Altivar 71 Pfiíruãka pro konfiguraci a nastavení Frekvenãní mûniãe pro asynchronní motory Contents Before you begin _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Documentation structure _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Steps for setting up the drive ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Factory configuration __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Your application functions ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Setup - Preliminary recommendations ____________________________________________________________________________ 12 Graphic display terminal ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Description of the terminal _______________________________________________________________________________ 14 Description of the graphic screen _________________________________________________________________________ 15 First power-up - [5. LANGUAGE] menu _____________________________________________________________________ 18 Subsequent power ups _________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Programming: Example of accessing a parameter ____________________________________________________________ 20 Quick navigation ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Integrated display terminal _____________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Functions of the display and the keys ______________________________________________________________________ 24 Accessing menus ______________________________________________________________________________________ 25 Accessing menu parameters _____________________________________________________________________________ 26 [2. ACCESS LEVEL] (LAC-) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 27 Structure of parameter tables __________________________________________________________________________________ 30 Interdependence of parameter values ____________________________________________________________________________ 31 Finding a parameter in this document ____________________________________________________________________________ 32 [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 33 [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 41 [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 50 [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) ________________________________________________________________________________ 64 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) ____________________________________________________________________________ 81 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 104 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) ____________________________________________________________________________ 117 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) _____________________________________________________________________________ 195 [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM-) _______________________________________________________________________________ 214 [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] _______________________________________________________________________________________ 218 [1.11 IDENTIFICATION] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 220 [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) ____________________________________________________________________________ 221 [1.13 USER MENU] (USr-) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 224 [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] (SPL-) _________________________________________________________________________ 225 [3. OPEN / SAVE AS] _______________________________________________________________________________________ 226 [4. PASSWORD] (COd-) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 228 [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] __________________________________________________________________________________ 230 [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] _______________________________________________________________________________________ 234 [MULTIPOINT SCREEN] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 238 Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 239 Faults - Causes - Remedies __________________________________________________________________________________ 240 User settings tables _________________________________________________________________________________________ 245 Index of functions ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 247 Index of parameter codes ____________________________________________________________________________________ 248 3 Varování pfied tím, neÏ zaãnete DANGER NEBEZPEâNÉ NAPùTÍ • Pfied pfiipojením frekvenãního mûniãe k napájení prostudujte dokumentaci k frekvenãnímu mûniãi. Instalaci, nastavení, údrÏbu a opravy smí provádût pouze kvalifikované osoby. • Po pfiipojení frekvenãního mûniãe k napájení se na komponentech v˘konové ãásti i nûkter˘ch ãástech fiídicí desky mÛÏe objevit síÈové napûtí. Je Ïivotu nebezpeãné se jich dot˘kat. Pfii práci s mûniãem musí b˘t v‰echny kryty v uzavfiené poloze. • Pfii jak˘chkoliv pracích, t˘kajících se elektrické instalace frekvenãního mûniãe nebo pracích na strojním zafiízení musí b˘t napájecí napûtí vypnuto. Po odpojení napájení je nutno, pfied zahájením práce na mûniãi a ãástech s nim galvanicky spojen˘ch vyãkat 15 minut od doby zhasnutí displeje. Tato doba staãí na vybití filtraãních kondenzátorÛ ss meziobvodu. • Motor lze uvést do klidu deaktivací logického vstupu nebo pfiivedením nulové Ïádané hodnoty otáãek na pfiíslu‰n˘ analogov˘ vstup nebo pfiíkazem pfies sériovou linku. Pokud je nutné z hlediska bezpeãnosti osob pracujících na pohonu vylouãit moÏnost náhodného rozbûhu motoru, lze vyuÏít bezpeãnostní funkce frekvenãního mûniãe „Power Removal“ a pouÏít doporuãené schéma zapojení pro kategorii nebezpeãnosti 3 dle âSN EN 954-1 a úrovnû 2 dle âSN/IEC/EN 61508. • Mûniã je vybaven ochrann˘mi obvody a funkcemi, které mohou zpÛsobit v pfiípadû poruchy zablokování frekvenãního mûniãe a zastavení motoru. Pfiíãinou poruchy mÛÏe b˘t mechanické zablokování motoru, kolísání napájení nebo jiné poruchy v síti. Pominutí tûchto pfiíãin mÛÏe zpÛsobit automatick˘ rozbûh motoru. Pokud není aktivována bezpeãnostní funkce frekvenãního mûniãe „Power Removal“, mÛÏe b˘t tato situace nebezpeãná pro jisté typy strojÛ, zafiízení nebo obsluhu. • V tûchto pfiípadech musí b˘t provedena vhodná opatfiení proti opûtovnému rozbûhu, napfiíklad detekce zastavení motoru vhodn˘m snímaãem otáãek s odpojením od napájení, pokud bylo zastavení zpÛsobeno poruchou. • Frekvenãní mûniã musí b˘t instalován v souladu s mezinárodními a národními normami a pfiedpisy. Za dodrÏení tûchto norem a pfiedpisÛ jakoÏ i za splnûní mezinárodních direktiv (EMC, Low Voltage, Machinery) a adekvátních národních nafiízení vlády dle zákona ã. 22/97 Sb. je odpovûdn˘ projektant, konstruktér, instalatér, v˘robce rozvádûãe nebo systémov˘ integrátor. • Frekvenãní mûniã Altivar 71 je nutno chápat ve smyslu shora uveden˘ch direktiv a nafiízení jako souãástku (komponentu) nadfiazeného celku (stroje, rozvádûãe, v˘robní linky nebo systému). Odpovûdnost za splnûní direktiv, vztahujících se k tomuto nadfiazenému celku, nese koneãn˘ uÏivatel. • Schneider Electric nenese odpovûdnost za poru‰ení norem, národních nebo mezinárodních pfiedpisÛ nebo pfiípadné po‰kození mûniãe, motoru a dal‰ích zafiízení souvisejících s pohonem, pokud byly zpÛsobeny neodbornou instalací nebo nastavením mûniãe neza‰kolenou osobou. V pfiípadû dal‰ích dotazÛ nebo pfiipomínek se laskavû obraÈte na Va‰eho dodavatele nebo firmu Schneider Electric CZ s. r. o • V˘robky popsané v této pfiíruãce podléhají konstrukãním a funkãním zmûnám. Tyto zmûny nelze pouÏít jako podklad pro zmûnu smlouvy mezi dodavatelem a odbûratelem. V pfiípadû nejasností se laskavû obraÈte na Va‰eho dodavatele nebo firmu Schneider Electric CZ s. r. o. CAUTION DAMAGED EQUIPMENT Do not operate or install any drive that appears damaged. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. 5 Postup pfii nastavování frekvenãního mûniãe POSTUP P¤I MONTÁÎI A P¤IPOJENÍ v 1Viz Pfiíruãku pro montáÏ a pfiipojení POSTUP P¤I KONFIGURACI A NASTAVENÍ b 2 Pfiipojení napájení, bez povelu chod b 3 Volba jazyka, pokud se pouÏívá grafick˘ terminál b 4 Konfigurace submenu základní parametry [SIMPLY START] (SIN-) Tipy: • Pfied tím, neÏ zaãnete pracovat na uvedení frekvenãního mûniãe do provozu, si promyslete konfiguraci a nastavení hodnot parametrÛ a vyplÀte tabulky nastavení na stranû 245 a 246. • Pro optimalizaci parametrÛ pohonu nastavte jmenovité parametry motoru a poté spusÈte automatické nastavení parametrÛ (Autotuning). • Pokud se pfii nastavování ztratíte, vraÈte se k továrnímu nastavení, viz stranu 223. Poznámka: Provûfite, zda zapojení vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ koresponduje s nastavenou konfigurací frekvenãního mûniãe. v Volba 2vodiãového nebo 3vodiãového ovládání v Volba makrokonfigurace v Nastavení parametrÛ motoru Spu‰tûní automatického nastavení parametrÛ (Autotuning) v Nastavení proudu motoru pro tepelnou ochranu v Nastavení doby rozbûhu a dobûhu v Nastavení nízk˘ch (LSP) a vysok˘ch otáãek (HSP) b 5 Spu‰tûní pohonu 6 Tovární nastavení Tovární nastavení Altivar 71 je v˘robcem pfiednastaven tak, aby vyhovoval vût‰inû bûÏn˘ch aplikací: • Makrokonfigurace: Start/Stop • Frekvence motoru (bFr): 50 Hz • Aplikace s konstantním zatûÏovacím momentem, nezávisl˘m na otáãkách s vektorov˘m fiízením bez zpûtné vazby (Ctt = UUC) • Zastavení po nastavené dobûhové rampû (Stt = rMP) • ReÏim zastavení v pfiípadû poruchy: voln˘ dobûh • Lineární rozbûhová a dobûhová rampa (ACC, dEC): doba trvání 3 s • Nízké otáãky (LSP): 0 Hz • Vysoké otáãky (HSP): 50 Hz • Proud pro tepelnou ochranu motoru (ItH) = jmenovit˘ proud motoru (pfiednastavená hodnota závisí na typové velikosti mûniãe) • Hodnota proudu pro dobrzdûní ss proudem (SdC1) = 0,7 x jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe po dobu 0,5 s • Není aktivní funkce automatick˘ rozbûh po poru‰e • Spínací frekvence 4 kHz pro frekvenãní mûniãe do 18 kW, pro vy‰‰í v˘kony 2,5 kHz • Logické vstupy: - LI1, LI2 (2 smûry otáãení): ovládání 2vodiãov˘m zapojením, LI1 = chod vpfied, LI2 = chod vzad - LI3, LI4, LI5, LI6: neaktivní (bez pfiifiazené funkce) • Analogové vstupy: - AI1: Ïádaná hodnota otáãek 0–10 V - AI2: 4–20 mA neaktivní (bez pfiifiazené funkce) • Relé R1: Poruchové relé. V pfiípadû poruchy nebo nepfiítomnosti napájení kontakt R1A–R1C rozepne. • Relé R2: neaktivní (bez pfiifiazené funkce) • Analogov˘ v˘stup AO1: 0–10V neaktivní (bez pfiifiazené funkce) Pokud jsou továrnû nastavené parametry vhodné pro aplikaci, není potfiebné toto nastavení mûnit. Tovární nastavení pfiídavné desky Vstupy a v˘stupy nejsou továrnû nastaveny. 7 Va‰e aplikaãní funkce Tabulky na následujících stranách zahrnují obvykle pouÏívané funkce pfii pouÏití frekvenãního mûniãe v rÛzn˘ch aplikacích. SlouÏí pro Va‰i orientaci pfii volbû funkcí. V tabulkách jsou zahrnuty následující aplikace: • Zdvih: jefiáby, portálové jefiáby, sloupové jefiáby • V˘tahy: modernizace do 1,2 m/s • Manipulace s materiálem: paletizátory/depaletizátory, dopravníky, manipulaãní váleãkové stoly • Balení: baliãky, etiketovací stroje • Textilní: tkalcovské stroje, pletací stroje, praãky • Dfievo: automatické soustruhy, pily, dráÏkovaãky • Velk˘ moment setrvaãnosti: odstfiedivky, mixéry, lisy • Technologie Uvedené kombinace funkcí nejsou povinné ani úplné. KaÏdá aplikace má specifické vlastnosti. Tabulka aplikaãních funkcí Velk˘ moment setrvaãnosti b b b b b b b b b Skalární fiízení U/f 67 Vektorové fiízení bez zpûtné vazby 67 b b b b Vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou 67 b b b b 2bodové vektorové fiízení 67 b Synchronní motor v otevfiené smyãce 67 b V˘stupní frekvence 1 000 Hz 65 b b Omezení pfiepûÈov˘ch ‰piãek na motoru 77 b b Napájení po ss sbûrnici (viz uÏivatelsk˘ manuál) – b Ovládání sycení motoru prostfiednictvím logického vstupu 149 Spínací frekvence do 16 kHz 77 Automatické nastavení parametrÛ (Autotuning) 66 b b b b b b b b b b Technologie Dfievo b Textil Balení V˘tahy Strana Zdvih Funkce Manipulace Aplikace b b b b b b b 8 Va‰e aplikaãní funkce Funkce Ïádané hodnoty otáãek b Nelineární Ïádaná hodnota b b V˘tahy Zdvih Frekvenãní vstup Pfiepínání Ïádané hodnoty b Sumace zdrojÛ Ïádané hodnoty b Oddûlení zdrojÛ Ïádané hodnoty b Násobení zdrojÛ Ïádané hodnoty b S rampy b b Pomalé otáãky (Jogging) Pfiedvolené otáãky b b b b b b b b b b b +/- zadávání otáãek jednopolohov˘m tlaãítkem +/- zadávání otáãek dvoupolohov˘m tlaãítkem +/- zadávání otáãek v okolí Ïádané hodnoty UloÏení Ïádané hodnoty do pamûti 9 Technologie b Vysok˘ moment setrvaãnosti b Strana Dfievo Balení Bipolární analogov˘ vstup ±10 V Funkce Textil Manipulace Aplikace b b b b b Va‰e aplikaãní funkce Aplikaãní funkce 128 Vyhodnocení koncov˘ch spínaãÛ 142 b b b Ovládání externí brzdy 144 b b b Mûfiení zátûÏe 153 b b Vysokorychlostní zdvih 155 b PID regulátor 159 Momentová regulace 167 b b Omezení momentu v motorickém/generátorickém kvadrantu 170 b b Load balancing 79 b b Line contactor control 173 b b Output contactor control 175 Positioning by limit switches or sensors 177 ENA system (mechanical with unbalanced load) 74 Parameter switching 180 b Motor or configuration switching 183 b Traverse control 186 Configuration of stops 128 b b Technologie Vysok˘ moment setrvaãnosti Rychlé zastavení Dfievo Textil Balení V˘tahy Strana Zdvih Funkce Manipulace Aplikace b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 10 Va‰e aplikaãní funkce Safety/fault management function Manipulace Balení Textil Dfievo Vysok˘ moment setrvaãnosti Technologie Power Removal (safety function, see user's manual) V˘tahy Funkce Zdvih Aplikace b b b b b b b b Strana - Deferred stop on thermal alarm 203 Alarm handling 103 b b b b b b b b 196 aÏ 213 b b b b b b b b IGBT tests 206 b b b b b b b b Catch on the fly 199 b b b Thermal protection for braking resistors 211 b b b b Motor protection with PTC probes 196 b b b b b b b Undervoltage management 205 b b b 4-20mA loss 207 b b Uncontrolled output cut (output phase loss) 201 b Automatic restart 198 b Fault management 11 b b b b b b Doporuãení pro instalaci a uvedení do provozu Pfiipojení k napájení a konfigurace frekvenãního mûniãe Pfied pfiipojením k napájení – Ovûfite, zda je síÈové napájecí napûtí vhodné pro napájení frekvenãního mûniãe ( viz str. 3 a 4 pfiíruãky pro instalaci ATV 7) Pokud není síÈové napájecí napûtí kompatibilní, frekvenãní mûniã se mÛÏe po‰kodit. – Z dÛvodu vylouãení náhodného rozbûhu motoru zabezpeãte, aby se v‰echny logické vstupy nacházely ve stavu log. 0. Jinak mÛÏe logick˘ vstup konfigurovan˘ pro chod zpÛsobit rozbûh motoru v okamÏiku opu‰tûní konfiguraãních menu. POZOR Pfii pouÏití síÈového stykaãe: – Zamezte dlouhodobû ãastému spínání síÈového stykaãe (Pfiedãasné stárnutí kondenzátorÛ ve ss meziobvodu) Pro spou‰tûní motoru pouÏijte logické vstupy LI1 aÏ LI6. – Zajistûte, aby opakovanû nedocházelo k spínání síÈového stykaãe v intervalech krat‰ích, neÏ 60 s. Hrozí po‰kození omezovacího rezistoru pro nabíjení kondenzátorÛ ve ss meziobvodu frekvenãního mûniãe. Nastavení a konfigurace frekvenãního mûniãe • Pro úpravu nastavení a konfigurace frekvenãního mûniãe dle konkrétních poÏadavkÛ aplikace pouÏijte obsluÏn˘ terminál nebo osobní poãítaã se softwarem PowerSuite • Pfiípadn˘ návrat k továrnímu nastavení lze provést v menu Tovární nastavení FSt- (viz stranu 188). • Existují tfii typy parametrÛ: – Zobrazovací parametry: provozní veliãiny zobrazované frekvenãním mûniãem – Nastavovací parametry: lze zmûnit jak za provozu frekvenãního mûniãe, tak v klidu. – Konfiguraãní parametry: lze zmûnit pouze za klidu, pokud je frekvenãní mûniã zablokován a neprobíhá brzdûní ss proudem. Za provozu lze tyto parametry pouze zobrazit. • Zmûny nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe provádûjte, pokud je to moÏné, v klidovém stavu. • Pokud je nezbytné nastavení upravovat za chodu motoru: zvaÏte, zda zmûny nemohou po‰kodit pohon nebo zda nemohou b˘t nebezpeãné pro obsluhu zafiízení Uvedení do provozu DÛleÏité • V následujících pfiípadech dochází z bezpeãnostních dÛvodÛ k rozbûhu motoru aÏ po potvrzení (vypnutí a zapnutí ) povelu chod vpfied, chod vzad nebo brzdûní ss proudem: – v reÏimu továrního nastavení – po pfiipojení k napájení nebo po manuálním resetu poruchy Pokud není pfiíslu‰n˘ povel potvrzen, nedojde k rozbûhu a displej frekvenãního mûniãe zobrazuje nSt. • Stav vstupÛ, konfigurovan˘ch pro funkce chod vpfied, chod vzad nebo brzdûní ss proudem není nutné potvrdit v pfiípadû, Ïe se aktivuje funkce automatick˘ rozbûh po poru‰e (Parametr Atr = YES v menu 1.8 Porucha (Flt-) viz stranu 173). Zkou‰ka frekvenãního mûniãe s motorem malého v˘konu nebo bez motoru • V reÏimu továrního nastavení je aktivní funkce hlídání v˘padku v˘stupní fáze (parametr OPL = YES v menu 1.8 Porucha (Flt-), viz stranu 176). Pro zkou‰ku pohonu bez motoru nebo s jin˘m motorem o men‰ím v˘konu, neÏ bude frekvenãní mûniã provozován, lze funkci vypnout nastavením OPL = No. • V menu Parametry fiízení motoru drC- nastavte skalární typ fiízení motoru Ctt = UUC, viz stranu 56. POZOR – Pro jmenovit˘ proud motoru < 0,2 In frekvenãního mûniãe nelze zabezpeãit tepelnou ochranu motoru. Napájení paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ z frekvenãního mûniãe • V menu Parametry fiízení motoru drC- nastavte skalární typ fiízení motoru Ctt = UUC, viz stranu 56. • Tepelnou ochranu paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ frekvenãní mûniã nezabezpeãuje. Je nutné zabezpeãit externí ochranu pro kaÏd˘ motor. 12 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Pro frekvenãní mûniãe mal˘ch v˘konÛ je grafick˘ terminál dodáván jako pfiíslu‰enství. Je souãástí standardní dodávky frekvenãních mûniãÛ vût‰ích v˘konÛ (viz katalog Altivar 71). ObsluÏn˘ terminál lze oddûlit od frekvenãního mûniãe a pouÏít jako vzdálen˘ terminál, napfi. namontovan˘ na dvefiích rozvádûãe. Kabel a montáÏní materiál je dodáván jako pfiíslu‰enství (viz katalog Altivar 71). Popis obsluÏného terminálu 1 Grafick˘ displej 2 Funkãní klávesy F1, F2, F3, F4 viz strana 15 3 Klávesa STOP/ RESET 7 Klávesa ESC: Opu‰tûní menu nebo parametru, nebo vymazání zobrazené hodnoty a návrat k pfiedtím uloÏené hodnotû 4 Klávesa RUN 6 Klávesa FWD/REV pro reverzaci smûru otáãení motoru 5 Navigaãní toãítko: • Stisk (ENTER): – UloÏení aktuální hodnoty (ENTER) – Vstup do menu, volba parametru • Otáãení vlevo nebo vpravo: – SniÏování nebo zvy‰ování hodnoty parametru – Pohyb v menu na pfiedchozí nebo následující fiádek – SniÏování nebo zvy‰ování Ïádané hodnoty pfii ovládání frekvenãního mûniãe z terminálu Poznámka: Pokud je povoleno ovládání frekvenãního mûniãe z obsluÏného terminálu, lze pro tyto úãely pouÏít klávesy 3, 4, 5 a 6. 13 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Zobrazované údaje na displeji: 1 RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 6 1 DRIVE MENU 2 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 3 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code 4 F1 << >> Quick F2 F3 F4 5 1. ¤ádek zobrazení provozních stavÛ a provozních veliãin. Obsah tohoto fiádku lze nakonfigurovat. V továrním nastavení zobrazuje: • Provozní stav pohonu (viz stranu 16) • Aktivní zpÛsob fiízení: – Term: ze svorkovnice frekvenãního mûniãe – LCC: prostfiednictvím obsluÏného terminálu – MDB: po sbûrnici Modbus – CAN: po sbûrnici CANopen – NET: prostfiednictvím komunikaãní desky – APP: prostfiednictvím programovatelné desky • Îádanou hodnotu v˘stupní frekvence • Proud motoru 2. ¤ádek menu. Zobrazuje název aktuálního menu nebo submenu. 3. Oblast pro zobrazení jednotliv˘ch poloÏek aktuálního menu, submenu, hodnot parametrÛ, sloupcov˘ch grafÛ atd. Údaje jsou zobrazeny na max. 5fiádcích. Pfiíslu‰n˘ fiádek nebo hodnota, zvolená navigaãním toãítkem je zobrazena inverznû (svûtlé písmo na tmavém podkladu). 4. Zobrazení funkce pfiifiazené dané funkãní klávese F1 aÏ F4. Napfiíklad: • Code F1 : Zobrazení kódu zvoleného parametru (odpovídá kódu na sedmisegmentovém displeji). • HELP F1 : Nápovûda. • << F2 : Vodorovná navigace doleva nebo skok na pfiedchozí menu/submenu, nebo pfii nastavování hodnoty pfiechod na dal‰í ãíslici. Oznaãená ãíslice je zobrazena inverznû (viz pfiíklad na stranû 17). • >> F3 : Vodorovná navigace doprava nebo skok na následující menu/submenu, nebo pfii nastavování hodnoty pfiechod na dal‰í ãíslici. Oznaãená ãíslice je zobrazena inverznû (viz pfiíklad na stranû 17). • Quick F4 : Rychlá navigace, viz stranu 21. The function keys are dynamic and contextual. Other functions (application functions) can be assigned to these keys via the [1.6 COMMAND] menu. 5. 6. Signalizuje, Ïe pod aktuálnû zobrazen˘m oknem jiÏ nejsou dal‰í úrovnû. Signalizuje, Ïe pod aktuálnû zobrazen˘m oknem jsou dal‰í úrovnû. 6. 7. 8. Signalizuje, Ïe nad aktuálnû zobrazen˘m oknem jiÏ nejsou dal‰í úrovnû. Signalizuje, Ïe nad aktuálnû zobrazen˘m oknem jsou dal‰í úrovnû. 14 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Provozní stavy frekvenãního mûniãe: – ACC: Rozbûh po rampû – CLI : Proudové omezení – CTL: ¤ízené zastavení pfii v˘padku fáze napájecího napûtí – DCB: Probíhá brÏdûní ss proudem – DEC: Dobûh po rampû – FLU: Sycení motoru aktivní – FST: Rychlé zastavení – NLP: SíÈové napájecí napûtí není pfiítomno – NST: Voln˘ dobûh – OBR: Dobûh s automatick˘m prodlouÏením dobûhové rampy – PRA: Frekvenãní mûniã zablokován, aktivní bezpeãnostní funkce – RDY: Pohon pfiipraven – RUN: Pohon v chodu – SOC: ¤ízené odpojení v˘stupu aktivní – TUN: Probíhá automatické nastavení parametrÛ (Autotuning) – USA: Varování – podpûtí 15 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Pfiíklad volby poloÏek: RDY Term +0.00Hz 5 LANGUAGE 0A Pokud je moÏná pouze jediná volba, zvolená poloÏka je oznaãena symbolem Pfiíklad: Lze zvolit jeden z jazykÛ. . English Français Deutsch Español Italiano << >> Quick Chinese PARAMETER SELECTION 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration 2 Deceleration 2 Edit Pokud lze zvolit více poloÏek, zvolené poloÏky jsou oznaãeny . Pfiíklad: Pro vytvofiení svého vlastního uÏivatelského menu lze zvolit nûkolik parametrÛ. Pfiíklad nastavení hodnoty parametru: RDY Term Acceleration +0.00Hz 0A RDY Term Acceleration +0.00Hz 0A >> 9.51 s Min = 0.01 << >> 9.51 s Max = 99.99 Quick Min = 0.01 << >> Max = 99.99 Quick Pro volbu nastavované ãíslice se pouÏijí klávesy F2 a F3 s funkcí << a >>. Hodnota vybrané ãíslice se nastaví pomocí otáãení navigaãního toãítka doprava nebo doleva. 16 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál První pfiipojení k napájení Pfii prvním pfiipojení k napájecímu napûtí je uÏivatel automaticky proveden menu volba jazyka a menu pfiístupová úroveÀ aÏ po menu 1 – menu pohon [1. DRIVE MENU]. Pfied spu‰tûním motoru je nutné nastavit parametry submenu 1.1 – základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] a aktivovat funkci automatické pfiizpÛsobení parametrÛ – Autotuning. Úvodní obrazovka. Zobrazuje se po dobu 3 s od okamÏiku pfiipojení k napájení. ATV71HU22N4 2.2kW/3HP 380/480V Config. n˚1 3 sekundy 5 LANGUAGE English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Po 3 s dojde k pfiepnutí – zobrazí se menu 5 - volba jazyka [5. LANGUAGE]. Chinese RDY Term +0.00Hz 2 ACCESS LEVEL 0.0A Po volbû jazyka se zobrazí menu 2 - pfiístupová úroveÀ [2. ACCESS LEVEL] (viz stranu 27) Zvolte typ pfiístupové úrovnû a stisknûte ENT. Basic Standard Advanced Expert RDY Term +0.00Hz 0.0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2. MONITORING 1.3. SETTINGS 1.4. MOTOR CONTROL 1.5. INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick ESC RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 17 0.0A Quick Dojde k pfiepnutí do menu 1- pohon [1. DRIVE MENU]. Pro návrat do hlavního menu [MAIN MENU] stisknûte klávesu ESC. Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Následná pfiipojení k napájení ATV71HU22N4 2.2kW/3HP 380/480V Config. n˚1 3 sekundy RDY Term +38Hz 0.0A 1. DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick Pfiepnutí do menu 1 – pohon [1.DRIVE MENU] po uplynutí 3 s. 10 sekund RDY Term +38Hz Frequency ref 0.0A 38 Hz Min=0 Max=60 Quick Pokud není do 10 s provedena Ïádná volba, displej se automaticky pfiepne do reÏimu zobrazení provozních veliãin (vzhled obrazovky závisí na zvolené konfiguraci). ENT nebo ESC RDY Term +38Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0.0A Návrat do hlavního menu pomocí klávesy ENT (ESC) (pfiípadnû klávesou ESC z menu 1 – pohon). Quick 18 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Volba parametru a nastavení jeho hodnoty Pfiíklad: volba parametru doba rozbûhu RDY Term +0.00Hz 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> 0A RDY ENT ESC Quick Term +0.00Hz 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment: Acceleration Deceleration: Acceleration 2: Deceleration 2: Code << >> 0A 01 9.51 s 9.67 s 12.58 s 13.45 s Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz Acceleration 0A ENT 9.51 s ENT or Min = 0.01 ESC << >> Max = 99.99 Quick Poznámka: • Volba parametru: – otáãením navigaãního toãítka nalistujte submenu. – Stisknûte navigaãní toãítko (ENTER). – otáãením navigaãního toãítka nalistujte parametr. – Stisknûte navigaãní toãítko (ENTER). • Nastavení hodnoty parametru: – Pro volbu nastavované ãíslice hodnoty se pouÏijí klávesy F2 a F3 s funkcí << a >>. Hodnota vybrané ãíslice se nastaví pomocí otáãení navigaãního toãítka doprava nebo doleva. • Návrat k pÛvodní hodnotû parametru: – Stisknûte ESC. • Potvrzení nové hodnoty parametru: – Stisknûte navigaãní toãítko (ENTER). 19 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Rychlá navigace v menu Konfigurace funkãní klávesy F4 pro funkci rychlá navigace umoÏÀuje velmi rychl˘ pohyb mezi jednotliv˘mi parametry. Pfiíklad: RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL Standard mot. freq: 5 0Hz IEC Rated motor power: 0.37 kW (50 HP) Rated motor volt.: 206 V Rated mot. current: 1.0 A Rated motor freq.: 50.0 Hz Code << >> Quick Po stisku klávesy F4 se zobrazí displej rychlá navigace, kter˘ poskytuje 4 moÏnosti: • Volba: návrat do hlavního menu [RETURN TO MAIN MENU]. Term +0.00Hz 0A QUICK NAVIGATION RETURN TO MAIN MENU DIRECT ACCESS TO... 10 LAST MODIFICATIONS GOTO MULTIPOINT SCREEN RDY RDY ENT Code Viz strana 238 Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A Quick • Pfiím˘ pfiístup do menu ... [DIRECT ACCESS TO ...]: Volba otevfie pfiístupové okno, které obsahuje text „1.0". Pro volbu nastavované ãíslice se pouÏijí klávesy F2 a F3 s funkcí << a >>. Hodnota vybrané ãíslice se nastaví pomocí otáãení navigaãního toãítka doprava nebo doleva – napfi. jako níÏe: „1.3“. RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A DIRECT ACCESS TO... RDY ENT 1.3 << >> Term +0.00Hz 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment: Acceleration Deceleration: Acceleration 2: Deceleration 2: Code << >> 0A 01 9.51 s 9.67 s 12.58 s 13.45 s Quick • 10 posledních zmûn. [10 LAST MODIFIKATIONS]: Otevfie se okno, ve kterém jsou naposledy zmûnûné parametry pfiímo pfiístupné. RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 10 LAST MODIFICATIONS Acceleration: 10 s ENA prop.gain: 1.2 Rated mot. current: 15 A Preset speed 4: 20 Hz Preset speed 5: 30 Hz Code RDY ENT Term +0.00Hz Rated mot. current 0A 15.0 A ESC << >> 20 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Hlavní menu – [MAIN MENU] RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD Quick Obsah hlavního menu [MAIN MENU] [1 DRIVE] Menu 1 – pohon Viz následující stranu [2 ACCESS LEVEL] Menu 2 – pfiístupová úroveÀ Definování rozsahu pfiístupu k menu [3 OPEN / SAVE AS] Menu 3 – naãtení/uloÏení konfigurace a nastavení Naãtení souboru konfigurace a nastavení z pamûti nebo uloÏení aktuálního nastavení. [4 PASSWORD] Menu 4 – heslo Nastavení hesla pro ochranu konfigurace a nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe [5 LANGUAGE] Menu 5 – volba jazyka Volba jazyka [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] Menu 6 – konfigurace obsluÏného terminálu [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] Menu 7 – 21 Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Menu 1 – pohon [1 DRIVE MENU] RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD Obsah menu 1 – pohon [1 DRIVE MENU]: Sub-menu Submenu Popis obsahu [1.1 SIMPLY START]: 1.1 – Základní parametry Zjednodu‰ené menu pro rychlé a jednoduché uvedení frekvenãního mûniãe do provozu [1.2 MONITORING]: 1.2 – Zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V SlouÏí pro zobrazení konfigurace a stavu vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ, interních hodnot a stavÛ frekvenãního mûniãe a parametrÛ komunikace [1.3 SETTINGS]: 1.3 – Nastavení Pfiístup k parametrÛm nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe. Tyto parametry jsou pfiístupné i za provozu. [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL]: 1.4 – Parametry motoru Nastavení ‰títkov˘ch parametrÛ motoru, Autotuning, spínací frekvence, typ fiízení [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG]: 1.5 – Vstupy / v˘stupy Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ, filtrování, 2-vodiãové a 3vodiãové ovládání [1.6 COMMAND]: 1.6 – ¤ízení Konfigurace zpÛsobu fiízení a zadávání Ïádané hodnoty – z grafického terminálu, svorkovnice, po sbûrnici atd. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.]: 1.7 – Aplikaãní funkce Konfigurace aplikaãních funkcí – pfiedvolené otáãky, regulátor PID, ovládání externí brzdy atd. [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT]: 1.8 – Poruchové menu Konfigurace a nastavení chování mûniãe v poruchov˘ch stavech [1.9 COMMUNICATION]: 1.9 – Komunikace Nastavení parametrÛ komunikace po sbûrnici [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS]: 1.10 – Diagnostika Diagnostika frekvenãního mûniãe a motoru [1.11 IDENTIFICATION]: 1.11 – Identifikace Identifikace pohonu a pfiíslu‰enství [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS]: 1.12 – Tovární nastavení Pfiístup k uloÏen˘m souborÛm s konfigurací a nastavením frekvenãního mûniãe a návrat k továrnímu nastavení [1.13 USER MENU]: 1.13 – UÏivatelské menu Menu sestavené uÏivatelem v menu 6 – konfigurace displeje [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD]: 1.14 – Programovatelná roz‰ifiovací deska Konfigurace desky pfiídavného PLC 22 Integrovan˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Frekvenãní mûniãe Altivar 71 malého v˘konu (viz katalog) jsou vybaveny integrovan˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem se sedmisegmentov˘m ãtyfimístn˘m displejem. K tûmto frekvenãním mûniãÛm lze pfiipojit grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál, popsan˘ na pfiedchozích stranách jako pfiíslu‰enství. Funkce displeje a kláves • 2 LED: stav sbûrnice Modbus • 4místn˘ sedmisegmentov˘ displej • 2 LED: stav sbûrnice CANopen • Opu‰tûní menu nebo parametru, nebo zru‰ení nastavené hodnoty a návrat k pfiedchozí hodnotû, uloÏené v pamûti • Pfiesun k pfiedchozímu menu nebo parametru, nebo inkrementování nastavované hodnoty • Pfiesun k dal‰ímu menu nebo parametru, nebo dekrementování nastavované hodnoty Poznámka: • Po stlaãení • Vstup do menu nebo parametru, potvrzení nastavení parametru nebo jeho hodnoty nebo se v˘bûr neuchová. • Stlaãte a podrÏte stlaãené (>2 s) nebo pro rychlé rolování údaji. UloÏení a uchování v˘bûru: ENT Po uloÏení nastavené hodnoty do pamûti displej jedenkrát problikne. Zobrazení provozních veliãin a hlá‰ení na displeji: – 43.0: Zobrazení parametru vybraného v menu SUP- (standardnû: aktuální frekvence na – v˘stupu – napfiíklad 43 Hz). V reÏimu proudového omezení displej bliká. – CtL: Proudové omezení – dCb: Probíhá stejnosmûrné brzdûní – FLU: Probíhá sycení motoru – FSt: Rychlé zastavení – nLP: Není síÈové napûtí na svorkách L1, L2, L3 – nSt: Voln˘ dobûh – Obr: Dobûh s automatick˘m pfiizpÛsobením dobûhové rampy – PrA: Aktivní bezpeãnostní funkce Power Removal – rdY: Frekvenãní mûniã pfiipraven – SOC: ¤ízené odpojení v˘stupu v ãinnosti – tUn: Probíhá Autotuning – USA: Varování pfii podpûtí Pfii poru‰e je na displeji zobrazen blikající poruchov˘ kód. 23 Integrovan˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Pfiístup k menu Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu mûniãe ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC Menu ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC SIM- ENT SIMPLY START ESC ENT SUPSEt- MONITORING ESC ENT SETTINGS ESC ENT drCI-O- MOTOR CONTROL ESC ENT INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG ESC ENT CtLFUn- ESC APPLICATION FUNCT. ESC ENT FLtCON- FAULT MANAGEMENT ESC ENT COMMUNICATION ESC ENT FCSUSr- FACTORY SETTINGS ESC ENT LAC- USER MENU ESC ENT SPLCOd- COMMAND ENT PROGRAMMABLE CARD ESC 1.1 – Základní parametry: zjednodu‰ené menu pro rychlé uvedení do provozu (viz stranu 33) 1.2 – Zobrazení provozních veliãin: zobrazení proudu, provozních parametrÛ motoru, vstupních a v˘stupních veliãin (viz stranu 41) 1.3 – Nastavení: parametry nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe, pfiístupné i za provozu (Viz strana 50) 1.4 – Parametry motoru: nastavení ‰títkov˘ch parametrÛ motoru, Autotuningu, spínací frekvence, typu fiízení atd. (viz stranu 66) 1.5 – Vstupy / v˘stupy: konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ, filtrování, 2-vodiãové a 3vodiãové ovládání (viz stranu 81) 1.6 – ¤ízení: konfigurace zpÛsobu fiízení a zadávání Ïádané hodnoty – z grafického terminálu, svorkovnice, po sbûrnici atd. (viz stranu 104) 1.7 – Aplikaãní funkce: konfigurace aplikaãních funkcí – pfiedvolené otáãky, regulátor PID, ovládání externí brzdy atd. (viz stranu 117) 1.8 – Poruchové menu: konfigurace a nastavení chování mûniãe v poruchov˘ch stavech. (viz stranu 195) 1.9 – Komunikace: nastavení parametrÛ komunikace po sbûrnici. (viz strana 214) 1.12 Tovární nastavení: pfiístup k uloÏen˘m souborÛm s konfigurací a nastavením frekvenãního mûniãe a návrat k továrnímu nastavení (viz strana 221) 1.13 UÏivatelské menu: menu sestavené uÏivatelem v menu 6 – konfigurace displeje (viz stranu 224) 1.14 Programovatelná roz‰ifiovací deska: konfigurace desky pfiídavného PLC. (viz stranu 225) ENT PASSWORD Heslo (viz stranu 228) ESC ENT ACCESS LEVEL Pfiístupová úroveÀ (viz stranu 27) ESC Kódy oznaãující menu nebo submenu jsou doplnûny pomlãkou, která je odli‰uje od kódÛ parametrÛ. Pfiíklady: Fun- je kód menu, ACC je kód parametru. ·edou barvou oznaãená menu nemusí b˘t pfiístupná v závislosti na konfiguraci menu LAC - : pfiístupová úroveÀ. 24 Integrovan˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál Pfiístup k parametrÛm menu Pro uloÏení nastavené hodnoty stisknûte klávesu : SEt- ENT ACC ESC Pfii uloÏení hodnoty displej problikne. Value or assignment Parametr Menu ENT ENT 15 0 . ESC ESC dEC 26 0 . 1 probliknutí (uloÏení) 26 0 . ENT Dal‰í parametr ENT Menu 1st ESC V‰echna menu jsou cyklická – to znamená, Ïe pokud zvolíme ‰ipkou dolÛ poslední parametr menu, po dal‰ím stisku klávesy se objeví první parametr menu. Naopak pokud nalistujeme ‰ipkou nahoru smûrem odspodu první parametr menu, po dal‰ím stisku se objeví poslední parametr (viz obrázek). nth last Volba nastavení parametru s více moÏnostmi nastavení Pfiíklad: V menu vstupy/v˘stupy (I-O-) lze nastavit nûkteré funkce za pomoci signalizace pravé zobrazovací jednotky. I-O- ENT ESC Pravá ãíslice indikuje: parametr zvolen není zvolen Stejn˘m principem se nastavují v‰echny parametry, které mají nûkolik moÏností nastavení. 25 Menu 2 – pfiístupová práva (LAC-) [2. ACCESS LEVEL] Pfiístup prostfiednictvím grafického terminálu BASIC: základní pfiístupová práva Pfiístup pouze do 5 menu a 6 submenu v menu 1 – pohon [1. DRIVE MENU]. RDY Term +0.00Hz 2 ACCESS LEVEL 0A Basic Standard Advanced Expert << >> Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code << >> 0A Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz 1. DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2. MONITORING 1.3. SETTINGS 1.11. IDENTIFICATION 1.12. FACTORY SETTINGS Code << >> 1.13 USER MENU 0A Quick STANDARD: standardní pfiístupová práva Tovární nastavení. Pfiístup pouze do 6 menu a v‰ech submenu v menu 1 – pohon [1. DRIVE MENU]. KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit pouze jednu funkci. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 0A Quick ADVANCED: roz‰ífiená pfiístupová práva. Pfiístup do v‰ech menu a submenu. Logick˘m vstupÛm lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD Quick EXPERT: nejvy‰‰í úroveÀ pfiístupov˘ch práv Pfiístup do v‰ech menu a submenu – stejnû jako v úrovni ADVANCED, navíc pfiístup k doplÀkov˘m parametrÛm. Logick˘m vstupÛm lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A Quick 26 Menu 2 – pfiístupová práva (LAC-) [2. ACCESS LEVEL] Pfiístup prostfiednictvím vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu: Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu pohonu ENT ESC SIM- ESC COd- ESC LAC- ENT Kód ACCESS LEVEL ESC Jméno/popis Std LACbAS Std Adu Epr 27 Tovární nastavení • bAS: Základní pfiístup k menu SIM-, SUP-, SEt-, FCS-, USr-, Cod-, a LAC-. KaÏd˘ logick˘ vstup je moÏné konfigurovat pouze pro jednu funkci. • Std: Pfiístup ke v‰em menu vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu. KaÏd˘ logick˘ vstup je moÏné konfigurovat pouze pro jednu funkci. • AdU: Pfiístup ke v‰em menu vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu. KaÏd˘ logick˘ vstup je moÏné konfigurovat pro více funkcí. • EPr: Pfiístup ke v‰em menu vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu a doplÀkov˘m parametrÛm. KaÏd˘ logick˘ vstup je moÏné konfigurovat pro více funkcí. Menu 2 – pfiístupová práva (LAC-) [2. ACCESS LEVEL] Porovnání moÏnosti pfiístupu k menu dle nastaven˘ch pfiístupov˘ch práv pomocí grafického/vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu [3 OPEN/SAVE AS] Naãtení / uloÏení - [4 PASSWORD] Heslo COd- (Heslo) [5 LANGUAGE] Jazyk - [1 DRIVE MENU] menu 1 – pohon [1.1 SIMPLY START] Základní parametry SIN- (Základní parametry) [1.2 MONITORING] Zobrazení konfigurace stavu V/V SUP- (Zobrazení konfigurace [1.3 SETTINGS] Nastavení SEt- (Nastavení) [1.11 IDENTIFICATION] Identifikace - [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] Tovární nastavení FCS- (Tovární nastavení) [1.13 USER MENU] UÏivatelské menu USr- (UÏivatelské menu) KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit pouze jednu funkci. a stavu V/V) KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit pouze jednu funkci. [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] Parametry motoru drC- (Parametry motoru) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] Vstupy / v˘stupy I-O- (Vstupy/v˘stupy) [1.6 COMMAND] ¤ízení CtL- (¤ízení) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] Aplikaãní funkce FUn- (Aplikaãní funkce) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] Poruchové menu FLt- (Poruchové menu) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] Komunikace COM- (Komunikace) [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] Diagnostika - EXPERT EPr LAC- (Pfiístupová práva) ADVANCED AdU [2 ACCESS LEVEL] Pfiístupová práva ÚroveÀ pfiístupu STANDARD Std (tovární nastavení) Vestavûn˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál BASIC bAS Grafick˘ obsluÏn˘ terminál [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] (1) SPL- (Programovatelná Programovatelná roz‰ifiující deska roz‰ifiovací deska (1) [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] Konfigurace zobrazení - KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit pouze jednu funkci. KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit pouze jednu funkci. [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] Konfigurace displeje - KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. Expert parameters DoplÀkové parametry DoplÀkové parametry KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. KaÏdému logickému vstupu lze pfiifiadit více funkcí. 28 Struktura tabulek parametrÛ Tabulky obsahují popis funkce jednotliv˘ch parametrÛ. Tyto parametry lze nastavit jak vestavûn˘m, tak pomocí grafického obsluÏného terminálu. NíÏe uvedené vysvûtlivky popisují systém zápisu pro oba terminály. Pfiíklad: 5 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) 1 6 Code 2 Name/Description b UPd- Adjustment range Factory setting [+/- SPEED] Function can be accessed for reference channel [Ref.2 channel] (Fr2) = [+/- Speed] (UPdt), see page 122 3 4 USP no LII M [+ speed assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) 7 [No] (nO) 8 1. Kód menu zobrazen˘ na displeji vestavûného terminálu 5. Název menu zobrazen˘ na grafickém terminálu 2. Kód submenu zobrazen˘ na displeji vestavûného terminálu 6. Název submenu zobrazen˘ na grafickém terminálu 3. Kód parametru zobrazen˘ na displeji vestavûného terminálu 7. Název parametru zobrazen˘ na grafickém terminálu 4. Hodnota parametru zobrazená na displeji vestavûného terminálu 8. Hodnota parametru zobrazená na grafickém terminálu Poznámka: • Text uveden˘ v hranat˘ch závorkách [ ] je zobrazen na grafickém terminálu. • V továrním nastavení platí [Macro configuration] (CFG) = [Start/Stop] (StS). 29 Vnitfiní závislost hodnot parametrÛ Z bezpeãnostních dÛvodÛ mÛÏe zmûna nastavení hodnoty nûkter˘ch parametrÛ zmûnit rozsah nastavení jin˘ch parametrÛ. To mÛÏe zpÛsobit zmûnu továrního nastavení ovlivnûn˘ch parametrÛ. Pfiíklad: 1. Tovární nastavení omezení proudu je 1,5 In, rozsah nastavení 0 aÏ 1,65 In [Current limitation] (CLI) viz strana 57. 2. Nastavení spínací frekvence [Switching freq.] (Sfr) viz stranu 57, na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz a potvrzení klávesou ENT automaticky zmen‰í rozsah nastavení omezení proudu na 0 aÏ 1,36 In. Továrnû nastavená hodnota 1,5 In bude tedy po sníÏení spínací frekvence automaticky sníÏena na 1,36 In. 3. Pokud se poté zv˘‰í hodnota spínací frekvence na 4 kHz, rozsah nastavení omezení proudu jiÏ není zmen‰en, ale nastavená hodnota omezení proudu zÛstane 1,36 In. Pokud je potfiebná hodnota vy‰‰í, je ji nutné znovu nastavit. 30 Hledání parametrÛ v pfiíruãce Pfiíruãka pro konfiguraci a nastavení umoÏÀuje prostfiednictvím indexu rychlé nalezení popisu funkce hledaného parametru: • Pfii práci s vestavûn˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: zobrazen˘ kód hledejte v indexu kódÛ parametrÛ na stranû 248. U nalezeného kódu je uvedena strana, na které se nachází jeho popis. • Pfii práci s grafick˘m terminálem: zvolte poÏadovan˘ parametr a stisknûte klávesu zobrazí místo názvu parametru jeho kód. Pfiíklad: parametr doba rozbûhu [Acceleration] – po stisku F1 – (ACC) RDY Term +0.00Hz 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment: Acceleration Deceleration: Acceleration 2: Deceleration 2: Code << >> 0A 01 9.51 s 9.67 s 12.58 s 13.45 s Quick RDY Code Term +0.00Hz 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment: ACC Deceleration: Acceleration 2: Deceleration 2: Code << >> 0A 01 9.51 s 9.67 s 12.58 s 13.45 s Quick Poté vyhledáme v indexu strany s popisem parametru doba rozbûhu: 40, 51, 125. 31 F1 : [Code]. Po dobu stisku klávesy se Submenu 1.1 – základní parametry (SIM-) [1.1 SIMPLY START] PouÏití grafického obsluÏného terminálu: RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A RDY ENT Quick Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.1 SIMPLY START 2/3 wire control Macro configuration Customized macro Standard mot. freq Input phase loss Code << >> Quick PouÏití vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu: Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu pohonu ENT ESC ESC ESC SIM- ENT SIMPLY START ESC SUPLAC- Menu základní parametry (SIM-) je urãeno pro rychlé a snadné uvedení pohonu do provozu. Nastavení vyhovuje pro pfieváÏnou ãást aplikací. Hodnoty parametrÛ tohoto menu lze mûnit pouze v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe s následujícími v˘jimkami: • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ – Autotuning • Parametry nastavení – viz stranu 40. Poznámka: Parametry v menu základní parametry musí b˘t nastavovány v pofiadí, jak jsou zobrazovány, protoÏe nastavení pfiedchozích parametrÛ má vliv na nastavení následujících parametrÛ. Napfiíklad parametr 2/3vodiãové ovládání [2/3 wire control] (tCC) musí b˘t nastaven pfied ostatními. Menu základní parametry se doporuãuje pouÏít nezávisle nebo pfied ostatními konfiguraãními menu. Pokud by byla napfied provedena zmûna v nûkterém z menu, zejména v submenu 1.4 - parametry motoru, nûkteré parametry menu základní parametry se mohou zmûnit , napfiíklad parametry motoru, pokud by byl zvolen synchronní motor. Pfiípadné zmûny parametrÛ v tomto menu, které mohou nastat pfii nastavení v jin˘ch menu nejsou v dal‰ím popisu zahrnuty. Makrokonfigurace Makrokonfigurace ‰etfií ãas pfii konfiguraci a nastavování frekvenãního mûniãe pro typické aplikace. K dispozici je celkem 7 makrokonfigurací: • • • • • • • Start/stop (tovární nastavení) Manipulace s materiálem V‰eobecné pouÏití Zdvih PID regulátor Komunikace Master/slave (elektrická hfiídel) Volba jedné z makrokonfigurací zpÛsobí automatické pfiifiazení funkcí V/V a nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe. KaÏd˘ z jednotliv˘ch parametrÛ nastavené konfigurace lze dodateãnû upravit. 32 Submenu 1.1 - základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Konfigurace vstupÛ/v˘stupÛ v jednotliv˘ch makrokonfiguracích V‰eobecné pouÏití [Gen. Use] Zdvih [Hoisting] Komunikace Master/slave PID [Network C.] [Mast./Slave] regulátor [PID Regul.] Kanál Ïádané Kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 hodnoty 1 Kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 Kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 [Kanál Ïádané Kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 (1) hodnoty 2 (2) Kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 AI2 Nepfiifiazeno Souãtová Ïádaná hodnota 2 Souãtová Ïádaná hodnota 2 Nepfiifiazeno Skuteãná Nepfiifiazeno hodnota regul. veliãiny Îádaná hodnota momentu 1 AO1 Frekvence motoru Frekvence motoru Frekvence motoru Frekvence motoru Frekvence motoru Frekvence motoru Moment se znaménkem R1 Bez poruchy Bez poruchy Bez poruchy Bez poruchy Bez poruchy Bez poruchy Bez poruchy R2 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Ovládání externí brzdy Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno LI1 (3) Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied LI2 (3) Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad LI3 (3) Nepfiifiazeno 2 pfiedvolené otáãky Pomalé otáãky (Jogging) Reset poruchy Reset Pfiepnutí na integ. sloÏky kanál Ïádané PID regulátoru hodnoty 2 LI4 (3) Nepfiifiazeno 4 pfiedvolené otáãky Reset poruchy Externí porucha 2 pfiedvolené Externí porucha Externí Ïádané hodnoty porucha regul. veliãiny PID LI5 (3) Nepfiifiazeno 8 pfiedvolen˘ch otáãek Omezení momentu [Nepfiifiazeno 4 pfiedvolené Nepfiifiazeno Ïádané hodnoty regulované veliãiny PID Nepfiifiazeno LI6 (3) Nepfiifiazeno Reset poruchy Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno LI1 (4) Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop LI2 (4) Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied Chod vpfied LI3 (4) Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad Chod vzad LI4 (4) Nepfiifiazeno 2 pfiedvolené otáãky Pomalé otáãky (Jogging) Reset poruchy Reset Pfiepnutí na integ. sloÏky kanál Ïádané PID regulátoru hodnoty 2 LI5 (4) Nepfiifiazeno 4 pfiedvolené otáãky Reset poruchy Externí porucha 2 pfiedvolené Reset poruchy Reset poruchy Ïádané hodnoty regul. veliãiny PID LI6 (4) Nepfiifiazeno 8 pfiedvolen˘ch otáãek Omezení momentu Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Vstup/ v˘stup Start/Stop AI1 [Start/Stop] Manipulace s materiálem [M. handling] Pfiepnutí zadávání momentu/ otáãek Pfiepnutí zadávání momentu/ otáãek 4 pfiedvolené Nepfiifiazeno Ïádané hodnoty regul. veliãiny PID Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Pfiídavné desky LI7 aÏ LI14 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno LO1 aÏ LO4 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno R3/R4 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno AI3, AI4 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno RP Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno AO2 Proud motoru Proud motoru Proud motoru Proud motoru Proud motoru Proud motoru Proud motoru AO3 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Moment se znaménkem V˘stup Nepfiifiazeno regulátoru PID Moment se znaménkem Frekvence motoru Klávesy grafického obsluÏného terminálu F1 klávesa Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Ovládání graf. terminálem Nepfiifiazeno Klávesy Nepfiifiazeno F2, F3, F4 Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno Nepfiifiazeno 33 (1) Îádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny pro PID regulátor. (2) Jako kanál Ïádané hodnoty 1 je nastaven Modbus. Pfied pouÏitím komunikace Modbus je potfiebné nastavit adresu [Modbus Address] (Add) viz strana 216. (3) 2vodiãové ovládání. (4) 3vodiãové ovládání. Poznámka: Pfii kaÏdé zmûnû makrokonfigurace se nastaví v tabulce uvedená konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ. 34 Submenu 1.1 – základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Parametry v jednotliv˘ch makrokonfiguracích Kromû konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ se pfii volbû makrokonfigurace zdvih a Master/slave zmûní také nastavení parametrÛ. Makrokonfigurace zdvih: • Typ pohybu [Movement type] (bSt) = zdvih [Hoisting] (Uer), viz stranu 156 • Pomocn˘ kontakt brzdy [Brake contact] (bCI) = nepfiifiazeno [No] (nO), viz stranu 156 • Smûr pÛsobení momentu pfii rozbûhu [Brake impulse] (bIP) = shodn˘ s Ïádan˘m smûrem otáãení [No] (nO), viz stranu 156 • Proud pfii odbrzdûní [Brake release I FW] (Ibr) = jmenovit˘ proud motoru, viz stranu 156 • Doba odbrzdûní brzdy [Brake release time] (brt) = 0,5 s, viz stranu 156 • Frekvence pfii odbrzdûní [Brake release freq] (blr) = automatické nastavení [auto] (AUtO), viz stranu 157 • Zabrzdûní pfii reverzaci [Engage at reverzal] (bEd) = ne [No] (nO), viz stranu 157 • Momentov˘ skok pfii reverzaci [Jump at reverzal] (JdC) = ne [No] (nO), viz stranu 158 • Prodleva pfied dal‰ím rozbûhem [Time to restart] (ttr) = 0 s, viz stranu 158 • Doba trvání proudové rampy [Current ramp time] = 0 s, viz stranu 160 • Nízké táãky [Low speed] = jmenovitá hodnota skluzu, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem, viz stranu 40 • Hlá‰ení v˘padku v˘stupní fáze [Output phase loss] = zapnuto [Yes] (YES), viz stranu 210. Parametr nelze zmûnit na jinou hodnotu. • Letm˘ start [Catch on the fly] = neaktivní [No] (nO), viz stranu 208. Parametr nelze zmûnit na jinou hodnotu. Makrokonfigurace Master/slave: • Typ fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt) = proudové vektorové fiízení [SVC I] (CUC) Poznámka: Tyto zmûny nastavení hodnot funkcí nastanou pfii kaÏdé zmûnû makrokonfigurace kromû funkce typ fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt), která se nezmûní, byla-li dfiíve nastavena jako vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou = vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). Návrat do továrního nastavení: Návrat do továrního nastavení prostfiednictvím nastavení funkce zdroj konfigurace [Config. source] (FCSI) = makrokonfigurace [Makro-conf] (InI) zpÛsobí návrat do továrního nastavení ve zvolené makrokonfiguraci. Parametr makrokonfigurace [Macro configuration] (CFG) nelze zmûnit. Poznámka: • Hodnoty továrního nastavení, které jsou uvádûny v tabulkách funkcí, odpovídají pro nastavení: makrokonfigurace [Macro configuration] (CFG) = start/stop [Start/Stop] (StS). Tato makrokonfigurace je nastavena továrnû. 