Billiard-hockey club Most a Stadtverwaltung Marienberg
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united energy czech open 2009 - Czech Open 2015
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Ví czech open 2009
Tournament is open for all air-hockey players. All categories and level are invited to take a part. Results are counted to CZECH CUP 2009. Trophies: cups for three best players, cup for best lady, ...
VíceSvětová asociace stolního hokeje zve všechny hráče a hráčky na
with your own sleeping bag and deckchair you may stay in the gym of Leisure Centre Most (venue of all tournaments) for free; toilet, shower and kitchen are available; no limit when booking by April...
VíceBilliard-hockey club Most - MULTITABLE
poháry pro první tři celkového pořadí PŘIHLÁŠENÍ NA JEDNOTLIVÉ TURNAJE