LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
2. Zdá se, že bude nutno provést další podrobná měření. 3. Zkušební technici byli rádi, že získali tak uspokojivé výsledky při prototypové zkoušce nového vozu. 4. Laboratoř pro zkoušení nekovových ...
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993. 192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0. [2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced ...
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993. 192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0. [2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced ...
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993. 192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0. [2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced ...
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993. 192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0. [2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced ...