MAM - program - final - 5.cdr - Mikulov Anthropology Meeting
Conference Program Mikulov Anthropology Meeting First Announcement August 27-29, 2014 Wednesday, August 27 8:00-8:45 Registration Session Paleoanthropology, prehistory, and ethnology of Northern Eurasia 8:45-9:00 • Croxall, Elinor A comparison of behavioral adaptations to cold and seasonal environments: humans, Neanderthals and other predators 9:00-9:15 • Chubur, Arthur Discussions about the exploitation of natural "mammoth cemeteries" in the Paleolithic of the Eastern Europe 9:15-9:30 • Goebel, Ted Modern human dispersal to Beringia and America 9:30-9:45 • Habgood, Phillip & Franklin, Natalie Insights into markings on the Venus of Hohle Fels 9:45-10:00 • Karavanic, Ivor & Jankovic, Ivor & Ahern, James C. M. & Smith, Fred H. Current research on the Middle Paleolithic cave, open-air and underwater sites in Dalmatia, Croatia 10:00-10:15 Coffee Break 10:15-10:30 • Kaifu, Yousuke & Izuho, Masami & Goebel, Ted Comments on early modern human dispersal in Eastern Asia 10:30-10:45 • Ono, Akira Two patterns of obisidian exploitaion in the Upper Paleolithic of the Japanese Islands 10:45-11:00 • Leonova, Elena Investigation of Mesolithic and Upper Paleolithic multilayer sites in the North-West Caucasus 11:15-11:30 • Vanèata, Václav & Myszka, Anna & Piontek, Janusz Body mass reconstruction on the basis of selected skeletal traits: Application for Holocene and Late Upper Pleistocene human skeletons 11:30-11:45 • Borutskaya, Svetlana B. & Vasilyev, Sergey V. & Khartanovich Valery I. Late Neolithic burial from Bolshoy Oleniy Island, Barents Sea: Paleoanthropological study 11:45-12:00 • Sázelová, Sandra & Svoboda, Jiøí & Novák, Martin Detecting the children zone at an abandoned Nenets campsite: An ethnoarchaeological example from the Polar Ural Mts., Russia 12:00-14:00 Lunch Session Dolní Vìstonice and the Gravettian world 14:00-14:15 • Trinkaus, Erik Life, death and burial at Dolní Vìstonice II 14:15-14:30 • Svoboda, Jiøí & Novák, Martin & Sázelová, Sandra Early Gravettian occupations at Dolní Vìstonice – Pavlov. Comments on the Gravettian origin 14:30-14:45 • Wojtal, Piotr & Wilczyñski, Jaroslav Gravettian food resources in South Moravia 14:45-15:00 • Wilczyñski, Jaroslav The Gravettian and Epigravettian settlement of Southern Poland 15:00-15:15 • Hromadová, Bibiána The industry from hard animal tissues from the site Dolní Vìstonice II (technological and techno-economic approach) 15:15-15:30 • Polanská, Michaela & Novák, Martin Dolní Vìstonice II : un complexe de sites avec différentes occupations chrono-culturelles. Résultats préliminaires de l'étude des ensembles lithiques 15:30-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-16:00 • Händel, Marc "What happened at the Wachtberg in Krems 30,000 years ago?" – A reconstruction of the local Upper Palaeolithic occupation history 16:00-16:15 • Fladerer, Florian A. & Salcher-Jedrasiak, Tina & Händel, Marc The fat of the land: Tales from a Gravettian hearth (27,000 years BP) at Krems-Wachtberg (Lower Austria) 16:15-16:30 • Lev, Sergey Living structure of Kostenki type with earth-dwellings on Zaraysk site 16:30-16:45 • Gavrilov, Konstantin & Voskresenskaya, E. A. Early Upper Paleolithic near Khotylevo Village 16:45-17:00 • Eskova, Daria Lithic technology at Khotylevo 2 site 17:00-17:15 • Yanshina, Oksana & Zheltova, Maria & Lev, Sergey Earthenware on Paleolithic sites in Russia: Kostenki-1, Zaraisk Thursday, August 28 Field workshop with presentations of paleoanthropological sites Discussion on site (distant from the lake and in detail on the terrain profiles) 9:00 Departure by bus from Mikulov to Pavlov 9:30-10:30 Presentation of the site Pavlov I, showing the settlement area and sections 10:30-11:00 Presentation of paleoanthropological sites around Pavlov and Dolní Vìstonice from the lake (transportation by boat) 11:00-11:30 Presentation of the key geological section at Dolní Vìstonice 11:30-12:00 Snack at the section 12:00-13:00 Presentation of the site Dolni Vìstonice II and place of the triple burial 13:00-14:00 Museum at Dolní Vìstonice – School at Dolní Vìstonice: Presentation of the Archaeopark Project by arch. Radko Kvìt 14:00 Returning to Mikulov – direct transport to Mikulov by bus or individual hiking to Mikulov (around 10km) In case