Pozvanka A08
Pozvanka A08
TOURNAMENT PROGRAMME 4th Letici Kameny Trophy th nd (29 February - 2 March 2008) Dear curlers, We want to thank you for your registration to our tournament and we would like to wish you GOOD CURLING. 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y T r o p h y 2 0 0 8 SPONSORS Adhog is an advertising and PR agency offering creative and effective advertising solutions. ADHOG creates complex campaigns, which fundamentally benefit establishing and developing the brands from various market segments. www.adhog.eu Hotel Nosál Hotel Nosál **** Hotel Nosál**** The stylish hotel is located in the park approx. 450 m from the curling arena. The hotel offers special accomodation for the tournament players at a rate of 90,- Euro/night for a 2-bed room including breakfast. www.hotelnosal.cz HP HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, global services, business and home computing, and imaging and printing. More information about HP (NYSE, Nasdaq: HPQ) www.hp.com DOPRAVNÍ SPOLEâNOST JI¤Í SUCH¯ – Individual transport company Passenger car, minibus and coach transportation. [email protected] 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y T r o p h y 2 0 0 8 Teams: PROGRAMME 28 teams Seven groups A, B, C, D, E, F and G with 4 team each. Tournament system: In the first and second round the teams play in their group accordingly to the playing system. First round will be drawn; the second one depends on the running ranking inside the group. The running ranking of all 28 teams will be set after the second round to determinate the competitors for the third round. The running ranking of all 28 teams will be set after the third round to determinate the competitors for the fourth round. The teams on 17th and worse place have to finish the tournament after the fourth round. The new running ranking of the first 16 teams will be set to determinate the competitors for fifth round - semi-final. The teams already played against each other cannot be competitors again except the final round. Final round: the teams on 1st - 8th ranks will play the last game for 8 ends without time limit. The results of the final games are added to their existing results and set the final ranking on 1. - 8. places. Time limit (except the final round) : 1 hour 40 minutes for 8 ends. After the limit beep the current (not finished) end is finished only. Next end is not started. Criteria list for ranking: Points, ends, stones, ends against, stones against, ranking after previous round, lot. Starting fee: 6.500,- CZK/team (Saturday refreshment included). Prize Money: Total amount 120.000,- CZK is prepared for the best eight teams. Refreshment: After the fourth round (Saturday around 12:00) the refreshment will be prepared in the curling restaurant SPHERA for each team. Four coupons are included in the starting fee and you can buy another one for your friends. Price for one coupon is 200, - CZK/person. PLAY LIST 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y T r o p h y 2 0 0 8 1. – 2. Round FRIDAY 29. 2. 2008 Group A 9,00 - 10,40 1. Round 11,00 - 12,40 13,00 - 14,40 2. Round 15,00 - 16,00 16,00 - 17,40 18,00 - 19,40 20,00 - 21,40 SATURDAY 1. 3. 2008Group A 8,00 - 9,40 Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F 1. Round 1. Round 1. Round 1. Round ICE PREPARATION 2. Round 2. Round 1. Round 2. Round 2. Round Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F 2. Round 3. Round Teams Teams Teams Teams 9 - 16 1-8 17 - 24 25 - 28 Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday 1. 3. 2008 1. 3. 2008 1. 3. 2008 1. 3. 2008 10,30 - 12,10 12,30 - 14,10 14,30 - 16,10 17,10 - 18,50 4. Round Teams Teams Teams Teams 1-4 5 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 28 Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday 1. 3. 2008 1. 3. 2008 1. 3. 2008 2. 3. 