ENGINE JAWA 889 - 10
ENGINE JAWA 889 - 10 - 009 Technical data Engine type 889 - 10 - 009 www. Jawa.cz Engine Bore x stroke Volume Max. power Fuel Veight Air cooled, four stroke, single cylinder, 1x OHC 90 x 78,5mm 499 ccm 48 - 50 kW Methanol 28 - 30 kg D-ANA spol. s.r.o. Jawa Divišov, Vlašimská 216 257 26 Divišov e-mail: [email protected] Tel. +420 317 721 650 Fax: +420 317 721 651 Instructions for Maintenance of Speedway Engine JRM 889 - 10 - 009 The speedway engine JAWA type 889-10-009 are intended for speedway, long and grass track racing events. The tuning of our engines for higher engine speed is to the detriment of their service life. Description of engine JAWA type 889-10-009 The air-cooled single-cylinder, four valve OHC, stroke volume 499 ccm, the bore 90,00mm and stroke 78,50 mm. The crankcase, cylinder head and cylinder are made of Aluminium alloy. Cylinder has nicasil only. We not supply the overbore cylinders. The crankshaft and connecting rod big-end have cage-type needle bearings. The chain driven camshaft is supported in the cylinder head on needle bearings. The valves operated by rocker arm are at an angle 35°. The valve seats are hot-pressed into the cylinder head. The pistons is a light alloy forging and carries two piston rings, first 1mm compression ring and seconnd 2 mm oil control ring. The circulation-system of lubrication is used. The oil tank is situated in the space between the valve gear cover and R.H. of the crankase, the iol filing is 0,9 l for new engine and 0,8 L is refill between heats. The level cam be checked by the oil level indicator. The engine is intended for the carburettor of diameter 34 mm and provided with electronic ignition. Technical data: Bore/stroke : 90 / 78,5 MM Capacity: 499 ccm Maximum power output: 48 - 50 kW (45 - 68 bhp) at 8500 rpm Compression ratio: 14 : 1 standart (available from 12 - 16 : 1) Ignition: electronic Selettra Ignition Advance: 32° (adjustable 25° - 35° BTDC) Sparking plug: NGK ROO45G - 10 Fuel: metanol Oil 0,8 - 0,9 L Silkolene Castorene R 50 S Measured at valve lift of 1 mm and at valve clearances inlet 0,1mm/ exhaust 0,15 mm (cold engine). Valve timing - camshaft No.: Exhaust open/close Inlet open/close 01 62°/30° 31°/69° 08 68°/27° 37°/72° Valve timing - camshaft No.: Exhaust open/close Inlet open/close 12 71°/29° 35°/81° 09 57°/27° 35°/66° Instructions for engine operation Before putting an engine operation and before each race are to be checked: _ valve clearence adjustment _ chain tension and tichtening of screw on cam sprocket (in case of great chain clearence the valve timing is to be checked) _ oil filling Using of adequate thermal values of sparking plugs: colder: Champion G 55R, NGK RO 16 -11 or RO045G-11 warmer: Champion G 57R, NGK RO 16 -10 or RO045G-10 On the bike must be check: _ tension of primary and secondary chain - clutch adjustment _ working order of ignition cut- out _ working order of carburettor (free motion of slide valve) Before using the engine at full thorttle, the warming up the engine is necessary. The chocke may be used only for a very short time. Starting is accomplished by pushing or rear wheel rotating. At cold engine the choke is pulled out and starting without throttle follows. The starting is made easier by "winding-up" the engine first, i.e. slight turning of the rear wheel against the direction of turning until turning resistance appears. Then the usual starting