35 Submenu 1.1 – základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Pfiíklad zapojení pro pouÏití frekvenãního mûniãe s makrokonfigurací zdvih [Hoisting] (HSt) 3 L1 Chod vpfied (Nahoru) L2 L3 Chod vzad (DolÛ) LI1 +24 LI2 ATV71H U V (1) R2A 2 R2C AI1 W KM10 Elektromagnetická brzda M 3 (1) Pokud je pouÏita bezpeãnostní funkce „Power Removal“, je nutné vloÏit do ovládacího obvodu elektromagnetické brzdy kontakt bezpeãnostního modulu Preventa (viz doporuãená schémata zapojení v uÏivatelské pfiíruãce). Pfiíklad zapojení pro pouÏití frekvenãního mûniãe s makrokonfigurací Master/slave [Master/slave] (MSL) Otaãky Chod vpfied Chod vzad 3 L1 L3 V M1 3 W LI1 LI2 LI1 +24 LI2 ATV 71Hpppp Master drive U Chod vzad Chod vpfied L2 A01 AI1 COM Moment +24 LI3 L1 L2 L3 U V W ATV 71Hpppp Slave drive AI1 COM 3 AI2 M2 3 Pokud jsou v reÏimu Master/slave napájeny dva mechanicky propojené motory, spínaã v poloze „Moment“ zabezpeãí rovnomûrné rozdûlení v˘konu na oba motory. V poloze Otáãky sleduje mûniã slave otáãky mûniãe master. 36 Submenu 1.1 – základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Kód funkce tCC 2C 3C Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení M Volba 2vodiãového nebo 3vodiãového ovládání [2/3vodiãové ovládání] [2/3 wire control] v [2 wire] (2C): 2-vodiãové ovládání v [3 wire] (3C): 3-vodiãové ovládání Tovární nastavení [2 vodiãové] (2C) 2vodiãové ovládání – ovládání trvalou úrovní signálu nebo hranou signálu: funkce chod vpfied, resp. chod vzad, je aktivní, pokud je pfiíslu‰n˘ logick˘ vstup uveden do stavu log. 1. Pfiíklad zapojení: ATV 71 +24 LI1 LIx LI1: chod vpfied LIx: chod vzad 3vodiãové ovládání – ovládání impulzem: funkce chod vpfied, resp. chod vzad, je aktivována krátkodob˘m uvedením pfiíslu‰ného logického vstupu do úrovnû log. 1. Aktivace pfiíslu‰né funkce se zru‰í (stop) krátkodob˘m uvedením logického vstupu LI1 do úrovnû log. 0. Pfiíklad zapojení: ATV 71 +24 LI1 LI2 LIx LI1: stop LI2: chod vpfied LIx: chod vzad UPOZORNùNÍ Pro zmûnu nastavení parametru volba 2vodiãového nebo 3vodiãového ovládání stlaãte klávesu „ENT“ minimálnû po dobu 2 s. Parametr typ 2vodiãového ovládání [2vodiãové – typ] [2 wire type] (tCt) viz stranu 82 a v‰echny funkce, které ovlivÀují logické vstupy se vrátí do továrního nastavení! Do továrního nastavení se vrátí také v‰echny zmûny provedené ve zvolené makrokonfiguraci. (Ztráta v‰ech proveden˘ch úprav makrokonfigurace). 2vodiãové nebo 3vodiãové ovládání se doporuãuje zvolit pfied konfigurací menu 1.6 ¤ízení (CtL-) a 1.7 Aplikaãní funkce (FUn-). Zabezpeãte zmûnu/ovûfite zapojení logick˘ch vstupÛ pro zvolené ovládání. CFG StS HdG HSt GEn PId nEt NSL M Makrokonfigurace [Macro configuration] v [Start/Stop] (StS): Start/stop v [M. handling] (HdG): Manipulace s materiálem v [Hoisting] (HSt): Zdvih v [Gen. Use] (GEn): V‰eobecné pouÏití v [PID regul.] (PId): PID regulace v [Network C.] (nEt): Komunikace v [Mast./slave] (MSL): Master/slave [Start/Stop] (StS) UPOZORNùNÍ Pro zmûnu nastavení parametru makrokonfigurace stlaãte klávesu „ENT“ minimálnû po dobu 2 s. Ovûfite, zda je schéma zapojení vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe pro zvolenou makrokonfiguraci vhodné. CCFG M Zákaznická makrokonfigurace [Customized macro] YES v 37 Parametr pouze pro ãtení. Parametr je dostupn˘ jen v pfiípadû, byl-li zmûnûn alespoÀ jeden parametr dané makrokonfigurace. [Yes] (YES): Ano Submenu 1.1 - základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Kód funkce bFr 50 60 Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [50 Hz IEC] (50) M Frekvence sítû [Standard mot. freq] v [50 Hz IEC] (50): 50 Hz v [60 Hz NEMA] (60): 60 Hz Tento parametr ovlivÀuje pfiednastavené hodnoty následujících parametrÛ: jmenovité napûtí motoru – viz níÏe, vysoké otáãky (HSP) – viz strana 40, prahová hodnota frekvence - viz stranu 62, jmenovitá frekvence motoru a maximální frekvence – viz níÏe. M Hlá‰ení v˘padku fáze napájecí sítû [Input phase loss] IPL NO YES Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe v [No] (nO): Ne. Porucha není hlá‰ena. PouÏívá se pfii jednofázovém napájení nebo napájení do ss meziobvodu frekvenãního mûniãe. v [Freewheel] (YES): Pfii v˘padku jedné fáze napájecího napûtí dojde k hlá‰ení poruchy v˘padek fáze napájecí sítû [Input phase loss] (IPL) se zablokováním frekvenãního mûniãe a voln˘m dobûhem motoru. Pokud dojde k souãasnému v˘padku dvou nebo v‰ech tfií fází, frekvenãní mûniã pokraãuje v ãinnosti aÏ do hlá‰ení poruchy podpûtí. V tomto menu je parametr dostupn˘ pouze u frekvenãních mûniãÛ ATV71H037M3 aÏ HU75M3 (pouÏití pfii jednofázovém napájení). nPr Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe M Jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru [Rated motor power] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru dle typového ‰títku. Je-li nastavena frekvence sítû = 50 Hz, údaj se zadává v kW, pokud je nastavena 60 Hz, zadává se v HP. UnS M Jmenovité napûtí motoru [Rated motor volt.] Jmenovité napûtí motoru dle typového ‰títku. ATV71iiiiM3: 100 aÏ 240 V ATV71iiiiN4: 200 aÏ 480 V nCr M Jmenovit˘ proud motoru [Rated motor current] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe a nastavení frekvence sítû 0,25 aÏ 1,5 In (1) Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe a nastavení frekvence sítû 10 aÏ 500 Hz 50 Hz Jmenovit˘ proud motoru dle typového ‰títku. FrS M Jmenovitá frekvence motoru [Rated motor speed] Jmenovitá frekvence motoru dle typového ‰títku. Tovární nastavení 50 Hz. Zmûní se na 60 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. nSP 0 aÏ 60 000 rpm M Jmenovité otáãky motoru [Rated motor speed] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Jmenovité otáãky motoru dle jeho typového ‰títku. Zobrazení na integrovaném displeji frekvenãního mûniãe: 0 aÏ 9 999 ot/min, dále 10.00 aÏ 60.00 tisíc ot/min. Nûkdy mÛÏe b˘t na typovém ‰títku místo hodnoty jmenovit˘ch otáãek motoru uvedena hodnota synchronních otáãek a hodnota skluzu v procentech nebo v Hz. Jmenovité otáãky potom lze spoãítat: • jmenovité otáãky = synchronní otáãky x nebo • jmenovité otáãky = synchronní otáãky x nebo • jmenovité otáãky = synchronní otáãky x tFr 100 - skluz v % 100 50 - skluz v Hz 50 60 - skluz v Hz 60 M Maximální frekvence [Max frequency] (50Hz motory) (60Hz motory) 10 to 1 000 Hz 60 Hz Hodnota továrního nastavení 60 Hz se mûní na 72 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. Maximální hodnota je omezena následujícími podmínkami: • Nesmí pfiekroãit desetinásobek hodnoty parametru jmenovité frekvence motoru. • Nesmí pfiekroãit hodnotu 500 Hz u frekvenãních mûniãÛ o typové velikosti vût‰í neÏ ATV71HD37N4. (Nastavení maximální frekvence aÏ do 1 000 Hz je moÏné pouze do v˘konu 37 kW.) (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 38 Sub-menu 1.1 – základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Kód funkce tUn nO YES Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [No] (nO) M Automatické nastavení parametrÛ [Auto-tuning] v [No] (nO): Ne v [Yes] (YES): Ano. Po potvrzení této volby bude proveden autotuning, poté se zobrazí hodnota [Done] (dOnE) v [Done] (dOnE): Autotuning proveden, zmûfiené hodnoty jsou pouÏity. Upozornûní: • Pfied spu‰tûním automatického nastavení parametrÛ musí b˘t správnû nastaveny v‰echny parametry motoru (jmenovité napûtí, frekvence, proud, otáãky, v˘kon). Pokud je po provedení automatického nastavení parametrÛ zmûnûn alespoÀ jeden z parametrÛ motoru, zobrazí se hlá‰ení [No] (nO): Ne. Automatické nastavení parametrÛ je nutno provést znovu. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ lze spustit pouze tehdy, není-li aktivována Ïádná funkce. Pokud jsou konfigurovány logické vstupy pro funkce voln˘ dobûh nebo rychlé zastavení, musí b˘t ve stavu log. 1 – to znamená neaktivní. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ má prioritu pfied povely chod nebo sycení motoru. Tyto povely budou provedeny aÏ po jeho ukonãení. • Pokud dojde v prÛbûhu automatického nastavení parametrÛ k chybû, zobrazí se na displeji [No] (nO): Ne, pfiípadnû, v závislosti na nastavení parametru hlá‰ení poruchy Autotuningu [Autotune fault mgt] (tnL), viz stranu 211, mÛÏe dojít k poruchovému hlá‰ení porucha Autotuningu. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ mÛÏe trvat 1 aÏ 2 s. Nepfieru‰ujte jeho prÛbûh. Vyãkejte do zobrazení hlá‰ení [Done] (dOnE) pfiípadnû [No] (nO). dOnE Upozornûní: V prÛbûhu automatického nastavení parametrÛ protéká motorem jmenovit˘ proud, motor se neotáãí. M Stav automatického nastavení parametrÛ [Auto tuning status] tUS tAb PEnd PrOG FAIL dOnE v v v v v v PHr AbC ACb [Not done] (tAb) Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. [Not done] (tAb): PouÏita továrnû nastavená hodnota odporu statorového vinutí [Pending] (PEnd): Je poÏadavek na autotuning, ten v‰ak prozatím nebyl proveden [In Progress] (PrOG): Autotuning probíhá [Failed] (FAIL): V prÛbûhu vykonávání Autotuningu nastala chyba [Done] (dOnE): Autotuning byl proveden a zmûfiená hodnota odporu statoru je pouÏita v matematickém modelu pro fiízení motoru. [Customized] (dOnE): Autotuning byl proveden ale nejménû jeden nastaven˘ parametr prostfiednictvím Autotuningu byl následnû zmûnûn. Parametr automatické nastavení parametrÛ zobrazí na displeji [No] (nO). Jedná se o následující parametry Autotuningu: odpor statoru synchronního motoru [Cust. stator R Syn](rSAS), viz stranu 70, odpor statoru asynchronního motoru [R1w] (rSA), magnetizaãní proud [Idw] (IdA), indukãnost [LFw] (LFA), ãasová konstanta [T2w] (trA), viz stranu 71. M Sled v˘stupních fází [Output Ph rotation] v [ABC] (AbC): Vpfied v [ACB] (ACb): Vzad [ABC] (AbC) Parametr lze pouÏít pro zmûnu smûru otáãení motoru pro dan˘ povel chod bez zmûny zapojení motoru. Upozornûní: Neprovádûjte zmûnu nastavení parametru sled v˘stupních fází, pokud je nastaven typ fiízení jako vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [FVC] (FUC). Zmûnu sledu v˘stupních fází je potfiebné provést pfied, pfiípadnû v prÛbûhu zkou‰ky pohonu s inkrementálním snímaãem otáãek, viz stranu 73. 39 Submenu 1.1 - základní parametry [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) Kód funkce ItH Název funkce/popis M Proud motoru pro tepelnou ochranu [Mot. therm. current] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0,2 aÏ 1,5 In (1) Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Proud motoru pro tepelnou ochranu – nastaví se jmenovitá hodnota proudu dle typového ‰títku. ACC M Doba rozbûhu [Acceleration] 0,1 aÏ 999,9 s 3,0 s Doba trvání rozbûhové rampy z 0 do hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz stranu 38. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. dEC M Doba dobûhu [Deceleration] 0,1 aÏ 999,9 s 3,0 s Doba trvání dobûhové rampy z hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz stranu 38, do 0. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. LSP M Nízké otáãky [Low speed] 0 Frekvence motoru pfii minimální Ïádané hodnotû otáãek. Lze nastavit v rozmezí od 0 Hz do hodnoty parametru vysoké otáãky (HSP). HSP M Vysoké otáãky [High speed] 50 Hz Frekvence motoru pfii maximální Ïádané hodnotû otáãek. Lze nastavit v rozmezí od hodnoty parametru nízké otáãky (LSP) do hodnoty parametru maximální frekvence. Tovární nastavení 50 Hz se zmûní na 60 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 40 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick Quick S integrovan˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu frekvenãního mûniãe ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC 41 SIMSUPSEt- LAC- ENT MONITORING ESC RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 1.2 MONITORING I/O MAP PROG. CARD I/O MAP COMMUNICATION MAP Alarm groups : HMI Frequency ref. : Code << >> 80A Quick Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Toto menu slouÏí pro zobrazení konfigurace a stavu vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ, interních hodnot a stavÛ frekvenãního mûniãe a parametrÛ komunikace. RUN Term +50.00Hz 1.2 MONITORING 80A Aktuální konfigurace a stav vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe Aktuální konfigurace a stav vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ roz‰ifiovací desky PLC, pokud je pouÏita Parametry komunikace I/O MAP PROG. CARD I/O MAP COMMUNICATION MAP Alarm groups: HMI Frequency ref.: Code << >> Interní hodnoty a stavy frekvenãního mûniãe Quick Aktuální konfigurace a stav vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe RUN Stav 0 Stav 1 Term +50.00Hz 80A I/O MAP LOGIC INPUT MAP ANALOG INPUTS IMAGE LOGIC OUTPUT MAP ANALOG OUTPUTS IMAGE FREQ. SIGNAL IMAGE Code Quick Pfiechod mezi jednotliv˘mi obrazovkami se provádí pomocí navigaãního toãítka. RUN Pfiístup ke konfiguraci zvoleného vstupu/v˘stupu stiskem ENT. Term +50.00Hz LOGIC INPUT MAP 80A PR LI1 LI2 LI3 LI4 LI5 LI6 LI7 1 0 LI8 LI9 LI10 LI11 LI12 LI13 LI14 RUN Term +50.00Hz LI1 assignment 80A Forward Pre Fluxing LI1 On Delay : 0 ms 1 0 << RUN AI1 AI2: >> Term +50.00Hz 80A ANALOG INPUTS IMAGE : 9.87 V 2.35 mA Code << >> RUN Stav 0 Quick Term +50.00Hz LOGIC OUTPUT MAP R1 R2 LO << Quick 80A >> RUN Quick Term +50.00Hz 80A ANALOG OUTPUTS IMAGE AO1 : 9.87 V << >> >> Quick 80A 0 ms 1 0 ms >> Quick RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A AO1 assignment Motor freq. AO1 min output : 4 mA AO1 max output : 20 mA AO1 Filter : 10 ms Quick Term +50.00Hz 80A FREQ. SIGNAL IMAGE RP input : 25.45 kHz Encoder : 225 kHz << : : : << Quick RUN Code Term +50.00Hz LO1 assignment No LO1 delay time LO1 active at LO1 holding time RUN Code Term +50.00Hz 80A AI1 assignment Ref.1 channel Forced local Torque reference AI1 min value : 0.0 V AI1 max value : 10.0 V Quick ENT 0000000000000010b << Quick RUN ENT Stav 1 LOA: >> RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz RP assignment Freq. ref. RP min value RP max value RP filter : : : 80A 2 kHz 50 kHz 0 ms Quick 42 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Aktuální konfigurace a stav vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ roz‰ifiovací desky PLC RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A PROG. CARD I/O MAP PROG CARD LI MAP PROG. CARD AI MAP PROG CARD LO MAP PROG. CARD AO MAP Code Stav 0 RUN Stav 1 1 0 Pfiechod mezi jednotliv˘mi obrazovkami se provádí pomocí navigaãního toãítka. Quick Term +50.00Hz PROG CARD LI MAP LI51 LI52 LI53 LI54 LI55 80A LI56 LI57 LI58 LI59 LI60 1 0 << RUN AI51 AI52 >> Quick Term +50.00Hz 80A PROG CARD AI MAP : 0.000 mA : 9.87 V RUN Term ENT +50.00Hz AI51 80A 0.000 mA Min = 0.001 Code Stav 0 RUN Stav 1 1 0 << >> Term +50.00Hz PROG CARD LO MAP Quick << Max = 20,000 >> Quick 80A LO51 LO52 LO53 LO54 LO55 LO56 << >> Quick RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A PROG. CARD AO MAP AO51 : 0.000 mA AO52 : 9.87 V RUN Term ENT +50.00Hz AO51 80A 0.000 mA Min = 0.001 Code 43 << >> Quick << Max = 20,000 >> Quick Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Parametry komunikace RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A COMMUNICATION MAP Command Channel: Modbus Cmd value: ABCD Hex Active ref. channel: CANopen Frequency ref.: -12.5 Hz ETA status word: 2153 Hex Code Quick W3141 : F230 Hex W2050 : F230 Hex W4325 : F230 Hex W0894 : F230 Hex COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP CMD. WORD IMAGE FREQ. REF. WORD MAP MODBUS NETWORK DIAG MODBUS HMI DIAG CANopen MAP PROG. CARD SCANNER Parametry komunikace – slouÏí pro zobrazení typÛ sbûrnice, pouÏité pro fiízení mûniãe nebo zadávání Ïádané hodnoty, odpovídající povely a hodnoty, stavová slova, slova, zvolená v menu konfigurace displeje atd. Formát zobrazen˘ch dat (hexadecimální nebo decimální) lze zvolit v menu konfigurace displeje. RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP Com Scan In1 val.: 0 Com Scan In2 val.: 0 Com Scan In3 val.: 0 Com Scan In4 val.: 0 Com Scan In5 val.: 0 Code Quick Com Scan In6 val.: 0 Com Scan In7 val.: 0 Com Scan In8 val.: 0 RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP Com Scan Out1 val.: 0 Com Scan Out2 val.: 0 Com Scan Out3 val.: 0 Com Scan Out4 val.: 0 Com Scan Out5 val.: 0 Code Quick Com Scan Out6 val.: 0 Com Scan Out7 val.: 0 Com Scan Out8 val.: 0 RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A CMD. WORD IMAGE Modbus cmd.: 0000 Hex. CANopen cmd.: 0000 Hex. COM. card cmd.: 0000 Hex. Prog. card cmd: 0000 Hex. RUN Code Quick Term +50.00Hz 80A FREQ. REF. WORD MAP Modbus ref.: 0.0 Hz CANopen ref.: 0.0 Hz Com. card ref.: 0.0 Hz Prog. Card ref: 0.0 Hz Code Quick [COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP] a [COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP]: SlouÏí pro zobrazení stavu registrÛ pro integrovanou sbûrnici Modbus nebo pfiídavnou komunikaãní desku (8 vstupÛ a 8 v˘stupÛ). Data jsou periodicky obnovována. 44 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Parametry komunikace (pokraãování) Pro kaÏdou sbûrnici je zobrazen stav LED, periodická data, rychlost, formát atd. RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A COMMUNICATION MAP Command Channel: Modbus Cmd value: ABCD Hex Active ref. channel: CANopen Frequency ref.: -12.5 Hz ETA status word: 2153 Hex Code Quick W3141 : F230 Hex W2050 : F230 Hex W4325 : F230 Hex W0894 : F230 Hex COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP CMD. WORD IMAGE FREQ. REF. WORD MAP MODBUS NETWORK DIAG MODBUS HMI DIAG CANopen MAP PROG. CARD SCANNER LED nesvítí LED svítí Komunikace Modbus RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A MODBUS NETWORK DIAG COM LED : Mb NET frames nb. Mb NET CRC errors Code Quick Komunikace s grafick˘m terminálem RUN Term +50.00Hz MODBUS HMI DIAG COM LED : Mb HMI frames nb. Mb HMI CRC errors Code 80A PDO configuration using the network tool. Some PDOs cannot be used. Quick Komunikace CANopen RUN Term +50.00Hz CANopen MAP RUN LED: ERR LED: PDO1 IMAGE PDO2 IMAGE PDO3 IMAGE Code Canopen NMT state Number of TX PDO Number of RX PDO Error codes RX Error Counter TX Error Counter RUN 80A Quick 0 0 0 0 0 PDO se zobrazí pouze v pfiípadû, Ïe je aktivní sbûrnice CANopen (nastavena jiná adresa neÏ OFF) a PDO jsou aktivní. Term +50.00Hz 80A PDO1 IMAGE Received PDO1-1 : FDBA Hex Received PDO1-2 Received PDO1-3 Received PDO1-4 Transmit PDO1-1 : FDBA Hex Code Quick Transmit PDO1-2 Transmit PDO1-3 Transmit PDO1-4 RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A PDO2 IMAGE Received PDO2-1 : FDBA Hex Received PDO2-2 Received PDO2-3 Received PDO2-4 Transmit PDO2-1 : FDBA Hex Code Quick Transmit PDO2-2 Transmit PDO2-3 Transmit PDO2-4 RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A PDO3 IMAGE Received PDO3-1 : FDBA Hex Received PDO3-2 Received PDO3-3 Received PDO3-4 Transmit PDO3-1 : FDBA Hex Code Quick Transmit PDO3-2 Transmit PDO3-3 Transmit PDO3-4 45 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Parametry komunikace (pokraãování) RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A COMMUNICATION MAP Command Channel: Modbus Cmd value: ABCD Hex Active ref. channel: CANopen Frequency ref.: -12.5 Hz ETA status word: 2153 Hex Code Quick W3141 : F230 Hex W2050 : F230 Hex W4325 : F230 Hex W0894 : F230 Hex COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP CMD. WORD IMAGE FREQ. REF. WORD MAP MODBUS NETWORK DIAG MODBUS HMI DIAG CANopen MAP PROG. CARD SCANNER RUN Controller Inside card RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A PROG. CARD SCANNER Input scanner Output scanner Code Term +50.00Hz 80A Input scanner Prg.card scan in 1: 0 Prg.card scan in 2: 0 Prg.card scan in 3: 0 Prg.card scan in 4: 0 Prg.card scan in 5: 0 Code Quick Prg.card scan in 6: 0 Prg.card scan in 7: 0 Prg.card scan in 8: 0 Quick RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A Output scanner Prog.card.scan Out1: 0 Prg.card scan Out2: 0 Prg.card scan Out3: 0 Prg.card scan Out4: 0 Prg.card scan Out5: 0 Code Quick Prg.card scan Out6: 0 Prg.card scan Out7: 0 Prg.card scan Out8: 0 [Input scanner] a [Output scanner]: SlouÏí pro zobrazení stavu registrÛ (8 vstupÛ a 8 v˘stupÛ). Data jsou periodicky obnovovány. 46 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem – Interní stavy a hodnoty frekvenãního mûniãe Název/Popis Skupiny varování [Alarm groups] (ALGr) Îádaná hodnota zadávaná prostfiednictvím terminálu [HMI Frequency ref.] (LFr) Interní Ïádaná hodnota PID regulátoru [Internal PID ref.] (rPI) Îádaná hodnota momentu zadávaná prostfiednictvím terminálu [HMI torque ref.] (Ltr) Multiplikaãní koeficient [Multiplying coeff.] (MFr) Aktuální ãísla skupiny varování Hodnota v Hz. (Dostupné, je-li funkce zadávání Ïádané hodnoty frekvence prostfiednictvím terminálu aktivní.) Hodnota v jednotkách regulované veliãiny. (Dostupné, je-li funkce zadávání Ïádané hodnoty regulované veliãiny prostfiednictvím terminálu aktivní.) Hodnota v % jmenovitého momentu. Hodnota v %. (Pfiístupn˘, je-li konfigurována Ïádaná hodnota multiplikaãního koeficientu [Multiplier ref.-] (MA2, MA3), viz stranu 124.) Hodnota v Hz Hodnota v % jmenovitého momentu. (Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li Îádaná hodnota frekvence [Frequency ref.] (FrH) konfigurováno zadávání Ïádané hodnoty momentu.) Îádaná hodnota momentu [Torque reference] (trr) Hodnota v Hz Hodnota v A V˘stupní frekvence [Output frequency] (rFr) Hodnota v Hz. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li konfigurováno ENA [ENA system] Proud motoru [Motor current] (LCr) PrÛmûrné otáãky v reÏimu ENA [ENA avg speed] (AVS) (EnA) = ano [Yes] (YES), viz strana 75. Hodnota v ot/min Hodnota ve V Otáãky motoru [Motor speed] (SPd) V % z jmenovitého v˘konu Napûtí motoru [Motor voltage] (UOP) V % z jmenovitého momentu V˘kon motoru [Motor power] (OPr) Hodnota ve V. Pfiepoãítáno z hodnoty napûtí ve ss meziobvodu, motor v klidu nebo v provozu. Moment motoru [Motor torque] (Otr) V % z jmenovité teploty Napûtí sítû [Mains voltage] (ULn) V % z jmenovité teploty Tepeln˘ stav motoru [Motor thermal state] (tHr) V % z jmenovité teploty (pouze u mûniãÛ velkého v˘konu). Tepeln˘ stav mûniãe [Drive. thermal state] (tHd) Tepeln˘ stav brzdného rezistoru [DBR thermal state] (tHb) Hodnota ve Wh, kWh nebo MWh (hodnota postupnû roste) Hodnota v s, min, hod. (motor v provozu) Spotfieba el. energie [Consumption] (APH) Hodnota v s, min, hod. (mûniã napájen) Doba provozu motoru [Run time] (rtH) Hodnota v s. (Celková doba, po kterou bylo aktivní varování pfiehfiátí tranzistorÛ IGBT) Doba provozu mûniãe [Power on time] (PtH) Hodnota v jednotkách regulované veliãiny. (Dostupné, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor.) âítaã ochrany IGBT [IGBT alarm counter] (tAC) Hodnota v jednotkách regulované veliãiny. (Dostupné, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor.) Îádaná hodnota PID regulátoru [PID reference] (rPC) Skuteãná hodnota PID regulátoru [PID feedback] (rPF) Hodnota v jednotkách regulované veliãiny. (Dostupné, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor.) Hodnota v Hz. (Dostupné, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor.) Regulaãní odchylka PID regulátoru [PID error] (rPE) Aktuální datum a ãas generovan˘ pfiídavnou deskou PLC V˘stupní hodnota PID regulátoru [PID Output] (rPO) Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC Datum a ãas [Date/Time] (CLO) Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC Slovo 2 aplikaãní karty [Applic card word 2] (o02) Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC Slovo 3 aplikaãní karty [Applic card word 3] (o03) Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC Slovo 4 aplikaãní karty [Applic card word 4] (o04) Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC Slovo 5 aplikaãní karty [Applic card word 5] (o05) Konfigurace ãíslo 0, 1 nebo 2 Slovo 6 aplikaãní karty [Applic card word 6] (o06) Sada ãíslo 0, 1 nebo 2. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, byla-li konfigurována funkce âíslo aktivní konfigurace [Config. active] (CnFS) pfiepínání sad parametrÛ, viz stranu 181. PouÏitá sada parametrÛ [Utilised param. set] (CFPS) V˘pis aktuálních varování. Pokud je pfiíslu‰né varování aktuální, je oznaãeno zatrÏením. Seznam druhotn˘ch stavov˘ch hlá‰ení: Provozní varování [ALARMS] (ALr-) – [In motor fluxing] (FLX): Probíhá sycení motoru Jiná stavová hlá‰ení [OTHER STATUS] (SSt-) – [PTC1 alarm] (PtC1): Varování sonda 1 – [PTC2 alarm] (PtC2): Varování sonda 2 – [LI6=PTC alarm] (PtC3): LI6 = Signál pfiehfiátí z PTC – [Fast stop in prog.] (FSt): Probíhá rychlé zastavení – [Current Th. attained] (CtA): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty proudu – [Freq. Th. attained] (FtA): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty frekvence – [Freq. Th. 2 attained] (F2A): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty frekv. 2 – [Frequency ref. att.] (SrA): DosaÏeno Ïádané hodnoty frekvence – [Motor th. state att.] (tSA): DosaÏen tepeln˘ stav motoru – [External fault alarm] (EtF): Hlá‰ení externí poruchy – [Auto restart] (AUtO): Probíhá automatick˘ rozbûh po poru‰e – [Remote] (FtL): Dálkové fiízení po sbûrnici – [Auto-tuning] (tUn): Probíhá Autotuning – [Undervoltage] (USA): Podpûtí – [Cnfg.1 act.] (CnF1): Aktivní konfigurace 1 – [Cnfg.2 act.] (CnF2): Aktivní konfigurace 2 – [HSP attained] (FLA): DosaÏeno vysok˘ch otáãek HSP – [Load slipping] (AnA): Skluz zátûÏe – varování – [Set1 active] (CFP1): Aktivní sada parametrÛ 1 – [Set2 active] (CFP2): Aktivní sada parametrÛ 2 – [Set 3 active] (CFP3): Aktivní sada parametrÛ 3 – [In braking] (brS): Probíhá brzdûní – [DC bus loading] (dbL): Probíhá nabíjení ss meziobvodu 47 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S integrovan˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Menu slouÏí pro zobrazení konfigurace a aktuální hodnoty vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ, stavÛ a interních hodnot frekvenãního mûniãe) Kód Název/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení ION- Aktuální konfigurace a stav vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe LIA- b SlouÏí pro zobrazení funkce, pro kterou je dan˘ vstup konfigurován. Pokud není logick˘ vstup konfigurován pro Ïádnou funkci, zobrazí se hlá‰ení nO. L1A aÏ L14A LIS1 Funkce logick˘ch vstupÛ Pro listování ve funkcích pouÏijte ‰ipky zda jsou sluãitelné. b a . Je-li jeden vstup konfigurován pro více funkcí, ovûfite, Stav logick˘ch vstupÛ LI1 aÏ LI8 SlouÏí pro zobrazení aktuálního logického stavu vstupÛ LI1 aÏ LI8 (svítí-li horní segment, pfiíslu‰n˘ vstup je ve stavu log. 1, svítí-li dolní segment, pfiíslu‰n˘ stup je ve stavu log. 0). Stav 1 Stav 0 LI1 LI2 LI3 LI4 LI5 LI6 LI7 LI8 Napfiíklad na obrázku: LI1 a LI6 jsou ve stav log. 1, LI2 aÏ LI5, LI7 a LI8 ve stavu log. 0. LIS2 b Stav logick˘ch vstupÛ LI9 aÏ LI14 a PR (Power Removal) SlouÏí pro zobrazení aktuálního logického stavu vstupÛ LI9 aÏ LI14 a PR (Power Removal) (Svítí-li horní segment, pfiíslu‰n˘ vstup je ve stavu log. 1, svítí-li dolní segment, pfiíslu‰n˘ stup je ve stavu log. 0). Stav 1 Stav 0 LI9 LI10 LI11 LI12 LI13 LI14 PR Napfiíklad na obrázku: LI9 a LI14 jsou ve stav log. 1, LI10 aÏ LI13, LI7 a PR (Power Removal) ve stavu log. 1. AIAAI1A AI2A AI3A AI4A b Funkce analogov˘ch vstupÛ SlouÏí pro zobrazení funkce, pro kterou je dan˘ vstup konfigurován. Pokud není analogov˘ vstup konfigurován pro Ïádnou funkci, zobrazí se hlá‰ení nO. Pro listování ve funkcích pouÏijte ‰ipky zda jsou sluãitelné. a . Je-li jeden vstup konfigurován pro více funkcí, ovûfite, 48 Submenu 1.2 - zobrazení konfigurace a stavu V/V [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) S integrovan˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem Kód ALGr Jednotka Skupiny varování: Aktuální ãísla skupiny varování rPI Interní Ïádaná hodnota: PID regulátoru parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivní funkce zadávání Ïádané hodnoty regulované veliãiny prostfiednictvím terminálu. V jednotkách regulované veliãiny NFr Multiplikaãní koeficient: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li konfigurována Ïádaná hodnota multiplikaãního koeficientu (MA2, MA3), viz stranu 124. % FrH Îádaná hodnota frekvence: Hz trr Îádaná hodnota momentu: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li konfigurována Ïádaná hodnota momentu. Hodnota v % z jmenovitého momentu. % rFr V˘stupní frekvence Hz LCr Proud motoru A AUS PrÛmûrné otáãky v reÏimu ENA: Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li konfigurováno ENA (EnA) = YES, viz stranu 75 Hz SPd Otáãky motoru ot/min UOP Napûtí motoru V OPr V˘kon motoru: V % z jmenovitého v˘konu % Otr Moment motoru: V % z jmenovitého momentu % ULn Napûtí sítû: Pfiepoãítáno z hodnoty napûtí ve ss meziobvodu, motor v klidu nebo v provozu V tHr Tepeln˘ stav motoru: V % z jmenovité teploty % tHd Tepeln˘ stav mûniãe: V % z jmenovité teploty % tHb Tepeln˘ stav brzdného rezistoru: V % z jmenovité teploty (pouze u mûniãÛ velkého v˘konu) % APH Spotfieba el. energie Wh, kWh nebo MWh rtH Doba provozu motoru: Motor v provozu s, min, hod PtH Doba provozu mûniãe: Mûniã napájen tAC âítaã ochrany IGBT: Celková doba, po kterou bylo aktivní varování pfiehfiátí tranzistorÛ IGBT rPC Îádaná hodnota PID regulátoru: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor. rPF Skuteãná hodnota PID regulátoru: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor. rPE Regulaãní odchylka PID regulátoru: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor. rPO V˘stupní hodnota PID regulátoru: Parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivována funkce PID regulátor. CLO- 49 Název/Popis Datum a ãas: Aktuální datum a ãas generovan˘ pfiídavnou deskou PLC. o02 Slovo 2 aplikaãní karty: Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC. o03 Slovo 3 aplikaãní karty: Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC. o04 Slovo 4 aplikaãní karty: Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC. o05 Slovo 5 aplikaãní karty: Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC. o06 Slovo 6 aplikaãní karty: Slovo je dostupné, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska PLC. CnFS âíslo aktivní konfigurace: Konfigurace ãíslo 0, 1 nebo 2. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, byla-li konfigurována funkce pfiepínání konfigurací, viz stranu 185. CFPS PouÏitá sada parametrÛ: Sada ãíslo 0, 1 nebo 2. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, byla-li konfigurována funkce pfiepínání sad parametrÛ, viz stranu 181. V jednotkách regulované veliãiny Hz Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick Quick RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration 2 Deceleration 2 Code << >> Quick S integrovan˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu mûniãe ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC SIMSEtdrC- ENT ESC SETTINGS Nastavení LAC- 50 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Parametry nastavení mohou b˘t modifikovány za klidu i v provozu frekvenãního mûniãe. UPOZORNùNÍ MOÎNOST NEOâEKÁVANÉ REAKCE ELEKTRICKÉHO POHONU • Provûfite, zda zmûny provádûné za provozu pohonu nemohou b˘t nebezpeãné. • Úpravy nastavení se doporuãuje provádût v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k úrazu. Kód Název/Popis Inr 0.01 0.1 1 ACC Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení M Krok nastavení ramp [Ramp increment] v [0.01]: Doba trvání rampy do 99,99 s v [0.1]: Doba trvání rampy do 999,9 s v [1]: Doba trvání rampy do 6 000 s 0,01–0,1–1 0,1 M Doba rozbûhu [Acceleration] 0,01 aÏ 6000 s (1) 3,0 s Doba trvání rozbûhové rampy z 0 do hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz stranu 38. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. dEC M Doba dobûhu [Deceleration] 0,01 aÏ 6000 s (1) 3,0 s Doba trvání dobûhové rampy z hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz strana 38 do 0. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. AC2 g dE2 g tA1 g tA2 g tA3 g M Doba rozbûhu 2 [Acceleration 2] 0,01 aÏ 6 000 s (1) 5,0 s Doba trvání druhé rozbûhové rampy z 0 do hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz stranu 38. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. M Doba dobûhu 2 [Deceleration 2] 0,01 aÏ 6 000 s (1) 5,0 s Doba trvání druhé dobûhové rampy z hodnoty jmenovité frekvence motoru, viz stranu 38 do 0. Zkontrolujte, zda nastavená hodnota není pfiíli‰ nízká ve vztahu k momentu setrvaãnosti zátûÏe. M Zaoblení poãátku rozbûhové rampy [Begin Acc round] 0 aÏ 100 % 10 % Viz strana 126 Zaoblení poãátku rozbûhové rampy jako % z nastavené hodnoty doby rozbûhu (ACC) nebo doby rozbûhu 2(AC2) 10 % M Zaoblení konce rozbûhové rampy [End Acc round] Viz stranau 126 Zaoblení konce rozbûhové rampy jako % z nastavené hodnoty doby rozbûhu (ACC) nebo doby rozbûhu 2 (AC2). Lze nastavit v rozmezí od 0 do (100% - zaoblení poãátku rozbûhové rampy (tA1) M Zaoblení poãátku dobûhové rampy [Begin Dec round] 0 aÏ 100 % 10 % Viz stranu 126 Zaoblení poãátku dobûhové rampy jako % z nastavené hodnoty doby dobûhu (dEC) nebo doby dobûhu 2 (dE2) (1) Rozsah nastavení 0,01 aÏ 99,99 s nebo 0,1 aÏ 999,9 nebo 1 aÏ 6 000 s závisí na nastavení parametru krok nastavení ramp. g 51 Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód tA4 g LSP Název/Popis Rozsah nastavení M Zaoblení konce dobûhové rampy [End Dec round] Tovární nastavení 10 % Viz strana 126 Zaoblení konce dobûhové rampy jako % z nastavené hodnoty doby dobûhu (dEC) nebo doby dobûhu 2 (dE2). Lze nastavit v rozmezí od 0 do (100% - zaoblení poãátku dobûhové rampy (tA3) 0 Hz M Nízké otáãky [Low speed] Frekvence motoru pfii minimální Ïádané hodnotû otáãek. Lze nastavit v rozmezí od 0 Hz do hodnoty parametru vysoké otáãky (HSP). HSP 50 Hz M Vysoké otáãky [High speed] Frekvence motoru pfii maximální Ïádané hodnotû otáãek. Lze nastavit v rozmezí od hodnoty parametru nízké otáãky (LSP) do hodnoty parametru maximální frekvence. Tovární nastavení 50 Hz se zmûní na 60 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. ItH M Proud pro tepelnou ochranu motoru [Mot. therm. current] 0,2 aÏ 1,5 In (1) Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Hodnota proudu pro tepelnou ochranu motoru se nastaví na hodnotu jmenovitého proudu motoru dle typového ‰títku. SPG M Proporciální zesílení otáãkové smyãky [Speed prop. gain] 0 aÏ 1 000% 40 % 1 aÏ 1 000 % 100 % 0 aÏ 100 0 Proporciální zesílení otáãkové smyãky. SIt M Integraãní zesílení otáãkové smyãky [Speed time integral] Integraãní zesílení otáãkové smyãky. SFC M Filtr otáãkové smyãky [K speed loop filter] Filtraãní koeficient otáãkové smyãky. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 52 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Nastavení parametrÛ filtr otáãkové smyãky (SFC), proporciální zesílení otáãkové smyãky (SPG) a integraãní zesílení otáãkové smyãky (SIt) • Tyto parametry jsou dostupné pouze v profilech vektorového fiízení, viz stranu 67: [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [SVC U] (UUC) nebo [SVC I] (CUC) nebo [FVC] (FUC) nebo [Sync.mot.] (SYn), a pokud je funkce ENA vypnuta [ENA system] (EnA) = [No] (nO). • Tovární nastavení postaãí pro vût‰inu aplikací. Ve vût‰inû pfiípadÛ postaãí otáãkovou smyãku nastavit s filtrem otáãkové smyãky (SFC) = 0 Regulátor otáãkové smyãky typu IP s filtrací Ïádané hodnoty otáãek je vhodn˘ pro aplikace, které vyÏadují pruÏné a stabilní chování otáãkové smyãky, napfi. zdvih nebo aplikace s velk˘m momentem setrvaãnosti. • Proporciální zesílení otáãkové smyãky má vliv na velikost pfiekmitu. • Integraãní zesílení otáãkové smyãky má vliv na ‰ífiku propustného pásma a dobu odezvy. Odezva na skok Ïádané hodnoty otáãek SníÏení SníÏení Reference division Reference division Reference division 1 1 1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] ãas [ms] Odezva na skok Ïádané hodnoty otáãek Zv˘‰ení Zv˘‰ení Reference division Reference division Reference division 1 1 1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 53 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Speciální pfiípad: otáãková smyãka s filtrem (SFC) 0 Tento parametr je vyhrazen pro speciální aplikace, které vyÏadují extrémnû krátké doby odezvy (polohování nebo servofiízení). – Pfii nastavení hodnoty SFC = 100 se zmûní struktura regulátoru otáãek na PI bez filtrace Ïádané hodnoty. – Pfii nastavení hodnoty SFC v rozmezí 0 aÏ 100 se struktura mûní a odezvy jsou mezi uveden˘mi na pfiedchozí stranû a níÏe. Pfiíklad: nastavení bez filtru Ïádané hodnoty (SFC) = 100 • Proporciální zesílení otáãkové smyãky má vliv na ‰ífiku propustného pásma a dobu odezvy. • Integraãní zesílení otáãkové smyãky má vliv na velikost pfiekmitu. Odezva na skok Ïádané hodnoty otáãek SníÏení SníÏení Reference division Reference division Reference division 1 1 1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] ãas [ms] Odezva na skok Ïádané hodnoty otáãek Zv˘‰ení Zv˘‰ení Reference division Reference division Reference division 1 1 1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ãas [ms] 54 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód GPE g GIE g UFr g SLP g dCF g IdC g Název/popis M Proporciální zesílení ENA [ENA prop.gain] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 1 aÏ 9 999 250 0 aÏ 9 999 100 25 aÏ 200 % 100 % 0 aÏ 150 % 100 % 0 aÏ 10 4 0,1 aÏ 1,41 In (1) 0,64 In (1) Viz stranu 75 M Integraãní zesílení ENA [ENA integral gain] Viz stranu 75 M IR kompenzace [IR compensation] Viz stranu 75 M Kompenzace skluzu [Slip compensation] Viz stranu 75 M Koeficient pro vydûlení rampy [Ramp divider] Viz stranu 128 M Hodnota ss proudu pro brzdûní ss proudem 1 [DC injection level 1] Viz stranu 129 Aktivace logick˘m vstupem nebo je dáno typem zastavení. UPOZORNùNÍ Ovûfite, zda nemÛÏe dojít k pfiehfiátí motoru zpÛsobeném tímto proudem. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k po‰kození zafiízení. tdI g IdC2 g M Doba pro brzdûní ss proudem 1 [DC injection time 1] 0,1 aÏ 30 s 0,5 s Viz stranu 129 Do uplynutí doby pro brzdûní ss proudem 1 platí hodnota proudu IdC, potom hodnota IdC2 po dobu tdC M Hodnota ss proudu pro brzdûní ss proudem 2 [DC injection level 2] 0,1 aÏ 1,41 In (1) 0,5 In (1) Viz stranu 129 Aktivace po ukonãení ãasování td1. UPOZORNùNÍ Ovûfite, zda nemÛÏe dojít k pfiehfiátí motoru zpÛsobenému tímto proudem. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k po‰kození zafiízení. tdC g M Doba pro brzdûní ss proudem 2 [DC injection time 2] 0,1 aÏ 30 s 0,5 s Viz stranu 137 Po dobu ãasování tdC platí hodnota proudu IdC2. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. g 55 Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód Název/popis M Hodnota ss proudu pro automatické dobrzdûní po zastavení 1 [Auto DC inj. level 1] SdC1 Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 1,2 In (1) 0,7 In (1) Hodnota ss proudu pro automatické dobrzdûní po zastavení motoru. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, pokud je funkce automatické dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [No] (nO) viz stranu 130. Tento parametr je nucenû nastaven na 0 v pfiípadû volby typu fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt) = synchronní motor [Sync. mot.] (SYn). g UPOZORNùNÍ Ovûfite, zda nemÛÏe dojít k pfiehfiátí motoru zpÛsobenému tímto proudem. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k po‰kození zafiízení. M Doba dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení 1 [Auto DC inj. time 1] tdCI 0,1 aÏ 30 s 0,5 s Doba dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení motoru. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, pokud je funkce automatické dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [Yes] (YES). Pokud je nastaven typ fiízení vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC) nebo synchronní motor [Sync. motor] (SYn), viz stranu 67, tento parametr slouÏí pro nastavení doby sycení motoru po zastavení. g M Hodnota ss proudu pro automatické dobrzdûní po zastavení 2 [Auto DC inj. level 2] SdC2 0 aÏ 1,2 In (1) 0,5 In (1) Druhá hodnota ss proudu pro automatické dobrzdûní po zastavení motoru. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, pokud je funkce automatické dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [Yes] (YES) nebo [Continuous] (Ct). Tento parametr je nucenû nastaven na 0 v pfiípadû volby typu fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt) = synchronní motor [Sync. mot.] (SYn). g UPOZORNùNÍ Ovûfite, zda nemÛÏe dojít k pfiehfiátí motoru zpÛsobenému tímto proudem. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k po‰kození zafiízení. M Doba dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení 2 [Auto DC inj. time 2] tdC2 Yes SdC2 x Operation I SdC1 SdC2 Ct 0s Druhá doba dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení motoru. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, pokud je funkce automatické dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [Yes] (YES). Viz stranu 130. g AdC 0 aÏ 30 s ≠0 I SdC1 tdC1 t tdC1 + tdC2 Poznámka: Pokud je nastaven typ fiízení = vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou, nejsou dostupné parametry SdC1, SdC2 ani tdC2. Dostupn˘ zÛstává pouze parametr tdC1, kter˘ slouÏí pro nastavení doby sycení motoru po zastavení. SdC2 Ct =0 I SdC1 tdC1 t t g 1 Run command Speed 0 0 t t Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 56 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód SFr Název/popis M Spínací frekvence [Switching freq.] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 1 aÏ 16 kHz 2,5 nebo 4 kHz dle typové velikosti Nastavení spínací frekvence. Pokud je spínací frekvence nastavena na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, je rozsah hodnot proudového omezení a proudového omezení 2 limitován hodnotou 1,36 In, viz níÏe. Nastavení za chodu motoru: – Pokud je poãáteãní hodnota men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, není ji moÏné za chodu zv˘‰it nad 1,9 kHz. – Pokud je poãáteãní hodnota vût‰í nebo rovna 2 kHz, nelze ji sníÏit pod hodnotu 2 kHz. Nastavení v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe: bez omezení. Poznámka: V pfiípadû zv˘‰ení teploty mûniãe vlivem spínacích ztrát dojde k automatickému sníÏení spínací frekvence s návratem na pÛvodnû nastavenou hodnotu po ochlazení mûniãe. CLI M Omezení proudu [Current Limitation] 0 aÏ 1,65 In (1) 1,5 In (1) SlouÏí pro nastavení omezení proudu motoru. Pokud je spínací frekvence (viz v˘‰e) nastavena na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, je rozsah nastavení omezení proudu limitován hodnotou 1,36 In. Poznámka: Pfii nastavení hodnoty proudového omezení men‰í neÏ 0,25 In se mÛÏe frekvenãní mûniã zablokovat pfii hlá‰ení poruchy v˘padek v˘stupní fáze [Output Phase Loss] (OPF), pokud je hlá‰ení této poruchy povoleno, viz stranu 201. Nastavení hodnoty omezení proudu niωí, neÏ je hodnota proudu motoru bez zatíÏení, nemá v˘znam. CL2 g M Omezení proudu [I Limit. 2 value] 0 aÏ 1,65 In (1) 1,5 In (1) Pokud je spínací frekvence (viz v˘‰e) nastavena na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, je rozsah nastavení proudového omezení limitován hodnotou 1,36 In. Poznámka: Pfii nastavení hodnoty proudového omezení men‰í, neÏ 0,25 In se mÛÏe frekvenãní mûniã zablokovat pfii hlá‰ení poruchy v˘padek v˘stupní fáze [Output Phase Loss] (OPF), pokud je hlá‰ení této poruchy povoleno, viz stranu 201. Nastavení hodnoty omezení proudu niωí, neÏ je hodnota proudu motoru bez zatíÏení, nemá v˘znam. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. g 57 Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód Název/popis FLU FnC FCt Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [No] (FnO) M Sycení motoru [Motor fluxing] v [Not Cont.] (FnC): Pfieru‰ované sycení. v [Continuous] (FCt): Trvalé sycení. Tato volba není moÏná, pokud je aktivní funkce automatické FnO v dobrzdûní ss proudem po zastavení [Auto DC injection] (AdC), viz stranu 130 nebo je-li jako zpÛsob zastavení zvolen voln˘ dobûh [Freewheel] (nSt), viz stranu 128. [No] (FnO): Funkce není aktivní. Tato volba není moÏná, pokud je zvoleno jako typ fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt) vektorové fiízení proudové [SVCI] (CUC) nebo vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC), viz stranu 67. Je-li zvoleno jako typ fiízení (viz stranu 67) vektorové fiízení proudové, vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou nebo synchronní motor, tovární nastavení se automaticky zmûní na pfieru‰ované sycení [Not Cont.] (FnC). V pfiípadû pfiítomnosti sycení motoru pfied povelem pro chod se dosahuje nejlep‰ích dynamick˘ch parametrÛ pfii rozbûhu. • Je-li zvoleno trvalé sycení, magnetick˘ tok se v motoru vybuduje pfii zapnutí frekvenãního mûniãe. • Je-li zvoleno pfieru‰ované sycení, je sycení odvozeno od povelu pro chod. Proud sycení motoru je zpoãátku vût‰í neÏ jmenovitá hodnota proudu motoru (nCr), poté klesne na nastavenou hodnotu magnetizaãního proudu... UPOZORNùNÍ Ovûfite, zda nemÛÏe dojít k pfiehfiátí motoru zpÛsobenému tímto proudem. Nerespektování tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe vést k po‰kození zafiízení. Je-li zvoleno jako typ fiízení (viz stranu 67) synchronní motor funkce sycení motoru se vztahuje k rotoru a ne k sycení motoru. Není-li pouÏita funkce ovládání externí brzdy [Brake assigment] (bLC) = [No] (nO), viz stranu 148, parametr sycení motoru je bez v˘znamu. tLS M Omezení doby provozu na nízk˘ch otáãkách [Low speed time out] 0 aÏ 9 99,9 s 0s Maximální doba provozu na nízk˘ch otáãkách [Low speed] (LSP), viz stranu 40 po uplynutí nastavené doby provozu na LSP se motor automaticky zastaví. Je-li mûniã trvale odblokován, motor se opût rozbûhne po zv˘‰ení Ïádané hodnoty frekvence nad hodnotu nízk˘ch otáãek (LSP). Upozornûní: Je-li nastavena nulová hodnota – bez omezení doby provozu. JGF g JGt g g M Pomalé otáãky - jogging [Jog frequency] 0 aÏ 10 Hz 10 Hz 0 aÏ 2,0 s 0,5 s Viz stranu 132 Îádaná hodnota pomal˘ch otáãek. M âasové zpoÏdûní mezi aktivacemi funkce pomalé otáãky [Jog delay] Viz stranu 132 âasové zpoÏdûní mezi dvûma bezprostfiednû za sebou následujícími aktivacemi funkce pomalé otáãky. Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. 58 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód SP2 g SP3 g SP4 g SP5 g SP6 g SP7 g SP8 g SP9 g SP10 g SP11 g SP12 g SP13 g SP14 g g 59 Název/popis M Pfiedvolené otáãky 2 [Preset speed 2] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 10 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 15 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 20 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 25 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 30 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 35 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 40 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 45 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 50 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 55 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 60 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 70 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 80 Hz Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 2 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 3 [Preset speed 3] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 3 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 4 [Preset speed 4] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 4 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 5 [Preset speed 5] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 5 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 6 [Preset speed 6] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 6 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 7 [Preset speed 7] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 7 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 8 [Preset speed 8] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 8 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 9 [Preset speed 9] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 9 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 10 [Preset speed 10] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 10 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 11 [Preset speed 11] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 11 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 12 [Preset speed 12] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 12 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 13 [Preset speed 13] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 13 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 14 [Preset speed 14] Viz stranu 135 Pfiedvolené otáãky 14 Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód SP15 g SP16 g NFr Název/popis M Pfiedvolené otáãky 15 [Preset speed 15] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 90 Hz 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 100 Hz 0 aÏ 100 % 100 % Viz stranu 135. Pfiedvolené otáãky 15 M Pfiedvolené otáãky 16 [Preset speed 16] Viz stranu 135. Pfiedvolené otáãky 16 M Multiplikaãní koeficient [Multiplying coeff.] Multiplikaãní koeficient je dostupn˘, pokud je pro grafick˘ terminál konfigurována Ïádaná hodnota pro násobení [Multiplier ref.] (MA1, MA2), viz stranu 124. SrP M Proporcionální zesílení PID regulátoru [+/- Speed limitation] g Viz stranu 163. Proporcionální zesílení rPG M Integraãní zesílení PID regulátoru [PID prop. gain] g rIG g rdG g PrP g POL g POH g PAL g PAH g 0 aÏ 50 % 10 % 0,01 aÏ 100 1 0,01 aÏ 100 1 0,00 aÏ 100 0 0 aÏ 99,9 s 0 Viz stranu 164. Integraãní zesílení M Derivaãní zesílení PID regulátoru [PID integral gain] Viz stranu 164. Derivaãní zesílení M Rampa Ïádané hodnoty regulované veliãiny PID [PID derivative gain] Viz stranu 164. Derivaãní zesílení M Rampa Ïádané hodnoty regulované veliãiny PID [PID ramp] Viz stranu 164. Nastavení lineární rampy v obvodu Ïádané hodnoty PID regulátoru. Nastavená doba trvání odpovídá zmûnû od minimální Ïádané hodnoty PID [Min PID reference] (PIP1) do maximální Ïádané hodnoty PID [Max PID reference] (PIP2) a naopak. M Minimální v˘stupní hodnota PID [Min PID output] -500 aÏ +500 Hz (1) -1 000 aÏ +1 000 Hz 0 Hz Viz stranu 164. Minimální v˘stupní hodnota PID regulátoru v Hz. M Maximální v˘stupní hodnota PID [Max PID output] 0 aÏ 500 nebo 1 000 (1) 60 Hz Viz stranu 164. Minimální v˘stupní hodnota PID regulátoru v Hz M Minimální skuteãná hodnota PID [Min fbk alarm] Viz stranu 164 (1) 100 Viz stranu 164. Minimální skuteãná hodnota PID regulátoru pro vyhodnocení poruchy zpûtné vazby M Maximální skuteãná hodnota PID [Max fbk alarm] Viz stranu 164 (1) 1 000 Viz stranu 164. Maximální skuteãná hodnota PID regulátoru pro vyhodnocení poruchy zpûtné vazby (1) Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe. (2) Pokud se nepouÏívá grafick˘ terminál, jsou hodnoty vût‰í neÏ 9 999 zobrazeny s desetinnou teãkou za tisíci – napfiíklad 15.65 znamená 15 650. g Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. 60 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód PEr g PSr g rP2 g rP3 g rP4 g Ibr g Ird g brt g bIr g bEn g tbE g Název/popis M Prahová hodnota regulaãní odchylky PID [PID error Alarm] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 65 535 (1) 100 Viz stranu 164. Prahová hodnota regulaãní odchylky PID regulátoru pro hlá‰ení poruchy. M Koeficient pfiizpÛsobení vstupu rychlosti PID [Speed input %] 1 aÏ 100 % 100 % Viz stranu 165. SlouÏí pro nastavení vlivu tohoto vstupu na v˘stup PID regulátoru napfiíklad pro definování vztahu mezi lineární a otáãivou rychlostí. M Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny 2 [Preset ref. PID 2] Viz stranu 166 (1) 300 Viz stranu 166. Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny PID regulátoru M Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny 3 [Preset ref. PID 3] Viz stranu 166 (1) 600 Viz stranu 166. Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny PID regulátoru M Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny 4 [Preset ref. PID 4] Viz stranu 166 (1) 900 Viz stranu 166. Pfiedvolená Ïádaná hodnota regulované veliãiny PID regulátoru M Proud pfii odbrzdûní brzdy – chod vpfied [Brake release I FW] 0 aÏ 1,32 In (2) 0 Viz stranu 148. Proud pfii odbrzdûní pfii pohybu bfiemene nahoru nebo pohybu vpfied M Proud pfii odbrzdûní brzdy – chod vzad [Brake release I Rev] 0 aÏ 1,32 In (2) 0 Viz stranu 148. Proud pfii odbrÏdûní, pfii pohybu bfiemene dolÛ nebo pohybu vzad. M Doba odbrzdûní brzdy [Brake Release time] 0 aÏ 5,00 s 0s [Auto] (AUtO) 0 aÏ 10 Hz [Auto] (AUtO) [Auto] (AUtO) 0 aÏ 10 Hz [Auto] (AUtO) 0 aÏ 5,00 s 0s Viz stranu 148. Doba, za kterou brzda mechanicky odbrzdí. M Frekvence pfii odbrzdûní [Brake release freq] Viz stranu 149. Frekvence pfii odbrzdûní brzdy M Frekvence pfii zabrzdûní [Brake engage freq] Viz stranu 149. Frekvence pfii zabrzdûní brzdy M ZpoÏdûní pfied zabrzdûním [Brake engage delay] Viz stranu 149. Doba zpoÏdûní okamÏiku zabrzdûní brzdy. SlouÏí ke zpoÏdûní okamÏiku zabrzdûní, napfiíklad do doby zastavení pohonu. Pouze pro horizontální pohyb. (1) Pokud se nepouÏívá grafick˘ terminál, jsou hodnoty vût‰í neÏ 9 999 zobrazeny s desetinnou teãkou za tisíci – napfiíklad 15.65 znamená 15 650. (2) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. g 61 Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód bEt g JdC g ttr g tLIN g tLIG g trH g trL g qSH g qSL g Ctd Název/popis M Doba zabrzdûní brzdy [Brake engage time] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 5 s 0s [Auto] (AUtO) 0 aÏ 10 Hz [Auto] (AUtO) 0 aÏ 5 s 0s Viz stranu 149. Doba, za kterou brzda mechanicky zabrzdí. M Skok frekvence pfii reverzaci [Jump at reversal] Viz stranu 150. M ZpoÏdûní mezi zabrzdûním a nov˘m odbrzdûním brzdy [Time to restart] Viz stranu 150. Nastavení ãasu mezi zabrzdûním a nov˘m rozbûhem s odbrzdûním. M Momentové omezení v motorickém kvadrantu [Motoring torque lim] 0 aÏ 300 % 100 % Viz stranu 171. Momentové omezení v motorickém kvadrantu ãinnosti pohonu v % z jmenovité hodnoty momentu. M Momentové omezení v generátorickém kvadrantu [Gen. torque lim] 0 aÏ 300 % 100 % Viz stranu 171. Momentové omezení v generátorickém kvadrantu ãinnosti pohonu v % z jmenovité hodnoty momentu. M Pfiechod otáãek + [Traverse high] 0 aÏ 10 Hz 4 Hz 0 aÏ 10 Hz 4 Hz 0 aÏ [Traverse high] (trH) 0 Hz 0 aÏ [Traverse low] (trL) 0 Hz 0 aÏ 1,5 In (1) In (1) Viz stranu 191. M Pfiechod otáãek - [Traverse Low] Viz stranu 191. M Skok otáãek + [Quick step High] Viz stranu 191. M Skok otáãek - [Quick step Low] Viz stranu 191. M Prahová hodnota proudu [Current threshold] Nastavení prahové hodnoty proudu pro funkci signalizace pfiekroãení prahové hodnoty proudu [I attained] (CtA) konfigurované pro reléov˘ nebo tranzistorov˘ v˘stup s otevfien˘m kolektorem, viz stranu 95. Ftd M Prahová hodnota frekvence [Freq. threshold] 0,0 aÏ 1 000 Hz [High speed] (HSP) Nastavení prahové hodnoty frekvence pro funkci signalizace pfiekroãení prahové hodnoty proudu [Freq. Th. attained] (FtA) konfigurované pro reléov˘ nebo tranzistorov˘ v˘stup s otevfien˘m kolektorem, viz stranu 95. F2d M Prahová hodnota frekvence 2 [Frequency 2 threshold] 0,0 aÏ 1 000 Hz [High speed] (HSP) Nastavení druhé prahové hodnoty frekvence pro funkci signalizace pfiekroãení druhé prahové hodnoty proudu [Freq. Th. 2 attained] (F2A) konfigurované pro reléov˘ nebo tranzistorov˘ v˘stup s otevfien˘m kolektorem, viz stranu 95. (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. g Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. 62 Submenu 1.3 - Nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) Kód ttd g LbC g g 63 Název/popis M Prahová hodnota teploty motoru [Hodnota teploty motoru] [Motor therm. level] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 118 % 100 % Nastavení prahové hodnoty teploty motoru pro funkci signalizace pfiekroãení prahové hodnoty teploty motoru [Signaliz. teploty motoru] [Th. motor att.] (tSA) konfigurované pro reléov˘ nebo tranzistorov˘ v˘stup s otevfien˘m kolektorem, viz stranu 95. M Korekce zatíÏení [Korekce zatíÏení] [Load correction] 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 0 Viz stranu 78. Korekce v Hz. Hvûzdiãkou oznaãené parametry se zobrazí pouze tehdy, byla-li v jiném menu aktivována funkce, která s tímto parametrem souvisí. Více informací o této funkci naleznete v pfiíslu‰ném menu – viz odkaz na stranu. Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) S grafick˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick Quick RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL Standard mot. freq Rated motor power Rated motor volt. Rated mot. current Rated motor freq. Code << >> Quick S vestavûn˘m obsluÏn˘m terminálem: Zobrazení stavu mûniãe XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC SIM- drCI-O- ENT MOTOR CONTROL ESC Parametry motoru LAC- 64 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) The parameters in the [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) menu can only be modified when the drive is stopped and no run command is present, with the following exceptions: • [Auto tuning] (tUn) page 66, which causes the motor to start up. • Parameters containing the signin the code column, which can be modified with the drive running or stopped. Kód funkce bFr 50 60 Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [50 Hz IEC] (50) M Frekvence sítû [Standard mot. freq] v [50 Hz IEC] (50): IEC 50 Hz v [60 Hz NEMA] (60): NEMA 60 Hz Tento parametr ovlivÀuje pfiednastavené hodnoty následujících parametrÛ: jmenovité napûtí motoru – viz níÏe, vysoké otáãky (HSP) – viz stranu 40, prahová hodnota frekvence – viz stranu 62, jmenovitá frekvence motoru a maximální frekvence – viz níÏe. nPr M Jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru [Rated motor power] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru dle typového ‰títku. Je-li nastavena frekvence sítû = 50 Hz, údaj se zadává v kW, pokud je nastavena 60 Hz, zadává se v HP. UnS M Jmenovité napûtí motoru [Rated motor volt.] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe a nastavení frekvence sítû (bFr). 0,25 aÏ 1,5 In (1) Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe a nastavení frekvence sítû (bFr) 10 aÏ 1 000 Hz 50 Hz Jmenovité napûtí motoru dle typového ‰títku. ATV71pppM3X: 100 aÏ 240 V ATV71pppN4: 200 aÏ 480 V nCr M Jmenovit˘ proud motoru [Rated mot. current] Jmenovit˘ proud motoru dle typového ‰títku FrS M Jmenovitá frekvence motoru [Rated motor freq.] Jmenovitá frekvence motoru dle typového ‰títku. Tovární nastavení 50 Hz. Zmûní se na 60 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. nSP 0 aÏ 60 000 at/min M Jmenovité otáãky motoru [Rated motor speed] Dle typové velikosti frekvenãního mûniãe Jmenovité otáãky motoru dle jeho typového ‰títku. Zobrazení na integrovaném displeji frekvenãního mûniãe: 0 aÏ 9 999 ot/min, dále 10,00 aÏ 60,00 tisíc ot/min Nûkdy mÛÏe b˘t na typovém ‰títku místo hodnoty jmenovit˘ch otáãek motoru uvedena hodnota synchronních otáãek a hodnota skluzu v procentech nebo v Hz. Jmenovité otáãky potom lze spoãítat: • jmenovité otáãky = Synchronní otáãky x nebo • jmenovité otáãky = Synchronní otáãky x nebo • jmenovité otáãky = Synchronní otáãky x tFr 100 - skluz v % 100 50 - skluz v Hz 50 60 - skluz v Hz 60 M Maximální frekvence [Max frequency] (50Hz motor) (60Hz motor) 10 aÏ 1 000 Hz 60 Hz Hodnota továrního nastavení 60 Hz se mûní na 72 Hz, je-li parametr frekvence sítû nastaven na hodnotu 60 Hz. Maximální hodnota je omezena následujícími podmínkami: • Nesmí pfiekroãit desetinásobek hodnoty parametru jmenovitá frekvence motoru. • Nesmí pfiekroãit hodnotu 500 Hz u frekvenãních mûniãÛ o typové velikosti vût‰í neÏ ATV71HD37N4. (Nastavení maximální frekvence aÏ do 1 000 Hz je moÏné pouze do v˘konu 37 kW.) (1) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 65 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce tUn nO YES Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [No] (nO) M Automatické nastavení parametrÛ [Autotuning] v [No] (nO): Ne. v [Yes] (YES): Ano. Po potvrzení této volby bude proveden autotuning, poté se zobrazí hodnota [Done] (dOnE). v [Done] (dOnE): Autotuning proveden, zmûfiené hodnoty jsou pouÏity. Upozornûní: • Pfied spu‰tûním automatického nastavení parametrÛ musí b˘t správnû nastaveny v‰echny parametry motoru (jmenovité napûtí, frekvence, proud, otáãky, v˘kon...). Pokud je po provedení automatického nastavení parametrÛ zmûnûn alespoÀ jeden z parametrÛ motoru, zobrazí se hlá‰ení [No] (nO): Ne. Automatické nastavení parametrÛ je nutno provést znovu. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ lze spustit pouze tehdy, není-li aktivována Ïádná funkce. Pokud jsou konfigurovány logické vstupy pro funkce voln˘ dobûh nebo rychlé zastavení, musí b˘t ve stavu log. 1 – to znamená neaktivní. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ má prioritu pfied povely chod nebo sycení motoru. Tyto povely budou provedeny aÏ po jeho ukonãení. • Pokud dojde v prÛbûhu automatického nastavení parametrÛ k chybû, zobrazí se na displeji [No] (nO): Ne, pfiípadnû, v závislosti na nastavení parametru, hlá‰ení poruchy Autotuningu [Autotune fault mgt] (tnL), viz stranu 211, mÛÏe dojít k poruchovému hlá‰ení porucha Autotuningu. • Automatické nastavení parametrÛ mÛÏe trvat 1 aÏ 2 s. Nepfieru‰ujte jeho prÛbûh.Vyãkejte do zobrazení hlá‰ení [Done] (dOnE) pfiípadnû [No] (nO). dOnE Upozornûní: V prÛbûhu automatického nastavení parametrÛ protéká motorem jmenovit˘ proud, motor se neotáãí. AUt nO YES M Automatické spou‰tûní autotuningu [Automatic autotune] [No] (nO) v [No] (nO): Ne. v [Yes] (YES): Ano. Po potvrzení této volby bude autotuning provádûn po kaÏdém pfiipojení frekvenãního mûniãe k napájecímu napûtí. Pro tuto funkci platí stejné upozornûní jako pro funkci automatické nastavení parametrÛ, uvedené v˘‰e. M Stav automatického nastavení parametrÛ [Auto tuning status] tUS tAb PEnd PrOG FAIL dOnE CUS v v v v v v PHr AbC ACb [Not done] (tAb) Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. [Not done] (tAb): PouÏita továrnû nastavená hodnota odporu statorového vinutí. [Pending] (PEnd): Je poÏadavek na Autotuning, ten v‰ak prozatím nebyl proveden. [In Progress] (PrOG): Autotuning probíhá. [Failed] (FAIL): V prÛbûhu vykonávání Autotuningu nastala chyba. [Done] (dOnE): ): Autotuning byl proveden a zmûfiená hodnota odporu statoru je pouÏita v matematickém modelu pro fiízení motoru. [Customized] (CUS): ): Autotuning byl proveden, ale nejménû jeden parametr, nastaven˘ prostfiednictvím Autotuningu byl následnû zmûnûn. Funkce stav automatického nastavení parametrÛ zobrazí na displeji [No] (nO). Jedná se o následující parametry autotuningu: odpor statoru synchronního motoru [Cust. stator R Syn](rSAS), viz stranu 70, odpor statoru asynchronního motoru [R1w] (rSA), magnetizaãní proud [Idw] (IdA), indukãnost [LFw] (LFA), ãasová konstanta [T2w] (trA), viz stranu 71. M Sled v˘stupních fází [Output Ph rotation] v [ABC] (AbC): Forward v [ACB] (ACb): Reverse ABC Upozornûní: Parametr lze pouÏít pro zmûnu smûru otáãení motoru pro dan˘ povel chod bez zmûny zapojení motoru. Neprovádûjte zmûnu nastavení parametru sled v˘stupních fází, pokud je nastaven typ fiízení jako vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [FVC] (FUC). Zmûnu sledu v˘stupních fází je potfiebné provést pfied, pfiípadnû v prÛbûhu zkou‰ky pohonu s inkrementálním snímaãem otáãek, viz stranu 73. 66 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení [SVC V] (UUC) M Typ fiízení [Motor control type] Ctt UUC Tovární nastavení v [SVC V] (UUC): Vektorové fiízení napûÈové. PouÏití tohoto typu fiízení se doporuãuje pfii náhradû frekvenãních mûniãÛ Altivar 58. Tento reÏim umoÏÀuje napájení více paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ z jednoho frekvenãního mûniãe. CUC v [SVC I] (CUC): Vektorové fiízení proudové. PouÏití tohoto typu fiízení se doporuãuje pfii náhradû frekvenãních mûniãÛ Altivar 58F, provozovan˘ch v reÏimu vektorového fiízení bez zpûtné vazby. Tento reÏim neumoÏÀuje napájení paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ z jednoho frekvenãního mûniãe. FUC v [FVC] (FUC): Vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou pro motory vybavené inkrementálním snímaãem. PouÏití tohoto typu fiízení se doporuãuje pfii náhradû frekvenãních mûniãÛ Altivar 58F, provozovan˘ch v reÏimu vektorového fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou. Tento reÏim se vyznaãuje nejlep‰ími parametry z hlediska pfiesnosti regulace otáãek a momentu a umoÏÀuje vyuÏít plné momentové pfietíÏitelnosti i v oblasti nulov˘ch otáãek. Tento reÏim neumoÏÀuje napájení paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ z jednoho frekvenãního mûniãe. Upozornûní: Pfied pfiepnutím do reÏimu vektorového fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou je nutné provést úspû‰nû zkou‰ku inkrementálního snímaãe, viz stran 73. UF2 v [V/F 2pts] (UF2): ¤ízení dle závislosti U/f, definované dvûma body, bez kompenzace skluzu. PouÏití tohoto typu fiízení se doporuãuje pro: – Speciální motory (s vinutou kotvou atd.) – A number of motors in parallel on the same drive – Vysokootáãkové motory – Motory s velmi mal˘m v˘konem v porovnání s frekvenãním mûniãem atd. Napûtí UnS Závislost U/f je dána jmenovitou frekvencí motoru FrS, jmenovit˘m napûtím motoru UnS a poãáteãním napûtím. U0 UF5 Frekvence v FrS [V/F 5pts] (UF5): ¤ízení dle závislosti U/f, definované pûti body. Jako dvoubodové, s moÏností potlaãení rezonanãních kmitoãtÛ. Napûtí UnS U5 Závislost U/f je dána jmenovitou frekvencí motoru FrS, jmenovit˘m napûtím motoru UnS, napûtími Uo aÏ U5 U3 a frekvencemi F1 aÏ F5 U4 U3 U1 U2 U0 SYn Frekvence F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 FrS FrS > F5 > F4 > F3 > F2 > F1 v [Sync. mot.] (SYn): Synchronní motor. Urãeno pouze pro synchronní motory s permanentními magnety se sinusov˘m prÛbûhem elektromotorické síly (Ems) Volba tohoto typu fiízení zpÛsobí zobrazení parametrÛ pro synchronní motory. Parametry pro asynchronní motory nejsou v tomto typu fiízení pfiístupné. 67 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce U0 Název funkce/popis M U0 [U0] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované dvûma body, nebo pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 2pts] (UF2) nebo [V/F 5pts] (UF5) U1 M U1 [U1] 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) F1 M F1 [F1] 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 0 Nastavení hodnoty frekvence závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) U2 M U2 [U2] 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) F2 M F2 [F2] 0 aÏ 1000 Hz 0 Nastavení hodnoty frekvence závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) U3 M U3 [U3] 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) F3 M F3 [F3] 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 0 Nastavení hodnoty frekvence závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) U4 M U4 [U4] 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) F4 M F4 [F4] 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 0 Nastavení hodnoty frekvence závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) U5 M U5 [U5] 0 aÏ 600 V 0 Nastavení hodnoty napûtí závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) F5 M F5 [F5] 0 aÏ 1 000 Hz 0 Nastavení hodnoty frekvence závislosti U/f. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, bylo-li zvoleno fiízení dle závislosti U/f definované pûti body [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [V/F 5pts] (UF5) 68 Sub-menu 1.4 – Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení [No] (nO) M Vektorové fiízení v oblasti konstantního v˘konu [Vector Control 2pt] UC2 nO YES v v Tovární nastavení Parametr je dostupn˘ pro typ fiízení [Motor control] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení napûÈové [SVC V] (UUC) nebo vektorové fiízení proudové [SVC I] (CUC) nebo vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FVC). [No] (nO): Funkce není aktivní. [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní. PouÏití funkce je vhodné v aplikacích, kde je potfiebné roz‰ífiit otáãkov˘ rozsah motoru do oblasti ãinnosti s konstantním v˘konem nebo kdyÏ je jmenovité napûtí motoru men‰í, neÏ je napûtí sítû. Funkce poskytuje moÏnost úpravy závislosti napûtí na frekvenci vzhledem k poÏadavku provozovat motor pfii napûtí UCP a frekvenci FCP. Napûtí [V] Pracovní napûtí UCP Jmenovité napûtí motoru UnS Frekvence [Hz] Jmenovitá frekvence motoru FrS UCP M Hodnota max. pracovního napûtí [V. constant power] Pracovní frekvence FCP Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Dle typové velikosti mûniãe a frekvence sítû (bFr) Nastavení hodnoty maximálního pracovního napûtí. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivní funkce vektorové fiízení v oblasti konstantního v˘konu [Vector conrol 2pt] (UC2) = [Yes] (YES) FCP M Hodnota max. pracovní frekvence [Freq. Const Power] Dle typové velikosti mûniãe = frekvence sítû (bFr) Nastavení hodnoty maximální pracovní frekvence. Tento parametr je dostupn˘, je-li aktivní funkce vektorové fiízení v oblasti konstantního v˘konu [Vector Control 2pt] (UC2) = [Yes] (YES) 69 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Parametry synchronního motoru: Tyto parametry jsou dostupné, pokud je zvolen typ fiízení [Motor control] (Ctt) = synchronní motor [Sync. mot.] (SYn). V tomto pfiípadû nejsou pfiístupné parametry pro asynchronní motor. Kód funkce nCrS Název funkce/popis M Jmenovit˘ proud synchronního motoru [Nominal I sync.] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0,25aÏ 1,5 In (2) Dle typové velikosti mûniãe 0 aÏ 60 000 ot/min Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Jmenovit˘ proud synchronního motoru dle typového ‰títku. nSPS M Jmenovité otáãky synchronního motoru [Nom motor spdsync] Jmenovité otáãky synchronního motoru dle typového ‰títku Zobrazení na vestavûném obsluÏném terminálu: 0 aÏ 9999 ot/min, potom 10.00 aÏ 60.00 tisíc ot/min. PPnS M Poãet pólov˘ch dvojic synchronního motoru [Pole pairs] 1 aÏ 50 Dle typové velikosti mûniãe 0 aÏ 65 535 Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Poãet pólov˘ch dvojic synchronního motoru. PHS M NapûÈová konstanta synchronního motoru[Syn. EMF constant] NapûÈová konstanta synchronního motoru v mV na 1 000 ot/min Zobrazení na vestavûném obsluÏném terminálu: 0 aÏ 9 999 mV, potom 10,00 aÏ 65,53 V. LdS M Automatické nastavení indukãnosti v ose d [Autotune L d-axis] 0 aÏ 655,3 Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Zmûfiená indukãnost statoru – osa d v mH. Pro motory s hladk˘mi póly je indukãnost v ose d = indukãnost v ose q = indukãnost statoru L. LqS M Automatické nastavení indukãnosti v ose q [Autotune L q-axis] 0 aÏ 655,3 Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Zmûfiená indukãnost statoru - osa q v mH Pro motory s hladk˘mi póly je indukãnost v ose d = indukãnost v ose q = indukãnost statoru L. rSAS M Odpor statorového vinutí synchronního motoru [Cust. stator R syn] Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Dle typové velikosti mûniãe Odpor statorového vinutí ve studeném stavu. Bylo-li provedeno automatické nastavení parametrÛ, tovární nastavení je nahrazeno zmûfienou hodnotou. Je-li hodnota odporu známa, je moÏné její zadání uÏivatelem. Hodnota je udána pro frekvenãní mûniãe do 75 kW v mΩ, nad 75 kW v mΩ. Zobrazení na vestavûném obsluÏném terminálu: 0 aÏ 9 999, potom 10,00 aÏ 65,53. 70 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce UFr SLP Název funkce/popis M IR kompenzace [IR compensation] (1) Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 25 aÏ 200 % 100 % Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaven jin˘ typ fiízení, neÏ fiízení dle závislosti U/f. [Motor control] (Ctt) ≠ [V/F 2pt] (UF2) ≠ [V/F 5pt] (UF5). PouÏívá se na optimalizaci momentu pfii velmi nízk˘ch otáãkách. Pokud není moment dostateãn˘, zvy‰te hodnotu IR kompenzace. Po zahfiátí motoru zkontrolujte, zda hodnota UFr není pfiíli‰ vysoká (riziko nestability). M Kompenzace skluzu [Slip compensation] (1) 0 aÏ 150 % 100 % Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaven jin˘ typ fiízení, neÏ fiízení dle závislosti U/f nebo synchronní motor. [Motor control] (Ctt) ≠ [V/F 2pt] (UF2) ≠ [V/F 5pt] (UF5) ≠ [Sync. mot.] (SYn) UmoÏÀuje kompenzovat pokles otáãek pfii zatíÏení motoru zv˘‰ením v˘stupní frekvence mûniãe o hodnotu skluzu. • Pokud je nastavení kompenzace skluzu < skuteãn˘ skluz: Otáãky motoru pfii zatíÏení klesají. • Pokud je nastavení kompenzace skluzu > skuteãn˘ skluz: Otáãky motoru pfii zatíÏení stoupají, vzniká riziko nestability. (1) Parametr je pfiístupn˘ také v submenu 1.3 nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-). (2) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 71 Parametry lze modifikovat v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe i za chodu motoru. Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Parametry motoru v pfiístupové úrovni EXPERT V této pfiístupové úrovni je moÏné: • âíst parametry vypoãtené frekvenãním mûniãem v prÛbûhu automatického nastavení parametrÛ, urãené pouze pro ãtení. Napfiíklad R1r je vypoãten˘ odpor statoru ve studeném stavu. • Pokud je potfiebné – nahradit nûkteré z tûchto vypoãten˘ch parametrÛ jinou hodnotou. Napfiíklad R1w – zmûfien˘ odpor statoru ve studeném stavu. Pokud je zmûfien˘ parametr XYw nahrazen jinou hodnotou, frekvenãní mûniã ji pouÏije jako spoãítanou hodnotu XYr. Asynchronní motor Pokud bylo provedeno automatické nastavení parametrÛ a následnû byl zmûnûn nûkter˘ z parametrÛ, na kterém v˘sledky Autotuningu záleÏí, (jmenovité napûtí motoru [Rated motor volt] (nS), jmenovitá frekvence motoru [Rated motor freq.] (FrS), jmenovit˘ proud motoru [Rated mot. current] (nCr), jmenovité otáãky motoru [Rated motor speed] (nSP), jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru [Rated motor power] (nPr) potom vypoãtené hodnoty XYw pfiejdou do továrního nastavení. Kód rSN Název/popis M Vypoãtená hodnota odporu statoru R1r [Stator R measured] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Odpor statoru ve studeném stavu, vypoãten˘ frekvenãním mûniãem. Hodnota odporu je udána v mΩ pro typové velikosti frekvenãních mûniãÛ do 75 kW a v μΩ pro typové velikosti vût‰í. IdN M Vypoãtená hodnota magnetizaãního proudu Idr [Idr] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota magnetizaãního proudu v A, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem. LFN M Vypoãtená hodnota indukãnosti Lfr [Lfr] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota indukãnosti v mH, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem. trN M Vypoãtená hodnota ãasové konstanty rotoru T2r [T2r] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota ãasové konstanty rotoru v ms, vypoãtené frekvenãním mûniãem. nSL M Vypoãtená hodnota jmenovitého skluzu motoru [Nominal motor slip] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota jmenovitého skluzu motoru v Hz, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem. Pro zmûnu jmenovitého skluzu zmûÀte jmenovité otáãky motoru [Rated motor speed] (nSP), viz strana 65. PPn M Vypoãtená hodnota poãtu pólov˘ch dvojic [Pr] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota poãtu pólov˘ch dvojic, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem. rSA M Hodnota odporu statoru R1w [R1w] Hodnotu parametru lze zmûnit. Odpor statoru ve studeném stavu. Hodnota odporu je udána v mW pro typové velikosti frekvenãních mûniãÛ do 75 kW a v μΩ pro typové velikosti vût‰í. Zobrazení na vestavûném obsluÏném terminálu: 0 aÏ 9 999, potom 10,00 aÏ 65,53 tisíc. IdA M Hodnota magnetizaãního proudu Idw [Idw] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Hodnota magnetizaãního proudu v A, vypoãten˘ frekvenãním mûniãem. LFA M Hodnota indukãnosti Lfw [Lfw] Hodnotu parametru lze zmûnit. Hodnota indukãnosti v mH. trA M Hodnota ãasové konstanty rotoru T2w [T2w] Hodnotu parametru lze zmûnit. Hodnota ãasové konstanty rotoru v ms. Synchronní motor Kód rSNS Název /popis M Vypoãtená hodnota odporu statoru R1rS [R1rS] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Odpor statoru ve studeném stavu, vypoãten˘ frekvenãním mûniãem. Tato hodnota je hodnota továrního nastavení, nebo bylo-li provedeno – v˘sledek automatického nastavení parametrÛ. Hodnota odporu je udána v mΩ pro typové velikosti frekvenãních mûniãÛ do 75 kW a v μΩ pro typové velikosti vût‰í. Zobrazení na vestavûném obsluÏném terminálu: 0 aÏ 9 999, potom 10,00 aÏ 65,53 tisíc. FrSS M Vypoãtená hodnota jmenovité frekvence [Nominal freq sync.] Hodnotu parametru lze pouze ãíst. Jmenovité hodnota frekvence pfii jmenovit˘ch otáãkách v Hz, vypoãtená frekvenãním mûniãem. 72 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Volba inkrementálního snímaãe Viz doporuãení v Katalogu a Pfiíruãce pro montáÏ a zapojení. Kód funkce EnS nO AAbb Ab A PGI Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení M Volba pouÏití signálÛ inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder type] v v v v Tovární nastavení [AABB] (AAbb) Konfiguraci je nutno provést v závislosti na typu desky a pouÏití inkrementálního snímaãe (1). [----] (nO): Inkrementální snímaã nepouÏit. [AABB] (AAbb): Pro signály A, A-, B, B-. [AB] (Ab): Pro signály A, B. [A] (A): Pro signál A. Hodnota není pfiístupná, pokud je nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe konfigurováno jako otáãková zpûtná vazba [Nastavení funkce IRC] (EnU) = [Otáãková ZV] (rEG). M Poãet impulzÛ na otáãku [Number of pulses] 100 aÏ 5 000 1 024 Poãet impulzÛ inkrementálního snímaãe na otáãku. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li pouÏita pfiídavná deska pro inkrementální snímaã (1). (1) MoÏné volby nastavení závisí na typu desky pro inkrementální snímaã. Parametry konfigurace inkrementálního snímaãe jsou pfiístupné také v menu 1.5 – vstupy / v˘stupy [1.5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-). 73 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Postup ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe 1. Nastavte jin˘ typ fiízení motoru [Motor control type] (Ctt) neÏ vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). To proveìte i v pfiípadû, Ïe pozdûji budete vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou pouÏívat. 2. Proveìte základní nastavení frekvenãního mûniãe – viz napfi. stranu 6. 3. Nastavte funkci inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder usage] (EnU) = Neaktivní [No] (nO) 4. Nastavte typ inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder type] (EnS) a poãet impulzÛ na otáãku [Number of pulses] (PGI) dle pouÏitého inkrementálního snímaãe. 5. Nastavte ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder check] (EnC) = Aktivace ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Yes] (YES). 6. Zadejte chod vpfied a Ïádanou hodnotu v˘stupní frekvence cca 15 % jmenovit˘ch otáãek motoru a sledujte nejménû 3 sec, zda se motor v pofiádku otáãí. 7. Pokud se objeví poruchové hlá‰ení [Encoder fault] (EnF), stav funkce ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder check] (EnC) se zmûní na ovûfiení nebylo provedeno [No] (nO): – provûfite, zda je správnû nastaven typ inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder type] (EnS) a poãet impulsÛ na otáãku [Number of pulses] (PGI) – provûfite, zda je inkrementální snímaã fiádnû mechanicky spojen s motorem, je-li napájen a zda je v pofiádku signálové vedenípokud je v‰e v pofiádku a pfiesto do‰lo k hlá‰ení poruchy, proveìte zmûnu smûru otáãení motoru pomocí funkce [Output phase rotation] (PHr). (Stejného v˘sledku dosáhneme téÏ pfiehozením dvou fází motoru, nebo signálÛ inkrementálního snímaãe, napfi. A a A- ). 8. Poruchové hlá‰ení resetujte a pokraãujte znovu od bodu 5 dokud není funkce ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder check] (EnC) = Ovûfiení úspû‰nû provedeno - snímaã funkãní [Done] (dOnE). 9. Pokud je to poÏadováno, nastavte typ fiízení [Motor control type] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). 10. Vyzkou‰ejte pohon v celém rozsahu otáãek. Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení M Ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Ovûfiení funkce IRC] [Encoder check] EnC nO YES dOnE v v v [Not done] (nO) Ovûfiení správné funkce inkrementálního snímaãe. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏena deska inkrementálního snímaãe (1). [Not done] (nO) Ovûfiení nebylo provedeno. [Yes] (YES): Aktivace ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe. [Done] (dOnE): Ovûfiení úspû‰nû provedeno – snímaã funkãní. Pfii ovûfiování je provádûna kontrola: – Správnosti smûru otáãení motoru vzhledem k inkrementálnímu snímaãi – Pfiítomnosti v‰ech signálÛ (funkãnost vedení) – Poãtu impulzÛ na otáãku V pfiípadû, Ïe nûkterá z kontrolovan˘ch podmínek není vyhovující, dojde k zablokování frekvenãního mûniãe s hlá‰ením poruchy [Porucha IRC] (EnF). M Nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe [Nastavení funkce IRC] [Encoder usage] EnU Tovární nastavení [No] (nO) Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏena deska inkrementálního snímaãe (1). nO SEC rEG PGr v [No] (nO): Neaktivní. v [Fdbk monit.] (SEC): Monitorování otáãek. Pouze pro úãely monitorování otáãek. v [Spd fdk reg.] (rEG): Otáãková zpûtná vazba s regulací a monitorováním otáãek. Toto nastavení je v aktivováno automaticky, pokud je zvolen typ fiízení [Typ fiízení] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). Pokud je zvolen typ fiízení [Typ fiízení] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení napûÈové [SVC U] (UUC), inkrementální snímaã pracuje jako zpûtnovazební snímaã otáãek a umoÏÀuje provádûní statické korekce otáãek. Toto nastavení není pfiístupné pro zb˘vající typy fiízení. [Speed ref.] (PGr): Îádaná hodnota otáãek. Zadávání Ïádané hodnoty otáãek inkrementálním snímaãem. (1) MoÏné volby nastavení závisí na typu desky pro inkrementální snímaã. Parametry konfigurace inkrementálního snímaãe jsou pfiístupné také v menu 1.5 – vstupy / v˘stupy [1.5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-). 74 Beam pumps Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) ENA systém [ENA SYSTEM] ENA systém je profil fiízení pro aplikace s rotaãní nevyváÏenou zátûÏí. PouÏívá se pfiedev‰ím pro ropná ãerpadla. Pro tyto aplikace pfiiná‰í následující v˘hody: – UmoÏÀuje ãinnost bez brzdného rezistoru – SniÏuje mechanické namáhání ojnice – SniÏuje kolísání odbûru proudu ze sítû – SniÏuje spotfiebu elektrické energie zlep‰ením pomûru v˘kon/proud Proporciální zesílení ENA [ENA prop. gain] Nastavení proporcionálního zesílení slouÏí pro zachování kompromisu mezi sníÏením spotfieby elektrické energie (a/nebo kolísáním odbûru proudu ze sítû) a mechanick˘m namáháním, které zpÛsobuje ojnice. Úspory elektrické energie vznikají sníÏením kolísání odebíraného proudu ze sítû za zv˘‰ení hodnoty proudu pfii zachování stejné prÛmûrné otáãivé rychlosti. Integraãní zesílení ENA [ENA integral gain] Nastavení integraãního zesílení slouÏí pro vyhlazení ss napûtí meziobvodu frekvenãního mûniãe. Motor ãerpadla s frekvenãním mûniãem bez brzdného rezistoru uveìte do chodu s mal˘m proporcionálním a integraãním zesílením (proporcionální 25 % a integraãní 10 %) z dÛvodu zabránûní zablokování mûniãe s hlá‰ením pfiepûtí v ss meziobvodu. Provûfite, zda je toto nastavení optimální. Doporuãení pro nastavení za provozu: • Zabránûní vzniku pfiepûtí ve ss meziobvodu bez brzdného rezistoru: Monitorujte otáãky stroje na grafickém obsluÏném terminálu. SniÏujte hodnotu integraãního zesílení do okamÏiku poklesu otáãek stroje. Po dosaÏení tohoto bodu opût integraãní zesílení pomalu zvy‰ujte, aÏ do okamÏiku stabilizace otáãek. Pomocí grafického obsluÏného terminálu nebo osciloskopu provûfite stabilitu napûtí ss meziobvodu. • Úspory elektrické energie: Plynul˘m sniÏováním proporcionálního zesílení lze zv˘‰it úspory elektrické energie sníÏením maximální hodnoty proudu, odebíraného ze sítû. To má v‰ak za následek zv˘‰ení kolísání otáãek a mechanického namáhání. Snaha je proto najít kompromisní nastavení, které umoÏní úspory energie pfii minimálním mechanickém namáhání. Po sníÏení proporcionálního zesílení se mÛÏe ukázat potfieba opûtné úpravy nastavení integraãního zesílení z hlediska pfiepûtí ve ss meziobvodu. Poznámka: Po nastavení zkontrolujte, zda se ãerpadlo fiádnû rozbíhá. SníÏení integraãního zesílení mÛÏe mít za následek sníÏení zábûrného momentu pfii rozbûhu. Pomûr pfievodu [Reduction ratio] Tento parametr umoÏÀuje zákaznické zobrazení rychlosti stroje (napfi. poãet pohybÛ pístu ãerpadla za minutu), která odpovídá otáãkám motoru pfied pfievodovkou prostfiednictvím grafického terminálu. 75 Kód funkce nO YES q Rozsah nastavení v v Tovární nastavení [No] (nO) M ENA systém [ENA system] EnA GPE Název funkce/popis Beam pumps Sub-menu 1.4 – Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaven typ fiízení [Control type] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení napûÈové [SVC V] (UUC), viz stranu 67. [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní. M Proporciální zesílení ENA [ENA prop.gain] (1) 1 aÏ 9 999 250 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaveno ENA Systém [ENA system] (EnA) = [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní GIE M Integraãní zesílení ENA [ENA integral gain] (1) 0 aÏ 9 999 100 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaveno ENA Systém [ENA system] (EnA) = [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní rAP M Pomûr pfievodu [Reduction ratio] (1) 10,0 aÏ 999,9 10 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaveno ENA Systém [ENA system] (EnA) = [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní (1) Parametry jsou také pfiístupné v menu nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-). Parametry lze modifikovat v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe i za chodu motoru. 76 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce OFI nO YES Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [No] (nO) M Sinusov˘ filtr [Sinus filter] v [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. v [Yes] (YES): PouÏití sinusového filtru – zpÛsobí omezení pfiepûtí na v˘stupu frekvenãního mûniãe a motoru, sníÏení zemního unikajícího proudu. Poznámka: Je-li sinusov˘ filtr [Sinus filter] (OFI) = [Yes] (YES): PouÏití sinusového filtru, musí b˘t nastaven typ fiízení (viz stranu 67) jako [V/F 2 pts] (UF2) nebo [V/F 5 pts] (UF5) nebo [SVC V] (UUC) a maximální frekvence [Max frequency] (tFr) nesmí pfiekroãit 100 Hz. M Spínací frekvence [Spínací frekvence] [Switching freq.] SFr (1) 1 aÏ 16 kHz 2,5 kHz nebo 4 kHz dle tipové velikosti mûniãe SlouÏí pro nastavení spínací frekvence. Poznámka: v pfiípadû zv˘‰ení teploty mûniãe vlivem spínacích ztrát dojde k automatickému sníÏení spínací frekvence s návratem na pÛvodnû nastavenou hodnotu po ochlazení mûniãe. Nastavení za chodu motoru: – Pokud je poãáteãní hodnota men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, není ji moÏné za chodu zv˘‰it nad 1,9 kHz. – Pokud je poãáteãní hodnota vût‰í, nebo rovna 2 kHz, nelze ji sníÏit pod hodnotu 2 kHz. Nastavení v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe: Bez omezení. Pokud je spínací frekvence nastavena na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, je rozsah hodnot proudového omezení a proudového omezení 2 limitován hodnotou 1,36 In, viz stranu 57. Pokud je aktivována funkce sinusov˘ filtr (viz v˘‰e), tovární nastavení spínací frekvence se zmûní na 4 kHz bez ohledu na typovou velikost mûniãe a rozsah nastavení spínací frekvence se zmen‰í na 4 aÏ 16 kHz. M Proudové omezení [Proudové omezení] [Current Limitation] CLI (1) 0 aÏ 1,65 In (2) 1,5 In (2) SlouÏí pro nastavení omezení proudu motoru. Pokud je spínací frekvence (viz v˘‰e) nastavena na hodnotu men‰í neÏ 2 kHz, je rozsah nastavení proudového omezení limitován hodnotou 1,36 In. Poznámka: Pfii nastavení hodnoty proudového omezení men‰í neÏ 0,25 In se mÛÏe frekvenãní mûniã zablokovat pfii hlá‰ení poruchy v˘padek v˘stupní fáze [Output Phase Loss] (OPF), pokud je hlá‰ení této poruchy povoleno, viz stranu 201. Nastavení niωí hodnoty proudového omezení, neÏ je hodnota proudu motoru bez zatíÏení, nemá v˘znam. nrd nO YES M Tich˘ provoz motoru [Tich˘ provoz motoru] [Noise reduction] v [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. v [Yes] (YES): Tich˘ provoz s náhodn˘m rozmítáním vzorkovací frekvence. [Yes] (YES) Náhodné rozmítání vzorkovací frekvence umoÏÀuje provoz bez akustick˘ch rezonancí v aplikacích, které vyÏadují tich˘ provoz, napfi. v budovách a divadelní technice. M Omezení napûÈového namáhání izolace motoru [Omezení namáhání izolace] [Motor surge limit.] SUL nO YES SOP v v [No] (nO) Aktivace funkce zpÛsobí omezení pfiepûÈov˘ch ‰piãek na v˘stupu mûniãe. PouÏití funkce je vhodné pro aplikace: – motory v krytí NEMA – japonské motory – vfietenové motory – pfievinuté motory [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní. Doporuãuje se ponechat nastavení omezení napûÈového namáhání izolace motoru = [No] (nO), pokud je na v˘stupu mûniãe pouÏit sinusov˘ filtr nebo pro motory 230/400 V, provozované na napûtí 3 x 230 V, nebo pokud délka kabelu mezi motorem a frekvenãním mûniãem nepfiekroãí: – 4 m stínûného kabelu – 10 m nestínûného kabelu M Útlumová ãasová konstanta[Útlumová ãas. konst.] [Volt surge limit. opt] 10 μs Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastaveno omezení napûÈového namáhání izolace motoru [Motor surge limit.] (SuL) = [Yes] (YES: Funkce aktivní. Nastavte hodnotu 6, 8 nebo 10 μs, viz tabulku na následující stranû. (1) Parametr je pfiístupn˘ také v submenu 1.3 nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) (2) In je jmenovit˘ proud frekvenãního mûniãe. Hodnotu In naleznete v katalogu ATV 71 nebo na typovém ‰títku frekvenãního mûniãe. 77 Parametry lze modifikovat v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe i za chodu motoru. Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Hodnota nastavení útlumové ãasové konstanty [Útlumová ãas. konst.] (SOP) odpovídá ãasové konstantû útlumu daného kabelu. Funkce omezuje pfiepûtí na nejv˘‰e dvojnásobek jmenovitého napûtí ss meziobvodu potlaãením superpozice odraÏen˘ch napûtí, zpÛsoben˘ch velkou délkou kabelÛ. NíÏe uvedená tabulka uvádí nastavení parametru SOP pro maximální délku kabelÛ mezi frekvenãním mûniãem a motorem. Pro del‰í kabely je nutné pouÏít filtr dU/dt nebo sinusov˘ filtr. • Pro paralelnû zapojené motory se musí uvaÏovat s celkovou délkou kabelÛ. Vyberte typ frekvenãního mûniãe, jehoÏ v˘stupní proud je vût‰í nebo roven souãtu proudÛ paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ. Pro dan˘ typ frekvenãního mûniãe naleznûte v tabulce hodnotu celkové délky kabelÛ. Tuto celkovou délku vydûlte poãtem motorÛ – získáte tak max. délku kabelu ke kaÏdému motoru. Pfiíklad: napájení dvou paralelnû zapojen˘ch motorÛ o v˘konu 7,5 kW, které jsou vzdáleny 30 m od frekvenãního mûniãe. Dle souãtu proudÛ motorÛ vyhoví 15 kW frekvenãní mûniã typu ATV71HD15N4. Z tabulky v fiádku 15 kW vybereme délku kabelu 60, resp . ve stínûném provedení 70 m, pro hodnotu nastavení parametru SOP 8 μs. UPOZORNùNÍ: Pro zachování dobr˘ch technick˘ch parametrÛ nezvy‰ujte bezdÛvodnû hodnotu nastavení útlumové ãasové konstanty. Tabulky vztahu mezi maximální délkou v˘stupního kabelu a nastavením parametru SOP pro napájecí napûtí 400 V Altivar 71 Typové oznaãení Motor V˘kon ATV71H075N4 ATV71HU15N4 ATV71HU22N4 ATV71HU30N4 ATV71HU40N4 ATV71HU55N4 ATV71HU75N4 ATV71HD11N4 ATV71HD15N4 ATV71HD18N4 ATV71HD22N4 ATV71HD30N4 ATV71HD37N4 ATV71HD45N4 ATV71HD55N4 ATV71HD75N4 kW 0,75 1,5 2,2 3 4 5,5 7,5 11 15 18,5 22 30 37 45 55 75 Altivar 71 Typové oznaãení Motor V˘kon ATV71H075N4 ATV71HU15N4 ATV71HU22N4 ATV71HU30N4 ATV71HU40N4 ATV71HU55N4 ATV71HU75N4 ATV71HD11N4 ATV71HD15N4 ATV71HD18N4 ATV71HD22N4 ATV71HD30N4 ATV71HD37N4 ATV71HD45N4 ATV71HD55N4 ATV71HD75N4 kW 0,75 1,5 2,2 3 4 5,5 7,5 11 15 18,5 22 30 37 45 55 75 PrÛfiez kabelu HP 1 2 3 – 5 7,5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 v mm2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,5 2,5 6 10 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 AWG 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 8 8 6 4 5 0 2/0 4/0 PrÛfiez kabelu HP 1 2 3 5 7,5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 v mm2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,5 2,5 6 10 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 AWG 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 8 8 6 4 5 0 2/0 4/0 Maximální délka kabelu v m Nestínûn˘ kabel „GORSE“ typ H07 RN-F 4Gxx SOP = 10 SOP = 8 SOP = 6 100 m 70 m 45 m 100 m 70 m 45 m 110 m 65 m 45 m 110 m 65 m 45 m 110 m 65 m 45 m 120 m 65 m 45 m 120 m 65 m 45 m 115 m 60 m 45 m 105 m 60 m 40 m 115 m 60 m 35 m 150 m 60 m 40 m 150 m 55 m 35 m 200 m 65 m 50 m 200 m 55 m 30 m 200 m 50 m 25 m 200 m 45 m 25 m Maximální délka kabelu v m Nestínûn˘ kabel „GORSE“ typ H07 RN-F 4Gxx SOP = 10 SOP = 8 SOP = 6 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 50 m 40 m 30 m Stínûn˘ kabel „GORSE“ typ GVCSTV-LS/H SOP = 10 SOP = 8 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 105 m 85 m 100 m 75 m 100 m 70 m 150 m 75 m 150 m 70 m 150 m 70 m 150 m 70 m 150 m 60 m 150 m 55 m 150 m 55 m SOP = 6 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 55 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 40 m 30 m 30 m Stínûn˘ kabel „GORSE“ typ GVCSTV-LS/H SOP = 10 SOP = 8 SOP = 6 75 m 75 m 75 m 75 m 75 m 75 m 40 m 40 m 40 m 40 m 30 m 30 m 25 m 25 m 25 m 25 m 15 m 15 m POZNÁMKA: Pro motory 400/230 V provozované pfii napûtí 230 V funkci omezení napûÈového namáhání izolace motoru vypnûte. 78 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce Název funkce/Popis Rozsah nastavení M Prahová hodnota napûtí pro sepnutí brzdného spínaãe [U brzdného spínaãe] [Braking level] Ubr Tovární nastavení (1) Prahová hodnota ss napûtí v meziobvodu pro sepnutí brzdného spínaãe a pfiipojení brzdného rezistoru. ATV71ppppM3p: Tovární nastavení 395 V. ATV71ppppN4: Tovární nastavení 785 V. Rozsah nastavení závisí na rozsahu napájecího napûtí frekvenãního mûniãe a na nastavení parametru síÈové napûtí [SíÈové napûtí] (UrES), viz stranu 205. bbA nO YES M Rozdûlení brzdného v˘konu [Rozdûlení brzdného v˘konu] [No] (nO) [Braking balance] v [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. v [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní. SlouÏí pro rovnomûrné rozdûlení brzdného v˘konu pro frekvenãní mûniãe, propojené prostfiednictvím ss meziobvodÛ. Nastavení prahové hodnoty napûtí pro sepnutí brzdného spínaãe, musí b˘t pro v‰echny mûniãe nastavené stejné. Aktivace funkce je moÏná pouze v pfiípadû, je-li automatické prodlouÏení doby dobûhu pfii pfiíli‰ intenzivním brzdûní vypnuto, viz stranu 127. M Rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ [Rozdûlení zatíÏení] [Load sharing] LbA nO YES LbC v v [No] (nO) SlouÏí pro zlep‰ení rozdûlení zatíÏení mezi dva mechanicky propojené motory, napájené samostatn˘mi frekvenãními mûniãi. [No] (nO): Funkce neaktivní. [Yes] (YES): Funkce aktivní. Parametr je pfiístupn˘ pouze v pfiípadû, je-li nastaven jin˘ typ fiízení [Typ fiízení] (Ctt) neÏ vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). (1) M Koeficient rozdûlení zatíÏení [Koeficient rozdûlení] [Load correction] 0 aÏ 1000 Hz 0 Jmenovitá hodnota korekce v Hz pro dosaÏení rozdûlení zatíÏení. Parametr je pfiístupn˘ pouze v pfiípadû, je-li rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ aktivní [Load sharing] (LbA) = [Yes] (YES). Moment LbC Jmenovit˘ moment 0 Jmenovit˘ moment Frekvence LbC (1) Dle rozsahu napájecího napûtí frekvenãního mûniãe. (2) Parametr je pfiístupn˘ také v submenu 1.3 nastavení [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-). 79 Parametry lze modifikovat v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe i za chodu motoru. Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ, parametry pfiístupné v úrovni EXPERT Princip Îádaná hodnota momentu Îádaná hodnota otáãek Rampa + Otáãková smyãka - Koeficient rozdûlení LBC LBC1 LBC2 LBC3 Filtr LBF Koeficient rozdûlení K je dán souãinem koeficientu otáãek K1 a momentu K2 (K = K1 x K2). K1 1 Otáãky LBC1 LBC2 K2 LBC LBC3 LBC3 Moment Jmenovit˘ moment x (1 + LBC3) LBC 80 Submenu 1.4 - Parametry motoru [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) Kód funkce LbC1 Název funkce/Popis M Korekce na minimálních otáãkách [Korekce min. otáãky] [Correction min spd] Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení 0 aÏ 999,9 Hz 0 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ aktivní. SlouÏí pro nastavení minimální hodnoty otáãek, od které je provádûna korekce otáãek Korekce není provádûna pod tuto hodnotu. PouÏívá se pro omezení korekce na velmi mal˘ch otáãkách, která mÛÏe zabránit otáãení motoru. LbC2 M Korekce na maximálních otáãkách [Korekce max. otáãky] [Correction max spd] 0 aÏ 999,9 Hz 0,1 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ aktivní. SlouÏí pro nastavení maximální hodnoty otáãek, nad kterou je pouÏita maximální hodnota koeficientu rozdûlení zatíÏení. LbC3 M Momentov˘ ofset [Momentov˘ ofset] [Torque offset] 0 aÏ 300 % 0% Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ aktivní. Minimální moment pro rozdûlení zatíÏení v % jmenovitého v˘konu otáãek. Korekce není provádûna pod tuto hodnotu. SlouÏí pro odstranûní nestabilit, není-li smûr pÛsobení momentu konstantní. LbF M Korekãní filtr [Korekãní filtr] [Sharing filter] 100 ms aÏ 20 s 100 ms Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ aktivní. âasová konstanta filtru v ms. SlouÏí pro odstranûní nestability v pfiípadû, je-li mechanické svázání motorÛ pruÏné. 81 Parametry lze modifikovat v zablokovaném stavu frekvenãního mûniãe i za chodu motoru. Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Pfiístup prostfiednictvím grafického obsluÏného terminálu: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick ENT Quick RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG 2/3 wire control 2 wire type Reverse assign. LI1 CONFIGURATION LIx CONFIGURATION Code << >> Quick Pfiístup prostfiednictvím vestavûného obsluÏného terminálu: Pfiipojení k napájení XXX Zobrazení stavu mûniãe ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC SIM- I-O- ENT INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG ESC CtL- LAC- 82 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce tCC 2C 3C Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení M Volba 2vodiãového nebo 3vodiãového ovládání [2/3 vodiãové ovládání] [2/3 wire control] v [2 vodiãové] (2C) 2vodiãové ovládání. v [3 vodiãové] (3C) 3vodiãové ovládání. Tovární nastavení [2vodiãové] (2C) [2 wire] (2C) 2vodiãové ovládání – ovládání trvalou úrovní signálu nebo hranou signálu: funkce chod vpfied, resp. chod vzad, je aktivní, pokud je pfiíslu‰n˘ logick˘ vstup uveden do stavu log. 1 . Pfiíklad zapojení: ATV 71 +24 LI1 LIx LI1: chod vpfied LIx: chod vzad 3vodiãové ovládání – ovládání impulzem: funkce chod vpfied, resp. chod vzad, je aktivována krátkodob˘m uvedením pfiíslu‰ného logického vstupu do úrovnû log. 1. Aktivace pfiíslu‰né funkce se zru‰í (stop) krátkodob˘m uvedením logického vstupu LI1 do úrovnû log. 0. Pfiíklad zapojení: ATV 71 +24 LI1 LI2 LIx LI1: stop LI2: chod vpfied LIx: chod vzad UPOZORNùNÍ Pro zmûnu nastavení parametru volba 2vodiãového nebo 3vodiãového ovládání stlaãte klávesu „ENT“ minimálnû po dobu 2 s. Parametr typ 2vodiãového ovládání [2vodiãové - typ] [2 wire type] (tCt), viz stranu 82, a v‰echny funkce, které ovlivÀují logické vstupy, se vrátí do továrního nastavení! Do továrního nastavení se vrátí také v‰echny zmûny provedené ve zvolené makrokonfiguraci (Ztráta v‰ech proveden˘ch úprav makrokonfigurace). 2vodiãové nebo 3vodiãové ovládání se doporuãuje zvolit pfied konfigurací menu 1.6 ¤ízení (CtL-) a 1.7 Aplikaãní funkce (FUn-). Zabezpeãte zmûnu/ovûfite zapojení logick˘ch vstupÛ pro zvolené ovládání. M Typ 2vodiãového ovládání [2 vodiãové typ] [2 wire type] tCt [Hrana signálu] (trn) [Transition] (trn) LEL trn v [Level] (LEL): Logická úroveÀ 1 nebo 0 na pfiíslu‰ném logickém vstupu znamená chod nebo zastavení. v [Transition] (trn): Aby se zabránilo náhodn˘m restartÛm po pfieru‰ení napájení, resp. poru‰e, je pro PFO v [Fwd priority] (PFO): Logická úroveÀ 1 nebo 0 na pfiíslu‰ném vstupu znamená chod nebo zastavení, ale inicializaci ãinnosti – povelu pro chod potfiebná zmûna stavu signálu (pfiechod nebo hrana). vstup „chod vpfied“ má vÏdy prioritu vÛãi vstupu „chod vzad“. rrS nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [LI2] (LI2) M [Konfigurace funkce chod vzad.] [Konfig. chod vzad.] [Reverse assign.] v [No] (nO): Funkce není aktivní v [LI1] (LI1) aÏ [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) aÏ [LI10] (LI10): Je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏeno pfiíslu‰enství – deska roz‰ífiení V/V, typové oznaãení VW3A3201. v [LI11] (LI11) aÏ [LI14] (LI14): Je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏeno pfiíslu‰enství – deska roz‰ífiení V/V, typové oznaãení VW3A3202. v v v v v v [C101] (C101) aÏ [C115] (C115): Pfii ovládání prostfiednictvím integrované komunikaãní linky Modbus. [C201] (C201) aÏ [C215] (C215): Pfii ovládání prostfiednictvím integrované komunikaãní linky CANopen. [C301] (C301) aÏ [C315] (C315): Pfii pouÏití pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací komunikaãní desky. [C401] (C401) aÏ [C415] (C415): Pfii pouÏití pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací deska s PLC. [CD00] (Cd00) aÏ [CD13] (Cd13): [CD14] (Cd14) aÏ [CD15] (Cd15): Konfigurace funkce vchod vzad. 83 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b L1- Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace LI1] [LI1 CONFIGURATION] M Zobrazení funkcí logického vstupu LI1 [Zobrazení funkcí LI1] [LI1 assignment] L1A Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je logick˘ vstup LI1 konfigurován. M ZpoÏdûní aktivace logického vstupu LI1 [ZpoÏdûní aktivace LI1] [LI1 On Delay] L1d 0 aÏ 200 ms 0 Parametr slouÏí pro nastavení zpoÏdûní pfii pfiechodu logického vstupu LI1 z úrovnû log. 0 do log. 1. ZpoÏdûní slouÏí pro filtraci pfiípadného ru‰ení, lze nastavit v rozmezí od 0 do 200 ms. Pfiechod z úrovnû log. 1 do log. 0 není zpoÏdûn. UPOZORNùNÍ NEOâEKÁVANÁ FUNKCE ZA¤ÍZENÍ Provûfite, zda nemÛÏe nastavení zpÛsobit sníÏení bezpeãnosti zafiízení. Pofiadí, ve kterém jsou aktivovány jednotlivé logické vstupy mÛÏe b˘t ovlivnûno individuálním nastavením zpoÏdûní jejich aktivace. L-- b [Konfigurace LIx] [LIx CONFIGURATION] U v‰ech dostupn˘ch logick˘ch vstupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe lze zobrazit jejich funkce a nastavit zpoÏdûní jejich aktivace (viz parametry, které se vztahují k LI1). Maximální poãet logick˘ch vstupÛ frekvenãního mûniãe závisí na pouÏitém pfiíslu‰enství – typ pfiídavn˘ch desek. 84 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Konfigurace analogov˘ch vstupÛ a frekvenãního vstupu Hodnoty vstupního signálu (ve V, mA, Hz) jsou vztaÏeny k % Ïádané hodnoty. Minimální a maximální Ïádaná hodnota: Minimální a maximální Ïádaná hodnota odpovídá nastavitelné hodnotû signálu na vstupu. Je také moÏné nastavit pro maximální Ïádanou hodnotu hodnotu vstupního signálu men‰í neÏ pro minimální Ïádanou hodnotu – viz obrázek vpravo. Îádaná hodnota Îádaná hodnota 100 % 100 % NapûÈov˘, proudov˘ nebo frekvenãní vstup NapûÈov˘, proudov˘ nebo frekvenãní vstup 0% 0% [Min. hodnota] (CrLx nebo ULx nebo PIL) [Min. hodnota] [Max. hodnota] 20 mA nebo (CrLx nebo (CrHx nebo 10 V nebo ULx nebo PIL) UHx nebo PFr) 30 kHz [Max. hodnota] (CrHx nebo UHx nebo PFr) 20 mA nebo 10 V nebo 30 kHz Pro bipolární vstupy jsou minimální a maximální Ïádaná hodnota uvaÏovány v absolutní hodnotû: pfiíklad +/- 2 aÏ 8 V. Záporná minimální hodnota pro frekvenãní vstup: Îádaná hodnota 100 % -30,00 [Min. hodnota] 0% [Max. hodnota] (PIL) (PFr) kHz 30,00 kHz Frekvenãní vstup Rozsah Ïádané hodnoty: pouze pro analogové vstupy Tento parametr slouÏí pro nastavení rozsahu Ïádané hodnoty, kter˘ lze nastavit 0 aÏ 100 % nebo -100 % aÏ 100 %. Takto lze pouÏitím klasického unipolárního vstupu zadávat Ïádanou hodnotu v obou polaritách. Îádaná hodnota Îádaná hodnota 100 % 100 % Proudov˘ nebo napûÈov˘ vstup Proudov˘ nebo napûÈov˘ vstup [Min. hodnota] 0% 0% [Min. hodnota] [Max. hodnota] Rozsah nastavení 0 aÏ 100 % 20 mA nebo 10 V [Max. hodnota] 20 mA nebo 10 V - 100 % Rozsah nastavení - 100 % V + 100 % 85 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce bSP bSd Název funkce/Popis Rozsah nastavení M PrÛbûh Ïádané hodnoty v závislosti na vstupním signálu [PrÛbûh Ïádané hodnoty] [Reference template] v [Standardní] [Standard] (bSd) Tovární nastavení [Standardní] (bSd) Pfii nulovém signálu Ïádané hodnoty je v˘stupní frekvence rovna LSP Frekvence HSP LSP -100 % 0% LSP Îádaná +100 % hodnota HSP bLS v [Pedestal] [Pedestal] (bLS) Pfii signálu Ïádané hodnoty od 0 do LSP je Ïádaná hodnota frekvence rovna LSP Frekvence HSP -100 % LSP Îádaná +100 % hodnota LSP HSP v [Mrtvé pásmo] [Deadband] (bnS) bnS Pfii signálu Ïádané hodnoty od 0 do LSP je Ïádaná hodnota frekvence nulová Frekvence HSP -100 % LSP 0 LSP Îádaná +100 % hodnota HSP v [Mrtvé pásmo 0] [Deadband 0] (bnS0) Frekvence bnS0 HSP -100 % LSP 0% LSP HSP +100 % Îádaná Stejné jako [Standardní] (bSd) kromû následujících pfiípadÛ, kdy je pro nulovou hodnotu signálu Ïádané hodnoty také Ïádaná nulová: • Signál je men‰í neÏ [Minimální hodnota], která je vût‰í neÏ 0 (pfiíklad 1 V pro vstup konfigurovan˘ 2 aÏ 10 V). • Signál je vût‰í neÏ [Minimální hodnota], která je vût‰í neÏ [Maximální hodnota]. (Pfiíklad 11 V pro vstup konfigurovan˘ 10 aÏ 0 V). Pokud je analogov˘ vstup konfigurován jako bipolární, prÛbûh Ïádané hodnoty zÛstává [Standardní] (bSd). Tyto parametry definují prÛbûh Ïádané hodnoty v˘stupní frekvence v závislosti na vstupním signálu na analogov˘ch vstupech a frekvenãním vstupu. Nesouvisí s Ïádanou hodnotou regulované veliãiny v pfiípadû pouÏití PID regulátoru. Omezení jsou nastavena pomocí parametrÛ [Nízké otáãky] (LSP) a [Vysoké otáãky] (HSP), viz stranu 40. 