Overall streetstyle qualification results
Overall streetstyle qualification results
Mystic Sk8 Cup 2008 Stvanice, Praha, Czech Republic July 4 - 6, 2008 STREET Qualifying Results Rank Name Age Hometown 1st Avg. 2nd Avg. Sponsors Best Avg. Qix International, FLH, Unido Skt Family 83.33 67.33 83.33 Ferrugem Skt, A4, Fatal Flowers, Broken, Cidade De Curitiba 82.67 76.33 82.67 Emerica, Foundation, Altamont, Independent, Spitfire, Speed Skateshop 80.33 80.67 80.67 2 1 Antwerp, BEL Carhartt, DC Shoes, Locckwood Skateshop, Transind 80.33 68.67 80.33 Xico Basabe 2 7 BCN, SPN Neurotic Skateboards, Love Clothing, Cormax Shoes 63.67 80.33 80.33 6 Chris Pfanner 2 3 Kennelbach, Anti Hero, Vans, Volcom, Eastpak, Thunder, Spitfire, Nixon 80.00 75.00 80.00 7 Scott Decenzo* 1 8 North Delta, BC CAN Plan B, Indy, C1rca 79.67 43.00 79.67 8 Avi Luzia 2 9 Tel Aviv, DC Shoes and Appareal, Spitfire, Venture Isreal 72.00 79.00 79.00 9 Hugo Liard 3 0 Lyon, Vans, Carhartt, Eastpak, Von Zipper, Antiz 79.00 66.67 79.00 10 Axel Cruysberghs 1 3 Poperinge, Volcom, Flip, Etnies, Red Bull, Thunder, Spitfire, Zumiez 71.67 78.67 78.67 11 Misha Cracker 2 1 Haifa, Element (Israel) 61.00 77.33 77.33 12 Ruben Rodrigues 2 3 Lisbon, Element, Etnies, Eastpak, Nixon, Von Zipper 76.00 63.00 76.00 13 Diego Fiorese* 2 0 Sao Paulo, Anti Action, Deed Pure Ride 75.33 71.67 75.33 14 Terry Kennedy 2 3 Long Beach, CA USA Baker, Boost Mobile, Krew, Sk8site.com, Supra, Venture 57.67 75.00 75.00 15 Madars Apse Ventspils 1 7 Ventopils, LAT Element, Vans, Red Bull, Eastpak, Nixon 74.00 25.33 74.00 16 Kristof Sarkany 1 8 Budapest, HUN Zone Sk8shop, Etnies, Oakley, Easpak 73.67 68.33 73.67 17 Carlos Ribeiro 1 6 New Hamburgo, 72.67 71.00 72.67 18 Leandro Chico 2 3 Sao Paulo, New Skate, Qix International, Override Boardshop 72.67 64.00 72.67 19 Zsolt Karkossiak 1 9 Budapest, Zone, Etnies, Pepper, Oakley 72.67 65.33 72.67 20 Elton Melonio 2 0 Sao Paulo, Plasma, Trauma 71.67 67.67 71.67 21 Ryo Sejiri 1 1 Tokyo, 71.67 65.67 71.67 22 Honza Kesler 1 9 Havrov, Salebra, Supra, Jart, Independent, Ricta, Kanalizace 64.67 71.67 71.67 23 Almog Frum 2 2 Tel Aviv, DC Israel 28.67 71.67 71.67 24 Jindra Koten 1 8 Vsti'nad Labem, 71.33 64.00 71.33 1 William Seco 2 4 Botucatu, 2 Rodil Jr. 3 0 Curitiba, 3 Max Genin 2 1 Orenoble, 4 Phil Zwijsen 5 BRA BRA FRA AUT ISL FRA BEL ISR POR BRA BRA HUN BRA JPN CZE ISR BRA Qix, Hocks, Premium Skateboards Element, Es, Venture, Autobahn, Oakley, Ninja, Nixon, Sekino Racing, Murasaki Sports CZE Swis-shop.cz Copyright 2008 World Cup Skateboarding For event