalova, Dana Bolibruchova 498-502 M201494 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 13 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year 13 1 The Simulation of Influence of Quenching Temperature on Properties of Bearing Rings 13 1 Complex evaluation of porosity in A356 aluminium alloy using advanced porosity module 13 1 Influence of repeated remelting of the alloy RR.350 on structure and thermo-mechanical properties 13 1 Influence of returning material on porosity of die castings 13 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 13 13 March 2013 Manufacturing Technology 13 13 13 Numb Article title er 1 Study of advanced Ni – base ŽS6K alloy by quantitative metallography methods 1 Influencing the crystallization of secondary alloy AlSi6Cu4 with strontium 1 Study of the gas content in aluminum alloys 1 1 Using of Thermal Analysis in the Industrial Practice-Consumption Reduction of Grain-Refinement Master Alloy and Optimization of Computer Simulation Results Elimination of the negative effect of Fe-rich intermetallic phases in secondary (recycled) aluminium cast alloy Impact Analysis of Mutual Rotation of Roller Bearing Rings on the Process of Contact Stresses in Rolling Elements Experimental evaluation of the new lance for powder injection In-phase multiaxial fatigue experimental analysis of welded cylindrical 6063-T66 aluminium alloy specimens Inoculant Addition Effect on Thermomechanical and Thermophysical Properties of Mg-Sr Magnesium Alloy 13 1 Modified hydrated sodium silicate as a modern binder for ecological moulding sands 13 13 1 1 13 1 13 1 13 13 13 13 13 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 13 1 Squeeze casting results of aluminium alloys Finite Element Implementation of Multi-Pass Fillet Weld with Phase Changes Metallurgical and Material Properties of Castings Manufactured from Stainless G-X4CrNi13-4 and GX4CrNiCu13-4 Effect of opening material granularity on the mould properties and the quality of castings made by patternless process technology Temperature gradient in cooling down Fe-C-Cr alloy casting The zone without carbon in alloy layer obtained on steel cast The role of antimony in modifying of Al-Si-Cu cast alloy Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure of synthetic nodular část iron Hardness of Ductile Cast Iron Castings and its Control in Praxis Assessment of the effect of temperature and annealing time homogenization AlCu4MgMn alloys in terms of microstructure image analysis methods and EDX The Efficiency of Different Types of Inoculation of Pure Al and AlSi2 Alloy 13 2 Properties of Briquettes from Paper Waste 13 2 Hard Machinable Machining of Cobalt-based Superalloy 13 2 CRM as a competitive advantage Author(s) pages Juraj Belan Dana Bolibruchová, Marek Brůna Dana Bolibruchová, Lukáš Richtárech Martin Brezničan, Peter Fabian, Jozef Meško, Mário Drbúl Marek Brůna, Lukáš Kucharčík, Augustín Sládek Marek Břuska, Petr Lichý, Michal Cagala, Jaroslav Beňo Ľubomír Eperješi, Jozef Malik, Štefan Eperješi, Daniel Fecko 2-7 7-14 14-20 No. of article M201301 M201302 M201303 20-25 M201304 26-30 M201305 31-35 M201306 36-39 M201307 Marko Grzincic, Mile Djurdjevic, Florian Dirnberger 39-43 M201308 Lenka Hurtalová, Eva Tillová 44-50 M201309 Lenka Jakubovičová, Milan Sága, Milan Vaško 50-54 M201310 Jan Jezierski, Krzysztof Janerka 55-59 M201311 Peter Kopas, Milan Sága 59-64 M201312 Petr Lichý, Jaroslav Beňo, Michal Cagala 64-67 M201313 68-73 M201314 73-79 79-85 M201315 M201316 Josef Odehnal, Stanislav Brotánek 85-91 M201317 Richard Pastirčák, Emil Krivoš 