Tušetinská kuchyně (stručný)
-'r'.^--''-\ pgafrrt éotssrnlo lrrl6.;olq1'ro36o16t65 t,r'rdl13rll'.'ll.. 1;tír.\r.r-.1.rgi'{)rllr.>L, ilrllr,ri5 .:5 iI r í r i.,11..g,r 1;rr 'r tí liI r llr .'.;.1;'.;.,r11r í.'I r r'r rlli|(' j.'ÓÓ.',.;ii'Íq'rllr.rll, i|r'rlr.'ír.i|..'11q'rl Íq..> (|(,)(t)(,|(í ,(| ,r ,.r ;91tt.r ' i|Óilo šr,x{nq'" llt| ;1Élbr'l/iltl .l';;(tttl.:. i'l...|! l'.'l! ' i|1 11.'tí r r r tlr'\ítt tlt.ri5ob' ;'.'.'iI r 'rllr r '|ir "8x8$3orí .rtíl;1.;1gi'r b.>}'3.t'lrl o. !ir<ri\r'l.ilrl .,l' í lr 'llr ..í r .i|.;;g'. t! ''' j|íl . .j .''{ '1;;1dr .i'.'llr .i|;ll';;gi'1;.\..,;1.:'i.).\l\iI t{ ';|(|)t'l].' 5o13, Iro,;r.rlr."i5,: lt .]|' .;.r í í t|)t't.1;tt1..' iIF l()('C)' o ..í|r'l.\dlrlo53..í l.,! '''tttl' ';illt,il-í, \ii1š1q?o0c.l111g1'trq, 11r'lllll;\rl.;|rrrll .11;|;1rrg:',lr. ť'.', ,1.rÉli5ory 1ii.. 11i111l*' j\drrrÍ{' l'.\i\.ilÍ{ĎU 0r,l.i|.,,;'il..';1''' 'i|;1.'1 1 t' ;1 ql.ror\tít$[tilí{ll.5iIl' t.í:..' ilrtli1,11.lq g b1 1 1;r'ldl81}.>ry, pl,. ťr ..;\tí lr r i'í r ,' 3<'l.i|'.'i;|.'l|;} l' lI lI iI 1q,l' 11t't1''1.r lt i'.;t''*J,,*|]?;l''i',,Í"iljiíl.,.]l:,,liIIl1.''ťffi l;;;lŠ:ll;{;j i|.tl.rq'.:.:. l h r'ldr11rrlr b<l6.;.r1qrl \i.'1tll'ť}r ' .Ír.. h..''6i1;qog' h.l[,,;1q';1-.hr'lr<l11lr'.\i 11rírtlq';q'q'.r,1;;.l.r;;;;Ír.. .i|;,;.r.tl.r1;1 (rIrldr.r) q'.r l|..íítrr1q'rrill.r \'111irllriIr'r[,qrrírrlrlr 6b. lrrrír.1.r1q'tll,rIr;;dltll.:19 lr.;;1;dr..'.lr;; lrtlt.tíl\li;s1q Ul6 iI r l rl$.r611íl. ' - r. t-'-t\a-*-* )r--r-'r' l , \* ť "."'t\- - -] 01U6UÓo.'bo8bÓoavo ..lrJ ;;1;l;1l', ..''li;;t''';;r \..';p1' 11r 'r ll.ír |l 19.., 1,,. dtt'r i.,r 'r ď l11 lt;.;;t't;1i|Í.{(' ' .)(' ' ..,dr r r lr .;r 'l|)r 'r dr r r lt.1 1 1 ;ítob g' r g.11;?,,,'ťn l b.lríl rl Ir...'i r l I r ;; lr .'r í r r r ()';;...E]'r ,'r tlr';;,il'.1dr 1;.;1 i1.',;1;1t'''tr 't'''r r .,1í í tll. , " tu ll.,ďrr'r r 1)...;.,1''1'r o:ť;uT 11r'l.,I r r r 'j |[r .iI F.l'.;r š 1"1í r .i'.,,...1i)r ..;t\rllt ' t1 )t' lÓlr jnTÍ.iil;;l;ill]l: lr.;;.1 ,5'''htl, ttltr 'rt'r J tlí r ;1;1t..'11r r lr i|'.'1|r r r 91'..lJ tr 'll.'(;lr .\1tr .: i|(' l' Ď(J 3 ;rll.rll.ríJ Jrrdltrrll.>pJ r.l{,2j $Il: .|1;.';1í r1,.'tí l., .\,.11.l|;;r r ÍQĎ 311.r í r ;1\:p1'r 'r ;1.'lir lilÉlt|)l' {)() r t|tt.'1 i\'ťlt< |R 3.'l'.|'j 1,.[1r r lr ;|,;1lr .'dr .,lr lr '' "',,ll,"lr ',';p1', 11r |.'|r r r .,I r , ,j i1'',,1p.1'''1,;1 ;;,rrrr5 olro .. . i\,''t,. -;.1tt'11.\;1í'. -1i,,,;111;.",'11' iÉ';1;j.tirlr ||lr..q'lr í1';1r'. ,t.11).lfp .1j,i.ihiu'.''l' b ,|1. Il.' li.|l;1 ..(lIl l'i|'Jl',.íl.''' .;r'r1)t.ltÓ lr-..i,,'1rl,. 1\.,r\gi'. 'i'l' I j'll[l'.Í,:l* }liÍ,u.,8.9ff}a :ll nfil il lr' ll.