Brno - pozvánka 11.11.2012
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Billiard-hockey club Most a Stadtverwaltung Marienberg
anglické verze pozvánky. Startovné dále neplatí žáci a zaměstnanci ZŠ Petřiny-Jih; ti mají zároveň prodlouženou možnost včasné přihlášky do pátku 14.října do 16:00.
VíceLiterární soutěž SPUSA
elementary, secondary and high schools and to universities and colleges as well. If you are not personaly among the participants, please, help us and forward this information further to get it clos...
Víceunited energy czech open 2009 - Czech Open 2015
Primary school Most, Komenského St. 474, Most, Czech Republic („15.ZŠ Most“) City plan available on
Ví czech open 2009
take a part. Results are counted to CZECH CUP 2009. Trophies: cups for three best players, cup for best lady, cups for best juniors (category winners - U18, U15, U12), cup for best foreign particip...
VíceSvětová asociace stolního hokeje zve všechny hráče a hráčky na
with your own sleeping bag and deckchair you may stay in the gym of Leisure Centre Most (venue of all tournaments) for free; toilet, shower and kitchen are available; no limit when booking by April...
VíceS radostí vás zveme k účasti na 20
birth, Address, Telephone number, Email address, Place of study (school). Voluntarily : How have you learnt about the Contest? Judging : All the entries are read unnamed three times and then will b...