86 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Nelineární zadávání Ïádané hodnoty: pouze pro analogové vstupy Závislost mezi vstupním signálem a Ïádanou hodnotou v˘stupní frekvence lze upravit konfigurací bodu, kter˘ se nachází uvnitfi intervalu Ïádané hodnoty: Pro rozsah Ïádané hodnoty 0 aÏ 100 % Îádaná hodnota 100 % NapûÈov˘ nebo proudov˘ analogov˘ vstup [VloÏen˘ bod Y] 0% [Min, hodnota] (0 %) [VloÏen˘ bod X] [Max. hodnota] 20 mA (100 %) nebo 10 V Pro rozsah Ïádané hodnoty 0 aÏ 100 % Îádaná hodnota 100 % [VloÏen˘ bod Y] [Min. hodnota] - [VloÏen˘ bod X] (- 100 %) 0% 0 % [VloÏen˘ bod X] [VloÏen˘ bod Y] - 100 % 87 [Max. hodnota] 20 mA nebo 10 V NapûÈov˘ nebo proudov˘ analogov˘ vstup Sub-menu 1.5 – Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b AI1 - Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace AI1] [AI1 CONFIGURATION] M Zobrazení funkcí analogového vstupu AI1 [Zobrazení funkcí AI1] [AI1assignment] AI1A Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je analogov˘ vstup AI1 konfigurován. [Voltage] (10U) M Typ analogového vstupu AI1 [Typ vstupu AI1] [AI1 Type] AI1t Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení.. 10U v [NapûÈov˘] [Voltage] (10U) UIL1 M Velikost signálu na AI1 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI1] [AI1 min value] 0 aÏ 10 V 0V UIH1 M Velikost signálu na AI1 odpovídající 100% Ïádané hodnoty [Max. hodnota AI1] [AI1 max value] 0 aÏ 10 V 10 V AI1F M Filtr AI1 [Filtr AI1] [AI1 filter] 0 aÏ 10 s 0s 0 aÏ 100 % 0% Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. AI1E M Soufiadnice X vloÏeného bodu AI1 [AI1vloÏen˘ bod X] [AI1 Interm. point X] X soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. 0 % odpovídá [Min. hodnota AI1] (UIL1). 100 % odpovídá [Max. hodnota AI1] (UIH1). AI1S M Soufiadnice Y vloÏeného bodu AI1 [AI1vloÏen˘ bod Y] [AI1 Interm. point Y] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% Y soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. 88 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b AI2- Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace AI2] [AI2 CONFIGURATION] M Zobrazení funkcí analogového vstupu AI2 [AI2 assignment] AI2A Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je analogov˘ vstup AI2 konfigurován. AI2t 10U 0A CrL2 M Typ analogového vstupu AI2 [Typ vstupu AI2] [AI2 Type] v [NapûÈov˘] [Voltage](10U): NapûÈov˘ vstup. v [Proudov˘] [Current] (0 A): Proudov˘ vstup. M Velikost proudového signálu na AI2 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI2] [AI2 min. value] 0 aÏ 20 mA [Proudov˘] (0 A) 0 mA Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI2] (AI2t) = [Proudov˘] (0 A) UIL2 M Velikost napûÈového signálu na AI2 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI2] [AI2 min. value] 0 aÏ 10 V 0V Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI2] (AI2t) = [Napûtov˘] (10U) CrH2 M Velikost proudového signálu na AI2 odpovídající 100 % Ïádané hodnoty [Max. hodnota AI2] [AI2 max. value] 0 aÏ 20 mA 20 mA Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI2] (AI2t) = [Proudov˘] (0 A) UIH2 M Velikost napûÈového signálu na AI2 odpovídající 100 % Ïádané hodnoty [Max. hodnota AI2] [AI2 max. value] 0 aÏ 10 V 10 V Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI2] (AI2t) = [Napûtov˘] (10U) M Filtr AI2 [Filtr AI2] [AI2 filter] AI2F 0 aÏ 10 s 0s Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. AI2L POS nEG M Rozsah Ïádané hodnoty, zadávané prostfiednictvím AI2 [Rozsah AI2] [AI2 range] v [0 - 100%] (POS): Unipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. v [+/- 100%] (nEG): Bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. [0 - 100 %] (POS) Pfiíklad bipolární Ïádané hodnoty pro napûÈov˘ vstup 0 aÏ 10 V: – 0 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence -100 % – 5 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence 0 % – 10 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence +100 % AI2E M Soufiadnice X vloÏeného bodu AI2 [AI2 vloÏen˘ bod] [AI2 Interm. point X] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% X soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu • 0 % odpovídá [Min. hodnota AI2] (UIL2) pro unipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty • 0 % odpovídá [Max. hodnota] + [Min. hodnota] pro bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty - 100 % aÏ +100 %. 2 • 100 % odpovídá [Max. hodnota]. AI2S M Soufiadnice Y vloÏeného bodu AI2 [AI2 vloÏen˘ bod Y] [AI2 Interm. point Y] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% Y soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. 89 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b AI3- Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace AI3] [AI3 CONFIGURATION] Parametr je pfiístupn˘, pokud je pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací deska V/V typu VW3A3202 M Typ analogového vstupu AI3 [AI3 assignment] AI3A Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je analogov˘ vstup AI3 konfigurován. [Proudov˘] (0 A) M Zobrazení funkcí analogového vstupu AI3 [Zobrazení funkcí AI3] [AI3 Type] AI3t Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. 0A v [Proudov˘] [Current] (0 A): Proudov˘ vstup CrL3 M Velikost proudového signálu na AI3 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI3] [AI3 min. value] 0 aÏ 20 mA 0 mA CrH3 M Velikost proudového signálu na AI3 odpovídající 100% Ïádané hodnoty [Max. hodnota AI3] [AI3 max. value] 0 aÏ 20 mA 20 mA AI3F M Filtr AI3 [Filtr AI3] [AI3 filter] 0 aÏ 10 s 0s Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. AI3L POS nEG M Rozsah Ïádané hodnoty, zadávané prostfiednictvím AI3 [Rozsah AI3] [AI3 range] v [0 - 100%] (POS): Unipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty v [+/- 100%] (nEG): Bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty [0 - 100 %] (POS) Pfiíklad: Bipolární Ïádané hodnoty pro proudov˘ vstup 4 aÏ 20 mA: – 4 mA odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence -100 % – 12 mA odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence 0 % – 20 mA odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence +100 % ProtoÏe analogov˘ vstup je fyzicky bipolární (diferenãní), lze bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty [-100 aÏ 100 %] (nEG) uplatnit pouze v pfiípadû pro unipolární vstupní signál. Bipolární vstupní signál není kompatibilní s bipolárním rozsahem Ïádané hodnoty. AI3E M Soufiadnice X vloÏeného bodu AI3 [AI3 vloÏen˘ bod X] [AI3 Interm. point X] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% X soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. • 0 % odpovídá [Min. hodnota ] (CrL3) pro unipolarni rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. • 0 % odpovídá [Max hodnota ] (CrH3) - [AI3 Min hodnota ] (CrL3) pro bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. 2 • 100 % odpovídá [Max hodnota ] (CrH3). AI3S M Soufiadnice Y vloÏeného bodu AI3 [AI3 vloÏen˘ bod Y] [AI3 Interm. point Y] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% Y soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. 90 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b AI4- Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace AI4] [AI4 CONFIGURATION] Parametr je pfiístupn˘, pokud je pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství - roz‰ifiovací deska V/V typu VW3A3202 M Zobrazení funkcí analogového vstupu AI4 [Zobrazení funkcí AI4] [AI4 assignment] AI4A Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je analogov˘ vstup AI4 konfigurován. AI4t 10U 0A CrL4 M Typ analogového vstupu AI4 [Typ vstupu AI4] [AI4 Type] v [NapûÈov˘] [Voltage] (10U): NapûÈov˘ vstup v [Proudov˘] [Current] (0 A): Proudov˘ vstup M Velikost proudového signálu na AI40 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI4] [AI4 min value] 0 aÏ 20 mA [Proudov˘] (0 A) 0 mA Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI4] (AI4t) = [Proudov˘] (0 A) UIL4 M Velikost napûÈového signálu na AI4 odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota AI4] [AI4 min value] 0 aÏ 10 V 0V Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI4] (AI4t) = [NapûÈov˘] (10U) CrH4 M Velikost proudového signálu na AI4 odpovídající 100% Ïádané hodnoty [AI4 max. value] 0 aÏ 20 mA 20 mA Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI4] (AI4t) = [Proudov˘] (0 A) UIH4 M Velikost napûÈového signálu na AI4 odpovídající 100% Ïádané hodnoty [AI4 max value] 0 aÏ 10 V 10 V Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li [Typ vstupu AI4] (AI4t) = [NapûÈov˘] (10U) M Filtr AI4 [Filtr AI4] [AI4 filter] AI4F 0 aÏ 10 s 0s Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. AI4L POS nEG M Rozsah Ïádané hodnoty, zadávané prostfiednictvím AI2 [Rozsah AI4] [AI4 range] v [0 - 100%] (POS): Unipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty v [+/- 100%] (nEG): Bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty [0 - 100 %] (POS) Pfiíklad: Bipolární Ïádané hodnoty pro napûÈov˘ vstup 0 aÏ 10 V: – 0 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence -100 % – 5 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence 0 % – 10 V odpovídá Ïádané hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence +100 % AI4E M Soufiadnice X vloÏeného bodu AI4 [AI4 vloÏen˘ bod X] [AI4 Interm.point X] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% X soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. • 0 % odpovídá [Min. hodnota] pro unipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. • 0 % odpovídá [Max hodnota ] (AI4) - [Min. hodnota ] (AI4) pro bipolární rozsah Ïádané hodnoty. 2 • 100 % odpovídá [Max. hodnota AI4] (UIH4) AI4S M Soufiadnice Y vloÏeného bodu AI4 [AI4 vloÏen˘ bod Y] [AI4 Interm.point Y] 0 aÏ 100 % 0% Y soufiadnice bodu pro vytvofiení nelineární závislosti Ïádané hodnoty na vstupním signálu. 91 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis b PLI- Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení [Konfigurace RP] [RP CONFIGURATION] Parametr je pfiístupn˘, pokud je pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací deska V/V typu VW3A3202 PIA M Zobrazení funkcí frekvenãního vstupu RP [Zobrazení funkcí RP] [RP assignment] Parametr slouÏí pouze pro ãtení. SlouÏí pro získání informace o v‰ech funkcích, pro které je analogov˘ vstup AI4 konfigurován. PIL M Hodnota frekvence na RP odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. hodnota RP] [RP min value] -30 aÏ 30 kHz 0 Hodnota vstupní frekvence, odpovídající minimální hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence. PFr M Hodnota frekvence na RP odpovídající 100 % Ïádané hodnoty [Max. hodnota RP] [RP max value] 0 aÏ 30 kHz 30 kHz Hodnota vstupní frekvence, odpovídající maximální hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence. PFI M Filtr RP [Filter RP] [RP filter] 0 aÏ 1 000 ms 0 Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. 92 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Konfigurace vstupu pro inkrementální snímaã, konfigurovan˘ jako vstup Ïádané hodnoty Frekvence impulzÛ nemá znaménko – informace o znaménku musí b˘t dána fiídicím signálem (napfiíklad logick˘ vstup). Minimální a maximální vstupní hodnoty Minimální a maximální vstupní hodnoty: Minimální a maximální Ïádaná hodnota odpovídá nastavitelné hodnotû signálu na vstupu. Je také moÏné nastavit pro maximální Ïádanou hodnotu hodnotu vstupního signálu men‰í neÏ pro minimální Ïádanou hodnotu – viz obrázek vpravo. Îádaná hodnota Îádaná hodnota 100 % 100 % Frekvenãní vstup Frekvenãní vstup 0 0 [Min. hodnota] [Max. hodnota] (EIL) (EFr) 300 kHz [Min. hodnota] [Max. hodnota] 300 kHz (EFr) (EIL) Îádaná hodnota 100 % [Min. hodnota] 0 (EIL) [Max. hodnota] (EFr) 300 kHz Frekvenãní vstup Îádaná hodnota pfii nulové frekvenci na frekvenãním vstupu mÛÏe b˘t získána nastavením záporné minimální hodnoty. 93 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Konfigurace inkrementálního snímaãe [Konfigurace IRC] [ENCODER CONFIGURATION] IEn- Parametr je pfiístupn˘, pokud je pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací deska pro inkrementální snímaã. Jednotlivé moÏnosti nastavení závisí na typu roz‰ifiovací desky pro inkrementální snímaã. EnS nO AAbb Ab A EnC nO YES dOnE M Volba pouÏití signálÛ inkrementálního snímaãe [Volba signálÛ IRC] [Encoder type] v v v v Konfiguraci je nutno provést v závislosti na typu desky a pouÏití inkrementálního snímaãe (1). [----] (nO): Inkrementální snímaã nepouÏit. [AABB] (AAbb): Pro signály A, A-, B, B-. [AB] (Ab): Pro signály A, B. [A] (A): Pro signál A. Hodnota není pfiístupná, pokud je nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe konfigurováno jako otáãková zpûtná vazba [Nastavení funkce IRC] (EnU) = [Otáãková ZV] (rEG). M Ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe [Encoder check] v v v [AABB] (AAbb) [Not done] (nO) Ovûfiení správné funkce inkrementálního snímaãe. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏena deska inkrementálního snímaãe (1). [Not done] (nO): Ovûfiení nebylo provedeno. [Yes] (YES): Aktivace ovûfiení inkrementálního snímaãe. [Done] (dOnE): Ovûfiení úspû‰nû provedeno – snímaã funkãní. Pfii ovûfiování je provádûna kontrola: – Správnosti smûru otáãení motoru vzhledem k inkrementálnímu snímaãi, – Pfiítomnosti v‰ech signálÛ (funkãnost vedení), – Poãtu impulzÛ na otáãku. V pfiípadû, Ïe nûkterá z kontrolovan˘ch podmínek není vyhovující, dojde k zablokování frekvenãního mûniãe s hlá‰ením poruchy [Porucha IRC] (EnF). 94 Sub-menu 1.5 – Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Konfigurace inkrementálního snímaãe (pokraãování) [Konfigurace IRC] [ENCODER CONFIGURATION] IEn- Parametr je pfiístupn˘, pokud je pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – roz‰ifiovací deska pro inkrementální snímaã Jednotlivé moÏnosti nastavení závisí na typu roz‰ifiovací desky pro inkrementální snímaã. M Nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe [Nastavení funkce IRC] [Encoder usage] EnU [Ne] (nO) Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li do frekvenãního mûniãe vloÏena deska inkrementálního snímaãe (1) nO SEC rEG v [Ne] (nO): Neaktivní. v [Monitorování otáãek] (SEC): Pouze pro úãely monitorování otáãek. v [Otáãková ZV] (rEG): Otáãková zpûtná vazba s regulací a monitorováním otáãek. Toto nastavení je PGr v aktivováno automaticky, pokud je zvolen typ fiízení [Typ fiízení] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení se zpûtnou vazbou [FVC] (FUC). Pokud je zvolen typ fiízení [Typ fiízení] (Ctt) = vektorové fiízení napûÈové [SVC U] (UUC), inkrementální snímaã pracuje jako zpûtnovazební snímaã otáãek a umoÏÀuje provádûní statické korekce otáãek. Toto nastavení není pfiístupné pro zb˘vající typy fiízení. [Îádaná hodnota otáãek] (PGr): Zadávání Ïádané hodnoty otáãek inkrementálním snímaãem. M Poãet impulzÛ na otáãku [Poãet impulzÛ] [Number of pulses] PGI 100 aÏ 5 000 1 024 Poãet impulzÛ inkrementálního snímaãe na otáãku. Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li pouÏita pfiídavná deska pro inkrementální snímaã. PGA EnC PtG EIL [IRC] (EnC) M ZpÛsob zadávání Ïádané hodnoty frekvence [ZpÛsob zadávání] [Reference type] v [IRC] [Encoder] (EnC): PouÏití inkrementálního snímaãe pro zadávání Ïádané hodnoty v˘stupní frekvence. v [Frekvence] [Freq. gen.] (PtG): Zadávání Ïádané hodnoty externím frekvenãním generátorem (Signál bez znaménka). M Hodnota frekvence odpovídající 0 % Ïádané hodnoty [Min. frekvence] [Freq. min. value] -300 aÏ 300 kHz 0 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe [Nastavení funkce IRC] (EnU) = [Îádaná hodnota otáãek] (PGr) a pokud je zpÛsob zadávání Ïádané hodnoty frekvence [ZpÛsob zadávání] (PGA) = [Frekvence] (PtG). Hodnota vstupní frekvence, odpovídající minimální hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence PFr M Hodnota frekvence odpovídající 100 % Ïádané hodnoty [Max. frekvence] [Freq. max value] 0 aÏ 300 kHz 300 kHz Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe [Nastavení funkce IRC] (EnU) = [Îádaná hodnota otáãek] (PGr) a pokud je zpÛsob zadávání Ïádané hodnoty frekvence [ZpÛsob zadávání] (PGA) = [Frekvence] (PtG). Hodnota vstupní frekvence, odpovídající maximální hodnotû v˘stupní frekvence. EFI M Filtr frekvenãního vstupu [Filtr IRC] [Freq. signal filter] 0 aÏ 1 000 ms 0 Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li nastavení funkce inkrementálního snímaãe [Nastavení funkce IRC] (EnU) = [Îádaná hodnota otáãek] (PGr). Filtrace ru‰iv˘ch signálÛ. 95 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Konfigurace relé R1 [Konfigurace R1] [R1 CONFIGURATION] r1- r1 nO FLt rUn FtA FLA CtA SrA tSA PEE PFA AP2 F2A tAd tS2 tS3 AtS CnF0 CnF1 CnF2 CFP1 CFP2 CFP3 dbL brS PrN NCP LSA AG1 AG2 AG3 P1A P2A PLA EFA USA UPA AnA tHA bSA bCA SSA rtA tJA bOA APA AP3 AP4 rdY [Bez poruchy] (FLt) M Konfigurace relé R1 [Funkce R1] [R1 Assignment] v [Ne] [No] (nO): Bez funkce v [Bez poruchy] [No drive flt] (FLt): Není porucha (Relé v sepnutém stavu. V pfiípadû poruchy relé rozepne.) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v [V chodu] [Drv running] (rUn): Pohon v chodu [DosaÏení frekvence] [Freq. Th. attain.] (FtA): DosaÏení prahové hodnoty frekvence [DosaÏení HSP] [HSP attain.] (FLA): DosaÏení vysok˘ch otáãek HSP [DosaÏení proudu] [I attained] (CtA): DosaÏení prahové hodnoty proudu [Îádané otáãky] [Freq.ref.att] (SrA): DosaÏeno shody Ïádané a skuteãné hodnoty otáãek [Teplota motoru 1] [Th.mot. att.] (tSA): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty 1 teploty motoru [! Reg. odchylka PID] [PID error al.] (PEE): Varování - regulaãní odchylka pfiekroãila nastavenou mez [! ZV PID] [PID fdbk al.] (PFA): Varování - signál zpûtné vazby mimo nastavené meze [! 4-20 mA AI2] [AI2 Al. 4-20] (AP2): Varování - pfieru‰ení proudové smyãky analogového vstupu AI2 [DosaÏení frekvence 2] [Freq. Th. 2 attain.] (F2A): DosaÏení prahové hodnoty frekvence 2 [Teplota mûniãe] [Th.drv.att.] (tAd): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty teploty mûniãe [Teplota motoru 2] [Th.mot2 att.] (tS2): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty 2 teploty motoru [Teplota motoru 3] [Th.mot3 att.] (tS3): DosaÏeno prahové hodnoty 3 teploty motoru [Generátor] [Neg Torque] (AtS): Motor v generátorickém reÏimu [Konfigurace 0] [Cnfg.0 act.] (CnF0): Konfigurace 0 aktivní [Konfigurace 1] [Cnfg.1 act.] (CnF1): Konfigurace 1 aktivní [Konfigurace 2] [Cnfg.2 act.] (CnF2): Konfigurace 2 aktivní [Sada par. 1] [Set 1 active] (CFP1): Sada parametrÛ 1 aktivní [Sada par. 2] [Set 2 active] (CFP2): Sada parametrÛ 2 aktivní [Sada par. 3] [Set 3 active] (CFP3): Sada parametrÛ 3 aktivní [Meziobvod OK] [DC charged] (dbL): ss meziobvod pfiipraven [Dyn. brzdûní] [In braking] (brS): Brzdûní ss proudem [Bezpeãnû odpojeno] [P. removed] (PRM): Mûniã zablokován vstupem pro Bezpeãné odpojení [Imotor > 0] [I present] (MCP): Motorem protéká proud [Koncov˘ spínaã] [Limit sw. att] (LSA): Aktivován koncov˘ spínaã [! Skupina 1] [Alarm Grp 1] (AGI): Aktivní 1. skupina varování [! Skupina 1] [Alarm Grp 2] (AG2): Aktivní 2. skupina varování [! Skupina 1] [Alarm Grp 3] (AG3): Aktivní 3. skupina varování [! PTC 1] [PTC1 alarm] (P1A): Varování – pfieroãení prahové hodnoty teploty 1 – PTC [! PTC 2] [PTC2 alarm] (P2A): Varování – pfieroãení prahové hodnoty teploty 2 – PTC [! PTC = LI6] [LI6=PTC al.] (PLA): LI6 = varování PTC [! Externí porucha] [Ext. fault al] (EFA): Varování – externí porucha [!! Podpûtí] [Under V. al.] (USA): Varování – podpûtí [! Podpûtí] [Underv. prev.] (UPA): PfiedbûÏné varování - podpûtí [! Skluz] [slipping al.] (AnA): Varování – skluz motoru [! Pfiehfiátí mûniãe] [Al. ˚C drv] (tHA): Varování – pfiehfiátí frekvenãního mûniãe [] [Load mvt al] (bSA): Varování [! Brzda] [Brk cont. al] (bCA): Varování – nesepnul pomocn˘ kontakt brzdy [! Momentové omezení] [Lim T/I att.] (SSA): Varování – dosaÏeno momentového omezení [! Regulace momentu] [Trq. ctrl. al.] (rtA): Varování – regulace momentu [! IGBT] [IGBT al.] (tJA): Varování - IGBT [! Rezistor KO] [Brake R. al.] (bOA): Varování – pfiehfiátí brzdného rezistoru [! Pfiíslu‰enství] [Option al] (APA): Varování – porucha pfiíslu‰enství - vestavûné PLC [! 4–20 mA AI3] [AI3 Al. 4-20] (AP3): Varování – pfieru‰ení proudové smyãky analogového vstupu AI2 [! 4–20 mA AI4] [AI4 Al. 4-20] (AP4): Varování – pfieru‰ení proudové smyãky analogového vstupu AI4 [Ready] [Ready] (rdY): Frekvenãní mûniã pfiipraven k ãinnosti 96 1.5 – Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Konfigurace relé R1 [R1 CONFIGURATION] (pokraãování) [Konfigurace R1] [R1 CONFIGURATION] M Nastavení doby reakce relé R1 [Doba reakce R1] [R1 Delay time] r1d 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud zaãne platit vyhodnocovaná podmínka, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí nastavené reakãní doby. Reakãní dobu nelze prodlouÏit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt): Není porucha. Hodnota reakãní doby zÛstává 0, tzn. stav bez poruchy je hlá‰en ihned. M Nastavení pozitivní / negativní logiky relé R1 [Logika relé R1] [R1 Active at] v [1]: Relé sepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno v [0]: Relé rozepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno r1S POS nEG [1] (1) Nelze zmûnit nastavení [1] (POS) pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt): Není porucha. (Pokud je frekvenãní mûniã napájen a není porucha, relé R1 je sepnuto.) M Nastavení doby zpoÏdûní relé R1 [Doba zpoÏdûní R1] [R1 Holding time] r1H 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud vyhodnocovaná podmínka pfiestane platit, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí doby zpoÏdûní. ZpoÏdûní nelze nastavit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt): Není porucha. Hodnota zpoÏdûní zÛstává 0, tzn porucha je hlá‰ena bezprostfiednû pfii v˘skytu. b Konfigurace relé R2 [Konfigurace R2] [R2 CONFIGURATION] r2- [No] (nO) M Konfigurace relé R2 [Nastavení funkce R2] [R2 Assignment] r2 bLC LLC OCC EbO tSY dCO v v v v v v MoÏnosti konfigurace relé R2 v tomto menu jsou shodné jako u relé R1 – viz pfiedchozí stranu. Navíc lze konfigurovat v menu [Aplikaãní funkce] (FUn-) pro funkce: [Ovládání brzdy] [Brk control] (bLC): Ovládání externí brzdy [SíÈov˘ stykaã] [Input cont.] (LLC): Ovládání vstupního stykaãe [Motorov˘ stykaã] [Output cont.] (OCC): Ovládání v˘stupního stykaãe [Spool end] [Spool end] (EbO): [Sync wobbl] [Sync wobbl] (tSY): [¤ízení nabíjení] [DC charging] (dCO): Ovládání stykaãe pro nabíjení meziobvodu M Nastavení doby reakce relé R2 [Doba reakce R2] [R2 Delay time] r2d 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud zaãne platit vyhodnocovaná podmínka, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí nastavené reakãní doby. Reakãní dobu nelze prodlouÏit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). Hodnota reakãní doby zÛstává 0. r2S POS nEG M Nastavení pozitivní / negativní logiky relé R2 [Logika relé R2] [R2 Active at] v [1]: Relé sepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno v [0]: Relé rozepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno [1] (1) Nelze zmûnit nastavení [1] (POS) pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). r2H M Nastavení doby zpoÏdûní relé R2 [Doba zpoÏdûní R2] [R2 Holding time] 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud vyhodnocovaná podmínka pfiestane platit, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí doby zpoÏdûní. ZpoÏdûní nelze nastavit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). 97 Submenu 1.5 - Konfigurace vstupÛ a v˘stupÛ [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Konfigurace relé R3 [Konfigurace R3] [R3 CONFIGURATION] r3- Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska V/V typ VW3A3201. [No] (nO) M Konfigurace relé R3 [Nastavení funkce R3] [R3 Assignment] r3 Stejné jako u relé R2 – viz pfiedchozí stranu. M Nastavení doby reakce relé R3 [Doba reakce R3] [R3 Delay time] r3d 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud zaãne platit vyhodnocovaná podmínka, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí nastavené reakãní doby. Reakãní dobu nelze prodlouÏit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). Hodnota reakãní doby zÛstává 0. M Nastavení pozitivní / negativní logiky relé R3 [Logika relé R3] [R3 Active at] v [1]: Relé sepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno. v [0]: Relé rozepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno. r3S POS nEG [1 ] (1) Nelze zmûnit nastavení [1] (POS) pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). M Nastavení doby zpoÏdûní relé R3 [Doba zpoÏdûní R3] [R3 Holding time] r3H 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud vyhodnocovaná podmínka pfiestane platit, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí doby zpoÏdûní. ZpoÏdûní nelze nastavit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). b r4- Konfigurace relé R4 [Konfigurace R4] [R4 CONFIGURATION] Parametr je pfiístupn˘, je-li pouÏito pfiíslu‰enství – pfiídavná deska V/V typ VW3A3202. M Konfigurace relé R4 [Nastavení funkce R4] [R4 Assignment] r4 [No] (nO) Stejné jako u relé R2 – viz pfiedchozí stranu. M Nastavení doby reakce relé R4 [Doba reakce R4] [R4 Delay time] r4d 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud zaãne platit vyhodnocovaná podmínka, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí nastavené reakãní doby. Reakãní dobu nelze prodlouÏit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). Hodnota reakãní doby zÛstává 0. r4S POS nEG M Nastavení pozitivní / negativní logiky relé R4 [Logika relé R4] [R4 Active at] v [1]: Relé sepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno. v [0]: Relé rozepne, pokud platí podmínka, pro kterou je konfigurováno. [1] (1) Nelze zmûnit nastavení [1] (POS) pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). r4H M Nastavení doby zpoÏdûní relé R4 [Doba zpoÏdûní R4] [R4 Holding time] 0 aÏ 9 999 ms 0 Pokud vyhodnocovaná podmínka pfiestane platit, zmûna stavu relé nastane aÏ po uplynutí doby zpoÏdûní. ZpoÏdûní nelze nastavit pro funkci [Bez poruchy] (FLt), [Ovládání brzdy] (bLC), [¤ízení nabíjení] (dCO) a [SíÈov˘ stykaã] (LLC). 98 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Code Name/Description b LO1- Adjustment range Factory setting [LO1 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3201 option card has been inserted LO1 [No] (nO) M [LO1 assignment] v v v v v v bLC LLC OCC EbO tSY dCO LO1d Identical to R1 (see page 103) with the addition of (shown for information only as these selections can only be configured in the [APPLICATION FUNCT.] (Fun-) menu): [Brk control] (bLC): Brake contactor control [Input cont.] (LLC): Line contactor control [Output cont.] (OCC): Output contactor control [Spool end] (EbO): Spool end (traverse control function) [Sync wobbl] (tSY): "Counter wobble" synchronization [DC charging] (dCO): DC bus precharging contactor control M [LO1 delay time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The delay cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [Output cont.] (OCC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments, and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes true. LO1S [1 ] (1) M [LO1 active at] Configuration of the operating logic: v [1]: State 1 when the information is true v [0]: State 0 when the information is true POS nEG The configuration [1 ] (1) cannot be modified for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments. LO1H M [LO1 holding time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The holding time cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes false. b LO2- [LO2 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3201 option card has been inserted LO2 [No] (nO) M [LO2 assignment] Identical to LO1. LO2d M [LO2 delay time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The delay cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [Output cont.] (OCC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments, and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes true. LO2S [1 ] (1) M [LO2 active at] Configuration of the operating logic: POS nEG v [1]: State 1 when the information is true v [0]: State 0 when the information is true The configuration [1 ] (1) cannot be modified for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments. LO2H M [LO2 holding time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The holding time cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes false. 99 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Code Name/Description b LO3- Adjustment range Factory setting [LO3 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3202 option card has been inserted LO3 [No] (nO) M [LO3 assignment] Identical to LO1 (see page 99). LO3d M [LO3 delay time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The delay cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [Output cont.] (OCC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments, and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes true. LO3S [1 ] (1) M [LO3 active at] Configuration of the operating logic: v [1]: State 1 when the information is true v [0]: State 0 when the information is true POS nEG The configuration [1 ] (1) cannot be modified for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments. LO3H M [LO3 holding time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The holding time cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes false. b LO4- [LO4 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3202 option card has been inserted LO4 [No] (nO) M [LO4 assignment] Identical to LO1 (see page 99). LO4d M [LO4 delay time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The delay cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [Output cont.] (OCC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments, and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes true. LO4S [1 ] (1) M [LO4 active at] Configuration of the operating logic: POS nEG v [1]: State 1 when the information is true v [0]: State 0 when the information is true The configuration [1 ] (1) cannot be modified for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments. LO4H M [LO4 holding time] 0 to 9999 ms 0 The holding time cannot be set for the [No drive flt] (FLt), [Brk control] (bLC), [DC charging] (dCO), and [Input cont.] (LLC) assignments and remains at 0. The change in state only takes effect once the configured time has elapsed, when the information becomes false. 100 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Configuration of analog outputs Minimum and maximum values (output values): The minimum output value, in volts or mA, corresponds to the lower limit of the assigned parameter and the maximum value corresponds to its upper limit. The minimum value may be greater than the maximum value: Parameter assigned Parameter assigned Upper limit Upper limit Lower limit [Min value] (AOLx or UOLx) [Max value] (AOHx or UOHx) 20 mA or 10 V Current or voltage output Lower limit [Max value] (AOHx or UOHx) [Min value] (AOLx or UOLx) 20 mA or 10 V Current or voltage output Outputs AO2 and AO3 configured as bipolar outputs: The [min Output] (UOLx) and [max Output] (UOHx) parameters are absolute values, although they function symmetrically. In the case of bipolar outputs, always set the maximum value higher than the minimum value. Parameter assigned Upper limit -10 V Lower limit [min Output] [max Output] (UOHx) (UOLx) 101 +10 V Voltage output [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Code Name/Description b AO1AO1 Adjustment range Factory setting [AO1 CONFIGURATION] [Motor freq.] (OFr) M [AO1 assignment] nO OCr v [No] (nO): Not assigned v [I motor] (OCr): Current in the motor, between 0 and 2 In (In = rated drive current indicated in the OFr OrP trq Stq OrS OPS OPF v v v v v v v OPE v OPI OPr tHr tHd OFS v v v v v tHr2 tHr3 Utr Str tqL UOP v v v v v v AO1t 10U 0A AOL1 installation manual and on the drive nameplate). [Motor freq.] (OFr): Output frequency, between 0 and [Max frequency] (tFr) [Ramp out.] (OrP): Between 0 and [Max frequency] (tFr) [Motor torq.] (trq): Motor torque, between 0 and 3 times the rated motor torque [Sign. torque] (Stq): Signed motor torque, between -3 and +3 times the rated motor torque [sign ramp] (OrS): Signed ramp output, between - [Max frequency] (tFr) and + [Max frequency] (tFr) [PID ref.] (OPS): PID regulator reference [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) [PID feedback] (OPF): PID regulator feedback between [Min PID feedback] (PIF1) and [Max PID feedback] (PIF2) [PID error] (OPE): PID regulator error between - 5% and + 5% of ([Max PID feedback] (PIF2) [Min PID feedback] (PIF1)) [PID output] (OPI): PID regulator output between [Low speed] (LSP) and [High speed] (HSP) [Mot. power] (OPr): Motor power, between 0 and 2.5 times [Rated motor power] (nPr) [Mot thermal] (tHr): Motor thermal state, between 0 and 200% of the rated thermal state [Drv thermal] (tHd): Drive thermal state, between 0 and 200% of the rated thermal state [Sign. o/p frq.] (OFS): Signed output frequency, between - [Max frequency] (tFr) and + [Max frequency] (tFr) [Mot therm2] (tHr2): Thermal state of motor 2, between 0 and 200% of the rated thermal state [Mot therm3] (tHr3): Thermal state of motor 3, between 0 and 200% of the rated thermal state [Uns.TrqRef] (Utr): Torque reference, between 0 and 3 times the rated motor torque [Sign trq ref] (Str): Signed torque reference, between -3 and +3 times the rated motor torque [Torque lim.] (tqL): Torque limit, between 0 and 3 times the rated motor torque [Motor volt.] (UOP): Voltage applied to the motor, between 0 and [Rated motor volt.] (UnS) [Current] (0 A) M [AO1 Type] v [Voltage] (10U): Voltage output v [Current] (0 A): Current output M [AO1 min Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO1 Type] (AO1t) = [Current] (0 A) AOH1 M [AO1 max Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 20.0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO1 Type] (AO1t) = [Current] (0 A) UOL1 M [AO1 min Output] 0 to 10.0 V 0V The parameter can be accessed if [AO1 Type] (AO1t) = [Voltage] (10U) UOH1 M [AO1 max Output] 0 to 10.0 V 10.0 V The parameter can be accessed if [AO1 Type] (AO1t) = [Voltage] (10U) AO1F M [AO1 Filter] 0 to 10.00 s 0s Interference filtering. 102 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) Code Name/Description b AO2- Adjustment range Factory setting [AO2 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3202 option card has been inserted AO2 [No] (nO) M [AO2 assignment] Same assignments as AO1 AO2t [Current] (0 A) M [AO2 Type] v [Voltage] (10U): Voltage output v [Current] (0 A): Current output v [Voltage +/-] (n10U): Bipolar voltage output 10U 0A n10U AOL2 M [AO2 min Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO2 Type] (AO2t) = [Current] (0 A) AOH2 M [AO2 max Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 20.0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO2 Type] (AO2t) = [Current] (0 A) UOL2 M [AO2 min Output] 0 to 10.0 V 0V The parameter can be accessed if [AO2 Type] (AO2t) = [Voltage] (10U) or [Voltage +/-] (n10U) UOH2 M [AO2 max Output] 0 to 10.0 V 10.0 V The parameter can be accessed if [AO2 Type] (AO2t) = [Voltage] (10U) or [Voltage +/-] (n10U) AO2F M [AO2 Filter] 0 to 10.00 s 0s Interference filtering. b AO3- [AO3 CONFIGURATION] Can be accessed if a VW3A3202 option card has been inserted AO3 [No] (nO) M [AO3 assignment] Same assignments as AO1 AO3t 10U 0A n10U AOL3 [Current] (0 A) M [AO3 Type] v [Voltage] (10U): Voltage output v [Current] (0 A): Current output v [Voltage +/-] (n10U): Bipolar voltage output M [AO3 min Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO3 Type] (AO3t) = [Current] (0 A) AOH3 M [AO3 max Output] 0 to 20.0 mA 20.0 mA The parameter can be accessed if [AO3 Type] (AO3t) = [Current] (0 A) UOL3 M [AO3 min Output] 0 to 10.0 V 0V The parameter can be accessed if [AO3 Type] (AO3t) = [Voltage] (10U) or [Voltage +/-] (n10U) UOH3 M [AO3 max Output] 0 to 10.0 V 10.0 V The parameter can be accessed if [AO3 Type] (AO3t) = [Voltage] (10U) or [Voltage +/-] (n10U) AO3F M [AO3 Filter] Interference filtering. 103 0 to 10.00 s 0s [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) The following submenus group the alarms into 1 to 3 groups, each of which can be assigned to a relay or a logic output for remote signaling. These groups can also be displayed on the graphic display terminal (see [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] menu) and viewed via the [1.2 MONITORING](SUP) menu. When one or a number of alarms selected in a group occurs, this alarm group is activated. Code A1C- PLA P1A P2A EFA USA AnA CtA FtA F2A SrA tSA tS2 tS3 UPA FLA tHA bSA bCA PEE PFA AP2 AP3 AP4 SSA tAd tJA rtA bOA APA UrA A2C- Name/Description b Adjustment range Factory setting [ALARM GRP1 DEFINITION] Selection to be made from the following list: [LI6=PTC al.] (PLA): LI6 = PTC probe alarms [PTC1 alarm] (P1A): Probe alarm 1 [PTC2 alarm] (P2A): Probe alarm 2 [Ext. fault al] (EFA): External fault alarm [Under V. al.] (USA): Undervoltage alarm [slipping al.] (AnA): Slipping alarm [I attained] (CtA): Current threshold reached [Freq. Th. attain.] (FtA): Frequency threshold reached [Freq. Th. 2 attain.] (F2A): Frequency threshold 2 reached [Freq.ref.att] (SrA): Frequency reference reached [Th.mot. att.] (tSA): Motor 1 thermal state reached [Th.mot2 att.] (tS2): Motor 2 thermal state reached [Th.mot3 att.] (tS3): Motor 3 thermal state reached [Underv. prev.] (UPA): Undervoltage warning [HSP attain.] (FLA): High speed reached [Al. ˚C drv] (tHA): Drive overheating [Load mvt al] (bSA): Braking speed alarm [Brk cont. al] (bCA): Brake contact alarm [PID error al.] (PEE): PID error alarm [PID fdbk al.] (PFA): PID feedback alarm [AI2 Al. 4-20] (AP2): Alarm indicating absence of 4-20 mA signal on input AI2 [AI3 Al. 4-20] (AP3): Alarm indicating absence of 4-20 mA signal on input AI3 [AI4 Al. 4-20] (AP4): Alarm indicating absence of 4-20 mA signal on input AI4 [Lim T/I att.] (SSA): Torque limit alarm [Th.drv.att.] (tAd): Drive thermal state reached [IGBT alarm] (tJA): IGBT alarm [Torque Control al.] (rtA): Torque control alarm [Brake R. al.] (bOA): Braking resistor temperature alarm [Option alarm] (APA): Alarm generated by an option card. [Regen. underV. al.] (UrA): Reserved. See the multiple selection procedure on page 27 for the integrated display terminal, and page 18 for the graphic display terminal. v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b [ALARM GRP2 DEFINITION] Identical to [ALARM GRP 1 DEFINITION] (A1C-) A3C- b [ALARM GRP3 DEFINITION] Identical to [ALARM GRP 1 DEFINITION] (A1C-) 104 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Quick Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC I-O- ESC CtL- ESC ESC 105 FUn- LAC- ENT COMMAND ESC RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.6 COMMAND Ref.1 channel RV Inhibition Stop Key priority Profile Cmd switching Code << >> Quick [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) The parameters in the [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL) menu can only be modified when the drive is stopped and no run command is present. Command and reference channels Run commands (forward, reverse, stop, etc.) and references can be sent using the following channels: Command • • • • • • Terminals: Logic inputs LI Graphic display terminal Integrated Modbus Integrated CANopen Communication card Controller Inside card Reference • • • • • • • • Terminals: Analog inputs AI, frequency input, encoder Graphic display terminal Integrated Modbus Integrated CANopen Communication card Controller Inside card +/- speed via the terminals +/- speed via the graphic display terminal The behavior of the Altivar 71 can be adapted according to requirements: • [8 serie] (SE8): To replace an Altivar 58. See the migration manual. • [Not separ.] (SIM): Command and reference are sent via the same channel. • [Separate] (SEP): Command and reference may be sent via different channels. In these configurations, control via the communication bus is performed in accordance with the DRIVECOM standard with only 5 freelyassignable bits (see communication parameters manual). The application functions cannot be accessed via the communication interface. • [I/O profile] (IO): Command and reference may be sent via different channels. This configuration both simplifies and extends use via the communication interface. Commands may be sent via the logic inputs on the terminals or via the communication bus. When commands are sent via a bus, they are available on a word, which acts as virtual terminals containing only logic inputs. Application functions can be assigned to the bits in this word. More than one function can be assigned to the same bit. Note: Stop commands from the terminals remain active even if the terminals are not the active command channel. Note: The integrated Modbus channel has 2 physical communication ports: - The Modbus network port - The Modbus HMI port The drive does not differentiate between these two ports, but recognizes the graphic display terminal irrespective of the port to which it is connected. 106 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Reference channel for [Not separ.] (SIM), [Separate] (SEP) and [I/O profile] (IO) configurations, PID not configured FLOC [Reference 1B] AI1 FRA [Ref.1B channel] [Summing ref. 2] SA2 [Summing ref. 3] SA3 [Subtract. ref. 2] dA2 [Subtract. ref. 3] dA3 [Ref.2 multiplier] NA2 [Ref.3 multiplier] NA3 nO Preset speeds Note: Forced local is not active in [I/O profile]. AI2 nO Graphic display terminal (SP1) SP2 LFr AI3 AI4 LCC LI SP16 Jog operation nO +/- speed around a reference [PID REGULATOR] nO PID not assigned PIF Channel 1 Fr1 Fr1b 0V (FRA + SA2 + SA3 - dA2 - dA3) x MA2 x MA3 [Ref.1 channel] rCb nO Fr2 Key: Channel 2 [Ref.2 channel] [High speed] HSP LI rFC Ramps ACC DEC rFr FrH nO LSP [Low speed] AC2 DE2 FLO Forced local [Ref. 2 switching] Parameter: The black square represents the factory setting assignment References Fr1, SA2, SA3, dA2, dA3, MA2, MA3: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card Fr1b, for SEP and IO: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card Fr1b, for SIM: • Terminals, only accessible if Fr1 = terminals Fr2: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card, and +/- speed Note: [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b) and [Ref 1B switching] (rCb) must be configured in the [APPLICATION FUNCT.] (Fun-) menu. 107 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Reference channel for [Not separ.] (SIM), [Separate] (SEP) and [I/O profile] (IO) configurations, PID configured with PID references at the terminals FLOC [Ref 1B switching] 0V Fr1 Fr1b nO AI1 FRA [Ref.1B channel] [Summing ref. 2] SA2 [Summing ref. 3] SA3 [Subtract. ref. 2] dA2 [Subtract. ref. 3] dA3 Note: Forced local is not active in [I/O profile]. AI2 FRA + SA2 + SA3 - dA2 - dA3 [Ref.1 channel] rCb A PID See page 161 LFr B AI3 AI4 LCC Graphic display terminal [High speed] HSP LI Channel 1 Fr2 LSP [Low speed] Channel 2 rFC Key: ACC DEC rFr FrH nO [Ref.2 channel] Ramps (1) AC2 DE2 FLO Forced local [Ref. 2 switching] Parameter: The black square represents the factory setting assignment References Fr1: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card Fr1b, for SEP and IO: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card Fr1b, for SIM: • Terminals, only accessible if Fr1 = terminals SA2, SA3, dA2, dA3: • Terminals only Fr2: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card, and +/- speed (1) Ramps not active if the PID function is active in automatic mode. Note: [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b) and [Ref 1B switching] (rCb) must be configured in the [APPLICATION FUNCT.] (Fun-) menu. 108 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Command channel for [Not separ.] (SIM) configuration Reference and command, not separate The command channel is determined by the reference channel. Parameters Fr1, Fr2, rFC, FLO and FLOC are common to reference and command. Example: If the reference is Fr1 = AI1 (analog input at the terminals), control is via LI (logic input at the terminals). FLOC LI nO AI1 AI2 [Ref.1 channel] AI3 Fr1 AI4 LCC (RUN/STOP FWD/REV) Graphic display terminal LI [Channel Switching] [Ref. 2 switching] rFC CHCF FLO Forced local nO SIM CMD Forward Reverse STOP nO Graphic display terminal STOP YES LI PSt Fr2 [Ref.2 channel] Key: Parameter: The black square represents the factory setting assignment. 109 (Stop Key priority) [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Command channel for [Separate] (SEP) configuration Separate reference and command Parameters FLO and FLOC are common to reference and command. Example: If the reference is in forced local mode via AI1 (analog input at the terminals), command in forced local mode is via LI (logic input at the terminals). The command channels Cd1 and Cd2 are independent of the reference channels Fr1, Fr1b and Fr2. FLOC LI nO AI1 AI2 AI3 [Cmd channel 1] Cd1 AI4 LCC (RUN/STOP FWD/REV) Graphic display terminal [Cmd switching] CCS LI [Channel Switching] FLO Forced local CHCF SEP nO CMD Forward Reverse STOP nO Graphic display terminal Cd2 [Cmd channel 2] STOP YES PSt (Stop Key priority) Key: Parameter: The black rectangle represents the factory setting assignment, except for [Channel Switching]. Commands Cd1, Cd2: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card 110 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Command channel for [I/O profile] (IO) configuration Separate reference and command, as in [Separate] (SEP) configuration The command channels Cd1 and Cd2 are independent of the reference channels Fr1, Fr1b and Fr2. [Cmd channel 1] Cd1 Note: Forced local is not active in [I/O profile]. LI [Cmd Switching] CCS [Channel Switching] FLO Forced local CHCF I/O nO CMD Forward Reverse STOP nO Graphic display terminal Cd2 [Cmd channel 2] STOP YES PSt (Stop Key priority) Key: Parameter: The black rectangle represents the factory setting assignment, except for [Channel Switching]. Commands Cd1, Cd2: • Terminals, graphic display terminal, integrated Modbus, integrated CANopen, communication card, Controller Inside card 111 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Command channel for [I/O profile] (IO) configuration Selection of a command channel: A command or an action can be assigned: • To a fixed channel by selecting an LI input or a Cxxx bit: - By selecting e.g., LI3, this action will always be triggered by LI3 regardless of which command channel is switched. - By selecting e.g., C214, this action will always be triggered by integrated CANopen with bit 14 regardless of which command channel is switched. • To a switchable channel by selecting a CDxx bit: - By selecting e.g., CD11, this action will be triggered by: LI12 if the terminals channel is active, C111 if the integrated Modbus channel is active, C211 if the integrated CANopen channel is active, C311 if the communication card channel card is active, C411 if the Controller Inside card channel is active. If the active channel is the graphic display terminal, the functions and commands assigned to CDxx switchable internal bits are inactive. Note: • CD14 and CD15 can only be used for switching between 2 networks. They do not have equivalent logic inputs. Terminals Integrated Modbus Integrated CANopen Communication card Controller Inside card Internal bit, can be switched CD00 LI2 (1) C101 (1) C201 (1) C301 (1) C401 (1) CD01 LI3 C102 C202 C302 C402 CD02 LI4 C103 C203 C303 C403 CD03 LI5 C104 C204 C304 C404 CD04 LI6 C105 C205 C305 C405 CD05 LI7 C106 C206 C306 C406 CD06 LI8 C107 C207 C307 C407 CD07 LI9 C108 C208 C308 C408 CD08 LI10 C109 C209 C309 C409 CD09 LI11 C110 C210 C310 C410 CD10 LI12 C111 C211 C311 C411 CD11 LI13 C112 C212 C312 C412 CD12 LI14 C113 C213 C313 C413 CD13 - C114 C214 C314 C414 CD14 - C115 C215 C315 C415 CD15 (1) If [2/3 wire control] (tCC) page 89 = [3 wire] (3C), LI2, C101, C201, C301, and C401 cannot be accessed. 112 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Assignment conditions for logic inputs and control bits The following elements are available for every command or function that can be assigned to a logic input or a control bit: [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) Drive with or without option [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10) With VW3A3201 logic I/O card [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14) With VW3A3202 extended I/O card [C101] (C101) to [C110] (C110) With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C111] (C111) to [C115] (C115) With integrated Modbus regardless of configuration [C201] (C201) to [C210] (C210) With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C211] (C211) to [C215] (C215) With integrated CANopen regardless of configuration [C301] (C301) to [C310] (C310) With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C311] (C311) to [C315] (C315) With a communication card regardless of configuration [C401] (C401) to [C410] (C410) With Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C411] (C411) to [C415] (C415) With Controller Inside card regardless of configuration [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD10] (Cd10) In [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [CD11] (Cd11) to [CD15] (Cd15) Regardless of configuration Note: In [I/O profile] (IO) configuration, LI1 cannot be accessed and if [2/3 wire control] (tCC) page 89 = [3 wire] (3C), LI2, C101, C201, C301, and C401 cannot be accessed either. WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Inactive communication channels are not monitored (no lock following malfunction in the event of a communication bus failure). Make sure that the commands and functions assigned to bits C101 to C415 will not pose a risk in the event of the failure of the associated communication bus. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or serious injury. 