results and overall rankings check out www.wcsk8.com Mystic Sk8 Cup 2008 Stvanice, Praha, Czech Republic July 4 - 6, 2008 STREET Qualifying Results Rank Name Age Hometown 1st Avg. 2nd Avg. Sponsors Best Avg. Analog, Gravis (IV), Zumiez, Torture, FKD, Silver 61.33 70.67 70.67 Vans, Santa Cruz, Lordz, Fury, Satori Wheels, Zeropolis Skateshop 70.67 57.67 70.67 GER Red Bull, Globe, Forvert, Electric, Titus Berlin, OGIO, Vestal, Bones 70.00 45.67 70.00 CZE Vehicle, C1rca, Creme, Suriva, Street Market.cz, Skull Candy, Fury 70.00 63.00 70.00 CZE Quiksilver, Nike SB, Crail, LOVE skateboards, Sk8sop.cz, Family, Suzi Va 69.33 20.33 69.33 1 6 Prague, CZE Vans, Quiksilver, Creme Sk8, Furn, Street Market.cz 42.00 66.67 66.67 Martin Hanusek 2 1 Prague, CZE Mystic, Zero, Vans 55.33 66.33 66.33 32 Matej Hakl 2 0 Ceske Budejovice, 65.67 33.33 65.67 33 Ales Bubla 2 0 Komarov, Mystic, Vans, Mystery, Krew, Krux, Bones 60.33 65.33 65.33 34 Ruben Gamito 2 0 Santo-Andre, Element, Von Zipper, Number Nine 53.33 65.33 65.33 35 Matyas Volek 1 7 Ricany, Symphony, 123 MP3, Wohnt Shop 65.00 58.67 65.00 36 Chima Ferguson* 1 9 Sydney, Vans, Volcom, Thunder, Spitfire, Real 60.67 64.67 64.67 37 Mark Bachman 1 7 Budakalasz, Garage Store, Lakai 62.00 64.00 64.00 38 Georges Agonkouin 2 5 Nice, FRA DC Shoes, Plex, Eastpak, Pull In, New-Era, Doc Shop, Chaka Wheels 59.00 64.00 64.00 39 Boris Petkovich 3 1 Ljublgaue, New Rog Ljubljana 62.67 35.33 62.67 40 Reini Rietsch 2 4 Salzburg, Creme, Coremax, Love Clothing, Glorify Glasses 62.33 53.67 62.33 41 Dan Kaspar 1 9 Prague, CZE Vehicle, Adio, Revolution 61.00 5.00 61.00 42 Peter Mercell 1 8 Zvolen, SVK X-Ray Wear, Jart, Iron 60.33 55.33 60.33 43 Marek Zaprazny 1 8 Malacky, Nomad, Nike, Love Skateboards, Suriva, Fury, Streetmarket.cz, The Family 49.00 60.00 60.00 44 Emil Holst 9 ALIS 53.67 59.67 59.67 45 Arnost Ceral 2 0 Praha, Horsefeathers, Osiris, Aws, Nixon, Skull Cany, Frople 59.67 16.33 59.67 46 Niels Van der Zeeuw 1 9 Voorsa, Voors 33.33 59.33 59.33 47 Leonardo Giacon 2 2 Bauru, Freedom Fog Shoes, Uniao Skate Family 18.00 59.00 59.00 48 Louis Tambert 1 9 Kiel, Volcom, DVS, Enjoi, Destructo, Support Store, Beautiful Shoes 10.33 58.67 58.67 25 Fries Tailleu 1 8 Lauwe, BEL 26 Flo Marfaing 2 9 Barcelona, 27 Mack Mc Kelton 2 2 Berlin, 28 Martin Pek 1 9 Praha, 29 Lukas Danek 2 1 Prague, 30 Maxim Habanec 31 FRA CZE POR CZE AUS HUN SLO AUT SLO Copenhagen, CZE NED BRA GER DEN CZENike SB, Fuustorm, Eine, Bryxle.cz, Spitfire, Thunder Copyright 2008 World Cup Skateboarding For event results and overall rankings check