92-97 M201318 Andrzej Studnicki, Jan Szajnar Jan Szajnar, Agnieszka Walasek, Czesław Baron Eva Tillová, Mária Farkašová, Mária Chalupová Alan Vaško Iveta Vasková, Peter Šebek, Igor Muli 98-103 103-108 109-114 115-119 120-122 M201319 M201320 M201321 M201322 M201323 Viktorie Weiss, Ingrid Kvapilova 123-127 M201324 Tomasz Wróbel 127-133 M201325 Milan Brozek Robert Cep, Adam Janasek, Jana Petru, Lenka Cepova, Andrej Czan, Jan Valicek Helena Čierna, Lucia Bárdošová 138-142 M201326 Katarzyna Major-Gabryś, Stanisław M. Dobosz, Jarosław Jakubski Iva Nová, Jiří Machuta Pavol Novák, Jozef Meško, Milan Žmindák 142-147 M201327 147-152 M201328 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 13 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er Article title Author(s) pages No. of article 13 2 Nondestructive micromagnetic evaluation of surface damage after grinding Mária Čilliková, Marián Mičúch, Miroslav Neslušan, Anna Mičietová 152-157 M201329 13 2 Postprocessing of CL Data in CAD/CAM system Edgecam using the Constructor of postprocessors Nadežda Čuboňová 158-164 M201330 13 2 Application of Electron Scanning Microscope in the Analysis of the Structure of Casting NonConformities Aimed at Optimization of Technological Process Parameters Czajkowska Agnieszka, Kossakowski Paweł, Wciślik Wiktor, Stasiak-Betlejewska Renata 164-169 M201331 13 2 Increasing the accuracy of the effect of processing materials and cutting tool wear on the ploughing force values Andrey Dugin, Alexey Popov 169-173 M201332 13 2 The GIST of Thermal Stresses of Cast Iron Castings Peter Futáš, Imrich Jelč, Iveta Vasková, Gabriel Fedorko, Vieroslav Molnár, Peter Kačmáry 173-178 M201333 13 2 Possibilities of prediction of service life of forming tools 13 2 Welding of Normalized Heat Treated Steels S355NL Large Thicknesses by Method FCAW 2 Surface Integrity in Notches Machining 13 June 2013 Manufacturing Technology Title Jiří Hrubý, Josef Rentka, Vladimíra Schindlerová, Lucie Krejčí, Xenie Ševčíková Marie Kolaříková, Ladislav Kolařík, Karel Kovanda, Rudolf Hrabina Jan Madl, Vitezslav Razek, Vaclav Koutny, Jindrich Kafka 178-181 M201334 181-188 M201335 188-193 M201336 13 2 13 2 13 2 Artificial Neural Network Application for Surface Roughness Prediction when Drilling Nickel Based Alloy Influence of surface geometry and structure after non-conventional methods of parting on the following milling operations Comparison of variables influence on adhesive bonds strength calculations 13 2 Differences at the Surface Roughness by the ELID and Grinding Technology Martin Novak, Hiroshi Kasuga, Hitoshi Ohmori 13 2 Using of the Virtual Reality Application with the Scanning Device Kinect for Manufacturing Processes Planning Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Veronika Fecova, Jozef Barna, Miroslav Janak, Ludmila Novakova215-219 M201341 Marcincinova 13 2 Selected Experimental Tests of Materials Used in Rapid Prototyping Area Ludmila Novakova-Marcincinova, Jozef Novak220-226 M201342 Marcincin, Jozef Torok, Jozef Barna 13 13 2 2 13 2 13 13 2 2 Development and applications of a rotating turning tool Tool Wear and Machinability of Wood-based Materials during Machining Process The surface quality of materials after cutting by abrasive water jet evaluated by selected methods Polyurethane resins filled with inorganic waste particles Analysis of geometric accuracy of turned workpieces Ildikó Maňková, Marek Vrabeľ, Pavel Kovac Anna Mičietová, Miroslav Neslušan, Mária Čilliková Miroslav Müller, Petr Valášek 193-199 M201337 199-204 M201338 205-210 M201339 210-215 