Jídelní lístek - Restaurace Kup
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Jídelní lístek - Restaurace Kup
200g Kuřecí burger s anglickou slaninou a sýrem 1,3,7,10,11.................................129,( kuřecí prsa, anglická slanina, sýr rajče, salát,cibule, kečup, majonéza, sezamová bulka, bbq) (grou...
VíceSD_jidelni listek 170x230.qxd
podávan˘ s ìábelskou omáãkou) Headless Knight’s Giant Sword (meat of three colors, interleaved with fresh vegetables and served with Devil sauce)
Vícefuther selection by the wine list
The Wine Region MORAVIA has great predispositions for the production of white wines that combine an interesting spectrum of scents complemented by typical spiciness, which do full justice to the ra...