out www.wcsk8.com Mystic Sk8 Cup 2008 Stvanice, Praha, Czech Republic July 4 - 6, 2008 STREET Qualifying Results Rank Name Age Hometown 1st Avg. 2nd Avg. Sponsors Best Avg. Emerica, Reell, Independent, Ricta, Mobgrip 57.33 16.33 57.33 Vans, Heroin Skateboards, Z Skateshop, Altamont, Nueu eye wear 49.67 55.00 55.00 Nomad Skateboards, Nike SB, Skateshop.cz, LRG 54.33 32.67 54.33 Vans, Anti Hero, Spitfire, Independent, Concrete 46.67 54.00 54.00 SPN Volcom, Blis, Vans 46.67 51.33 51.33 GER TRAP, Etnies, Volcom, Fiat, Red Bull, Nixon, Oakley, TSG 47.00 50.00 50.00 CZE Zoo York, Hubba 36.67 49.67 49.67 ENG Volcom, Vans, Red Bull, Santa Cruz, Krux, FKD 28.67 49.00 49.00 Drop Dead, Wave Boys, Evoke, Independent 47.33 5.00 47.33 1 8 , GER 1952 Skateshop, Etnies 34.00 44.67 44.67 1 9 Warthem, MA USA Zoo York, Volcom, Emerica, Hubba, Venture, CCS 19.33 40.67 40.67 C1rca, Il, Spaider Co, S.M. Skate shop 34.00 36.67 36.67 Decay Skateboards, Fallen, Freedom Skateshop 36.00 34.33 36.00 Kamuflage 33.33 14.67 33.33 Zoo York Korea Distribution, Destucto 30.33 18.00 30.33 X-skates, Railslide Skateshop, FFM, Globe (flow), Aveal (flow) 27.00 21.67 27.00 26.33 5.67 26.33 Vans, Zart, Ezekiel, Plan B Skateshop 24.67 25.67 25.67 Vans, Insight, Eastpak, Antiz, Skate Pistols Skateshop 20.67 25.33 25.33 Vans, Word SB, Reell Denim, Rock n' Roll Shop 20.33 24.33 24.33 Neurotik 17.67 5.00 17.67 49 Henrique Goncalves 1 9 Brasilia, 50 Oliver Tyreman 1 9 Manchester, 51 Honza Minol 2 4 Prague, 52 Enrico Petralia 2 3 Gothenburg, 53 Norberto Mena 2 9 Bilbao, 54 Juergen Horrwarth 3 1 Berlin, 55 Jindra Fencl 2 5 karlovy Vary, 56 Kris Vile 1 9 Birmingham, 57 Marcelo Kosake 3 2 Curitiba, 58 Tom Kleinschmidt 59 Brandon Westgate 60 Yoni Ettinger 61 Jan Federer 1 9 Graz, 62 Tomas Ziolkowski 1 5 Warsaw, 63 Sang Wook Yuk* 2 6 Busan, 64 Milan Hruska 2 5 Frankfurt, GER 65 Alexandre Massotti* 2 1 Cascavel, BRA 66 Mark Froelich 2 2 Wuppetal, 67 Samuel Partaix 2 1 Tours, 68 Daniel Spiegel 2 0 Vienna, 69 Geraldino Busto 2 4 Asunclon, BRA ENG CZE SWE BRA Gan Yavne, ISR AUT POL KOR GER FRA AUS PAR Copyright 2008 World Cup Skateboarding For event results and overall rankings check out www.wcsk8.com
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Mystic Sk8 Cup 2008
Mystic Sk8 Cup 2008
Stvanice, Praha, Czech Republic
July 4 - 6, 2008
Vert Final Overall Results
22nd EXCELENT MYSTIC SK8 CUP Stvanice, Praha, Czech
Red Bull, Element, Murasaki Sports, Emerica, Oakley, Ninja, Dakine, Autobahn, Brostyle, Skull Candy
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