NANOCON 2014 content
TANGER Ltd. Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials Materials Research Society of Serbia Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap 2014 ® 6th International Conference Conference Proceedings November 5th-7th 2014 Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU © 2015 TANGER Ltd., Ostrava ISBN 978-80-87294-53-6 NANOCON 2014 Conference Proceedings Different Authors Nov 5th-7th 2014 Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU Issued by: TANGER, Ltd., Keltickova 62, 710 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU Edition: 1st Edition, 2015 Number of pages: 855 CONTENT NANOCON 2014 SESSION A - PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF NANOSTRUCTURES ..................................................... 14 Generation of TiO2 nanoparticles for Follow-up Inhalation Experiments with Laboratory Animals .............. 15 MORAVEC Pavel, SCHWARZ Jaroslav, VODIČKA Petr, KOŠTEJN Martin Silver Catalysed Nanoscale Silicon Etching in Water Vapour .......................................................................... 21 KŘÍŽEK Filip, PIKNA Peter, FEJFAR Antonín Grain Refinement Effect on Fatigue Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel with Deformation Induced Martensite Formation ..................................................................................................................................... 25 CHLUPOVÁ Alice, MAN Jiří, POLÁK Jaroslav, ŠKORÍK Viktor, KARJALAINEN Pentti Characterisation and Functional Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide and its Nanocomposites.............. 31 MOHAN Velram Balaji, BHATTACHARYYA Debes, JAYARAMAN Krishnan Self-Assembly of PbS Quantum Dots in Ordered Superstructures.................................................................. 37 USHAKOVA Elena V., GOLUBKOV Valery V., LITVIN Aleksandr P., PARFENOV Peter S., FEDOROV Anatoly V., BARANOV Alexander V. Temperature Dependencies of Spectral and Kinetic Properties of PbS QD Photoluminescence ................... 41 LITVIN Aleksandr P., PARFENOV Peter. S., USHAKOVA Elena V., SIMÕES GAMBOA Ana L., FEDOROV Anatoly V., BARANOV Alexander V. Effect of Interdiffusion on Band Structure in IN GAAS/GA1-XALXAS Quatum Ring Superlattices..................... 47 MUGHNETSYAN Vram, KIRAKOSYAN Albert, MANASELYAN Aram Composite LiNbO3-Ag Nanoparticles Dispersion with Compensated Loss...................................................... 54 DE LA CRUZ Rosa María, KANYINDA-MALU Clément, MUÑOZ-SANTIUSTE Juan E. Interpretation of the C=O Band of Modified Diamond Nanoparticles by Means of DFT Theory.................... 59 JIRÁSEK Vít, KOZAK Halyna, REMEŠ Zdeněk, KROMKA Alexander Thin Films of Inert Metal Nanowires for Display Applications ........................................................................ 64 CITIR Murat, SEN Unal, USTA Hakan, CANLIER Ali Molecular Modeling Study of Clay-based Nanocomposite Fillers................................................................... 77 TOKARSKÝ Jonáš, MATĚJKA Vlastimil Natural Organic-Inorganic Composite Systems ............................................................................................... 83 PETRÁŇ Aleš, KROISOVÁ Dora Preparation and Characterization of the Graphite/ZnO Composites.............................................................. 88 JANÍKOVÁ Barbora, MATĚJKA Vlastimil, DĚDKOVÁ Kateřina Preparation, Testing and Comparison of Friction Composites........................................................................ 94 KRYGEL Marek, VACULIK Miroslav, KUKUTSCHOVA Jana, FILIP Peter Synthesis and Characterization of MWCNTs coated with Titanium Carbide Thin Films ................................. 99 KREMLEV Kirill, OBIEDKOV Anatoly, KAVERIN Boris, KETKOV Sergey, SEMENOV Nikolay, GUSEV Sergey, TATARSKY Dmitriy, YUNIN Pavel, DODONOV Viktor, ILYANOV Sergey, VAGANOV Viktor Properties of Polyaniline/Montmorillonite Thin Films in Dependence on Preparation Temperature ......... 104 MLYNÁŘOVÁ Pavla, KULHÁNKOVÁ Lenka, TOKARSKÝ Jonáš, PEIKERTOVÁ Pavlína, VILÍMOVÁ Petra, ČAPKOVÁ Pavla Response of Surface Morphology in Cobalt-Fullerene Mixture Films upon Variation of the Metal Content .......................................................................................................................................................... 