M201340 Jozef Pilc, Karol Vasilko Eva Šebelová, Josef Chladil 226-231 M201343 231-236 M201344 Miroslava Ťavodová 236-241 M201345 Petr Valášek, Miroslav Müller Karol Vasilko, Zuzana Murčinková 241-247 M201346 247-252 M201347 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 13 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er Article title 13 3 Influence of chemical composition, form and morphology of surface of NaCl grains on mechanical properties of water soluble cores 13 3 Production and properties of metal foams from non-ferrous metals alloys 13 3 Study of interactions between molding materials and magnesium alloys melt metal 13 13 13 13 13 3 3 3 3 3 13 3 Offline Programming for Robotic Deburring Process of Aluminium Wheels Effect of adding iron to the AlSi7Mg0.3 (EN AC 42 100, A356) alloy Effect of Germanium on Secondary Lead-free Tin Solders Possibilities of iron elimination in aluminium alloys by vanadium Prediction of the Porosity of Al Alloys Using the Design of Experiment Method to Evaluate Quality of Cuts after Cutting Aluminum Alloy by AWJ 13 3 13 Author(s) pages No. of article Eliška Adámková, Petr Jelínek, Soňa Študentová 255-261 M201348 Vlasta Bednářová, Petr Lichý, Tomáš Elbel, Ivo Lána Jaroslav Beňo, Petr Lichý, Michal Cagala, Kateřina Konečná, Marek Břuska Ondrej Bilek, David Samek, Jana Knedlová Dana Bolibruchová, Lukáš Richtárech Dana Bolibruchová, Marek Brůna Dana Bolibruchová, Mária Žihalová Marek Brůna, Lukáš Kucharčík 261-265 M201349 265-269 M201350 269-275 276-281 281-289 289-296 296-302 M201351 M201352 M201353 M201354 M201355 Helena Čierna, Miroslava Ťavodová 302-307 M201356 Fracture surface of recycled AlSi10Mg cast alloy Mária Farkašová, Eva Tillová, Mária Chalupová 307-313 M201357 3 Plastic Deformation Properties of Magnesium Alloy AZ61 Ivana Hlaváčová, Peter Palček, Mária Chalupová, 313-319 M201358 Zuzana Dresslerová 13 3 The Influence of Porosity on Mechanical Properties of Casts Produced from Al - Si Alloys Radek Honzátko, Štefan Michna, Jaromír Cais 319-324 M201359 13 3 Influence of Cutting Tool Material on the Surface Roughness of AlMgSi Aluminium Alloy Júlia Hricová 324-329 M201360 13 3 Porous Ti-Si Alloys for Implants Anna Knaislová, Matyáš Peterka, Pavel Novák, Dalibor Vojtěch 330-333 M201361 13 3 Jiří Kubásek, Dalibor Vojtěch 334-341 M201362 Petr Lichý, Jaroslav Beňo, Michal Cagala Petr Lukovics Jan Madl, Ludek Ruzicka, Michal Lattner 341-345 M201363 345-349 M201364 349-353 M201365 3 3 3 Mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg based alloys considered for medical applications as biodegradable materials Possibility of affecting the casting structure of magnesium alloys Evaluation of vibration on technological devices The Effect of Chemical Elements on the Machinability of Aluminium Alloys 3 Properties of metallic nanocrystalline powders Ivo Marek, Alena Michalcova, Dalibor Vojtech 353-358 M201366 13 3 Preparation of Metallic Nanoparticles Alena Michalcová, Dalibor Vojtěch, Ivo Marek, Petra Svobodová, Radka Nováková 358-361 M201367 13 3 Analysis of Causes of Al2MgO4-Type Spinel Inclusions Formation in Al-Mg Alloys during Low-Pressure Casting Štefan Michna, Radek Honzátko, Jaromír Cais 361-368 M201368 13 3 Influence of strontium in AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy on the tool wear 13 3 Modification of AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy by strontium 13 13 13 13 September 2013 Manufacturing Technology Title Nataša Náprstková, Jaroslava Svobodová, 368-373 M201369 Jaromír Cais Nataša Náprstková, Sylvia Kuśmierczak, Jaromír 