follows. Setting-up of ignition advance The full engine power output depends on a suitable adjustment of advanced ignition. The advanced ignition of the engine occurs before the top dead center according to the table of technikal data. The screw of checking hole the L.H. crankcase wil be loosed, the crankshaft moved round a slight amount to the advanced ignition mark in order to place it into the hole center. After relasing of screws turn slightly a stator in order to make the checking line of the stator aligned with that of rotor. Then tighten the screw of stator. The engine can run in 25°- 35° ignition advance, so adjusting the engine charakteristic according the condition of track is possible. Lubrication if engine The circulation-systém lubrication is used. Oil is sucked through rough filter into pump and squeeze into crankshaft (connecting rod big-end bearing lubrication). The rough oil filter must be check after first running of new engine, and often clearing of this filter is recommended to avoid engine seizing. From crankshaft space is oil returned to oil tank through reed valve. Oil filling is recommended to be replaced after five or six heats. Dismantling, assembly, adjustment and service life of engine Cylinder head and cylinder In this engine are instaled double helicon springs with contact design. Therefor is not allowed to mix springs from different production runs - always the some color marks must be used together. Also only both spring together are supplied under Part No. 451 988 913 173 - like valve spring set. All data below is valid only for this springs. The instaled leght is 32,5mm (outer spring) for 12 mm valve lift (camshaft No. 08).Minimum thrust of valve springs when assembled has to be 370N - than in the full lift spring has about 950N - this thrust ensure maximum engine speed 12 000 rpm. Minimum allowed leght for fully compressed springs is 20,5 mm (measured on outer spring). Free lenght of outer spring should be not below 43,8mm, the inner spring not below 38,1 mm. _ Width of intake seats 1,0 - 1,2 mm, round off the adges of valves and seats in the head. _ Rocker Arm roller must run freely without grabbing _ Axial clearence of camshaft 0,2 - 0,4 mm _ Replace the valve upper plates approximately after 30 races _ Replace the camshaft drive chain approximately after 25 races _ Combustion pressure in sealet by silicin "O" ring _ Place replace the O ring during every engine overhaul. _ Compression ratio is adjustment by steel plates of different thickness under cylinder. Crank mechanism Repair works of crank mechanism are recommended to be made in specialized repair shops. The crank mechan. is presed on cylindrical surfaces. Before presing the interference size of pressed diameters has to be checked. The interference of crank pin at 0,13 /0,15 mm. The crank mechanism can be pressed three times without using abnormal parts. The crank pin can be ordered in an abnormal modifikation with greater pin diameter for pressing 0,03 mm. Axial clearence of crank mechanism in crankase is 0,5 - 0,7 mm. Axial clearence of connecting rod in assembled crank mechanism should be 0,4 - 0,6 mm. The balancing of crank mechanism for horizontal engine has to be 52% of balancing masses. Clearence of gudgeon pin in piston must be 0,007 - 0,17 mm. Clearence in piston ring lock 0,35 - 0,38 mm. The standard piston is 889-12-061 - slipper type piston in "double