109 LAVRENTIEV Vasily, LAVRENTIEVA Inna, VACIK Jiri (100) Substrate Processing Pptimization for Fabrication of Smooth Boron Doped Epitaxial Diamond Layer by PE CVD ............................................................................................................................................. 115 MORTET Vincent, FEKETE Ladislav, ASHCHEULOV Petr, TAYLOR Andrew, HUBÍK Pavel, TREMOUILLE David, BEDEL-PEREIRA Elena Preparation of Composite Nanofibers containing Solid Particles ................................................................. 120 POKORNY Pavel, KALOUS Tomas, MIKES Petr, CHVOJKA Jiri Acoustic Properties of Aerogel embedded Nonwoven fabrics ..................................................................... 124 VENKATARAMAN Mohanapriya, MISHRA Rajesh, ARUMUGAM Veerakumar, JAMSHAID Hafsa, MILITKY Jiri Method for Producing Nanofibre Layers Incorporating Particles ................................................................ 131 CHVOJKA Jiří, MIKEŠ Petr, CHALOUPEK Jiří, SANETRNÍK Filip, KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ Eva, SOUKUPOVÁ Julie, BLAŽKOVÁ Lenka, JIRKOVEC Radek, ULMAN Ivan, LUKÁŠ David Study of Photocatalytic Activity of ZnxCd1-xS Quantum Dots in Dependence on their Composition using Methylene Blue ............................................................................................................................................. 135 PRAUS Petr, SVOBODA Ladislav, HOSPODKOVÁ Alice, MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ Kateřina Chiroptical Properties of CdSe Nanoplatelets ............................................................................................... 141 MUKHINA Maria V., MASLOV Vladimir G., BARANOV Alexander V., FEDOROV Anatoly V., GUN’KO Yurii K. A Theory of Low-temperature Stationary Photoluminescence of a Quantum-Dot Molele .......................... 146 TURKOV Vadim K., KRUCHININ Stanislav Yu., RUKHLENKO Ivan D., BAIMURATOV Anvar S., LEONOV Mikhail Yu., GUN'KO Yurii K., BARANOV Alexander V., FEDOROV Anatoly V. Chemical Wet Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Silver Nanoparticles ........................................... 152 ZOBAČ Ondřej, SOPOUŠEK Jiří, VYKOUKAL Vítězslav, BURŠÍK Jiří, ROUPCOVÁ Pavla Thermal Stability of Gold Nanostructured Electrodes and Influence of Annealing on Electrochemical Impedance Measurements............................................................................................................................ 158 KYNCLOVÁ Hana, DRBOHLAVOVÁ Jana, SVATOŠ Vojtěch, HRDÝ Radim, PRÁŠEK Jan, HUBÁLEK Jaromír Creation of Nanocomposites based on Carbon Nanotubes and Nanotubes of TiO2 or Nanoribbons of Sodium Titanate ............................................................................................................................................ 164 KADLEČÍKOVÁ Magdaléna, JESENÁK Karol, BREZA Juraj, HUBEŇÁK Michal, KOLMAČKA Michal , VANČO Ľubomír, KADLEČÍK Jozef, ČAPLOVIČOVÁ Mária The Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on the Electrical Properties of Injection Molded Thermoplastic Polymer Matrix .............................................................................................................................................. 169 VÁCHA Jan, HABR Jiří Effect of Nanoparticles Size on Corrosion Behavior and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Ni Modified Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes ................................................................................................. 174 ŠKANTÁROVÁ Lenka, ORIŇAKOVÁ Renáta, ORIŇAK Andrej, MERKOҪI Arben Nanoscale Zinc Oxide - High Perspective Nanomaterial ............................................................................... 180 ŠVRČEK Jiří, BIERSKÁ Lenka, SOUČEK Martin, KRÝSA Josef Preparation and Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles ........................................................................................ 186 SVOBODA Ladislav, PRAUS Petr, WOJTALOVÁ Monika Sorption of Cs(I), Sr(II) and Eu(III) on Modified Nickel Oxide ........................................................................ 192 BRYNYCH Vojtěch, POSPĚCHOVÁ Jana, PROCHÁZKOVÁ Lenka, ČUBA Václav, SZATMÁRY Lórant Structural, Morphological and Optical Characterizations of Annealed EDTA Capped ZnS Nanocrystals Prepared by Chemical Precipitation Method ................................................................................................ 