373-380 M201370 Cais Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 13 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year Numb er Article title Author(s) pages No. of article 13 3 The Effect of Modification by Strontium of the AlSi7Mg0.3 Alloy on the Surface Roughness Nataša Náprstková, Jaromír Cais, Jaroslava Svobodová 380-384 M201371 13 3 Monitoring of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the magnesium alloy used for steering wheel manufacturing Iva Nová, Jiří Machuta 385-390 M201372 13 3 Preparation of aluminium-based quasicrystals Pavel Novák, Milena Voděrová, Robin Hendrych, Tomáš Kubatík, Alena Michalcová, Dalibor Vojtěch 390-394 M201373 13 3 Magnesium Alloys for Implants Pavel Salvetr, Pavel Novák, Dalibor Vojtěch 395-399 M201374 13 3 Coefficient Thermal Expansion of Fe 3Al and FeAl – type iron aluminides Martin Švec, Pavel Hanus, Věra Vodičková 399-404 M201375 13 3 Research of Corrosion Properties of Al-Si Alloys Antimony Alloyed Jaroslava Svobodová, Jaromír Cais, Štefan Michna, Martin Brůha 404-409 M201376 13 3 Corrosion properties of the superelastic shape memory Ni-Ti alloy for medical implants Dalibor Vojtěch, Jiří Kubásek, Pavel Novák 409-414 M201377 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 Optimization of Adhesive Layer Thickness at Metal Bonding Using Quick-Setting Adhesives An Experimental Assessment of Special Metal Castings in Reducing Abrasive Wear Studying of Cutting Zone When Finishing Titanium Alloy by Application of Multifunction Measuring Systém The Methodology of Quality Matrix in Manufacturing Quality Process Improvement Milan Brožek 419-423 M201378 Jiří Cieslar, Milan Brožek, Bohumír Bednář Andrej Czán, Michal Sajgalík, Jozef Holubjak, Karel Kouril Milan Dian 423-428 M201379 4 Manufacturing of Femoral Heads from Ti-6Al-4V Alloy with High Speed Machining: 3D Finite Element Modelling and Experimental Validation N.I. Galanis, A.P. Markopoulos, I.D. Giannakopoulos, D.E. Manolakos 437-444 M201382 13 4 The Test Stand Load Modulus Implementation for the Realistic Railway Operation in the Laboratory Conditions Juraj Gerlici, Tomáš Lack, Jozef Harušinec 444-449 M201383 13 4 Developing Superplasticity in A AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Through a Combination of Rolling, ARB and ECAP Miroslav Greger, David Žáček 450-454 M201384 13 4 Optimization of the Solution Annealing Treatment of the AlSi10Mg(Cu) Alloy 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 Marko Grzinčič, Ivan Lukáč Peter Ižol, Michal Fabian, Melichar Kopas, Evaluation of Machining Strategies for Production of Free Form Surfaces Using 3-Axle Milling Gabriel Fedorko 428-431 M201380 431-437 M201381 455-458 M201385 458-465 M201386 The Influence of Process Fluids on the Properties of the Surface Layer of Machined Components Jan Jersák, Lucie Vrkoslavová 466-473 M201387 The Machinability of Duplex Stainless Steel – Solutions in Practice Utilization of Advanced Simulation Methods for Solving of Assembly Processes Automation Partial Tasks Grzegorz Krolczyk, Stanisław Legutko Darina Kumičáková, Filip Górsk, Andrzej Milecki, Damian Grajewski 473-478 M201388 478-486 M201389 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 13 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er Article title Author(s) pages No. of article 13 4 The FASTSIM Method Modification to Speed up the Calculation of Tangential Contact Stresses between Wheel and Rail Tomáš Lack, Juraj Gerlici 486-492 M201390 13 4 Application of Taguchi Method and Surface Response Methodology to Evaluate Of