bridge" design. Only this piston is recommended for use in our engine. Piston carry two piston rings, top compression ring and second oil control rings. The very first break in must be done carefully as the oil control rings lower the amount of oil on the cylinders wall. For safety reasons replace the big end connecting rod bearing and piston after 15 races. During this the checking of connecting rod dimensions is recommended, the big end diameter should be 42,00/ 42,008 mm (min/max), the radial clearence between crank pin and big end should be 0,04/ 0,052. The clearence between piston pin and small end should be for conecting rod 889-12-140: 0,02-0,03. Assembly of crank mechanism. Before assembly all parts must be cleaned. The crank pin must be oriented according the oil hole in right flywheel. During pressing the holes (pins) should be slightly oiled to prevent pressed surfaces from seizing. After pressing balancing is necessary. Measurements are made in points and the run-out is measured 5 mm from flywheel faces and it should not exceed 0,03 mm. The highest value of run-out must be at the end of crank pin. The shaft of ignition rotor is carried separately in two bearings and is connected with the crankshaft by a clutch. When dismantling the ignition the proper throwing of the shaft in the small valve gear during the reassembly must be observed. Valve gear mechanism The camshaft is driven by chain directly from the crankshaft. The timing of valves is very easy, first by means of chain on cam sprocket and them final timing by means of oval holes on cam sprocket. The tightening of 4screws on the sprocked must not be neglected. The values of cam timing are indicated in technikal data. Motor 889-10-009, Engine 889-10-009, Motor 889-10-009 Engine Motor Název Name Name Motorová skříň Crankcase Motorgehäuse 1 Motorová skříň s pouzdry Crankcase with bushes Motorgehäuse mit Büchsen Schraube M6x25 889-10-009 Motor skříň 889 Crankcase 889 Motorgehäuse 889 # Poz 1 889-11-007 2 889-11-510 3 309 543 210 618 2 Šroub M6x25 ČSN021143.59 Screw M6x25 4 309 543 210 626 3 Šroub M6x45 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x45 Schraube M6x45 5 311 214 023 061 5 Pružná podložka 6,1 ČSN 021740.09 Spring washer d6,1 Federscheibe d6,1 Büchse link 6 875-11-056 1 Pouzdro hlavního ložiska levé Main bearing bushing left 7 875-11-021 1 Pouzdro hlavního ložiska pravé Main bearing bushing right Büchse recht 8 875-11-057 2 Šroub M6 Screw M6 Schraube M6 9 875-11-058 2 Centrážní trubička D14 Dowell pin Centrierrohr 10 309 785 120 010 11 889-11-513 2 Vložka oddychu Bush Buchse 12 889-11-514 3 Planžeta Plate Platte 13 889-11-515 3 Opěra planžety Stop of the plate Stütze Schraube M5x12 1 Zátka M12x10 FABORY 07850,120.010 Plug Blindstopfen 14 309 543 210 512 3 Šroub M5x12 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M5x12 15 311 214 023 051 3 Pružná podložka 5,1 ČSN 021740.09 Spring washer d5,1 Federscheibe d51 16 889-11-516 2 Kolík D4x17.5ČSN 022150.2 Pin d4x17.5 Stift 4x17.5 17 273 111 016 012 2 "O" kroužek 16x2 ČSN 029280.2 Rubber ring 16x2 Gummiring 16x2 18 889-11-525 4 Závrtný šroub M10x175 Studbolt Stehlboltzen Scheibe 19 897-11-057 1 Podložka Washer 20 898-11-022 1 Podložka Washer Scheibe 21 311 733 100 400 1 Poj.kroužek D40x1,75 ČSN 022931 Circlip 40x1,75 Sicherungsring 40x1,75 22 311 733 100 350 1 Poj.kroužek D35x1,5 ČSN 022931 Circlip 35x1.5 Sicherungsring 35x1.5 23 273 521 106 205 1 