198 OSMAN M. A., OTHMAN A. A., EL-SAID Waleed A., ABU-SEHLY A. A., ABD-ELRAHIM A. G. Hydrothermal Synthesis of ZnIn2S4 Microspheres under Controlled Pressure.............................................. 208 BANICA Radu, URSU Daniel, RACU Andrei V., VASZILCSIN Nicolae Comparison of Migration and Reactivation Properties of New Types of Iron Nanoparticles ....................... 214 NOSEK Jaroslav, PEŠKOVÁ Kristýna, MASOPUSTOVÁ Zuzana Montmorillonite/TiO2 Filler in PA1010 Matrix .............................................................................................. 219 LANG Jaroslav, MA Jiankang, MATĚJKA Vlastimil, LU Yafei Comparative Study of Titanium Dioxide's Rheological Properties ................................................................ 225 JEZERSKA Lucie, HLOSTA Jakub, ZIDEK Martin, ZEGZULKA Jiri, NECAS Jan, MAMULOVÁ KUTLAKOVA Katerina Deposition of PVP-protected Platinum Nanoparticles on Semiconductor Substrates for Hydrogen Sensing........................................................................................................................................................... 231 CERNOHORSKY Ondrej, YATSKIV Roman, GRYM Jan Electronic Transport Properties of [6+Nx12]Annulene Nets ......................................................................... 235 ŠMARHÁK Jiří, VOVES Jan E-beam Nano-patterning for Electroforming Replication ............................................................................. 240 KRÁTKÝ Stanislav, KOLAŘÍK Vladimír, URBÁNEK Michal, PATÁK Aleš, HORÁČEK Miroslav, MATĚJKA Milan Some Other Gratings: Benchmarks for Large-Area E-beam Nanopatterning ............................................... 246 MELUZÍN Petr, HORÁČEK Miroslav, URBÁNEK Michal, BOK Jan, KRÁTKÝ Stanislav, MATĚJKA Milan, CHLUMSKÁ Jana, KOLAŘÍK Vladimír Exposure Time Comparison between E-beam Writer with Gaussian Beam and Variable Shaped Beam ..... 252 HORÁČEK Miroslav, KRÁTKÝ Stanislav, URBÁNEK Michal, KOLAŘÍK Vladimír, MELUZÍN Petr, MATĚJKA Milan, CHLUMSKÁ Jana Influence of UV Irradiation and Temperature on the Structural Changes in Polyamide1010 ...................... 257 PEIKERTOVÁ Pavlína, TOKARSKÝ Jonáš, LU Yafei, MATĚJKA Vlastimil Comparative Research Regarding Corrosion Protective Effect of different Sandwich Type Nanostructures obtained from Porphyrins and Pseudo-binary Oxides by Changing the Deposition Order.............................................................................................................................................................. 262 BIRDEANU Mihaela, BÎRDEANU Aurel - Valentin, POPA Iuliana, TARANU Bogdan, PETER Francisc, CREANGA Ionela, PALADE Anca, FAGADAR-COSMA Eugenia IR Laser CVD of Nanodisperse Ge-Si-Sn Alloys obtained by Dielectric Breakdown of GeH4/SiH4/SnH4 Mixtures ........................................................................................................................................................ 268 KŘENEK Tomáš, BEZDIČKA Petr, MURAFA Nataliya, ŠUBRT Jan, POLA Josef Study of Magnetically Modified Kaolinite by Leaching Test.......................................................................... 274 TOKARČÍKOVÁ Michaela, SEIDLEROVÁ Jana Ab-initio and Density Functional Theory Simulation for Lactide Monomer.................................................. 280 ELDESSOUKI Mohamed, GOWAYED Yasser, ACEVEDO Orlando Changes in Selected Properties of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Materials after Lyophilization........................ 289 BORŮVKOVÁ Karolína, WIENER Jakub, KOLÍNOVÁ Marcela Bionics - Housefly Like Inspiration ................................................................................................................. 295 VOLESKÝ Lukáš, ŠAFKA Jiří, BAKALOVÁ Totka Tuning the Photophysical Properties of Anti-B18H22 [1]................................................................................. 300 BRABOREC Jakub, ČERNÁ Hana, BENKOCKÁ Monika, KOLSKÁ Zdeňka, LONDESBOROUGH Michael G.S. Nature of the Surface of Detonation Nanodiamond and its some Functional Properties ............................ 304 ISAKOVA Alexandra, AFONINA Ludmila, GALUSHKO Tatyana, IVANOVA Marina, ABKHALIMOV Evgeny, IVANOVA Valeriya, SKORIC Nina, SPITSYN Boris Self-assembled Nanostructures, formed by Yttrium Crown-Phthalocyaninate in Solutions ........................ 