Mathematical Models to Chip Deformation when Drilling With Coated and Uncoated Twist Drills Ildikó Maňková, Marek Vrabeľ, Jozef Beňo, Pavel Kovac, Marin Gostimirovic 492-499 M201391 4 Cutting Forces by Turning of Inconel 718 with Inserts from Different Materials Ivan Mrkvica, Miroslav Neslušan, Ryszard Konderla, Jozef Jurko, Anton Panda 499-504 M201392 13 4 Research of Renovation Possibility of Machine Tools Damage by Adhesive Bonding Technology Miroslav Müller 504-509 M201393 13 13 4 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 Passive Seat Suspension With a Vibration Absorber Štefan Segľa, Martin Orečný, Nataša Trišović 530-534 M201398 13 4 Semiactive Seat Suspension With a Vibration Absorber Štefan Segľa, Martin Orečný, Nataša Trišović 534-539 M201399 13 4 Using of Barkhausen Noise Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction for Evaluation Of Surface Integrity Schmidová Lucie, Bakalova Totka, Malec Jiří 539-542 M2013100 13 4 542-547 M2013101 13 4 13 4 Blanka Skočilasová, Jan Skočilas Dana Stančeková, Ján Šemcer, Michal Derbas, Tomáš Kurňava Martin Svoboda, Josef Soukup 13 4 13 13 13 13 December 2013 Manufacturing Technology Title Influence Ceramic Powder SiC Moisture during Green Machining Imrich Orlovský, Michal Hatala, JánDuplák Utilization of Multibody Simulations at the Trolleybus Development Pavel Polach The Affect of Input Factors on the Optimisation of Cutting Conditions and Production Costs in Ludek Ruzicka, Jan Madl Turning with Cutting Inserts Miroslav Sahul, Milan Turňa, Jana Šugárová, Influence of Laser Welding Aluminium Alloy on Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints Martin Sahul 509-515 M201394 515-520 M201395 520-526 M201396 526-530 M201397 Martin Svoboda, Josef Soukup 559-563 M2013104 4 4 4 Simulation of Liquid Flow in Pipe Methods of Measuring of Residual Stresses and Evaluation of Residual State of Functional Surfaces by X-Ray Diffractometric Methods Dynamic Measurement of Four-Axle Railway Wagon Verification of Numeric Solution by Experiment for Examination Vertical Oscillation of a Mechanical Systém Changes of Polyurethane Mechanical Properties Filled with Glass Powder Realistic Dependence T-vc for Recent Cutting Materials New Technological Knowledge of the Rotary Turning Tool Petr Valášek, Miroslav Müller Karol Vasilko, Ján Duplák Karol Vasilko, Jozef Pilc 563-568 M2013105 568-571 M2013106 571-575 M2013107 13 4 Compacting of Aluminium Alloys Prepared by Melt Spinning Method Milena Voděrová, Pavel Novák, Dalibor Vojtěch 575-580 M2013108 13 4 The Influence of Human Motivation Factors on the Successful Implementation of Product Life Bernd Markus Zunk, Julia Soos, Iris Uitz, Andrea 580-586 M2013109 Cycle Management bTools: Explorative Findings and Managerial Implications Denger, Michael Bader 547-552 M2013102 552-558 M2013103 Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 12 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 June 2012 Manufacturing Technology Title 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 13 13 12 13 Article title Utilization of Open Source Application in Area of Augmented Reality Assembling Processes CAM in the Production of Casting Patterns Study of Deformation Processes after Hard Turning through Acoustic Emission Experimental verification of abrasive mass flow impact on the technological head acceleration amplitude and vibrations frequency in the production system with AWJ technology GICS for grinding process optimization Experimental Verification of the Relation between the Surface Roughness and the Type of Used