Myslete na to, že životje plný šancí. Think THE LIFEis full of
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Art Sympozium Všeradice 18. - 28.7. 2007, katalog
Numerous solo, (over 200) and group exhibitions in his native land and abroad, participated in Art symposiums in Slovenia, Germany, USA, Spain and Austria. Since 2003, Jure Cekuta is occupied with ...
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into force as of 1 January 2016. In the past year we allocated considerable resources to preparations for this fundamental change. Since January 2014 insurance companies have been required to pay 3...
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The “split” job is very challenging. Of course, I do a lot of travelling, which means increased demands on independent and responsible work of both Czech and Slovak teams. I have delegated a number...
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Renata Vrtělová. Asociace českých pojišťovacích makléřů udělovala již tradiční ceny Pojišťovna roku. Jak celá akce dopadla, odhalí výkonná ředitelka asociace Zděňka Indruchová. Na úplný závěr si p...
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z toho změna stavu rezervy na pojistná plnění / of which change in the provision for outstanding claims Náklady celkem / Total costs
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a negative impact on the insurance dynamics: a decline in sales of new and used cars, reduction in prices of cars, growth in the proportion of lower-class automobiles to total sales compared to pre...
Vícevýroční zpráva 2011 annUaL rEporT Uniqa pojišťovna, a.s.
Q-Partner loyalty programme with refunds of paid premiums to clients who reported no claim over the year. In 2011 alone clients obtained refunds totalling almost CZK 6 million. Last year we launche...