ReDat_Reference list 2013_EN
ReDat product by RETIA, a.s. ReDat Speech recording, analysis and quality management Emergency medical service and hospitals 112 Czech Republic § 112 Slovak Republic § 112 Lithuania § 112 Slovenia § The Motol university hospital, Prague CZE § product by RETIA, a.s. Emergency medical service Turnov CZE § Metropolitan police Zlín CZE § Emergency medical service Uherský Brod CZE § Metropolitan police Znojmo CZE § Emergency medical service Uherské Hradištì § Emergency medical service Ústí nad Labem § Emergency medical service Valašské Meziøíèí § Emergency medical service Vlašim CZE § Emergency medical service Votice CZE § Emergency medical service Zlín CZE § Fire and rescue service brigades Moravia region CZE Hospital Hradec Králové CZE § Hospital Olomouc CZE § Hospital Frýdek-Místek CZE § Hospital Litomìøice CZE § City Hospital Ostrava-Fifejdy CZE § City Hospital Plzeò CZE § Hospital Vrchlabí CZE § Emergency medical service of South § Bohemian region CZE © 2012, RETIA, a.s. - Promotion Emergency medical service of South § Moravian region, including location of a calling number Emergency medical service Pardubice CZE § including location of a calling number Emergency medical service of Hradec Králové § Emergency medical service Benešov CZE § Emergency medical service Boskovice CZE § Emergency medical service Èáslav CZE § Emergency medical service Èeská Lípa CZE § Emergency medical service Dìèín-Bøezová CZE § Emergency medical service Frýdek-Místek CZE § Emergency medical service Havlíèkùv Brod CZE § Emergency medical service Hranice na Moravì § Emergency medical service Chrudim CZE § Emergency medical service Jièín CZE § Emergency medical service Jihlava CZE § Emergency medical service Jilemnice CZE § Emergency medical service Liberec CZE § Emergency medical service Mìlník CZE § Emergency medical service Mladá Boleslav CZE § Emergency medical service Most CZE § Emergency medical service Opava CZE § Emergency medical service Pelhøimov CZE § Emergency medical service Plzeò CZE § Emergency medical service Prague CZE § Emergency medical service Pøeštice CZE § Emergency medical service Pøerov CZE § Emergency medical service Rokycany CZE § Emergency medical service Rychnov n. K. CZE § Emergency medical service Strakonice CZE § Emergency medical service Šumperk CZE § Emergency medical service Trutnov CZE § Emergency medical service Tøebíè CZE § Fire and rescue service of the city of Prague § Fire and rescue service of South § Metropolitan police Fire and rescue service of South § Metropolitan police Prague CZE § Metropolitan police Brno CZE § Metropolitan police Èeské Budìjovice CZE § Metropolitan police Dìèín CZE § Metropolitan police Frýdek-Místek CZE § Metropolitan police Havíøov CZE § Metropolitan police Hodonín CZE § Metropolitan police Hradec Králové CZE § Metropolitan police Hranice CZE § Metropolitan police Chrudim CZE § Metropolitan police Jeseník CZE § Metropolitan police Karviná CZE § Metropolitan police Kladno CZE § Metropolitan police Kolín CZE § Metropolitan police Kopøivnice CZE § Metropolitan police Krupka CZE § Metropolitan police Liberec CZE § Metropolitan police Louny CZE § Metropolitan police Meziboøí CZE § Metropolitan police Most CZE § Metropolitan police Nový Jièín CZE § Metropolitan police Olomouc CZE § Metropolitan police Orlová CZE § Metropolitan police Pardubice CZE § Metropolitan police Písek CZE § Metropolitan police Plzeò CZE § Metropolitan police Prostìjov CZE § Metropolitan police Pøerov CZE § Metropolitan police Pøíbram CZE § Metropolitan police Roudnice n. Labem CZE § Metropolitan police Rumburk