Tool Coating Experimental Verification of FEM Simulation of GMAW Bead on Plate Welding Author(s) Barna Josef, Fecova Veronika, Novak-Marcincin Jozef, Torok Jozef Bílek Ondřej, Rokyta Luboš, Šimoník Jaroslav Čilliková Mária, Neslušan Miroslav, Mičietová Anna, Mrázik Jozef Fabian Stanislav, Salokyová Štefánia Holesovsky Frantisek, Naprstkova Natasa, Novak Martin Kasina Marek, Vasilko Karol Kovanda Karel, Holub Lukáš, Kolařík Ladislav, Kolaříková Marie, Vondrouš Petr Productivity Investigation within the ERP Systém Kujawa Anna, Legutko Stanislaw Laser Machining of Chosen Materials Lukovics Imrich, Malachova Martina Impact of technical diagnostics interval on machinery maintenance Mayer Karel, Pexa Martin, Pavlů Jindřich Research into the causes cracking of aluminum alloys of Al – Cu during mechanical machining Michna Stefan, Náprstková Nataša Vibratory superpolishing of a ti alloy aerospace material with thermally treated recycled glass media Abrasive wear effect on Polyethylene, Polyamide 6 and polymeric particle composites Application of Barkhausen Noise for Analysis of Surface Integrity after Hard Turning 2-7 No. of article M201201 7-12 13-17 M201202 M201203 18-21 M201204 22-26 M201205 27-30 M201206 30-33 M201207 34-38 38-42 42-46 47-51 M201208 M201209 M201210 M201211 51-55 M201212 55-59 60-65 M201213 M201214 pages 66-70 71-75 M201215 M201216 Application of Progressive Materials for Rapid Prototyping Technology Design of a Casting Die in CATIA Processing engineering of large composites structures using low-pressure vacuum infusion Morgan Mike, Jamal Mikdam, Benjarungroj Paul, Vaughan Steve Müller Miroslav, Valášek Petr Neslušan Miroslav, Rosipal Martin, Kolařík Kamil, Ochodek Vladislav Novak Martin Novak-Marcincin Jozef, Janak Miroslav, NovakovaMarcincinova Ludmila Novakova-Marcincinova Ludmila, Janak Miroslav Rokyta Luboš, Bilek Ondřej Rusnáková Soňa, Žaludek Milan, Bakošová Dana 75-79 80-82 83-86 M201217 M201218 M201219 Two local extremes of cutting speed The use of magnetic and ultrasonic structuroscopy for inspection of ADI/AGI castings Vasilko Karol, Macurová Anna Zuzana Andršová, Břetislav Skrbek 86-89 93-97 M201220 M201221 97-102 102-105 105-108 M201222 M201223 M201224 Surfaces with high precision of roughness after grinding Increasing of Product Quality Produced by Rapid Prototyping Technology Decomposition of form surfaces for planning of machining Jozef Beňo, Jozef Stahovec, Peter Ižol, Miroslav Tomáš Effect of the processing materials on the ploughing force values Andrey Dugin, Alexey Popov Experimental verification of the frequency spectrum of unwears and wears guidance tube on the Stanislav Fabian, Štefánia Salokyová, Patrik Jacko technological head vibrations creation in the production system with AWJ technology Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 12 ISSN 1213-2489 Volume Year Numb er 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 Aleš Herman, Marek Česal 108-112 No. of article M201225 Zdeněk Hudec 113-118 M201226 Mikdam Jamal, Mike Morgan 119-124 M201227 Daniela Kalincová 125-131 M201228 Structure and mechanical properties of Fe-25Al-5Zr and Fe-30Al-5Zr intermetallic alloys Pavel Kejzlar 131-135 M201229 The effect of chlorhexidine on the colour and tint change of ceramic dental veneer Diagnosis and damage of bearings The effect of the borehole diameter on the machining times in hard machining Microscopic Evaluation of Protective Coating by Coated Sheets after Corrosion Load Surface Properties in Precise and Hard Machining Structure of rapidly solidified aluminium alloys Possible