113 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting [AI1] (AI1) AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG M [Ref.1 chan] v [AI1] (AI1): Analog input v [AI2] (AI2): Analog input v [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal v [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus v [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen v [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) v [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [Encoder ref] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted. [No] (nO) nO YES M [RV Inhibition] v [No] (nO) v [Yes] (YES) Fr1 rIn Inhibition of movement in reverse direction, does not apply to direction requests sent by logic inputs. - Reverse direction requests sent by logic inputs are taken into account. - Reverse direction requests sent by the graphic display terminal are not taken into account. - Reverse direction requests sent by the line are not taken into account. - Any reverse speed reference originating from the PID, summing input, etc., is interpreted as a zero reference. PSt nO YES [Yes] (YES) M [Stop Key priority] v [No] (nO) v [Yes] (YES): Gives priority to the STOP key on the graphic display terminal when the graphic display terminal is not enabled as the command channel. Press and hold down ENT for 2 seconds in order for any change in the assignment of [Stop Key priority] (PSt) to be taken into account. This will be a freewheel stop. If the active command channel is the graphic display terminal, the stop will be performed according to the [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130 irrespective of the configuration of [Stop Key priority] (PSt). CHCF SE8 [Not separ.] (SIM) M [Profile] v [8 serie] (SE8): ATV58 interchangeability (see migration manual). The [8 serie] (SE8) configuration is used to load, via PowerSuite, for example, an ATV58 drive configuration in an ATV71 that has already been set to this configuration. This assignment cannot be accessed if a Controller Inside card has been inserted. Note: Modifications to the configuration of the ATV71 must only be made using PowerSuite when it is in this configuration, otherwise operation cannot be guaranteed. SIM SEP v [Not separ.] (SIM): Reference and command, not separate v [Separate] (SEP): Separate reference and command This assignment cannot be accessed in [I/O profile] (IO) IO v [I/O profile] (IO): I/O profile When [8 serie] (SE8) is selected and [I/O profile] (IO) is deselected, the drive automatically returns to the factory setting (this is mandatory). This factory setting only affects the [1 DRIVE MENU] menu. It does not affect either [1.9 COMMUNICATION] or [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD]. - With the graphic display terminal, a screen appears to perform this operation. Follow the instructions on the screen. - With the integrated display terminal, press ENT and hold it down (for 2 s). This will save the selection and return to the factory setting. 114 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Code Name/Description CCS Adjustment range M [Cmd switching] Factory setting [ch1 active] (Cd1) The parameter can be accessed if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Separate] (SEP) or [I/O profile] (IO) Cd1 Cd2 LI1 - v [ch1 active] (Cd1): [Cmd channel 1] (Cd1) active (no switching) v [ch2 active] (Cd2): [Cmd channel 2] (Cd2) active (no switching) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113 (not CDOO to CD14). If the assigned input or bit is at 0, channel [Cmd channel 1] (Cd1) is active. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, channel [Cmd channel 2] (Cd2) is active. Cd1 tEr LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP M [Cmd channel 1] v [Terminals] (tEr): Terminals v [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal v [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus v [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen v [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) v [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [Terminals] (tEr) The parameter is available if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Separate] (SEP) or [I/O profile] (IO). Cd2 tEr LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP M [Cmd channel 2] v [Terminals] (tEr): Terminals v [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal v [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus v [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen v [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) v [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [Modbus] (Mdb) The parameter is available if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Separate] (SEP) or [I/O profile] (IO). rFC Fr1 Fr2 LI1 - M [Ref. 2 switching] v [ch1 active] (Fr1): No switching, [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) active v [ch2 active] (Fr2): No switching, [Ref. 2 channel] (Fr2) active v [LI1] (LI1) [ch1 active] (Fr1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113 (not CDOO to CD14). If the assigned input or bit is at 0, channel [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) is active. If the assigned bit or input is at 1, channel [Ref. 2 channel] (Fr2) is active. Fr2 nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 UPdt LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG 115 [No] (nO) M [Ref.2 channel] v [No] (nO): Not assigned If [Profile] (CHCF) = [Not separ.] (SIM), command is at the terminals with v v v v v v v v v v v v a zero reference. If [Profile] (CHCF) = [Separate] (SEP) or [I/O profile] (IO) , the reference is zero. [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [+/- Speed] (UPdt): +/-Speed command [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) Code COP nO SP Cd ALL Name/Description Adjustment range M [Copy channel 1 <> 2] v v v v Factory setting [No] (nO) Can be used to copy the current reference and/or the command by means of switching, in order to avoid speed surges, for example. If [Profile] (CHCF) page 114 = [Not separ.] (SIM) or [Separate] (SEP), copying will only be possible from channel 1 to channel 2. If [Profile] (CHCF) = [I/O profile] (IO), copying will be possible in both directions. [No] (nO): No copy [Reference] (SP): Copy reference [Command] (Cd): Copy command [Cmd + ref.] (ALL): Copy command and reference - A reference or a command cannot be copied to a channel on the terminals. - The reference copied is FrH (before ramp) unless the destination channel reference is set via +/- speed. In this case, the reference copied is rFr (after ramp). WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Copying the command and/or reference can change the direction of rotation. Check that this is safe. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or serious injury. 116 [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) As the graphic display terminal may be selected as the command and/or reference channel, its action modes can be configured. The parameters on this page can only be accessed on the graphic display terminal, and not on the integrated display terminal. Notes: • The display terminal command/reference is only active if the command and/or reference channels from the terminal are active with the exception of [T/K] (command via the display terminal), which takes priority over these channels. Press [T/K] (command via the display terminal) again to revert control to the selected channel. • Command and reference via the display terminal are impossible if the latter is connected to more than one drive. • The JOG, preset speed and +/- speed functions can only be accessed if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Not separ.] (SIM). • The preset PID reference functions can only be accessed if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Not separ.] (SIM) or [Separate] (SEP). • The [T/K] (command via the display terminal) can be accessed regardless of the [Profile] (CHCF). Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting [No] M [F1 key assignment] v [No]: Not assigned v [Jog]: JOG operation v [Preset spd2]: Press the key to run the drive at the 2nd preset speed [Preset spd2] (SP2) page 137. Press STOP to stop the drive. v [Preset spd3]: Press the key to run the drive at the 3rd preset speed [Preset spd3] (SP3) page 137. Press STOP to stop the drive. v [PID ref. 2]: Sets a PID reference equal to the 2nd preset PID reference [Preset ref. PID 2] (rP2) page 168 without sending a run command. Only operates if [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) = [HMI] (LCC). Does not operate with the [T/K] function. v [PID ref. 3]: Sets a PID reference equal to the 3rd preset PID reference [Preset ref. PID 3] (rP3) page 168 without sending a run command. Only operates if [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) = [HMI] (LCC). Does not operate with the [T/K] function. v [+Speed]: Faster, only operates if [Ref.2 channel] (Fr2) = [HMI] (LCC). Press the key to run the drive and increase the speed. Press STOP to stop the drive. v [-Speed]: Slower, only operates if [Ref.2 channel] (Fr2) = [HMI] (LCC) and if a different key has been assigned to [+Speed]. Press the key to run the drive and decrease the speed. Press STOP to stop the drive. v [T/K]: Command via the display terminal: Takes priority over [Cmd switching] (CCS) and over [Ref. 2 switching] (rFC). M [F2 key assignment] [No] Identical to [F1 key assignment]. M [F3 key assignment] [No] Identical to [F1 key assignment]. M [F4 key assignment] [No] Identical to [F1 key assignment]. M [HMI cmd.] v v 117 [Stop] When the [T/K] function is assigned to a key and that function is active, this parameter defines the behavior at the moment when control returns to the graphic display terminal. [Stop]: Stops the drive (although the controlled direction of operation and reference of the previous channel are copied (to be taken into account on the next RUN command)). [Bumpless]: Does not stop the drive (the controlled direction of operation and the reference of the previous channel are copied). [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A ENT Quick Term +0.00 Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC SIM- CtLFUnFLt- LAC- RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. REFERENCE SWITCH. REF. OPERATIONS RAMP STOP CONFIGURATION AUTO DC INJECTION Code << >> Quick Summary of functions: Code Name Page rEF- [REFERENCE SWITCH.] 125 OAI- [REF. OPERATIONS] 126 rPt- [RAMP] 127 Stt- [STOP CONFIGURATION] 130 AdC- [AUTO DC INJECTION] 132 JOG- [JOG] 134 PSS- [PRESET SPEEDS] 136 UPd- [+/-Speed] 139 SrE- [+/-SPEED AROUND REF.] 141 SPM- [MEMO REFERENCE] 142 FLI- [FLUXING BY LI] 143 LSt- [LIMIT SWITCHES] 145 bLC- [BRAKE LOGIC CONTROL] 150 ELM- [EXTERNAL WEIGHT MEAS.] 156 HSH- [HIGH SPEED HOISTING] 160 PId- [PID REGULATOR] 165 Pr1- [PID PRESET REFERENCES] 168 tOr- [TORQUE CONTROL] 171 tOL- [TORQUE LIMITATION] 174 CLI- [2nd CURRENT LIMIT.] 175 LLC- [LINE CONTACTOR COMMAND] 177 OCC- [OUTPUT CONTACTOR CMD] 179 ENT APPLICATION FUNCT. ESC LPO- [POSITIONING BY SENSORS] 182 MLP- Submenu pfiepínání sad parametrÛ [P¤EPÍNÁNÍ SAD PARAMETRÒ] [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] 184 MMC- [MULTIMOTORS/CONFIG.] 188 tnL- [AUTO TUNING BY LI] 188 trO- [TRAVERSE CONTROL] 194 rFt- [EVACUATION] 196 dCO- [DC BUS SUPPLY] 197 118 119 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) The parameters in the [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) menu can only be modified when the drive is stopped and there is no run command, except for parameters with a q symbol in the code column, which can be modified with the drive running or stopped. Note: Compatibility of functions The choice of application functions may be limited by the number of I/O and by the fact that some functions are incompatible with one another. Functions that are not listed in the table below are fully compatible. If there is an incompatibility between functions, the first function configured will prevent the others being configured. Each of the functions on the following pages can be assigned to one of the inputs or outputs. A single input can activate several functions at the same time (reverse and 2nd ramp, for example). The user must therefore ensure that these functions can be used at the same time. It is only possible to assign one input to several functions at [Advanced] (AdU) and [Expert] (EPr) level. Before assigning a command, reference or function to an input or output, the user must make sure that this input or output has not already been assigned and that another input or output has not been assigned to an incompatible or undesirable function. The drive factory setting or macro configurations automatically configure functions, which may prevent other functions being assigned. It may be necessary to unconfigure one or more functions in order to be able to enable another. Check the compatibility table below. 120 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) p p Preset speeds (page 136) X PID regulator (page 165) p(4) A p p Traverse control (page 194) X p p X p p(1) p p p p Brake logic control (page 150) p p p Catch on the fly (page 202) p DC injection stop (page 130) p X High speed hoisting (page 160) p(1) p(1) p p p p p p(1) p(1) p(1) p(1) Load sharing (page 85) p Positioning by sensors (page 182) p p p p(1) p p p(1) p A A p X p(1) p p p(1) p(1) p p p p p p Synchrononous motor (page 74) p(1) p p(2) p p p p(2) Freewheel stop (page 130) +/- speed around a reference (page 141) p p(1) Fast stop (page 130) p p(1) p (1) Torque control and these functions are only incompatible while torque control mode is active. (2) Priority is given to the first of these two stop modes to be activated. (3) Excluding special application with reference channel Fr2 (see diagrams on pages 107 and 108). (4) Only the multiplier reference is incompatible with the PID regulator. Incompatible functions Compatible functions N/A Priority functions (functions, which cannot be active at the same time): The function marked with the arrow takes priority over the other. Stop functions have priority over run commands. Speed references via logic command have priority over analog references. Note: This compatibility table does not affect commands that can be assigned to the keys of the graphic display terminal (see page 117). 121 Synchrononous motor (page 74) Positioning by sensors (page 182) Torque control (page 171) Load sharing (page 85) High speed hoisting (page 160) +/- speed around a reference (page 141) p Freewheel stop (page 130) p Fast stop (page 130) p(1) Catch on the fly (page 202) p(1) p p Management of limit switches (page 145) Torque control (page 171) DC injection stop (page 130) Brake logic control (page 150) JOG operation (page 134) A p p(4) +/- speed (3) (page 139) JOG operation (page 134) Traverse control (page 194) A Ref. operations (page 126) PID regulator (page 165) Preset speeds (page 136) Management of limit switches (page 145) +/- speed (3) (page 139) Ref. operations (page 126) Compatibility table p(1) p [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Incompatible functions The following functions will be inaccessible or deactivated in the cases described below: Automatic restart This is only possible for control type [2/3 wire control] (tCC) = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL) or [Fwd priority] (PFO). See page 89. Catch on the fly This is only possible for control type [2/3 wire control] (tCC) = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL) or [Fwd priority] (PFO). See page 89. This function is locked if automatic injection on stop [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [Continuous] (Ct). See page 132. The SUP- monitoring menu (page 43) can be used to display the functions assigned to each input in order to check their compatibility. When a function is assigned, a appears on the graphic display terminal, as illustrated in the example below: RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. REFERENCE SWITCH. REF. OPERATIONS RAMP STOP CONFIGURATION AUTO DC INJECTION Code << >> Quick JOG If you attempt to assign a function that is incompatible with another function that has already been assigned, an alarm message will appear: With the graphic display terminal: RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A INCOMPATIBILITY The function can't be assigned because an incompatible function is already selected. See programming book. ENT or ESC to continue With the integrated display terminal: COMP flashes until ENT or ESC is pressed. When you assign a logic input, an analog input, a reference channel or a bit to a function, pressing the HELP button will display the functions that may already have been activated by this input, bit or channel. 122 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) When a logic input, an analog input, a reference channel or a bit that has already been assigned is assigned to another function, the following screens appear: With the graphic display terminal: RUN +50.00Hz 1250A +50.00Hz WARNING - ASSIGNED TO Reference switch. 2 ENT->Continue ESC->Cancel If the access level permits this new assignment, pressing ENT confirms the assignment. If the access level does not permit this new assignment, pressing ENT results in the following display. RUN +50.00Hz 1250A +50.00Hz ASSIGNMENT FORBIDDEN Un-assign the present functions, or select Advanced access level With the integrated display terminal: The code for the first function, which is already assigned, is displayed flashing. If the access level permits this new assignment, pressing ENT confirms the assignment. If the access level does not permit this new assignment, pressing ENT has no effect, and the message continues to flash. It is only possible to exit by pressing ESC. 123 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Summing input/Subtracting input/Multiplier Fr1 or Fr1b SA2 SA3 dA2 A dA3 MA2 MA3 A = (Fr1 or Fr1b + SA2 + SA3 - dA2 - dA3) x MA2 x MA3 • • • • If SA2, SA3, dA2, dA3 are not assigned, they are set to 0. If MA2, MA3 are not assigned, they are set to 1. A is limited by the minimum LSP and maximum HSP parameters. For multiplication, the signal on MA2 or MA3 is interpreted as a %; 100% corresponds to the maximum value of the corresponding input. If MA2 or MA3 is sent via the communication bus or graphic display terminal, an MFr multiplication variable (see page 49) must be sent via the bus or graphic display terminal. • Reversal of the direction of operation in the event of a negative result can be inhibited (see page 114). 124 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b rEFrCb Adjustment range Factory setting [REFERENCE SWITCH.] M [Ref 1B switching] [ch1 active] (Fr1) See the diagrams on pages 107 and 108. Fr1 Fr1b LI1 - v [ch1 active] (Fr1): No switching, [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) active v [ch1B active] (Fr1b): No switching, [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b) active v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113 (not CDOO to CD14). • If the assigned input or bit is at 0, [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) is active (see page 114). • If the assigned input or bit is at 1, [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b) is active. [Ref 1B switching] (rCb) is forced to [ch1 active] (Fr1) if [Profile] (CHCF) = [Not separ.] (SIM) with [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) assigned via the terminals (analog inputs, encoder, pulse input); see page 114. Fr1b nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG M [Ref.1B channel] v v v v v v v v v v v v [No] (nO) [No] (nO): Not assigned [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted Note: In the following instances, only assignments via the terminals are possible: - [Profile] (CHCF) = [Not separ.] (SIM) with [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) assigned via the terminals (analog inputs, encoder, pulse input); see page 114. - PID configured with PID references via the terminals 125 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b OAI- Adjustment range Factory setting [REF. OPERATIONS] Reference = (Fr1 or Fr1b + SA2 + SA3 - dA2 - dA3) x MA2 x MA3. See the diagrams on pages 107 and 108. Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. SA2 nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG SA3 M [Summing ref. 2] v v v v v v v v v v v v [No] (nO) Selection of a reference to be added to [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). [No] (nO): No source assigned [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted M [Summing ref. 3] [No] (nO) Selection of a reference to be added to [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). • Possible assignments are identical to [Summing ref. 2] (SA2) above. dA2 M [Subtract ref. 2] [No] (nO) Selection of a reference to be subtracted from [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). • Possible assignments are identical to [Summing ref. 2] (SA2) above. dA3 M [Subtract ref. 3] [No] (nO) Selection of a reference to be subtracted from [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). • Possible assignments are identical to [Summing ref. 2] (SA2) above. MA2 M [Multiplier ref. 2] [No] (nO) Selection of a multiplier reference [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). • Possible assignments are identical to [Summing ref. 2] (SA2) above. MA3 M [Multiplier ref. 3] [No] (nO) Selection of a multiplier reference [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) or [Ref.1B channel] (Fr1b). • Possible assignments are identical to [Summing ref. 2] (SA2) above. 126 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b rPtrPt LIn S U CUS Adjustment range Factory setting [RAMP] [Linear] (LIn) M [Ramp type] v [Linear] (LIn) v [S ramp] (S) v [U ramp] (U) v [Customized] (CUS) S ramps f (Hz) f (Hz) FrS The curve coefficient is fixed, where t2 = 0.6 x t1 and t1 = set ramp time. FrS 0 0 t t2 t t2 t1 t1 U ramps f (Hz) f (Hz) FrS FrS 0 t2 The curve coefficient is fixed, where t2 = 0.5 x t1 and t1 = set ramp time. 0 t t2 t1 t t1 Customized ramps 0 tA1 FrS tA2 t 0 tA3 t1 Inr tA1: adjustable from 0 to 100% tA2: adjustable from 0 to (100% - tA1) tA3: adjustable from 0 to 100% tA4: adjustable from 0 to (100% - tA3) f (Hz) f (Hz) FrS tA4 t1 t As a % of t1, where t1 = set ramp time M [Ramp increment] 0.01 0.1 1 (1) [0.1 ] (0.1) v [0.01]: Ramp up to 99.99 seconds v [0.1]: Ramp up to 999.9 seconds v [1]: Ramp up to 6000 seconds This parameter is valid for [Acceleration] (ACC), [Deceleration] (dEC), [Acceleration 2] (AC2) and [Deceleration 2] (dE2). ACC dEC M [Acceleration] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) Time to accelerate from 0 to the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) (page 69). Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. M [Deceleration] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) 127 3.0 s Time to decelerate from the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) (page 69) to 0. Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) Range 0.01 to 99.99 s or 0.1 to 999.9 s or 1 to 6000 s according to [Ramp increment] (Inr). 3.0 s Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b tA1 tA2 tA3 tA4 Adjustment range Factory setting 0 to 100% 10% [RAMP] (continued) M [Begin Acc round] (1) - Rounding of start of acceleration ramp as a % of the [Acceleration] (ACC) or [Acceleration 2] (AC2) ramp time. - Can be set between 0 and 100% - The parameter can be accessed if the [Ramp type] (rPt) is [Customized] (CUS). M [End Acc round] (1) 10% - Rounding of end of acceleration ramp as a % of the [Acceleration] (ACC) or [Acceleration 2] (AC2) ramp time. - Can be set between 0 and (100% - [Begin Acc round] (tA1)) - The parameter can be accessed if the [Ramp type] (rPt) is [Customized] (CUS). M [Begin Dec round] (1) 0 to 100% 10% - Rounding of start of deceleration ramp as a % of the [Deceleration] (dEC) or [Deceleration 2] (dE2) ramp time. - Can be set between 0 and 100% - The parameter can be accessed if the [Ramp type] (rPt) is [Customized] (CUS). M [End Dec round] (1) 10% - Rounding of end of deceleration ramp as a % of the [Deceleration] (dEC) or [Deceleration 2] (dE2) ramp time. - Can be set between 0 and (100% - [Begin Dec round] (tA3)) - The parameter can be accessed if the [Ramp type] (rPt) is [Customized] (CUS). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 128 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b Frt Adjustment range Factory setting 0 to 500 or 1000 Hz according to rating 0 Hz [RAMP] (continued) M [Ramp 2 threshold] Ramp switching threshold The 2nd ramp is switched if the value of Frt is not 0 (0 deactivates the function) and the output frequency is greater than Frt. Threshold ramp switching can be combined with [Ramp switch ass.] (rPS) switching as follows: rPS nO LI1 - LI or bit Frequency Ramp 0 <Frt ACC, dEC 0 >Frt AC2, dE2 1 <Frt AC2, dE2 1 >Frt AC2, dE2 [No] (nO) M [Ramp switch ass.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. - ACC and dEC are enabled when the assigned input or bit is at 0. - AC2 and dE2 are enabled when the assigned input or bit is at 1. AC2 M [Acceleration 2] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) Time to accelerate from 0 to the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS). Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. The parameter can be accessed if [Ramp 2 threshold] (Frt) > 0 or if [Ramp switch ass.] (rPS) assigned. dE2 M [Deceleration 2] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) M [Dec ramp adapt.] nO YES v v dYnA dYnb dYnC v v v [Yes] (YES) Activating this function automatically adapts the deceleration ramp, if this has been set at too low a value for the inertia of the load. [No] (nO): Function inactive. [Yes] (YES): Function active, for applications that do not require strong deceleration. The following selections appear depending on the rating of the drive. They enable stronger deceleration to be obtained than with [Yes] (YES). [High torq. A] (dYnA) [High torq. B] (dYnb) [High torq. C] (dYnC) [Dec ramp adapt.] (brA) is forced to [No] (nO) if brake control [Brake assignment] (bLC) is assigned (page 150), or if [Braking balance] (bbA) page 85 = [Yes] (YES). The function is incompatible with applications requiring: - Positioning on a ramp - The use of a braking resistor (the resistor would not operate correctly) (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) Range 0.01 to 99.99 s or 0.1 to 999.9 s or 1 to 999 s according to [Ramp increment] (Inr) page 127. 129 5.0 s Time to decelerate from the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) to 0. Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. The parameter can be accessed if [Ramp 2 threshold] (Frt) > 0 or if [Ramp switch ass.] (rPS) assigned. brA 5.0 s Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b Stt- Adjustment range Factory setting [STOP CONFIGURATION] Note: Some types of stop cannot be used with all other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. Stt [Ramp stop] (rMP) M [Type of stop] rMP FSt nSt dCI v v v v Stop mode on disappearance of the run command or appearance of a stop command. [Ramp stop] (rMP): On ramp [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop [Freewheel stop] (nSt): Freewheel stop [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop Note: If the "brake logic" function on page 150 has been enabled, only ramp type stops may be configured. nSt nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [No] (nO) M [Freewheel stop] v [No] (nO): Not assigned v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs v [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs The stop is activated when the input or bit is at 0. If the input returns to state 1 and the run command is still active, the motor will only restart if [2/3 wire control] (tCC) page 89 = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL) or [Fwd priority] (PFO). If not, a new run command must be sent. FSt [No] (nO) M [Fast stop assign.] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. [No] (nO): Not assigned nO v LI1 - v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. The stop is activated when the input changes to 0 or the bit changes to 1(bit in [I/O profile] (IO) at 0). If the input returns to state 1 and the run command is still active, the motor will only restart if [2/3 wire control] (tCC) page 89 = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL) or [Fwd priority] (PFO). If not, a new run command must be sent. dCF M [Ramp divider] (1) 0 to 10 4 The parameter can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [Fast stop] (FSt) and if [Fast stop assign.] (FSt) is not [No] (nO). The ramp that is enabled (dEC or dE2) is then divided by this coefficient when stop requests are sent. Value 0 corresponds to a minimum ramp time. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 130 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b dCI Adjustment range Factory setting [STOP CONFIGURATION] (continued) [No] (nO) M [DC injection assign.] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. nO v [No] (nO): Not assigned LI1 - v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. DC injection braking is initiated when the assigned input or bit changes to state 1. If the input returns to state 1 and the run command is still active, the motor will only restart if [2/3 wire control] (tCC) page 89 = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL) or [Fwd priority] (PFO). If not, a new run command must be sent. IdC M [DC inject. level 1] (1) (3) 0.1 to 1.41 In (2) 0.64 In (2) Level of DC injection braking current activated via logic input or selected as stop mode. The parameter can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [DC injection] (dCI) or if [DC injection assign.] (dCI) is not [No] (nO). CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. tdI IdC2 M [DC injection time 1] (1) (3) 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s Maximum current injection time [DC inject. level 1] (IdC). After this time the injection current becomes [DC inject. level 2] (IdC2). The parameter can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [DC injection] (dCI) or if [DC injection assign.] (dCI) is not [No] (nO). M [DC inject. level 2] (1) (3) 0.1 to 1.41 In (2) 0.5 In (2) Injection current activated by logic input or selected as stop mode, once period of time [DC injection time 1] (tdI) has elapsed. The parameter can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [DC injection] (dCI) or if [DC injection assign.] (dCI) is not [No] (nO). CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. tdC M [DC injection time 2] (1) (3) 0.1 to 30 s Maximum injection time [DC inject. level 2] (IdC2) for injection, selected as stop mode only. The parameter can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [DC injection] (dCI). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. (3) Warning: These settings are independent of the [AUTO DC INJECTION] (AdC-) function. 131 0.5 s Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b AdCAdC Adjustment range [AUTO DC INJECTION] [Yes] (YES) M [Auto DC injection] Factory setting Automatic current injection on stopping (at the end of the ramp) nO YES Ct v [No] (nO): No injection v [Yes] (YES): Adjustable injection time v [Continuous] (Ct): Continuous standstill injection Warning: There is an interlock between this function and [Motor fluxing] (FLU) page 143. If [Motor fluxing] (FLU) = [Continuous] (FCt), [Auto DC injection] (Adc) must be [No] (nO). Note: This parameter gives rise to the injection of current even if a run command has not been sent. It can be accessed with the drive running. SdC1 M [Auto DC inj. level 1] (1) 0 to 1.2 In (2) 0.7 In (2) Level of standstill DC injection current. The parameter can be accessed if [Auto DC injection] (AdC) is not [No] (nO). This parameter is forced to 0 if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [Sync. mot.] (SYn). CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. tdC1 SdC2 M [Auto DC inj. time 1] (1) 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s Standstill injection time. The parameter can be accessed if [Auto DC injection] (AdC) is not [No] (nO). If [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [FVC] (FUC) or [Sync. mot.] (SYn) this time corresponds to the zero speed maintenance time. M [Auto DC inj. level 2] (1) 0 to 1.2 In (2) 0.5 In (2) 2nd level of standstill DC injection current. The parameter can be accessed if [Auto DC injection] (AdC) is not [No] (nO). This parameter is forced to 0 if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [Sync. mot.] (SYn). CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 132 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b tdC2 AdC YES (1) SdC2 x Operation I SdC1 ≠0 I SdC1 tdC1 t tdC1 + tdC2 SdC2 I SdC1 Ct tdC1 t =0 t 1 Run command 0 t Speed 0 t (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. 133 0 to 30 s 0s 2nd standstill injection time. The parameter can be accessed if [Auto DC injection] (AdC) = [Yes] (YES.) SdC2 Ct Factory setting [AUTO DC INJECTION] (continued) M [Auto DC inj. time 2] Adjustment range Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. Note: When [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [FVC] (FUC): [Auto DC inj. level 1] (SdC1), [Auto DC inj. level 2] (SdC2) and [Auto DC inj. time 2] (tdC2) are not accessible. Only [Auto DC inj. time 1] (tdC1) can be accessed. This then corresponds to a zero speed maintenance time. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b JOG- Adjustment range Factory setting [JOG] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. JOG [No] (nO) M [JOG] nO LI1 C101 Cd00 v v v v v v v v v - v Pulse operation. The JOG function is only active if the command channel and the reference channels are on the terminals. Selecting the assigned logic input or bit activates the function. [No] (nO): Not assigned [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) configuration [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) configuration can be switched with possible logic inputs [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) configuration can be switched without logic inputs The function is active when the assigned input or bit is at 1. Example: 2-wire control operation (tCC = 2C) Motor frequency Ramp DEC/DE2 Ramp forced to 0.1 s Reference JGF reference 0 JGF reference LI (JOG) 1 0 JGt Forward 1 0 Reverse 1 0 JGF JGt M [Jog frequency] (1) 0 to 10 Hz 10 Hz The parameter can be accessed if [JOG] (JOG) is not [No] (nO). Reference in jog operation M [Jog delay] (1) 0 to 2.0 s 0.5 s The parameter can be accessed if [JOG] (JOG) is not [No] (nO). Anti-repeat delay between 2 consecutive jog operations. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 134 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Preset speeds 2, 4, 8 or 16 speeds can be preset, requiring 1, 2, 3 or 4 logic inputs respectively. Note: You must configure 2 and 4 speeds in order to obtain 4 speeds. You must configure 2, 4 and 8 speeds in order to obtain 8 speeds. You must configure 2, 4, 8, and 16 speeds in order to obtain 16 speeds. Combination table for preset speed inputs 16 speeds LI (PS16) 8 speeds LI (PS8) 4 speeds LI (PS4) 2 speeds LI (PS2) Speed reference 0 0 0 0 Reference (1) 0 0 0 1 SP2 0 0 1 0 SP3 0 0 1 1 SP4 0 1 0 0 SP5 0 1 0 1 SP6 0 1 1 0 SP7 0 1 1 1 SP8 1 0 0 0 SP9 1 0 0 1 SP10 1 0 1 0 SP11 1 0 1 1 SP12 1 1 0 0 SP13 1 1 0 1 SP14 1 1 1 0 SP15 1 1 1 1 SP16 (1) See the diagram on page 107: Reference 1 = (SP1). 135 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b PSS- Adjustment range Factory setting [PRESET SPEEDS] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. PS2 nO LI1 PS4 nO LI1 - M [2 preset speeds] v [No] (nO): Function inactive [LI5] (LI5) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. M [4 preset speeds] v [No] (nO): Function inactive [LI6] (LI6) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. To obtain 4 speeds you must also configure 2 speeds. PS8 nO LI1 - M [8 preset speeds] v [No] (nO): Function inactive [No] (nO) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. To obtain 8 speeds you must also configure 2 and 4 speeds. PS16 nO LI1 - M [16 preset speeds] v [No] (nO): Function inactive [No] (nO) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. To obtain 16 speeds you must also configure 2, 4 and 8 speeds. 136 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b Factory setting 0 to 1000 Hz 10 Hz [PRESET SPEEDS] (continued) SP2 M [Preset speed 2] (1) SP3 M [Preset speed 3] (1) 15 Hz SP4 M [Preset speed 4] (1) 20 Hz SP5 M [Preset speed 5] (1) 25 Hz SP6 M [Preset speed 6] (1) 30 Hz SP7 M [Preset speed 7] (1) 35 Hz SP8 M [Preset speed 8] (1) 40 Hz SP9 M [Preset speed 9] (1) 45 Hz SP10 M [Preset speed 10] (1) 50 Hz SP11 M [Preset speed 11] (1) 55 Hz SP12 M [Preset speed 12] (1) 60 Hz SP13 M [Preset speed 13] (1) 70 Hz SP14 M [Preset speed 14] (1) 80 Hz SP15 M [Preset speed 15] (1) 90 Hz SP16 M [Preset speed 16] (1) 100 Hz The appearance of these [Preset speed x] (SPx) parameters is determined by the number of speeds configured. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. 137 Adjustment range Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) +/- speed Two types of operation are available. 1. Use of single-press buttons: Two logic inputs are required in addition to the operating direction(s). The input assigned to the "+ speed" command increases the speed, the input assigned to the "- speed" command decreases the speed. 2. Use of double-press buttons: Only one logic input assigned to "+ speed" is required. +/- speed with double-press buttons: Description: 1 button pressed twice (2 steps) for each direction of rotation. A contact closes each time the button is pressed. Released (- speed) 1st press (speed maintained) 2nd press (+ speed) Forward button – a a and b Reverse button – c c and d Example of wiring: LI1: forward LIx: reverse LIy: + speed Control terminals ATV 71 LI1 LIx LIy +24 b a d c Motor frequency LSP 0 LSP Forward 2nd press 1nd press 0 Reverse a b a a b a a a a 2nd press 1st press 0 c d c c Do not use this +/-speed type with 3-wire control. Whichever type of operation is selected, the max. speed is set by [High speed] (HSP) (see page 42). Note: If the reference is switched via rFC (see page 115) from any one reference channel to another reference channel with "+/- speed", the value of reference rFr (after ramp) may be copied at the same time in accordance with the [Copy channel 1<>2] (COP) parameter, see page 116. If the reference is switched via rFC (see page 115) from one reference channel to any other reference channel with "+/- speed", the value of reference rFr (after ramp) is always copied at the same time. This prevents the speed being incorrectly reset to zero when switching takes place. 138 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b UPd- Adjustment range Factory setting [+/-Speed] Function can be accessed if reference channel [Ref.2 channel] (Fr2) = [+/-Speed] (UPdt), see page 115. Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. USP nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [No] (nO) M [+ speed assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs v [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs Function active if the assigned input or bit is at 1. dSP nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [No] (nO) M [-Speed assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs v [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs Function active if the assigned input or bit is at 1. Str M [Reference saved] [No] (nO) Associated with the "+/- speed" function, this parameter can be used to save the reference: • When the run commands disappear (saved to RAM) • When the line supply or the run commands disappear (saved to EEPROM) Therefore, the next time the drive starts up, the speed reference is the last reference saved. nO v [No] (nO): No save (the next time the drive starts up, the speed reference is [Low speed] (LSP), see page 42) rAM EEP 139 v [RAM] (rAM): Save to RAM v [EEprom] (EEP): Save to EEPROM [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) +/- speed around a reference The reference is given by Fr1 or Fr1b with summing/subtraction/multiplication functions and preset speeds if relevant (see the diagram on page 107). For improved clarity, we will call this reference A. The action of the +speed and -speed buttons can be set as a % of this reference A. On stopping, the reference (A +/- speed) is not saved, so the drive restarts with reference A only. The maximum total reference is always limited by [High speed] (HSP) and the minimum reference by [Low speed] (LSP), see page 42. Example of 2-wire control: Motor frequency [Acceleration 2] (AC2) [Deceleration 2] (dE2) + SrP% Reference A - SrP% LSP LSP - SrP% Reference A + SrP% +speed -speed Direction of operation Forward Forward Reverse 140 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b SrE - Adjustment range Factory setting [+/-SPEED AROUND REF.] The function can be accessed for reference channel [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1). Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. USI nO LI1 - [No] (nO) M [+ speed assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. Function active if the assigned input or bit is at 1. dSI nO LI1 - [No] (nO) M [-Speed assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. Function active if the assigned input or bit is at 1. SrP AC2 0 to 50% M [+/-Speed limitation] 10% This parameter limits the variation range with +/- speed as a % of the reference. The ramps used in this function are [Acceleration 2] (AC2) and [Deceleration 2] (dE2). The parameter can be accessed if +/- speed is assigned. M [Acceleration 2] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) 5.0 s Time to accelerate from 0 to the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS). Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. The parameter can be accessed if +/- speed is assigned. dE2 M [Deceleration 2] (1) 0.01 to 6000 s (2) 5.0 s Time to decelerate from the [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) to 0. Make sure that this value is compatible with the inertia being driven. The parameter can be accessed if +/- speed is assigned. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) Range 0.01 to 99.99 s or 0.1 to 999.9 s or 1 to 6000 s according to [Ramp increment] (Inr) page 127. 141 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Reference saving: Saving a speed reference value using a logic input command lasting longer than 0.1 s. • This function is used to control the speed of several drives alternately via a single analog reference and one logic input for each drive. • It is also used to confirm a line reference (communication bus or network) on several drives via a logic input. This allows movements to be synchronized by getting rid of variations when the reference is sent. • The reference is acquired 100 ms after the rising edge of the request. A new reference is not then acquired until a new request is made. F: motor frequency Reference t 0 Run command 1 t 0 LIx (saved) 1 t 0 100 ms Code 100 ms Name/Description b SPMSPM nO LI1 LI14 100 ms Adjustment range Factory setting [MEMO REFERENCE] M [Ref. memo ass.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted [No] (nO) Assignment to a logic input. Function active if the assigned input is at 1. 142 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b FLIFLU Factory setting (1) [No] (FnO) [FLUXING BY LI] M [Motor fluxing] Adjustment range FnC FCt v [Not cont.] (FnC): Non-continuous mode v [Continuous] (FCt): Continuous mode. This option is not possible if [Auto DC injection] (AdC) page 132 FnO v [No] (FnO): Function inactive. This option is not possible if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [SVCI] is [Yes] (YES) or if [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130 is [Freewheel] (nSt). (CUC) or [FVC] (FUC). If [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [SVC I] (CUC), [FVC] (FUC) or [Sync. mot.] (SYn) the factory setting is replaced by [Not cont.] (FnC). In order to obtain rapid high torque on startup, magnetic flux needs to already have been established in the motor. • In [Continuous] (FCt) mode, the drive automatically builds up flux when it is powered up. • In [Not cont.] (FnC) mode, fluxing occurs when the motor starts up. The flux current is greater than nCr (configured rated motor current) when the flux is established and is then adjusted to the motor magnetizing current... CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. If [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [Sync. mot.] (SYn), the [Motor fluxing] (FLU) parameter causes the alignment of the rotor and not the fluxing. If [Brake assignment] (bLC) page 150 is not [No] (nO), the [Motor fluxing] (FLU) parameter has no effect. FLI nO LI1 - M [Fluxing assignment] v [No] (nO): Function inactive [No] (nO) v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. Assignment is only possible if [Motor fluxing] (FLU) is not [Continuous] (FCt). • In [Not cont.] (FnC) mode: - If an LI or a bit is assigned to the motor fluxing command, flux is built up when the assigned input or bit is at 1. - If an LI or a bit has not been assigned, or if the LI or bit assigned is at 0 when a run command is sent, fluxing occurs when the motor starts. • In [No] (FnO) mode: - If an LI or a bit is assigned to the motor fluxing command, flux is built up when the assigned input or bit is at 1 and is suppressed when the assigned input or bit is at 0. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. 143 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Limit switch management Handling This function can be used to manage trajectory limits using limit switches. The stop mode is configurable. When the stop contact is activated, startup in the other direction is authorized. Example: Reverse stop Reverse Forward Forward stop Hoisting Elevators The stop is activated when the input is at 0 (contact open). 144 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- Handling Code Name/Description b LSt- Adjustment range Factory setting [LIMIT SWITCHES] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. LAF Elevators nO LI1 C101 Cd00 LAr [No] (nO) M [Stop FW limit sw.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs v [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs M [Stop RV limit sw.] [No] (nO) Same assignments possible as for [Stop FW limit sw.] (LAF) below. LAS rMP FSt nSt M [Stop type] v [Ramp stop] (rMP) v [Fast stop] (FSt) v [Freewheel] (nSt) [Freewheel] (nSt) Hoisting When the assigned input changes to 0, the stop is controlled in accordance with the selected type. Restarting is only authorized for the other operating direction once the motor has stopped. If the two inputs [Stop FW limit sw.] (LAF) and [Stop RV limit sw.] (LAr) are assigned and at state 0, restarting will be impossible. The parameter can be accessed if [Stop FW limit sw.] (LAF) or [Stop RV limit sw.] (LAr) is assigned. 145 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Used to control an electromagnetic brake by the drive, for horizontal and vertical hoisting applications, and for unbalanced machines. Principle: Vertical hoisting movement: Maintain motor torque in the driving load holding direction during brake opening and closing, in order to hold the load, start smoothly when the brake is released and stop smoothly when the brake is engaged. Handling Brake logic control Horizontal movement: Synchronize brake release with the build-up of torque during startup and brake engage at zero speed on stopping, to prevent jolting. Recommended settings for brake logic control for a vertical hoisting application: WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Elevators Check that the selected settings and configurations will not result in the dropping or loss of control of the load being lifted. Failure to follow this instruction can result in death or serious injury. 1. Brake impulse (bIP): YES. Ensure that the direction of rotation FW corresponds to lifting the load. For applications in which the load being lowered is very different from the load being lifted, set BIP = 2 Ibr (e.g., ascent always with a load and descent always without a load). 3. Acceleration time: For hoisting applications it is advisable to set the acceleration ramps to more than 0.5 seconds. Ensure that the drive does not exceed the current limit. The same recommendation applies for deceleration. Note: For a hoisting movement, a braking resistor should be used. 4. Brake release time (brt): Adjust according to the type of brake. It is the time required for the mechanical brake to release. 5. Brake release frequency (bIr), in open-loop mode only: Leave in [Auto], adjust if necessary. 6. Brake engage frequency (bEn): Leave in [Auto], adjust if necessary. 7. Brake engage time (bEt): Adjust according to the type of brake. It is the time required for the mechanical brake to engage. Recommended settings for brake logic control for a horizontal hoisting application: 1. Brake impulse (bIP): No 2. Brake release current (Ibr): Set to 0. 3. Brake release time (brt): Adjust according to the type of brake. It is the time required for the mechanical brake to release. 4. Brake engage frequency (bEn), in open-loop mode only: Leave in [Auto], adjust if necessary. 5. Brake engage time (bEt): Adjust according to the type of brake. It is the time required for the mechanical brake to engage. 146 Hoisting 2. Brake release current (Ibr and Ird if BIP = 2 Ibr): Adjust the brake release current to the nominal current indicated on the motor. During testing, adjust the brake release current in order to hold the load smoothly. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Handling Brake logic control, horizontal movement in open-loop mode Frequency Reference t bEn Fluxed motor Flux current SdC1 Rated flux current t Elevators Ibr attained Torque current 0 reached Ibr t Direction of operation Forward Reverse t Relay or logic output t Hoisting 0 Brake contact t State of brake Released Key: - (bEn): [Brake engage freq] - (bEt): [Brake engage time] - (brt): [Brake Release time] - (Ibr): [Brake release I FW] - (SdC1): [Auto DC inj. level 1] - (tbE): [Brake engage delay] - (ttr): [Time to restart] 147 Frequency bEt ttr Locking Torque Flux Type of motor control tbE brt Injection Engaged t [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Handling Brake logic control, vertical movement in open-loop mode Frequency Reference bIr JdC t JdC bEn Fluxed motor Flux current Rated flux current t Elevators Ibr attained Torque current 0 reached Ibr t Direction of operation Ascending Descending t Relay or logic output t Hoisting 0 Brake contact t State of brake Released Torque Flux Type of motor control Frequency bEt ttr t Locking tbE brt Injection Engaged Key: - (bEn): [Brake engage freq] - (bEt): [Brake engage time] - (bIr): [Brake release freq] - (brt): [Brake Release time] - (Ibr): [Brake release I FW] - (JdC): [Jump at reversal] - (tbE): [Brake engage delay] - (ttr): [Time to restart] 148 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Handling Brake logic control, vertical or horizontal movement in closed-loop mode Frequency Reference t Fluxed motor Flux current Rated flux current t Elevators Ibr attained Torque current 0 reached Ibr t Direction of operation Forward or ascending Reverse or descending t Relay or logic output t Hoisting 0 Brake contact t State of brake Released 149 Frequency bEt ttr Locking Torque Flux Type of motor control Key: - (bEt): [Brake engage time] - (brt): [Brake Release time] - (Ibr): [Brake release I FW] - (tbE): [Brake engage delay] - (ttr): [Time to restart] tbE brt Injection Engaged t [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) b bLC- Adjustment range Factory setting [BRAKE LOGIC CONTROL] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. bLC [No] (nO) M [Brake assignment] nO r2 r4 LO1 LO4 bSt HOr UEr v v v Note: If the brake is assigned, only a ramp stop is possible. Check the [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130. Logic output or control relay [No] (nO): Function not assigned (in this case, none of the function parameters can be accessed). [R2] (r2) to [R4] (r4): Relay (selection extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). [LO1] (LO1) to [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). [Hoisting] (UEr) M [Movement type] v [Traveling] (HOr): Resistive-load movement (translational motion of overhead crane, for example). v [Hoisting] (VEr): Driving-load movement (hoisting winch, for example). If [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) page 156 is not [No] (nO) [Movement type] (bSt) is forced to [Hoisting] (VEr). bCI Handling Name/Description Elevators Code [No] (nO) M [Brake contact] If the brake is fitted with a monitoring contact (closed for released brake). bIP v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. nO YES v v 2Ibr v Ibr Ird brt [No] (nO) M [Brake impulse] The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) = [No] (nO) (see page 156) and if [Movement type] (bSt) = [Hoisting] (UEr). [No] (nO): The motor torque is given in the required operating direction, at current Ibr. [Yes] (YES): The motor torque is always Forward (check that this direction corresponds to ascending), at current Ibr. [2 IBR] (2Ibr): The torque is in the required direction, at current Ibr for Forward and Ird for Reverse, for certain specific applications. M [Brake release I FW] (1) 0 to 1.32 In (2) 0 Brake release current threshold for ascending or forward movement. The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) = [No] (nO) (see page 156). M [Brake release I Rev] (1) 0 to 1.32 In (2) 0 Brake release current threshold for descending or reverse movement. The parameter can be accessed if [Brake impulse] (bIP) = [2 IBR] (2Ibr). M [Brake Release time] (1) 0 to 5.00 s 0 Brake release time delay. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 150 Hoisting nO LI1 - [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Handling Code Name/Description b bIr AUtO v - v bEn Elevators AUtO v - v tbE [Auto] (AUtO) (1) [Auto] (AUtO) Brake engage frequency threshold. The parameter can be accessed if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 is not [FVC] (FUC). [Auto] (AUtO): The drive takes a value equal to the rated slip of the motor, calculated using the drive parameters. 0 to 10 Hz: Manual control M [Brake engage delay] (1) Brake release frequency threshold (initialization of acceleration ramp). The parameter can be accessed if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 is not [FVC] (FUC) and if [Movement type] (bSt) page 150 is [Hoisting] (UEr). [Auto] (AUtO): The drive takes a value equal to the rated slip of the motor, calculated using the drive parameters. 0 to 10 Hz: Manual control M [Brake engage freq] Factory setting [BRAKE LOGIC CONTROL] (continued) M [Brake release freq] Adjustment range (1) 0 to 5.00 s 0 Time delay before request to engage brake. To delay brake engagement, if you wish the brake to be engaged when the drive comes to a complete stop. bEt M [Brake engage time] (1) 0 to 5.00 s 0 (1) 0 to 1.2 In (2) 0.7 In (2) Brake engage time (brake response time). SdC1 M [Auto DC inj. level 1] Hoisting Level of standstill DC injection current. Note: The parameter can be accessed if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 is not [FVC] (FUC) and if [Movement type] (bSt) page 150 is [Traveling] (HOr). CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. bEd M [Engage at reversal] nO YES [No] (nO) v [No] (nO): The brake does not engage. v [Yes] (YES): The brake engages. Can be used to select whether or not the brake engages on transition to zero speed when the operating direction is reversed. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. 151 Parameters that can be modified during operation or when stopped. Name/Description b JdC AUtO v - v ttr Factory setting 0 to 10.0 Hz [Auto] (AUtO) [BRAKE LOGIC CONTROL] (continued) M [Jump at reversal] Adjustment range (1) The parameter can be accessed if [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 is not [FVC] (FUC) and if [Movement type] (bSt) page 150 is [Hoisting] (UEr). [Auto] (AUtO): The drive takes a value equal to the rated slip of the motor, calculated using the drive parameters. 0 to 10 Hz: Manual control When the reference direction is reversed, this parameter can be used to avoid loss of torque (and consequential release of load) on transition to zero speed. Parameter is not applicable if [Engage at reversal] (bEd) = [Yes] (YES). M [Time to restart] (1) 0 to 5.00 s 0 Elevators Code Handling [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Time between the end of a brake engage sequence and the start of a brake release sequence. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. Hoisting 152 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Brake control logic expert parameters Handling Code Name/Description brH0 Adjustment range Factory setting 0 M [BRH b0] Selection of the brake restart sequence if a run command is repeated while the brake is engaging. 0 1 v [0] (0): The engage/release sequence is executed in full. v [1] (1): The brake is released immediately. Use in open-loop and closed-loop mode. • A run command may be requested during the brake engagement phase. Whether or not the brake release sequence is executed depends on the value selected for [BRH b0] (brH0). Run command Elevators Frequency [BRH b0] (brH0) = 0 Relay or logic output Frequency bEn [BRH b0] (brH0) = 1 Relay or logic output Hoisting Note: If a run command is requested during the "ttr" phase, the complete brake control sequence is initialized. brH1 M [BRH b1] 0 Deactivation of the brake contact in steady state fault. 0 v [0] (0): The brake contact in steady state fault is active (fault if the contact is open during operation). The 1 v [1] (1): The brake contact in steady state fault is inactive. The brF brake contact fault is only monitored brF brake contact fault is monitored in all operating phases. during the brake release and engage phases. 153 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Name/Description brH2 Adjustment range Factory setting Handling Code 0 M [BRH b2] Taking the brake contact into account for the brake control sequence. 0 1 v [0] (0): The brake contact is not taken into account. v [1] (1): The brake contact is taken into account. Use in open-loop and closed-loop mode. • If a logic input is assigned to the brake contact. [BRH b2] (brH2) = 0: During the brake release sequence, the reference is enabled at the end of the time [Brake Release time] (brt). During the brake engage sequence, the current changes to 0 according to the ramp [Current ramp time] (brr) at the end of the [Brake engage time] (bEt). [BRH b2] (brH2) = 1: When the brake is released, the reference is enabled when the logic input changes to 1. When the brake is engaged, the current changes to 0 according to the ramp [Current ramp time] (brr) when the logic input changes to 0. Elevators Run command Relay or logic output brt Frequency Torque current Ibr bEt brr [BRH b2] (brH2) = 0 Brake contact logic input brH3 Torque current Ibr brr [BRH b2] (brH2) = 1 0 M [BRH b3] In closed-loop mode only. Management of the absence of brake contact response, if it is assigned. 0 v [0] (0): During the brake engage sequence, the brake contact must be open before the end of 1 v [1] (1): During the brake engage sequence, the brake contact must be open before the end of [Brake engage time] (bEt), otherwise the drive locks in a brF brake contact fault. [Brake engage time] (bEt), otherwise a bCA brake contact alarm is triggered and zero speed is maintained. brH4 0 1 brr 0 M [BRH b4] v v In closed-loop mode only. Activation of the speed loop at zero if a movement for which no command has been given occurs (measurement of a speed greater than a fixed min. threshold). [0] (0): No action in the event of a movement for which no command has been given. [1] (1): If a movement occurs for which no command has been given, the drive switches to zero speed regulation, with no brake release command, and a bSA alarm is triggered. M [Current ramp time] 0 to 5.00 s 0s Torque current ramp time (increase and decrease) for a current variation equal to [Brake release I FW] (Ibr). Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 154 Hoisting Frequency blr [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Elevators External weight measurement: This function uses the information supplied by a weight sensor to adapt the current [Brake release I FW] (Ibr) of the [BRAKE LOGIC CONTROL] (bLC-) function. The signal from the weight sensor can be assigned to an analog input (usually a 4 - 20 mA signal), to the pulse in input or to the encoder input, according to the type of weight sensor. Examples: - Measurement of the total weight of a hoisting winch and its load. - Measurement of the total weight of an elevator winch, the cabin and the counterweight. The current [Brake release I FW] (Ibr) is adapted in accordance with the curve below. Ibr Hoisting [Point 2Y] (CP2) [Point 1 X] (LP1) Weight sensor signal 0 [Point 2 X] LP2 100% Zero load [Point 1Y] (CP1) This curve can represent a weight sensor on an elevator winch, where zero load on the motor occurs when the load in the cabin is not zero. 155 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Name/Description b ELMPES nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 PI PG Adjustment range Factory setting Elevators Code [EXTERNAL WEIGHT MEAS.] M [Weight sensor ass.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [AI1] (AI1): Analog input v [AI2] (AI2): Analog input v [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted [No] (nO) Function can be accessed if brake logic control is assigned (see page 150). If [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) is not [No] (nO), [Movement type] (bSt) page 150 is forced to [Hoisting] (UEr). LP1 M [Point 1 X] 0 to 99.99% 0 CP1 M [Point 1Y] -1.36 to +1.36 In (1) Hoisting 0 to 99.99% of signal on assigned input. [Point 1 X] (LP1) must be less than [Point 2X] (LP2). The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) is assigned. - In Current corresponding to load [Point 1 X] (LP1), in A. The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) is assigned. LP2 M [Point 2 X] 0.01 to 100% 50% 0.01 to 100% of signal on assigned input. [Point 2 X] (LP2) must be greater than [Point 1 X] (LP1). The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) is assigned. CP2 M [Point 2Y] -1.36 to +1.36 In (1) 0 Current corresponding to load [Point 2 X] (LP2), in A. The parameter can be accessed if [Weight sensor ass.] (PES) is assigned. IbrA M [Ibr 4-20 mA loss] 0 to 1.36 In (1) 0 Brake release current in the event of the loss of the weight sensor information. This parameter can be accessed if the weight sensor is assigned to an analog current input and the 4-20 mA loss fault is deactivated. Recommended settings: - 0 for elevators - Rated motor current for a hoisting application (1) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 156 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Hoisting High-speed hoisting: This function can be used to optimize the cycle times for hoisting movements for zero or lightweight loads. It authorizes operation at "constant power" in order to reach a speed greater than the rated speed without exceeding the rated motor current. The speed remains limited by the [High speed] (HSP) parameter, page 42. The function acts on the speed reference pedestal and not on the reference itself. Principle: Frequency High speed HSP Co Ascending ns tan tp Rated motor frequency FrS ow er Max. torque 0 Tr: Rated motor torque Rated motor frequency FrS er ow ta ns Co High speed HSP 157 p nt Descending Torque [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) • "Speed reference" mode: The maximum permissible speed is calculated by the drive during a speed step that is set so that the drive can measure the load. • "Current limitation" mode: The maximum permissible speed is the speed that supports current limitation in motor mode, in the "Ascending" direction only. For the "Descending" direction, operation is always in "Speed reference" mode. Speed reference mode Ascend or Descend command t Reference HSP FrS OSP t 0 Frequency HSP Calculated limit FrS OSP 0 t tOS OSP: Adjustable speed step for load measurement tOS: Load measuring time Two parameters are used to reduce the speed calculated by the drive, for ascending and descending. 158 Hoisting There are 2 possible operating modes: [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Hoisting Current limitation mode Ascend command t Reference HSP FrS SCL 0 t Frequency HSP FrS Limit imposed by current limitation SCL 0 t Current CLO t SCL: Adjustable speed threshold, above which current limitation is active CLO: Current limitation for high-speed function 159 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Name/Description b HSH- Adjustment range Factory setting Hoisting Code [HIGH SPEED HOISTING] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. HSO nO SSO CSO COF COr tOS OSP CLO SCL [No] (nO) M [High speed hoisting] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [Speed ref] (SSO): "Speed reference" mode v [I Limit] (CSO): "Current limitation" mode M [Motor speed coeff.] 0 to 100% 100% Speed reduction coefficient calculated by the drive for Ascending direction. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) = [Speed ref] (SSO). M [Gen. speed coeff] 0 to 100% 50% Speed reduction coefficient calculated by the drive for Descending direction. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) is not [No] (nO). M [Load measuring tm.] 0.1 s to 65 s 0.5 s Duration of speed step for measurement. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) is not [No] (nO). M [Measurement spd] 0 to [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) 40 Hz Speed stabilized for measurement. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) is not [No] (nO). M [High speed I Limit] 0 to 1.65 In (1) In Current limitation at high speed. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) = [I Limit] (CSO). The adjustment range is limited to 1.36 In if [Switching freq.](SFr) page 60 is less than 2 kHz. Note: If the setting is less than 0.25 In, the drive may lock in [Output Phase Loss] (OPF) fault mode if this has been enabled (see page 204). M [I Limit. frequency] 0 to 500 or 1000 Hz according to rating 40 Hz Frequency threshold, above which the high-speed limitation current is active. The parameter can be accessed if [High speed hoisting] (HSO) = [I Limit] (CSO) (1) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 160 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Process PID regulator Block diagram The function is activated by assigning an analog input to the PID feedback (measurement). LI Pr2 Pr4 Internal reference PII rPI A Reference A Pages 108 and 109 PIC - PrP PAU rdG rIG rPG rSL YES Auto/ Manual tLS nO + rP2 nO Error inversion Ramp nO YES Restart error threshold (wake-up) x(-1) 0 POH + POL rP3 (manu) B Pages 108 and 109 Gains rP4 PIF + Preset PID references nO AI1 ..... Predictive speed reference Scaling AI4 FPI PIF1 / PIF2 PIP1 / PIP2 RP Encoder Net. AI1 Ramps ACC DEC x PSr Preset manual references PID feedback Manual reference nO PIN Key: SP2 Parameter: The black rectangle represents the factory setting assignment SP16 PID feedback: The PID feedback must be assigned to one of the analog inputs AI1 to AI4, to the frequency input or the encoder, according to whether any extension cards have been inserted. PID reference: The PID reference must be assigned to the following parameters: • Preset references via logic inputs (rP2, rP3, rP4) • In accordance with the configuration of [Act. internal PID ref.] (PII) pages 165: - Internal reference (rPI) or - Reference A (Fr1 or Fr1b, see page 108) Combination table for preset PID references LI (Pr4) LI (Pr2) Pr2 = nO Reference rPI or A 0 0 rPI or A 0 1 rP2 1 0 rP3 1 1 rP4 A predictive speed reference can be used to initialize the speed on restarting the process. 161 Scaling of feedback and references: • Parameters PIF1, PIF2 Can be used to scale the PID feedback (sensor range). This scale MUST be maintained for all other parameters. • Parameters PIP1, PIP2 Can be used to scale the adjustment range. Example: Adjustment of the volume in a tank, between 6 m 3 and 15 m3. - Sensor used 4-20 mA, 4.5 m3 for 4 mA, 20 m3 for 20 mA, with the result that PIF1 = 4500 and PIF2 = 20000 (use values as close as possible to the maximum format (32767), while retaining powers of 10 in relation to the actual values). - Adjustment range 6 to 15 m3, with the result that PIP1 = 6000 and PIP2 = 15000. - Example references: - rP1 (internal reference) = 9500 - rp2 (preset reference) = 6500 - rP3 (preset reference) = 8000 - rP4 (preset reference) = 11200 The [DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu can be used to customize the name of the unit displayed and its format. Other parameters: • rSL parameter: Can be used to set the PID error threshold, above which the PID regulator will be reactivated (wake-up) after a stop due to the max. time threshold being exceeded at low speed (tLS). • Reversal of the direction of correction (PIC): If PIC = nO, the speed of the motor will increase when the error is positive, for example: pressure control with a compressor. If PIC = YES, the speed of the motor will decrease when the error is positive, for example: temperature control using a cooling fan. • The integral gain may be short-circuited by a logic input. • An alarm on the PID feedback may be configured and indicated by a logic output. • An alarm on the PID error may be configured and indicated by a logic output. 162 Process [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Process "Manual - Automatic" operation with PID This function combines the PID regulator, the preset speeds and a manual reference. Depending on the state of the logic input, the speed reference is given by the preset speeds or by a manual reference input via the PID function. Manual reference (PIM) • Analog inputs AI1 to AI4 • Frequency input • Encoder Predictive speed reference (FPI) • • • • • • • • • • • [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) Setting up the PID regulator 1. Configuration in PID mode See the diagram on page 161. 2. Perform a test in factory settings mode (in most cases, this will be sufficient) To optimize the drive, adjust rPG or rIG gradually and independently and observe the effect on the PID feedback in relation to the reference. 3. If the factory settings are unstable or the reference is incorrect • Perform a test with a speed reference in Manual mode (without PID regulator) and with the drive on load for the speed range of the system: - In steady state, the speed must be stable and comply with the reference, and the PID feedback signal must be stable. - In transient state, the speed must follow the ramp and stabilize quickly, and the PID feedback must follow the speed. If this is not the case, see the settings for the drive and/or sensor signal and cabling. • • • • • • • • Switch to PID mode. Set brA to no (no auto-adaptation of the ramp). Set the PID ramp (PrP) to the minimum permitted by the mechanism without triggering an ObF fault. Set the integral gain (rIG) to minimum. Leave the derivative gain (rdG) at 0. Observe the PID feedback and the reference. Switch the drive ON/OFF a number of times or vary the load or reference rapidly a number of times. Set the proportional gain (rPG) in order to ascertain the best compromise between response time and stability in transient phases (slight overshoot and 1 to 2 oscillations before stabilizing). • If the reference varies from the preset value in steady state, gradually increase the integral gain (rIG), reduce the proportional gain (rPG) in the event of instability (pump applications), find a compromise between response time and static precision (see diagram). • Lastly, the derivative gain may permit the overshoot to be reduced and the response time to be improved, although this will make it more difficult to obtain a compromise in terms of stability, as it depends on 3 gains. • Perform in-production tests over the whole reference range. 163 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Reference Process Stabilization time Regulated value rPG high Overshoot Static error Proportional gain rPG low Rise time time rIG high Reference Integral gain rIG low time Reference rPG and rIG correct rdG increased time The oscillation frequency depends on the system kinematics. Parameter Rise time rPG Overshoot Stabilization time Static error = rIG rdG = = 164 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Process Code Name/Description b PId- Adjustment range Factory setting [PID REGULATOR] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. PIF nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 PI PG AIU1 AICI [No] (nO) M [PID feedback ass.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned (function inactive) In this case, none of the function parameters can be accessed. v [AI1] (AI1): Analog input v [AI2] (AI2): Analog input v [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted v [Network AI] (AIV1): Feedback via communication bus [No] (nO) M [AI net. channel] nO Mdb CAn nEt APP PIF1 v v v v v The parameter can be accessed if [PID feedback ass.] (PIF) = [Network AI] (AIU1). [No] (nO): Not assigned [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) M [Min PID feedback] (1) 100 Value for minimum feedback. Adjustment range from 0 to [Max PID feedback] (PIF2) (2). PIF2 M [Max PID feedback] (1) 1000 Value for maximum feedback Adjustment range from [Min PID feedback] (PIF1) to 32767 (2). PIP1 M [Min PID reference] (1) 150 Minimum process value Adjustment range from [Min PID feedback] (PIF1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) (2). PIP2 M [Max PID reference] (1) 900 Maximum process value Adjustment range from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID feedback] (PIF2) (2). PII [No] (nO) M [Act. internal PID ref.] Internal PID regulator reference nO v [No] (nO): The PID regulator reference is given by Fr1 or Fr1b with summing/subtraction/multiplication functions (see the diagram on page 107). YES rPI rPG v [Yes] (YES): The PID regulator reference is internal via parameter rPI. 150 M [Internal PID ref.] Internal PID regulator reference This parameter can also be accessed in the [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) menu. Adjustment range from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) (2). M [PID prop. gain] 0.01 to 100 1 Proportional gain (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) If a graphic display terminal is not in use, values greater than 9999 will be displayed on the 4-digit display with a period mark after the thousand digit, e.g., 15.65 for 15650. 165 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. Code Name/Description b rIG Factory setting 0.01 to 100 1 0.00 to 100 0 0 to 99.9 s 0s [PID REGULATOR] (continued) M [PID integral gain] Adjustment range Process [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Integral gain rdG M [PID derivative gain] Derivative gain PrP M [PID ramp] (1) PID acceleration/deceleration ramp, defined to go from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) and vice versa. PIC nO YES [No] (nO) M [PID correct. reverse] v [No] (nO) v [Yes] (YES) Reversal of the direction of correction (PIC): If PIC = nO, the speed of the motor will increase when the error is positive. Example: pressure control with a compressor. If PIC = YES, the speed of the motor will decrease when the error is positive. Example: temperature control using a cooling fan. POL M [Min PID output] (1) - 500 to 500 or - 1000 to 1000 according to rating 0 Hz (1) 0 to 500 or 1000 according to rating 60 Hz Minimum value of regulator output in Hz. POH M [Max PID output] Maximum value of regulator output in Hz. PAL M [Min fbk alarm] (1) 100 Minimum monitoring threshold for regulator feedback. Adjustment range from [Min PID feedback] (PIF1) to [Max PID feedback] (PIF2) (2). PAH M [Max fbk alarm] (1) 1000 Maximum monitoring threshold for regulator feedback. Adjustment range from [Min PID feedback] (PIF1) to [Max PID feedback] (PIF2) (2). PEr M [PID error Alarm] (1) 0 to 65535 (2) 100 Regulator error monitoring threshold. PIS nO LI1 - M [PID integral reset] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the function is inactive (the PID integral is enabled). If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the function is active (the PID integral is disabled). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) If a graphic display terminal is not in use, values greater than 9999 will be displayed on the 4-digit display with a period mark after the thousand digit, e.g., 15.65 for 15650. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 166 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Process Code Name/Description b FPI Adjustment range [PID REGULATOR] (continued) [No] (nO) M [Speed ref. assign.] nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG PSr v v v v v v v v v v v v PID regulator predictive speed input [No] (nO): Not assigned (function inactive) [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted M [Speed input %] Factory setting (1) 1 to 100% 100% Multiplying coefficient for predictive speed input. The parameter cannot be accessed [Speed ref. assign.] (FPI) = [No] (nO) PAU nO LI1 - [No] (nO) M [Auto/Manual assign.] v [No] (nO): The PID is always active. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the PID is active. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, manual operation is active. PIM nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 PI PG tLS [No] (nO) M [Manual reference] v v v v v v v Manual speed input. The parameter can be accessed if [Auto/Manual assign.] (PAU) is not [No] (nO). [No] (nO): Not assigned (function inactive) [AI1] (AI1): Analog input [AI2] (AI2): Analog input [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted The preset speeds are active on the manual reference if they have been configured. M [Low speed time out] (1) 0 to 999.9 s 0s Maximum operating time at [Low speed] (LSP) (see page 42) Following operation at LSP for a defined period, a motor stop is requested automatically. The motor restarts if the reference is greater than LSP and if a run command is still present. Caution: Value 0 corresponds to an unlimited period. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) If a graphic display terminal is not in use, values greater than 9999 will be displayed on the 4-digit display with a period mark after the thousand digit, e.g., 15.65 for 15650. 167 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. Code Name/Description b rSL Adjustment range Factory setting 0.0 to 100.0 0 [PID REGULATOR] (continued) M [PID wake up thresh.] If the "PID" and "Low speed operating time" tLS functions are configured at the same time, the PID regulator may attempt to set a speed lower than LSP. This results in unsatisfactory operation, which consists of starting, operating at low speed then stopping, and so on… Parameter rSL (restart error threshold) can be used to set a minimum PID error threshold for restarting after a stop at prolonged LSP. The function is inactive if tLS = 0 or if rSL = 0. WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Check that unintended restarts will not present any danger. Failure to follow this instruction can result in death or serious injury. b Pr1- [PID PRESET REFERENCES] Function can be accessed if [PID feedback ass.] (PIF) is assigned. Pr2 nO LI1 - [No] (nO) M [2 preset PID ref.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the function is inactive. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the function is active. Pr4 [No] (nO) M [4 preset PID ref.] Make sure that [2 preset PID ref.] (Pr2) has been assigned before assigning this function nO LI1 - v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the function is inactive. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the function is active. rP2 rP3 rP4 M [2 preset PID ref.] (1) 300 The parameter can be accessed if [2 preset PID ref.] (Pr2) is assigned. Adjustment range from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) (2). M [Preset ref. PID 3] (1) 600 The parameter can be accessed if [4 preset PID ref.] (Pr4) is assigned. Adjustment range from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) (2). M [Preset ref. PID 4] (1) 900 The parameter can be accessed if [Preset ref. PID 4] (Pr4) is assigned. Adjustment range from [Min PID reference] (PIP1) to [Max PID reference] (PIP2) (2). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) If a graphic display terminal is not in use, values greater than 9999 will be displayed on the 4-digit display with a period mark after the thousand digit, e.g., 15.65 for 15650. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 168 Process [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Torque regulation Speed reference Speed Speed regulation Torque/ current limitation Torque reference [Torque ref. sign] (tSd) M Torque [Torque ratio] (trt) [Torque ramp time] (trP) LI LI The function can be used to switch between operation in speed regulation mode and operation in torque control mode. In torque control mode, the speed may vary within a configurable "deadband". When it reaches a lower or upper limit, the drive automatically reverts to speed regulation mode (fallback) and remains at this limit speed. The regulated torque is therefore no longer maintained and two scenarios may occur. • If the torque returns to the required value, the drive will return to torque control mode. • If the torque does not return to the required value at the end of a configurable period of time, the drive will switch to fault or alarm mode. WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Check that the changes in the behavior of the motor do not present any danger. Failure to follow this instruction can result in death or serious injury. Torque A Torque limitation E Torque reference B C Speed dead band D Speed reference - AB and CD: "Fallback" to speed regulation - BC: Torque control zone - E: Ideal operating point The torque sign and value can be transmitted via a logic output and an analog output. 169 Speed 170 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b tOr- Adjustment range Factory setting [TORQUE CONTROL] This function can only be accessed for [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [SVC I] (CUC) or [Closed loop] (FUC). Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. tSS nO YES LI1 - M [Trq/spd switching] v [No] (nO): Function inactive, thereby preventing access to other parameters. v [Yes] (YES): Permanent torque control v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 1: Torque control If the assigned input or bit is at 0: Speed regulation tr1 nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC Mdb CAn nEt APP PI PG M [Torque ref. channel] v [No] (nO): Not assigned (zero torque reference). v [AI1] (AI1): Analog input v [AI2] (AI2): Analog input v [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 I/O card has been inserted v [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 I/O card has been inserted v [HMI] (LCC): Graphic display terminal v [Modbus] (Mdb): Integrated Modbus v [CANopen] (CAn): Integrated CANopen v [Com. card] (nEt): Communication card (if inserted) v [Prog. card] (APP): Controller Inside card (if inserted) v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 I/O card has been inserted v [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted [No] (nO) 100 % of the reference correspond to 300 % of the nominal torque. tSd nO LI1 - [No] (nO) M [Torque ref. sign] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the torque sign is the same as the reference. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the torque sign is the opposite of the reference. trt M [Torque ratio] 0 to 1000% 100% 0 to 99.99 s 3s Coefficient applied to [Torque reference] (tr1). trP M [Torque ramp time] Torque rise and fall time for a variation of 100% of the nominal torque. tSt SPd YES SPn [Speed] (SPd) M [Torque control stop] v [Speed] (SPd): Speed regulation stop, in accordance with the type of stop configuration (see page 130) v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Spin] (SPn): Zero torque stop, but maintaining the flux in the motor. This type of operation is only possible if [Motor control type] (Ctt) = [FVC] (FUC). SPt 171 M [Spin time] 0 to 3600 s The parameter can be accessed if [Torque control stop] (tSt) = [Spin] (SPn) Spin time following stop, in order to remain ready to restart quickly. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 1 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b dbp Factory setting 0 to 2 x [Max frequency] (tFr) 10 Hz 0 to 2 x [Max frequency] (tFr) 10 Hz 0 to 999.9 s 60 [TORQUE CONTROL] (continued) M [Positive deadband] Adjustment range Positive deadband. Value added algebraically to the speed reference. Example for dbP = 10: • If reference = +50 Hz: + 50 + 10 = 60 • If reference = - 50 Hz: - 50 + 10 = - 40 dbn M [Negative deadband] Negative deadband. Value subtracted algebraically from the speed reference. Example for dbn = 10: • If reference = +50 Hz: + 50 - 10 = 40 • If reference = - 50 Hz: - 50 - 10 = - 60 rtO M [Torque ctrl time out] Time following automatic exit of torque control mode in the event of a fault or alarm. tOb M [Torq. ctrl fault mgt] [Alarm] (ALrM) Response of drive once time [Torque ctrl time out] (rtO) has elapsed. ALrM FLt v [Alarm] (ALrM) v [Fault] (FLt): Fault with freewheel stop. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 172 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Torque limitation There are two types of torque limitation: • With a value that is fixed by a parameter • With a value that is set by an analog input (AI, pulse or encoder) If both types are enabled, the lowest value is taken into account. The two types of limitation can be configured or switched remotely using a logic input or via the communication bus. [Torque limit. activ.] (tLA) [Yes] (YES) [Motoring torque lim] (tLIM) Torque limitation via parameter [LI] [Gen. torque lim] (tLIG) LI [No] (nO) Lowest value taken into account [Analog limit. act.] (tLC) [AI.] (AI.) [RP] (PI) [Encoder] (PG) [Yes] (YES) Torque limitation via analog input, RP or Encoder [AI] [LI] [No] (nO) LI [Torque ref. assign.] (tAA) 173 Limitation value [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b tOL- Adjustment range Factory setting [TORQUE LIMITATION] This function cannot be accessed in V/F profile mode. tLA nO YES LI1 - [No] (nO) M [Torque limit. activ.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [Yes] (YES): Function always active v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the function is inactive. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the function is active. tLIM M [Motoring torque lim] (1) 0 to 300% 100% The parameter cannot be accessed if [Torque limit. activ.] (tLA) = [No] (nO) Torque limitation in motor mode, as a % of the rated torque. tLIG M [Gen. torque lim] (1) 0 to 300% 100% The parameter cannot be accessed if [Torque limit. activ.] (tLA) = [No] (nO) Torque limitation in generator mode, as a % of the rated torque. tAA nO AI1 AI4 PI PG M [Torque ref. assign.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned (function inactive) v [AI1] (AI1) [No] (nO) to [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 I/O card has been inserted v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 I/O card has been inserted v [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted If the function is assigned, the limitation varies between 0% and 300% of the rated torque on the basis of the 0% to 100% signal applied to the assigned input. Examples: - 12 mA on a 4-20 mA input results in limitation to 150% of the rated torque. - 2.5 V on a 10 V input results in 75% of the rated torque. tLC M [Analog limit. act.] [Yes] (YES) The parameter can be accessed if [Torque ref. assign.] (tAA) is not [No] (nO). YES LI1 - v [Yes] (YES): The limitation depends on the input assigned by [Torque ref. assign.] (tAA). v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0: • The limitation is specified by the [Motoring torque lim] (tLIM) and [Gen. torque lim.] parameters (tLIG) if [Torque limit. activ.] (tLA) is not [No] (nO). • No limitation if [Torque limit. activ.] (tLA) = [No] (nO). If the assigned input or bit is at 1: • The limitation depends on the input assigned by [Torque ref. assign.] (tAA). Note: If [Torque limitation] (tLA) and [Torque ref. assign.] (tAA) are enabled at the same time, the lowest value is taken into account. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 174 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b CLILC2 nO LI1 - Adjustment range Factory setting [2nd CURRENT LIMIT.] [No] (nO) M [Current limit 2] v [No] (nO): Function inactive. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, the first current limitation is active. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, the second current limitation is active. CL2 CLI M [I Limit. 2 value] (1) 0 to 1.65 In (2) Second current limitation The parameter can be accessed if [Current limit 2] (LC2) is not [No] (nO). The adjustment range is limited to 1.36 In if [Switching freq.] (SFr) page 60 is less than 2 kHz. Note: If the setting is less than 0.25 In, the drive may lock in [Output Phase Loss] (OPF) fault mode if this has been enabled (see page 204). If it is less than the no-load motor current, the limitation no longer has any effect. M [Current Limitation] (1) 0 to 1.65 In (2) 175 1.5 In (2) First current limitation The parameter can be accessed if [Current limit 2] (LC2) is not [No] (nO). The adjustment range is limited to 1.36 In if [Switching freq.] (SFr) page 60 is less than 2 kHz. Note: If the setting is less than 0.25 In, the drive may lock in [Output Phase Loss] (OPF) fault mode if this has been enabled (see page 204). If it is less than the no-load motor current, the limitation no longer has any effect. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. 1.5 In (2) Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Line contactor command Example circuit: Note: The "Run/Reset" button must be pressed once the "Emergency stop" button has been released. Emergency stop Line 3a Run/Reset K11 K10 K11 KM1 L1 L2 L3 U V W ATV 71 0 LIp P24 Forward or reverse LIn K11 LO/Rp K10 M 3 0V 24 V 24 V power supply The drive control power supply must be provided via an external 24 V source. CAUTION This function can only be used for a small number of consecutive operations with a cycle time longer than 60 s (in order to avoid premature aging of the filter capacitor charging circuit). Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. Note: The line contactor closes every time a run command (forward or reverse) is sent and opens after every stop. 176 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b LLCLLC Adjustment range Factory setting [LINE CONTACTOR COMMAND] [No] (nO) M [Line contactor ass.] Logic output or control relay nO LO1 LO4 r2 r4 LES nO LI1 - v [No] (nO): Function not assigned (in this case, none of the function parameters can be accessed). v [LO1] (LO1) to v [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). [R2] (r2) to [R4] (r4): Relay (selection of R2 extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). [No] (nO) M [Drive lock] v [No] (nO): Function inactive. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. The drive locks when the assigned input or bit changes to 0. LCt M [Mains V. time out] 5 to 999 s 5s Monitoring time for closing of line contactor. If, once this time has elapsed, there is no voltage on the drive power circuit, the drive will lock with a "line contactor" (LCF) fault. 177 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Output contactor command This allows the drive to control a contactor located between the drive and the motor. The request for the contactor to close is made when a run command is sent. The request for the contactor to open is made when there is no longer any current in the motor. CAUTION If a DC injection braking function has been configured it should not be left operating too long in stop mode, as the contactor only opens at the end of braking. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. Output contactor feedback The corresponding logic input should be at 1 when there is no run command and at 0 during operation. In the event of an inconsistency, the drive trips on an FCF1 fault if the output contactor fails to close (LIx at 1) and on an FCF2 fault if it is stuck (LIx at 0). The parameter [Time to motor run] (dbS) can be used to delay tripping in fault mode when a run command is sent and the parameter [Time to open cont.] (dAS) delays the fault when a stop command is set. Note: Fault FCF1 (contactor failing to close) can be reset by the run command changing state from 1 to 0 (0 --> 1 --> 0 in 3-wire control). ATV 71 U V Feedback Command W 0 LOp/Rp K20 P24 LIp KM2 KM2 K20 M KM2 3 The [Out. contactor ass.] (OCC) and [Output contact. fdbk] (rCA) functions can be used individually or together. 178 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b OCCOCC Adjustment range Factory setting [OUTPUT CONTACTOR CMD] [No] (nO) M [Out. contactor ass.] Logic output or control relay nO LO1 LO4 r2 r4 rCA nO LI1 - v [No] (nO): Function not assigned (in this case, none of the function parameters can be accessed). v [LO1] (LO1) to v [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). [R2] (r2) to [R4] (r4): Relay (selection of R2 extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). [No] (nO) M [Output contact. fdbk] v [No] (nO): Function inactive. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. The motor starts up when the assigned input or bit changes to 0. dbS dAS 179 M [Time to motor run] 0.05 to 60 s 0,15 Time delay for: • Motor control following the sending of a run command. • Output contactor fault monitoring, if the feedback is assigned. If the contactor fails to close at the end of the set time, the drive will lock in FCF1 fault mode. This parameter can be accessed if [Output cont.] (OCC) is assigned or if [Output cont. fdbk] (rCA) is assigned. The time delay must be greater than the closing time of the output contactor. M [Time to open cont.] 0 to 5.00 s 0,10 Time delay for output contactor opening command following motor stop. This parameter can be accessed if [Output contact. fdbk] (rCA) is assigned. The time delay must be greater than the opening time of the output contactor. If it is set to 0, the fault will not be monitored. If the contactor fails to open at the end of the set time, the drive will lock in FCF2 fault mode. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Positioning by sensors or limit switches This function is used for managing positioning using position sensors or limit switches linked to logic inputs or using control word bits: • Slowing down • Stopping Forward 0 Reverse 0 [Slowdown forward] 0 [Stop FW limit sw.] 0 Speed [Low speed] (LSP) 0 The slowdown mode and stop mode can be configured. The operation is identical for both directions of operation. Slowdown and stopping operate according to the same logic, described below. Example: Slowdown in forward operation - Forward slowdown takes place on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the input or bit assigned to forward slowdown if this rising edge occurs in forward operation. The slowdown command is then memorized, even in the event of a power outage. Operation in the opposite direction is authorized at high speed. The slowdown command is deleted on a falling edge (change from 1 to 0) of the input or bit assigned to forward slowdown if this falling edge occurs in reverse operation. - A bit or a logic input can be assigned to disable this function. - Although forward slowdown is disabled while the disable input or bit is at 1, sensor changes continue to be monitored and saved. 180 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Example: Positioning on a limit switch Reverse stop Reverse slowdown Reverse Forward Forward slowdown Forward stop Operation with short cams: In this case, the first time the drive is operated or after a return to factory settings, it must be started initially outside the slowdown and stopping zones in order to initialize the function. Forward slowdown zone Forward slowdown Forward stop zone Forward stop Operation with long cams: In this instance, there is no restriction, which means that the function is initialized across the whole trajectory. Forward slowdown zone Forward slowdown Forward stop zone Forward stop 181 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b LPO- Adjustment range Factory setting [POSITIONING BY SENSORS] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. SAF nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [No] (nO) M [Stop FW limit sw.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO) v [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs v [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs Forward stop, controlled on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the assigned bit or input. SAr M [Stop RV limit sw.] [No] (nO) Same assignments possible as for [Stop FW limit sw.] (SAF) above. Reverse stop, controlled on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the assigned bit or input. dAF M [Slowdown forward] [No] (nO) Same assignments possible as for [Stop FW limit sw.] (SAF) above. Forward slowdown, controlled on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the assigned bit or input. dAr M [Slowdown reverse] [No] (nO) Same assignments possible as for [Stop FW limit sw.] (SAF) above. Reverse slowdown, controlled on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the assigned bit or input. CLS M [Disable limit sw.] [No] (nO) The parameter can be accessed if at least one limit switch or one sensor has been assigned. nO LI1 - v [No] (nO): Not assigned v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. The action of the limit switches is disabled when the assigned bit or input is at 1. If, at this time, the drive is stopped or being slowed down by limit switches, it will restart up to its speed reference. PAS M [Stop type] [Ramp stop] (rMP) The parameter can be accessed if at least one limit switch or one sensor has been assigned. rMP FSt YES dSF v [Ramp stop] (rMP): On ramp v [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop (ramp time reduced by [Ramp divider] (dCF), see page 130) v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop M [Deceleration type] [Standard] (Std) The parameter can be accessed if at least one limit switch or one sensor has been assigned. Std v [Standard] (Std): Uses the [Deceleration] (dEC) or [Deceleration 2] (dE2) ramp (depending on which has OPt v [Optimized] (OPt): The ramp time is calculated on the basis of the actual speed when the slowdown been enabled). contact switches, in order to limit the operating time at low speed (optimization of the cycle time: the slowdown time is constant regardless of the initial speed). 182 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Parameter set switching [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] A set of 1 to 15 parameters from the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu on page 52 can be selected and 2 or 3 different values assigned. These 2 or 3 sets of values can then be switched using 1 or 2 logic inputs or control word bits. This switching can be performed during operation (motor running). Values 1 Values 2 Values 3 Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Parameter 6 Parameter 7 Parameter 8 Parameter 9 Parameter 10 Parameter 11 Parameter 12 Parameter 13 Parameter 14 Parameter 15 Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Parameter 6 Parameter 7 Parameter 8 Parameter 9 Parameter 10 Parameter 11 Parameter 12 Parameter 13 Parameter 14 Parameter 15 Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Parameter 6 Parameter 7 Parameter 8 Parameter 9 Parameter 10 Parameter 11 Parameter 12 Parameter 13 Parameter 14 Parameter 15 Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Parameter 6 Parameter 7 Parameter 8 Parameter 9 Parameter 10 Parameter 11 Parameter 12 Parameter 13 Parameter 14 Parameter 15 Input LI or bit 2 values 0 1 0 or 1 Input LI or bit 3 values 0 0 1 Note: These parameters can no longer be modified in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Any modifications made in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu will be lost the next time the drive is shut down. The parameters can be adjusted during operation in the [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] (MLP-) menu, on the active configuration. Note: Parameter set switching cannot be configured from the integrated display terminal. Parameters can only be adjusted on the integrated display terminal if the function has been configured previously via the graphic display terminal, by PowerSuite or via the bus or communication network. If the function has not been configured, the MLP- menu and the PS1-, PS2-, PS3- submenus do not appear. 183 Submenu 1.7 – Aplikaãní funkce [1.7 APLIKAâNÍ FUNKCE] (FUn-) Kód funkce Název funkce/popis Rozsah nastavení Tovární nastavení b Submenu pfiepínání sad parametrÛ [P¤EPÍNÁNÍ SAD PARAMETRÒ] [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] MLP- CHA1 nO LI1 CHA2 nO LI1 - M Konfigurace funkce pfiepínání 2 sad parametrÛ [Pfiepínání sad parametrÛ] [2 Parameter sets] v [Ne] (nO): Funkce není pouÏita. v [LI1] (LI1): Ovládání logick˘m vstupem. [Ne] (nO) : : v [...] (...): Viz podmínky nastavení na stranû 112. M Konfigurace funkce pfiepínání 3 sad parametrÛ [Pfiepínání 3 sad] [3 Parameter sets] v [Ne] (nO): Funkce není pouÏita. v [LI1] (LI1): Ovládání logick˘m vstupem. [Ne] (nO) : : v [...] (...): Viz podmínky nastavení na stranû 112. M Volba parametrÛ základní sady [KONFIGURACE SADY] [PARAMETER SELECTION] Volbu parametrÛ základní sady lze provést pomocí grafického obsluÏného terminálu, pokud [Pfiepínání 2 sad] = [Ne]. Volba parametrÛ se provede zatrÏením v oknû konfigurace sady, které zahrnuje v‰echny pfiístupné parametry submenu [1.3 NASTAVENÍ] (SEt-). Je moÏné zvolit 1 aÏ 15 parametrÛ. Volba, znázornûná zatrÏením v okénku vedle parametru se provede stiskem navigaãního toãítka grafického terminálu (ENTER). Dal‰ím stiskem lze volbu zru‰it. PARAMETER SELECTION 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment ------------------------- PS1- M Nastavení parametrÛ základní sady [SADA 1] [SET 1] Funkce je pfiístupná, pokud byl konfigurován alespoÀ jeden parametr v oknû [KONFIGURACE SADY]. Zmûnu hodnoty parametru je moÏné provést po jeho nalistování otáãením navigaãního toãítka a jeho volbû stiskem toãítka v oknû nastavení parametru. Parametry v submenu [SADA 1] jsou uspofiádány v takovém pofiadí, jak byly zvoleny. RDY Term +0.00Hz SET1 Acceleration : Deceleration : Acceleration 2 : Deceleration 2 : Begin Acc round 1 : Code 0A 9.51 s 9.67 s 12.58 s 13.45 s 2.3 s Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz Acceleration 0A ENT 9.51 s Min = 0.1 << Max = 999.9 >> Quick Pomocí integrovaného terminálu se konfigurace provádí v submenu nastavení. 184 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b PS2- Adjustment range Factory setting [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] (continued) M [SET 2] The parameter can be accessed if at least 1 parameter has been selected in [PARAMETER SELECTION]. Procedure identical to [SET 1] (PS1-). PS3- M [SET 3] The parameter can be accessed if [3 Parameter sets] is not [No] and if at least 1 parameter has been selected in [PARAMETER SELECTION]. Procedure identical to [SET 1] (PS1-). Note: We recommend that a parameter set switching test is carried out on stopping and a check is made to ensure that it has been performed correctly. Some parameters are interdependent and in this case may be restricted at the time of switching. Interdependencies between parameters must be respected, even between different sets. Example: The highest [Low speed] (LSP) must be below the lowest [High speed] (HSP). 