Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Dan Šťastný (1974) Education: 1989 – 1993 1993 – 1997 1997 – 1999 1999 – 2004 High school Gymnázium Na Vítězné pláni, Prague Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics, Prague) Bc. degree at Faculty of International Relations Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics, Prague) MA – major: international trade degree – minor: economic theories Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics, Prague) PhD. Program in Economic Theories and History of Economic Theories Teaching Activities: since 1998 Liberal Institute Summer University – an international summer program (annually) spring 2000 – Microeconomics / Macroeconomics at University of Economics, Prague fall 2004 fall 2000 International Trade at International School of Business and Law, Prague since spring Theory of International Trade at University of Economics, Prague 2001 since spring Microeconomics / Macroeconomics at University of New York / Prague 2001 spring 2004 – Applied Economic Policy Seminar at University of Economics, Prague spring 2006 fall 2004 – History of Economic Thought at University of Economics, Prague spring 2007 July 2006 – Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Economics at University of February 2013 Economics, Prague June 2008 – Associate Professor of Economics ("Docent") at the Department of Economics, August 2013 Faculty of Economics, University of Economics, Prague since May 2013 Associate Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, J. E. Purkyne University, Ústí nad Labem (FSE UJEP) since May 2013 Associate Professor of Economics ("Docent") at the Department of Economics, FSE UJEP Other Activities: since 1997 economist and research fellow in the Liberální Institut X/98 –XII/99 member of the editorial board of the Laissez-Faire magazine since V/00 founder and member of editorial board of the TERRA LIBERA magazine since XII/08 member of the executive board of Prague Economic Papers journal Awards: The Young Economist of the Year for 2000, a prize awarded by Czech Economic Association Stays Abroad: George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April-June 2005. (Visiting Scholar) New York University, New York, March-April 2005. (Visiting Scholar) Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-On-Hudson, July 1999. Grants: Czech Science Foundation grant „The Economics-Politics Relationship: the Case of the Great Depression“, reg. number 402/09/0316 (2009-2011) Translations: Murray Rothbard: “Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics“ in Logic of Action, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, Brookfield (VT), 1997. Published as a part of Murray Rothbard: Ekonomie státních zásahů, Liberální institut, Praha, 2000. Russell D. Roberts: The Choice – A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1994. Published as Russell D. Roberts: Obchodem k bohatství – Příběh o svobodném obchodě a mýtech protekcionismu, Liberální institut, Praha, 2003. Editorships: Murray Rothbard: Zásady ekonomie (Od jednání jednotlivce k harmonii trhů), Liberální institut, Praha, to be published in 2005. [Man, Economy and State] Murray Rothbard: Ekonomie státních zásahů, Liberální institut, Praha, 2001. [Power and Market] Adam Smith: Pojednání o podstatě a původu bohatství národů, Liberální institut, Praha, 2001. [An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations] Professional Draft Revisions/Emendations: Israel Kirzner: Jak fungují trhy, Liberální institut, 1998. [How Markets Work] Henry Hazlitt: Ekonomie v jedné lekci, Liberální institut, 1999. [Economics in One Lesson] F. A. Hayek: Soukromé peníze, Liberální institut, 1999. [Denationalization of Money] Murray Rothbard: Ekonomie státních zásahů, Liberální institut, Praha, 2001. [Power and Market] Murray Rothbard: Peníze v rukou státu, Liberální institut, Praha, 2002. [What Has Government Done to Our Money] Works: “The Economics of Being Stupid: A Note on (Ir)rationality in Economics”, E&M Economics and Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2014, pp. 4-13. Economists and the Minimum Wage Laws, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013. Co-authored with Tomáš Jirásek. “Sozialstaat: Die Sicht der Okonomie” in Stellner, František. Kapitel aus der Geschichte des Sozialstaates. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012, s. 9–20. Co-authored with David Lipka “Czeching the Czechs: Consensus and Dissention among Czech Economists“, Prague Economic Papers, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2011, pp. 366-380. Economics of Economics: Why Economists Aren’t as Important as Garbagemen (but They Might Be), Instituto Bruno Leoni, Torino, 2010. “Czech Economists on Economic Policy: A Survey”, Econ Journal Watch, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 275-287. “Racionální iracionalita: Kam kráčí Public Choice?”, Politická ekonomie, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2009, pp. 135-138. Co-authored with Martin Froněk. [Rational Irrationality: What’s Next in Public Choice?] “Ideas Have Consequences. Turning Free Trade Idea into Reality” in SKŘIVAN, Aleš, SUPPAN, Arnold. Prague Papers on the History of International Relations. UK, 2007, pp. 103–112. Co-authored with David Lipka. “John Maynard Keynes, socialismus a hospodářská politika nacistiského Německa”, Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 108–116. Co-authored with David Lipka. [John Maynard Keynes, Socialism and Economic Policy of Nazi Germany] “International Economics” in DARITY, W. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2nd edition, Vol. 2. Macmillan Reference, 2007, pp. 507–509. “Scarcity” in DARITY, W. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2nd edition, Vol. 7. Macmillan Reference, 2007, pp. 339–340. “Sayův zákon – historie, Keynes a současnost” in LOUŽEK, Marek (ed.). Jean-Baptiste Say – 240 let od narození. CEP, Sborník textů č. 58/2007, pp. 71–83. [Say’s Law – Past, Keynes and Present] “Libertariánství, vlastnictví a utopia” v Philippe Van Parijs, Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec et al. Všeobecný základní příjem. Právo na lenost, nebo na přežití. Filosofia, 2007, pp. 141–145. Co-authored with Josef Šíma. [Libertarianism, Property and Utopia in Parijs et al.: General Basic Income] “How Economists (Dis)Agree: Exploring the Consensus Among Economists; A Project Agenda“, Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2/2007, pp. 122–131. “Hospodářská politika vůči zahraničí“, kapitola v Jan Kubíček a kol.: Hospodářská politika, Aleš Čeněk, s.r.o., Plzeň, 2006. [chapter in textbook on Economic Policy] “J. M. Keynese není třeba tolik oslavovat“ v Šedesát let od smrti Johna Maynarda Keynese, CEP, 2006. [No Need to Glorify JM Keynes] “Konkurence a hospodářská politika: o hledání dokonalosti“, Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2/2006. [Competition and Economic Policy: In Search for Perfection] “Fat-tax: Should We Nibble?“, Journal for the New Europe, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2005. Mezinárodní obchod: Teorie a politika, Oeconomica, VŠE, 2004. [International Trade: Theory and Policy] Fat-tax: An Economic Analysis, Liberální institut, 2004. John Maynard Keynes: Příběh revoluce, PhD Thesis at the Praque School of Economics, 2004. [John Maynard Keynes: The Story of a Revolution] Telekomunikační trh: Promarněná příležitost hospodářské politiky 90. let, Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, studie 2/2003, Praha, 2003. [Telecommunications Market: A Lost Chance for Economic Policy of 1990s] Telekomunikace – nové trhy, staré regulace, Liberální institut, Praha, 2002. Co-authored with Michal Markoš and Miroslav Zajíček [Telecommunications – New Markets, Old Regulations] “Centrální bankovnictví: iluzorní výdobytek civilizace“, foreword to Murray Rothbard: Peníze v rukou státu, Liberální institut, Praha, 2002. [Central Banking: Illusory Achievement of Civilization] “Liberalismus: posedlost trhem?“ in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 6/2001. [Liberalism: Obsessed with Markets?] “Je Methodedenstreit minulostí“ in e-Logos 2001. [Is Methodenstreit Over?] “A Laissez-Faire Fable of the Czech Republic“, Journal of Libertarian Studies, spring 2000 (co-authored with Josef Šíma). Protekcionismus: „ptolemaiovský“ systém populární ekonomie, Master Thesis at the Prague School of Economics, 1999. [Protectionism: “Ptolemaic” System of Popular Economics] “Rostoucí význam transnacionálních korporací ve světové ekonomice“ as supplement to the journal Mezinárodní politika, 1/95. [Increasing Importance of Transnational Corporations in the World Economy] and numerous articles in the following journals, magazines and newspapers: Connect! Ekonom Hospodářské noviny Laissez-Faire MF Dnes Profit Playboy Respekt Svět hospodářství TERRA LIBERA Zdravotnické noviny
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