Gufero s prachovkou 25x52x7 Shaft seal 25x52x7 Wellendichtringe 25x52x7 24 273 888 411 025 1 Gufero G 25x35x4 Shaft seal G 25x35x4 Wellendichtringe G 25x35x4 Spanner 25 884-11-031 1 Napínák řetězu Tightener of the chain 26 884-11-032 1 Distanční trubička d 8,2 Spacing tube d8,2 Distanzrohr 8,2 Spanner kurz 27 884-11-034 1 Napínák řetězu krátký Tightener of the chain short 28 884-11-035 1 Distanční trubička d 6,2 Spacing tube d6,2 Distanzrohr 6,2 29 309 543 210 820 1 Šroub M8x30 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M8x30 Schraube M8x30 Schraube M6x30 30 309 543 210 620 1 Šroub M6x30 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x30 31 311 210 222 084 1 Podložka B 8.4 ČSN 021702.15 Washer d8,4 Scheibe d8,4 32 311 210 222 064 1 Podložka B 6.4 ČSN 021702.15 Washer d6,4 Scheibe d6.4 33 311 214 023 061 1 Pružná podl. 6,1 ČSN 021740.09 Spring washer d6,1 Federscheibe d6,1 34 311 214 023 082 1 Pružná podl. 8.2 ČSN 021740.09 Spring washer d8.2 Federscheibe d8.2 1 Šroub napínáku Screw of the tensioner Spanerschraube 1 Matice samojist.M10 ČSN 021492.29 Nut M10 Mutter M10 1 Víko rozvodu Cover of the timing gear Steuerungdeckel Ball baering 6003 Kugellager 6003 35 898-11-037 36 311 129 221 100 37 889-11-041 38 324 160 030 026 1 Kul.ložisko 60032RSR 39 273 888 020 284 1 Hřídelové těsnění GUFERO 20x28x4 Shaft seal G 20x28x4 Wellendichtringe G20x28x4 40 627 889 811 024 1 Těsnění víka rozvodu Gasket of the timing gear Dichtung 2 Centrážní trubička Dowell pin Zentralrohr 41 889-11-023 42 309 543 210 620 4 Šroub M6x30ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x20 Schraube M6x20 43 309 543 210 622 2 Šroub M6x35ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x25 Schraube M6x25 1 Šroub M6x55ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x55 Schraube M6x55 44 309 543 210 630 45 889-11-031 1 Víko zapalování Cover of ignition Zündungdeckel Schraube M5x35 46 309 543 210 518 4 Šroub M5x25ČSN 021143.59 Screw M5x35 47 324 162 000 020 1 Kul.ložisko 6200 2RSR Ball baering 6200 Kugellager 6200 48 311 515 004 014 1 Kolík 4x14 ČSN 022150.2 Pin d4x14 Stift 4x14 2 Šroub M16x1,5 Screw M16x1,5 Schraube M16x1,5 1 "O" kroužek 14x2 ČSN 029281.2 Rubber ring 14x2 Gummiring 14x2 1 Šroub s magnetem Screw with magnet Schraube mit magnet 49 894-11-158 50 273 111 014 054 51 889-11-035 52 273 111 011 015 1 "O" kroužek 11x1,5 NBR 90,DIN 3770 Rubber ring 11x1,5 Gummiring 11x1,5 53 875-11-550 1 Olejoznak -149 mm Oil level indicator Ölstandmesser 54 875-11-552 2 Šroub přípojky Screw of the connection Schraube(Anschluß) 55 898-11-056 4 Podložka d6,2 Washer d6,2 Scheibe d6,2 56 889-11-042 1 Síto čerpadla Oil filter Ölfilter 57 311 210 222 053 1 Podložka B 5,3 ČSN 021702.15 Washer d5,3 Scheibe d5,3 Klikové ústrojí 889-Crankshaft mechan.889- Kurbelgetriebe 889 # Název Poz Name Name Kurbelgetriebe(186) 1 889-12-560 1 Klikový mechanismus Crankshaft mechan. 2 889-12-561 1 Setrvačník pravý d 186 Flywheel right 186 Schwungrad rechts 186 3 889-12-562 1 Setrvačník levý d 186 Flywheel left 186 Schwungrad links 186 4 886-12-106 2 Podložka Washer Scheibe 5 889-12-103 1 Hlavní čep pravý Main journal right Zapfen rechts 6 894-12-104 1 Hlavní čep levý Main journal left Zapfen links 7 889-12-140 1 Ojnice úplná Connecting rod compl. Pleuelstange kompl. 