2008 17,10 - 18,50 19,10 - 20,50 21,10 - 22,50 8,00 - 9,40 5. Round (semi-final) Teams 1 - 8 Teams 9 - 16 Sunday Sunday 2. 3. 2008 2. 3. 2008 10,00 - 11,40 12,00 - 13,40 6. Round (final) Teams 1 - 8 Sunday 2. 3. 2008 15,00 - Group G 1. Round Group G 2. Round Result announcement: approx. from 17,15 in curling restaurant SPHERA 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y Tr o p h y 2 0 0 8 Group A 1. ROUND DETAILS (FRIDAY, 29.2.2008) Team CK ZLATÁ PRAHA CC WALLIS M Skip Zdenûk Vyjídáãek György Nagy 1 A CC SAVONA H CC DRAGONS B Lane Start 9,00 Hana Synáãková Jozef Malata 2 9,00 CC DION SILVER MEDIA CURLING CLUB Vít Nekovafiík Marta Szeliga-Frynia 3 9,00 B 1.CC BRATISLAVA 2 CC SAVONA 5 Pavel Kocian Vít Souãek 4 9,00 C 1.KCK TRUTNOV CC UZWIL Milo‰ Hoferka Thomas Dudli 1 11,00 C TOXIC RKC CC KOLIBRIS 2 Barbara Karwat Karel Hradec 2 11,00 D CC CITADELA WALES Lenka ·afránková Adrian Meikle 3 11,00 D CC MARGARITA ABSI 2 Markus Klauenbösch 4 11,00 E CC WALLIS W CK DEMION 1 Ildikó Szekeres Vratislav Cízl 1 13,00 E CC KOLIBRIS 1 CC PEZINOK David ·ik Karol Pospíchal 2 13,00 F ABSI 1 CK ZLATÁ PRAHA 3 Jeff Erickson Du‰an Jurãík 3 18,00 F NORWAY CK DEMION 2 Joakim Skogvold Irena Macková 4 18,00 G 1.CC BRATISLAVA 1 CC DION SJ Barbora Vojtu‰ová Katefiina Urbanová 1 18,00 G 1.CK SEM TAM BRNO CC HOUSTON Jifií Snítil Terry Butler 2 18,00 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y T r o p h y 2 0 0 8 TEAMS CC DRAGONS TRENâÍN Jozef Malata Ondrej Marãek Dalibor Peley Martin Basila CC KOLIBRIS 2 Karel Hradec Marek BroÏek Václav Pofit Jifií Chobot Antonín Kaln˘ NORWAY Joakim Skogvold Andr_ Alfsen Boggen Oedegaard Magnus Knudsen Knut Einar Nordhagen CC SAVONA H Hana Synáãková Lenka Danielisová Karolína Pilafiová Lenka Kuãerová Pavla Rubá‰ová CK ZLATÁ PRAHA Zdenûk Vyjídáãek Pavel Málek David Jirounek TomበNovák CC KOLIBRIS 1 David ·ik Milan Polívka Erik ·ik Pavel Men‰ík 1.KCK TRUTNOV Milo‰ Hoferka Petr Horák Radek Boháã Ondfiej Mihola 1.CK SEM TAM BRNO Jifií Snítil Martin Snítil Jindfiich Kitzberger Marek Vydra TOXIC RKC Barbara Karwat Magdalena Szyszko Magdalena Jagielska Magdalena Muskus CC HOUSTON, TX Terry Butler John Foulds James Weber Jennifer Struble CC WALLIS M György Nagy Balázs Németh Zoltán Jakab Krisztián Barna Zsombor Rókusfalvy CK ZLATÁ PRAHA 3 Du‰an Jurãík Martin Pánek Marek ·vejda Jifií ·vejda Václav ·upka MEDIA CURLING CLUB Marta Szeliga-Frynia Katarzyna Wicik Agnieszka Ogrodniczek Marianna Das Maria Klus CC DION SJ Katefiina Urbanová Lenka âernovská Dana Chabiãovská Jana ·immerová WALES Adrian Meikle CC CITADELA Lenka ·afránková Miroslava Vafieãková Michaela Mûchurová Anna FraÀková ABSI 1 Jeff Erickson Seppo Sormunen Mike Kolb Duane Rutan CK DEMION 2 Irena Macková Jitka Novotná Vlasta Siveková Iva Sedláãková CC MARGARITA Markus Klauenbösch CC UZWIL Thomas Dudli 1.CC BRATISLAVA 2 Pavel Kocian Radomír Vozár ·tefan Tuma Ronald Krãmár 1.CC BRATISLAVA 1 Barbora Vojtu‰ová Gabriela Kajanová Katarína Langová Zuzana Axamitová CC PEZINOK Karel Pospíchal Franti‰ek Kala‰ Peter Kaliarik Rastislav Kala‰ CC SAVONA 5 Vít Souãek Jifií Suppik Jakub Kovaã Michal Zdenka CC DION SILVER Vít Nekovafiík Marek David Karel Uher Ale‰ Prchlík David Havlena CC WALLIS W Ildikó Szekeres Alexandra Béres Gyöngyi Nagy Krisztina Bartalus Ádám Boglárka CK DEMION 1 Petr Capou‰ek Jakub Strnad Ludûk Hajtl Vratislav Cízl ABSI 2 4 th L e t i c i K a m e n y T r o p h y 2 0 0 8 PRIZE MONEY Prize Money 1st – 8th place: 1st place 39.000,- CZK 2nd place 29.000,- CZK 3rd place 19.000,- CZK 4th place 10.000,- CZK 5th place 8.000,- CZK 6th place 6.000,- CZK 7th place 5.000,- CZK 8th place 4.000,- CZK 120.000,- CZK ORGANISER: CC Letici kameny Praha Jan Fencl (president), Phone: +420 607 555 459 Radek Îìársk˘, Phone: +420 602 186 240 ORGANISER: CC Letici kameny Praha
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