309 ISAKOVA Alexandra A., LAPKINA Lyudmila L., MARTYNOV Alexandеr G., GORBUNOVA Yulia G., ABKHALIMOV Evgeniy V., GRISHINA Antonina D., VANNIKOV Anatoliy V., TSIVADZE Aslan Yu. Montmorillonite and Vermiculite modified with N-Vinylcaprolactam and Poly(N-Vinylcaprolactam): Preparation and Characterization ................................................................................................................. 314 PAZOURKOVÁ Lenka, SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ Gražyna, HUNDÁKOVÁ Marianna, BAROŠOVÁ Hana Nanoporous Graphite in Electrochemical Sensors and its Usage for Determination of Metanephrines ..... 320 PORTYCHOVÁ Lenka, NÝVLTOVÁ Zora, BRABCOVÁ VRÁNKOVÁ Alice, BARTOŠ Michal, VERMOUSEK Ivan, HORNA Aleš Plasmonic Structures in PMMA Resist........................................................................................................... 324 URBÁNEK Michal, KRÁTKÝ Stanislav, ŠIMÍK MARCEL, KOLAŘÍK Vladimír, HORÁČEK Miroslav, MATĚJKA Milan Effect of Natural Fillers in the Form of Nanoparticles on the Tribological Properties of Process Fluids ...... 329 BAKALOVA Totka, VOLESKÝ Lukáš, ŠKODOVÁ Petra, LOUDA Petr SESSION B - INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS OF NANOMATERIALS ......................... 334 Operational Experiences with a Nanofibre Biomass Carrier used for the Treatment of Toxic Industrial Wastewaters.................................................................................................................................................. 335 LEDERER Tomáš, KŘIKLAVOVÁ Lucie Using of Nanofiber Filter for Air Filtration in Water Supply Facilities ........................................................... 341 STRAKA Petr, LEV Jaroslav, ŘÍHOVÁ AMBROŽOVÁ Jana, KALHOTKA Libor, DETVANOVÁ Lenka, DOSTÁLOVÁ Lenka Tree Gum based Electrospun Nanofibre Membranes: Process Optimization, Characterization and Environmental Application ............................................................................................................................ 347 VELLORA THEKKAE PADIL Vinod, ČERNÍK Miroslav Properties Modification of Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors under Irradiation Low-energy Ions ................................................................................................................................................................ 352 TARKHOV M.A., KULESHOVA E.A., GUROVICH B.A., PRIKHOD’KO K.E., GONCHAROV B.V., GONCHAROVA D.A., OLSHANSKII E.D., DOMANTOVSKIY A.G., STOLYAROV V.L. Carbon Nanotubes based Textile Coatings Filled with Aluminium Flakes for High Reflectivity Heating and Lighting Applications .............................................................................................................................. 357 GOVAERT Filip, VANNESTE Myriam The Effect of Sepiolite Clay on the Properties of Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofibers .......................... 363 DEMİREL GÜLTEKİN Nergis, UÇAR Nuray Rheology as a Powerfull Tool for Scientific as well Industrial Characterisation of New Materials based on Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites ...................................................................................................... 368 KRACALIK Milan Computational Study of Cellular Assembly on Hydrophobic / Hydrophilic Micro-Patterns ......................... 373 UKRAINTSEV Egor, BROZ Antonin, HUBALEK KALBACOVA Marie, KROMKA Alexander, REZEK Bohuslav Magnetron Sputtered ZnO on MWCNT for Li-Ion Battery Negative Electrodes ........................................... 379 AKBULUT H., CETINKAYA T., GULER M. O., UYSAL M. Effect of the Mg Substitution on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of CuCrO2 for Applications to P-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells......................................................................................... 390 URSU Daniel, MICLĂU Marinela, BĂNICA Radu, BUCUR Raul, VASZILCSIN Nicolae, CHIOSA Monica Photovoltaic Modules Performance - Comparative Study ............................................................................ 395 PACURAR Ana Talida, PACURAR Cristian, TOADER Dumitru Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Building-integrated Photovoltaic - Case Study .......................... 400 PACURAR Cristian, PACURAR Ana Talida, TOADER Dumitru Sorption Isotherm Study on Two Polyamide Nanofiberous Membranes ..................................................... 405 WANG Yan, WIENER Jakub, ZHU Guocheng The Incorporation of Insoluble Anorganic Particles into Polymeric Nanofibers ........................................... 