8 889-12-105 1 Klikový čep Crankshaft journal Pleuelzapfen 1 Jehlová klec 35x42x19.8 S-1 AG Needle bearing 35x42x19.8 Nadellager 35x42x19.8 9 324 588 912 507 10 889-12-061 1 Píst 90.0 Piston 90,0 Kolben 90,0 11 885-12-014 1 Pístní čep Gudgeon pin Kolbenbolzen 3 Pojistka Circlip Seeger-Ring 1 Pístní kroužek d 90.00 sada Piston ring set 90.00 Kolbenringsatz 90.00 12 890-12-003 13 326 988 912 091 14 886-12-013 1 Malé kolo rozvodu 15z Sprocket 15 t Zahnrad klein 15 15 884-12-015 1 Řetěz 102 rolniček t=7.77 Chain(pitch-7,77) Steuerkette 16 871-15-022 1 Trubička dl. 13,5 Tube Röhrchen 17 273 111 010 014 2 "O" kroužek 8x4 ČSN 029280.2 Rubber ring 8x4 Gummiring 8x4 18 889-12-016 1 Unašeč hřídele Shaft coupling Wellen kupplung 19 311 728 504 017 1 Pero 4x7,5 ČSN 301385.21 Key 4x7,5 Keil 4x7,5 1 Distanční podložka Spacing washer Distantzscheibe 20 890-12-008 21 324 589 712 015 1 Jehlová klec K 25x35x30 Needle bearing 25x35x30 Nadellager 25x35x30 22 324 588 412 017 1 Jehlová klec K 25x33x20 Needle bearing 25x33x20 Nadellager 25x33x20 23 895-12-014 1 Unašeč řetězového kola Carrier chain conveyer Mittnehmer 24 890-12-017 1 Řetězové kolo 17 z Sprocket 17t Kettenrad 17Z 25 311 733 000 420 2 Poj. kroužek 42x1.75 ČSN 022930 Circlip 42x1,75 Sicherungsring 42x1,75 1 Matice levého čepu Nut of the main journal left Mutter M18x1 Abnormal parts Abnormal teile 26 890-12-006 Abnormání díly 889-12-115 1 Klikový čep abn.(abn.po bokách) Cranksh.journ. abn. Pleuelzapfen abn. 28 889-12-116 1 Klikový čep abn.(abn.uprostřed) Cranksh.journ. abn. Pleuelzapfen abn. 29 889-12-117 1 Klikový čep abn.( celý abn.) Cranksh.journ. abn. Pleuelzapfen abn. 30 889-12-062 1 Píst d 90,03 Piston 90,03 Kolben 90,03 31 309 781 060 008 1 Šroub M6x8 Screw M6x8 Schraube M6x8 32 884-12-016 1 Nýtovací spojka t=7,77 Chain joint Kettenglied 33 885-12-112 1 Pouzdro ojnice Bush Büchse 34 889-12-551 1 Setrvačník pravý d 182 Flywheel right 182 Schwungrad rechts 182 35 889-12-552 1 Setrvačník levý d 182 Flywheel left 182 Schwungrad links 182 36 889-12-556 1 Setrvačník pravý d 184 Flywheel right 184 Schwungrad rechts 184 37 889-12-557 1 Setrvačník levý d 184 Flywheel left 184 Schwungrad links 184 38 889-12-566 1 Setrvačník pravý d 188 Flywheel right 188 Schwungrad rechts 188 39 889-12-567 1 Setrvačník levý d 188 Flywheel left 188 Schwungrad links 188 27 Válec s hlavou – Cylinder with head – Zylinder mit Kopf # Název Poz Name Name 889-13-035 1 Válec nikasil Cylinder nicasil compl. Zylinder nicasil kompl. 2 889-13-200 1 Hlava úplná Head compl. Zylinderkopf kompl. 3 889-13-210 1 Hlava s pouzdry Head with bushes Zylinderkopf mit Büchsen 4 309 543 210 620 2 Závrtný šroub M 6x30ČSN 021178.5 Studbol M6x30 Stiftschraube M6x30 5 889-13-116 1 Závrtný šroub M6/M8 Studbolt M6/M8 Stiftschraube M6/M8 6 311 213 320 064 4 Podložka 6,4 ČSN 021733.09 Washer d6,4 Scheibe 6,4 7 311 129 221 060 4 Matice M 6 ČSN 021492.29 Nut M6 Mutter M6 8 309 501 000 832 2 Šroub M8x60 ČSN021101.59 Screw M8x60 Schraube M8x60 9 311 210 320 084 2 Podložka 8,4 ČSN 021733.09 Washer d8,4 Scheibe 8,4 Einlassventilsitz 1 10 889-13-223 2 Sedlo sacího ventilu Seat of the intake valve 11 889-13-224 2 Sedlo výfukového ventilu Seat of the exhaust valve Auslassventilsitz 12 889-13-119 1 Výfukové hrdlo Exhaust branch Auslassflansch 13 871-13-124 2 Záchyt pružiny Holder of the exhaust spring Halter 14 889-13-222 4 Vedení ventilu d6 Guide of the valve d6 Ventilführung d6 15 889-13-225 2 Ventil sací d6 Intake valve d6 Einlaßventil d6 16 88913-226 2 Ventil výfukový d6 Exhaust valve d6 Auslaßventil d6 17 884-13-127 4 Opěrka d6 Washer d6 Scheibe d6 Keil 18 451 988 913 121 4 Klínek Valve stem key 19 273 588 413 128 4 Těsnění ventilového vedení d6 Valve seal d6 Dichtung d6 20 889-13-262 4 Dolní miska pera Lower spring plate Federschalle untere 21 451 988 913 173 4 Ventilová pružina Valve spring Ventilfeder 22 889-13-264 4 Horní miska pera Upper spring plate Federschalle obere 23 897-13-157 4 Distanční podložka Spacing washer Distanzscheibe 24 889-13-130 1 Vahadlo sací úplné Rocker arm for intake compl. Einlasskipphebel kompl. 