ways of obtaining an aluminium alloy by non--traditional waste processing of aluminium beverage containers The use of fractography in the analysis of cracking after formed workpiece blank mechanical machining from the AlCuSnBi alloy Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, Stanisław Borkowski Marek Krynke, Jacek Selejdak, Stanisław Borkowski János Kundrák, K. Gyáni, I. Deszpoth Sylvia Kuśmierczak, Jaroslava Svobodová Jan Madl Alena Michalcová, Dalibor Vojtěch 136-140 140-144 145-150 151-157 158-166 166-169 M201230 M201231 M201232 M201233 M201234 M201235 Štefan Michna, Petr Majrich 169-174 M201236 Štefan Michna, Nataša Náprstková 174-178 M201237 178-186 M201238 186-191 M201239 192-197 M201240 197-201 M201241 201-206 M201242 207-212 212-217 217-221 M201243 M201244 M201245 Article title Temperature stability of the process of production of wax patterns for investment casting technology model Gas Metal Rapid Arc Welding Potential A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Thermally Treated Recycled Glass Media Used in Vibratory Mass Finishing Analysis of welded joint of band-saw blade – influence of annealing process mechanical properties Author(s) pages 12 12 12 13 13 13 Ivan Mrkvica, Miroslav Neslušan, Ryszard Konderla, Miroslav Janoš Technology of Perspective Scanning Methods for Realization of 3D Models of Manufacturing Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Jozef Torok, Jozef Barna, Ludmila Devices Novakova-Marcincinova G–Ratio in hardened steel grinding with different coolants Martin Novak, Roman Dolezal Possibilities of the observation of chemical reactions during the preparation of intermetallics by Pavel Novák, Alena Michalcová, Ivo Marek, Milena reactive sintering Voděrová, Dalibor Vojtěch Microstructure Analysis of Titanium Alloys after Deformation by means of Asymmetric Incremental Lucie Novakova, Petr Homola, Vaclav Kafka Sheet Forming Model of chip formation during turning in the presence of a built-up edge (BUE) Zoltán Pálmai TEM Investigation of Precipitation in Al-Mn Alloys with Addition of Zr Michaela Poková, Miroslav Cieslar, Jacques Lacaze Fatigue resistance of dual phase steels in presence of microstructural inhomogeneities Gejza Rosenberg, Ľuboš Juhár 12 13 Influence of microstructural heterogeneities on capacity to absorb energy of dual-phase steels Gejza Rosenberg, Iveta Sinaiová, Ľuboš Juhár 222-227 M201246 12 12 13 13 The importance of measured values number in evaluating the wear size of inserts Gear-Shaper Cutter with Curvilinear Side Flank Face 227-232 233-237 M201247 M201248 12 13 The Roundness and Microstructure of Thin-wall Bearing Rings Ludek Ruzicka, Jan Madl Roman Siecla, Stanislaw Legutko Augustín Sládek, Peter Fabian, Richard Pastirčák, Martin Brezničan 237-241 M201249 12 12 December 2012 Manufacturing Technology Title 13 13 Cutting ceramic by turning of nickel alloy Inconel Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 12 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year Numb er Article title pages No. of article 242-247 M201250 Elena Střihavková, Viktorie Weiss 248-251 M201251 Oldrich Suba, Libuse Sykorova, Imrich Lukovics 251-254 M201252 Author(s) 12 13 Value engineering as the way of quality problems solving in the steel construction management Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska 12 13 12 13 The Identification of the structures new type Al-Si-Mg Ca alloys with different Ca content using of the color metallography Stress Analysis of Injection - moulded Cylindrical Parts Reinforced with Short Fibres 12 13 