České projekty podpořené MEDIA v roce 2007
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catalogue - Česká televize
supplementary programmes and events are accessible free of charge to anyone who is interested. Those who cannot come to Prague can see the most highly rated programmes offered by the festival at ho...
VíceČeské projekty podpořené MEDIA v roce 2006
Programme for three consecutive years. The MEDIA Programme is one of the European Union support Programmes, aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of European film, TV and multimedia works in the i...
VíceČeské projekty podpořené MEDIA v roce 2005
I would like to use this opportunity to say that I am grateful to all people helping the MEDIA Desk to achieve these results. First of all I would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and the Euro...
VíceČeské projekty podpořené programem MEDIA v letech 2002 – 2004
The European support of the audiovisual industry via past and present MEDIA programmes has been from the beginning accompanied by a number of accomplishments, and the supported Czech activities ser...
Vícejubilejní 15. ročník mezinárodního festivalu dokumentárního filmu ji
druhu, kdy se v rámci filmového festivalu setkají filmaři s inspirativními osobnostmi různých profesí, aby hledali a iniciovali témata, která zůstávala v dokumentární tvorbě dosud nepovšimnuta, pro...