411 NEVYHOŠTĚNÝ Stanislav, GRÉGR Jan, KOŠŤÁKOVÁ Eva Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles for Textile Finishing ..................................................................... 417 SHAHID Muhammad, WIENER Jakub, MAHLTIG Boris Producing Antibacterial Textile Material by Weaving PVB/CuO Nanocomposite Fiber Covered Yarn ......... 421 YALCINKAYA Fatma, KOMAREK Michal, LUBASOVA Daniela, SANETRNIK Filip, MARYSKA Jiri Influence of Structure Uniformity of Nanofibrous Filters on their Homogeneity of Filtration Efficiency..... 427 BILEK Petr, HRŮZA Jakub Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge Pre-treatment for Improving Coating Properties .................... 437 HOMOLA Tomáš, BURŠÍKOVÁ Vilma, SŤAHEL Pavel, ČERNÁK Mirko Gas Sensor Based on Tin Dioxide-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite Film for Isobutane Detection ........ 441 GABLECH Imrich, PRÁŠEK Jan, MAJZLÍKOVÁ Petra, HUBÁLEK Jaromír Needleless Electrospinning of Silk Fibroin / Polycaprolactone Blend Nanofibres ........................................ 447 SASITHORN Nongnut, MARTINOVÁ Lenka Influence of Incorporated Nanodiamond Particles on Mechanical Properties of Composite Material based on Multi-layer PVA Nanofiber Textile ................................................................................................. 452 PROŠEK Zdeněk, INDROVÁ Kateřina, RÁCOVÁ Zuzana, RYPAROVÁ Pavla, NEŽERKA Václav, TOPIČ Jaroslav, TESÁREK Pavel, KROMKA Alexander Coaxial Electrodes for Electrospinning .......................................................................................................... 457 CUDLÍNOVÁ Marcela, VYSLOUŽILOVÁ Lucie, NOVÁK Patrik Natural Organic-inorganic Material Utilized as a Filler in Polymer Systems ................................................. 463 KROISOVÁ Dora, ADACH Kinga, FIJALKOWSKI Mateusz Impedance Measurement of Gas Sensors with Nickel(II)- and Copper(II)- Oxide Active Layers .................. 469 HORÁK Pavel, KHUN Josef, VRŇATA Martin, BEJŠOVEC Václav, LAVRENTIEV Vasyl, VACÍK Jiří Use of Iron Nanoparticles for Post-treatment of Metal Finishing Wastewater ............................................ 475 MATYSÍKOVÁ Jana, SUKOPOVÁ Martina, ŠKORVAN Ondřej, HOLBA Marek Microfiltration Nanofibrous Membrane for Wastewater Treatment ........................................................... 481 LEV Jaroslav, HOLBA Marek, DOŠEK Michal, KALHOTKA Libor, DETVANOVÁ Lenka, DOSTÁLOVÁ Lenka, PŘICHYSTALOVÁ Jitka, VINCENT Ivo, KIMMER Dušan Separation of the Engineered Nanoparticles from Industrial Wastewater in the Coating Industry ............. 487 MATYSÍKOVÁ Jana, HOLBA Marek Biodegradability Testing of Modified PHA-based Nanomaterials by Standard Test ..................................... 491 BENEŠOVÁ Pavla, OBRUČA Stanislav, WURSTOVÁ Agáta, KUNDRÁT Vojtěch, MÁROVÁ Ivana Evaluation Biocidal Effect of Nanofiber Textiles Prepared based on PVA and Biocidal Compounds against Mold and Wood Decaying Fungi ....................................................................................................... 496 RYPAROVÁ Pavla, RÁCOVÁ Zuzana, PROŠEK Zdeněk, TOPIČ Jaroslav, TESÁSEK Pavel, HROCHOVÁ Petra SESSION C - BIONANOTECHNOLOGY, NANOMATERIALS IN MEDICINE .................................................. 501 Polymeric Nanofibrous Scaffolds Reinforced with Diamond and Ceramic Nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Engineering .................................................................................................................................................... 502 BAČÁKOVÁ Lucie, PAŘÍZEK Martin, STAŇKOVÁ Lubica, NOVOTNÁ Katarína, DOUGLAS Timothy E.L., BRADY Mariea A., KROMKA Alexander, POTOCKÝ Štěpán, STRÁNSKÁ Denisa Drawing Fibrous Scaffolds with Precise Structure for Tissue Engineering .................................................... 508 PILAŘOVÁ Kateřina, JENČOVÁ Věra, STANISLAV Lukáš, HORÁKOVÁ Jana, MIKEŠ Petr, LUKÁŠ David Evaluation of Gellan based Electrospun Nanofibers for Wound Healing...................................................... 514 VASHISTH Priya, SINGH Harmeet, PRUTHI Parul A., SINGH Rajesh Pratap, PRUTHI Vikas Preparation of Composite Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery ............................................................... 