Resolution booklet Předkola 16. Národní výběrové konference Pro školy Každá škola dostala zadanou rezoluci, kterou má obhajovat. Jsme si vědomi toho, že se s rezolucí nemusí delegace ztotožňovat. Účelem je, aby se delegáti vcítili do rezoluce a snažili se ji obhájit, jako by to bylo jejich vlastní dílo. Rezoluce jsou připojeny v tomto dokumentu. Pořadí debat určují předsedající. Účastnický poplatek Účastnický poplatek činí 400 K za delegaci. Školy se dvěma přihlášenými delegacemi musí poplatek uhradit za každou delegaci. Tyto peníze budou použity výhradně na zajištění předkol. Fakturu jste obdrželi elektronicky spolu s tímto bookletem. Pokud si přejete fakturu dostat v tištěné podobě, nebo jsme fakturační údaje školy uvedli chybně, informujte nás prosím na [email protected]. Fakturu opravíme, případně Vám ji zašleme na adresu školy. Peníze poukažte do 17. ledna 2014 na účet EPM v ČR 225568457/0300. Do poznámky uveďte jméno školy, VS a SS uvedené na faktuře. S nejasnostmi se obracejte na [email protected]. Účastnický poplatek je nevratný. Hodnocení poroty Z předkol bude vybráno 19 školních delegací a 4 individuální delegáti k účasti na 16. Národní výběrové konferenci, která proběhne 20.-23. března 2014. Z konference bude vybráno celkově 18 delegátů na mezinárodní zasedání v Kyjevě na podzim 2014 a Izmiru na jaře 2015. Porota vybere delegace na základě jejich schopností, mezi které patří jmenovitě znalosti, týmový duch, motivace, jazyková vybavenost, vůle spolupracovat a ochota vytvářet „EYP atmosféru“. ZNALOSTI Delegáti by měli mít povědomí hlavně o problematice své rezoluce, ale i rezolucích ostatních komisí, povědomí o institucích Evropské unie a aktuálních evropských tématech. JAZYKOVÁ VYBAVENOST Ačkoli není jazyková vybavenost stěžejním bodem hodnocení, delegáti budou mít možnost ukázat své schopnosti komunikovat v anglickém jazyce. Předkola probíhají výhradně v angličtině. MOTIVACE A ELÁN Delegáti by měli ukázat svou motivaci, týmového ducha a dynamičnost. Rovněž je velmi důležité respektovat své konkurenty. Spolupráce uvnitř delegace je naprosto nezbytná. Delegáti by se měli aktivně zapojovat do debat jak mluvením, tak posloucháním ostatních. ESEJE Porota zahrne do svého hodnocení i eseje, které byly zaslány společně s přihláškou. ÚSPĚŠNOST REZOLUCE Protože všechny rezoluce byly delegacím přiděleny, nebude porota brát zřetel na fakt, zda rezoluce úspěšně projde, či nikoli. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 1 z 17 Zkratky jmen komisí Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Culture and Education I (CULT I) Foreign Affairs (AFET) Employment and Social Affairs I (EMPL I) Security and Defence (SEDE) Development (DEVE) Legal Affairs (JURI) Women's Rights and Gender Equality I (FEMM I) Culture and Education II (CULT II) Industry and Research (ITRE) Human Rights (DROI) Women's Rights and Gender Equality II (FEMM II) General Assembly Procedure READING THE OPERATIVE CLAUSES: Jeden člen komise předstoupí a přečte tzv. Operative Clauses (body v rezoluci označené čísly, druhá část rezoluce). POINTS OF INFORMATION: V této části se mohou delegáti zeptat na nejasnosti v rezoluci. Příklad: „What does EU stand for?“ Otázka typu: „Why do you propose that?“ není otázka vhodná pro tuto část a delegáti by ji měli přednést až v Open Debate. DEFENCE SPEECH: Jeden člen delegace předstoupí a pronese tzv. Defence Speech. Tato řeč slouží k představení a obhajobě rezoluce. Mluvčí by měl vyzdvihnout kladné stránky rezoluce a měl by vysvětlit všechny kroky rezoluce. Maximální délka je 3 minuty. ATTACK SPEECH: Každá komise bude mít prostor pro tzv. Attack Speech. V ní mluvčí vyjádří nesouhlasné stanovisko s rezolucí, kterou napadá, a rozebere, proč by pro ni neměli ostatní delegáti hlasovat. Mluvčí by měl s rezolucí nesouhlasit jako s celkem. Maximální délka je 2 minuty. OPEN DEBATE: V této části se delegáti mohou vyjadřovat k právě projednávané rezoluci. Bude možno vznést jednotlivé podněty, na které bude moci předkládající komise reagovat. Délku diskuze určí předsedající. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 2 z 17 SUM-UP SPEECH: Tuto řeč si mohou připravit 1-2 delegáti. Měla by reagovat na poslední kolo podnětů z Open Debate a zároveň by měla shrnout nejspornější body diskuze a reagovat na ně. Je to poslední možnost jak přesvědčit ostatní delegáty k hlasování pro rezoluci. Mluvčí si mohou předat slovo pouze jednou. Maximální délka 3 minuty. VOTING PROCEDURE: Poslední částí projednávání rezoluce je hlasování. Zde se delegáti hlasují pro návrh rezoluce, proti návrhu, nebo se zdrží hlasování. Schválení či neschválení rezoluce nebude mít vliv na hodnocení poroty. Rozdělení a místo konání předkol Předkola se budou konat na Magistrátu hlavního města Prahy, Mariánské náměstí 2, Praha-Staré Město. Předkola se konají každý den od 9:00 do 17:00. SOBOTA 25. LEDNA 2013 Obhajuje (Proposing committee) Napadá (Attack speech on) Gymnázium, Písek, Komenského 89 LIBE EMPL I Gymnázium, Písek, Komenského 89 CULT I SEDE Gymnázium, Praha 10, Omská 1300 AFET DEVE Gymnázium, Praha 10, Omská 1300 EMPL I JURI Gymnázium, Praha 10, Voděradská 2 SEDE FEMM I Gymnázium, Praha 10, Voděradská 2 DEVE CULT II Česko-anglické gymnázium s.r.o. JURI ITRE Gymnázium Brno-Řečkovice FEMM I DROI Gymnázium Brno-Řečkovice CULT II LIBE Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera ITRE CULT I Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera DROI AFET NEDĚLE 26. LEDNA 2013 Gymnázium, Praha 5, Nad Kavalírkou 1 Gymnázium, Strakonice, Máchova 174 Akademické gymnázium, škola hlavního města Prahy Akademické gymnázium, škola hlavního města Prahy EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Obhajuje (Proposing committee) Napadá (Attack speech on) LIBE EMPL I CULT I SEDE AFET DEVE EMPL I JURI Stránka 3 z 17 Gymnázium, Jablonec nad Nisou, U Balvanu 16, příspěvková organizace Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 1083 Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 1083 Masarykovo gymnázium, Plzeň, Petákova 2 První soukromé jazykové gymnázium Hradec Králové spol. s r.o. První soukromé jazykové gymnázium Hradec Králové spol. s r.o. The Prague British School SEDE FEMM I DEVE JURI CULT II ITRE FEMM I DROI CULT II LIBE ITRE CULT I DROI AFET PONDĚLÍ 27. LEDNA 2013 Gymnázium Duhovka s.r.o. Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, škola hlavního města Prahy, Praha 1, Hellichova 3 Gymnázium Jaroslava Vrchlického v Klatovech Gymnázium Jiřího GuthaJarkovského, Praha 1, Truhlářská 22 Gymnázium Jiřího GuthaJarkovského, Praha 1, Truhlářská 22 Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Tábor, Náměstí Františka Křižíka 860 Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Tábor, Náměstí Františka Křižíka 860 Gymnázium, Jablonec nad Nisou, U Balvanu 16, příspěvková organizace Gymnázium, Praha 4, Budějovická 680 Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové EDUCAnet - Gymnázium, střední odborná škola a základní škola Praha, s.r.o. Gymnázium, Praha 5, Nad Kavalírkou 1 EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Obhajuje (Proposing committee) LIBE Napadá (Attack speech on) EMPL I CULT I SEDE AFET DEVE EMPL I JURI SEDE FEMM I DEVE CULT II JURI FEMM II FEMM I DROI CULT II LIBE ITRE CULT I DROI AFET FEMM II ITRE Stránka 4 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES; WHICH POLICIES SHOULD BE ADOPTED IN ORDER TO INTEGRATE ALL GROUPS, INCLUDING THOSE WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES, INTO AN INCREASINGLY EFFICIENT AND COMPETITIVE EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET? The European Youth Parliament, A. Bearing in mind that the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to be protected against unemployment, B. Fully aware of the fact that not all groups are integrated into the labour market today, C. Taking note of the fact that these groups can be ethnical minorities, people with psychological and physical disabilities, people discriminated because of their sex, sexuality, age and religious belief, D. Noting with regret that the lack of integration into the labour market leads to greater social differences and supports prejudice against these groups; 1. Strongly recommends subsidising jobs for those who need adaptations to satisfy the increasingly efficient labour market; 2. Requests integrating immigrants by teaching them the language and giving them a better understanding of the culture and the way of living in the country where they have settled; 3. Further requests that education be organised so everyone starts off with the same opportunities and are not being held back by limitations set by others; 4. Emphasises that all groups by law have the same opportunities in the labour market; 5. Recommends that all workplaces and public areas are accessible for all groups including those with physical disabilities. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 5 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND EDUCATION I THE CHALLENGE OF A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY; TO WHAT EXTENT DO COMMON VALUES IN MULTICULTURAL EUROPE EXIST, AND TO WHAT EXTENT IS IT DESIRABLE TO PROMOTE SUCH VALUES? The European Youth Parliament, A. Acknowledging that the community consists of people from all cultures with different values, B. Bearing in mind that the collaboration of different cultures makes their respective values rub off on each other, resulting in both positive and negative consequences, C. Noting that common values in multicultural Europe do exist to a certain degree, such as: i) Family, ii) Freedom, iii) Success, iv) Money, D. Fully believing that only when we are equal and no one is suppressed, can we express our different cultures, beliefs and views; 1. Affirms the importance of democracy, equality and acceptance of the fact that Europeans are a mixture of different cultures, with different beliefs and views in a functioning multicultural society; 2. Encourages an increase of integration in the educational system and working environment for the inhabitants of Europe; 3. Notes that if we want democracy, we cannot overstep the rules set by the UN and the Civil Rights; 4. Further reminds that the vast majority of Europe should follow the Human Rights because we actually are a part of the UN and have ratified these rights; 5. Condemns that money in today’s society suppresses what we look upon as the most important values. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 6 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS THE ONLY THING WE SHOULD FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF; HOW SHOULD THE CHALLENGES OF INTERNATIONALTERRORISM BE DEALT WITH? The European Youth Parliament, A. Confident that poverty fuels terrorism, B. Defining terrorism as acts of violence and spreading of fear, in order to achieve political goals, C. Observing that terrorism occurs in different forms, and that there are no geographical limits, D. Convinced that any use of violence, be it war or terrorism, is not a sensible way to solve problems, E. Aware of the fact that lack of education and knowledge leads to ignorant people who are easily manipulated; 1. Strongly emphasises the need of basic education for everyone; 2. Urges democratic governments to consistently stop supporting totalitarian regimes; 3. Requests the governments of all nations to respect the human rights they have ratified; 4. Further recommends that any governmental misuse of power is met by actions from the global community; 5. Draws attention to strengthening knowledge about other cultures in order to increase tolerance. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 7 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS I UNPAID INTERNSHIPS, EXTENDING EDUCATION, RETURNING TO THE FAMILY HOME AND MASS MIGRATION: IN LIGHT OF THE CURRENT ECONOMIC CRISIS AND ESPECIALLY RISING YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT, WHAT ACTION SHOULD THE EU TAKE TO EFFECTIVELY FIGHT THE EXCLUSION OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM THE JOB MARKET? The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply disturbed by the discrimination unemployed youth may face when applying for a job outside their home country, B. Keeping in mind the huge disparities between unemployment rates in different Member States, C. Alarmed by the rising number of young adults who are left with no choice but to stay in their family homes after having completed their education, D. Concerned by the fact that young people are poorly informed about their job perspectives and potential career paths, E. Taking into consideration the complexity of and the differences between diverse education systems across the EU; 1. Calls upon Member States to ensure that citizens are aware of their right to challenge the employment decision in court if they feel they have been discriminated during the job application process; 2. Supports the launch of a campaign by the EU in cooperation with national governments to raise awareness on existing exchange programmes through mass media and advertisements; 3. Emphasizes the need to allocate sufficient funds to support students and young entrepreneurs through microcredits, scholarships and loans, 4. Invites the EU to move the issue of youth unemployment higher on its priority list when allocating funds with special provisions for Member States most affected by it. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 8 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND DEFENCE WITH HACKERS OUTSMARTING ENGINEERS, CORPORATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO ATTACK. CONCERNED OVER MAINTAINING THEIR REPUTATIONS, MANY CYBER CRIMES GO UNREPORTED. WHAT INCENTIVES CAN THE EU FOSTER TO ENSURE CYBER-SECURITY AND THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA? The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply disturbed by the fact that an estimated 14 people fall victim to cyber-crimes every second, resulting in an annual loss of 388 billion Euros globally, B. Taking note of the fact that cyber-crime can be committed regardless of physical distance or borders, C. Recognising the difficulty of public and private sector institutions encounter in combating everdeveloping cyber-crime methods, D. Alarmed by the fact that many corporations underestimate the risks involved in neglecting cyber-security, E. Aware of the fact that many corporations and institutions do not report the security breaches they fall victim to, due to fear of reputational damage; 1. Calls for more global conferences pertaining to cyber security to be held on a regular basis in order to stimulate international dialogue; 2. Approves of direct relationships between public and private sector institutions regarding cyber security measures as a means of improving communication and co-operation; 3. Urges third-level educational institutions to specifically address cyber-security in IT-related curricula in order to: a) Facilitate specific education in cyber-security, b) Stimulate adequate research in the field of cyber-security; 4. Recommends all Member States to establish a common legal framework regarding cyber-crime; 5. Strongly urges all Member States to adopt national cyber-security strategies. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 9 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT FEEDING MORE WITH LESS: WITH ONE BILLION PEOPLE LACKING ACCESS TO ADEQUATE FOOD AND NUTRITION, HOW CAN THE EU IN TANDEM WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) INCREASE BOTH AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLY FEED A GROWING WORLD WITHOUT JEOPARDISING OUR NATURAL RESOURCES? The European Youth Parliament, A. Aware that food enterprises are becoming engaged in partnerships with NGOs in the sustainable agricultural growth sector, B. Deeply alarmed by the fact that 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted annually, C. Deeply concerned that more than 1 billion people are left without access to food due to inefficient distribution systems, D. Realising that the potential of third world countries to increase agricultural productivity is not being achieved due to limited access to technology, equipment and supplies and poor distribution to local markets; 1. Urges Member States to introduce better practices in food management such as: a) Separating and retrieving nutrients from food waste in a sterile environment through biochemical processes, b) Lowering prices of food close to its expiration date, c) Using food waste to create biofuel and fertilisers; 2. Strongly condemns the usage of croplands for biofuel by redirecting those subsidies to biofuel made of food-waste; 3. Further recommends the establishment of educational programmes of the affected countries to raise awareness in the fields of: a) Individual responsibility in waste management, b) Adequate management of food production and transport in third world countries. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 10 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AFFAIRS THE FUTURE OF EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH IN A HETEROGENEOUS LEGAL LANDSCAPE: HOW CAN THE EU AND ITS MEMBER STATES STRIKE A BALANCE BETWEEN PROTECTING EMBRYOS FOR MORAL REASONS, ENHANCING THERAPEUTIC PROSPECTS FOR PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM INCURABLE ILLNESSES, AND PROTECTING FREEDOM OF RESEARCH? The European Youth Parliament, A. Recognising the potential of embryonic stem cells as tools to research and treat presently incurable diseases due to their ability to differentiate into any cell in the human body, B. Acknowledging the moral dilemma generated by the destruction of human embryos in the course of extracting embryonic stem cells, C. Noting with regret the absence of explicit legislation on embryonic stem cell research in several EU Member States, D. Fully aware of the disparities between the legislation that regulates embryonic stem cell research in those Member States which have it; 1. Approves the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to avoid taking a stance on when human life begins; 2. Invites the European scientific community to pursue alternative stem cell research methods; 3. Condemns the usage of embryonic stem cells derived from other sources than surplus embryos from in vitro fertilisation treatments or already existing embryonic cell lines; 4. Urges all Member States that currently do not have clear legislation on stem cell research to produce legal texts on the subject; 5. Encourages the creation of national entities that will ensure the legality and viability of embryonic stem cell research. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 11 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY I WITH SLOW PROGRESS IN ACHIEVING GENDER PARITY ACROSS EUROPE, WHAT IS THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN PERPETUATING INEQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE? TO WHAT EXTENT SHOULD THE EU AND MEMBER STATES TAKE MORE RADICAL ACTION IN ORDER TO UNLOCK THE FULL POTENTIAL OF EUROPE’S FEMALE LABOUR FORCE? The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply conscious that traditional gender stereotypes prevent women from having equal professional opportunities to men and create labour segregation, B. Keeping in mind that policies concerning gender equality have to respect cultural diversity and differences among Member States, C. Concerned that, despite representing 60% of university graduates across Europe, women obtain only 23.3% of top positions within European firms, D. Convinced that gender diversity has multiple positive effects such as increased profits, broader viewpoints, and more effective decision-making; 1. Resolves that gender quotas should not be mandatory across the EU; 2. Calls upon the European Commission to initiate directives on: a) Implementation of career advice at school as a tool to counteract gender segregation in the labour market, b) Quality and availability of childcare services to set a common standard across Europe; 3. Asks the relevant EU institutions to work in co-ordination with the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) to establish a network of ‘Gender-Diverse’ companies that will admit institutions meeting certain progress indicators on: a) Equal pay, b) Female employment rate, c) Distribution of female workers at different levels, d) ‘Family-friendly’ arrangements such as parental leave and flexible working hours. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 12 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND EDUCATION II EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL: WHAT ACTION SHOULD THE EUROPEAN UNION TAKE TO ENSURE YOUTH WITH MIGRATION BACKGROUND HAVE EQUAL ACCESS TO EDUCATION THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND WHAT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL? The European Youth Parliament, A. Taking into consideration the difficulty non-EU students face during their studies in the EU, due to high tuition fees and specific documents required, B. Noting with deep concern that the increasing number of immigrants and refugees within the EU borders contributes to the formation of isolated ethnic communities, C. Deeply conscious of the existing communication gap, between teachers and students with a migrant background or their parents, resulting from language and cultural differences, D. Realising that a high percentage of students with migrant roots are leaving school before having gained any kind of qualification, E. Seeking the enhancement of mobility to less academically attractive countries; 1. Urges Member States to simplify visa request procedures for students interested in studying abroad by decreasing the capital they have to obtain; 2. Recommends raising awareness on the cultural side of integration through education by establishing multi-cultural subjects at school, offering workshops and events; 3. Expresses its appreciation for further usage of e-learning as a means to equal access and as an additional tool for the learning process in lower and higher education; 4. Supports the implementation of internships, vocational training and orientation programmes for the labour market provided by schools and universities; 5. Authorises the establishment of EU-funded universities in non-Member States to provide potential migrants with EU education standards. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 13 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY UNCERTAIN FUTURE OF FOSSIL SOIL ENERGY AND UNUSED POTENTIAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: HOW CAN THE EU PROMOTE A MORE ACTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF ECOLOGICALLYFRIENDLY POWER PLANTS, BASED ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES? The European Youth Parliament, A. Having considered the increasing demand on energy caused by the economic and population growth, B. Disturbed by the waste of produced energy caused by inefficient use, C. Convinced that alternative energy sources are necessary to achieve a shift from fossil fuels to alternative energy supplies, D. Recognising the lack of knowledge about, and public involvement in, ecologically-friendly power plants and renewable energy sources, E. Considering the shortage of qualified labour, such as scientists and engineers, in ecologicallyfriendly power plants and renewable energy sector; 1. Recommends that the EU increases the number of ecologically-friendly power plants by means of grant-giving from the EU budget; 2. Urges for the establishment of limitations and sanctions for the energy producers that exaggerate their pollution level in implementing the proper EU regulation; 3. Encourages producing energy-friendly products including light bulbs, automobiles and electricity by tax incentives; 4. Draws attention to raising awareness among youth concerning ecologically-friendly energy and its efficient use by means of non-formal education. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 14 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS BUILDING INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES AND ADDRESSING DISCRIMINATION: HOW SHOULD EUROPEAN COUNTRIES TACKLE GROWING DISCREPANCIES IN ATTITUDES AND POLICIES TOWARDS LGBT MARRIAGE AND ADOPTION, INAN INCREASINGLY DIVERSIFYING EUROPE? The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting with regret that religions often have a negative view of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender(LGBT) rights, B. Convinced that most citizens are not aware of the consequences caused when excluding and discriminating against LGBTs in everyday life, C. Bearing in mind that Member States have different cultural and historical views on LGBT rights, D. Realising that there is no mutual recognition of civil partnerships of same-sex couples across Member States, resulting in inhibiting their right to freedom of movement; 1. Calls for discussions between representatives of religions and the LGBT community by organising public events; 2. Wishes to financially support Non Governmental Organisations working in the field of LGBT rights to raise awareness on the discrimination against LGBT by advertisement campaigns involving celebrities; 3. Invites national governments to increase penalties on acts of discrimination towards LGBTs; 4. Demands Members States create a civil union status for same-sex couples which includes the possibility to have all the rights gained in the institution of marriage such as: a) Tax benefits, b) Inheritance rights, c) Stepchild adoption. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 15 z 17 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY II WITH RAPE, FORCED MARRIAGES AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT STILL PRESENT IN EUROPE: WHAT POLICIES COULD BETTER PROTECT WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE IN SOCIETY? The European Youth Parliament, A. Emphasising the essential role of women in the 21st century, B. Realising the unequal educational opportunities between genders, C. Deeply concerned about the economic dependence of women on men and the unequal treatment of females in the labour market, in both public and private sectors, D. Taking into account that society often does not support women's rights, E. Keeping in mind that there is a lack of information and awareness in society about women rights; 1. Endorses making anonymous consultation centres more accessible, especially in rural areas, where women can access free legal support, medical and psychological help, and information regarding their rights; 2. Recommends establishing volunteer youth action associations focused on women's rights that, for instance, hold workshops and seminars for interested persons; 3. Has resolved to develop and promote policies that facilitate the reconciliation of employment and family responsibilities; 4. Approves using media to champion female role models (famous, successful women) to raise self-confidence among women; 5. Authorizes stricter punishment for those who commit domestic violence. EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT MLÁDEŽE V ČR Vídeňská 352, 148 00 Praha 4 www.eyp.cz | [email protected] IČO: 690 56 765 Stránka 16 z 17
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Pro školy
Každá škola dostala zadanou rezoluci, kterou má
obhajovat. Jsme si vědomi toho, že se s rezolucí nemusí
delegace ztotožňovat. Účelem je, aby se delegáti v...