of individual scientific interest – visit of the Archeological Department, ASCR, in Dolní Vìstonice 18:00 Dinner, hotel Eliška Friday, August 29 Session Early Holocene (Mesolithic) human adaptations 9:00-9:15 • Vasilyev, Sergey & Borutskaya, Svetlana B. & Khokhlov Aleksandr A. Paleoanthropological research into Early Mesolithic burials from the Middle Volga Region 9:15-9:30 • Khaldeeva, Nataliya I. & Kharlamova, Natalia V. Dentition of the Mesolithic skulls at Murzak-Koba 1, 2 and Fatma-Koba 9:30-9:45 • Šída, Petr & Prostøedník, Jan & Pokorný, Petr The Mesolithic of the Bohemian Paradise sandstone region 9:45-10:00 • Svoboda, Jiøí & Novák, Jan & Novák, Martin & Pokorný, Petr & Sázelová, Sandra Camps and Waters: Malý Medvìdí Tábor as part of a North Bohemian Mesolithic landscape 10:00-10:15 • Kosintsev, Pavel A. & Bachura, Olga The fossil remains of mammals from Mesolithic sites of Northern Bohemia 10:15-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-10:45 • Gramsch, Bernhard Occupational patterns, economic activities, and Mesolithic hunter-gatherer ways of life in the Northern lowland of Germany 10:45-11:00 • Lopièiæ, Milica Updating the lithic toolkit in the Balkan Mesolithic 11:00-11:15 • Morisaki, Kazuki & Sato, Hiroyuki Early Holocene human adaptation to abrupt paleoenvironmental change in the Russian Far East: For international comparative study 11:15-11:30 • Suková, Lenka & Varadzin, Ladislav & Pokorný, Petr Prehistoric research at Jebel Sabaloka, Central Sudan (2011–2014) 11:30-11:45 • Silva-Pinto, Verónica & Alarcón, Manuel & Sepúlveda, Marcela & Salazar-García, Domingo Health and nutrition in infant and childhood skeleton during agriculturization process in archaic-formative transition on the coast and Azapa Valley. Atacama Desert, Northern Chile 11:45-14:00 Lunch Sessions Actual trends in human adaptation & New methods in osteological material analysis 14:00-14:15 • Beran Cimbùrková, Petra Taphonomy and anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains from the grave of Únìtice culture at Drahelèice (Central Bohemia) 14:15-14:30 • Horáková, Marcela & Jarošová, Ivana & Vávra, Jiøí & Jiøík, Jaroslav & Kuchaøík, Milan Food strategies during the Migration Period – A study of the Prague-Zlièín population 14:30-14:45 • Gronkiewicz, Stanis³aw & Thannhäuser, Agata & Szleszkowski, £ukasz & Domagala, Sigmund & D¹browski, Pawe³ The case of mechanical trauma on the frontal bone from the early modern cemetery in Wroclaw 14:45-15:00 • D¹browski, Pawe³ & Gronkiewicz, Stanis³aw & Staszak, Katarzyna & £uczak, Klaudiusz The case of mandible tumor from the early modern cemetery in Wroclaw 15:00-15:15 • Zeman, Tomáš & Králík, Miroslav & Beòuš, Radoslav History of human stature estimation based on skeletal remains 15:15-15:30 • Hupková, Adela & Králík, Miroslav Developmental record in the microstructure of teeth: Applications to revelation of stress and estimation of age in past populations 15:30-15:45 • Jurda, Mikoláš & Urbanová, Petra In consideration of prehistoric skeletal remains is photogrammetry a competent rival to laser scanning? 15:45-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-16:15 • Kotulanová, Zuzana & Chalás, Igor & Urbanová, Petra 3D Virtual Model Database of Human Faces: Applications in anthropology and forensic sciences 16:15-16:30 • Èuta, Martin & Zach, Martin Anthropometry of a Czech children sample and its use in ergonomics: Preliminary report 16:30-16:45 • Králík, Miroslav & Gronkiewicz, Stanis³aw & Ingrová, Pavlína & Kozie³, S³awomir Changes in digit ratio during puberty: X-ray sample from the Wroc³aw Longitudinal Study of Twins 16:45-17:00 • Smetanová, Zuzana & Králík, Miroslav & Zeman, Tomáš Hand size as a factor of the handgrip strength 17:00-17:15 • Ingrová, Pavlína & Králík, Miroslav The influence of steroid hormones on the size and proportions of human hand: A pilot study 17:15-17:30 • Dadejová, Vlasta & Králík, Miroslav & Rusnáková, Petra Sexual dimorphism in deciduous and permanent teeth 17:30-17:45 • Vlachová, Zuzana Music therapy for autistic children: An adaptation means 17:45-18:00 • Nowaczewska, Wioletta & KuŸmiñski, £ukasz & Biecek, Przemys³aw Relationship of the superciliary ridge robusticity with cranial size and form in Homo sapiens
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