518 KOZHIKHOVA Ksenia V., IVANTSOVA Maria N., SHULEPOV Iliya D., PONOMAREV Vladislav S., MIRONOV Maxim A. Magnetic Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Applications............................................................................... 525 DARWISH Mohamed, STIBOR Ivan Synthesis and Comparison of Targeted T1-contrast Agents based on DOTA and DTPA Complexes ............ 530 ABAKUMOVA Tatiana, ABAKUMOV Maxim, BYCHKOV Dmitry, KABANOV Alexander, NUKOLOVA Natalia, CHEKHONIN Vladimir Chiral Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Photoluminescence Properties within Living Cells ............................. 536 MARTYNENKO Irina, KUZNETSOVA Vera, ORLOVA Anna, MASLOV Vladimir, FEDOROV Anatoly, GUN’KO Yurii, BARANOV Alexander 3D Micro-Nano Fibrous Scaffold prepared by Meltblown in Combination with Electrospinning for the Bone Tissue Engineering .................................................................................................................... 541 ERBEN Jakub, PILAŘOVÁ Kateřina, SANETRNÍK Filip, CHVOJKA Jiří, JENČOVÁ Věra, BLAŽKOVÁ Lenka, HAVLÍČEK Jiří, NOVÁK Ondřej, MIKEŠ Petr, PROSECKÁ Eva, LUKÁŠ David, KOŠŤÁKOVÁ Eva The Combination of 3D Printing and Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage ................... 546 PELCL Martin, CHVOJKA Jiří, KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ Eva, ŠAFKA Jiří, KŘÍŽ Kristián, PILAŘOVÁ Kateřina, JENČOVÁ Věra, FILOVÁ Eva Production of Scaffolds for Artifical Cartilage by Centrifugal Spinning ......................................................... 551 BLAŽKOVÁ Lenka, PILAŘOVÁ Kateřina, KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ Eva, MORÁVKOVÁ Jaroslava Fabrication of 3D Diamond Membranes for Microfluidic Systems ............................................................... 556 VARGA Marian, BABCHENKO Oleg, BAUEROVA Pavla, HRUSKA Karel, JURKA Vlastimil, KROMKA Alexander, REZEK Bohuslav Co-encapsulation of Probiotics with Prebiotics into Polysaccharide Particles and its Effect on Viability in Simulated Gastrointestinal Fluid ............................................................................................ 563 MATOUŠKOVÁ Petra, VYSKOČILOVÁ Terezie, BENEŠOVÁ Pavla, HURTOVÁ Jana, LICHNOVÁ Andrea, VRTNÁ Monika, MÁROVÁ Ivana Preparation and Stability of Organic Core-shell Particles with Encapsulated Complex Natural Plant Sources of Phenolics, Caffeine and Vitamins ................................................................................................ 569 MÁROVÁ Ivana, MATOUŠKOVÁ Petra, BYRTUSOVÁ Dana, PATOČKOVÁ Klára, BOKROVÁ Jitka, HURTOVÁ Jana, BENEŠOVÁ Pavla Anti-VEGFR2 Nanogels as a Delivery System of Therapeutic Agents to the Brain Tumor Cells .................... 575 KORCHAGINA A.A., NUKOLOVA N.V., SHEIN S.A., ABAKUMOVA T.O., CHEKHONIN V.P. Synthesis and Characterization of PEG-Silane Functionalized Iron Oxide (II, III) Nanoparticle as Potential MRI Contrast Agent ....................................................................................................................................... 581 RUDAKOVSKAYA Polina, METELKINA Olga, BELOGLAZKINA Elena, ZYK Nykolay, SAVCHENKO Alexander, SCHETININ Igor, SALIHOV Sergey, ABAKUMOV Maxim, KLYACHKO Nataliya, GOLOVIN Yuriy, MAJOUGA Alexander HRP-like Activity of Bare and Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles .................................................................. 588 HRADILOVÁ Šárka, PANÁČEK Aleš, KVÍTEK Libor, ZBOŘIL Radek Immobilization of Microorganisms in Fibers ................................................................................................. 594 BERAN Milos, DRAHORAD Josef, HUSEK Zdenek, TOMAN Frantisek Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Co-polymerization of Maleic Anhydride and Acetylene onto Polycaprolactone Fibers ................................................................................................................................ 599 MICHLÍČEK Miroslav, MANAKHOV Anton, ELIÁŠ Marek, PAVLIŇÁK David, POLČÁK Josef, ZAJÍČKOVÁ Lenka Structure and Morfology of PCL Porous Nano / Microfibres Layers ............................................................. 605 MACAJOVÁ Eva, DUFKOVÁ Iva, KEJZLAR Pavel Physical-mechanical Properties of Biocomposites Reinforced with Coir (Nano)Fibers ................................ 610 BĚHÁLEK Luboš, HABR Jiří, BOBEK Jiří, SEIDL Martin, LENFELD Petr Study of Preparation and Structure of Polycaprolactone and Biocomposite Nanofibers from Hydroxyapatite / Polycaprolactone............................................................................................................... 615 SEKANINOVÁ Jana, CIHLÁŘ Jaroslav Green Synthesis of Copper-based Nanostructures using Tannic Acid and Testing of their Antibacterial Properties ...................................................................................................................................................... 621 KŘÍŽOVÁ Hana, ROTKOVÁ Jana Nanoparticles as Antibacterial Fillers in Machining Process Fluids ............................................................... 627 KŘIKLAVOVÁ Lucie, ŠKODOVÁ Petra, BAKALOVA Totka, VOLESKÝ Lukáš, LEDERER Tomáš Antibacterial Cerium-montmorillonite and Cerium-vermiculite ................................................................... 633 HUNDÁKOVÁ Marianna, SAMLÍKOVÁ Magda, PAZDZIORA Erich Finding the PH-induced Changes in the Shape of Matrix Viral Protein M1 by SPR Technique ..................... 639 BREVNOV Vladimir, INDENBOM Andrey Non-Bond Interactions Between Chlorhexidine Diacetate and Kaolinite: a Molecular Modeling Study...... 644 HLAVÁČ Dominik, TOKARSKÝ Jonáš Effect of OF H- and O- Termination of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films of Cell Adhesion and Osteogenic Differentiation ............................................................................................................................................... 650 LISKOVA Jana, BABCHENKO Oleg, VARGA Marian, KROMKA Alexander, HADRABA Daniel, SVINDRYCH Zdenek, BACAKOVA Lucie SESSION D - HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT CHALLENGES ......................................................... 657 In-vitro Testing for Identification of Long-term Effects of Nanoparticles ..................................................... 658 FRÖHLICH Eleonore, MEINDL Claudia, MRAKOVCIC Maria, LEITINGER Gerd, BAUMGARTNER Ramona, ROBLEGG Eva Synthesis of CdTe/ZnS core/shell Quantum Dots and their In Vitro Toxicity Assessment ............................ 664 CHOMOUCKA Jana, FOHLEROVA Zdenka, DRBOHLAVOVA Jana, PEKAREK Jan, MAJZLIKOVA Petra, PRASEK Jan, HUBALEK Jaromir Cytotoxicity Induced by Nanoparticles - Standartisation of Methods within QualityNano FP7 Network .... 670 BRZICOVÁ Táňa, NOVÁKOVÁ Zuzana, RÖSSNER Pavel, Jr., DANIHELKA Pavel, TOPINKA Jan Synthesis, Characterization and Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles to Freshwater Green Algae ................................................................................................................................................... 676 KUZNÍKOVÁ Ľubomíra, DĚDKOVÁ Kateřina, PAVELEK Lubomír, KUKUTSCHOVÁ Jana Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles to Freshwater Green Algae................................................... 682 DĚDKOVÁ Kateřina, BUREŠ Zdeněk, PALARČÍK Jiří, VLČEK Miroslav, KUKUTSCHOVÁ Jana Influence of Inhaled Manganese Oxides Nanoparticles on Mass of Internal Organs in Mice ...................... 686 ZEMAN Tomáš, DOČEKAL Bohumil, MIKUŠKA Pavel, BUCHTOVÁ Marcela, MÍŠEK Ivan, ŠERÝ Omar, VEČEŘA Zbyněk Thermal Annealing Induced Phase Transition and UV Irradiation Induced brightening in CdS Nanoparticles................................................................................................................................................. 692 OSMAN M. A., OTHMAN A. A., ABD-ELRAHIM A. G. Comparative Study of Nanoparticle Production Technologies focused on Environmetal Aspects............... 701 STIEBEROVÁ Barbora, ŽILKA Miroslav, TICHÁ Marie, FREIBERG František, HOŠEK Jan Comparison of the Influence of Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial Populations ..................................................................................................................................... 707 ŠKODOVÁ Petra, KŘIKLAVOVÁ Lucie, LEDERER Tomáš, BAKALOVA Totka, VOLESKÝ Lukáš Locating Urbat Hot-spots with Mobile on-line Size-resolved Nanoparticle Measurement .......................... 712 VOJTÍŠEK Michal, PECHOUT Martin, DITTRICH Luboš, MAZAČ Martin, ŠTOLCPARTOVÁ Jitka Treatment of Human Body Fluid Samples for Phase Analysis ....................................................................... 718 BAROŠOVÁ Hana, TOMÁŠEK Vladimír, KUKUTSCHOVÁ Jana Building Exposure Scenarios for Safety Management of Engineered Nanomaterials .................................. 