CZE § Metropolitan police Slaný CZE § Metropolitan police Tábor CZE § Metropolitan police Èeská Tøebová CZE § Metropolitan police Ústí nad Labem CZE § Metropolitan police Uherské Hradištì CZE § Metropolitan police Vansdorf CZE § Metropolitan police Vyškov CZE § Fire and rescue service of the § Bohemia region CZE ... more than 3 000 installations (the selection of installations 1995-2012) Speech recording, analysis and quality management Karlovy Vary region CZE Fire and rescue service of the § Hradec Králové region CZE Fire and rescue service of the Liberec region § Fire and rescue service of the Moravian§ Silesian region CZE Fire and rescue service of the § Olomouc region CZE Fire and rescue service of the § Pardubice region CZE Fire and rescue service of the Central § Bohemian region CZE Fire and rescue service of the § Ústí n.Labem region CZE Fire and rescue service of the § Vysoèina region CZE Fire and rescue service of the Zlín region CZE § Czech Airlines - Airport firebrigades, § Prague, CZE Fire and rescue service brigade of Bratislava § Fire and rescue service of the SlovakRepublic § The Presidium of the fire rescue force, SK § The Regional headquarters of fire and § rescue service, Žilina, SK Other institutions AAA AUTO, a.s., Prague CZE § Accenture Services, s.r.o., Prague CZE § CREDIUM, a.s., Prague CZE § Èeská pošta, s.p., Czech Post, CZE § GROUP 4, s.r.o. CZE § JAKOBE, a.s., Prague CZE § J&T Securities, a.s., Prague CZE § METRO, a.s., Prague CZE § Professional Call Center Solutions, s.r.o., § Prague CZE T-Systems PragoNet, a.s., Prague CZE § MAKRO Cash&Carry ÈR, s.r.o., Plzeò CZE § KH Trading, s.r.o., Prague CZE § Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s., § Prague CZE RETIA, a.s. Pražská 341, Zelené Pøedmìstí / 530 02 Pardubice / Czech Republic Phone: +420 466 852 531 / Fax: +420 466 852 533 / E-mail: [email protected] Reference list ReDat ReDat Speech recording, analysis and quality management ... more than 3 000 installations výrobek RETIA, a.s. Mobile providers Vodafone CZ, a.s., Czech Republic § T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s. § Mobitel d.d., Slovinsko § RCS & RDS. S.A, Rumunsko § Contact centres ComGate CallExpert, s.r.o., CZE § DHL International, Ltd., Czech Republic, § Slovak Republic VEOLIA VODA ÈESKÁ REPUBLIKA, a.s. § Mediatel a.s., CZE § AAA AUTO a.s., Prague CZE § CCS Èeská spoleènost pro platební § karty, s.r.o. EOS KSI Èeská republika, s.r.o. § COFIDIS, s.r.o. § TEAM TRACKERS, s.r.o., Prague CZE § Auto ESA, a.s., Prague CZE § Europe Calling, a.s., Prague CZE § ÈEZnet, a.s., ÈEZ Group, Customer service § ÈEZnet, a.s., ÈEZ Group, Dispatch centre § Czech Television, CZE § CORTEX, s.r.o., Prague CZE § Communication One, s.r.o., Prague CZE § E.ON Èeská republika, s.r.o. - E.ON § Customer service line, Brno CZE Home Credit, a.s., Brno CZE, Piešany SK § Grisoft, s.r.o., Brno CZE § D+S Communication Center, s.r.o., § Prague CZE ICON Communication Centres, s.r.o., § Prague CZE Nexos X, s.r.o., Prague CZE § ATODA Telemarketing, s.r.o., CZE § DATART International, a.s., Prague CZE § Euphony Czech Republic, a.s., Prague CZE § DInsight, s.r.o., Prague CZE § Západoslovenská energetika, a.s., § Customer service line, Bratislava SK Støedoslovenská energetika, a.s., § Customer service line, Žilina SK Quelle, s.r.o., Customer line, SK § CC Level, SK § AZ Soft S.A., Customer line, Poland § TP internet sp. z o.o., Customer line, § Warsaw Poland AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o., Kuala Lumpur § Malaysia výrobek RETIA, a.s. (the selection of installations 1995-2012) Bank and