185 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Motor or configuration switching [MULTIMOTORS/CONFIG.] The drive may contain up to 3 configurations, which can be saved using the [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) menu, page 224. Each of these configurations can be activated remotely, enabling adaptation to: • 2 or 3 different motors or mechanisms (multimotor mode) • 2 or 3 different configurations for a single motor (multiconfiguration mode) The two switching modes cannot be combined. Note: The following conditions MUST be observed: • Switching may only take place when stopped (drive locked). If a switching request is sent during operation, it will not be executed until the next stop. • In the event of motor switching, the following additional conditions apply: - When the motors are switched, the power and control terminals concerned must also be switched as appropriate. - The maximum power of the drive must not be exceeded by any of the motors. • All the configurations to be switched must be set and saved in advance in the same hardware configuration, this being the definitive configuration (option and communication cards). Failure to follow this instruction can cause the drive to lock on a fault [Incorrect config.] (CFF). Menu and parameters switched in multimotor mode • • • • • • • • [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) [1.6 COMMAND] (CtL-) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) with the exception of the [MULTIMOTORS/CONFIG.] function (to be configured once only) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt) [1.13 USER MENU] [USER CONFIG.]: The name of the configuration specified by the user in the [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) menu Menu and parameters switched in multiconfiguration mode As in multimotor mode, except for the motor parameters that are common to the three configurations: - Rated current - Thermal current - Rated voltage - Rated frequency - Rated speed - Rated power - IR compensation - Slip compensation - Synchronous motor parameters - Type of thermal protection - Thermal state - The auto-tuning parameters and motor parameters that can be accessed in expert mode - Type of motor control Note: No other menus or parameters can be switched. 186 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Switching command Depending on the number of motors or selected configuration (2 or 3), the switching command is sent using one or two logic inputs. The table below lists the possible combinations. LI 2 motors or configurations LI 3 motors or configurations Number of configuration or active motor 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 Schematic diagram for multimotor mode ATV 71 Configuration 0 if both contacts are open LO or R Configuration 0 LI Configuration 1 LO or R Configuration 1 + 24 V Configuration 2 LO or R Configuration 2 LI M0 M1 M2 Auto-tuning in multimotor mode This auto-tuning can be performed: • Manually using a logic input when the motor changes • Automatically each time the motor is activated for the 1 st time after switching on the drive, if the [Automatic autotune] (AUt) parameter on page 70 = [Yes] (YES). Motor thermal states in multimotor mode: The drive protects the three motors individually. Each thermal state takes into account all stop times, including drive shutdowns. It is therefore not necessary to perform auto-tuning every time the power is switched on. It is sufficient to auto-tune each motor at least once. Configuration information output In the [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) menu, a logic output can be assigned to each configuration or motor (2 or 3) for remote information transmission. Note: As the [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) menu is switched, these outputs must be assigned in all configurations in which information is required. 187 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Code Name/Description b MMCCHM nO YES CnF1 nO LI1 C111 - Adjustment range Factory setting [MULTIMOTORS/CONFIG.] M [Multimotors] v [No] (nO): Multiconfiguration possible v [Yes] (YES): Multimotor possible [No] (nO) M [2 Configurations] v [No] (nO): No switching v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C111] (C111) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus v [C211] (C211) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen v [C311] (C311) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card v [C411] (C411) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card [No] (nO) Switching of 2 motors or 2 configurations CnF2 M [3 Configurations] v [No] (nO): No switching v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted v [C111] (C111) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus v [C211] (C211) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen v [C311] (C311) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card v [C411] (C411) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card nO LI1 C111 - [No] (nO) Switching of 3 motors or 3 configurations Note: In order to obtain 3 motors or 3 configurations, [2 Configurations] (CnF1) must also be configured. b tnLtUL nO LI1 - [AUTO TUNING BY LI] M [Auto-tune assign.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. Auto-tuning is performed when the assigned input or bit changes to 1. Note: Auto-tuning causes the motor to start up. 188 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Textiles Traverse control Function for winding reels of yarn (in textile applications) Traverse control drive Winding drive Reel of yarn Main shaft Gearbox Winding motor Yarn guide Yarn Gearbox Cam Traverse control motor The speed of rotation of the cam must follow a precise profile to ensure that the reel is steady, compact and linear: Run command t LI or traverse control bit t Motor speed Base reference ACC ramp dEC ramp t start of function end of function Bit 15 of word LRS1 (traverse control active) t The function starts when the drive has reached its base reference and the traverse control command has been enabled. When the traverse control command is disabled, the drive returns to its base reference, following the ramp determined by the traverse control function. The function then stops, as soon as it has returned to this reference. Bit 15 of word LRS1 is at 1 while the function is active. 189 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Function parameters: Motor speed tdn Textiles These define the cycle of frequency variations around the base reference, as shown in the diagram below: Frequency jump tUP qSH trH Base reference trL qSL Frequency jump 0 t • trC: [Yarn control]: Assignment of the traverse control command to a logic input or to a communication bus control word bit • tdn: [Traverse ctrl. decel] time, in seconds • tUP: [Traverse ctrl. accel.] time, in seconds • trH: [Traverse high], in Hertz • trL: [Traverse Low], in Hertz • qSH: [Quick step High], in Hertz • qSL: [Quick step Low], in Hertz Reel parameters: • tbO: [Reel time]: Time taken to make a reel, in minutes. This parameter is intended to signal the end of winding. When the traverse control operating time since command trC reaches the value of tbO, the logic output or one of the relays changes to state 1, if the corresponding function EbO has been assigned. The traverse control operating time EbOt can be monitored online by a communication bus and in the Monitoring menu. • dtF: [Decrease ref. speed]: Decrease in the base reference. In certain cases, the base reference has to be reduced as the reel increases in size. The dtF value corresponds to time tbO. Once this time has elapsed, the reference continues to fall, following the same ramp. If low speed LSP is at 0, the speed reaches 0 Hz, the drive stops and must be reset by a new run command. If low speed LSP is not 0, the traverse control function continues to operate above LSP. Motor speed Base reference dtF With LSP = 0 t 0 tbO Motor speed Base reference dtF With LSP > 0 LSP 0 t tbO 190 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Textiles • rtr: [Init. traverse ctrl] Reinitialize traverse control. This command can be assigned to a logic input or to a communication bus control word bit. It resets the EbO alarm and the EbOt operating time to zero and reinitializes the reference to the base reference. As long as rtr remains at 1, the traverse control function is disabled and the speed remains the same as the base reference. This command is used primarily when changing reels. Motor speed Base reference dtF 0 tbO t Run 0 t trC 0 t EbOt tbO 0 t bit 15 of LRS1 0 t EbO 0 t rtr 0 191 t [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Master drive Textiles Counter wobble Slave drive tSY SnC Reel of yarn Synchronization Main shaft Gearbox Winding motor Yarn guide Yarn Gearbox Yarn guide motor Cam The "Counter wobble" function is used, in certain applications, to obtain a constant yarn tension when the Traverse control function causes significant variations in speed on the yarn guide motor (trH and trL, see page 194). Two drives must be used (one master and one slave). The master controls the speed of the yarn guide, the slave controls the winding speed. The function assigns the slave a speed profile, which is in antiphase to that of the master. This means that synchronization is required, using one of the master’s logic outputs and one of the slave’s logic inputs. Run command on master and slave t Traverse control command on master and slave Yarn guide motor speed (master drive) t trH trL t tSY/SnC synchronization t Winding motor speed (slave drive) trH trL t 192 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Textiles Connection of synchronization I/O Master drive Slave drive ATV 71 ATV 71 (SnCO) LOp COM LIp (SnCI) COM The starting conditions for the function are: - Base speeds reached on both drives - [Yarn control] (trC) input activated - Synchronization signal present Note: On the slave drive, the [Quick step High] (qSH) and [Quick step Low] (qSL) parameters should generally be left at zero. 193 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Name/Description b trO- Adjustment range Factory setting Textiles Code [TRAVERSE CONTROL] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. trC nO LI1 - M [Yarn control] v [No] (nO): Function inactive, thereby preventing access to other parameters. v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. The "traverse control" cycle starts when the assigned input or bit changes to 1 and stops when it changes to 0. trH M [Traverse high] (1) 0 to 10 Hz 4 Hz trL M [Traverse Low] (1) 0 to 10 Hz 4 Hz qSH M [Quick step High] (1) 0 to [Traverse high] (trH) 0 Hz qSL M [Quick step Low] (1) 0 to [Traverse Low] (trL) 0 Hz tUP M [Traverse ctrl. accel.] 0.1 to 999.9 s 4s tdn M [Traverse ctrl. decel] 0.1 to 999.9 s 4s tbO M [Reel time] 0 to 9999 minutes 0 minute Reel execution time EbO nO LO1 LO4 r2 r4 M [End reel] v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LO1] (LO1) [No] (nO) to [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). v [R2] (r2) to v [R4] (r4): Relay (selection of R2 extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). The assigned output or relay changes to state 1 when the traverse control operating time reaches the [Reel time] (tbO). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 194 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Textiles Code Name/Description b SnC nO LI1 - Adjustment range Factory setting [TRAVERSE CONTROL] (continued) [No] (nO) M [Counter wobble] v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. To be configured on the winding drive (slave) only. tSY nO LO1 LO4 r2 r4 [No] (nO) M [Sync. wobble] v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LO1] (LO1) to [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). v [R2] (r2) to v [R4] (r4): Relay (selection of R2 extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). The assigned output or relay changes to state 1 when the traverse control operating time reaches the [Reel time] (tbO). To be configured on the yarn guide drive (master) only. dtF M [Decrease ref. speed] 0 to 1000 Hz 0 Hz Decrease in the base reference during the traverse control cycle. rtr nO LI1 - M [Init. traverse ctrl] v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. When the state of the assigned input or bit changes to 1, the traverse control operating time is reset to zero, along with the [Decrease ref. speed] (dtF). 195 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) The evacuation function is designed for "elevator" applications. It is only accessible for ATV71 pppN4 (380/480 V) drives. When an elevator is stuck between 2 floors due to a power outage, it must be possible to evacuate its occupants within a reasonable period of time. This function requires an emergency power supply to be connected to the drive. This power supply is at a reduced voltage, and only allows a derated operating mode, at reduced speed, but with full torque. The function requires: • One logic input to control "evacuation" operation • Reduction of the voltage monitoring threshold • An appropriate low speed reference Following a power outage and turning off of the drive, the latter can be powered up again without going into [UNDERVOLTAGE] (USF) fault mode if the corresponding control bit or logic input is at 1 at the same time. It is then possible to control ascent (FW) or descent (RV). CAUTION • This input must not be at 1 when the drive is powered from the line supply. To ensure this and also avoid any short-circuits, supply changeover contactors must be used. • When switching back from the emergency power supply to the line supply, set this input to 0 and apply a poweroff hold time of at least 10 seconds. Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage. Code Name/Description b rFt- Adjustment range Factory setting [EVACUATION] This function is only accessible for ATV71pppN4 (380/480 V) drives. rFtnO LI1 LI14 [No] (nO) M [Evacuation assign.] v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6). v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted. Evacuation is activated when the assigned input is at 1, if the drive is stationary. Evacuation is activated when the assigned input is at 0, as soon as the drive stops. rSU M [Evacuation Input V.] 220 to 320 V 220 V Minimum permissible AC voltage value of the emergency power supply. The parameter can be accessed if [Evacuation assign.] (rFt) is not [No] (nO). rSP M [Evacuation freq.] 5 Hz Value of the "evacuation" mode frequency reference. The parameter can be accessed if [Evacuation assign.] (rFt) is not [No] (nO). The adjustment range is determined by the [Low speed] (LSP) (page 55), [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) and [Rated motor volt.] (UnS) (page 69) parameters and by [Evacuation Input V.] (rSU) above. • If LSP < (Frs x rSU/UnS): rSP min. = LSP, rSP max. = (Frs x rSU/UnS) • If LSP u (Frs x rSU/UnS): rSP = (Frs x rSU/UnS). Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 196 Elevator Evacuation function [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) Direct power supply via DC bus This function is only accessible for ATV71 pppM3 u 18.5 kW and ATV71pppN4 > 18.5 kW drives. Direct power supply via the DC bus requires a protected direct current source with adequate power and voltage as well as a suitably dimensioned resistor and capacitor precharging contactor. Consult Schneider Electric for information about dimensioning these components. The "direct power supply via DC bus" function can be used to control the precharging contactor via a relay or a logic input on the drive. Example circuit using R2 relay: DC power supply - + Contactor power supply A1 - KM1 R2A R2C P0 PC /- A1 PA /+ A2 W / T3 V / T2 W1 V1 U1 U / T1 ATV71ppp M 3a Code Name/Description b dCO- Adjustment range Factory setting [DC BUS SUPPLY] This function is only accessible for ATV71pppM3 u 18.5 kW and ATV71pppN4 > 18.5 kW drives. dCO M [Precharge cont. ass.] [No] (nO) Logic output or control relay nO LO1 LO4 r2 r4 197 v [No] (nO): Function not assigned. v [LO1] (LO1) to [LO4] (LO4): Logic output (if one or two I/O cards have been inserted, LO1 to LO2 or LO4 can be selected). v [R2] (r2) to [R4] (r4): Relay (selection of R2 extended to R3 or R4 if one or two I/O cards have been inserted). [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Quick Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC SIM- FUnFLtCON- LAC- ENT FAULT MANAGEMENT ESC RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT PTC MANAGEMENT FAULT RESET AUTOMATIC RESTART CATCH ON THE FLY MOTOR THERMAL PROT. Code << >> Quick Summary of functions: Code Name Page PtC- [PTC MANAGEMENT] 200 rSt- [FAULT RESET] 200 Atr- [AUTOMATIC RESTART] 201 FLr- [CATCH ON THE FLY] 202 tHt- [MOTOR THERMAL PROT.] 204 OPL- [OUTPUT PHASE LOSS] 204 IPL- [INPUT PHASE LOSS] 205 OHL- [DRIVE OVERHEAT] 205 SAt- [THERMAL ALARM STOP] 206 EtF- [EXTERNAL FAULT] 207 USb- [UNDERVOLTAGE MGT] 208 tIt- [IGBT TESTS] 209 LFL- [4-20mA LOSS] 210 InH- [FAULT INHIBITION] 211 CLL- [COM. FAULT MANAGEMENT] 212 Sdd- [ENCODER FAULT] 213 tId- [TORQUE OR I LIM. DETECT.] 213 brP- [DB RES. PROTECTION] 214 tnF- [AUTO TUNING FAULT] 214 PPI- [CARDS PAIRING] 215 LFF- [FALLBACK SPEED] 216 FSt- [RAMP DIVIDER] 216 dCI- [DC INJECTION] 216 198 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) The parameters in the [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) menu can only be modified when the drive is stopped and there is no run command, except for parameters with a q symbol in the code column, which can be modified with the drive running or stopped. PTC probes 3 sets of PTC probes can be managed by the drive in order to protect the motors: • 1 on logic input LI6 converted for this use by switch "SW2" on the control card. • 1 on each of the 2 option cards VW3A3201 and VW3A3202. Each of these sets of PTC probes is monitored for the following faults: • Motor overheating • Sensor break fault • Sensor short-circuit fault Protection via PTC probes does not disable protection via I 2t calculation performed by the drive (the two types of protection can be combined). 199 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b PtCPtCL Adjustment range Factory setting [PTC MANAGEMENT] M [LI6 = PTC probe] [No] (nO) Can be accessed if switch SW2 on the control card is set to PTC. v [No] (nO): Not used. v [Always] (AS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored permanently, even if the power supply is not connected nO AS (as long as the control remains connected to the power supply). v [Power ON] (rdS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the drive power supply is connected. v [Motor ON] (rS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the motor power supply is connected. rdS rS PtC1 M [PTC1 probe] [No] (nO) Can be accessed if a VW3A3201 option card has been inserted. v [No] (nO): Not used. v [Always] (AS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored permanently, even if the power supply is not connected nO AS (as long as the control remains connected to the power supply). v [Power ON] (rdS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the drive power supply is connected. v [Motor ON] (rS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the motor power supply is connected. rdS rS PtC2 M [PTC2 probe] [No] (nO) Can be accessed if a VW3A3202 option card has been inserted. v [No] (nO): Not used. v [Always] (AS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored permanently, even if the power supply is not connected nO AS (as long as the control remains connected to the power supply). v [Power ON] (rdS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the drive power supply is connected. v [Motor ON] (rS): "PTC probe" faults are monitored while the motor power supply is connected. rdS rS b rStrSF nO LI1 C101 Cd00 - [FAULT RESET] M [Fault reset] v v v v v v v v v v [No] (nO) Manual fault reset [No] (nO): Function inactive. [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6). [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted. [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted. [C101] (C101) to [C115] (C115): With integrated Modbus in [I/O profile] (IO). [C201] (C201) to [C215] (C215): With integrated CANopen in [I/O profile] (IO). [C301] (C301) to [C315] (C315): With a communication card in [I/O profile] (IO). [C401] (C401) to [C415] (C415): With a Controller Inside card in [I/O profile] (IO). [CD00] (Cd00) to [CD13] (Cd13): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched with possible logic inputs. [CD14] (Cd14) to [CD15] (Cd15): In [I/O profile] (IO) can be switched without logic inputs. Faults are reset when the assigned input or bit changes to 1, if the cause of the fault has disappeared. The STOP/RESET button on the graphic display terminal performs the same function. See pages 244 to 247 for the list of faults that can be reset manually. 200 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b AtrAtr nO YES Adjustment range Factory setting [AUTOMATIC RESTART] [No] (nO) M [Automatic restart] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [Yes] (YES): Automatic restart, after locking on a fault, if the fault has disappeared and the other operating conditions permit the restart. The restart is performed by a series of automatic attempts separated by increasingly longer waiting periods: 1 s, 5 s, 10 s, then 1 min for the following periods. The drive fault relay remains activated if this function is active. The speed reference and the operating direction must be maintained. Use 2-wire control ([2/3 wire control] (tCC) = [2 wire] (2C) and [2 wire type] (tCt) = [Level] (LEL), see page 89). WARNING UNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATION Check that an automatic restart will not endanger personnel or equipment in any way. Failure to follow this instruction can result in death or serious injury. If the restart has not taken place once the configurable time tAr has elapsed, the procedure is aborted and the drive remains locked until it is turned off and then on again. The faults, which permit this function, are listed on page 246: tAr 5 10 30 1h 2h 3h Ct M [Max. restart time] v [5 minutes] (5): 5 minutes v [10 minutes] (10): 10 minutes v [30 minutes] (30): 30 minutes v [1 hour] (1h): 1 hour v [2 hours] (2h): 2 hours v [3 hours] (3h): 3 hours v [Unlimited] (Ct): Unlimited [5 minutes] (5) This parameter appears if [Automatic restart] (Atr) = [Yes] (YES). It can be used to limit the number of consecutive restarts on a recurrent fault. 201 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b FLr- Adjustment range Factory setting [CATCH ON THE FLY] Note: This function cannot be used with certain other functions. Follow the instructions on page 120. FLr nO YES Ucb [No] (nO) M [Catch on the fly] v v Used to enable a smooth restart if the run command is maintained after the following events: • Loss of line supply or disconnection • Reset of current fault or automatic restart • Freewheel stop The speed given by the drive resumes from the estimated speed of the motor at the time of the restart, then follows the ramp to the reference speed. This function requires 2-wire level control. [No] (nO): Function inactive [Yes] (YES): Function active When the function is operational, it activates at each run command, resulting in a slight delay of the current (0.5 s max.). [Catch on the fly] (FLr) is forced to [No] (nO) if the brake logic control [Brake assignment] (bLC) is assigned (page 150). M [Sensitivity] 0.4 to 15% 12% The parameter can be accessed from 55 kW (75 HP) upwards for the ATV71pppM3X and from 90 kW (120 HP) upwards for the ATV71pppN4, if [Catch on the fly] (FLr) = [Yes] (YES). Adjusts the catch-on-the-fly sensitivity around the zero speed. Decrease the value if the drive is not able to perform the catch on the fly, and increase it if the drive locks on a fault as it performs the catch on the fly. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 202 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Motor thermal protection Function: Thermal protection by calculating the I 2t. Note: The memory of the motor thermal state returns to zero when the drive control is disconnected. • Naturally-cooled motors: The tripping curves depend on the motor frequency. • Force-cooled motors: Only the 50 Hz tripping curve needs to be considered, regardless of the motor frequency. Trip time in seconds 10 000 1 Hz 3 Hz 5 Hz 10 Hz 20 Hz 50 Hz 1 000 100 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Motor current/ItH 203 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b tHttHt Adjustment range [MOTOR THERMAL PROT.] [Self cooled] (ACL) M [Motor protect. type] v [No] (nO): No protection. v [Self cooled] (ACL): For self-cooled motors v [Force-cool] (FCL): For force-cooled motors nO ACL FCL Factory setting Note: A fault trip will occur when the thermal state reaches 118% of the rated state and reactivation will occur when the state falls back below 100%. ttd M [Motor therm. level] (1) 0 to 118% 100% Trip threshold for motor thermal alarm (logic output or relay) ttd2 M [Motor2 therm. level] 0 to 118% 100% Trip threshold for motor 2 thermal alarm (logic output or relay) ttd3 M [Motor3 therm. level] 0 to 118% 100% Trip threshold for motor 3 thermal alarm (logic output or relay) OLL [Freewheel] (YES) M [Overload fault mgt] Type of stop in the event of a motor thermal fault v [No] (nO): Fault ignored v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. nO YES Stt LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v b OPLOPL nO YES OAC In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. [OUTPUT PHASE LOSS] [Yes] (YES) M [Output Phase Loss] v [No] (nO): Function inactive. v [Yes] (YES): Tripping on OPF fault with freewheel stop. v [Output cut] (OAC): No fault triggered, but management of the output voltage in order to avoid an overcurrent when the link with the motor is re-established and catch on the fly performed (even if this function has not been configured). Note: [Output Phase Loss] (OPL) is forced to [Yes] (YES) if brake logic control is configured (see page 150). Odt M [OutPh time detect] 0.5 to 10 s 0.5 s Time delay for taking [Output Phase Loss] (OPL) fault into account. (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 204 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) b IPLIPL [INPUT PHASE LOSS] According to drive rating M [Input phase loss] v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored, to be used when the drive is supplied via a single-phase supply nO or by the DC bus. v [Freewheel] (YES): Fault, with freewheel stop. YES If one phase disappears, the drive switches to fault mode [Input phase loss] (IPL) but if 2 or 3 phases disappear, the drive continues to operate until it trips on an undervoltage fault. Factory setting: [Ignore] (nO) for ATV71H037M3 to HU30M3, [Freewheel] (YES) for all others. b OHLOHL [DRIVE OVERHEAT] [Freewheel] (YES) M [Overtemp fault mgt] Behavior in the event of the drive overheating nO YES Stt tHA 205 v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. In LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. Note: A fault trip will occur when the thermal state reaches 118% of the rated state and reactivation will occur when the state falls back below 90%. M [Drv therm. state al] Trip threshold for drive thermal alarm (logic output or relay) Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 0 to 118% 100% [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) This function is designed in particular for elevator applications. It prevents the elevator stopping between two floors if the drive or motor overheats, by authorizing operation until the next stop. At the next stop, the drive is locked while waiting for the thermal state to fall back to below 80% of the set threshold. Example: A trip threshold set at 90% enables reactivation at 72%. One thermal state threshold must be defined for the drive, and one thermal state threshold for the motor(s), which will trip the deferred stop. Code Name/Description b SAtSAt nO YES tHA ttd ttd2 ttd3 Adjustment range Factory setting [THERMAL ALARM STOP] [No] (nO) M [Thermal alarm stop] v [No] (nO): Function inactive (in this case, the following parameters cannot be accessed) v [Yes] (YES): Freewheel stop on drive or motor thermal alarm M [Drv therm. state al] 0 to 118% 100% Thermal state threshold of the drive tripping the deferred stop. M [Motor therm. level] 0 to 118% 100% Thermal state threshold of the motor tripping the deferred stop. M [Motor2 therm. level] 0 to 118% 100% Thermal state threshold of the motor 2 tripping the deferred stop. M [Motor3 therm. level] 0 to 118% 100% Thermal state threshold of the motor 3 tripping the deferred stop. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 206 Elevator Deferred stop on thermal alarm [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b EtFEtF nO LI1 - Adjustment range Factory setting [EXTERNAL FAULT] M [External fault ass.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive. v [LI1] (LI1) [No] (nO) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. No external fault if the assigned input or bit is at 0. External fault if the assigned input or bit is at 1. EPL M [External fault mgt] [Freewheel] (YES) Type of stop in the event of an external fault. nO YES Stt 207 v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b USbUSb Adjustment range Factory setting [UNDERVOLTAGE MGT] [Flt&R1open] (0) M [UnderV. fault mgt] Behavior of the drive in the event of an undervoltage 0 1 2 UrES v [Flt&R1open] (0): Fault and fault relay open. v [Flt&R1close] (1): Fault and fault relay closed. v [Alarm] (2): Alarm and fault relay remains closed. The alarm may be assigned to a logic output or a relay. M [Mains voltage] 200 220 240 260 v v v v 380 400 440 460 480 v v v v v USL According to drive voltage rating According to drive voltage rating Rated voltage of the line supply in V. For ATV71ATV71pppM3: [200V ac] (200): 200 V AC [220V ac] (220): 220 V AC [240V ac] (240): 240 V AC [260V ac] (260): 260 V AC (factory setting) For ATV71pppN4: [380V ac] (380): 380 V AC [400V ac] (400): 400 V AC [440V ac] (440): 440 V AC [460V ac] (460): 460 V AC [480V ac] (480): 480 V AC (factory setting) M [Undervoltage level] Undervoltage fault trip level setting in V. The adjustment range and factory setting are determined by the drive voltage rating and the [Mains voltage] (UrES) value. USt M [Undervolt. time out] 0.2 s to 999.9 s 0.2 s Time delay for taking undervoltage fault into account. StP [No] (nO) M [UnderV. prevention] Behavior in the event of the undervoltage fault prevention level being reached. nO MMS v [No] (nO): No action v [DC Maintain] (MMS): This stop mode uses the inertia to maintain the DC bus voltage as long as possible. rMP LnF tSM v [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop following an adjustable ramp [Max stop time] (StM). v [Lock-out] (LnF): Lock (freewheel stop) without fault. M [UnderV. restart tm] 1.0 s to 999.9 s 1.0 s Time delay before authorizing the restart after a complete stop for [UnderV. prevention] (StP) = [Ramp stop] (rMP), if the voltage has returned to normal. UPL M [Prevention level] Undervoltage fault prevention level setting in V, which can be accessed if [UnderV. prevention] (StP) is not [No] (nO). The adjustment range and factory setting are determined by the drive voltage rating and the [Mains voltage] (UrES) value. StM tbS M [Max stop time] 0.01 to 60.00 s 1.00 s Ramp time if [UnderV. prevention] (StP) = [Ramp stop] (rMP). M [DC bus maintain tm] 1 to 9999 s 9999 s DC bus maintain time if [UnderV. prevention] (StP) = [DC Maintain] (MMS). Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 208 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b tItStrt nO YES Adjustment range Factory setting [IGBT TESTS] [No] (nO) M [IGBT test] v [No] (nO): No test v [Yes] (YES): The IGBTs are tested on power up and every time a run command is sent. These tests cause a slight delay (a few ms). In the event of a fault, the drive will lock. The following faults can be detected: - Drive output short-circuit (terminals U-V-W): SCF display. - IGBT faulty: xtF, where x indicates the number of the IGBT concerned. - IGBT short-circuited: x2F, where x indicates the number of the IGBT concerned. 209 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b LFLLFL2 nO Adjustment range Factory setting [4-20mA LOSS] [No] (nO) M [AI2 4-20mA loss] v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. This configuration is the only one possible if [AI2 min. value] (CrL2) page 96 is not greater than 3 mA or if [AI2 Type] (AI2t) page 96 = [Voltage] (10U). YES Stt v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v LFL3 nO In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. [No] (nO) M [AI3 4-20mA loss] v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. This configuration is the only one possible if [AI3 min. value] (CrL3) page 97 is not greater than 3 mA. YES Stt v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v LFL4 nO In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. [No] (nO) M [AI4 4-20mA loss] v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. This configuration is the only one possible if [AI4 min. value] (CrL4) page 98 is not greater than 3 mA or if [AI4 Type] (AI4t) page 98 = [Voltage] (10U). YES Stt v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. 210 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Parameter can be accessed in [EXPERT] mode. Code Name/Description b InHInH Adjustment range Factory setting [FAULT INHIBITION] [No] (nO) M [Fault inhibit assign.] To assign fault inhibit, press the "ENT" key for 2 s. CAUTION Inhibiting faults results in the drive not being protected. This invalidates the warranty. Check that the possible consequences do not present any risk. Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage. nO LI1 - v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) : : v [...] (...): See the assignment conditions on page 113. If the assigned input or bit is at 0, fault monitoring is active. If the assigned input or bit is at 1, fault monitoring is inactive. Active faults are reset on a rising edge (change from 0 to 1) of the assigned input or bit. Note: The "Power Removal" function and any faults that prevent any form of operation are not affected by this function. See pages 244 to 248 for the list of faults affected by this function. 211 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b CLLCLL Adjustment range Factory setting [COM. FAULT MANAGEMENT] M [Network fault mgt] [Freewheel] (YES) Behavior of the drive in the event of a communication fault with a communication card. nO YES Stt v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v COL In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. M [CANopen fault mgt] [Freewheel] (YES) Behavior of the drive in the event of a communication fault with integrated CANopen. nO YES Stt v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v SLL In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. M [Modbus fault mgt] [Freewheel] (YES) Behavior of the drive in the event of a communication fault with integrated Modbus nO YES Stt v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. 212 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b Sdd- Adjustment range Factory setting [ENCODER FAULT] Can be accessed if the encoder option card has been inserted and the encoder is used for speed feedback (see page 79). [Yes] (YES) M [Load slip detection] v [No] (nO): Fault not monitored. Only the alarm may be assigned to a logic output or a relay. v [Yes] (YES): Fault monitored. Sdd no YES The fault is triggered by comparison with the ramp output and the speed feedback, and is only effective for speeds greater than 10% of [Rated motor freq.] (FrS), see page 69. In the event of a fault, the drive switches to freewheel stop and if the brake logic control function has been configured, the brake control is set to 0. ECC [No] (nO) M [Encoder coupling] v [No] (nO): Fault not monitored. v [Yes] (YES): Fault monitored. nO YES If the brake logic control function has been configured, the factory setting changes to [Yes] (YES). [Encoder coupling] (ECC) = [Yes] (YES) is only possible if [Load slip detection] (Sdd) = [Yes] (YES) and [Motor control type] (Ctt) page 71 = [FVC] (FUC) and [Brake assignment] (bLC) page 150 is not [No] (nO). The fault monitored is the break in the mechanical coupling of the encoder. In the event of a fault, the drive switches to freewheel stop and if the brake logic control function has been configured, the brake control is set to 0. ECt M [Encoder check time] 2 to 10 s 2s Encoder faults filtering time The parameter can be accessed if [Encoder coupling] (ECC) = [Yes] (YES) b tIdSSb [TORQUE OR I LIM. DETECT.] [Freewheel] (YES) M [Trq/I limit. stop] Behavior in the event of switching to torque or current limitation nO YES Stt StO 213 v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop v [Per STT] (Stt): Stop according to configuration of [Type of stop] (Stt) page 130, without fault tripping. LFF v rLS v rMP FSt dCI v v v In this case the fault relay does not open and the drive is ready to restart as soon as the fault disappears, according to the restart conditions of the active command channel (e.g., according to [2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) page 89 if control is via the terminals). Configuring an alarm for this fault is recommended (assigned to a logic output, for example) in order to indicate the cause of the stop. [fallback spd] (LFF): Switch to fallback speed, maintained as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Spd maint.] (rLS): The drive maintains the speed being applied when the fault occurred, as long as the fault is present and the run command is not disabled. [Ramp stop] (rMP): Stop on ramp. [Fast stop] (FSt): Fast stop. [DC injection] (dCI): DC injection stop. This type of stop cannot be used with certain other functions. See table on page 120. M [Trq/I limit. time out] (If fault has been configured). Time delay for taking SSF "Limitation" fault into account. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 0 to 9999 ms 1000 ms [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code Name/Description b brP- Adjustment range Factory setting [DB RES. PROTECTION] [No] (nO) M [DB res. protection] v [No] (nO): No braking resistor protection (thereby preventing access to the other function parameters). v [Alarm] (YES): Alarm. The alarm may be assigned to a logic output or a relay (see page 103). v [Fault] (FLt): Switch to fault (bOF) with locking of drive (freewheel stop). brO nO YES FLt Note: The thermal state of the resistor can be displayed on the graphic display terminal. It is calculated for as long as the drive control remains connected to the power supply. brP M [DB Resistor Power] 0.1 kW (50 HP) The parameter can be accessed if [DB res. protection] (brO) is not [No] (nO). Rated power of the resistor used. brU M [DB Resistor value] 0.1 to 200 Ohms 0.1 Ohm The parameter can be accessed if [DB res. protection] (brO) is not [No] (nO). Rated value of the braking resistor in Ohms. b tnFtnL nO YES 0.1 kW to 1000 kW [AUTO TUNING FAULT] M [Autotune fault mgt] v [Ignore] (nO): Fault ignored. v [Freewheel] (YES): Freewheel stop. [Freewheel] (YES) Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 214 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Cards pairing This function is used to detect whenever a card has been replaced or the software has been modified in any way. When a pairing password is entered, the parameters of the cards currently inserted are stored. On every subsequent power-up these parameters are verified and in the event of a discrepancy the drive locks in HCF fault mode. Before the drive can be restarted you must revert to the original situation or re-enter the pairing password. The following parameters are verified: • The type of card for: all cards. • The software version for: the two control cards, the VW3A3202 extension card, the Controller Inside card and the communication cards. • The serial number for: both control cards. Code Name/Description b PPIPPI Adjustment range Factory setting OFF to 9999 [OFF] (OFF) [CARDS PAIRING] M [Pairing password] The [OFF] (OFF) value signifies that the cards pairing function is inactive. The [ON] (On) value signifies that cards pairing is active and that an access code must be entered in order to start the drive in the event of a cards pairing fault. As soon as the code has been entered the drive is unlocked and the value changes to [ON] (On). - The PPI code is an unlock code known only to Schneider Electric Product Support. 215 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) Code LFF- Name/Description b LFF Adjustment range Factory setting 0 to 1000 Hz 0 Hz 0 to 10 4 [FALLBACK SPEED] M [Fallback speed] Selection of the fallback speed b FStdCF M [Ramp divider] IdC (1) The ramp that is enabled (dEC or dE2) is then divided by this coefficient when stop requests are sent. Value 0 corresponds to a minimum ramp time. b dCI- [RAMP DIVIDER] [DC INJECTION] M [DC inject. level 1] (1) (3) 0.1 to 1.41 In (2) 0.64 In (2) Level of DC injection braking current activated via logic input or selected as stop mode. CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. tdI IdC2 M [DC injection time 1] (1) (3) 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s Maximum current injection time [DC inject. level 1] (IdC). After this time the injection current becomes [DC inject. level 2] (IdC2). M [DC inject. level 2] (1) (3) 0.1 to 1.41 In (2) 0.5 In (2) Injection current activated by logic input or selected as stop mode, once period of time [DC injection time 1] (tdI) has elapsed. CAUTION Check that the motor will withstand this current without overheating. Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage. tdC M [DC injection time 2] (1) (3) 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s Maximum injection time [DC inject. level 2] (IdC2) for injection, selected as stop mode only. (Can be accessed if [Type of stop] (Stt) = [DC injection] (dCI)). (1) The parameter can also be accessed in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) and [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn-) menus. (2) In corresponds to the rated drive current indicated in the installation manual and on the drive nameplate. (3) Warning: These settings are independent of the [AUTO DC INJECTION] (AdC-) function. Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped. 216 [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM-) With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Quick Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC FLt- ESC CON- ESC ESC 217 FCS- LAC- ENT ESC COMMUNICATION RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.9 COMMUNICATION COM. SCANNER INPUT COM. SCANNER OUTPUT MODBUS HMI MODBUS NETWORK CANopen Code << >> Quick [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM-) Code Name/Description b Adjustment range Factory setting [COM. SCANNER INPUT] Only accessible via graphic display terminal nMA1 M [Scan. IN1 address] 3201 Address of the 1st input word nMA2 M [Scan. IN2 address] 8604 Address of the 2nd input word nMA3 M [Scan. IN3 address] 0 Address of the 3rd input word nMA4 M [Scan. IN4 address] 0 Address of the 4th input word nMA5 M [Scan. IN5 address] 0 Address of the 5th input word nMA6 M [Scan. IN6 address] 0 Address of the 6th input word nMA7 M [Scan. IN7 address] 0 Address of the 7th input word nMA8 M [Scan. IN8 address] 0 Address of the 8th input word b [COM. SCANNER OUTPUT] Only accessible via graphic display terminal nCA1 M [Scan.Out1 address] 8501 Address of the 1st output word nCA2 M [Scan.Out2 address] 8602 Address of the 2nd output word nCA3 M [Scan.Out3 address] 0 Address of the 3rd output word nCA4 M [Scan.Out4 address] 0 Address of the 4th output word nCA5 M [Scan.Out5 address] 0 Address of the 5th output word nCA6 M [Scan.Out6 address] 0 Address of the 6th output word nCA7 M [Scan.Out7 address] 0 Address of the 7th output word nCA8 M [Scan.Out8 address] 0 Address of the 8th output word 218 [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM-) Code Md2- Name/Description b Adjustment range Factory setting [MODBUS HMI] Communication with the graphic display terminal tbr2 M [HMI baud rate] 19.2 kbps 9.6 or 19.2 kbps via the integrated display terminal. 9600 or 19200 bauds via the graphic display terminal. The graphic display terminal only operates if [HMI baud rate] (tbr2) = 19200 bauds (19.2 kbps). In order for any change in the assignment of [HMI baud rate] (tbr2) to be taken into account you must: - Provide confirmation in a confirmation window if using the graphic display terminal. - Press the ENT key for 2 s if using the integrated display terminal. tFO2 M [HMI format] 8E1 Read-only parameter, cannot be modified. Md1- b Add [MODBUS NETWORK] M [Modbus Address] OFF OFF to 247 AMOA M [Modbus add Prg C.] OFF Modbus address of the Controller Inside card. OFF to 247 The parameter can be accessed if the Controller Inside card has been inserted and depending on its configuration (please consult the specific documentation). AMOC M [Modbus add Com.C.] OFF Modbus address of the communication card. OFF to 247 The parameter can be accessed if a communication card has been inserted and depending on its configuration (please consult the specific documentation). tbr M [Modbus baud rate] 19.2 kbps 4.8 - 9.6 - 19.2 - 38.4 kbps on the integrated display terminal. 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bauds on the graphic display terminal. tFO M [Modbus format] 8E1 8O1 - 8E1 - 8n1, 8n2 ttO M [Modbus time out] 10.0 s 0.1 to 30 s CnOAdCO b [CANopen] M [CANopen address] OFF OFF to 127 bdCO M [CANopen bit rate] 20 - 50 - 125 - 250 - 500 kbps - 1 Mbps ErCO M [Error code] Read-only parameter, cannot be modified. 219 125 kbps [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM-) b - [COMMUNICATION CARD] See the specific documentation for the card used. b LCFFLO nO LI1 LI14 [FORCED LOCAL] M [Forced local assign.] v [No] (nO): Function inactive v [LI1] (LI1) to [LI6] (LI6) v [LI7] (LI7) to [LI10] (LI10): If VW3A3201 logic I/O card has been inserted v [LI11] (LI11) to [LI14] (LI14): If VW3A3202 extended I/O card has been inserted [No] (nO) Forcing to local is active when the input is at state 1. [Forced local assign.] (FLO) is forced to [No] (nO) if [Profile] (CHCF), page 114 = [I/O profile] (IO). FLOC nO AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 LCC [No] (nO) M [Forced local Ref.] v [No] (nO): Not assigned (control via the terminals with zero reference). v [AI1] (AI1): Analog input v [AI2] (AI2): Analog input v [AI3] (AI3): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [AI4] (AI4): Analog input, if VW3A3202 extension card has been inserted v [HMI] (LCC): Assignment of the reference and command to the graphic display terminal. Reference: [HMI Frequency ref.] (LFr), page 49, control: RUN/STOP/FWD/REV buttons. PI PG v [RP] (PI): Frequency input, if VW3A3202 card has been inserted v [Encoder] (PG): Encoder input, if encoder card has been inserted If the reference is assigned to an analog input, [RP] (PI) or [Encoder] (PG) the command is automatically assigned to the terminals as well (logic inputs). FLOt M [Time-out forc. local] 10.0 s 0.1 to 30 s The parameter can be accessed if [Forced local assign.] (FLO) is not [No] (nO). Time delay before communication monitoring is resumed on leaving forced local mode. 220 [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] This menu can only be accessed with the graphic display terminal. RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Quick RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A FAULT HISTORY internal com. link ----------------Code Quick Term +50.00Hz 80A CURRENT FAULT LIST internal com. link ----------------Code Quick RUN ENT RUN Term +50.00Hz MORE FAULT INFO Network fault Application fault Internal link fault 1 Internal link fault 2 RUN Code 221 Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD 80A 0 0 0 0 Quick ENT Term +50.00Hz internal com. link Drive state ETA status word ETI status word Cmd word Motor current HELP Output frequency Elapsed time Mains voltage Motor thermal state Command Channel Channel ref. active This screen indicates the number of communication faults, for example, with the option cards. Number: 0 to 65535 80A RDY ... ... ... ... Quick ... ... ... ... ... ... RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS FAULT HISTORY CURRENT FAULT LIST MORE FAULT INFO TEST PROCEDURES SERVICE MESSAGE Code << >> Quick This screen indicates the state of the drive at the moment the selected fault occurred. [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] [THYRISTORS TEST] RDY is only accessible for ATV71pppM3 u 18.5 kW and ATV71pppN4 > 18.5 kW drives. Term +50.00Hz TEST PROCEDURES THYRISTORS TEST TRANSISTOR TEST 0A RDY ENT Term +50.00Hz THYRISTORS TEST 0A RDY ENT 2s Term +50.00Hz TEST IN PROGRESS 0A Press ENT to perform the test. Press ESC to abort. Quick RDY Term +50.00Hz 0A THYRISTORS RESULT Thyristor 1 Failed Thyristor 2 OK Thyristor 3 OK Quick 22 RDY ENT Term +50.00Hz TRANSISTOR TEST 0A Check that a motor is connected. Enter the motor nameplate data. RDY Term +50.00Hz TEST IN PROGRESS 0A RDY Term +50.00Hz TRANSISTOR RESULT 0A ENT 2s Press ENT to perform the test. Press ESC to abort. The result for each IGBT is displayed on 2 lines: - The first line shows whether or not it has short-circuited - The second line shows whether or not it is open IGBT 1 IGBT 1 IGBT 2 IGBT 2 IGBT 3 IGBT 3 IGBT 4 IGBT 4 IGBT 5 IGBT 5 IGBT 6 IGBT 6 OK OK OK Open OK Quick OK OK OK OK OK short-circuit OK Note: To start the tests, press and hold down (2 s) the ENT key. 222 [1.11 IDENTIFICATION] RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD RUN ENT Quick The [1.11 IDENTIFICATION] menu can only be accessed on the graphic display terminal. This is a read-only menu that cannot be configured. It enables the following information to be displayed: • Drive reference, power rating and voltage • Drive software version • Drive serial number • Type of options present, with their software version 223 Term 1250A +50.00Hz 1.11 IDENTIFICATION ATV71HU15N4 xx.x kW / yy.y HP 380/480 V Appli. Software Vx.x IE xx MC Software Vx.x IE xx << >> Quick 6W0410xxxxxxxxxx product Vx.x OPTION 1 I/O EXTENSION CARD Vx.x IE xx OPTION 2 FIPIO CARD Vx.x IE xx GRAPHIC TERMINAL GRAPHIC S Vx.x IE xx ENCODER RS 422 [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD RUN ENT Term +50.00Hz 80A 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS Config. Source : Macro-Conf PARAMETER GROUP LIST Goto FACTORY SETTINGS Save config : No Code Quick << >> Quick With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC CON- ESC ESC FCS- ENT ESC FACTORY SETTINGS LAC- The [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) menu is used to: • Replace the current configuration with the factory configuration or a previously saved configuration. All or part of the current configuration can be replaced: Select a group of parameters in order to select the menus you wish to load with the selected source configuration. • Save the current configuration to a file. 224 [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) Term 1250A +50.00Hz 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS Config. Source : Macro-Conf PARAMETER GROUP LIST Goto FACTORY SETTINGS Save config : No RUN Term 1250A +50.00Hz Config. Source Macro-Conf Config 1 Config 2 RUN Code << >> ENT Selection of source configuration Quick Quick RUN ENT Term 1250A +50.00Hz PARAMETER GROUP LIST All Drive menu Settings Motor param Comm. menu Code RUN Quick Term 1250A +50.00Hz Goto FACTORY SETTINGS Selection of the menus to be replaced Note: In factory configuration and after a return to "factory settings", [PARAMETER GROUP LIST] will be empty. Command to return to "factory settings" ENT PLEASE CHECK THAT THE DRIVE WIRING IS OK ESC=abort RUN ENT=validate Term 1250A +50.00Hz Goto FACTORY SETTINGS First select the parameter group(s) Press ENT or ESC to continue ENT RUN Term 1250A +50.00Hz Save config No Config 0 Config 1 Config 2 Quick 225 This window appears if no group of parameters is selected. [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) Code FCSI Name/Description M [Config. Source] Choice of source configuration. InI CFG1 CFG2 v [Macro-Conf] (InI) Factory configuration, return to selected macro configuration. v [Config 1] (CFG1) v [Config 2] (CFG2) If the configuration switching function is configured, it will not be possible to access [Config 1] (CFG1) and [Config 2] (CFG2). FrY- M [PARAMETER GROUP LIST] Selection of menus to be loaded ALL drM v [All] (ALL): All parameters. v [Drive menu] (drM): The [1 DRIVE MENU] menu without [1.9 COMMUNICATION] and [1.14 SEt v [Settings] (SEt): The [1.3 SETTINGS] without the [IR compensation] (UFr), [Slip compensation] (SLP) et PROGRAMMABLE CARD]. In the [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu, [Return std name] page 239 returns to [No]. [Mot. therm. current] (ItH) parameters. MOt v [Motor param] (MOt): Motor parameters, see list below. COM v [Comm. menu] (COM): The [1.9 COMMUNICATION] menu without either [Scan. IN1 address] (nMA1) to PLC MOn dIS v [Prog. card menu] (PLC): The [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] menu. v [Monitor config.] (MOn): The [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] menu. v [Display config.] (dIS): The [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu. The following selections can only be accessed if [Config. Source] (FCSI) = [Macro-Conf] (InI): [Scan. IN8 address] (nMA8) or [Scan.Out1 address] (nCA1) to [Scan.Out8 address] (nCA8). See the multiple selection procedure on page 27 for the integrated display terminal and page 18 for the graphic display terminal. Note: In factory configuration and after a return to "factory settings", [PARAMETER GROUP LIST] will be empty. GFS M [Goto FACTORY SETTINGS] It is only possible to revert to the factory settings if at least one group of parameters has previously been selected. With the integrated display terminal: - No - Yes: The parameter changes back to nO automatically as soon as the operation is complete. With the graphic display terminal: See the previous page. nO YES SCSI nO Str0 Str1 Str2 M [Save config] v [No] (nO): v [Config 0] (Str0): Press the "ENT" key for 2 s. v [Config 1] (Str1): Press the "ENT" key for 2 s. v [Config 2] (Str2): Press the "ENT" key for 2 s. The active configuration to be saved does not appear for selection. For example, if the active configuration is [Config 0] (Str0), only [Config 1] (Str1) and [Config 2] (Str2) appear. The parameter changes back to [No] (nO) automatically as soon as the operation is complete. List of motor parameters [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) menu: [Rated motor power] (nPr) - [Rated motor volt.] (UnS) - [Rated mot. current] (nCr) - [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) - [Rated motor speed] (nSP) [Auto tuning] (tUn) - [Auto tuning status] (tUS) - [U0] (U0) to [U5] (U5) - [F1] (F1) to [F5] (F5) - [V. constant power] (UCP) - [Freq. Const Power] (FCP) - [Nominal I sync.] (nCrS) - [Nom motor spdsync] (nSPS) - [Pole pairs] (PPnS) - [Syn. EMF constant] (PHS) - [Autotune L daxis] (LdS) - [Autotune L q-axis] (LqS) - [Cust. stator R syn] (rSAS) - [IR compensation] (UFr) - [Slip compensation] (SLP) - the motor parameters that can be accessed in [EXPERT] mode, page 77. Menu [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu: [Mot. therm. current] (ItH) Example of total return to factory settings 1. [Config. Source] (FCSI) = [Macro-conf] (InI) 2. [PARAMETER GROUP LIST] (FrY-) = [All] (ALL) 3. [Goto FACTORY SETTINGS] (GFS = YES) 226 [1.13 USER MENU] (USr-) This menu contains the parameters selected in the [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu on page 238. With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD Quick Power-up Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC FCS- ESC USr- ESC ESC 227 LAC- ENT USER MENU ESC Term 1250A +50.00Hz 1.13 USER MENU << With integrated display terminal: XXX RUN ENT >> Quick [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] (SPL-) This menu can only be accessed if a Controller Inside card has been inserted. Please refer to the documentation specific to this card. With graphic display terminal: RDY RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick 1.6 COMMAND 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. 