25 889-13-140 1 Vahadlo výfukové úplné Rocker arm for exhaust compl.Auslasskipphebel kompl. 26 889-13-131 1 Vahadlo sací Rocker arm for intake Einlasskipphebel 27 889-13-141 1 Vahadlo výfukové Rocker arm for exhaust Auslasskipphebel 28 884-13-172 2+2 Seřizovací šroub Adjusting screw Stellschraube 2+2 Matice M6 Nut M6 Mutter M6 1+1 Rolnička Roller Role 1+1 Čep Pin Bolzen Needle roller Nadel 29 311 150 221 060 30 897-13-133 31 897-13-134 32 892-14-023 13+13Jehlový váleček 33 889-13-132 2 Pouzdro d 20 Bush d 20 Buhse d20 36 Jehlový váleček Needle roller Nadel 34 324 988 913 312 35 889-13-133 2 Jehlové pouzdro d12 Needle bearing d12 Nadellager d12 36 889-13-134 2 Pojistka dělená Safety fuse circlip Sicherung(blech ring) 37 889-13-150 1 Vačkový hřídel č.08 Camshaft n.08 Nockenwelle n.08 38 897-13-146 1 Jehlové pouzdro d15 Needle bearing d15 Nadellager d15 39 894-14-024 1 Distanční podložka Spacing washer Distanzscheibe 40 897-13-149 1 Podložka d15 Washer d15 Scheibe 15 41 884-13-139 1 Jehlová klec K 18x22x17 Needle bearing 18x22x17 Nadellager 18x22x17 42 884-13-149 1 Kroužek Ring Ring 43 894-14-023 1 Pouzdro s drážkou Bush with slot Buhse mit Schlitz 44 894-14-026 1 Pérová pojistka Circlip Seeger-Ring 1 Pero 3x 3,7 ČSN 301385.21 Key 3x3,7 Keil 3x3,7 1 Náboj kola vačky Hub of wheel Nockenradnabe 45 311 728 503 009 46 889-13-121 1 Kolo vačky 30z Cam sprocket 30 T Nockenwellenkettenrad 309 701 050 012 4 Šroub M5x12 FABORY 07 015 Screw M5x12 Schraube M5x12 311 210 222 053 4 Podložka B 5.3ČSN 021702.15 Washer B5.3 Scheibe B5.3 50 309 411 080 020 1 Šroub M 8x20 FABORY 04110 Screw M8x20 Schraube M8x20 51 884-13-144 1 Podložka d 8,2 Washer d8,2 Scheibe d8,2 52 889-13-261 1 Víko hlavy Cover of the head Ventildeckel 53 889-13-166 1 Těsnění Gasket Dichtung 54 898-13-166 1 Šroub oddychu Breather screw Lüftungsschraube 55 898-13-169 1 Přípojka Connection Anschluß 56 898-13-171 3 Těsnění Gasket Dichtung 57 309 543 210 624 2 Šroub M6x40 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x40 Schraube M6x40 58 311 260 202 064 2 Podložka B 6.4 ČSN 021702.30 Washer B6.4 Scheibe 6.4 59 889-13-118 1 Víčko Lid Deckel 60 443 788 913 139 1 Sací hrdlo pryžové 35x29 Intake branch gum Einlassflansch gummi 61 309 543 210 615 4 Šroub M 6x18 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M6x18 Schraube M6x18 62 273 111 014 399 1 "O" kroužek 99.5x3 VMQ Rubber ring 99.5x3 Gummiring 99.5x3 63 870-13-174 2 Centrážní trubička Dowell pin Centrierrohr 64 889-13-169 4 Podložka d 10,5 Washer d10,5 Scheibe d10,5 65 889-13-168 4 Matice hlavy Nut of the head Mutter des Zylinderkopfes 66 624-13-014 1 Podložka válce d 107 Washer d 107 Deckel d 107 67 898-13-172 1 Hadice d13/d18-600 mm Tubing d13/d18-600mm Schlauf d13/d18-600mm 68 893-13-152 1 Objímka Torro 12-29/9 - C 6 W1 Sleeve 12-29/9 Muffe TORRO 12-29/9 47 886-13-135 48 49 Díly na přání zákazníka - Optional parts - Wunsch teile 889-13-045 1 Válec úplný Cylinder compl. Zylinder kompl. 