723 SIKOROVÁ Lucie, VAN TONGEREN Martie, DANIHELKA Pavel, SÁNCHEZ JIMÉNEZ Araceli, BERNATÍKOVÁ Šárka Antimicrobial Properties of ZNO Submicrometer Particles ........................................................................... 731 PEREIRA Carlos M., FERNANDES Paula M. V., PEREIRA Pedro P. C., RIBEIRO José A., PINTO Vera V., GOMES Joana, FERREIRA Maria José SESSION E - STANDARDIZATION METROLOGY & CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS ................. 735 Particle Size Measurement - Lessons learned from EU Nanomaterial Definition ......................................... 736 PIKAL Petr Examination of Graphene with Very Slow Electrons ..................................................................................... 741 MIKMEKOVÁ Eliška, FRANK Luděk Microscopic Characterization of Graphene Material and Electronic Quality across Neighbouring, Differently oriented Copper Grains ............................................................................................................... 747 ČERMÁK Jan, YAMADA Takatoshi, GANZEROVÁ Kristína, REZEK Bohuslav A Comparison of different Measurement methods Mechanical Properties of Al Thin Films ....................... 753 TRUHLÁŘ Michal, BURŠÍKOVÁ Vilma, SOBOTA Jaroslav, KRUML Tomáš Approaches to Electromagnetic Simulations of Advanced SERS Substrates ................................................. 759 KWIECIEN Pavel, FIALA Jan, ŠTOLCOVÁ Lucie, PROŠKA Jan, RICHTER Ivan Tuning the Magnetoelectric Properties with Strain in Epitaxial Co0.9Sn0.1Fe2O4 Thin Films .......................... 766 RUS S. F., HERKLOTZ A. Interparticle Magnetic Interactions within a Single Domain Magnetite Powder ......................................... 772 VÍTKOVSKÁ Nikola, JANDAČKA Petr, ŽIVOTSKÝ Ondřej, LUŇÁČEK Jiří Nanoindentation Properties of Plastic Optical Fiber Interphase .................................................................. 778 HUANG Juan, KREMENAKOVA Dana, MILITKY Jiri Experimetal Investigation of Salt Effect on Electrospinning Parameters ans Nanofiber Morphology ......... 785 YALCINKAYA Fatma, YALCINKAYA Baturalp, JIRSAK Oldrich..................................................................... 785 Estimation of Fiber Morphology in Electrospinning of Polyurethane Solutions ........................................... 791 YALCINKAYA Baturalp Electric Wind Phenomena during AC Colectorless Electrospinning .............................................................. 798 KALOUS Tomáš, POKORNÝ Pavel, LUKÁŠ David, SANETRNÍK Filip Characterization and Effect of UV Irradition on Polyamide1010 and Polyamide1010/Kaolinite ................. 802 DROBÍKOVÁ Klára, PEIKERTOVÁ Pavlína, MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ Kateřina, TOKARSKÝ Jonáš, MATĚJKA Vlastimil, LANG Jaroslav, LU Yafei New Approach for Characterization and Study on Reactivity of Biomaterials.............................................. 808 SMILEK Jiří, SEDLÁČEK Petr, KLUČÁKOVÁ Martina Analysis of FinFET Characteristics with Gate Length Scalling ........................................................................ 814 ŠUSTKOVÁ Hana, VOVES Jan Study of Surface Effects on Ag-Cu Nanoparticles by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry ........................ 820 ZELENKA František, BROŽ Pavel, STÝSKALÍK Aleš, ŠKODA David, ZOBAČ Ondřej Measurement and Evaluation of the Electrical Conductivity of PANI and PANI/Kaolinite/Ttitanium Dioxide Pressed Tablets - Study of Load Sensor ............................................................................................ 826 TOKARSKÝ Jonáš, PLAČEK Tomáš, NEUWIRTHOVÁ Lucie, KULHÁNKOVÁ Lenka Nanoparticle Pattern Formation by Using Vibration and Acoustic Characterization.................................... 832 PROCHÁZKA Aleš, SLÍVA Aleš Measuring of the Structural Characteristics and Adhesion of the Polyaniline Thin Layers by the Atomic Force Microscopy .......................................................................................................................................... 838 VILÍMOVÁ Petra, TOKARSKÝ Jonáš Aggregation and Degradation Processes of Biopolymers and Biocolloids studied by Light Scattering Techniques..................................................................................................................................................... 844 KALINA Michal, KLUČÁKOVÁ Martina, CHYTILOVÁ Aneta
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