financial sector ÈNB, Czech National Bank, CZE § ÈSOB Group, a.s., CZE § Komerèní banka, a.s., dealing centre,CZE § Èeská spoøitelna, a.s., CZE § Raiffeisenbank, a.s., CZE § ING Bank, a.s., CZE § Air Bank, a.s., CZE § Commerzbank AG, dealing centre, CZE § Volksbank, a.s., CZE § UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s., CZE § J&T Banka, a.s., CZE § ÈMSS, a.s., CZE § D.A.S. International, CZE § Všeobecná zdravotní pojišovna Èeské § republiky, Health insurance company, CZE Winterthur penzijní fond, a.s., CZE § IKS, s.r.o., CZE § Cyrrus, a.s., CZE § Beneficial Finance, a.s., CZE § AXA Èeská republika, s.r.o., Customer line, § CZE Patria Finance, a.s., CZE § Proxenta, s.r.o. § Èeská exportní banka, a.s., CZE § Èeskomoravská rozvojová a záruèní § banka, a.s., CZE ING Bank N. V., Slovakia § Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s., SK § Privatbanka, a.s., SK § Slovenská sporite¾òa, a.s., SK § BHS Slovakia, o.c.p. a.s., SK § Home Credit Slovakia, a.s., SK § Generali Poisovòa, a.s., SK § KOOPERATIVA Poisovòa, a.s., SK § NBS, Slovak National Bank, Bratislava SK § J&T Banka SK, Bratislava SK § VOLKSWAGEN Financial services, SK § Alfa Bank, Greece § Nova Ljubljanska banka (NLB), Slovenia § Lietuvos bankas, Lithuania § Marfin Bank, Serbia § Raiffeisen Bank, Romania § Banca Tiriac - Banca Comerciala ”Ion § Tiriac” S.A., Romania Marfin Egnatia Bank, Estonia § BCI Seguros, Santiago de Chile § Masvida Insurance, Santiago de Chile § Other institutions Brnìnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s., CZE § Zentiva, a.s., CZE § Fortuna sázková kanceláø, a.s., CZE § SECAR BOHEMIA, a.s., CZE § Holding Synot, CZE § Olympus Czech Group, s.r.o., CZE § Proxenta, s.r.o., CZE § BOND, s.r.o., SK § PATENTSERVIS, Bratislava a.s., SK § Pelikan, SK § SATRO, s.r.o., (Cable TV) SK § Accenture, s.r.o., Bratislava SK § Bratislavská vodárenská spoloènos, a.s.,SK § Billa, s.r.o., SK § Securiton, s.r.o., SK § MIL Electronics Inc., Surrey UK § Texscan Oradea, Romania § KRUK, sp. z o. o., Poland § Telecom Polska S. A., Poland § LOTTO, Poland § IPT, sp. z o. o., Wroc³av Poland § G4S securitas, Lithuania § Siemens Enterprise Communications, § Moscaw Mondza Municipality, Italy § Airports Prague Airport, CZE § Èáslav Airport, CZE § Stará Boleslav Airport, CZE § Èeské Budìjovice Airport, CZE § Vilnius International Airport, Lithuania § Manila International Airport, Philippines § Bangladesh Dhaka International Airport, § Bangladesh Airpots Authority of India § Yemeny Air Force, Yemen § Air Baltic, Latvia § Transport companies and railways Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, Prague § transport company (tram, bus and metro dispatch centres), CZE Dopravní podnik mìsta Brna, a.s., CZE § Dopravní podnik mìst Mosta a § Litvínova, a.s., CZE Dopravní podnik mìsta Pardubic, a.s., CZE § Plzeòské mìstské dopravní § podniky, a.s., CZE Dopravní podnik mìsta § Olomouce, a.s., CZE Dopravní podnik Ostrava, a.s., CZE § Czech railways, CZE § Správa železnièní dopravní cesty, CZE § BDZ (Bulgarski Durzhavni Zheleznitsi), § Bulgarian railways Rail Kosovo, Kosovo railways § Georgian railways § J.P. ŽELJEZNICE FEDERACIJE BIH d.o.o. § Ltd., Bosnia and Herzegovina Energetic, gas and industry companies ÈEZ, a.s., Nuclear power station Dukovany § ÈEZ, a.s., Nuclear power station Temelin § ÈEZ, a.s., Louèná nad Desnou, Prague § Bohdalec, Náchod, Dvùr Králové CZE ÈEZ, a.s., Pondage power plants § Hnìvkovice, Kamýk, Lipno, Štìchovice, Vrané CZE Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s. § ÈEZ, a.s., Power stations Poèerady, § Prunéøov II., Tisová