qualification single
qualification single
Grand Prix Prague - Deaf International - Women´s Single 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Name Klinke Melanie Satu Lintula Dagmar Becker-Daschmann Klofáčová Kateřina Irene Ryden Corinna Wentzel Moscalenco Zanna Kühn Melanie Čechovská Monika Maléřová Pavlína Divol Angele Klitvina Anna Marita Sundell Henecker Hermine Yorulmaz Semra Loppinen Senja Helle Roikjaer Maroušová Lenka Silke StrauS - Nowak Kühn Renate Sabine Hess Kučabová Lenka Kühn Stefanie Heike Frolich Mette Jensen Černá Pavla Anja Zoomer Švent Fleri Irmgard WeiSbach Gaminger Dagmar Annemieke Bouwmeester Susanne Berg Agneta Lindahl Koppová Martina Weber Anka Margreth Reiter Duschet Ingrid Rascazova Cristina Natalia Riznika Barbro Schmidt Marianne Petersen Veronique Priems - Kessels Janni Jakobsen Dunkl Waltraud Ria v.d. Sleet country Germany Finland Germany Czech Republic Sweden Germany Russia Germany Czech Republic Czech Republic France Russia Sweden Austria Germany Finland Denmark Czech Republic Germany Germany Germany Czech Republic Germany Germany Denmark Czech Republic Nertherlands Slovenija Germany Austria Nertherlands Sweden Sweden Czech Republic Germany Austria Austria Russia Latvia Sweden Nertherlands Nertherlands Denmark Austria Nertherlands Games 1.hra 2.hra 3.hra 4.hra 5.hra 6.hra 159 242 206 231 210 194 210 201 175 198 202 182 194 215 174 165 203 198 179 175 182 225 204 174 188 211 188 173 171 198 208 201 152 161 195 190 155 178 212 180 172 201 191 201 190 180 176 158 191 175 214 170 195 141 155 203 212 167 176 167 158 194 188 197 140 183 183 161 149 179 198 160 174 174 148 143 184 203 181 183 120 170 153 190 194 164 128 168 182 160 175 136 185 156 165 172 189 160 149 160 147 181 155 154 173 157 132 213 172 174 170 167 162 133 149 192 143 176 153 160 150 181 165 166 149 154 139 152 191 164 158 158 163 144 153 157 192 142 169 155 130 155 185 144 124 207 183 154 128 139 129 169 118 177 163 169 142 184 148 142 169 132 138 147 188 146 178 118 148 172 126 145 165 156 139 159 157 160 118 146 169 122 128 137 131 179 128 159 144 137 122 172 126 176 139 148 161 109 111 152 195 127 158 103 115 140 104 156 138 178 114 154 128 135 136 137 104 130 156 124 130 154 147 104 164 115 140 112 115 126 114 122 116 160 116 138 117 138 136 104 107 121 107 105 120 153 85 128 145 130 103 110 109 114 120 121 111 116 87 128 105 110 133 112 96 112 127 91 125 98 Total 1242 1168 1149 1139 1129 1107 1098 1096 1086 1080 1060 1030 1026 997 996 989 986 984 978 973 965 962 951 938 935 925 917 915 912 879 866 862 859 846 831 804 798 782 753 749 713 701 691 675 649 Average 207,00 194,67 191,50 189,83 188,17 184,50 183,00 182,67 181,00 180,00 176,67 171,67 171,00 166,17 166,00 164,83 164,33 164,00 163,00 162,17 160,83 160,33 158,50 156,33 155,83 154,17 152,83 152,50 152,00 146,50 144,33 143,67 143,17 141,00 138,50 134,00 133,00 130,33 125,50 124,83 118,83 116,83 115,17 112,50 108,17
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