červen newsletter 6/2014
Podobné dokumenty
Konference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for
Monthly scholarship of 1100 € is offered from the 1st of September 2015 to the 30th of June 2016. Further information about the scholarship and how to apply can be found at the following link: http...
Víceprosinec newsletter 12/2015 - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for
http://ois.muni.cz/en/left-incoming-mobility/incoming-student/incoming-student-preparatorycourses/incoming-student-preparatorycourses-cz nebo u Martina Vaška, CZS ([email protected], 00420549497785)
VíceKonference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for
Každá žádost o stipendium musí obsahovat náležitosti uvedené na webové stránce http://www.dzs.cz/cz/akademicka-informacniagentura/44_mezinarodni_smlouvy-vyberova-rizeni/ – POLSKO (přehled dokladů p...