Sokolov, Tušimice II., Kadaò CZE E.ON Èeská republika, s.r.o., Brno, § Èeské Budìjovice CZE-Major supplies to other branches and distribution plants RWE Internal services, a.s., Prague CZE § ÈEZ Customer services, s.r.o., Customer § service line, Prague CZE ÈEZ, a.s., supplies to distribution plants in § Prague, Dìèín, Plzeò, Pardubice, Ostrava, Olomouc, CZE ÈEPS, a.s., dispatch centres, Prague CZE § Pražská energetika group (PRE, a.s.), § Prague CZE OTE – Regulator of energy market, § Prague CZE Gas company - Støedoèeská § plynárenská, a.s., Prague CZE Gas company - Pražská plynárenská, a.s. § Gas company - RWE Group – Regional § branches of RWE Group: Západoèeská plynárenská, a.s., Východoèeská plynárenská, a.s. RWE Transgas, a.s. - PZP Tvrdonice, § KS Bøeclav, PZP Lobodice, CZE Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o. § Coal-mine company-Severoèeské § Doly, a.s., Doly Bílina, CZE Coal-mine company – Czech Coal Group, § Czech Coal Services (Mostecká uhelná, a.s.) Most CZE Coal-mine company - Sokolovská § uhelná, a.s., Sokolov CZE Metalworks - Tøinecké železárny, a.s. § MORAVIA STEEL Group, CZE Biocel Paskov, a.s., Heinzel Group, CZE § Synthesia, a.s., Pardubice CZE § SKODA AUTO, a.s., CZE § Slovak electricity transmission system, § Plc., Slovenská elektrizaèná prenosová sústava, a.s., SK Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., SK § Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Pondage § power plant Trenèín SK Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Nuclear power § station Mochovce, SK Gas company - Slovenský plynárenský § priemysel, (SPP a.s.), SK Gas company - Slovenský plynárenský § priemysel, a.s. (SPP a.s.), Eustream, a.s., Bratislava SK Duslo, a.s., SK § Novácke chemické závody, a.s., SK § Východoslovenská energetika, § (VSE, a.s.), SK Stredoslovenská energetika, (SEE, a.s.), SK § Západoslovenská energetika, a.s., § E.ON Group, SK Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s., SK § Energotel, a.s., Bratislava SK § Istrochem, o.z., Bratislava SK § NAFTA a.s., SK § Dacia, Romania § Latvijas Gäze, Latvia § Lithuanian energy, AB, Lithuania § J.P. ELEKTROPRIVREDA BIH d. d., Bosnia § and Herzegovina ZESCO Ltd., Zambia energetics § National institutions Ministry of finance of the Czech § Republic, CZE Customs administration of the Czech § Republic, CZE Ministry of interior of the Czech Republic, § Air Service Prague CZE Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, CZE § Police headquarters of the Czech § Republic, Prague CZE Police of the Czech Republic, Regional § headquarters Brno, Jihlava, Plzeò, Ostrava CZE The Prison service of the Czech § Republic, CZE Security information service, Counter § intelligence service of the Czech Republic Czech national emergency centre, CZE § Emergency services of the Czech § Republic, dispatch centres (European emergency telephone number 112), CZE Ministry of interior of the Slovak § Republic, SK Army of the Slovak Republic, SK § Railway police Bratislava, 5 dispatch § centres, SK Regional Police headquarters of the § Slovak Republic, SK Police of the Slovak Republic – regional § dispatch centres (Emergency telephone number 158) SK Emergency services of the Slovak § Republic, dispatch centres (European emergency telephone number 112) SK Slovak national emergency centre § Slovenian regional national courts, § Slovenia Emergency services of Lithuania, § (European emergency telephone number 112) Straž Granièna - Boarder Guard of Poland § Komunala cerknica - Slovenia § Obèina postojna - Slovenia §
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