Genesis 6:4 tAn æB.-la , ` yh il {a /h `( yn EÜB. Wa boøy" rv ,`a ] ! keª
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Genesis 6:4-5 tAn æB.-l a , ` yh il {a /h `( yn EÜB. Wa boøy" r v ,`a
LXT - LXX Septuaginta (LXT) (Old Greek Jewish Scriptures) edited by Alfred Rahlfs, Copyright © 1935 by the Wü rttembergische Bibelanstalt / Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society), Stuttg...
VíceGenesis 1:1
"God" but KJV "the judges"; similarly in Exo 22:28 [H 27] where RSV has "God" but KJV "the gods" or as a margin "judges.") This word, which is generally viewed as the plural of °§ lœ a his found fa...