US Embassy Prague Newsletter - Velvyslanectví USA v České
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in Corruption Cases," agreed that corruption is one of the most pressing issue in their countries. Justice O’Connor visited the Czech Republic at the invitation of the CEELI Institute as she alread...
Vícezde - Křesťanská misijní společnost
jasně na srozuměnou, že budeme-li se modlit, přimlouvat, dávat, půjdeme-li k těmto lidem, přinese nám to velkou odměnu v nebi a naději národům na zemi. V tomto vydání budeme opět číst články z misi...
VíceBřezen - Velvyslanectví USA v České republice
Marsha Kocábová, wife of the rock musician and politician Michael Kocáb, discussed her experiences living in a totalitarian Czechoslovakia at the American Center on February 8. Her book, “Neither h...
VíceThe US Embassy Prague Tribune - Velvyslanectví USA v České
konzervy, pytle od mouky a kukuřice či populární žvýkačky. Více na
VíceU.S. Embassy Prague Newsletter - Velvyslanectví USA v České
Both presidents then attended a ceremonial lunch hosted by Czech President Vaclav Klaus. The final event of the day for the President Obama was a dinner for 11 Central and Eastern European heads of...
VíceU.S. Embassy Prague Newsletter - Velvyslanectví USA v České
On the occasion of 80th birthday of the notable Czech-American author and columnist Ota Ulč, the American Center organized a debate with him during which he shared his experiences and adventures fr...