889-13-046 1 Plášť válce Cylinder jacket Zylindermantel 889-13-047 1 Vložka válce Cilinder liner Buchse 889-13-050 1 Válec nikasil (89,94) Cylinder nicasil compl. Zylinder nicasil kompl. 889-13-155 1 Vačkový hřídel č.12 Camshaft n.12 Nockenwelle n.12 Abnormání díly Abnormal parts Abnormal teile 69 889-13-583 Sedlo sacího ventilu abn.(+0,25) Intake valve's seat abn. Einlassventilsitz abnorm. 70 889-13-584 Sedlo výf. ventilu abn.(+0,25) Exhaust valve's seat abn. Auslassventilsitz abnorm. 71 889-13-229 Výfukové hrdlo abn.(+0,25) Exhaust branch abn. Auslassflansch abnorm. 72 889-13-582 Vedení ventilu d6abn.(+0,1) Guide of the valve abn. Ventilführung abnorm. Zapalování-Ignition-Zündung # Název Poz 1 888-19-010 Name Name 1 Zapalování SELETTRA úplné Ignition SELETTRA compl. Zündung SELETTRA kompl. Zündung SELETTRA 2 888-19-011 1 Zapalování SELETTRA Ignition SELETTRA 3 888-19-014 1 Zapalovací cívka (Selletra) Ignition coil Zündspule 4 889-19-041 1 Hřídel zapalování Shaft of the ignition Züngungswelle 1 Pojistka Circlip Seeger-Ring 1 Pero 2,5x3,7 ČSN 301385.11 Key 2.5x3.7 Keil 2,5x3,7 1 Matice M 12x1 levý Nut M 12x1 left Mutter M 12x1 links 443 221 045 010 1 Svíčka NGK RO 045G-10 Sparking plug NGK 045G-10 Zündkerze NGK 045G-10 443 221 045 011 1 Svíčka NGK RO 045G-11 Sparking plug NGK 045G-11 Zündkerze NGK045G-11 893-19-010 1 Uzemňovací kabel úplný Earth cable compl. Erdanlage komp. 309 543 210 518 1 Šroub M 5x25 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M5x25 Schraube M5x25 309 543 210 522 2 Šroub M 5x35 ČSN 021143.59 Screw M5x35 Schraube M5x35 Scheibe B5,3 5 889-19-043 6 311 728 503 003 7 898-19-132 8 9 10 11 311 210 222 053 3 Podložka B 5,3 ČSN 021702.15 Washer B5,3 12 311 214 023 051 3 Pružná podložka 5,1 ČSN021740.09 Spring washer d5,1 Federscheibe 5,1 13 898-19-040 1 Vypínač zapalování Ignition switch Auslöser Díly na přání zákazníka - Optional parts - Wunsch teile 884-19-010 1 Zapalování PVL úplné Ignition PVL compl. Zündung PVL kompl. 884-19-011 1 Zapalování PVL Ignition PVL Zündung PVL 884-19-014 1 Zapalovací cívka (PVL) Ignition coil Zündspule 443 900 500 400 1 Krytka svíčky PVL P 18 Cover of sparking plug PVL P18Abdeckung PVL P 18 443 936 106 197 1 Vložka krytky Cover of the sparking plug Stecker 1 Průchodka Bushing Durchführung 443 936 106 197
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ENGINE TYPE 250-10-106
- chain tension and tightening of screw on cam sprocked (in case of great chain clearence the valve timing
is to be checked)
- tension of primary and secondary chain
- clutch adjustment
- oil filli...
Markin tubing
- chain tension and tightening of screws on cam sprocket (in case of great chain clearance the valve timing
is to be checked)
- tension of primary and secondary chain
- clutch adjustment
- oil fill...
motorové díly honda
Držáky výfuků………………………..…………..174
Závitové vložky a sady…………………..243
Klikové hřídele a ložiska………...……………. 174-175 Klíny a klínky…………………………… 243
Kombi klíče……………………………… ...
léto 2015
Po sezóně budeme kupovat nový traktor. Opět ten nejsilnější v nabídce –
VIKING MT 6127. Tenhle starý si ale rozhodně nechám. S novým budu
sekat a tenhle bude na ty ostatní práce, bude jezdit bez pr...
CLIF scooter
We recommend the product to be assembled in specialized
service centre or contact your distributor.
Riding instructions:
1. Put your hands on the handlebar, one leg is on the deck of a scooter and ...