>;36} g ) 3. Jd' ;1.;1í{-íl1 1;16.:ríl11.;1 .]fiiii;:[ l,1, ..9ii%d",8Š.ť ;]Í,,$.ťfi :l,,..li].?',l,jillll ffi b"*J:;il;ťÍ';]..,'l]:..i Š;iifl;i:,:'i: Jl.lí]n,.l':.Tlilifiiil],:{: ..iIrrllr 'rlr . ...|g,;11.,l r '.i.,1).,r í l.,| ( ltIl' ;|';j lrr rq'I l.' .'r tl,l|;1. Kotrtrl wlt h kslt i' e r b oor wlllr ha lt lr t r r ll' ed l{ r , r r t tlrr al t t t ' a ke lt l'Í|0íio R.) Í<,JPo' l, i5.i;q'tl .1r'l$r'ltílr bo i k,rI lx tlo I(tFrr ttlx r d w lt tt ttteltetl r alr r r r ltt.w et|t.|teesrunt| í lr r ttrmlx tu re. The |)tltlet.nltt| Khinkali Stuttirrg cutt bt': mt'at, meltecl butter-kalti, meshed witlr rnt.|tcclbultt.r, boilcc] nett|esmixed with p()tut(x.ít roastccl ott iott, tttttsltrtlttttls. witlr íltlur and water is rolled out. I)truglrkttt'ttclt.t| t ltc pastryusing a cuP as a template.Add Rcluncls(.tltí.r()lll the íilling tltt.tllrring the sides of the Pastry up over the looks like small folds.Bringapan filling so t ltt't'otttbination boil, add khinkali and boil for 8a water to of lighty sitltt'rl lnl ntlvattt..., str r íir .ítg lr 1r r e1r nr er llhr r trtttlx etlw ltlt r o tttt'w nlet attd u lo l o l'tnelleclb utter r l|.t,|teer egt|tI ec|.l,r t tlte r tuí ling cool is sl r .w r tl, 1r let.r .n do w r r ,plur 'eI ttI lte t'cttlteo l'llte llut do tr glruttclw r ull in' K o l o r i in ur r evelyr luy tttr ul. llit ullo u ('o lttpo llt'lr tof ritual S1r cr .iulr lttr uIhtr tr ltir tlet|tr t |r elluketl llt.|ir r t ' thefirst í i.lr :it, chiId . This w ilI l t lte tlet't.ur t.tl s1r iI t lg l ltttttt|erlr r t lr e í 'ur r lilit.r .|.siť r r gklr tr k|tur u. S1r r iltg vt'gt'tu b les and ktr ttlti il t.ulletl pllttr lsw t.te ttr etIul ltttl'í ir lg'K tllr r r i w us 1llut.edtltt a sm all l ut tI il w uy t[('cltilcl will not r ituul tglr lt..lr w ur lr t.licvt.rtlr lr ly t I r t.t huttt|er , be í .r iglr lctr t.r Tushetiankitchen Tushetion cuisine is based on tusheti agriculture and )t|}(.lríl()i]Ó()l't ) r}.Jťr( )b !L'J(-l'JÍ!:i( {l,l (|li].{Ji)0|( t\l )rlbť!( l1r!i]y'] ) iJ.)U('Ii]i}|r ecologically clean three main nature products: Ů.i|!J|.l;.)Ů()il])5 l.rJ()b.0('lrírU)t](X') tJ()Uťr0Ju(',('li)U..lt'l.() J1(i)()11()[r!ťr.)í)()()b and cattle meat (mutton andbeef); 1.Šheep (D!|(|.rllrrr() )'ilt!']t'l lrJU.lr)tÝri ). 2.Sheepand cattle diaryProduct; ()(. l4())2 2 | 5 l6 ()9(X). L, hi|;1|!i,I.ir, r1'1, r. r;;. ''i|;1rl1, ',N"4(), 10minutt'cl. rrlr;|.ťtilrl': i|. 3.Corn and Plant Products. tlryrnt.(t.araway) . yq r-, , 1r' with daggcr.Aclc|saIt, : k ll tttt'ttt. gittttglolullr(t)gtnui l. t'otrt Mincc ntt.lttÍ'ittt.ly rlrf'y;, tt I Tushetian famous dishes andbeverages are khinkali, ltrstcadof oniotrntixt'clwitlt wittt't'. is serveclwif lr nraslrccl u k It ttrt'llgir tn g,tr rba(u)gntu i l.c'om i kotori, Gudis kveli andAludi. meatl'rarit'itttlx'ttst'tl. lk. trrtn/A k lr rnt'ta. l'ourisnt r: 'rww w. íllr't'|ltx fu 1', ;1;;dl1. pogs56b2qo, .b6p.:g ol oqsry qso3lrúgbtr<Óc'l8sÓ 5ssTrÓr'lě65q,: $oLfuoq'tso qo3j3Ď305' 3c'ltÓo 3333 6o3o3q6L PĎ U30Ro bj6qj6tvljoo5o ;t 6o0c.l3oq6b.0rob;botÓ?oq 8.t;q'os, 20-25 or256ob $g3opr'lÓotl po Bg26olxÓg6 a2pĎb JorÓ36q qqngěBo RRSTo r.ltí5gtÓsÓtí156Ó66 ;|3obTo15-16qo$ o gr.ltÓb tso6rÓos6 r4o0 6o<Ó0s 3stÓ6o Jjcl6qgL' ols6s1;$3orto . ol.:3olro .lqogrÓ G6obryb. 1.rl5o0;q6qp6Ós' ao6a$U36ÓRna mo6obtÓ;p TtÓcgc6' tÓal8 oríl8oo$3;b, RĎ GcGbR.b6 b;rí"ilo365. 5o8r.lB36b1q "iltÓs$"do 8otÓoqo 6ops5s$oqp6l.r RĎ U30RL bĎaxq3L. Ootíoq'o o26oq3 q'sq b3t6oto 25qo ogrotrrírn8otÓ 0r'lbp6lr Ooto 6tíol o?op x36qTo "83$r'l3sqo otÓ To$uqol, bsrít3ob' GgGbRb 8r'lo6oqgdn5 RĎ sgqo;E oOsbr'rčs?o ot psoqadoÓo. b23ols Vac6|, RTRoRo, b3rÓoTo 8;tÓoqo Enry.Enq'o axqgdĎ 5s13o36Ó.:b. .l8rooq6}g5 po5otÓB65lr ,,bĎ3Bo''.8s$6qob .>5 s0stcnboTo 0r'lO$o3gÓob sb$tÓ6 tr. rÓr.r06qo6 RĎ U30Rb' ror4 33ot6s"ilo8s6rÓrygb; g36go, ol3sqbsg o36o16}lr rnbob boqSob ltdOqn dsgot,sSoS Orljbr'lgoq ps 0olro $tÓs5tJr'ltÓ$otíxbsTgbodq6Ó6qoo. 8o6tío3 ?60r.lq6o8s8q6 stÓ Bs8rnoj3ol, Ó;rÓob bogbnlr 6tÓopnÓos5. ps'.Tr.*' f'qffiŤ'' H;h il&Ť'i J3.šďffiť #ň .,,ffig""É3;Ť""o pÉřlďf $]iřiťvlfi g?PdénqPa Gudiskveli Ttshuri cheese is prepared of sheep milk. It gets 6b3rÓol.rsboq8r.l$3gq'oR rÓdnb o1rbl0g5 poold353- distinctive mottledtofture and sharp,briny tastefrom the Óaq 3obrÓBo, t4r.l0 $68JnrÓo$3tÓo 365stÓE16p6lr. tso1T36bg5 q3tÓo-$st' 3;tlr6sp o1tÓg3g6 RĎ guda,the sheepskinin which it is aged. qoo3oÉl6dg5 orÓoq;q. The guda is preparedby shearingthe wool close to the 06a, lrooolto rÓdc B6bj6qrygb;' rÓrogo oroolb 6o2L6s0n5 RĎ d3Ďq9 shin, leaving it less than hďf an inch in length. Then the tÓtsg}st.ng aERĎ 8ro3r4oro5' 3srÓ6sq TtÓ0305'tÓop6o6 sheep is slaughteredand its skin removed in one piece. qs0o3oqgÓ6qo. í30Rob b.>rÓobbo 8stt66ss RĎa6030Ro RgqĎ0r'o'o 5;33olgb2qo U30Ro Afterbeingwashedandthendriedínthesun,the neckand ĎR3oRĎR L3qgb;, 3borÓotbr.r6o3rrpob'3g0q66 oLg3 three of the leg oreningsare tied shut with t**p, and the AIudi olěoqsq o3otÓ6}65 tíro8.srÓ 6s6o3q6b' q6qs0o"ilrl skin is turned inside out so that the wool lines the inside. As eleswerein the mountain regionsof Georgianbier is a 5.:13o36b2goí3cRoG 3borÓobbroĎRĎ m3ĎRl, aotí' Next, five or six large canvasbagsof freshly made cheese ritual beverage.It is not brewed for everydayuse,only for TOOpOO 0ob.r o36orglb.qgqo0oL