1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT 1.9 COMMUNICATION 1.10 DIAGNOSTICS 1.11 IDENTIFICATION 1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS 1.13 USER MENU 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD ENT RUN Term 1250A +50.00Hz 1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD << Quick >> Quick With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC USr- ESC SPL- ESC ESC ENT PROGRAMMABLE CARD ESC COdLAC- 228 [3. OPEN / SAVE AS] This menu can only be accessed with the graphic display terminal. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A RUN ENT Term 1250A +50.00Hz 3. OPEN / SAVE AS OPEN SAVE AS Quick Code << >> Quick [OPEN]: To download one of the 4 files from the graphic display terminal to the drive. [SAVE AS]: To download the current configuration from the drive to the graphic display terminal. RDY Term +0.00Hz 3. OPEN / SAVE AS RDY 0A ENT OPEN SAVE AS Code << >> File 1 File 2 File 3 File 4 Code Quick Term +0.00Hz OPEN 0A RDY ENT Empty Empty Empty << >> Quick Term +0.00Hz DOWNLOAD GROUP None All Drive menu Motor parameters Communication Code Prog. control. inside card Note: Opening an empty file has no effect. 0A See details on the next page Quick ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz DOWNLOAD 0A PLEASE CHECK THAT THE DRIVE WIRING IS OK ESC = Abort ENT = Continue Code Quick ENT ENT RDY File 1 File 2 File 3 File 4 Term +0.00Hz 0A SAVE AS Used Free Free Free Code Quick Saving to a used file deletes and replaces the configuration contained in this file. RDY Term +0.00Hz DOWNLOAD 0A ENT IN PROGRESS Code Quick ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz DOWNLOAD 0A DONE ENT or ESC to continue Code Quick Various messages may appear when the download is requested: • • • • 229 [IN PROGRESS] [DONE] Error messages if download not possible [Motor parameters are NOT COMPATIBLE. Do you want to continue?]: In this case the download is possible, but the parameters will be restricted. [3. OPEN / SAVE AS [DOWNLOAD GROUP] [None]: No parameters [All]: All parameters in all menus [Drive menu.]: The entire [1 DRIVE MENU] without [1.9 COMMUNICATION] and [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] [Motor parameters]: [Rated motor power] (nPr) in the [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) menu [Rated motor volt.] (UnS) [Rated mot. current] (nCr) [Rated motor freq.] (FrS) [Rated motor speed] (nSP) [Auto tuning] (tUn) [Auto tuning status] (tUS) [U0] (U0) to [U5] (U5) [F1] (F1) to [F5] (F5) [V. constant power] (UCP) [Freq. Const Power] (FCP) [Nominal I sync.] (nCrS) [Nom motor spdsync] (nSPS) [Pole pairs] (PPnS) [Syn. EMF constant] (PHS) [Autotune L d-axis] (LdS) [Autotune L q-axis] (LqS) [Cust. stator R syn] (rSAS) [IR compensation] (UFr) [Slip compensation] (SLP) The motor parameters that can be accessed in [EXPERT] mode, page 77 [Mot. therm. current] (ItH) in the [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt-) menu [Communication]: All the parameters in the [1.9 COMMUNICATION] menu [Prog. control. inside card]: All the parameters in the [1.14 PROGRAMMABLE CARD] menu 230 [4. PASSWORD] (COd-) With graphic display terminal: RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 0A RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A 4 PASSWORD Status : Unlocked PIN code 1 : Unlocked PIN code 2 : Unlocked Upload rights : Permitted Download rights : Unlock. drv Code << >> Quick ENT Quick With integrated display terminal: Power-up XXX Displays the drive state ENT ESC SIM- ESC COd- ESC ENT PASSWORD ESC LAC- Enables the configuration to be protected with an access code or a password to be entered in order to access a protected configuration. Example with graphic display terminal: RUN Term +50.00Hz 80A 4 PASSWORD Status : Unlocked PIN code 1 : Unlocked PIN code 2 : Unlocked Upload rights : Permitted Download rights : Unlock. drv Code << >> Quick RUN Term +50.00Hz PIN code 1 80A 9520 Min = Unlocked << Max = 9999 >> Quick • The drive is unlocked when the PIN codes are set to [unlocked] (OFF) (no password) or when the correct code has been entered. • Before protecting the configuration with an access code, you must: - Define the [Upload rights] (ULr) and [Download rights] (dLr). - Make a careful note of the code and keep it in a safe place where you will always be able to find it. • The drive has 2 access codes, enabling 2 access levels to be set up. - PIN code 1 is a public unlock code: 6969. - PIN code 2 is an unlock code known only to Schneider Electric Product Support. It can only be accessed in [EXPERT] mode. - Only one PIN1 or PIN2 code can be used - the other must remain set to [OFF] (OFF). Note: When the unlock code is entered, the user access code appears. The following items are access-protected: • Return to factory settings ( [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) menu. • The channels and parameters protected by the [1.13 USER MENU] as well as the menu itself. • The custom display settings ([7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu). 231 [4. PASSWORD] (COd-) Code CSt Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting [unlocked] (ULC) M [Status] Information parameter, cannot be modified. LC ULC COd v [Locked] (LC): The drive is locked by a password. v [Unlocked] (ULC): The drive is not locked by a password. M [PIN code 1] OFF to 9999 [OFF] (OFF) 1st access code. The value [OFF] (OFF) indicates that no password has been set [unlocked]. The value [ON] (On) indicates that the drive is protected and an access code must be entered in order to unlock it. Once the correct code has been entered, it remains on the display and the drive is unlocked until the next time the power supply is disconnected. - PIN code 1 is a public unlock code: 6969. COd2 M [PIN code 2] OFF to 9999 [OFF] (OFF) Parameters that can be accessed in [EXPERT] mode only. 2nd access code. The value [OFF] (OFF) indicates that no password has been set [unlocked]. The value [ON] (On) indicates that the drive is protected and an access code must be entered in order to unlock it. Once the correct code has been entered, it remains on the display and the drive is unlocked until the next time the power supply is disconnected. - PIN code 2 is an unlock code known only to Schneider Electric Product Support. ULr M [Upload rights] [Permitted] (ULr1) Read or copy the current configuration to the drive. ULr1 v [Permitted] (ULr1): The current drive configuration can always be uploaded to the graphic display terminal ULr0 v [Not allowed] (ULr0): The current drive configuration can only be uploaded to the graphic display terminal or PowerSuite. or PowerSuite if the drive is not protected by an access code or if the correct code has been entered. dLr M [Download rights] [Unlock. drv] (dLr1) Writes the current configuration to the drive or downloads a configuration to the drive. dLr0 v [Locked drv] (dLr0): A configuration file can only be downloaded to the drive if the drive is protected dLr1 v [Unlock. drv] (dLr1): A configuration file can be downloaded to the drive or a configuration in the drive dLr2 dLr3 v [not allowed] (dLr2): Download not authorized. v [Lock/unlock] (dLr3): Combination of [Locked drv] (dLr0) and [Unlock. drv] (dLr1). by an access code, which is the same as the access code for the configuration to be downloaded. can be modified if the drive is unlocked (access code entered) or is not protected by an access code. 232 [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] This menu can only be accessed with the graphic display terminal. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A RUN Quick ENT Term +40.00Hz 80A 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 6.1 PARAM. BAR SELECT 6.2 MONITOR SCREEN TYPE 6.3 COM. MAP CONFIG. Code << >> Quick This can be used to configure the information displayed on the graphic display screen during operation. RUN Term +40.00Hz 80A 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 6.1 PARAM. BAR SELECT 6.2 MONITOR SCREEN TYPE 6.3 COM. MAP CONFIG. Code << >> Quick [6.1. PARAM. BAR SELECT]: Selection of 1 to 2 parameters displayed on the top line (the first 2 cannot be modified). [6.2. MONITOR SCREEN TYPE]: Selection of parameters displayed in the centre of the screen and the display mode (values in digital or bar graph format). [6.3. COM. MAP CONFIG.]: Selection of the words displayed and their format. 233 [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] Name/Description b [6.1 PARAM. BAR SELECT] v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v [Alarm groups] [Frequency ref.] [Torque reference] [Output frequency] [Motor current] [ENA avg speed] [Motor speed] [Motor voltage] [Motor power] [Motor torque] [Mains voltage] [Motor thermal state] [Drv. thermal state] [DBR thermal state] [Consumption] [Run time] [Power on time] [IGBT alarm counter] [PID reference] [PID feedback] [PID error] [PID Output] [Applic card word 2] in Hz: parameter displayed in factory configuration as a % in Hz in A: parameter displayed in factory configuration in Hz in rpm in V in W as a % in V as a % as a % as a % in Wh or kWh depending on drive rating in hours (length of time the motor has been switched on) in hours (length of time the drive has been switched on) in seconds (total time of IGBT overheating alarms) as a % as a % as a % in Hz Word generated by the Controller Inside card (can be accessed if the card has been inserted) to v [Applic card word 6] v [Config. active] v [Utilised param. set] Word generated by the Controller Inside card (can be accessed if the card has been inserted) CNFO, 1 or 2 (see page 186) SET1, 2 or 3 (see page 184) Select the parameter using ENT (a 1 or 2 parameters can be selected. then appears next to the parameter). Parameter(s) can also be deselected using ENT. Example: PARAM. BAR SELECT MONITORING --------------------------------- 234 [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] Name/Description b [6.2 MONITOR SCREEN TYPE] M [Display value type] v [Digital]: Display of one or two digital values on the screen (factory configuration). v [Bar graph]: Display of one or two bar graphs on the screen. v [List]: Display a list of between one and five values on the screen. M [PARAMETER SELECTION] can only be accessed if [Display value type] = [List] v [Alarm groups] in Hz: parameter displayed in factory configuration v [Frequency ref.] as a % v [Torque reference] in Hz v [Output frequency] in A v [Motor current] in Hz v [ENA avg speed] in rpm v [Motor speed] in V v [Motor voltage] in W v [Motor power] as a % v [Motor torque] in V v [Mains voltage] as a % v [Motor thermal state] as a % v [Drv. thermal state] as a % v [DBR thermal state] in Wh or kWh depending on drive rating v [Consumption] in hours (length of time the motor has been switched on) v [Run time] in hours (length of time the drive has been switched on) v [Power on time] in seconds (total time of IGBT overheating alarms) v [IGBT alarm counter] as a % v [PID reference] as a % v [PID feedback] as a % v [PID error] in Hz v [PID Output] Word generated by the Controller Inside card (can be accessed if the card has been inserted) v [Applic card word 2] to v [Applic card word 6] v [Config. active] v [Utilised param. set] 235 Word generated by the Controller Inside card (can be accessed if the card has been inserted) CNFO, 1 or 2 (see page 186), can only be accessed if [Display value type] = [List] SET1, 2 or 3 (see page 184), can only be accessed if [Display value type] = [List] Select the parameter(s) using ENT (a using ENT. then appears next to the parameter). Parameter(s) can also be deselected PARAMETER SELECTION MONITORING --------------------------------- Examples: Display of 2 digital values RUN Term +35.00Hz MOTOR SPEED 80A 1250 rpm MOTOR CURRENT 80 A Quick Display of 2 bar graphs Display of a list of 5 values RUN Min 0 Term +35.00Hz 80A MOTOR SPEED max 1250 rpm 1500 RUN Min 0 MOTOR CURRENT 80 A 150 Motor speed : Motor thermal state : Drv. thermal state : max Quick Term +35.00Hz 80A MONITORING Frequency ref. : 50.1 Hz Motor current : 80 A 1250 rpm 80% 80% Quick 236 [6 MONITORING CONFIG.] Name/Description b [6.3 COM. MAP CONFIG.] M [Word 1 add. select.] Select the address of the word to be displayed by pressing the <<, >> (F2 and F3) keys and rotating the navigation button. M [Format word 1] Format of word 1. v [Hex]: Hexadecimal v [Signed]: Decimal with sign v [Unsigned]: Decimal without sign M [Word 2 add. select.] Select the address of the word to be displayed by pressing the <<, >> (F2 and F3) keys and rotating the navigation button. M [Format word 2] Format of word 2. v [Hex]: Hexadecimal v [Signed]: Decimal with sign v [Unsigned]: Decimal without sign M [Word 3 add. select.] Select the address of the word to be displayed by pressing the <<, >> (F2 and F3) keys and rotating the navigation button. M [Format word 3] Format of word 3. v [Hex]: Hexadecimal v [Signed]: Decimal with sign v [Unsigned]: Decimal without sign M [Word 4 add. select.] Select the address of the word to be displayed by pressing the <<, >> (F2 and F3) keys and rotating the navigation button. M [Format word 4] Format of word 4. v [Hex]: Hexadecimal v [Signed]: Decimal with sign v [Unsigned]: Decimal without sign It will then be possible to view the selected words in the [COMMUNICATION MAP] submenu of the [1.2 MONITORING] menu. example: RUN Term +35.00Hz 80A COMMUNICATION MAP - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - W3141 : F230 Hex << 237 >> Quick [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] This menu can only be accessed with the graphic display terminal. It can be used to customize parameters or a menu and to access parameters. RDY Term +0.00Hz MAIN MENU 1 DRIVE MENU 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 OPEN / SAVE AS 4 PASSWORD 5 LANGUAGE Code 6 MONITORING CONFIG. 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 0A Rdy Quick ENT Term +0.00Hz 7 DISPLAY CONFIG. 7.1 USER PARAMETERS 7.2 USER MENU 7.3 PARAMETER ACCESS Code << >> 0A Quick 7.1 USER PARAMETERS: Customization of 1 to 15 parameters. 7.2 USER MENU: Creation of a customized menu. 7.3 PARAMETER ACCESS: Customization of the visibility and protection mechanisms of menus and parameters. 238 [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] If [Return std name] = [Yes] the display reverts to standard but the custom settings remain stored. RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A PARAMETER SELECTION 7.1 USER PARAMETERS 1 DRIVE MENU Return std name : No ENT 1.1 SIMPLY START PARAMETER SELECTION 1.2 MONITORING CUSTOMIZED SELECTION 1.3 SETTINGS USER MENU NAME 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL DEVICE NAME 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick Code << >> Quick SERVICE MESSAGE CONFIGURATION 0 CONFIGURATION 1 CONFIGURATION 2 RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A ATV SERIAL NUMBER CUSTOMIZED SELECTION ENT Ramp increment Acceleration Speed prop. gain PARAMETER SELECTION 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment ENT Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration 2 Deceleration 2 List Selection of 1 to 15 parameters to be customized List Note: The 1st line is [PARAMETER SELECTION] or [RDY Term +0.00 Hz 0A] depending on the path (ENT or List). List of customized parameters Delete ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz Ramp increment User name Unit Multiplier Divisor Offset 0A RDY ENT Term +0.00Hz User name 1. DRIVE MENU FLOW REFERENCE Nb characters max. ABC << Offsets and coefficients are numerical values. Do not use too high a multiplier (99999 - max display). ENT - Standard: use of the factory set unit - Customized: customization of the unit - %, mA, etc.: select from drop-down list 0A If no custom settings have been made, the standard value appears (names, units, etc.). Display on 1 or 2 lines of characters. 13 >> Use F1 to change to ABC, abc, 123, *[-. Use the navigation selector button to increment the character (alphabetical order) and << and >> (F2 and F3) to switch to the next or previous character respectively. RDY Term +0.00Hz Unit 0A Standard Customized % mA Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz Customized 1. DRIVE MENU LBS Nb characters max. ABC << 0A 3 >> Once you have entered the unit, if you press ENT, the Ramp increment screen will re-appear in order to display the name. Press ESC to return to Unit. RDY LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE 5 View RDY Term +0.00Hz USER MENU NAME 1. DRIVE MENU FLOW REFERENCE Nb characters max. ABC << 239 0A 18 >> Quick Term +0.00Hz SERVICE MESSAGE 0A The message entered appears while the "View" button is pressed. ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz LINE 2 1. DRIVE MENU For any service, dial: Nb characters max. ABC << 0A 23 >> Quick Quick Names (USER MENU NAME, DRIVE NAME, configuration, serial no., lines of messages, names of units, etc.) are customized as in the example of the parameter name shown opposite. If no custom settings have been made, the standard value appears (names, units, etc.). Display on 1 or 2 lines of characters Use F1 to change to ABC, abc, 123, *[-. Use the navigation selector button to increment the character (alphabetical order) and << and >> (F2 and F3) to switch to the next or previous character respectively. [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] RDY Term +0.00Hz 7.2 USER MENU PARAMETER SELECTION SELECTED LIST Code << >> 0A ENT Quick PARAMETER SELECTION 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG Code << >> Quick ENT PARAMETER SELECTION 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration 2 Deceleration 2 List List ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz SELECTED LIST Ramp increment Acceleration Speed prop. gain Delete Up 0A Selection of parameters included in the user menu Note: The 1st line is [PARAMETER SELECTION] or [RDY Term +0.00 Hz 0A] depending on the path (ENT or List). Parameter list making up the user menu. Down Use the F2 and F3 keys to arrange the parameters in the list (example below using F3). RDY Term +0.00Hz SELECTED LIST Acceleration Ramp increment Speed prop. gain Delete Up 0A Down 240 [7 DISPLAY CONFIG.] RDY Term +0.00Hz 0A 7.3 PARAMETER ACCESS PROTECTION VISIBILITY Code << >> ENT Quick RDY Term +0.00Hz VISIBILITY PARAMETERS MENUS Code RDY 0A ENT Term +0.00Hz PARAMETERS Selection to display all parameters or only the active parameters. Press ESC to exit this screen. 0A Active All Quick Quick ENT ENT RDY Term +0.00Hz PROTECTION PROTECTED CHANNELS PROTECTED PARAMS Code 0A RDY ENT Quick ENT Term +0.00Hz 0A PROTECTED CHANNELS HMI POWERSUITE MODBUS CANopen COM. CARD Code PROG. CARD PROTECTED PARAMS 1 DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG You remain exclusively in the [1. DRIVE MENU] menu. All menus are selected by default. Press ENT to deselect a menu. Press ENT to reselect a menu. MENUS 1. DRIVE MENU 1.1 SIMPLY START 1.2 MONITORING 1.3 SETTINGS 1.4 MOTOR CONTROL 1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG IMPORTANT: The protected channel (or channels) must be selected, as a protected parameter on a selected channel remains accessible on the channels that are not selected. Quick ENT PROTECTED PARAMS 1.3 SETTINGS Ramp increment Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration 2 Deceleration 2 All In these screens all parameters in the [1 DRIVE MENU] menu can be protected and are displayed for selection, except for the Expert parameters. Press the All button to select all the parameters. Press the All button again to deselect all the parameters. 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. No selections can be made in this screen if there are no parameters. PROTECTED PARAMS 1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. REF. OPERATIONS RAMP STOP CONFIGURATION AUTO DC INJECTION JOG ENT PROTECTED PARAMS JOG JOG Jog frequency Jog delay Note: The protected parameters are no longer accessible and are not, therefore, displayed for the selected channels. 241 [MULTIPOINT SCREEN] Communication is possible between a graphic display terminal and a number of drives connected on the same bus. The addresses of the drives must be configured in advance in the [1.9 COMMUNICATION] menu using the [Modbus Address] (Adb) parameter, page 219. When a number of drives are connected to the same display terminal, the terminal automatically displays the following screens: WARNING CONNECTION IN PROGRESS After x seconds, Time out fault or, press ENT: for multi point connection ENT Selection of drives for multipoint dialog. MULTIPOINT ADDRESS ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 3 ADDRESS 4 ADDRESS 5 ADDRESS 6 ENT Rdy RUN NLP Rdy Rdy Add MULTIPOINT SCREEN 0 Rpm 0A +1500 Rpm 1250 A +1500 Rpm 1250 A Not connected + 0 Rpm 0A + 0 Rpm 0A Add ESC 02 03 04 05 06 10 RUN ENT +1500 Rpm 1250 A MOTOR SPEED 03 Selection of a drive for multipoint dialog. 952 rpm MOTOR CURRENT 101 A HOME Quick In multipoint mode, the command channel is not displayed. The state, then the 2 selected parameters and the drive address appear. All menus can be accessed in multipoint mode. Only drive control via the graphic display terminal is not authorized, apart from the Stop key, which locks all the drives. If there is a fault on a drive, this drive is displayed. 242 Maintenance Servicing The Altivar 71 does not require any preventive maintenance. It is nevertheless advisable to perform the following regularly: • Check the condition and tightness of the connections. • Ensure that the temperature around the unit remains at an acceptable level and that ventilation is effective (average service life of fans: 3 to 5 years depending on the operating conditions). • Remove any dust from the drive. Assistance with maintenance, fault display If a problem arises during setup or operation, first check that the recommendations relating to the environment, mounting and connections have been observed. The first fault detected is saved and displayed, and the drive locks. The drive switching to fault mode can be indicated remotely via a logic output or a relay, which can be configured in the [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O-) menu, see for example [R1 CONFIGURATION] (r1-), page 103. [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu This menu can only be accessed with the graphic display terminal. It displays faults and their cause in plain text and can be used to carry out tests, see page 221. Clearing the fault Cut the power supply to the drive in the event of a non-resettable fault. Wait for the display to disappear completely. Find the cause of the fault in order to correct it. The drive is unlocked after a fault: • By switching off the drive until the display disappears completely, then switching on again. • Automatically in the scenarios described for the[AUTOMATIC RESTART] (Atr-) function, page 201. • By means of a logic input or control bit assigned to the [FAULT RESET] (rSt-) function, page 200. • By pressing the STOP/RESET button on the graphic display terminal. [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP-) menu: This is used to prevent and find the causes of faults by displaying the drive state and its current values. It can be accessed with the integrated display terminal. Spares and repairs: Consult Schneider Electric product support. 243 Faults - Causes - Remedies Starter does not start, no fault displayed • If the display does not light up, check the power supply to the drive. • The assignment of the "Fast stop" or "Freewheel" functions will prevent the drive starting if the corresponding logic inputs are not powered up. The ATV71 then displays [Freewheel] (nSt) in freewheel stop and [Fast stop] (FSt) in fast stop. This is normal since these functions are active at zero so that the drive will be stopped safely if there is a wire break. • Make sure that the run command input or inputs are activated in accordance with the selected control mode ([2/3 wire control] (tCC) and [2 wire type] (tCt) parameters, page 89). • If an input is assigned to the limit switch function and this input is at zero, the drive can only be started up by sending a command for the opposite direction (see pages 144 and 180). • If the reference channel or command channel is assigned to a communication bus, when the power supply is connected, the drive will display [Freewheel] (nSt) and remain in stop mode until the communication bus sends a command. Faults, which cannot be reset automatically The cause of the fault must be removed before resetting by turning off and then back on. AnF, brF, ECF, EnF, SOF, SPF and tnF faults can also be reset remotely by means of a logic input or control bit ( [Fault reset] (rSF) parameter, page 200). AnF, EnF, InFA, InFb, SOF, SPF, and tnF faults can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input or control bit ( [Fault inhibit assign.] (InH) parameter, page 211). Fault Name Probable cause Remedy AI2F [AI2 input] • Non-conforming signal on analog input AI2 • Check the wiring of analog input AI2 and the value of the signal AnF [Load slipping] • The encoder speed feedback does not match the reference • • • • bOF [DBR overload] • The braking resistor is under excessive stress brF [Brake feedback] • Check the size of the resistor and wait for it to cool down • Check the [DB Resistor Power] (brP) and [DB Resistor value] (brU) parameters, page 214 • Check the feedback circuit and the brake logic control circuit • Check the mechanical state of the brake • Check the wiring of the braking unit and the resistor • Check the braking resistor • Switch the drive off and then back on again • Check the internal connections • Inspect/repair the drive Check the motor, gain and stability parameters Add a braking resistor Check the size of the motor/drive/load Check the encoder’s mechanical coupling and its wiring bUF • The brake feedback contact does not match the brake logic control [DB unit sh. Circuit] • Short-circuit output from braking unit CrF1 [Precharge] CrF2 [Thyr. soft charge] • Load relay control fault or charging resistor damaged • DC bus charging fault (thyristors) ECF [Encoder coupling] • Break in encoder’s mechanical coupling • Check the encoder’s mechanical coupling EEF1 [Control Eeprom] • Internal memory fault, control card EEF2 [Power Eeprom] • Internal memory fault, power card [Encoder] • Encoder feedback fault EnF FCF1 • Check the environment (electromagnetic compatibility) • Turn off, reset, return to factory settings • Inspect/repair the drive • Check [Number of pulses] (PGI) and [Encoder type] (EnS), page 78 • Check that the encoder’s mechanical and electrical operation, its power supply and connections are all correct • If necessary, reverse the direction of rotation of the motor ([Output Ph rotation] (PHr) parameter, page 70) or the encoder signals [Out. contact. stuck] • The output contactor remains closed • Check the contactor and its wiring although the opening conditions have • Check the feedback circuit been met 244 Faults - Causes - Remedies Faults, which cannot be reset automatically (continued) Fault Name HdF [IGBT desaturation] • Short-circuit or grounding at the drive output • Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the insulation of the motor • Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu [internal com. link] • Communication fault between option card and drive • Check the environment (electromagnetic compatibility) • Check the connections • Check that no more than 2 option cards (max. permitted) have been installed on the drive • Replace the option card • Inspect/repair the drive • Check the reference of the power card ILF Probable cause InF4 • The power card is different from the card stored [Incompatible PB] • The power card is incompatible with the control card [Internal serial link] • Communication fault between the internal cards [Internal MFG area] • Internal data inconsistent InF6 [Internal-option] • The option installed in the drive is not recognized InF7 [Internal-hard init.] • Initialization of the drive is incomplete InF8 [Internal-ctrl supply] • The control power supply is incorrect InF9 [Internal- I measure] • The current measurements are incorrect • Replace the current sensors or the power card • Inspect/repair the drive InFA [Internal-mains circuit] • The input stage is not operating correctly • Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu • Inspect/repair the drive InFb [Internal- th. sensor] • The drive temperature sensor is not operating correctly • Replace the temperature sensor • Inspect/repair the drive InFC [Internal-time meas.] • Fault on the electronic time measurement component • Inspect/repair the drive InFE [internal- CPU ] • Internal microprocessor fault • Turn off and reset. Inspect/repair the drive OCF [Overcurrent] • Check the parameters • Check the size of the motor/drive/load • Check the state of the mechanism PrF [Power removal] • Parameters in the [SETTINGS] (SEt-) and [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC-) menus are not correct • Inertia or load too high • Mechanical locking • Fault with the drive’s "Power removal" safety function • Short-circuit or grounding at the drive output InF1 InF2 InF3 [Rating error] Remedy SCF1 [Motor short circuit] SCF2 [Impedant sh. circuit] SCF3 [Ground short circuit] 245 • Significant earth leakage current at the drive output if several motors are connected in parallel • Instability or driving load too high SOF [Overspeed] SPF [Speed fdback loss] • Encoder feedback signal missing tnF [Auto-tuning ] • Special motor or motor whose power is not suitable for the drive • Motor not connected to the drive • Check the reference of the power card and its compatibility • Check the internal connections • Inspect/repair the drive • Recalibrate the drive (performed by Schneider Electric Product Support) • Check the reference and compatibility of the option • Turn off and reset • Check the control power supply • Inspect/repair the drive • Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the insulation of the motor • Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu • Reduce the switching frequency • Connect chokes in series with the motor • • • • • • Check the motor, gain and stability parameters Add a braking resistor Check the size of the motor/drive/load Check the wiring between the encoder and the drive Check the encoder Check that the motor/drive are compatible • Check that the motor is present during auto-tuning • If an output contactor is being used, close it during auto-tuning Faults - Causes - Remedies Faults that can be reset with the automatic restart function, after the cause has disappeared These faults can also be reset by turning on and off or by means of a logic input or control bit ([Fault reset] (rSF) parameter, page 200). APF, CnF, COF, EPF1, EPF2, FCF2, LFF2, LFF3, LFF4, ObF, OHF, OLF, OPF1, OPF2, OSF, OtF1, OtF2, OtFL, PHF, PtF1, PtF2, PtFL, SLF1, SLF2, SLF3, SrF, SSF and tJF faults can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input or control bit ([Fault inhibit assign.] (InH)parameter, page 211). Fault Name Probable cause Remedy APF [Application fault] • Controller Inside card fault • Please refer to the card documentation bLF [Brake control] • Brake release current not reached • Check the drive/motor connection • Check the motor windings • Check the [Brake release I FW] (Ibr) and [Brake release I Rev] (Ird) settings, page 150. • Apply the recommended settings for [Brake engage freq] (bEn) • Brake engage frequency threshold [Brake engage freq] (bEn) only regulated when brake logic control is assigned CnF [Com. network] • Communication fault on communication card COF [CAN com.] • Interruption in communication on the CANopen bus EPF1 [External flt-LI/Bit] EPF2 [External fault com.] FCF2 [Out. contact. open.] LCF [input contactor] • • • • Fault triggered by an external device, • depending on user • Fault triggered by a communication • network • The output contactor remains open although the closing conditions have been met • The drive is not turned on even though [Mains V. time out ] (LCt) has elapsed LFF2 LFF3 LFF4 [AI2 4-20mA loss] [AI3 4-20mA loss] [AI4 4-20mA loss] • Loss of the 4-20 mA reference on analog input AI2, AI3 or AI4 ObF [Overbraking] • Braking too sudden or driving load OHF [Drive overheat] OLF [Motor overload] OPF1 [1 output phase loss] • • • • • Check the environment (electromagnetic compatibility) Check the wiring Check the time-out Replace the option card Inspect/repair the drive Check the communication bus Check the time-out Refer to the CANopen user's manual Check the device, which caused the fault, and reset Check for the cause of the fault and reset • Check the contactor and its wiring • Check the feedback circuit • • • • Check the contactor and its wiring Check the time-out Check the line/contactor/drive connection Check the connection on the analog inputs • Increase the deceleration time • Install a braking resistor if necessary • Activate the [Dec ramp adapt.] (brA) function, page 129, if it is compatible with the application • Drive temperature too high • Check the motor load, the drive ventilation and the ambient temperature. Wait for the drive to cool down before restarting • Triggered by excessive motor current • Check the setting of the motor thermal protection, check the motor load. Wait for the drive to cool down before restarting • Loss of one phase at drive output • Check the connections from the drive to the motor 246 Faults - Causes - Remedies Faults that can be reset with the automatic restart function, after the cause has disappeared (continued) Fault OPF2 Name Probable cause Remedy [3 output phase loss] • Motor not connected or motor power too low • Output contactor open • Instantaneous instability in the motor current • Check the connections from the drive to the motor • If an output contactor is being used, parameterize [Output Phase Loss] (OPL) = [Output cut] (OAC), page 204 • Test on a low power motor or without a motor: In factory settings mode, motor phase loss detection is active [Output Phase Loss] (OPL) = [Yes] (YES). To check the drive in a test or maintenance environment, without having to use a motor with the same rating as the drive (in particular for high power drives), deactivate motor phase loss detection [Output Phase Loss] (OPL) = [No] (nO) • Check and optimize the following parameters: [IR compensation] (UFr), page 76, [Rated motor volt.] (UnS) and [Rated mot. current] (nCr), page 69, and perform [Auto tuning] (tUn), page 70 [Mains overvoltage] • Mains voltage too high • Disturbed mains supply • Check the mains voltage OtF1 [PTC1 overheat] OtF2 [PTC2 overheat] • • • • OtFL [LI6=PTC overheat] PtF1 [PTC1 probe] PtF2 [PTC2 probe] PtFL [LI6=PTC probe] SCF4 [IGBT short circuit] • Overheating of the PTC1 probes detected • Overheating of the PTC2 probes detected • Overheating of PTC probes detected on input LI6 • PTC1 probes open or shortcircuited • PTC2 probes open or shortcircuited • PTC probes on input LI6 open or short-circuited • Power component fault SCF5 [Motor short circuit] • Short-circuit at drive output SLF1 [Modbus com.] • Interruption in communication on the Modbus bus SLF2 [PowerSuite com.] SLF3 [HMI com.] OSF 247 SrF [Torque time-out] SSF [Torque/current lim] • Fault communicating with PowerSuite • Fault communicating with the graphic display terminal • The time-out of the torque control function is attained • Switch to torque limitation tJF [IGBT overheat] • Drive overheated Check the motor load and motor size Check the motor ventilation Wait for the motor to cool before restarting Check the type and state of the PTC probes • Check the PTC probes and the wiring between them and the motor/drive • Perform a diagnostic test via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu • Inspect/repair the drive • Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the motor’s insulation • Perform diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu • Inspect/repair the drive • Check the communication bus • Check the time-out • Refer to the Modbus user's manual • Check the PowerSuite connecting cable • Check the time-out • Check the terminal connection • Check the time-out • Check the function’s settings • Check the state of the mechanism • Check if there are any mechanical problems • Check the parameters of [TORQUE LIMITATION] (tLA-) page 174 and the parameters of fault [TORQUE OR I LIM. DETECT.] (tId-), page 213) • Check the size of the load/motor/drive • Reduce the switching frequency • Wait for the motor to cool before restarting Faults - Causes - Remedies Faults that can be reset as soon as their causes disappear The USF fault can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input or control bit ([Fault inhibit assign.] (InH), page 211). Fault CFF Name [Incorrect config.] CFI [Invalid config.] HCF [Cards pairing] PHF [Input phase loss] USF [Undervoltage] Probable cause Remedy • Option card changed or removed • Check that there are no card errors • In the event of the option card being changed/removed deliberately, see the remarks below • Control card replaced by a control card configured on a drive with a different rating • Check that there are no card errors • In the event of the control card being changed deliberately, see the remarks below • The current configuration is inconsistent • Return to factory settings or retrieve the backup configuration, if it is valid (see page 226) • Invalid configuration The configuration loaded in the drive via the bus or communication network is inconsistent • The [CARDS PAIRING] (PPI-) function, page 215, has been configured and a drive card has been changed • Drive incorrectly supplied or a fuse blown • Failure of one phase • 3-phase ATV71 used on a singlephase line supply • Unbalanced load This protection only operates with the drive on load • Line supply too low • Transient voltage dip • Damaged pre-charge resistor • Check the configuration loaded previously • Load a compatible configuration • In the event of a card error, reinsert the original card • Confirm the configuration by entering the [Pairing password] (PPI) if the card was changed deliberately • Check the power connection and the fuses • Use a 3-phase mains supply • Disable the fault by [Input phase loss] (IPL) = [No] (nO) (page 205) • Check the voltage and the parameters of [UNDERVOLTAGE MGT] (USb-), page 208 • Replace the pre-charge resistor • Inspect/repair the drive Option card changed or removed When an option card is removed or replaced by another, the drive locks in [Incorrect config.] (CFF) fault mode on power-up. If the card has been deliberately changed or removed, the fault can be cleared by pressing the ENT key twice, which causes the factory settings to be restored (see page 226) for the parameter groups affected by the card. These are as follows: Card replaced by a card of the same type • I/O cards: [Drive menu] (drM) • Encoder cards: [Drive menu] (drM) • Communication cards: Only the parameters that are specific to communication cards • Controller Inside cards: [Prog. card menu.] (PLC) Card removed (or replaced by a different type of card) • I/O card: [Drive menu] (drM) • Encoder card: [Drive menu] (drM) • Communication card: [Drive menu] (drM) and parameters specific to communication cards • Controller Inside card: [Drive menu] (drM) and [Prog. card menu] (PLC) Control card changed When a control card is replaced by a control card configured on a drive with a different rating, the drive locks in [Incorrect config.] (CFF) fault mode on power-up. If the card has been deliberately changed, the fault can be cleared by pressing the ENT key twice, which causes all the factory settings to be restored. 248 User settings tables [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM-) menu Code Name Factory setting tCC [2 wire] (2C) Volba 2-vodiãového nebo 3-vodiãového ovládání [2/3-vodiãové ovládání] [2/3 wire control] CFG [Macro configuration] [Start/Stop] (StS) bFr Frekvence sítû [Standard mot.freq] [50 Hz] (50) nPr Jmenovit˘ v˘kon motoru [Rated motor power] According to drive rating UnS Jmenovité napûtí motoru [Rated motor vol.] According to drive rating nCr Jmenovit˘ proud motoru [Rated mot. current] According to drive rating FrS Jmenovitá frekvence motoru [Rated motor speed] 50 Hz nSP Jmenovité otáãky motoru [Rated motor speed] According to drive rating tFr Maximální frekvence [Max frequency] 60 Hz PHr Sled v˘stupních fází [Output Ph rotation] ABC ItH Proud motoru pro tepelnou ochranu [Mot. therm. current] According to drive rating ACC Doba rozbûhu [Acceleration] 3.0 s dEC Doba dobûhu [Deceleration] 3.0 s LSP Nízké otáãky [Low speed] 0 HSP Vysoké otáãky [High speed] 50 Hz Customer setting Functions assigned to I/O I/O Functions assigned I/O LI1 LO1 LI2 LO2 249 Functions assigned LI3 LO3 LI4 LO4 LI5 AI1 LI6 AI2 LI7 AI3 LI8 AI4 LI9 R1 LI10 R2 LI11 R3 LI12 R4 LI13 RP LI14 Encoder 250 User settings tables Other parameters (table to be created by the user) Code 251 Name Customer setting Code Name Customer setting Index of functions [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS-) 224 [2 wire] (2C) 38 [2nd CURRENT LIMIT.] 175 [3 wire] (3C) 38 [4. PASSWORD] (COd-) 231 +/- speed 138 +/- speed around a reference 140 [AUTO DC INJECTION] 132 [AUTO TUNING BY LI] 188 [AUTOMATIC RESTART] 201 Automatické nastavení parametrÛ [Auto-tuning] 41 Brake logic control 146 [CATCH ON THE FLY] 202 Command and reference channels 106 Deferred stop on thermal alarm 206 Direct power supply via DC bus 197 [DRIVE OVERHEAT] 205 [ENA SYSTEM] 77 Konfigurace inkrementálního snímaãe [Konfigurace IRC] 101 [EVACUATION] 196 External weight measurement: 155 [FAULT RESET] 200 [FLUXING BY LI] 143 High-speed hoisting: 157 [JOG] 134 Limit switch management 144 Line contactor command 176 Rozdûlení zatíÏení mechanicky svázan˘ch motorÛ [Load sharing] 85 Motor or configuration switching [MULTIMOTORS/CONFIG.] 186 Motor thermal protection 203 Proudové omezení [Proudové omezení] [Noise reduction] 82 Output contactor command 178 Parameter set switching [PARAM. SET SWITCHING] 183 PID regulator 161 Positioning by sensors or limit switches 180 Preset speeds 135 PTC probes 199 [RAMP] 127 Reference saving: 142 [REFERENCE SWITCH.] 125 [Konfigurace RP] [RP CONFIGURATION] 99 [STOP CONFIGURATION] 130 Summing input/Subtracting input/Multiplier 124 Synchronous motor 74 Torque limitation 173 Torque regulation 169 Traverse control 189 252 ACC AI1A AI2A AI3A AI4A ALGr AO1 253 AC2 42 50 50 50 AI3t 50 A1C104 A2C104 A3C104 AdC AI1E 95 AI1F 95 AI1S 95 AI1t 95 AI2E 96 AI2F 96 AI2L 96 AI2S 96 AI2t 96 AI3E 97 AI3F 97 AI3L 97 AI3S 97 AI4E 98 AI4F 98 AI4L 98 AI4S 98 AI4t 98 AICI 102 54 129 141 54 127 132 AdCO 219 Add 219 95 96 97 97 98 165 AMOA 51 219 AMOC 219 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page APH AUS bFr bIr 40 bCI bEd bIP 65 AUt 70 bbA 85 AO1F 102 AO1t 102 AO2 103 AO2F 103 AO2t 103 AO3 103 AO3F 103 AO3t 103 AOH1 102 AOH2 103 AOH3 103 AOL1 102 AOL2 103 AOL3 103 Atr bEn 65 151 bEt 66 151 bLC 150 brA 129 brH0 153 brH1 153 brH2 154 brH3 154 brH4 154 bdCO brO 214 brP 214 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 51 201 51 150 219 151 69 150 151 254 CCFG CFG CFPS CnFS 255 brt CL2 60 CLI 60 bSP brr 65 bSt CCS 115 Cd1 115 Cd2 CHCF CHM 82 COF COP CrH2 96 CrH3 97 CrH4 98 CrL2 96 CrL3 97 brU CHA1 184 CHA2 184 CLL CLO 160 CLS 182 CnF1 188 CnF2 188 COL 116 COr 160 CP1 156 CP2 156 COd COd2 160 212 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 154 150 214 92 150 39 39 115 52 114 188 175 175 212 51 232 232 Ctd dCF dE2 dEC EPL EtF 42 Ctt CrL4 58 EFI 102 PFr 102 EIL 102 EnA 81 EnC 79 101 EnS 78 101 EnU 79 102 dA2 126 dA3 126 dAF 182 dAr 182 dAS 179 dbn 172 dbp 172 dbS 179 130 dCI 131 dCO 197 54 129, 141 54 127 dSF 182 dSI 141 dSP 139 dtF 195 EbO 194 ECC 213 ECt 213 ErCO CSt dLr [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 98 232 66 71 216 232 207 219 207 256 FrH FrS HSP Ibr IdM 257 40 Ftd 42 F2d FLU FrSS IdA F1 73 F2 73 F3 73 F4 73 F5 73 FCP 74 Fr1 Fr2 Frt FSt GIE 58 81 GPE 58 81 HSO 65 IbrA 77 FLI 61 FPI Fr1b FLr FrY- GFS 160 55 150 156 IdC 58 77 131 216 IdC2 58 131 216 FCSI FLO 220 FLOC 220 FLOt 220 66 226 143 202 143 167 114 115 125 51 69 77 129 226 130 66 226 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page IPL ItH L 1 A to L 1 4 A LCr Inr Ird 42 LbC LdS LFA LFM LIS1 50 LIS2 50 LbA 67 50 L 1 d to L 1 4 d LbC1 87 LbC2 87 LbC3 87 LbF 87 54 65 JOG LC2 LCt LES LLC LO1 99 LO1d 99 InH 40 JdC 66 152 JGF 61 134 JGt 61 134 LAF 145 LAr 145 LAS 145 LFF 216 LFL2 LFL3 LFL4 210 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 127 211 205 150 55 90 134 90 85 85 175 51 177 75 77 177 77 177 258 LSP MFr nCr nCrS 259 40 42 51 LqS LO1H 99 LO1S 99 LO2 99 LO2d 99 LO2H 99 LO2S 99 LO3 100 LO3d 100 LO3H 100 LO3S 100 LO4 100 LO4d 100 LO4H 100 LO4S 100 LP1 156 LP2 156 MA2 126 MA3 126 55 75 63 nCA1 218 nCA2 218 nCA3 218 nCA4 218 nCA5 218 nCA6 218 nCA7 218 nCA8 218 69 75 nMA1 218 nMA2 218 nMA3 218 nMA4 218 nMA5 218 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page nPr nSP OPr PEr PGI PHS PHr PIA PIC 41 40 40 o06 51 o02 51 o03 51 o04 51 o05 51 nSPS OFI nrd 82 nSL 77 78 nSt OCC OSP 65 PES PFI 99 PFr 99 PGA 102 Odt PAH 63 166 PAL 63 166 PAS 182 PAU 167 OHL 205 OLL 204 OPL 204 nMA6 218 nMA7 218 nMA8 218 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 69 69 75 130 179 204 82 51 160 166 156 102 75 70 99 166 260 PtH 261 PrP PSr PIL PPn 77 PPnS 75 PIS 63 PSt 65 r1 103 r1d 104 r1H 104 r1S 104 PIF 165 PIF1 165 PIF2 165 PII 165 PIM 167 PIP1 165 PIP2 165 POH 63 166 POL 63 166 PPI Pr2 168 Pr4 168 PS1184 PS2185 PS3185 PS2 136 PS4 136 PS8 136 PS16 136 51 qSH 66 194 qSL 66 194 99 166 215 166 114 167 PtC1 200 PtC2 200 PtCL 200 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page rFr rPO rSF rdG rIG rPC 51 rPE 51 rPF 51 rPG rAP rrS rSA 77 rSAS 75 r2 104 r2d 104 r2H 104 r2S 104 r3 105 r3d 105 r3H 105 r3S 105 r4 105 r4d 105 r4H 105 r4S 105 63 rFC rFt- 63 rIn rPI rCA 179 rCb 125 rP2 65 168 rP3 65 168 rP4 65 168 63 165 rPS 129 rPt 127 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 81 166 51 115 196 166 114 165 51 89 200 262 rtH SLP 263 SFC 55 SFr 60 SIt 55 58 SOP rSL rSM 77 rSMS 77 SCL SnC rSP 196 rSU 196 rtO 172 rtr 195 SA2 126 SA3 126 SAF 182 SAr 182 SAt SdC1 59 132, 151 SdC2 59 132 Sdd SLL 76 195 82 SP2 62 137 SP3 62 137 SP4 62 137 SP5 62 137 SP6 62 137 SP7 62 137 SP8 62 137 SP9 62 137 SP10 62 137 SP11 62 137 SCSI 213 82 212 168 51 206 160 226 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page Index of parameter codes SP12 62 137 SP13 62 137 SP14 62 137 SP15 63 137 SP16 63 137 SPd [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) 51 SPG 55 SPM 142 SPt 171 SrP 63 141 SSb 213 StM 208 StO 213 StP 208 Str 139 Strt 209 Stt 130 SUL 82 tA1 54 128 tA2 54 128 tA3 54 128 tA4 55 128 tAA 174 tAC 51 tAr 201 tbE 65 151 tbO 194 tbr 219 tbr2 219 tbS tCC [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) Page [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Code 208 39 89 tCt 89 tdI 58 131 216 tdC 58 131 216 tdC1 59 132 tdC2 59 133 264 tFr trr ttd 265 40 tHd 51 tHr 51 trA trM trP 67 tdn trC tHA tHt tLA 174 tLC 174 tLIG 66 174 tLIM 66 174 tLS 61 167 tOb 172 tOS 160 tr1 171 trH 66 194 trL 66 194 trt 171 tSd 171 tSM tSS 171 tSt 171 tSY 195 69 205, 206 204 77 194 77 51 171 208 204, 206 ttd2 204, 206 ttd3 204, 206 ttO 219 tFO 194 219 tFO2 219 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page tUn tUS ULn UnS UOP USI ttr UFr 40 41 41 UCP 58 U0 73 U1 73 U2 73 U3 73 U4 73 U5 73 Ubr 85 UC2 74 tUL 66 tUP UIH1 95 UIH2 96 UIH4 98 UIL1 95 UIL2 96 UIL4 98 UOH1 102 UOH2 103 UOH3 103 UOL1 102 UOL2 103 UOL3 103 Ucb ULr UPL 208 UrES 208 USb 208 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page 152 188 70 194 70 202 74 76 51 232 69 51 141 266 USP USt 267 USL 139 208 208 [4 PASSWORD] (COd- ) [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS] (FCS- ) [1.9 COMMUNICATION] (COM- ) [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT] (F L t - ) [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT.] (FUn- ) Code [1.6 COMMAND] (C t L - ) [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG] (I-O- ) [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL] (drC- ) [1.3 SETTINGS] (SEt- ) [1.2 MONITORING] (SUP- ) [1.1 SIMPLY START] (SIM- ) Index of parameter codes Page
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