The effect of heat treatment on the structure of Nb and C doped Fe3Al iron aluminides Martin Švec, Věra Vodičková, Pavel Hanus 254-259 M201253 12 13 Investigation of the non-uniform temperature distribution on the metallic charge length during round bars rolling process Piotr Sygut, Konrad Laber, Stanisław Borkowski 260-263 M201254 12 13 Microscopical Evaluation of Hard Zinc Refining by Aluminium Jarmila Trpčevská, Blanka Hoľková, Jana Pirošková, Mária Ferencová 264-267 M201255 12 13 Petr Valášek, Miroslav Müller 268-272 M201256 12 12 12 13 13 13 Petr Valášek, Miroslav Müller Karol Vasilko Karol Vasilko, Vladimír Simkulet 272-276 277-281 281-285 M201257 M201258 M201259 12 13 Dalibor Vojtěch, Jiří Kubásek, Milena Voděrová 285-292 M201260 12 13 Study of nano-crystalline metals prepared by selective chemical leaching Dalibor Vojtěch, Alena Michalcová, Vítězslav Knotek, Ivo Marek 292-296 M201261 12 13 Influence of the homogenization annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlZn5,5Mg2,5Cu1,5 alloy Viktorie Weiss, Elena Strihavkova 297-302 M201262 Influence of bonded abrasive particles size on wear of polymeric particle composites based on waste Polymeric particle composites with filler saturated matrix Effective examination for obtaining relation T=f(vc) Phenomenon of twist drill Structural, mechanical and in vitro corrosion characterization of as-cast magnesium based alloys for temporary biodegradable medical implants Articles List Manufacturing Technology | Voume 11 ISSN 1213-2489 Title Volume Year pages No. of article Borkowski S., Stasiak-Betlejewska R., Náprstková N. 2-5 M201101 Fatigue life and surface integrity measurements of EN S355J2 steel used in hydraulic components Čuban J., Calonius O., Pietola M., Jersák J. 5-11 M201102 Author(s) 11 11 11 11 Phase and structure characteristics of recycled AlZn10Si8Mg cast alloy Ďuriníková E., Tillová E. 11-17 M201103 11 11 Analysis of influence of structure on mechanical properties of AlSiMg aluminium alloy processed by ECAP Greger M., Widomská M. 17-22 M201104 11 11 Cavitation erosion resistance of the chosen aluminum alloys Jasionowski R., Podrez-Radziszewska M., Zasada D. 22-28 M201105 11 Application of magnetic correlation analysis on the choice and correction of cutting parameters for automated manufacturing systems Kocman K. 28-32 M201106 11 Alternative machining procedures of hardened steels Kundrák J. 32-39 M201107 11 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the AlSi13Mg1CuNi Alloy With Ecological Modifier Lipiński T. 40-44 M201108 11 Use Properties of the AlSi9Mg Alloy With Exothermical Modifier Lipiński T. 44-49 M201109 11 11 Unconventional machining method for enhancing the durability of tools and strength of the specimens bonded Makedonski A. 49-55 M201110 11 11 11 11 Surface quality of hardened steels after grinding Novák M. 55-59 M201111 Weldability problems of the technical AW7020 alloy Podrez-Radziszewska M. 59-66 M201112 11 11 The impact of the cast-iron semi-finished product hardness on the surface quality after the machining process Suchánek D., Dušák K. 66-70 M201113 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 December 2011 Manufacturing Technology 11 Numb Article title er 11 The Kaizen philosophy in the aluminium products improvement Quality control of microstructure in recycled Al-Si cast alloys Tillová E., Chalupová M., Hurtalová L., Ďuriníková E. 70-76 M201114 Identification of „natural“ breaker cut during the machining of carbon steels Vasilko K. 77-84 M201115
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