qsr46gob 666qoli arelayeredwith rock saltinsidethe skin.The cheesemaker holidays,funeralsof festivityevents. "dtís$b 8r'rog36nÓb' tgq 3r.lqob3b36tÓob3n5$o3s RĎ 8oaaoqo ?tÓo$b .:8ooq6bb, qst6Bg6oq 8obob boll then blows into the remaining leg opening to inflate the Aludi is madeof hop and barley.Barley is placedin a big b8oqo3oolo po}tÓob Var nq 6s}tÓgbsry - s0r'lq6b.r guda like a balloon, ties the last opening shut, and leaves pot, add water and put asidefor two days.Then spreadthe tír'l8 sp3oqo ogob. $oqc'lt Jst636dBos8cooq6čg6the cheeseto ripen in saltforthree to fourweeks grainson flat surfaceand wrap to keep warm. In trvo days o0q65L tír'l0qo$1tÓ3ob360q0b o'ooc.rJstí3obU30Ro smPd ob{) the grain sprouts.The grain will be collectedand packedto o0 Sobsb 8-1036 5;8r.r6oq6U. oro5o6 qss6;$oqnb65 tÓr'r8 fl30qĎ oro3o ol.:5o}; o ogrn|r' bsjstírn3gqr.lb8ons56olTo qs, 6b;qos, ol1"d6olBo6 keep warms again.The grain gets slightly mouldy. ThenJ;ú3To ;0coqg}olrTo0poo 8ouaoqo 636q'oo5JsrÓ3tr ĎRaRo $0o5ps, tÓo$1.:q3 o tsfu86ryos;obo srÓ spreadout under the sun,dried and ground.15-16litre of lr . sr .l 5 ' : b c ' l U36q'ob Ul52tí 3ogot6bg q.>pndb'8;b;t Jo<Ó3olr 8 %lgR0 Ó Ď U r . l3 3 RRRo 1 t í o material-placedin a big pot [20-25tungi (tungi is a vessel JotÓ3b ols3lr 8r'lsjg63b' bĎq6tgÉ,$c.l bsb86qo. 0ob0lrÓ6bobsm3o1r, co6c.l<Ó6 6túmo 3jolbobs3g6 with capacity16-17litres)1.The pot-placedon a strongfire 8m16tÓ6bs3b RĎ bo$2<Ós3bg $1tÓo3U' olo6 8 sb Ócqo bo a ú o o 8 % ĎR3 Bc5 bo8rÓ63oqgb sdq63b. t68op;6 ogo<í6}b6lÓsp1r Áfter it c'r Lr;bgo8tr to boíl,while constantlystirring to avoid burning. <íc.l8 g36q8o $g8J6tÓs$2rÓ;"dno6stÓB26r'lb ps 3.>t46sq q q6b,:b$.:3q6dotsor3oL,br85qo3o.:<4 p,: continue to to reduce to medium flame and starts simmer a ĎtsT3qgb'l'5.2 b;soloL B68qg6 aauaoqo J;rÓ36dopo6 b23rÓob.:ol3ob. .sq3qob;ol3ol.r o6g56bg5 daÓl' R.) simmer.Removepart of liquid to add it later.When ready o8c.loq6ěb 330RL PĎ 6b3Óot $3's3obo5o6 ll3o.:t. do l, PoR }1<í}nq"do B.s6tÓo;5, Vaoql, po0%ory6}1q 52qoBo Booqo5n}b.OsbBo g66tÓgÉlol q;sbb;8n6 qs r.rríoqq6 5soB6tÓ6b65. Tl0xca t'daq remove from the heat and let to cool down. In the meantime it settles. Clear liquid is removed, the rest 02}o 8otÓoqb Bs6tÓob,B.:q6bbU30Rb'06rÓ6poogdroL tsc6ĎR 6.:"ťlqo;60o$.>%6q,:olboqsry plb2<Ól365. o<í 01}o Osr oqb qs o.t. Bns3b3Ób 52qob' JotÓL 0;<Ó63sqo 6sb1tÓq6d;, woolen bag. 6o$smo B;clbqxÓs .JoR63ĎG' squizzedthrougha kneaded 3orí5op8cls3tÓo3L,8lbtÓoqo6 6oÓ6tÓo3bqo blg36g6 06 8%6b6 6 6sgg5g5, $;b$tr6 poq6dtr, tÓc'l06qb66 otÓgob boli sEgqoo
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